multi-sectorial assessment report - humanitarianresponse...multi-sectorial assessment report...

1. ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 2. FINDINGS & ANALYSIS A. Population Profile & Vulnerabilities B. Water, Sanitation & Hygiene C. Financial Situation & Livelihoods D.Shelter 3. CONCLUSIONS A. Main needs overview B. Sectorial recommendations 4. ANNEXES Multi-Sectorial Assessment Report Nangarhar & Kunar Provinces - Host communities / Returnees / IDPs - AFGHANISTAN Mission FEBRUARY 2017

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A. Population Profile & Vulnerabilities

B. Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

C. Financial Situation & Livelihoods



A. Main needs overview

B. Sectorial recommendations


Multi-Sectorial Assessment Report Nangarhar & Kunar Provinces

- Host communities / Returnees / IDPs -



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CSP Child Safeguarding Policy

DW Daily Workers

FGD Focus Group Discussions

HH Households

IDP Internally Displaced People

NGO Non-Governmental Organization

SI Solidarités International

TdH Terre des Hommes

WaSH Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

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1. Assessment Methodology

A. ASSESSMENT SCOPE In February 2017, SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL conducted a multi-sectorial assessment of 219 vulnerable households (HH) in: 5 districts/15 villages of NANGARHAR Province:

o Behsood: Landi Momin Abad, Pas Momin Abad o Dar-ee-Nur: Bar Kalai, Darooz Gar o Kama: Darbang, Guj 1, Guj 2, Landi Daag, Mast Ali, Pass Daag o Kuz Kunar: Salam Poor, Sayeed Abad, Yaseen Kalai o Rodat: Ghazi Amanullah khan Phase 2, Shahedano Mena Block 3

2 districts/4 villages of KUNAR Province:

o Chawkay: Bar Babar, Kuz Babar o Khas Kunar: Saleh Kala, Tanar Kalai

The targeted population was composed of all categories: host communities, Internally Displaced People (IDP), and returnees. Data on 72 villages was already shared by the NGO Terre des Hommes (TdH) in the frame of several coordination meetings. Among these 72 villages SI selected 19 villages based on acute vulnerabilities and needs of their populations. A Partnership Agreement was signed between TdH and SI regarding the conducting of assessment by SI and further cooperation. This assessment was conducted using the HEAT survey, which SI teams are used to implement. In addition, 2 Focus Group Discussions were also held in each village, one with men and one with women, with at a least 10 participants, for a total of 38 FGDs conducted. Secondary data was also mainly gathered by TdH through different coordination meetings held with national and international NGOs.

B. SURVEY TEAM The Survey Team who conducted the assessment was set up based on the requirements agreed upon by SI Coordination Office in Kabul. In total, 9 Daily Workers (DW) were hired: four females and five male (one of them was in charge of the data entry). In order to ensure proper transportation to the survey team, four cars have been provided by the Logistics Department. In the frame of the partnership agreement between TdH and SI, a coordination meeting was held early February 2017 with representatives from both NGOs. Following this meeting, TdH made office space available to the DW survey team to provide them with an adequate working environment. SI Emergency Manager was then in charge of training the survey team on how to conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and properly fill in HEAT questionnaires.

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In addition, TdH representative, who also attended this training session, presented the TdH Child Safeguarding Policy (CSP) to SI survey team to ensure the understanding and respect of the “do no harm” approach on the field. To carry out the assessment, the survey team worked in two separate teams composed of two males and two females each. SI closely liaised with TdH to determine the district-level assessment: SI assessment plan was aligned with that of TdH and approved by SI Coordination Office in Kabul.



A total of 219 household compounds accounting for 474 families and 3,234 individuals were assessed through the HEAT questionnaire in 19 villages from 7 districts of Nangarhar and Kunar provinces. Among these populations, host communities are as expected the most represented in the areas targeted by the assessment, accounting for 76% of the total population surveyed. Afghan returnees make up 17% of the population living in these areas, with slightly more Documented Returnees (60%) than Undocumented Returnees (40%). Internally Displaced People (IDP) also account for 6% of the total local population.

Figure 1 - Population Characteristics

Children under 18 years ok make up 63% of the entire population, while the elderly make up 6% of the remaining 27% of adults. In addition gender disaggregation shows that both genders are represented in equal proportions with 19% of Men, 18% of Women, 31% of Boys and 32% of Girls. These gender and age disaggregation highlight the fact that the vast majority of the population assessed can be affected by specific vulnerabilities and needs.

As shown in the Figure 2 – Main Vulnerabilities here below, households headed my vulnerable individuals were largely noticed with: 26% of elderly headed households; 15% of households headed by chronically-ill persons; 14% of women headed households; 7% of households headed by people with disabilities and 7% of child headed households.






New born

Children (1-5)

Adolescents (5-18)

Adults (18-50)

Adults (+50)

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In total, households headed by vulnerable individuals account for 75%, i.e. for the vast majority of the entire population surveyed during this assessment.

In addition, a great number of families assessed were also composed of people with specific needs and vulnerabilities such as pregnant (14%) and breastfeeding women (33%), more than 3 children under five years old (13%), of people with disabilities (15%) and of chronically-ill individuals (28%). Regarding access to health services, the majority of interviewed households (67%) reported having to walk over 30 minutes to get to the nearest clinic or hospital. When transport is available, access to closest health services takes less than 30 minutes in 96% of the cases. These figures thus underline the significant proportion of highly vulnerable individuals and households among the local population of Nangarhar and Kunar provinces.



Water appeared to be one of the main needs of the population assessed in both provinces, with 68% of interviewed households reporting not having access to enough water for drinking, cooking and bathing (47%) and for livestock (46%).

The main water sources used by interviewed households are as presented in the Table 1 – Main sources of water here below. This table shows that the main water sources of local populations are Hand pumps (33%) and Dug wells (39%) among which 26% are unprotected. However it should be underlined that Hand pumps are mostly only accessible by host communities as they usually are located in their compounds. Therefore the main sources of water for Returnees and IDPs mainly are unprotected dug wells and stream or river.




13% 15%









Elderly Headof HH (50+)

Female HeadHH

Child Head HH More than 3ChildrenUnder 5

People withDisabilitiesPresence

Diasabled asHead of HH

Figure 2- Main Household Vulnerabilities

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Table 1 - Main sources of water

Source Main source of water %

Hand Pump 72 33%

Unprotected Dug Well 56 26%

Protected Dug Well 28 13%

Stream/River 44 20%

Pipe Water 11 5%

Unprotected spring 4 2%

Kandas 0 0%

Cart with small tank/drum

3 1%

Supply of clean water is thus not stable for 65% of households, with an accessibility of 3 days per week and 4.8 hours a day on average. 3 main reasons explaining this lack of water availability have been mentioned by interviewees:

Water sources are completely destroyed due to heavy rainfall (68%)

Time needed to reach the water sources exceeds 20mn for 77% of the families

Water sources are not protected from external contamination in 61% of the cases (due to the absence of sludge management system, and because water is contaminated by the increased number of people in the area not having access to proper hygiene and latrines facilities).

Access to water is limited due to physical constraints and far distance for 37% of households

Children and women are indeed the main in charge of fetching water in the family in 86% of the cases, explaining the physical and time constraints they face in accessing water sources, especially if those are located far from their dwellings. During the assessment, many children were observed collecting water using hand carts, while some people unable to access water sources reported purchasing gallons of water for a price of 10 to 20 Afghanis. As a result, 81% of families reported needing to collect water 2 to 4 times a day.

Yet, the total quantity of water available per person and per day does not exceed 15 litres for 62% of surveyed families, while 16% of them benefit from 15 to 20 litres a day. These figures are thus far from those of the Sphere Standards, even in emergency.

8% 15%









<5 5 to 10 10 to 20 >20

Time to reach the water source (in minutes)

Figure 3 - Time to reach the water source

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Regarding latrines, there are available for less than half (46%) of the entire population, and when they are, only 55% of households say that they provide enough privacy, safety and dignity. Furthermore, 80% of households reported that existing latrines were completely destroyed due to heavy rainfall and floods.

Latrines condition

Good Damaged Dirty (flies/excreta) Clean Pit is full

18% 80% 33% 6% 7%

Table 2 - Latrines condition

As a consequence, even when latrines available, 63% of local populations resort to open defecation. In some areas such as in Rodat district (Nangarhar), inhabitants only defecate at night because they do not have proper latrines to use, and want to preserve their privacy. In addition, due to water sources being unprotected from contamination, to inadequate latrines facilities and sludge management, 48% of the assessed population reported diarrhoea cases in their households in the last month, among which 17% are children under 18 years old and 21% under 5 years old.

Diarrhea cases in the household in the last month

Adult Children (5-18) Children under 5 yo

125 10% 178 17% 147 21%

Table 3 - Diarrhea cases in the HH in the last month

Last, there is no proper waste management system in place or even basic knowledge in assessed areas, so people reported leaving waste on the ground, without any means of collecting and displacing it afterwards. As a result, many interviewed households complained about flies and the increased risks of diseases outbreak due to non-existent sludge and waste management where they live.


Based on the HEAT survey and on the Focus Group Discussions conducted, the majority of households interviewed has precarious livelihoods, and especially for those headed by people with specific needs and vulnerabilities (women, children, elderly, disabled and chronically-ill persons…).

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Returnee and IDP households are especially vulnerable because they usually had to leave all their assets behind at the time of their displacement: dwelling, livestock, valuables, etc.

As a consequence, 95% of them have over 8,000 AFN of debts to be able to cover their basic needs.

Their main monthly average expenditures indeed are: Food (13,373 AFN), Health (15,577 AFN) and House Rent (8,000 AFN), followed by Education (4,500 AFN) and Energy (4,000 AFN).

Meeting their most basic needs requires a higher monthly income than they are actually able to earn, as most rely on precarious income sources like daily work (63%) and cropping (22%) on owned (10%) or rented (27%) land. Only 12% of the total assessed population benefit from a stable employment as employee (6%) or driver (6%).

Furthermore, there is a lack of employment opportunities for those relying on daily work, and no access to livestock, seeds and agricultural tools for those relying on cropping and breeding. In addition, even though Focus Group Discussions showed that many individuals had specific skillsets in different professions, they funds to start their own businesses.

In addition, the main issues pinpointed by households in improving their livelihoods are: the lack of access to land, the lack of access to market for purchase and selling, and the lack of water for irrigation. What they claimed they needed to be able to positively improve their livelihoods were: seeds and fertilizers, irrigation infrastructures, and new cropping techniques and knowledge.

Focus Group Discussions highlighted the fact that most host communities and some IDPs and Returnees main source of livelihoods was farming and cropping. However, they mostly use traditional farming techniques focusing on self-consumption (90%). The remaining 10% are sold to reimburse shop keepers who provided them with fertilizers on credit. In addition, because their yields are not sufficient, there still need to buy flour at the local market to be able to cover their food needs during the lean season.

Access to local market/bazaar appeared to be an issue for local populations as many (41%) live between 2km and over 5km from the closest one, and the majority accesses it by walking only (59%). The majority of assessed population goes to the bazaar once a week (61%), but 29% only go once a month, while 3% go only once every 3 months and 7% for once every 6 months. These figures show great inequalities between abilities to access the local market.

During the assessment, it was also observed that many households, and especially the most vulnerable ones, were sending children to beg or do small jobs like washing cars, selling credit cards or carrying water to other families using hand carts. These children are thus de facto excluded from any access to education.

Households Debts

No Debts 3%

Between 2,000 and 8,000 AFN 1%

More than 8,000 AFN 95%

Table 4 - Household Debts

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According to the assessment conducted, the majority of surveyed households live in their own house (31% - mainly host communities), or in rented house (38% - with an average of 3,975 AFN monthly rent) or host house (15%), as it is especially the case of Documented and Undocumented Returnees. Some returnees own land but are not able to build a house on it. Among those living in a house within a compound reported that dwellings were partially (57%0 or completely destroyed (27%), which underlines the fact that even those living in houses may be in need for proper shelter accommodation.

Others, and especially among IDP families, live in tents (13%) or in the open (2%), using available materials in the surrounding environment to build makeshift shelters made of wood, rocks, and plastic sheets. Households living in open areas usually do not have any latrines or water points closely available, which forces them to resort to open defecation and to rely on nearby streams or river to collect water. They thus are particularly vulnerable in terms of shelter and water, hygiene and sanitation given the dire conditions they are living in.

3. Conclusions

A. MAIN NEEDS OVERVIEW When asked about their main needs during the survey and Focus Group Discussions, assessed populations from Nangarhar and Kunar Provinces mentioned Shelter as their first priority need (48%), followed by Water (36%) and Education (22%). Other priority needs mentioned were Income generation and Agricultural support. Women especially insisted on their need for vocational training (tailoring, curtain weaving, kitchen gardening), to enable them to earn some income, in particular when there are the head of their households. Furthermore, 94% reported their need for WaSH assistance, 94% for Cash assistance, and 87% for NFI support.


Water access: Increased quantity of daily available water (especially safe drinking water), especially

for those with physical constraints (i.e. the most vulnerable)

Rehabilitation of damaged and/or unprotected hand pumps and dug wells;

Increase the accessibility to water points by building additional water points;

Ensure the availability of safe drinking water through treatment of contaminated

water sources

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Sanitation & Hygiene: Increased availability of functional and adequate latrines (rehabilitation of damages

latrines and implementation of additional new latrines)

Implementation of a proper sludge management (ideally community based to

ensure a mid to long-term impact)

Sensitization to adequate hygiene practices about water storage, hand washing,

waste management and open defecation

Financial Situation & Livelihoods: Food support to the most vulnerable households to reduce their level of debts and

food insecurity, and to enable them to cover their food needs through the hunger


Cash support to those who live in rented accommodation or host dwellings;

Cash support to cover for other priority needs such as health and education;

Support income-generating activities through:

o Cash or in-kind support of necessary agricultural tools and/or livestock;

o Agricultural practices trainings;

o General vocational trainings (especially for women – tailoring/curtain weaving


o Financial and technical support to the creation of small businesses;

Support to improve and ensure access to land for house building and farming

Improve access to local market/bazaar

Improve access to education for children of the most vulnerable households.


Provide emergency shelter support to the vulnerable households living in open areas

or makeshift shelters;

Provide cash-for-rent support to households with low or no incomes;

Ensure a comprehensive shelter response through ensuring access to water points

and latrines;

Provide NFI support for the most vulnerable households;

As the majority of assessed households of host communities, returnees and IDP are mostly

highly vulnerable; those with specific needs and vulnerabilities – and especially female and

children - should strongly be taken into account in the design of any intervention with

these populations.

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0. Identification and Localization هندنژیپ


0.2 Province 0.3 تیالو District 0.1 یلاوسلو Serial Number (questionnaire number) یره شم ی پاڼ ن ت ښ و پ

0.4 GPS position (When possible) یج) تعیقوم س ی ای پ

N: E: Altitude (m)

0.5 Location/Village Name عت ی لی د /موق وم ک هټین Date of assessment (dd/mm/yy) 0.6 ن

1. Household Information تامولعم ۍنروک د


1.1 First Name 1.2 صلخت Name 1.3 مون Phone Nr 1.4 هریمش هدنځرک ID Nr هریمش یرکدت

— 1.5 Total Members of the Household: 1.6 هریمش وړغ د ۍنروک د Number of Families in the Household: ریمش ونولیماف د

Newborns (<1 year) یون

ی دل ږی زیYoung Children (1-5) شومان یکنورل رمع ریمش وکنورل رمع Adult (18-50) ناموشام یکنورل رمعChildren (5-17) ما

Elder (50+) وکنورل رمع تایز د یر شم

Boy کله Girl ۍلجن Boy کله Girl ۍلجن Boy کله Girl ۍلجن Male هنیران Female هنیځښ Male هنیران Female هنیځښ

1.7 Displacement category: یوش هیاځ یب

Host community

ځای کی یدون س او

Documented Returnee ناد س کي چې ا یدون ن ت س راري ل

Undocumented Returnee کي چې یدون ن ت س رالری ناد ن س ا

IDP ی لی ب داخه ځای

1.8 Date of arrival in this place (dd/mm/yy) د هتل د ټهرار ی یدو ن س

1.9 Place of origine (if IDP/Returnee) یلصا نځی توګ س ا

Province: تیالو

District: ی سوال ول

1.10 (If IDP/Returnee) Do you plan to stay here? ۍش یتاپ هتلدمه ۍړاوغ

Yes هن/وه No

If, No where do you plan to go ?

(Province/ District) ون هن هک

ت وم والی ک یلاوسلو/

Reason for not staying: یتاپ هن د لت یدو ع ک

2. Additional Vulnerability and Health assessment هنوزرا ییایتغور وا تلاح یکنونمنایز رون


2.1 Elder (>50) Head of Household رشم ۍنروکد کی رون ات عمر ل ه زی ل

2.2 Female head of Household ۍنروک د شره نه م ی ښځ

2.3 Child (< 18) Head of Household د ه شر ل ۍ م ورن کات زی

2.4 More than three children (<5) in the Household تایز هن ویرد د کی رون ات عمر ل و زی ال ه ۵ک شومان ل ما

Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن

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2.5 Disabled persons present in the Household سک لولعم یک ینروک هپ

If Yes, how many: هسک وڅ وه هک Is one of them head of the Household ? د لولعم ایا ۍ م ورن شر دیک

Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن

2.6 Breastfeeding women present in the Household روم یکنوکرو یت

If Yes, how many: هسک وڅ وه هک Is one of them head of the Household ?هل هوی ایا شره دی ۍ م ورن دوی د ک

Yes وه No وه Yes وه No هن

2.7 Pregnant women present in the Household هتش یځښ هلماح

If Yes, how many: هسک وڅ وه هک Is one of them head of the Household ? هل هوی ایا شره دی ۍ م ورن دوی د ک

2.9 How far is the hopital/ clinic you are frequenting (in minute): ری ه څومره ل فاخان ش ا نک ی ی ل کقی) ی ساعت/دق ده(

Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن

2.8 Chronically Ill person present in the Household ضوا ږد مهال مری

If Yes, how many: هسک وڅ وه هک Is one of them head of the Household ? ه ایا وه ل یشر دی ۍ م ورن دوی د ک

By walking هپ پو خ

Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن

By transport پورت س ران ټ

3. WASH Assesment هنوزرا یحصلاا ظفح وا وبوا د


3.1 Do you curently have access to enough water و دازه اوب ی ان اف کرۍ سی ل ه الس ر ت

Drinking لو ښ ه څ لو ځانBathing اوب نځ ه وی اوبDinking for livestock و د لو څاوروی ښ څ

ه Cookingپخلی ته ت

Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن Yes وه No هن

3.2 is that access sometimes limited by security threat or physical constraint ید خم هرس ونوډنخ وا وتالکشم د هلک هلک وم یسر سال هتروپ

Yes No هن

If Yes, specify ۍړک یی حضاو وه هک

3.3 Type of main source of waterوبوا د لي ص نېا ی سرچ

Hand Pumpيسال مپ پ

Unprotected Dug Well رس ې ان وڅی څاه ګ ل

Protected Dug Well ې ان څاه ګ

Stream/Riverد اي ېتښل د ه ند اوب ی س

Pipe Water (catchment and network) ه ل اوب د ن

Unprotected spring ریغ نه ی فوظه چ مح

Kandasنک داب

Cart with small tank/drum یډاګ سال کر ان ټ

Other (specify) رون

3.4 The source is protected from external contamination (open to air/ cattle) اوه ،یناویح/ید یکاپ ایتړکک هل یعبانم وبوا د

3.5 does the water source provide you with a stable supply of clean water يوربارب هبوا ېکاپ يفاک هت ېسات هنيچرس هغد وبوا د ايا

Yes وه No هن

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Yesهو نهNo

If NO, How many days per week do you have access? (in days) ینوا هپ یځرو وڅ هن هک ه الس و ت و اوب اک ی پ رۍک سی ل ر

If NO, How many hours per day do you have access? (in hour) هن هک رۍ سی ل ه الس ر و ت ی اوب ه ورځ ک ته پ ساع څو

3.5 How far away is the water source from your shelter (in minutes) د یری ده وره څومره ل ه ک بع مو ل ن و م اوب

By walking یلپ By

Transport پورت س ران ت

3.6 who in the family principally collects water ی مو یل ک ام ه ف په څوک راوړی اوب

Children شومان ما

Women یځښ

Men یړس All familly لیماف لوټ

3.7 Water collection: How many times per day ۍړوار هبوا هلځ وڅ یځرو د

3.8 Water volume collected per day (liters) ۍنځرو د دازه و ان کو اوب راوړن

3.9 How many vessel/container did you use last time you fetched water? (count numbers per container type) یو یړوار هبوا یک وخول وڅ وم لځ رخا هپ

_________ x 20L هرتیل

x 10Lلیتره _______


x 5Lلیتره _______


x 1Lلیتره ________


3.10 Diarroea cases in the household in the last month ۍنروک هپ ښی ی تی پ س ا س ن تی د ن ش یا یری م ی مو د ت ک

Adults ناناوځ Children (5-18) ماشومان ناموشامYoung Children <(5)

3.11 Latrine available د ع حاجت رفتون ش ځاې ري ل

Yes وه No هن

if Yes, latrine condition وه هک ی ت ک وم حال و ک ن دی

Good هښ Damaged جاړ وی

Dirty (flies/excretas) تل چ

Clean کاپ Pit is full کډ دی

3.12 Type of Latrine or Open Defecation عفر د حاجت ډول

Open Defecation ته س ی ران پیمه س

Community Latrine د زيميس ع حاجت ځاې رف

Familly Latrine ې ورن کع حاجت د رف ځاې

3.13 Does the latrine provide privacy , saftey , dignity, for all user ?د ع حاجت رفمحرم، ځاې دي خونسب نا اومې دې ځاې ک

Yes وه No هن

3.14 Has a natural disaster event affected your water supply or

latrine د وم وتافا یعیبط ع حاجت تم او رف س س و اوب

ړی ځای خراب ک

Water source If Yes, Type of Hazard ړۍ حضاو رطخ ون وه هک ک

Yes وه Noهن Landslide ه دن که خوی څم

Heavy Rain دیدش اران ب

Floods یالب س Other (specify) ور ن

Latrine If Yes, Type of Hazard

Yesوه Noهن Landslide ه دن که خوی څم

Heavy Rain دیدش اران ب

Floods یالب س Other (specify) ور ن

4. Financial Assesment هنوزرا یلام

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4.1a Currently Main source of income (over the year)ېنسوا ودياوع د نی ل نه(ک ی سرچ عمده

4.1a If cropping, size of agricultural land (in jerib) ینرک د ه دازه پ کی ان ځمب جری

4.1a If cropping صل یری حا ه چ کوی ک

Owned land که له څم پ خ

4.2 Monthly Income in

AFN: ینتشایم ۍ غان ه اق د پ عای

Cropping ری زګ ب

Livestock داری مال

Daily Worker زور مزدوری

Driver ناو رتوم

Rented land ه رای اجاره/ک

Remittance وسیپ د یږل ل

Employee هفیظو

Shopkeeper دار ان دوک

Other (specify) ور ن

Sharecropping صل ک حا شری

No land لری که ن ځم

4.3 Do you have debts ? یرادضرق ی ی

4.1b Currently secondary source of income (over the year) همهود دیاع د نی ل بع؛ک ن م

4.1b If cropping, size of agricultural land (in jerib) ینرک د ه دازه پ کی ان ځمب جری

4.1b If cropping صل یری حا ه ج کوی ک

Owned land که له څم پ Noنه خ

Cropping ری زګ ب

Livestock داری مال

Daily Worker هرمزور مزدوری

Driver ناو رتوم

Rented land ه رای اجاره/ک

, Yesهو <2000


Remittance وسیپ د یږل ل

Employee هفیظو

Shopkeeper دار ان دوک

Other (specify) ور ن

Sharecropping صل ک حا شری


2000-8000 AFN

4.4 What are the main expenditures of the family: فراصم یلصا لیماف د

No land لری ن

, < Yesهو 8000 AFN

Expenditure 1 صرف م

Monthly amont هزادنا ینتشایم (in AF)

Expenditure 2 صرف م

Monthly amont هزادنا ینتشایم (in AF)

Expenditure 3 صرف م

Monthly amont هزادنا ینتشایم (in AF)


4. 4 Main issues faced by farmers: کالت رګزپ د ش سی م سا س ا4.5 Main needs that NGO could support: یی هسسوم یچ هنوترورض یساسا وم دی ړی ک ته وک س ی مر و ک یول ه ران پ

Lack of access to land یسر سال هن هت یکمځ یزینرک Support to purchase seeds and fertilizers لتسخا ونومخت وا ورس د

Lack of money to buy agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides) وکوت وزینرک تون ش سو ن ی پاره د پ ل

Support to purchase agricultural tools لتسیخا لیاسو یتعرز

Lack of access to market for purchasing/selling یسر سال هن هت تیکرام Support for irrigation infrastructures لوغر متسس یرایبا د

Lack of water for irrigation دوبمک وبوا د Support to have new cropping techniques & knowledge هراب هپ ینرک د لومات ی او مع ښون کی الر ی ن خ ت

Lack of money to buy tools and equipment تون د ش ه سو ن ی لره د پ پ لو ل سای یزو و رن ک Support for agricultural diversification (fruit trees, livestock...) یتعرز داری... ی، مال یوو ون یر(د م وپ ناوب /ت ت

Page 15: Multi-Sectorial Assessment Report - HumanitarianResponse...Multi-Sectorial Assessment Report Nangarhar & Kunar Provinces -Host communities / Returnees / IDPs -AFGHANISTAN Mission


Lack of storage capacity نوتش هن یاځنتاس د Support for harvest processing and storage رمه لصاح د ول او زی سس ک رو پول ک

Other:…………............. رون Support for access to market and selling والڅرخ/لوک ادیپ تیکرام د

Other:.............................................. رون

4.6 How far away In KM do you live from the bazaar?

د بازاز نه څو کیلو متره لری یی

>500m 500m-2km

2km-5km >5km

4.7 How do you travel to your closest bazaar? یځ هلیسو هپ هڅ د هت رازاب یدږن

Private Car لپڅ ر موت

Private Motorbike لپخ کل سای ر موت

Taxi/Corolla سی اک ت

Bicycle کل ی س ا ب

Walk هپ پو خ

Donkey/Horse اس/خر

Other (specify)

4.8 How often do you travel to the bazaar? ۍځ هلک هت رازاب

Once a week هتفه و ځل ی ی ک

Once a month و ځل ی ی شت ک یا م

Once a 3 month ویرد ی تو ک ش یا مو ځل ی

Once a 6 month ږپش و ی ی تو ک ش یا م ځل

Once a Year یک لاک و ځل ی

5. Shelter Assessment: هنوزرا هانپ رس د


5.1 What is the state of the house/Compound? وم یاځ ودیسوا ای روک ی دی ت ک ګه حال ن څ

Completely destroyed هل ړپشب لې دې ل نځه ت م

Partially Destroyed همين نځه ه م لې دېل ل ت

Unharmed ه دې نځه ن ه م للې ل ت

5.2 What is the current accomodation? وم ه ک ۍ پ ورن ې ک نې وخت ک س ه او پیږي س ې او ې ک ډول ځای

House روک Rented house ور ه ک رای ک

Host House ه ورب ک

Tent همیخ Open Area دی سمان الن نه ا ش

Other رون

5.3 If rented: Amount of rent monthly (in AFN): و -يو هيارک هپ ېريچ نه وت ه ګ چه پ ې ک رای د کړئ ک

6. General Needs تایرورض هماع


6.1 Does the family have a need for: (do not enumerate choices) یل ام ا ف ایضرورت ری ل

WaSH Assistance و د اوبفظ او حصحه ال

NFI Assistance (hygiene/house ustensile etc) ظفح صحه، الل سای ی و ورن ک

Winter Assistance knalb/sehtolc/retaeh)ژets) ۍنمژ خاری، تی(ب س مرلی) ب م جامی،ک

Cash Assistance یدقن تی س مر

6.2 Prioritized

Needs هیلوا یاوی اړت

(Ex: education/

water/ health/ cash/

shelter etc.)

Need 1 ۍړمول یا اړت

Need 2 همهود یا اړت

Need 3 همیرد یا اړت