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    MUFNutual UFO NetworkUFO JOURNALN o v e m b e r 2002 N u m b e r 415

    The most recent implant removed by Dr. Roger Leir and his team. Article begins on page 3.

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    MU F O NUFO Journal(USPS 002-970)(ISSN 0270-6822)Post Office Box 369Morrison, CO 80465-0369

    Tel: 303-932-7709Fax: 303-932-9279

    International DirectorJohn F. Schuessler, M.S.

    Editor:Dwight Connelly, M.S.14026 Ridgelawn RoadMartinsville, IL 62442Tel: (217) 382-4502

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    Columnists:Walter N. Webb, B.S.George Filer, M.B.A.

    Jenny RandiesStanton Friedman, M.S.

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    Table of contentsN o v e m b e r 2002 N u m b e r 415

    In this issueImplant anomalies continue by Dr. Roger Leir. 3Medieva l demons,aliens, rel igion by Dr. Brenda Denzler..6Ufology Profi le: GeorgeFawcett by Darrell Laurant 11Slow object in Utah by Arveseth, Regehr, Douglass 12TAKEN premieres Dec. 2 on Sci Fi Ch annel 13Bigfoot activity in Pennsylvania by Stan Gordon 14Filer's Files by George A. Filer 15UFO Press: Secrets of the Fields 18MUFON Fo r u m 1 9View from Britain by Jenny Randies 20Percept ions by Stanton T. Friedman 21The Night Sky by Walter N. Webb 23Director's Message by John Schuessler 24

    Change o f address and subscription i n qu i r i e s should b e sentto MUFON, P.O. Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369.

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    The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editor, and do notnecessarily reflect the official position of the Mutual UFO Network. Opinions expressed are solelythose of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editor or staff ofMUFON.Th e Mutual UF O Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Ta x under Section 501 (c) (3) ofthe Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly supported organization of the type described inSection 509 (a) (2). Donors may deduct contributions from their Federal Income Tax. Bequests,legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts are also deductible for estate and gift purposes, provided theymeet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code.MUFON is a Texas nonprofit corporation.

    The MUFON UFO Journal is published monthly by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., Morrison,CO. Membership/Subscription rates are $35 per year in the U.S.A., and $40 per year foreign in U.S.funds. Second class postage paid at Versailles, MO.

    Postmaster: Send form 3579 to advise change of address to: MUFON UFO Journal, P.O.Box 369, Morrison, CO 80465-0369

    MUFON's mission is the systematic collection and analysisof UFO data,with the ultimate goal of learning the origin andnature of the UFO phenomenon.

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    An update from Dr. Roger LeirImplant anomalies continueBy Dr. Roger LeirI have found that my personal educational processappears to be never ending. This ha s also been thecase w ith my personal investigations into alien im-plant research.As most readers will recall, I began ac tively research-ing this subject in 1995. I have not stopped since thatt ime, and have written three books on the subject. I amhoping that between the books, videos, an d major televi-sion and radio appearances world-w ide, the wo rld's po pu-lation will no t only have majorexposure to implant data, but alsoto the UFO subject in general.With that said, let me enum er-

    ate some of the questions whichhave been generated by the sci-entific data collected so far:1. What is the nature of thestrange electromagnetic fieldssurrounding these objects whilethey are in the body?2. What is the connection be- n T .tween the body's neural energy Ur Koger Leirsystem and the functional metallic structure of the ob-ject?3. How is the metallic structure produced, and can itbe duplicated w ithin the state of our own nanotechnology?Fo r example I have been told we have the technology tomake am orphous metals, but we do not understand howto make them m agnetic.4. How are the messages generated by these objectsbeing relayed to those who are monitoring this implantprogram?5. What is the nature of the very strange biologicalmem brane that surrounds the metallic objects, an d howdoes this tissue elim inate the rejection and inflamm atoryreaction?6. W hat is the exact purpose for mo nitorin g millions ofhuman being s all over the w orld?Ou r experience has shown so far that when we at-tempt to answer on e question, numerou s others are raised.Som etimes I have found it necessary to create the rulesas we go along, proceeding contrary to standard scien-tific dogma. We are treading a tight line on the thresholdof discoveries which could change mankind's thinkingforever. ReviewTo date our su rgical team has performe d ten surgeriesfor the removal of objects from those individuals whoallege alien abduction, as noted in previous articles in theM U F O N U F O Journal, as well as in the 2007 M U F O NSymposium Proceedings^ The last surgery w as per-

    About the AuthorDr. Roger L eir is a podiatric surgeon who has been inprivate pracitce in Ventura County, CA, for more thanthree decades. His first book, The Aliens and the Scal-pel, ha s sold more than 10,000 copies. His second bookw as Casebook-Alien Implants, and he has j u s t comeou t w i t h a new book in P o r t u g u e s e , ImplantesAlienigenas, for distribution in Brazil. H e is currently ne-gotiating for an additional book to be published in the U.K.Those less familiar with Dr. Leir's work can find addi-tional background material on page 5.

    formed Oct. 29,2001 . So far, the least am oun t of data hasbeen garnered from this case, primarily due to the lack ofresearch funds.Most of the funds I have received follow ing the date ofthis surgery have been used to research other physicalobjects related to the same subject derived from othersources, even though this last surgical case was the mostinteresting of all the cases we have dealt with.

    Surgery number 10Surgery number ten was performed on a lady in herlate 40's. She presented little data relating to alien abduc-tion with the exception of one event that appears to beburned into her m emory forever.About twenty years ago she considered her life to beaverage, with no unusual daily activities or events hap-pening to her. She had a close boyfriend and was consid-ering m arriage. One night her life and plans changed for-ever.She w as sound asleep w ith her boyfriend by her side.Suddenly in the early hours of the mornin g she was joltedinto a wak ing state by a very strange bright white power-f u l l ight filling the bedroom. She threw back the coversan d tried to wake he r sleeping friend. No matter ho w hardshe tried he would no t wake up. She got out of bed andrealized the source of the light was coming from outsideher bedroom window.She could no t imagine what would cause such a brightlight in the middle of the night, and thou ght perhaps thepolice had a helicopter that was shinin g a light into herapartment windo w. She wen t directly to the wind ow andpeered out. W hat she saw has haunted her until this day.The light was coming from a circular craft hoveringmotionlessly. It was not far off of the ground and seemedto be metallic in appearance. This was the last she re-membered un til waking in the morning. She had no recol-lection of going back to bed or any events that occurredfollowing her sighting of the light.She described he r feelings w hen she arose the follow-ing morning . Sh e explained she felt as if she had symp-

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    toms of the flu with mu scle aches and pains, a feeling ofextreme fatigue, sore and burning eyes, weakness in theextremities, and ex treme thirst. She proceeded into thebathroom an d began gulping down multiple glasses ofwater.She began he r showering routine an d noticed she hada strange lump in her right arm. She was certain she hadnot had this the night before when she retired. W ith herleft hand she reached out with a finger and touched theobject. She became terrified when she saw it move aboutan inch away from her probing finger. Sh e touched it againand the same thing happened.This highly in telligent lady still has no other memoriesconcerning this or any other similar episode. She finallycontacted me after carrying this burden internally for thepast twenty years. She had not discussed this with an-other single individual. Her m ale companion who w as withher at the time of the incident was never heard or seenagain. She is now happ ily married with children and hasno t told her husband about this past event.When she came to my office I had severe doubts aboutthe object she had described to me on the telephone, andthought it was nothing more than a subcutaneous cyst. Iperformed a routine Alien Abduc tion examination wh ichI have developed to examine potential abduction candi-dates. Sh e rated high on the possibility profile.When I examined the lump in question I saw that itwas indeed a subcutaneous lum p on her right arm. It wasabout the size of a small marble. My initial impressionwas that it was nothing more than a cyst of some type.The next part of the exam ination required I palpate theobject to determine it's firmness an d other characteristicsof subcutaneous masses.I took the index finger of my right hand an d touchedthe object. To my amazement it moved away from mytouch, traveling about an inch under the skin. I wasstunned. In 37 years of med ical practice I had nev er seenanything like this before.I made an instantaneous d ecision that what mu st havehappened .was a previous infection had occurred andformed a subcutaneous sinus tract und er the skin. This islike a can al. Therefore, I postulated the cyst would moveback an d forth in this canal. I decided to trap the object atone end and if my assum ption was correct the next time itwas tou ched it would move back to the original position.I touched it again and sudd enly it moved another inchfrom the area where I had touched it, but now in a differ-en t direction. I was shocked. I rationalized this away bythinking that possibly tw o canals ha d formed. Again, Iused tw o fingers of my left hand to confine the object an dtouched it with my right hand.Suddenly it moved away from my touch in a completelydifferent direction. The object would move anywherewithin a circle of about tw o and a half inches. I sat backin my chair, stunned and m ost probably with a blank lookon my face.The surgery to remove this object was performed onOct. 29,2001, by a general surgeon colleague on our sur-gical panel. There was, as you might suspect, som e diffi-culty isolating the object during the procedure. Finally, after

    Th e tenth "surgical specimen" on a piece of gauze.several intricate maneuvers performed by the surgeon, itcame to the surface and was removed.There seemed to be no attachments of any kind to thesurrounding tissues. It was about the size of a large peaand yellow ish in color. The outside appeared sm ooth andglistening.Upon careful initial examination w e noticed the objectwas composed of two sections that were join ed centrally,an d that these sections could be spread apart much thesame as a bivalve sea entity such as a clam or oyster. Onthe top uppermo st surface of each half appeared a long i-tudinal line, dark in color and resembling two sm all wires.Because of the lack of funding, the only analysis per-formed on this object to date has been the microscopicexamination done by Digital Instrument Laboratories inSanta Barbara, CA. Please see their report at the end ofthis article.

    The ne xt tests that should be done involve the use ofthe scanning electron microscope and a test called elec-trophoresis. This w ill tell us the elemental compositionand protein nature of the object. As with some of theother specimens, more knowledge w ill be forthcoming ifthe funding is there to proceed.Here is a brief review of the data to date:1. W e have performed ten surgeries.2. These have produced 11 objects.3. One of these has no scientific interest since it wasmerely bottle glass.4. The balance can be divided into three categories,metallic, non-metallic, and biological.5. These can be further subdivided as to appearance.Three are sm all bb, greyish-white balls. Four are smallcantaloupe seed-shaped objects with a metal core and abiological covering. One is metallic and triangular shaped,also covered w ith a biologica l covering. One is totally bio-logical, bivalved, yellowish in color and had the ability tomove by itself underneath the skin.6. Five objects had detectable electromagnetic fieldemanations while still in the body.7. Five contain iron that is in an amorphous state an dhighly magnetic.8. Four contain isotopic ratios demonstrating a non-terrestrial origin .

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    9. All inhibit the body from reacting with inflamm ationor rejection.10. Some exhibit fluorescence under black light ex-amination.11 . All objects have been removed from individualswho allege alien abduction.12. All subjects of the study have not undergone ma-jo r regressive hypnosis prior to the surgery.13. All candid ates appear in both norm al physiologicalan d psychological health.I would feel remiss if I did n ot credit both the NationalInstitute for Discovery Science (NIDS-Robert Bigelow)and Bob and Zoh Heironum us for the kindness and gen-erosity they have shown me in funding my work.

    Digital Instrumen ts Lab reportBy Dr. Irene Revenko,

    Director of the Biology DepartmentDigital Instruments/Veeco, Metrology Group, 112 RobinHill Road Santa Barbara, CA 93117 -Phone (805)967-1400 -Fox (805) 967-7717 Email:[email protected] Dr. Leir's samples, 01/25/02Two samples were observed. One was dry (A) andthe other one was in the person's serum (B).Visual and optical dataSample A: This sample presented tw o distinct areas: ayellow brown hard "envelope" and a white core. Opticalimages were taken with 5X and 1OX objectives. Theyshowed that the center part looked like a dense powder.The outside part was optically non-uniform, showing someshiny particles that looked like small metal fragments.Sample B: this sample looked like fa t tissue: yellow,shiny and very soft. With an optical microscope it ap-peared that it was made of round sm all transparent vesicles(cells ?), of different sizes.After cutting the sample with a blade, some viscousliquid was spilled in the serum, which looked like oil. Thetissue seemed pretty homogeneous on a macroscopic scaleeven after the cut. This sample will not be suitable fo rAFM studies, as it is obviously too soft fo r this techniqu eAFM data on sample AThe sample was imm obilized with a thin layer of glueon a steel disc. We first tried to image the center part ofthe sample (white core). Unfortu nately we w ere unableto obtain any data. The m icroscope probe could n ot scanproperly the surface, probably due to some strong inter-actions (the surface could be sticky fo r example).W e then imaged the outside part (yellow envelope).W e were able to obtain im ages at different locations. Onthese AFM images, the vertical dim ension is representedby the brown color gradation, with a corresponding scaleon the side of the image. The envelope appeared veryrough, with round structures, crevasses. Some areaslooked more flat than others.Images 9 and 10 also present "phase" data. In the caseof these samples, the phase data could reveal a moredetailed representation of the topography of the surface.

    Implant analysis.But it is important to know that the high frequency signalon these 2 images is an artifact and does no t representthe topography.Also, on im age 9, the right side of the im ag e is not thetopography, but an artifact due to some scanning problemof the probe.Background to this latest study

    For those unfamiliar with the earlier work of Dr. Leir,the following is a brief summ ary:Dr. Leir, who has been involved with ufology fo r m a nyyears through So uthern Califo rnia MU FON groups, firstbecame interested in implants in 1995 when he met DerrelSims, who was already working with them through x-rays. Dr. Leir offered to perform implant removals with-out charge, so the two form ed a team to inve stiga te thephenomenon. (They have since gone their separate ways.)The first implant surgery was performed on Aug. 19,1995, on two obje cts in the toe of "Patricia," a 52-year-old woman wi th a history of at least tw o abductions.A second su rgery was perform ed on the same day onthe left hand of "Paul," w ho also had a history of abduc-tions. A prel iminary check of the object in Paul's handprior to the surgery indica ted it was putting out a strongelectromagnetic field.The object remo ved from his hand "looked exactly likethe little object I had removed from Patricia's toe just afew hours earlier." said Dr. Leir. "It was shaped like asmall cantaloupe seed an d appeared to be covered with adark gray membrane." It could not be cut with a scalpel.A third case was completed on Jan. 2,1996, on "Babs,"who reported abduction experiences and the presence ofa painful pinpoint-sized raised area on the back of the left

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    neck-shoulder region, whic h she had first noticed on themorning after an apparent abduction (it was reportedlydime size at that time). This object, when removed, was"a little greyish-white ball." ,An analysis of the tissue surrounding the objects bytw o different pathologists concluded that there was noinflammatory tissue around the objects, and that nervecells were present.Dr. Leir says that his training and the medical litera-ture taught him that this was not possible. "I found nomed ical literature that entertains the possibility tha t a for-eign substance can be lodged in a human body withoutthe surrounding flesh reacting to it."As for the nerve proprioceptors in the tissue sample,Dr. Leir said, "There was no anatomical need for thesespecialized nerve cells to be clustered about a foreignbody that is housed deep w ith in the co nfines of a toe andadjacent to a bone. . . .They serve to conduct sensationssuch as pressure, temperature, or fine touch."Meanwhile, Sims w as performing tests on the objectsthemselves, and noted that the metal portions were darkgrey with an irregular surface. They were reportedlyalso highly magnetic. Later, Dr. Leir had the specimensanalysed by a pathologist, who reported that they weremade up o f protein coagulum (derived from clotted bloodand consisting o f pure protein), hemosiderin (oxygen-car-rying iron pigment related to hemo globin), and keratin (themost superficial layer of the skin), wh ich the pathologistreportedly found puzzling.Leir and Sims were eventually assisted financially inthe analyses of the objects by Robert Bigelow's Natio nalInstitute for Discovery Science (NIDS), wh ich also agreedto fund a second set of implant removals.The second set of surgeries on May 18,1996, involvedthree patients, all of whom apparently had experiencedabductions. "Annie" had an object (greyish-white shinyball) in her leg, "Doris" also had an object (greyish-w hiteshiny ba ll) in her leg, and "Don" had an object (triangular,metallic) in his lower jaw.Among the lab findings was an indication that both"Doris" an d "Annie" had been subjected to a large an dintense amount of ultraviolet light in the areas where theobjects were located. Based on the lifestyles of the indi-viduals, there seemed to be no explanation fo r this.A seventh case, Lyla, revealed an object in the leftheel w hich turned o ut to be brown bottle glass, apparentlyunrelated to abductions or implants.

    The eighth surgery, on Aug. 17, 1998, was a specialone, since it was conducted with NBC cameras present.The abductee in this case was "Pablo," who had an ob-ject in his left hand.The object rem oved w as "almost identic al to the littlecantaloupe seed-shaped objects removed in 1995," ac -cording to Dr. Leir. "As a matter of fact, it was so similarthat I would wager that, if all three were lined up, youcould hot tell one from the other."Newsletters appreciatedTh e M U F O N U FO Journal staff appreciates receiv-ing newsletters from local MUFON groups.

    Medieval demons,modern aliens, & theChristian traditionBy Brenda Denzler, Ph.D.

    2002Brenda Denzler is the author of Th e Lure of the Edge:Scientific Passions, Religious Beliefs, and the Pursuitof UFOs (University of California Press, 2001).

    I recent issues of the M UF ON UFO Journal thelev. Dr. Barry Do wning has m ade a call for greaterecognition o f the insights that religion may be ableto provide about the beings who presumably have oper-ated the unidentified objects seenin American skies for the lastfifty years an d throughout th eworld for centuries-or longer.Through his writings over theyears, he has been ma kin g a casefor taking the UFOnauts seriouslyas entities who, because they areobviously more powerful than hu-man beings, m ay effectively (i fno t literally) be God to us .1In adop t ing th is pos i t i on ,Downing seems to be not onlylooking to religion for clues aboutthe nature of these entities andevents, bu t advocating a religious framework fo r under-

    standing them. While I support the former, I have reser-vations about the latter.In a similar vein of gathering insights from religion, ChrisAubeck has recently drawn out the parallels between 15lhCentury descriptions of demonic attacks an d modem-dayabduction narratives,2 using the Malleus Maleficarum,or Hammer of Witches, written in 1486 by the Dominicaninquisitors James Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer.3Aubeck is careful to explain that wh ile these parallelsmay indicate similar kinds of anomalous events happen-ing in both periods, the diabolical interpretation pu t uponthem in the Midd le Ages is not a given.Nevertheless, for some readers who, like Downing,are inclined to use a religious framew ork fo r understand-ing anomalous ev ents, the impression m ay remain tha t inabductions we are dealing not with Dow ning's God/gods,bu t with entities who are, in effect (if not literally), theDevil and his demons.It seems wise, the refore , to note a few fac ts about thecontext in which the Malleus was written and to look forother insights from the Christian tradition about these kindsof anom alous experiences. For although the MalleusMaleficarum was one of the earliest witchcraft manu-als, and it is certainly the best-known, it was not the onlyone.There are two enormous differences between the in-

    D r. Brenda Denzler

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    cubus and succubus attacks reported inthe Middle Ages and alien abductionsthat are reported today.Some key differencesFirst, many of those that we knowabout from the Middle Ages came frompeople who had been accused of witch-

    craft and subjected to a variety of crueland ingenious tortures to elicit the "truth"about th eir activities.Abduc tees of today, in contrast ,come forward voluntarily with their re-ports . Some consult abduct ion re -searchers for help in reconstructing theirmem ories. Many do not. But virtuallyall of the men and women accused ofwitchcraft in the Middle Ages had the"assistance" of the inq uisitors in (re-?)constructing their memories.This leads us to the second enor-mous difference between medieval ac-counts of incubus/succubus experiencesand modern abduction reports. Some

    The Aug. 24 UF O Display for UF O Awareness Week at theWestmoreland Mall in Greensburg, PA, was again a big success, ac-cording to Stan Gordon. The display, wh ich included 17 eight-foottables piled with UFO materials, generated good press coverage,mem berships, and sighting reports.

    of the information given by the accused resembles mod-ern-day accounts of abductions, as Aubeck pointed out.But a significant portion of it does not.As the monk Francesco-Maria Guazzo wrote in his1608 book, the Compendium Maleficarum, witches madea pact with the devil in wh ich "they deny the ChristianFaith an d withdraw their allegiance from God."4 Thishaving been accomplished, they were then admitted tothe rituals of the infernal horde.But before witches and warlocks could go to a de-mon ic ritual, they had to cover their bodies with an oint-ment made from a variety of disgusting ingredients, thechief of which was murdered children.5 W hen they hadall arrived at the site of the ritual, they would light a "foulan d horrid fire" and then approach the Devil, who satenthroned over the group. Participan ts wo uld adore himby adopting numerous odd and often convoluted postures,offer him black candles or infants' navel cords, an d thenkiss him on the buttocks.After this came so rdid banquets, including libations ofwine the color of stale blood, and frenzied, maniacal danc-ing, culminating in the notorious sexual union of the witch(for by far most suspected participants were w om en) andher demon lover.6 None of this sounds muc h like mod-ern-day abduction reports.

    Th e problem with witchcraft was not the violation ofpersons by demons, but the violation of the faith by people-people who had committed the sin of "sacrilege throughan open pact of fidelity to devils."7 Incubus an d succubusexperiences were one sign of that sacrilege. The pur-pose of medieval inquisitors was to find and investigatesuch cases of irreligion an d punish them.They were not trying to uncover the truth about wh atwas happening to men and wo men du ring encounters withunearthly beings. They were not trying to find out verymuch about the beings themselves, fo r they already knew

    that they were demons. That was a foregone con clusion.Instead, they w ere trying to uncover the work of the Devilin making people sin in extraordinary ways against theChurch.For as Sprenger and Kramer explained, the sin of witch-craft "exceeds all other sins" because "witches, out ofgreat ma lice, despise the Faith and the sacraments of theFaith, as man y of them have confessed."8A mixture of elementsIn the medieval witchcraft trials we have a case of areligious, faith-bou nd framework serving as the interpre-tive lens for investigation an d understanding of reportedanomalous events, w ith the result that an y real informa-tion that might have been uncovered about them washeavily mixed with other narrative elements that werebased very much on the traditions of the Church (andthus the expectations of the inquisitors) about witchcraft.And that is the danger of turning to religion for insightsinto anomalies-that it will come to govern, rather thansimply inform, the investigations. St. Anselm's famousll 'h-century dictum, "Credo ut intelligam"-"! believe inorder that I may understand"-has its virtues, but also itsdangers. And I am not convinced that the virtues out-weigh the dangers.

    Assailers of chastityBy the end of the 17* century, the medieval world withinwhich Sprenger, Kramer, and Guazzo had written wasbecoming extinct. The seeds of the Enlightenment hadbeen sown and were soon to burst into full flower, and theProtestant Reformation had thoroughly changed the faceof Christianity in the West.All this created new opportunities for frank-and evenvigorous-dissent from ideas that had long been upheld bythe Ch urc h. As a result, theologians were able to seereports of incubus and succubus attacks in new ways.One of the most interesting of these new Christian think-November 2002 MUFON UFO Journal P a g e ?

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    ers was Lodovico Maria Sinistrari, who was among themost learned men .of his day-a 17 th-century Franciscanmonk, a theologian on the faculty of the University ofPavia, and at one point an official advisor to the CatholicChurch's Supreme Tribunal of the Most Holy Inquisition,the ecclesiastical body whose job it was to seek out andpunish witches and hereticsThus, we may take his book Demoniality (ca. 1699)as an authoritative early-modern piece of theological rea-soning on the subject of demonic attack.9 According toSinistrari, in the Church's treatment of the problem ofwitchcraft, sexual union w ith incubi an d succubi was con-sidered a sin first and foremost because it was part of alarger experience of volu ntarily entering into league withand wo rshipping th e Devil."But," hewrote, "there are Incubi and Succubi to whomnone of the foregoing applies, arid ye t there is carnalconnexion [sexual activity]."10 Without dismissing tradi-t ional ideas about witchcraft , Sinistrari pointed out thatthere were actually two kinds of incubus and succubusenco unters. One was as part of a helljsh rite that sub-verted the Church an d Truth, as elaborated by earlier theo-logians. Closer to abduction encountersThe o ther was a physical union in which there was nohint of demonic worship or sacrifice. It was this latterkind of encounter that mo st closely resembles the reportedabduction encounters of our day-not the demonic at tacksuncovered by the Inquisi t ion. Instead of a hellish fiend,Sinistrari wrote, th e demon in many incubus encounters"is but a passionate lover" who "attempts no act againstReligion; he merely assails chastity.""Agains t these non-h um an"lovers" the rite of exorcismwas not effective, he observed, nor did they show m uchaw e before the "holy things" used in exorcisms (i.e., cru-cifixes, holy water, etc.). This indicated that they werereally very different from demons , w ho always stood inawe of holy things and fled at the commands of an exor-cist.12The nature of that difference, Sinistrari suggested, w asthat incubi and succubi were not demons (understood asmalevolent spirits) nor angels (understood as the spiritualmessengers of Go d), but were co-inhabitants of this wo rldwith humanity.. "Now, that there be another World than the one welive in, and that it be peopled by men not born of Adam,bu t made by God in some other way, as is implied bythose who believe the m oon to be inhabited; or further,that in the very World where we dwell , there be otherrational creatures besides man and the Angelic Spirits,creatures gen erally invisib le to us and whose being is dis-closed bu t ac cidentally through the instrumentality of theirow n power; all that has nothing to do with Faith....!premise that nei ther Philosophy nor Theology is repug-nant to the possible ex istence of rational creatures havin gspirit and bo dy, and distinct from m an ... .There may wel lbe in existence a creature endow ed w ith a rational spiritand a corporeity [body] less gross, more subti le thanman's."13

    Intelligent and rational beingsThese beings, S inistrari wrote, gave ev idence of beingintelligent an d rational, as hum an beings are. They werebom and they died; they w ere divided into male and fe-male; they had to have nourishment in order to survive,an d they had some sort of social life together.14 (Becauseof their very fine, etheric constitution, he though t, it waspossible that the manna given by God to the Israeliteswas the natural food of these entities.)15Their bodies were made of "the subtle part of...theelements," an d they were most often found associatedwith the four main elements considered in pre-Enlighten-ment times to be the basic building blocks of the naturalworld: fire, earth, air, an d water.16 Their numbers, he felt,were prob ably "proportionate to the extent of the elementthey dwell in."17Although he was reluctant to claim any sure knowl-edge abou t their appearance, Sinistrari thought that thesesubtle creatures most likely resembled "the most nobleanimal frame, that is to say, the human frame," althoughthey were probably more slender an d delicate since theywere composed of a finer sort of matter.18 This finer bodilysubstance made them.more able to expand or contractthemselves so that they could pass easily through solidobjects that were made of coarser material, like wallsand glass.19By the same reason, he surmised that although theywere no doubt subject to disease an d disability, this wasperhaps less the case for them than for human beings,with our coarser bodies. This m eant that they also prob-ably lived longer than human beings, and, because theirlonger life would g ive them more opportunity to educatethemselves, they were likely to be more knowledgeablethan most of humanity.20

    Capable of interbreedingThese beings, thoug ht Sinistrari, were perfec tly capableof interbreeding with us because they ha d some degreeof physicality an d were a fertile species themselves. Inthe case of infernal attack, on the other hand, pregnan-cies resulted only when the demonic enti ty ha d stolenhuman semen to use.21 (True demons were usually con-sidered to be unable to reproduce on their ow n becausethey were not composed of physical matter an d lackedthe proper biological equipment.)22The children produced by the more pedestrian inc ubu sand succu bus attacks, said Sinistrari, were not of unusua lstature, as was commonly believed (on the basis of Gen-esis 6:2)", because, he said, "the Incubi who approachwom en are aqueous and of sm all stature; that is why theyappear in the shape of [very lecherous] little men" an dproduce "not giants, but men of ordinary size."(Sinistrarinoted, however, that incu bi cou ld also "have c arnal inter-course with wom en in their ow n natural body," in whichcase "the women do not see them.")24Nor were the children of these un ions unu sually wickedpeople, as many believed. In fact, Sinistrari noted, throug h-out history there were as many reported heroes as scoun-drels whose birth was attributed to being sired by an incu-bus. If there were evil m en begotten by incubi , he said,

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    "it was not owing to the fact that they were born of anIncubus, bu t rather that they, of their ow n free will, choseto be bad."25As to the relationship of these beings to Christ, Sinistraricould offer no firm opinion! He felt there was no evi-dence one way or another about w hether they ha d eversinned against God as humanity ha d (corporately, as aspecies), and thus no way to determine whether theyneeded salvation as hum anity does. If they did, though,Sinistrari was certain that the salvation made available tohumanity through C hrist wou ld also be extended to them.26Other sheepH e noted the words of Christ in the New Testament:"Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold." Theseother sheep could not be the Gentiles, he said, becausethrough a series of wonders-such as golden globes de -scending from the sky to the earth-God ha d prophesiedto the Gen tiles about the birth of the Savior, just as he hadto the Jews through the Scriptures.This comm on hope of a savior, announced to Jews andGentiles alike in mo dalities that were most meaningful toeach, made both groups God's sheep "of the same fold,"Sinistrari maintained. This meant that Christ's com mentabout having other sheep may well have been in refer-ence to "those rational Creatures or animals of whom w ehave been treating."27The only argument Sinistrari could think of against thenotion that such creatures could exist was the fact that,"if they really existed in the World, we should find themmentioned somewhere by Philosophers, Holy Scripture,Ecclesiastical Tradition, or the Fathers."In point of fact, however, he felt that this was not avery good argum ent. For one thing , he said, the authori-ties he mentioned were given by God to teach us only

    those things necessary for salvation; the fact that they didno t men tion such entities was no reason to deny that suchentities could exist.28 But m ore impo rtantly, he said, vari-ous religious an d secular authorities from the past ha dindeed mentioned exactly this species of beings, and itwas partly on the basis of these references that he hadconstructed hi s description of them.29Therefore, Sinistrari wrote, "It really shows little judge-ment in a man to deny that which ha s been written bygrave an d credible Authors, and is confirmed by every-day experience. . . . I t is clear that they are neither evilDemons no r good Angels; but it is clear also that they areno t men, though endowed with reason."30Breaking new groundSinistrari was aware that he was breaking new groundin Christian thought with hi s theory about incubi an dsuccubi being other intelligent life forms. "I am awarethat many, perhaps most of my readers, will say of mewhat the Epicureans an d some Stoic Philosophers said ofS. Paul. . . , 'He seemeth to be a setter forth of new gods[in other words, new views of reality],'" wrote Sinistrari,"but they will none the less have to answer the foregoingarguments, to show w hat are those Incubi Demons, com-monly called Go blins, who dread neither exorcisms, norholy objects, nor the Cross of Christ, an d they must ex -

    plain the various effects an d phenomena we have re -lated."31Sinistrari, a counselor to the Inquisition, addressed thesubject of nocturnal "demonic" attacks in order to showthat m any such events were no t truly diabolical.32 He didnot use a religious framew ork to understand these expe-riences, although he clearly took insights abo ut the eventsfrom religion. Because he was informed, but not con-strained by knowledge from the Christian tradition, he wasable to view these anomalous experiences in a new way.Neither God nor demonHe did not see the entities as particularly demonic orparticularly god-like, either. They were, he repeated sev-eral times, creatures metaphysically located mid-way be -tween earthly hum anity and the angelic realm-creatureswho were "endowed with senses and subject to the pas-sions thereof...; wh o are bom through generation and diethrough corruption, w ho are capable of salvation and dam-nation, [and are] more noble than man, by reason of thegreater subtilty of their bodies."33If we are going to use insights from religion in order tobetter understand modern-day abduction reports, I sug-gest that we n ot stop with the religion of 500 years ag oand the contributions of men like Sprenger and Kramer.Rather, I suggest we advance to the insights of LodovicoSinistrari, a com mitted Christian, a university professor,and a counselor to the Inquisition.

    Endnotes'See Barry Downing, "Wormholes, Heaven and the GodHypothesis," M U F O N UFO Journal 40 3 (Nov 2001): 10-12;and 404 (Dec 2001): 11-14; and "Barry Downing responds toquestions," in "MUFON Forum," MU FON UFO Journa l 40 9(May 20 02): 13-14; as well as his other contributions to ufologythrough th e years.2See Chris Aubeck, "Sexual Activity Not Much DifferentBetween 'Devils' and Modem Alien Entities," M U F O N U FOJournal 409 (May 2002): 8-12.3Trans. Montague S ummers (New York: Dover Publications,Inc., 1971; repr. of John Rodker, London, 1928).4Francesco-Maria Guazzo, Compendium Maleficarum, trans.E.A. Ashwin (New York: Dover, 1988; repr. London: John Rodker,1929) Book 1, Chap ter 6. See also the Malleus Malificarum PartII, Chapter 2'Hans Peter Duerr has argued that an unguent was used inthe Middle Ages (though not one likely to have containedmurdered babies) in order to facilitate altered states of con-sciousness in which flying an d orgiastic parties were experi-enced. See his excellent book for a full and nuanced discussionof witchcraft and reality: Dream time: Concerning the Bound-

    ary between Wilderness and Civilization. Trans. FelicitasGoodman (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985).' 'Compendium 1, Chapter 12. See also Lodovico MariaSinistrari, Demoniality, trans. Montague Summers (New York:Dover, 1989; repr. Lond on: Th e Fortune Press, 1927),113-23."''Malleus Maleficarum Part II , Chapter 2.'Malleus Maleficarum Part I, Question 14. See also Part II,Chapter 16.'For another discussion of Sinistrari's work and a fuller ex -position of the medieval and early modern attitude toward otherintelligent life, see Jacques Vallee's classic Passport to Magonia(Chicago: Henry Regnery & Sons, 1969), especially pp. 119-129.November 2002 MUFON UF O Journal Page 9

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    Demoniality ^1,also 11,113. Se e also Sinistrari's appendedsummary, Proof of Demoniality H 1 -2. Note that there has been along folk tradition of being attacked in the night, although thesenarratives tend to lack the extravagances of medieval witch-craft reports. See David J. Hufford, Th e Terror That Comes inth e Night: An Experience-Centered Study of SupernaturalAssault Traditions (Philadelphia: University of PennsylvaniaPress, 1982)."Demoniality 1(25,29.^Demoniality 1J27. As further evidence against their infer-na l nature, Sinistrari points out that unlike true demons, theseentities do not possess their victims, though they may "annoythem" (Demoniality^JO).nDemoniality ^42-^.MDemoniali^45-50,58,83,94-95."Demoniality^ 95.^Demoniality ^ 87.nDemoniality ^\Q9."Demoniality * \ 52, cf. 56,89. Note that the word "noble" asSinistrari uses it here means "elevated" or "ideal." It is not acharacter assessment (as in good or kind or selfless), nor is it astatement about social status (as in the nobility, i.e., kings,queens, etc.)."Demoniality H60,66 .^Demoniality\58, 89. See also Sinistrari's account (takenfrom St. Jerome) of the time that St. Anthony (a 3rd-centurysaint) met one of these creatures, who claimed to be mortal(Demoniality *\n-%y)."Demoniality 1) 31, 33, 34, 66, 104-107. It should also benoted that demonic entities were thought to impregnate theirfemale "victims" only as a courtesy to w omen w ho wished tobecome pregnant in this way. See Guazzo, Compendium, BookI, Chapter 11, an d Demoniality 124. This is very different fromthe reports of impregnation made by many abductees today.^Demoniality * \ 24 , 104. On the infertility of demons, alsosee Guazzo, Compendium, Book I, Chapter 1 1 ."Genesis 6:1 -2, 4 - "When men began to mult iply on the

    face of the ground, an d daughters were born to them, the sonsof God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they tookto w ife such of them as they chose. . ..The Nephilim were on theearth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Godcame in to the daughters of men, and they bore children tothem. These were the mig hty men that were of old, the men ofrenow n" (RSV ). On the basis of this verse, Sinistrari notes,some theologians an d philosophers ha d deduced that "chil-dren thus begotten by Incubi are tall, very hardy and bloodilybold , a r rogant beyond words , and despera te ly wicked"(Demoniality^ 30, cf. 108-111).^Demoniali ty\111, cf. 32-33. See also the Proof ofDemoniality\4.25Demoniality U 32.26 Demonial i tyH62,cf . 81-82."Demoniality^S-lQO.^Demoniality * j| 42. The early modern equivalent of "Ab-sence of evidence is not evidence of absence."29Demoniality^ 63-64,42,65-86.^Demonial i ty^%1, 67 ." Demoniality * h 103.32In this, he was of the same m ind as Father Corrado Balducciin our own day. This retired exorcist for the Catholic Churchstated in the late 1990s that, in his opinion, the entities reportedby abductees are not demons. Se e "Extraterrestrials an d Chris-tianity," in Whitley Strieber, Confirmation: Th e Hard Evidenceof Aliens Among Us (New Y ork: St. Martin's Press, 1998), pp.265-274."Demoniality ^ 102.Page 10

    "The Abduction Diaries"premieres on Sci-Fi Nov. 22By William Chaff Konkolesky

    MUFON Webmaster"The Abduction Diaries," an hour-long documentarythat assembles several first-person accounts of lifelongcontact w ith extraterrestrial beings, premieres at 10 p.m.on Friday, Nov. 22, on the Sc i-Fi Channe l.By tracing the individuals' experiences over the courseof their lives, the television special reveals many of themysteries of the abduction phenomena and describes thetransformative im pact it has had on their lives.From unexplained childhood disappearances to meet-ing hybrid children of their own, they guide the viewerthrough first encounters an d terrifying contacts, and ex-plain how the individ uals have learned to understand andincorporate being "taken" into their lives.Being one of the individ uals interviewed in "The Ab-duction Diaries," I can personally vouch for the integrityof Naked Eye Productions, the New York studio respon-sible fo r creating this documentary for the Sci-Fi Chan-nel.They seek neither to sensationalize nor discredit ab-duction phenom ena, only to let those w ho have had expe-riences tell their ow n stories in their ow n words. Thereare no UFO investigators nor debunkers interviewed inthe program, only abductees/experiencers themselves.Although this special program is scheduled to precedeSteven Spielberg's mini-series "Taken," they are mutu-ally exclusive projects and are not intend ed to be directlyrelated to each other.In addition to the 10 p.m. premie re on Nov. 22, repeatsare scheduled for 1 a.m. on No v. 23, 8 a.m. on No v. 26, 1a.m. on Dec. 1, 3 a.m. on Dec. 6, 9 a.m. on Dec. 8, and10 a.m. on Dec. 14. Be sure to set your VCR, and checkyour local listings fo r possible changes in viewing times.Robert & Ryan Wood bringingMajestic 12 documents to TV

    Wood & Wood LLC announces the television pro-gram licensing of "The Secret: Evidence We Are NotAlone" with Cinamour Entertainment of Santa Monica,CA, a syndication specialist. The program was producedby the father and son team of Robert and Ryan Woodafter over tw o years in development and refinement."Besides being an outstanding documentary, the pro-gram covers n ew ground w ith a hard look at the Majestic12 documents and their authenticity from mu ltiple expertperspectives," said Rya n W ood."The Secret" presents the story of how "leaked" gov-ernment documents prove that the Unite d States has beenrecovering crashed unidentified flying objects, often knownas flying saucers, since 1941, and has been succ essful inkeeping this information from the public. "These docu-ments have been exam ined using forensic techniques andare declared genuine," said Dr. Robert Wood

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    Ufology Profile George Fawcett

    George Fawcett

    By Darrell LaurantThe News & Advance

    George Fawcett wasn't looking fo r attention. Thatwasn't necessary.At the t ime the Lynchbu rg College junio r reported see-ing an unidentified flying object hovering over the HopwoodHall administration building more than half a century ag ohe was a three-sport letterman, head o f the intram uralprogram, a member of about 10 campus organizations,and a fixture on the school newspaper.Unfortunately for his credibil-ity, he was also alone."I had gone to visit my room-ma te in the inf i rmary ," theLincolnton, NC, resident said,"and I was a little bit late gettingout. The nex t classes had alreadystarted, so there was no onea round when I was wa lk ingacross campus and saw it.""It" being an object "shapedsort of like a tire or half a ball,blazing orange against a dark-blue sky, about 30 ft. in diameter."Th e date was July 6, 1951. A few mo nths later, whenhe re turned for his senior year, Fawcet t told theLynchburg News, "The th ing zigzagged, then settled downin a straight course and m oved off tow ard the west."It then left Fawcett to try and convinc e everyone else.Big man on campus or not, the revelation of his sightingbrought the expected ribbing down upon him . It also m ovedhi s life in another direction.Fawcett had been intrigued by reports of flying sau-cers since he was a teenager, and followed the 1947Roswell, NM, incide nt with keen interest. W hatever hesaw above the LC campus only put a finer edge on hiscuriosity.Since then, he says, he has read more than 1,000 boo kson the subject ("Both pro and con"), spoken before morethan 600 groups, w ritten more than 100 research articles,and investigated nearly 2,000 UFO sightings, many of themin the Carolinas and a few in Virginia.Fawcett founded MUFON of North Caro lina in 1990,and is the author of Quarter Century Studies of UFOsin Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee (1975).He is a key player in the burgeoning field of UFO ex-perts and pundits, and this summ er spoke to 300 people ata conference in (where else?) Roswell. Fawcett is closelyassocia ted with th e In te rna t iona l UFO M u s e u m inRoswell, and has donated most of his materials to themuseum's Research Center.And now, after years of waging an uphill battle, heinsists he's fa r from alone."Based on the latest Gallup poll," he said, "if you be-

    lieve in the existence of UFO's, you're in the majority."This summer, movie audiences across America werechuckling at Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones as alien-fighting "Men in Black," bu t Fawcett says he's met aMIB in real life. Not dressed in black, exactly, bu t with adefinite MIB attitude."It was 1974 in Columbia, SC," Fawcett said. "I wasthere for the opening of the movie 'UFOs: Target Earth'at the Plaza 3 theater, showing some of my slides andgiving a narrative between show s. I was leaving the the-ater when this guy came up and said, 'I'd like to talk toyou. Let's ge t some coffee an d doughnuts across thestreet.'"Fawcett said the man first asked him his thoughts onworld an d national politics (and, inexplicably, the stockmark et), then pressed him to sign an o ath of silence, and

    finally offered him $12,000 ("A lot of mo ney to me backthen") to forget all about his UFO research. They woundup agreeing to disagree, bu t Fawcett admitted, "I wasscared."If all of this makes Mr. Fawcett sound a bit, well,paranoid, you wou ldn't know it to talk with him. He soundsmore like a graduate student on the research trail than aconfidante of Mulder and Scully. Not only that, but heused to be a newspaper reporter (that makes him cred-ible, doesn 't it?)."The University of Colorado investigated over 1,000UFO sightings and found that they couldn't explain 30percent of them," he said. "The Air Force did a study an dcame up with 40 percent unexplained. My researchshowed only 22 percent that couldn't be explained. Myphilosophy is to keep my head in the clouds and my feeton the ground. I look into each case very carefully, boththe circumstances and the person doin g the reporting."Most of the "explained" cases are honest examples ofmistaken identity, Fawcett said. "In m y experience, onlyabout 1 percent turn out to be hoaxes."Since leaving LC, Fawcett has worked for a textilemill, as a journalist, and (primarily) as the director of sev-eral YMCAs. He and his wife also ran a sandw ich shop.Yet he has always found t ime to indulge his passion."I've been researching UFOs for 60 years," he said,"and it's brought me to a few conclusions. One, UFOsare real. Two, UFOs are not natural phenomena. Three,UFOs are not conventional objects. Four, UFOs are un-conventional objects with a high degree of technology.Five, UFOs are a threat to both natural security and hu-man survival.Not that he's ex pecting The War of the Worlds to starttomorrow. But Fawcett said he's heard enough cred iblereports of injuries and property damage caused by aliensand their crafts to buy into the "ET" image entirely."Some UFOs are friendly," he said, "and some arenot."

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    h t a ^ j g p i o t s ; , protrusions): SMPIJE/SKETCH; OP T H E O B J E C T

    (On ' separate sheet .p l ease;;sVetcva' staple m a p of tH e ^ area.'siipwtng1; jrpu? .position a/

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    saw have been a blimp?" Jones replied, "It was not ablimp because it had no gondola on the bottom, and blimpshave small wings-and these were not there. There wereno control surfa ces like a blimp has." In addition, the ob-ject was "2 or 3 times. larger than th e average blimp,"Jones said. Note also that th e Goodyear b l imps are192-feet long and do not create smoke rings.Jones said he felt "euphoric" at the tim e of the sightingand "for a week afterward I had an odd sensation, likeI'd seen a wreck." He reported th e sighting to MUFON'swebsite the same day it occurred.Jones believes he m ay hav e seen a sim ilar or identicalobject while on a family outing in Park City, Utah, ap-proximately 31 miles from Salt Lake City, several weeksafter the initial sighting . The second sighting was consid-erably briefer-a matter of seconds. Jones says he sawthe object and turned to alert his mother who was withhim. By the time he turned around, the object was nolonger v isib le. Jones says he is certain it was the sam e orvery sim ilar object.Jones is the son of a retired USA F officer and lived formany years near USAF bases, including Peterson AFBnear Colorado Springs, CO, where, in the company of hisfather and several other young men his own age, he sawUFOs on other occasions.Investigator Allen Arveseth interviewed Jones anddescribed him as "sober and nonexcitable." Subsequentto this sighting, Jones joined MUFON and is presentlyinvestigating a case. Interaction between Jones and theMUFON Utah State directors con firm the impression ofJones as a rational individ ual. Investigators find Jones tobe a credible witness.Planet found 100 light years away

    NEW SOUTH WALES-Australian an d British as -tronomers have found a Jupiter-like plan et 100 light yearsaway circling a star simila r to our own Sun. Hugh Jonesstated, "This is a leap forw ard in the search for planeta rysystems similar to earth's w hich m ight eventually revealwhether m ankind is indeed alone in the universe."The new planet has a mass similar to that of Jupiterand circles its star, Taul Gruis in the Grus or Crane con-stellation, once every four years. Most solar systems haveplanets that are strung out in a line similar to our own.Astronomers watch for stars that appear to wobblebecause of the effect of an associated planet's gravita-tional pull."

    N e w black capM U F O N has a new b l a c k c a p w i t h w h i t eMUFON logo to match the new field investigatorblack t-shirts (the caps also look great with th ewhite t-shirts). Screen printed is $8 + $3 S&H. Em-broidered is $15 + $3 S&H.MUFON, P.O. Box 369,Morrison, CO 80465-0369. (Check, MO, or cash,U.S. dollars.)

    SCI FI Channel to premiereSpielberg's TAKEN Dec. 2

    SCI FI Channel and DreamWorks Television airs thepremiere of Steven Spielberg's TAKEN on Dec. 2 at 9PM (et/pt). SCI FI will air more than 20 hours of this epicstorytelling over 10 consecutive weeknights (Dec 2-6 andDec 9-13, 9-11 PM). TAKEN is a sweeping drama thatweaves together the lives of three fam ilies over four gen-erations an d their crucial roles in the history of alien en -counters. Set against the backdrop of more than 50 yearsof American history, TAKEN is the most am bitious sci-fiproduction ever undertaken fo r television.The grand story of the Keys; Crawford, an d Clarkefamilies is told through the voice of Allie (Dakota Fan-ning), a ten-year-old girl whose journey is at the heart ofTAKEN. From the skies over France during W W II throughthe modern tales of abduction that began with the 1977release of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the de-cades of secrets unravel.In addition to Fanning (Cat in the Hat, I Am Sam), thestellar roster of cast includes Catherine De nt (The Shield),Joel Gretsch (Minority Report), Eric Close (Without ATrace), Steve B urton (The Last Castle), Julie Benz ( B u f f ythe Vampire Slayer), Anton Yelchin (Hearts of Atlantis),James McDanie l (NYPD Blue), Desmond Harrington(Ghostship), W illie Garson (Sex in the City), Matt Frewer(Max Headroom), Ryan Hurst (Remember the Titans),Ryan Earl Merriman (Veritas), Heather Donahue (BlairWitch Project), Adam Kaufman ( B u f f y The VampireSlayer), Andy Powers (Oz), Chad Donella (Smallville),Chad Morgan (Pearl Harbor), Emily Bergl (Carrie 2),James Kirk (Once Upon A Christmas) an d MichaelMoriarity (Law & Order).SCI FI Chann el transmits programs to 78 million homes.Launched in 1992, it features cinem atic hits, new and origi-na l series, and special events, as well as classic sci-fi,f a n t a s y , a n d h o r r o r p r o g r a mmi n g . C h e c k o u tSCIFI.COM, the SC I FI Channel's award-winning W ebsite, at

    Check your mail ing labelPlease check your mailing label periodically for theexpirat ion date of your MUFON membersh ip andM U F O N UF O Journal subscription. Ren ew ing prior toexpiration saves MUFON needed funds, and assures thatyou will no t miss an issue of the Journal.November 2002 MUFON UFO Journal Page 13

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    Recent Bigfoot activity reported in PennsylvaniaBy Stan GordonPA UFO/Fortean Hotline 24 hours (724-838-7768)[email protected] JJ^'1 , " . ' . ; -T-V " ' ' " - . . ' ' ' , ' - , . - .

    0h Sept. 28 ,2002 ,1 received a phone call from a manwhoiTeported that recently two members of his familyhad observed on separate occasions an unusual creaturethat resembled the description of a Bigfoot. The mostrecent inc ident had occurred on Sept. 27, 2002, and w asa close-range daylight observation by his wife. .The man said that he thought that I should be madeaware of what w as happening, but he strongly expressedthat the ide ntities of those involved, as well as the actuallocation of the sighting, not be made public.My wife Debbie and I responded immediately to thearea. The incidents took place in Derry Township inWestmoreland County. The location was remote, and wasmade up of many, acres of dense woods. W e were greetedby the family members, who were very cordial, and wespent most of the afternoon qu estion ing the observers andlooking over the sighting locations.W e learned that the first incident had occurred abouttw o weeks before. The teenage son was the first to havean encounter with the strange creature. The event tookplace on or about Wednesday, Sept. 11,2002, at around 6PM. The young m an appeared to be a very serious indi-vidual, and carefully revealed the details of what occurred.The sighting took place just as the sun was going down.He was riding his bicycle on the family property w henhe heard crashing sounds originating from a wooded area.There w ere sounds as though some thing was hitting a logand brea king branches. He stopped to listen, and his at-tention was drawn towards a fence and tree line about300 feet away where he saw "a big brown human-look-ing thing, but very tall."The creature was moving along the area, and therewere some clearings where the creature could be ob-served at times. The witness described the creature asgenerally man-like, about 8 feet tall, an d covered withdark brown hair.The creature w as broad shouldered, had very long arms,and the head w as not perfectly round, but somew hat coneshaped. The creature, which took very long steps, wasoccasionally swinging its arms as it moved, and was slightlybent forward as it wa lked ("It leaned over whe n i twalked.")The observation lasted about 30 seconds. The boy hur-ried hom e to tell his father about what he had seen. Theyboth we nt back to the location, but nothing m ore was ob-served.Then on Friday, Sept. 27 , 2002, at about 2 PM, thewife of the caller was driving up a road ne ar the woodedarea where the first sighting ha d taken place. She heard asound like limb s an d trees breaking com ing from he r left,an d she stopped.There are a lot of deer in those woods, and she was

    concerned that some deer were about to run across theroad and could hit her vehicle. She was talking to herhusband on the cell phone at the time. Sud denly about 45yards away, she was startled to see a creature emergefrom a clearing in the woods.She said that wha t she saw was tall and m an-like, andwas estimated at about 8 feet tall. It was covered all overwith long brown hair w hich looked to be about 12 inchesin length. The creature's arms hung to the knees, an dlong hair was hanging down from the arms. The creaturehad "big shoulders." .The witness w atched as the creature moved from thewood line and crossed a field for a distanc e of about 100feet. The creature, which w as slightly hunched as it moved,took big steps, an d quickly covered a lot of distance. Thecreature did not swing its arms as it moved across thefield.At the end of the field was a barbed wire fence. Whatamazed the witness was that the creature never sloweddown or hesitated as it approached the fence line. Itcrossed the fence without breaking stride. The witnesswatched as the creature just raised it's leg over the fence."It just walked over the fence."W hen I measured the height of the barbed w ire wherethe creature crossed, it was 44 inches off the ground.The creature never looked towards the vehicle. Thewom an w as describing to her husband via the cell phonewhat she was seeing. She said that suddenly she becamescared, and felt the need to "leave quickly."In neither case was any odor detected. We searchedthe nearby woods and field for any signs of footprints orother evidence, but the hard and leaf covered terrain re-vealed nothing unusual. The boy and other family mem-bers are avid hunters, and know the woods well. Theyare familiar with the local wildlife.They know there are bears in the local woods. Thewitnesses are certain that wh at they saw w as not a bear.The boy m entioned that in the last week or so, they havenoticed that they are not seeing many deer, which is un-usual.It is my o pinion that these people are sincere, and con -cerned about these recent encounters. They wish no pub-licity, but would like to know more about what these crea-tures are. They have heard talesof similar Bigfoot sightingswhich have occurred in past years from various locationsaround this area.Researcher 's Note:As I approached the vicinity of the sig hting location, Ireflected back on m any memories. I had made m any tripsin this general area during 1973, when a major outbreakof Bigfoot sightings was o ccurring. N ot far aw ay is theChestnut Ridge.Historically, numerous alleged Bigfoot sightings haveoccurred in locations near the ridge which extends fromPreston County, W.V A. through Westmo reland, Ind iana,an d Fayette Counties in Pennsylvania.

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    Filer's FilesBy George A. Filer

    Director, MUFON Eastern Region

    George Filer

    Unless otherwise noted, these reports have no t been ver if iedby off icial invest ig at ions.Triangular light format ion in VermontWALDEN On Sept. 8, 2002, the witness was stay-ing at a friend's house in Northern V ermont and w atchedan impressive display of the Northern Lights early in theevening. The witness says," I fell asleep on the couchand awoke around 3 AM and decided to take my sleepingbag onto the deck to sleep under the stars. W hile star-gazing I noticed what appeared to be a satellite trackingfrom south to north. ."Upon further observation I no-ticed that the object was being fol-lowed by two additional lights of thesame size. All three were equidis-tant, forming a very distinct trianglepattern. Th e lights were about 1.5-2 times brighter than the surround-ing stars. I continued to follow theobjects as they tracked steadily tothe north."After the sighting I observedtwo brief flashes, similar to a mir-ror at a great distance reflecting sunlight. The flasheswere quite brief bu t 3-4x brighter than the stars. Theseoccurred about a minu te apart from each other and wereoverhead in the area."NUFORC Note: We are aware of the U. S. Navy"NOSS" satellites which currently are in orbit, but theyare not in a polar orbit, to the best of our knowledge.Also, they probably would not be visible at 3 AM, sincethey probably wou ld be in the Earth's shadow at that time.Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORCFlying tr iangle in N ew YorkONEIDA The witness reports, "On Sept. 8, 2002,at 4 PM on the highw ay in Little Falls there were peopledriving slowly an d some people were out of their carspointing up. Flying in the sky was a yellow triangle withyellow pulsin g lights, then it disappeared and left a smoketrail like a jet in the shape of a triangle." Thanks to PeterDavenportOrbiting "UfO" likely an Apollo rocketSomething odd is circling ou r planet. It's small, per-haps only 60-ft long, and rotates once every minute.Amateur astronomer Bill Yeung first spotted the 16thma gnitude speck of light on Sept. 3, and named it J002E 3.It mig ht be a spacecraft after allan old one from Earth.Apparently, J002E3 left Earth in 1971, went around the

    Sun 30 or so times, and came back again. D r. Paul Chodas,an expert in planetary mo tion who has seen plenty of com -plicated orbits, says, "I've nev er seen anything like this."NASA scientists have confirmed the first known captureof an object into Earth orbit from a Sun-centered orbit,thanks to continuing observations of what is most likelythe long-lost third stage of a 1969 Apollo rocket to theMoon."Last week we didn't know for sure that it had beencaptured, and now there's no doubt that it was capturedin April of this year," said Chodas, of the Near-E arth ObjectProgram Office at NASA's Je t Propulsion Laboratory,Pasadena, Calif."What's more, we are virtually certain that it origi-nally escaped Earth orbit in March, 1971, an d that it willescape again next June. It's only a temporary visitor."Thanks to NASA.Hovering saucer in New YorkCENTRAL SQUARE In upstate NY, on Sept. 8,2002, the witness saw out his window at 1 AM, whatappeared to be the reflection of police lights. When theygo t closer she realized it was a hovering saucer-shapedobject high in the western sky.The witness said, "The top was shining brightly w ithred, green, and blue lights, and the bottom had a verybright white light. It would spin very fast-"it looked likethe toy top I played with as a child"-and then it wouldslow down and hover up and dow n, and suddenly disap-peared. This sighting lasted 45 minutes."At 2 AM, I received a phone call from a lady friendtraveling from Cicero who saw the same object. Lastnight, we patiently waited at our homes three miles apart,and about 9:30 PM the same object returned and hoveredfor over 2 hours. My friend called North Syracuse andher friend could also see it. She also located anoth erfriend three m iles south in Brewerton who could also seeit. My husband and I have captured the object on videotape." Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORCCylindrical object in NewJerseyCALIFON On Sept. 8, 2002, using his telescopethe witness spotted a stationary cylindrical object com-posed of a black inner disk and an outer ring that con-tained seemingly thousand s of rapidly pulsatin g and rotat-ing lights of constantly changing colors. The witness says,"A t 9:45 PM, I first saw what appeared to be a big starthat was changing colors from red to blue to green. Look-ing through the telescope, I saw a very deliberately shapedcircle of thousands of light grids that were pulsing an drotating. The colors were distinct. A significantly smaller

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    round object was flying around the large object in a ran-dom pattern. It was definitely a manufactured object. Asecond observer also looked through ,the telescope, andagreed the colors were indescribable and changed withina fraction of a second, and never slowed down pulsating.Each time it changed, it wasn't one solid color on theobject."White l ights hover over hou se in FloridaCOCOA BEACH It was Sept. 19, 2002, when thewitness went ou tside at 9 PM to smoke a cigarette. Hesaw what he thought were F-16 fighters. The witnesssaid, "I live near NASA and a military base, so it's notunusual. I watched three bright white lights go from par-allel to vertical w ithin a half second, whic h made me payeven more attention."The lights started heading west towards me, so I stoodand aw aited the m to fly over. I used to be a flight atten-dant an d live with an airline captain. The three lightsapproached slowly, then stopped exactly above my house,and I was able to see it was one craft not three. It wasnot noisy unti l it was above me."I watched in disbelief as it hovered above me forroughly 50 seconds. Th e craft was triangular/chevron,and was about 500 feet above me. W hen the craft disap-peared I called the police an d reported m y sighting. Acouple of minutes later, I heard sirens from both policean d fire department, and within 40 minutes saw a heli-copter land in the vicinity of where I had first seen thelight dancing. I felt pure awe." Thanks to Sue Darroch,Para Researchers o f O n t a r i o , passes overhead in North Caro lina

    CHARLOTTE The witness reports, "O n Sept.15,2002, my friends and I were on Lake Wylie fishing at2:30 AM. W e were startled as two cone-shaped objectspassed overhead at high speed. No sound cam e from theobjects; only a trail of blue light follow ed the objects."Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORCSightings continue in Washington StateSPOKANE The witness reports, "I am writing toupdate you on the continuingan d regular sightings of un-explained aircraft an d lights in the night skies that beganin early February, 2002. The sightings have occurred nearlyevery night since that time. The activity appears to be

    cyclical, in that there will be a day or two of intense activ-ity (10 or more objects per night), followed by severaldays of sporad ic ac tivity (1 to 3 objec ts per night)."All of this ac tivity is focuse d on or near Tower Moun-tain, a large h ill about 15 miles SE of Spokane upon whichsi t a number of radio and television towers, as well assome large m icrow ave transmitters. I have observed avariety of craft, including balls of light, with no other dis-cernible features. These objects tend to flare to incred-ible brightness when they stop and reverse direction. Nosound is associated w ith these objects."I have also observed a variety of craft which sound

    like jet aircraft, but which do not perform or have theflight characteristics of large jet aircraft. I have observedthese craft fly over my location, an d appear much like acom mercial passenger jet. How ever, I have then observedthem rum toward the towers, flying below, and some-times between, the towers at a very slow speed-thenchange direction, descend, an d disappear at the base ofon e of the towers."I am sure that there are no runways up there-par-ticularly one large enough to accommodate a large je taircraft. On occasion I have also observed what appearto be boomerang or V-shaped aircraft. I have also ob -served lights or craft rise up from the area and fly away."Within the last week I have also noted some activityof wha t must be some new type of helicopter. A t night itoperates with only a bright red strobe which flashes er-ratically, and it is very quiet when compared w ith a regu-lar helicopter. I have noticed it flying in the vicinity ofTower Mountain. But I want to stress that even though itappears to be a n ew type of helicopter, I can s till identifyit as such. I am not able to identify the other lights an dobjects I have described above."I am also going to include my em ail address at the endof this mail and make an urgent request for assistancefrom any reputable investigator who would be w illing toresearch this ongoing pattern of sightings. I have donemy best to document what has been going on. In my view,this could be-an d I stress could be , because I don't knowwhat is going on-a very real and serious natio nal securityrisk." See photos at: FF UFO CENTER PHO T O S.Thanks to ESS [email protected] of light nearly collide in MinnesotaWILLERNIE/STILLWATER The couple weredriving down the road wh en they spotted two balls of lightin the southwest sky on Sept. 3 ,2002 , The two decided tofollow, and came to a clearing about 10:30 PM, w hen theballs started moving towards each other almost like theywere going to collide. The witness reports, "They got soclose to each other that we could only see one ball of lightas they w ere passing each other. After they passed eachother, the one on the left disappeared."The on e moving to the right stopped and circled upand down an d left or right. It was changing colors fromred to white to an almost glowing blue/green, and it lookedlike it was spinning. W e watched it hover for 15 to 20minutes. W e were in awe as we had never seen anythinglike it before." Thanks to Peter DavenportSphere photographed in FloridaBROOKS VILLE According to the witness, "Theycame from different directions Sept. 4, 2002, about 8:30PM, and met in the middle, but never touched. Theystayed in one spot, then each went back the way theycame, all but one went to the east. It flew slow ly like itw as just cruising fo r maybe three minutes, then it flewlike a shot east!"You could see them very good! There were airplanesflying around. Two 707s were headed for Tampa, and

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    this helped us to see the spheres were higher than theplanes." Thanks Peter Davenport NUFORCFlying V in ArizonaW EST PH OENIX Joy F. was sitting outside at 1:30AM, observing the night sky when she saw two planesflying east at high altitu de on Sept. 14,2002. Most planesare lower com ing into landing pattern for the airport. Shethought that was odd, so she ran into the house for bin-oculars and started look ing at the aircraft lights.Joy says, "I was just panning the sky, marveling at allthe stars I could see with the binoculars as opposed tonaked eye, and all of a sudden there appears in my viewan object at low altitude flying southw est-like that was V -shaped and all lit up. I was lo okin g north when I saw theV, possibly putting it over Glendale."This was no t just a few poin ts of ligh t in the shape ofa V, but more like the light those shake and break tubesthe kids use at Hallow een. I was amazed as I concen-trated on it. It might have turned, as the V was not allthat distinguishable anymore.

    "I got u p to track it, but lost it. I could not see anythingmo ving w ith the naked eye. It's almost as if this thingwas not visible to the naked eye, but maybe the binocu-lars acted like nigh t vision?" Thanks to Joy phx.Joyfu96337Light formations in IllinoisCHICAGO On Sept. 15, 2002, at 10:40 PM, twoobservers, 20 and 25-year-old students at the School ofthe Art Institute, were at the Buckingham Fountain onthe Lake Michigan w aterfront looking at the stars. Thewitness reports, "All of a sudden, two bright lights cameou t of the west moving very rapidly towards the east.They were four times the d iam eter of a bright star, and itlooked like they were made up of four lights: three orangelights surrounding a yellow one in the center."The tw o objects were flying about three inches fromeach other at my arm's length. They were flying so per-fectly in form ation that at first I thought it was one object.I yelled to my girlfriend, who looked up to see the objects.As they approached the east horizon they started doingsome w eird, non-ballistic maneuvers that told me it wastwo separate objects mo ving quickly back and forth closerto each other, and then farther apart. W e watched themuntil they disappeared out of sight." Thanks to PeterDavenport NUFORCObjects reported in CaliforniaWINNETKA The witness reports, "We saw fiveobjects, three in a row, going downward in the sky andone on each side at 2:30 AM on Sept. 19, 2002. Theobjects had flashing lights of different colors. W e wereable to see them better with binoculars in the eastern SanFernando Valley, an d tried to capture them with a digitalcamera, but the battery died. I am an employee of apublic utility, and my husband is a welder. We are notusually awake at this hour, but we were preparing to goon vacation.

    Beam of l ight in OregonPORTLAND An amateur astronomer and avia-tion enthusiast reports that on Sept. 17, 2002, "I saw afluorescent blue/purple beam like a thin streak of light-ning descend from the sky to the ground at 11:30 PM.This beam was relatively dim, bu t very clearly connectedto the ground 1/4-mile south from my location. Follow ingthe beam upwards, it grew dimm er with distance, becom-ing invisible to the eye at about 250 meters; higher up, Ispotted an aircraft flying at 2,500 feet moving south witha steady dim red light between tw o white strobes."The strobes were blinking together, at an interval oftwo quick strobes in rapid succession separated by 3/4second between bursts. The strange beam appeared tobe literally connected to this aircraft, although at that dis-tance I could not confirm this due to the beam becomingtoo dim at that altitude."As the craft passed overhead the angle of the beamchanged precisely as if it was fixed to a ground location .The width was a toothpick held at arm's length. I lostsight of the aircraft several times, but needed o nly to fol -low the path of this beam upw ards to relocate the aircraft 'sposition. The angle of the beam changed from an angle of60 to 90 degrees straight up, and to 45 degrees preciselyin unison with the aircraft as though it were a tether at -tached to the aircraft and fixed to the ground."Through my bino culars the beam appeared un-solid,quite wide, and wavy, similar to lightning or electricity. Iawoke my wife, and she confirmed what I was seeing. Idrove in my car to directly below the beam in about aminute, but it disappeared. The total duration of this sightingwas eight minutes."M y father is an international pilot, and we have dis-cussed the many highly strange natural phenomena thathe observes re gularly du ring his flight paths over the At-lantic and Pacific Oceans and the Arctic. My under -standing is that this phenom enon is completely unique."Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC

    UFO o v er bridge in CanadaMONTREAL, QUEBEC The witness was drivingsouth on the Cham plain Bridge Sept. 27, 2002, during arainy night and cau ght something ou t of the corner of hiseye. At the high est point of the bridge he saw w hat lookedliked a plane flying extremely low.Th e witn ess stated, "The lights flew over the bridge ina horizontal flight pattern (it slowed down when crossingover the bridge). I then had a good look at the light for-mation at 7:40 PM. It then increased speed, wh ere itbroke its flight line at a right angle g oing u p into the skyover St-Lambert."As I was driving under the structure, I realized thatwhat I was looking at was not a plane or an ything else Ihad seen before. It seemed that cars slowed dow n. I wasstunned. Th e basic shape of the craft looked like a smallsquare w hich is wider at the top, almost like a truncatedtriangle or a geometric 'U ' that widens ha l fway up. Thewhole thing was the size of a small truck." Thanks toBrian Vike.

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    Secrets in the Fields The Science and Mysticismof Crop Circles by Freddy Silva, Hampton Roads Pub-lishing Co., Inc., Charlottesville, VA 22902,7X9 soft cover,3 34 pages, $19.95.Reviewed by Dwight ConnellyTo say that this is a com prehen sive look at crop circlesis actually somewhat of an understatement, as Silva cov-ers virtually every aspect of thephe-nomenon in considerable detail.A graphic designer an d advertisingpro, he first got involved with cropcircles in 1990while working in Chi-cago. The evening news showed animage of a circle in the East Field ofAlton Barnes in Eng land. Silva recallsthat he was "enraptured by the imageon the TV, o b l i v i o u s to thecommentator's voice and everything elsearound me. . . .Why did this image of acrop circle have such an effect, over-coming my normal sense of time andspace?"Even though he was an art director,he did not consider th e possibility thatthe "art" in that field could have been m an made. Nor didhe jum p to the other extreme of assuming UFO involve-ment."No," he says, "what I was seeing was a sugg estivesymbol, and I was transfixed by it as it rambled across tomy'inruitive right brain, bypassing the left hemisphere ofreason, as if a master hypnotist's rhythmic pass of thehand ha d induced a trance. The symbol made perfectsense to me. It was familiar, like a message I had sentmyself a long time ago."Thus began a quest by the author to understand thephenomenon, first with book s, then summers in England(Silva is a British subject). "I was consumed," he ex -plains, "and in turn, the quest consumed a fourteen-yearmarriage to my best friend, and I lost both. Beautifulhouse, beautiful life, an d bountiful finances gone, I re-turned to my 'studies' in England."Although Silva's interest did not begin nor end with ascientific approach, he has sought to incorporate in to thisbook much of what scientifically-oriented researchershave discovered, including the work of BLT (Burke,Levengood, T albott), no w headed by Nancy Talbott. Still,the thrust of Secrets of the Fields is more toward mysti-cism than in the direction of known science.Part 1 of this intriguing book looks at the history of thecrop circle phenomenon up to the present, while Part 2provides a detailed description of the evidence that S ilvaha s gathered, "moving from the left brain of science tothe right brain of metaphysics." Included in detail are suchdiverse elements as electromagnetism, balls of light, theUFO phenom enon, the languag e of symbols, geometry,

    sound, strategic p lacement, Earth energy, psychic ability,healing, and "therelationships among the levels of realityin the Universe."Silva uses the term "crop circles" as the general term,"crop formations" or "patterns" when describing shapesincorporating several elements, and "crop glyphs" whendiscussing complex designs. Each of these is well illus-trated w ith excellent d rawings and photos, as one wo uldexpect from an art director, and the 16 pages of colorphotos of crop circles are quite impressive.He says the choice of Britain as the prime location forcrop circles "suggests a well-orchestrated plan. They ref-erence sacred sites in a country brim-ming with ancient markers, where suchsites are still honored, where the studyof esoteric knowledge survives, andwhose language is understood through-out the world, enabling information to bedisseminated on a vast scale."In terms of "whythese 'encyclope-dias in plants ' come to our attention

    now," Silva suggests "several factors"that "mark ou r time as more favorablefor an interaction between ou r dimen-sion and others."He cites, for example, the Mayancalendar, saying, "Possibly the most cel-ebrated date in this masterpiece is 2012A.D. Th e Maya believed that on wintersolstice of that year an align me nt between our solar sys-tem and the Milky W ay will trigger a time of spiritual,acceleration',' (John Major Jenkins, Maya Cosmogenesis2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar EndDate. 1998.Santa Fe: Bear & Co.).Silva further suggests, "Likewise, the Aztec calendarshows tha t we are at the end of a 13 ,000-year cycle, andthat significant changes in the Earth and in human con-sciousness are predestined like clockwork."Th e book features an extensive bibliography, providingreaders with the opportunity to evaluate the author's manysources of information, and there is also a good index.Those who are ready to accept "New Age science"an d mysticism will find plenty in this book to fortify theirviews. Those no t qui te ready for such a leap from tradi-tional science can still find great art work, impressive pho-tos, an d interesting ideas in Secrets of the Fields.

    2002 Symposium ProceedingsThe MUFON 2002 International U FO SymposiumProceedings book is now available from MUFONHead quarters for $25 + $2.50 p&h (U.S.). For deliver-ies outside of the United States an additional $4.00 post-age (total $6.50) is required.The book contains the papers presented at the an-nual MUFON Symposium in Rochester, New York, byWill iam J. Birnes, Richard Dolan, Timothy Good,Bet ty Hil l , B i l l Hamil ton, Budd Hopkins, .DavidJacobs, Don Ledger, Peter Robbins , Jeffrey W.Sainio, Chris Styles an d Richard Thieme.Page 18 MUFON UF O Journa l N ovember 2002

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    More info from Staff wantedDear Mr. Connelly,I am a certified field investigator for MUFON in SanDiego. When I read Virgil Staff's review of Allies ofHumanity 1 was motivated to read it at their website an dthen to listen to the audio tape. I write this letter in thehope that you mig ht share it with the readers.Mr . Staff, MUFON W estern Regional Director, wrote:"Of Tremendous Significance, The Allies of Humanitybooklet is the most im portan t material I know in the fieldof Ufology. Some of its contents we already know, bu tthere is very much that is new. In fact, I would presumethjs booklet ties everything together that is truly importantto us here at this time. There is also other m aterial avail-able that will prepare us for what is coming on us atpresent. I usually avoid the work of channelers, but thismaterial is so vital, that it is hoped as many people aspossible will give this the ir consideration." .It is difficult for me to understand why Mr. Staff wouldstate that The Allies of Humanity book "is the most im-portant material I know in the field of Ufology." Thereare so many channelers out there, each giving us theirversion of what the extraterrestrials are up to, some ofthem for many years. So why wo uld he accept this oneand dismiss all the others?It is not my intention to debunk channelers. I spent fiveyears directing a project at the University of Alabamacalled "Project Outer Lim its: to research an d explore theouter limits of hum an potential." Du ring that time I be-

    came aware that the potential fo r human beings is farbeyond anything we can imagine. However, becausesomething mig ht be possible does not mean th at it is prob-able.I will acknowledge that the book presents a new andunique version of the UFO-alien story that is very differ-ent from any of the others I have heard. H e, like so manyothers, claims to be the "one true source." However, hisvalidation, he says, is the confirm ation deep in us that tellsus this is true."Other channelers w ith very different views make verysimilar statements when asked to give valida tion for wha tthey present to us."This is a natural event we are experiencing with theIntervention. W e gain access to it through our spirituality,through Kn ow ledge, because that is our natural spiritual-ity. It's not our idealistic spirituality. It's not the spiritualitythat we'd like to have, or that we've read about. It's ournatural knowing. And our natural knowing tells us whatto trust and what not to trust, wh en som ething is right andwhen something is wrong, when to go and when to notgo, when to say yes and when not to say yes. And soultimately, as Jesus used to say, for those who have eyesand ears, for those who can really hear this and see thisand kno w this, that's the validation."

    He says he is a spiritual teacher, bu t dismisses the va -lidity of any other spiritual movement: He states that theproblem with UFOs is that many people try to wed thisphenomena to their spiritual beliefs. Yet, it seems to methis blending is exactly w hat he is doing.A lot of the thing s he says do not seem to fit together.He says the "allies" are out there in the beyond some-where, observin g all these activities, but cannot interferewith the outcome. However, in his scenario, are they notinfluencing the outcome when they give us this informa-tion in the hope that we will act in accordance with whatthey have revealed to us?They (the allies) also tell us that there are m any differ-ent kinds of visitors. Are they all trying to com pete w itheach other to see who gets to take us over-or are they allworking together in one large coalition?In the November issue of the M U F O N U FO JournalI read an article by Jim Deardorff, "Is There An AlienStrategy?" This piece was an effort to speculate aboutalien strategy, based on knowledge and facts that investi-gators have acquired over time. .

    Th e Allies of Humanity presents a scenario that re-quires a level of "suspension of disbelief," for acceptance.Th e Deardorff article, in contrast, is a well written, schol-arly effort to bring the data together to support likely pos-sibilities.I would be hearing more from Mr. Staffas to why he recomm ended this book so highly.--Ron Stadsklev, [email protected] follow-up

    In response to an inquiry from a reader regarding theanalysis of a piece of metal in the Aurora case reportedby Chris Aubeck in th e August , 2002, Journal, Mr.Aubeck provides the following:

    Further to our recent exchange regarding the fragmentfound at Aurora, Dr. Tom Gray has kind ly given me thefo