mufon ufo journal - 1980 9. september

™MUFON UFO JOURNAL NUMBER 151 SEPTEMBER 1980 Founded 1967 lOFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF S1.50 MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, INC.i Human-powered "Gossamer Albatross"; concept has received NASA research support for future extreme altitude aircraft (NASA photo)

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Page 1: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September


Founded 1967




Human-powered "Gossamer Albatross"; concept has received NASA research support for futureextreme altitude aircraft (NASA photo)

Page 2: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September


103 Oldtowne Rd.Seguin, Texas 78155


ANN DRUFFELAssociate Editor


MILDRED BIESELEContributing Editor



Humanoid Study Group

PAUL CERNYPromotion/Publicity


LUCIUS PARISHBooks/Periodicals/History


ROSETTA HOMESPromotion/Publicity

TED PHILLIPSLanding Trace Cases




DENNIS HAUCKEditor/Publishers Emeritus

The MUFON UFO JOURNAL ispublished by the Mutual UFONetwork, Inc., Seguin, Texas.Membership/Subscription rates:$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.;$16.00 foreign. Copyright 1980 bythe Mutual UFO Network. Secondclass postage paid at Seguin,Texas. POSTMASTER: Send form3579 to advise change of addressto The MUFON UFO JOURNAL,103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas78155.

FROM THE EDITORWith this issue we pass the mark of 150 consecutive publications of

the Journal (and its predecessor "Skylook"), an accomplishment ofsome note. As our International Director will confirm, it has not alwaysbeen easy. Inflation, constantly rising costs of paper and printing,postal increases, and other factors have led to subscription price in-creases.

On top of all this - after recently priding ourselves on a goodrecord of on-time publication - circumstances beyond our control haveput us behind schedule temporarily. Please bear with us; we are takingall steps necessary to get back on schedule and to continue upgradingthe quality of articles and news reporting. I have been personallygratified by the friendly and supportive comments of the readers, butcritical comments also would be helpful.

With a continuing "Mutual" effort, we will strive to make theJournal a valuable source of information, opinion, discussion, andcritical evaluation. Your participation in this process is important.

In this issue




NET NEWS 11By David L. Dobbs



By G.A. PenningtonMOVE REVIEW ("Hangar 18") 16

By Barbara MatheyIN OTHER'S WORDS 19


By Walt Andrus

MOVIE REVIEW ("Hangar 18")

The contents of The MUFON UFO JOURNALare determined by the editor, and do not neces-sarily represent the official position of MUFON.Opinions of contributors are their own, and donot necessarily reflect those of the editor, thestaff, or MUFON. Articles may be forwardeddirectly to MUFON.

Permission is hereby granted to quote from thisissue provided not more than 200 words arequoted from any one article, the author of thearticle is given credit, and the statement "Copy-right 1980 by The MUFON UFO JOURNAL,103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas" is included.

Page 3: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September



By Walter H. Greenawald(MUFON Field Investigator)

In early August 1979, I becameaware of a singular UFO sighting inCanoga Park, Calif., reported in theSan Fernando Valley Chronicle August2nd. I contacted Sandy Sand at the pa-per inquiring if other UFO sightingshad been noted. Publication of thisevent apparently led to other UFO wit-nesses stepping forward, although cau-tiously in some cases, and reportingother occurrences. Ultimately, this con-tact resulted in my intervew and sub-sequent involvement in this small sight-ing wave.

The UFO events uncovered weremainly in the Canoga Park and Resedaarea of the San Fernando Valley, ahighly residential suburban area ap-proximately 25 miles NW of Los Ange-les. Through the cooperation of theChronicle and the witnesses themselvesI was able to gather information on 12sightings (See Table). These events arespotted on a map showing relativelocations.

' In two cases I have corroboratingevidence from independent witnesseswho stated that they did not know ofthe other party. After an article in theChronicle August 9th, Shari N. calledme and volunteered her story about aseemingly innocuous NL which shesaw in the same time frame as the Chil-ders on July 25. During our initial dis-cussion she admitted to a time lapseand some strange physiological effects.After I explained what may have hap-pened she agreed that at least one re-gressive hypnosis session was in order.Generally, excellent cooperation wasobtained from most witnesses ... onlyone family requested anonymity. Mostother witnesses did not mind if theirnames were used in connection withtheir UFO sighting.

Three cases appear to have high,validity and merit:

* C ChildersNL 7/25/79 3 to 4 a.m.D Shari N. NL 7/25/79 3:15 a.m.

Arrangements have been madewith an experienced psychologist,skilled in hypnotic regression, and atleast one session will be attempted todetermine the possibility of an abduc-tion.

* H Peacock NL 8/3/79 9:15 p.m.I Palmer NL 8/3/79 9:15 p.m.

Corroboration of events from thesetwo independent witnesses, unknownto each other and at significantly differ-ent sites, make this an excellent sight-ing. The fine report turned in by Mrs.Palmer allowed an estimate of size andaltitude of the object to some degreeof precision.

* E Pearson DD 7/25/79 7:15 a.m.The multiple witnesses at one loca-

tion plus the two unknown policemanmake this an interesting DD case.More investigative effort will be donewhen time permits to learn the identi-ty of the two officers. The police, ifthey know anything, are not cooperat-ing.

One IFO resulted ... Mrs. NancyZabka after reading the article in theAugust 16th Chronicle phoned me andgave me this account. At 10 p.m. onthe 18th of August she was in her backyard and noted a strange arrangementof lights toward the SW horizon. Shecalled others in the family to watch.They all could hear a noise like a heli-copter but couldn't make out the lightpattern. Several days later she was dis-cussing this event with a neighbor whoalso observed the phenomena but at adifferent vantage point ... it turned outto be a special sign aboard a helicopterspelling out a congratulatory messageover a house in Hidden Hills, an ex-

clusive housing development adjacentto the Zabka's.

As a result of this moderate andlocal sighting flap I was interviewed bythe Chronicle and have agreed toauthor a weekly UFO column for aslong as the interest is there on the partof the readers. At least there will be alocal reporting center for UFO sight-ings if only temporary.

Efforts will continue in a cautiousevaluation of the sighting of Shari there appears to be the possibilityof an abduction.

Childers Sighting - C

Location: Canoga Park, Calif.Date: 25 July 1979 3:00 to 4:00 a.m.(Night)Witnesses: Dean Childers, 19 and a stu-dent at Pierce College; Mrs. MickeyChilders, mother and housewife; An-other family member who prefersanonymity.Sighting: Mrs. Childers was awakenedby barking neighborhood dogs and gotup to check on the disturbance. Fromher bedroom window (2nd floor) shesaw a white glowing mass low in thesky over the Chatsworth Reservoir (Nto NE) ... looking like a sparkler. Sheawakened her son, Dean, and bothwent outside and watched the devicefor some time with binoculars and alow-powered refracting telescope fromthe back yard. Initially, the object ap-peared to be close with an apparentsize of 3/16". No sound.

Some time later the object rose toabout 45 degrees elevation where thefamily watched for about 25 minutes.During this time frame they noted red,green, and blue blinking lights on theobject, which appeared to climb to theE from a NNE direction. (Note: thereis a scintillating star in the northernsky at about this position and at the

(Continued on next page)

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(San Fernando, continued)

right time of morning.) The objectcontinued to climb to 15,000 - 20,000feet and then disappeared. Initially itappeared to be a white glowing spheri-cal object.

Dean reported three incidentswhich occurred after or during the-endof the major sighting. He saw some-what peripherally three separate flasheslike meteorites ... bright orange thingsoff to the E each only lasting threeseconds, about 5 minutes apart. It isnot known whether these incidentswere related to the major UFO seen.

Shari N. Sighting - D

Location: Canoga Park, Calif.Date: 25 July 1979Time: 3:15 a.m.Duration: Several minutesWitness: Shari N. (Due to the possibility

of an abduction, she shall remain in-cognito at least temporarily)Sighting: As Shari N. was driving southon Topanga Canyon at 3:15 a.m. andshortly before she came to the light atPlummer, she became alarmed at whatappeared to be an airplane about tocrash. Whatever it was, it was close andappeared to be hovering, no motionone way or the other. She sketchedthree fuzzy and adjacent white spheres.

As she stopped at the light atPlummer St. she further studied the ob-ject. She even rolled the driver's win-dow down but could hear no noise.Noting that there were no other carsaround and that there seemed to be alack of street lights and housing tractillumination, she became alarmed andran the red light and went home.

During my interview the followingabnormalities have emerged:

* She arrived home approximate-ly Vi. hour late - her husbandwas waiting up for her andwondered where she had been.(Shari is a cocktail waitress in awestern saloon in Chatsworthand normally the trip hometakes 12 to 15 minutes; thistime it was 45 minutes)

* She felt nauseous for severaldays after

* She noted large water blisterson the insides of her knees

* Her western hat was on the seatnext to her in the car - normal-ly she holds it in place with pinsas customers try to pull it off(she uses the hat also to holdher braid wig in place).

Shari is amenable to regressivehypnosis, commenting that whateverhappened during that missing half


Date Time Location

A 7/21/79 9:30-10:00 p.m. Simi Valley



















2:00 a.m.

3:004:00 a

3:15 a.m.

7:15 a.m.

11:00 p.m.


9:15 p.m.

9:15 p.m.

8:30 a.m.

Canoga ParkBassett & Vanowen

Canoga ParkPlatt & SaticoyCanoga ParkTopanga & Plummer

Canoga ParkOso & SaticoyWoodland HillsFallbrook & Dolorosa

ResedaVictory & TampaResedaRunnymeade & RheaCanoga ParkCorbin & LanarkCanoga ParkOso & Saticoy

K 8/4/79 10:35 p.m. Canoga Park

L 8/24/79 3:20 a.m.












WitnessesPerez family(5)4 UnknownTeenagers

Childers family(3)Shari N.0)Pearson & 6others (2 police)Hetman family(2)Mortillaro(2)Peacock0)Palmer0)George0)

CE-ISherman Way & Milwood

Canoga Park NLSherman Way & Royer




Glowing white ball with blinkingcolored lights, whirring noise.

Large white light making severalpasses, lit up ground.Large white glowing mass withcolored lights.

Impending air crash, physiologi-cal effects, time lapse.

Metallic hovering cylinder. Nonoise.

White lights, possible electro-magnetic effect.Saucer with blinking lights onbottom.Large red sphere with small whitelights at bottom.Large red sphere with featherybottom.Same thing seen by Pearson on7/25, different direction, witnessnot talking.Close approach of saucer, twohumanoids seen in clear bubbleat top.Close approach of pinkish/violetdisk.

1 Possible CE-III - regressive hypnosis recommended

Page 5: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

(San Fernando, continued)

'ho'ur she: wants to know what it was,good or bad.

— This' investigator has contacted-the_Califo!rnia State Hypnosis Associa--Jion-and has made tentative arrange-

ments for at least one hypnotic session.It should be noted that at the

TuruTof Shjiri's sighting at Topanga andPlummer, 'the Childers family was'watching a UFO in the same vicinity,ashers ... plotting the_azimuthsxfromboth-cases,on§"gets-goodjjgreernent as^to location. The Childers.famiryrefusesto. give this investigator their addressso that a sighting form can be mailedand more details established ... theyclaim theypublicity..

don't want any adverse

Peacock Sighting - H

Location: Canoga ParkTCali.fVDate: 3 Augusf 1979Time:-9fl5 to9:2Duration: 5 minutesWitness: Mrs. Doris Peacockt62)

Sighting: As Mrs. Peacock was in herback yard watering the garden she no-ticed a large roundish red object in theNW sky at an elevation angle of ap-proximately 45 degrees. She describedthe shape as that ofajight bulb withperhaps 20 smalKahd blinking whitelights at the bottom. Weather clear. Nonoise. No Bother Witnesses as her hus-

band was'gone for the evening. Afterwatching/the hovering object for ap-proximately 5 minutes, she noted thatit abruptly disappeared She wanted tocall/a neighbor out to see but her legwas in a cast somewhat restricting hermovements, and she really wanted to'continue observing the strange device... so she stayed and watched. She notedthat the object,flashed or bunked onand off .once^e very, several seconds.

This^sighting correlates well as todirectiorr?and time with that of Mrs.Palmer" about one mile west of her. Ihad difficulty in trying to get an appar-ent size (this is sometimes difficultwith older women). She filled out astandard MUFON sighting form appro-

priately and supplied a map of whereshe lived and the direction of the ob-ject. Her apparent size was "50 timesbigger than the moon." This was not

1 iised in UFO size calculations.

Palmer Sighting -1

Location: Canoga Park, Calif.Date: 3 August 1979Time:9:00to9:20p.m.Duration: 17 minutesWitness: Mrs. Evelyn Palmer (63)Sighting: "I first noticed the light as Ipassed the railroad track (near Nord-hoff). I had just left work to go homeat 9 p.m. I was going south on Corbinwhen I noticed it. It was bright redand was directly in front of me as Iglanced near the top of my windshield.When I first noticed it, I thought it'was a copter, but it did seem quitebright with no other colored lights andthey weren't blinking. Then when Istopped for the signal at Roscoe Blvd.I realized that it wasn't moving at all,just hanging there.

(Continued on next page)


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(San Fernando, continued)

"I then sped all the way home,hoping it would be there so my hus-band could see it. I also kept watchingthe light. I drove into the driveway,got out of the car, walked back to thesidewalk and looked to the north ... itwas still there. I ran into the house,called my husband but he was in thetub and couldn't come out. I wentoutside and it was still there. Then>Iran into the house for my binocularsbut I still could not see anything but abig red light. So then I watched it with-out binoculars. I noticed somethingsilver or grey drop slowly from it, butjust for a short distance. Almost im-mediately the red light went off andon several times, the object thenmoved very swiftly to the NE^thelight went off and it was gone. Iwatched a few seconds longer but"could not see it. I have never seen any-thing like it."

Mrs. Palmer estimated an apparentsize at Va," and an elevation angle of 60degrees. From this I calculated thatthe diameter of the object was approx-imately 80 feet and that it was at analtitude of about 8,000 feet. The loca-tion of the object (i.e., over Corbin atLanark) is corroborated by the direc-tion stated by Mrs. Peacock who livesabout one mile to the east of Mrs. Pal-mer. Neither lady claimed that sheknew the other so we can rule outcomplicity.

Mrs. Palmer called Channel 4(NBC) who said that they also had sev-eral other calls on UFOs that night. Nofollow-up was done in this area due tothe large number of calls being re-ceived at the Chronicle and at home.

Pearson Sighting - E

Location: Canoga Park, Calif.Date: 25 July 1979Time: 7:15 a.m.Witnesses: Ira Pearson, retired carpen-ter; Ejnar Anderson, retired; George

; Peter Kim, employee at Alta-DenaDairy store; Two unidentified police-men in a cruiser.Sighting: Ira Pearson was apparentlythe first to note the cylindrical UFO inthe western sky at 7:15 in the morning.Soon, all three of his retired buddies at

•V FO Sfen-By Maria Artur~&{ GrandsonCanoga Park, Calif.

August 4^1979


the same address noted the object.They all^described it; as teflecting^sun-light, apparently^metaljic^and tiltedon its side. Two witnesses^did notagree as to whether the ends wererounded or square. Pearson looked atit with binoculars; he reported that ithad square ends and was at 45 degrees.When it left, it tilted so that the axiswas vertical, then disappeared to thewest. Azimuth was 270 degrees, eleva-tion angle was 45 degrees. Duration 5minutes. No noise was detected.

Two policemen pulled up in acruiser and proceeded to watch appar-ently through binoculars. Several wit-nesses thought that they were takingpictures, but Peter Kim who was closeto them said that they had binoculars.Several phone calls from the reporterat the Chronicle were made to localpolice departments, but no detailswere made available as to who the twopolicemen were.

Artura Sighting - K

Location : Canoga Park, Calif.Date: 4 August 1979Time: 10:35 p.m.Duration: 5 to 10 minutesWitness: Mrs. Maria Artura (60)Sighting: As Mrs. Artura was baby-sitting her grandson, Brian Berstein,age 6, she was summoned by the ladtalking about a strange thing in the sky.Approaching from Topanga CanyonBlvd. in the west, she noted a roundand saucer shaped craft with a plasticdome on top. Inside, she said, weretwo humanoid creatures with over-

sized heads. No clear details of^hehumanoids were noted, and shescribgd the craftras shown in the at-tal;hed;.sk£tch-.:NoTibise was noted as

^the craft^approached and^jeemed tohover-^above^the^apartment buildingacross thV street,", within several hun-dred feet >or everWcloser. Mrs. Arturasaid that the saucer tilted to one side,straightened 'up (horizontal), then flewbehind a tree directl/across the street,stopped; tilted the otKer^way. Thecraft flew off to the west. Weather wasclear and warm. Both witnesses werevery scared. A neighbor, Mrs. Petten-gill, and three other witnesses also hada purported UFO^sighting from theirback yard in the same time frame.

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy(CAUS; P. 0. Box 4743, Arlington,VA 22204) has filed a set of lawsuitsagainst three federal agencies to obtaingovernment documentation on UFOs.The suits - filed in U.S. District Courtfor the District of Columbia on June24, 1980 - seek to obtain informationfrom the National Security Agency,the Defense Intelligence Agency, andthe Federal Aviation Administration.Paperwork accompanying the lawsuitssuggests that the United States Attor-neys are attempting to place the casewith a judge whose rulings have pre-viously been favorable to the federalgovernment. Spearheading the drivefor citizen access to government UFOinformation is lawyer Peter A. Gerstenof the law firm Rothblatt, Rothblatt& Seijas.

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A prophetic religious movement isa system of beliefs and practices, heldcollectively by a group of people,which "formalizes the conception ofthe relation between man and his envi-ronment" (Winick's definition of reli-gion, 1961, p.454) and predicts the re-newal and improvement of the worldat some forthcoming time. By examin-ing three ethnographic examples ofprophetic religious movements, I willpresent the evidence for the view thatsuch movements have several commonelements and are more than simply re-ligious attempts to escape from realitybased on misguided prophecies. Rather,the movements seem to emerge as a re-sponse to both certain social condi-tions and an "impulse" within humanconsciousness pushing human beliefsin a definite direction to produce socialchange.

The Ghost Dance religious move-ment of the North American Indiansemerged with great impact in 1890 af-ter a Paiute healing shaman called Wo-voka ("the Cutter") had a vision ofGod who ordered him to establish thenew movement.

All Indians must dance, everywhere,keep on dancing. Pretty soon in nextspring Great Spirit come ... All dead In-dians come back and live again ... WhenGreat Spirit comes this way, then allthe Indians go to mountains ... Thenwhile Indians .way up high, big floodcomes like water and all white peopledie. jet drowned. After that, water goway and then nobody but Indians ev-erywhere and game all kinds thick.-Wovoka, the Paiute Messiah (Brown,1970, p. 416).

Despite the imprisonment ofGhost Dance prophets and persecutionof their followers by the white menwho thought the movement dangerous,it expanded to the most distant re-gions of the northwestern UnitedStates. (Lanternari, 1963).

The cargo cult of the Usurufa,who lived in the area around Kainantu

in the eastern highlands of NewGuinea, was investigated by RobertBerndt in the 1950s when contact be-tween the Usurufa and Europeans hadstill been minimal. The first contactwas in 1930 when the natives were ini-tially terrified by the sight of aero-planes but later believed "the whitemen inside the big mother bird werefriendly spirits". (Christiansen, 1969,p. 28).

Because the Europeans had redskins, they were not identified as men,but rather as spirits of the dead, re-turning with wealth in the form ofquantities of European goods (cargo)which would be stored in the largewarehouses the Usurufa had construc-ted. However, as the goods did not ar-rive as calculated, distrust of the Euro-peans grew. (Christiansen, 1969). Themovement peaked in 1947 betweenMount Hagen and the Markham Riverand spread beyond, with periods ofdisappointment and depression follow-ing excited expectation. (Lanternari,1963).

A modern counterpart is a move-ment which began in the 1950s in anindustrialized city in the midwest ofthe U.S.A. A surburban housewife,"Mrs. Marian Keech," received messa-ges via automatic writing claimed tobe sent by "superior beings from aplanet called 'Clarion'. These beingshave been visiting the earth in what wecall flying saucers." (Festinger, Rieck-en and Schachter, 1964, p. 30).Through Mrs. Keech's network offriends, a movement of initially severaldozen people gathered around her andbecame committed to the beliefs ofthe group's accumulating folklore. Pos-sible objective, physical manifestationswhich occurred include the mysteriousappearance and disappearance of a"stiff-legged entity" at a prophesiedflying saucer landing.

The "Guardians," as the beingscame to be known, gave the group

teachings and advice about religiousmatters and cosmology, and predictedfuture events, the most importantevent being a flood which would sub-merge the city just before dawn onDecember 21, accompanied by a cata-clysm which would submerge the WestCoast of the Americas. Those peoplewho drowned would be spiritually re-

.born on other planets appropriate totheir spiritual development, but flyingsaucers would come down from thesky in time to save the believers fromthe flood. Despite the fact that the di-sasters did not come to pass, the failedprediction reinforced the movement'sconviction, because its members tookcredit for the avoidance of the destruc-tion! The group only disbanded whenthe leaders were threatened with legalaction and possible commitment to amental hospital.

Common Elements

The above three prophetic reli-gious movements share a number ofcommon elements. They —(1) were dissatisfied with the social

conditions which they were forcedto accept;

(2) rejected established authority;(3) were initiated after a prophet re-

ceived revelations and propheciesfrom a "higher being";

(4) were promised a new age of en-lightenment and renewal for theworld, a rebirth in paradise; and

(5) were catalyzed by individuals act-ing as leader, prophet and/or mes-siah.By 1890, Indian culture was rapid-

ly declining due to the unjust takeoverof land and violent expulsion of theIndians by the white man. Wovoka'sclaim that the promised land was onlyfor the Indians openly paved the wayfor the Sioux uprising. In New Guinea,the Usurufa's brief contacts with Euro-peans revealed the comparative materi-

I'Continued on next page)

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(Prophetic, continued)

al disadvantage of the natives. Accord-ing to Christiansen (1969, p. 108), thecargo cult is a "cult of wealth whichdoes not merely embrace materialgoods, but also power, good fortuneand fertility, etc., which has its rootsin the traditional ideology." A studyby Guiart and Worsley (Christiansen,1969) found that, of 73 Melanesiancargo cults, only half had a belief inthe cargo myth proper. In fact, accord-ing to this view, the cargo movementsreflect more than an envious desire forEuropean goods; they are a search for"spiritual cargo." The modern flying

• saucer movement was clearly uncon-cerned with material gain, refusing alloffers of money. The cult memberswere unsatisfied with the social andspiritual conditions of modern, indus-trialized society. The Guardians com-municated with Mrs. Keech to teachher and other humans "those princi-ples, ideas and guides to right conductthat are necessary to advance the spir-itual development of" the humanrace ..." (Festinger et al, 1964, p. 45).The Usurufa cargo cult came to regardthe Europeans as a threat to safetywhen the cargo failed to arrive, andrifles appeared in the villages. The fly-ing saucer cult maintained its beliefs inthe face of social pressure from themedia and the legal authorities.

The revelations which initiatedthe movements all have a similar con-tent. "God instructed Wovoka to com-mand his people to work assiduously,not to steal, lie or fight, to love oneanother and to live at peace with thewhite man, even though they mightstill hope and pray for his disappear-ance from their midst." (Lanternari,1963, p. 152). The revelation prom-ised the Indians the return of a GoldenAge of plentiful buffalo and spiritualsalvation. Through dreams and visionswith the Spirits/Europeans, an era offreely available material and spiritualwealth was prophesied for those in thecargo movement. For those in the fly-ing saucer movement, paradise was tobe their spiritual rebirth on planetswith a higher level of spiritual develop-ment. The ghost dance .and cargomovements also promised the returnto life of the dead ancestors. As these

details show, all three movements in-clude beliefs identical to some of thebeliefs of Christianity. In fact, Wovokawas identified as the Son of God bythe Mormons in 1892; and the mostimportant Guardian, called Sananda,revealed himself to be the contem-porary identity of Jesus Christ. SomeMelanesian cargo cults constructed"telegraph stations" using dummypoles and "lines" of lianas to receivemessages from Christ. Did these move-ments borrow Christian-like beliefsfrom the society they were rebellingagainst or did these beliefs evolve inde-pendently? It may be that the identityof Christ was incorporated into an in-dependently evolved belief systemwhich already included a Christ-likemessianic role.

The "prophet" announces theforthcoming state of paradise, the"leader" directs the movement,and the"messiah" is believed able to make themillenial dream come true because ofhis divine powers (Christiansen, 1969).Wovoka, whose powers of healing werewidely regarded, possessed all threeroles and was probably a "charismatic"leader. Yet 20 years earlier in 1870,the prophet Wodziwob started the firstversion of the Ghost Dance after re-ceiving a revelation emphasizing thesame major themes of the return ofthe dead, the catastrophic end of theworld, and the regeneration of Indianlife after the disappearance of thewhite man. Dr. Berndt's last survey ofthe Usurufa cargo cult in 1953 reveal-ed the movement still existed, beingkept alive by a succession of prophets.The flying saucer cult gained a secondprophet when one of. its memberswent into a fit and trance and relayedcommunications to the group from the"Creator." .- - '

What these details of a succession .of prophets point out is that .the roleof the prophet/leader/messiah, no mat-ter how charismatic he or she may be,is limited. Lanternari (1963) suggeststhere is a dialectical relationship be-tween the prophets and certain socio-logical and cultural conditions. The in-dividual prophet is not the sole causeof the movement, but a catalyst aroundwhich the group centers.

Theories of Causation

How do prophetic religious move-ments come about? Lanternari (1963)has suggested that many movementsresult from the clash between two cul-tures. The "less advanced" people maybecome aware of their economic andsocial lags and turn to the message ofhope and salvation offered by the pro-phets (and it may well be European,exploitation and oppression within thetraditional contact which promotedthe search for an alternative). In con-trast, Oosterwal (Christiansen, 1969)believes that in the case of the cargocult, the movement is traditional. Itwas only after the introduction ofEuropean goods that the concept ofmaterial cargo was incorporated intothe belief system. Unless "we assume acompletely static historical situation itis not unreasonable to suggest thatmovements rather like Cargo move-ments were occurring in Melanesiabefore the white man came there."(Burridge, cited in Christiansen, 1969).Thus, while a clash of cultures mayemphasize material and social differen-ces adding impetus to a movement,this clash may not be a basic cause ofit. Studies of movements prior to sub-stantial Western 'contact should sup-port this conclusion, but few, i f -any,such isolated movements exist thesedays.

According to "deprivation" the-ory, the prophetic religious movementis only one of several responses to astate of deprivation — the despaircaused by a dissatisfaction with pre-sent material and social reality whencompared to the past or another cul-ture. (Barber, in Lessaand Vogt, 1972).However, this theory doesn't explainwhy the prophetic religious movementis the response in "those situations inwhich it has manifested.

It has been suggested that dissatis-faction with economic conditions isthe cause of the movements..Accord-ing to Lawrence's (1964) study of acargo cult in Medang, New Guinea,there was an obsession for cargo be-cause of economic necessity and be-cause it was an index of self-respectand status. This observation does notseem to generalize to- .other move-ments. Certainly the members of the


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(Prophetic, continued)

flying saucer cult wanted nothing, todo with material gain.

Vallee (1976) proposes that move-ments such as the flying saucer cultcome into being in response to amechanism, possibly within humanconsciousness, which is pushing humanbeliefs from, a materialistic-orientedperspective to some level of higherawareness. This change in belief, jnturn, produces cultural change.

Applying Vallee's hypothesis tothe cargo cults, there is on the surfacea contradiction presented by the beliefin cargo. However, if we accept the hy-pothesis presented earlier, the cargobelief extends beyond solely materialgoods, which may have been empha-sized only after European contact withthe accompanying appearance of West-ern goods. Perhaps our materialisticWestern perspective has also over-em-phasized the importance of materialcargo in the cult belief system.

The effect of prophetic religiousmovements is unambiguous: socialchange. But is this social change posi-tive or negative? The movements oftenfunction to unify traditionally separ-ate and hostile groups as has occurredwith New Guinea cargo cults in a de-fensive reaction against the Europeans.This greater solidarity leads to a moreeffective development of the society(Christiansen, 1969). Lanternari(1963) views the movements as posi-tive "and progressive - paving the wayfor reform in the cultural, political,and social structure of society. Cohn(1961) views the movements as abnor-mal and negative and compares them toHitler's nazi movement. In any casemany authors are guilty in assumingthat cultural change must follow thesame pattern as that of Euro-Americansociety. Although individuals in amovement face persecution and disap-pointments, could an ultimate benefitlie in the impact of prophetic religiousmovements on human consciousness?

A Conclusion

Prophetic religious movements arevehicles for cultural change. The basiccauses are probably both internal andexternal — an impulse within human

consciousness launching a "new" be-lief system in a situation where there isdissatisfaction with current social con-ditions. The movements are catalyzedby successive prophets yet manifest asystem of beliefs consistent over timeand geography except for minor localvariations according to the history andenvironment of the society.

Hence prophecy is not merely aforesight of trouble or a gratuitousform of error, but the means by whichan impact is made on the collectiveconsciousness of the people, therebyleading to cultural change. The move-ments are not just religious attemptsto escape from reality. Their mythsand dreams are "not something thatexists outside the world of reality, butrepresent a sort of truth and realitywhich, although differing from whatwe call reality, are not for that reasonless true or less real ..."(Burridge, citedin Christiansen, 1969, p. 91).

... Some Questions

Anthropologists and sociologistsdo not know, everything about themovements we have been discussing.Our conclusions can only be tentativeand several unresolved issues remain.What is the nature of the "impulse"within human consciousness whichmight initiate the movements? Vallee(1976) thinks it originates from the"collective unconscious" — Jung's c6n-cept of a universal level of the humanunconscious which is the residue of allour ancestral experiences. The poten-tialities of these ancestral or archaicimages can enter consciousness as"thought-feelings" or archetypes: theirrational patterns of thought and prim-itive feelings found in dreams, visions,and myths (Hadfield, 1974). Accord-ing to this line of thought the UFO isan archetype (see Jung, 1969). YetJung's "collective unconscious" ismerely a theoretical construct andquite possibly scientifically unprovable.The point is that we may be attempt-ing to explain one unknown (the UFO)in terms of another (the archetype).(Similarly, no one has proved thatextraterrestrial life exists).

It seems pretty certain that pro-phetic religious movements have al-ways been around in one form or an-

other. Specifically, will UFO cults con-tinue appearing? As Jacobs (1975) re-lates, the 1950s saw the growth ofhundreds of contactee and contactee-orientated clubs in the U.S.A. The early1970s bred a "new" type of contactee,such as Uri Geller, who claims posses-sion of psychic powers derived fromUFO contact experiences. It seemsthat the prophets of the flying saucercults will be with us for quite sometime.

Is the contactee experience separ-able from the remaining UFO picture?Alvin Lawson (1977) has been con-ducting some very interesting investi-gations of the reliability of hypnoticregression in CE-III cases. He suggeststhat UFO abduction- cases have "awholeness or integral quality (althoughdetails and duration vary) which dif-fers from other close encounters"which are frequently interrupted byhuman intrusion. It could be, and hasbeen, argued that the "full-blown" re-ligious contactee experience is differ-ent from the abduction cases (the lat-ter being somehow more acceptable,especially to supporters of the extra-terrestrial hypothesis). Yet both thereligious (willing?) contactees and theabduction contactees go for rides in"flying saucers", receive esoteric cos-mic philosophies, and often subse-quently experience seemingly paraphy-sical experiences. In any case, it is im--portant to find out whether or not thecontactee experience is qualitativelydifferent from other (more physical?)UFO experiences, since a differencemay imply multiple causation (despiteOccam's Razor) or, at the very least, amultiple approach (physical and para-physical) to solve the entire UFO mys-tery (I use the term "paraphysical" tocover both psychological and appar-ently parapsychological events). In onesense, the UFO problem reminds meof the apparent paradox of the elec-tron being both a particle and a wave.The UFO phenomenon, in totality,appears to be both physical and para-physical. Any proposed solution of theUFO mystery cannot ignore either thephysical events at Socorro or the para-physical events experienced by Mrs.Keech and her followers.

(Continued on next page)

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(Prophetic, continued)

But we must not forget the peoplewho actually go through the propheticreligious experience. The prophetswho receive their psychic revelationsmay undergo a personality changefrom ordinary people to those withthe "inner glow" brought on by reli-gious conversion. They and their fol-lowers are compelled to follow a radi-cal and complete belief system. Butthis is often at the cost of personal dis-tress and sometimes tragedy broughton by the experience itself and thesubsequent persecution by the rest ofsociety. In the movement centeredaround Mrs. Keech, several of the coremembers quit their jobs several weeksbefore the predicted disaster - whichnever occurred. One of the most high-ly educated in the movement, a localprofessor, was to say: "I've had to go along way. I've given up just about ever-ything. I've cut every tie. I've burnedevery bridge. I've turned my back onthe world. I can't afford to doubt. Ihave to believe. And there isn't anyother truth ... This is a tough time butwe know that the boys upstairs aretaking care of us." (Festinger et al,1964).

Prophetic religious movements arenot the delusions of "backward na-tives." They are occurring today, inour own "highly developed" society.At the height of the flying saucer cult,the members received literally hundredsof visitors, telephone calls, and lettersfrom seriously interested pepple. Theirideas were not without popular appeal.


Brown, Dee, Bury My Heart At WoundedKnee, London: Barrie and Jenkins,1970.

Christiansen, Palle, The Melanesian CargoCult: Millenarianism as a Factor in Cul-tural Change, Copenhagen: AkademiskForlag, 1969.

Cohn, Norman. The Pursuit of the Millenni-um, NY: Harper, 1961 (2nd ed.).

Festinger, Leon; Riecken, Henry W.; Schac-ter, Stephen. When Prophecy Fails,

NY: Harper & Row, (1956), 1964.Hadfield, J.A. Dreams and Nightmares, Lon-

don: Penguin, (1954), 1974.

Jacobs, David M The UFO Controversy inAmerica, NY Signet, 1976.


Prophetic religious cults involvingUFOs have for some time been an em-barrassment to the scientific study ofUFOs. Scientists have tried to separatethemselves from the "cult fringe."

Mark L. Moravec's article shouldhelp take away some of our fear of theprophetic religious aspect of UFOs. Hehas shown that when people are in astate of deprivation, a cult of salvationoften develops, sometimes stimulatedby contact between a lower and highersociety (Africa and Europe in regardto the Cargo cults, the American In-dians and Europeans in regard to theIndian Ghost Dance Movement).

We live in an age of fear and anx-iety, especially in the face of the de-structive potential of technology. Mor-avec's paper shows that sociology andanthropology predict that UFO re-ports, in so far as they are thought tobe a superior power, would automatic-ally trigger hopes for salvation especial-ly from deprived groups.

So, scientists should not look atthe cult side of UFOs as something weshould try to hide in a closet. Rather,anthropological studies seem to pre-

dict that if a higher form of realitywere to appear in our skies, propheticcults around their reality would devel-op. And they have.

From my own particular perspec-tive in regard to Biblical studies, let meadd these words of caution. The Bibli-cal religion believes in a world of pro-phets: false and true. Thus, althoughthe prophets in Moravec's study all pro-duced false prophecies of a flood, theBible maintains the view that Noahwas a prophet who called the shot onthe nose.

The meaning of this caution isthat in our scientific approach to theprophetic religious cults, our tempta-tion may be to say that while the cultsare worthy of study, we cannot expectmuch truth to emerge from them. Be-ware that among all those cult groups,there may be a Noah.

It is possible that UFOs are causedby a higher reality, one that we mighteven call Divine. And this divine reali-ty may indeed have its prophets.

Good science is always open tothe unlikely, though of course it isrightly skeptical of the unlikely.

Jung, Carl G. Flying Saucers: A ModernMyth of Things Seen in the Sky, NY:Signet, (1959), 1969.

Lanternari, Vittorio, The Religions of theOppressed, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1963.

Lawrence, Peter. Road Belong Cargo, Man-chester: Manchester University Press,1964.

Lawson, Alvin H. What Can We Learn FromHypnosis of Imaginary "Abductees"?The MUFON UFO Journal, Nov. 1977,No. 120,7-9.

Lessa, W. & Vogt, E.Z. Reader in Compara-tive Religion, NY: Harper & Row,1972.

Vallee, Jacques. The Invisible College, NY:Dutton, 1976.

Winick, Charles. Dictionary of Anthropolo-gy, Paterson, NJ: Littlefield, Adams &Co., 1961.

The "International UFO Report-er" of the Center for UFO Studies,previously absorbed in the newsstandmagazine Probe, now will be incorpor-ated in Second Look magazine — aWashington, D.C. based publicationdealing with UFOs and extraterrestriallife as well as some other borderlinescience subjects. Second Look is intel-ligently edited, has an attractive for-mat, and has a circulation of about11,000, so we applaud this effort bythe Center for UFO Studies to reach awider audience. (Second Look, bi-monthly, $15 per year, 10 E Street,S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003)


Page 11: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

NET NEWS"Project Redlight"

By David L. Dobbs, K8NQN



MUFON 40-MeterMUFON 75-MeterCincinnati AreaSaturday AfternoonHarrisburg Area






Sat.A.M.Sat.A.M.Thurs.P.M.Sat. P.M.Fri.P.M.


0800 EST/EDT0800 CST/CDT0100 UTC2'000 UTC0000 UTC

N/C __- . .




Although summer seems to havereduced activity on local UFO amateurradio nets, the MUFON nets continueto flourish. A dozen check-ins are us-ual on the 40-meter section, and fouror five on the 75-meter net. RecentUFO sightings in upstate New Yorkwere reported on the early section runby Joe Santangelo, N1JS, MUFON'sAmateur Radio Director, by KB2DP,Winnie. Her feminine voice is a wel-come change,on the net, and cuts nice-ly through the seasonal background oflightning static. Anomalous nocturnallight sightings have been frequent overNorth Carolina, according to Ray,K4HXC, although little is being report-ed from other parts of the country.An analysis of reports in that stateshows an increase of 100% over lastyear. About 25% of the cases weredaylight sightings, and most of theUFO activity has been along fault lines.

One mystery often leads to anoth-er. Such has indeed been the case withthe UFO movie shown by the AirForce to select groups of radar special-ists during the 1950's. Len Stringfield'sreport of this movie was described inan article, "Hams on the Trail ofUFO's," published in the April 1980issue of 73 Magazine. Shortly afterreading it, an amateur operator with afascinating story checked into the 40-meter net to contact the author. Al-though his subsequent disclosure is stillunder investigation, Journal readersmay be able to supply additional in-formation which would be helpful.

Matt Archer, as we will call him,runs an electronics business today in asmall midwestern town. From 1961 to1963,he performed radio maintenanceat the Atomic Proving Ground. He alsodid some top-secret radio work for theAir Force at times. "Area 51" was lo-cated 60 miles due east of the basecamp, behind a mountain range whichseparated it from Yucca Flat. Underhighest security, an operation was con-ducted there under the code namePROJECT REDLIGHT. Archer pre-sented a body of evidence strongly sug-gestive that this project involved flight-testing of a UFO which had been ship-ped there from -Edwards Air ForceBase.

The craft was not conventionallypowered, but flew silently. Radios ingood operating condition often "justdied for no reason," only to beginworking again as suddenly. Althoughsecurity men always escorted him in-side and out of view of the runwaywhenever IT, as they referred to thecraft, was about to take off or land, heheard no engine noise of any kind.Once he saw the craft on the ground ata distance of about half a mile. It was20 to 30 feet in diameter, he estima-ted, and pewter-colored, lacking anywings or tail.

A friend of Archer's was a radaroperator at a station near Tonopah,Nevada. He confided that he often ob-served UFOs over the test site, but wastold to ignore them. One was describedwhich crossed the screen completely

in three revolutions of the antenna, anextraordinary velocity.

All work on this project stoppedsuddenly in 1962. Archer remembersreading an article, in Reader's Digest,he believes, which described a UFOexploding over eastern Nevada aftercrossing the U.S. from the east coast.He assumed that it might have beenthe craft being tested, since the dategiven in the article was around thetime when PROJECT REDLIGHTcame to a halt. As yet, this article hasnot been substantiated, however, Ar-cher also believes that the craft he sawmay have been the undamaged UFOshown in the Air Force movie, whichintelligence sources cited in the String-field disclosure said had been reco-vered after crashing in New Mexico in1952.

Archer was familiar with the tur-bojet fan-driven experimental disctested at nearby Nellis Air Force Baseduring this period. Coincidentally, thiswas pictured on the front cover of TheMUFON UFO Journal for February1980. This was not the craft he ob-served, nor would it have flown silent-ly, if indeed it had flown. He thinksthat this "non-flying saucer" may havebeen a cover-up for the real UFO re-search being conducted in Area 51.

Shortly after Len Stringfield wasable to confirm privately the existenceof Area 51 and its possible connectionwith UFO research, Newsweek publi-

(Continued on next page)


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(Sightings from various sources con-taining features of special interest)

March 8, 1980; Wilmington, 9:30 p.m. a UFO (no description)swooped down over the car of a localbusinessman, made a jet-like sound,and cast a brilliant white light on thecar. The driver's small dog began howl-ing as if the sound were hurting its ears.The driver, thinking the object was go-ing to crash,got out of his car. The UFOhovered overhead for 5 to 10 secondslonger before it took off and disap-peared. (Tarheel UFO Study GroupNewsletter, North Carolina, July 1980.Case #21-80)

March 24, 1980; Baterias, Mendo-za Province, Argentina. Personnel fromYPF (government oil fields) who hadbeen involved in previous UFO sight-ings were among numerous witnessesto a ~ luminous object with a smalldome on top that flew over Baterias.The technical workers of YPF saidthat one of their members was hospi-

talized with a nervous breakdown as aresult of the sigh ting. (From La Razon,Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 28,1980. Translation by Jane Thomas)

March 31, 1980; Bari, Italy. Ayoung Mexican acrobat and the son ofan Italian circus owner sustained visi-ble burns when they were confrontedby a circular UFO emitting a'very in-tense light. Next morning they noticedthe effects. Felipe Garcia, 19 (theMexican) had a burn on his wrist be-neath his watch, which had mysteri-ously stopped. Paride Orfei, 17, hadburns on his waist under his cowboybelt. (ANSA news service, La Razon,Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 24,1980. Translation by Jane Thomas)

April 10; 1980; Lincolnton, N.C.A businessman saw a bright red disc-shaped object directing a beam of lightonto the ground as if searching forsomething. Finally it moved away at a45 degree angle making a strong hum-ming sound and leaving some kind ofexhaust streak. This was at 9:30 p.m.

(Net News, continued)

cized it in their issue of May 12, 1980.The team sent to rescue the hostagesheld by Iran had practiced for its mis-sion, they reported, "at Nevada's top-secret Area 51, a 50-square mile qua-drant of Nellis Air Force Base"!

For 18 years, Matt Archer hasbeen seeking an explanation of whatactually went on during PROJECTREDLIGHT. He hopes that Freedomof Information Act probing or corrob-oration by other witnesses will bringout the true story, which has beenbriefly summarized here. Until thathappens, it remains, of course, only anunsubstantiated but highly interestingtale.

Unfortunately, not every Satur-day session of the MUFON nets leadsto such information. Aside from thefellowship and keeping up to dateabout happenings in the UFO field


which checking in regularly engenders,the amateur radio nets definitely ac-complish something of substance evenduring periods of low UFO activity, asthis story confirms.

News of MUFON activities in theSan Antonio area and an occasionalmessage from Director Walt Andrus isrelayed from Elmer, WA5CTJ by Dr.Will Armstrong, WONC, in St. Louis.WONC is also a mainstay of the 75-me-ter net and acts as liaison between thetwo sections.

With the return of cooler weatherand resumption of indoor activities, itis anticipated that contact with theWest Coast and southwestern part ofthe country will once more be practi-cal on 10 meters. For this reason, wehave listed the information on all UFOnets known to be active. Amateurs in-terested in UFOs and related subjectsare welcome to check into any net,whether they have any information totransfer or not.

. At the same time in Lincolnton , twocommunication center personnel saw ared ball-shaped UFO moving horizon-tally at tree-top level above highway321 south of town. (Tarheel UFOStudy Group Newsletter, June 1980Case #13-80 and. 13-A-80)

April 20, 1980; San Mateo, Cali-fornia. While driving north on 1-280about 5:30 a.m., Richard A. Jokinen,an electrical engineer, and his 18-year-old son saw five bright metallic spheresflying rapidly along the length of Crys-tal Springs Reservoir. They appearedto be about 500 feet above the water,and made no sound. They were seenagainst the backdrop of coastal moun-tains and traveled about 120 degreesof arc in about 5 seconds. Toward theend of the sighting, the objects ap-peared to have Saturn-like rings aroundtheir, circumference. (Investigated forMUFON by Thomas Gates, Space Sci-ence Center Planetarium Director. Pre-liminary report)

May 7, 1980; Valdese, N.C. About5 :20 p.m. while driving east on 140, anX-ray technologist first experiencedcar radio interference and then saw aUFO move below a cloud cover direct-ly in front of her car. The object madea horseshoe turn and banked, showingthe shape of an upside down soupbowl with a dome on top and a redrectangle on the underside. At onepoint the car radio blacked out com-pletely. The UFO disappeared towardsSouth Mountain after about 5 minutes,appearing hat-shaped as it departed.(Tarheel UFO study Group Newslet-ter, June 1980. Case #19-80)

Journal readers (except commer-cial enterprises) are invited to-sub'mitrequests for information, UFO itemsfor sale, and offers of information ex-change for publication. Name and ad-dress will be published on request, butif you prefer anonymity we will codeyour request and relay responses on aconfidential basis. MUFON, 103 Old-towne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155 .

Page 13: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September


(MUFON Western Regional Director)

A large object hovered silentlyover a nearby tree late at night. Variouscolored lights went on and off andblue vapor came from side exhaustports. It changed from a silhouette object so brightly lit that he could

-hardly see its shape. This happenednot once, but three times in 1973. Soreported Dave McCready, associatedwith the Air Force for over 30 years.

Dave had been in the Air Forcefrom 1942 to 1945. He then workedas Assistant Fire Chief for Travis AirForce Base, Calif., for another 28years, including 5 years in the Azores.

Though he lived in Vacaville, Calif.,he and his family owned propertysouth of Dinsmore in northern Califor-nia. Dinsmore is in Humboldt County,50 miles east of Fortuna, 120 mileswest of Red Bluff on Highway #36,and 75 miles west of Platina. The townis a small lumber community with agas station, country store, and a bar.

Their piece of land, approximate-ly 3 miles south of Dinsmore, hadbeen private property and most of thetimber had been harvested by 1975.The terrain is hilly, with a ravine, andis sparsely covered with trees. Theyhad a trailer situated there and oftenused it as a hunting camp. Nearby wasa 1100 Watt generator to service therefrigerator and lights for the trailer,providing some convenience for tiredhunters.

On this particular September in1973, Dave and five friends werecamped on the site in the trailer.About 10:30 p.m. he stepped outsideand immediately noticed a beam ofwhite light shining on the tallest tree -an "old snipe" which was across a ra- .vine and about 200 to 250 yards fromhim. An "object" was hovering silentlyover the tree. Dave was quite .familiarwith the terrain. The hill on the leftsloped down gradually to the right,with random trees along the crest and

Paul Cerny during NASA Mission Control Tour, 1980 MUFON UFO Symposium.

the big tree down hill. The object was75 to 100 feet above the trees, with alight beam shining from the lowestedge down onto the tree. The definedbeam was about 4 or 5 feet wide andwas definitely not a spotlight. Thelight, he judged, was just plain white —not a high-intensity light.

The light then went out and thedome-shaped outline of the craft wasrevealed by its silhouette. A line ofeight or ten blue jets suddenly appearedas if on an even platform, looking likeexhaust ports, similar to a blue ex-haust from an airplane - continuous.

About 10 to 15 seconds after thesingle beam of light on the tree wentout, he noticed a bar of dim light inthe shape of an inverted angle on thesurface of the dome. The two ends,starting from the base of the -dome,diagonally, met at the top center ofthe dome. In about fifteen seconds theangled bar of light went from dim to

very bright, all one light, he noted, fill-ing in the area. Then it decreased in in-tensity, faded and went out, and hecould see better.

Suddenly the lower beam of lightcame on again, moving over the sur-face area of the tall tree, not in a wideangle -just moving around the tree. Itwent through this repeating procedure,the lightbeam faded and the angled barof.light came on dimly. There appearedto be a sequential pattern and he knewwhat to look for .the second time onthe exhaust ports. Did they go off orstay on all the time? He wasn't sure,because, in the bright intensity of thelight on the dome, he could hardly seethe exhaust. He was fascinated, watch-ing the strange procedure from this un-known object.

He watched as the object com-pleted the second sequence of events

(Continued on next page)


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and began a third time. By then he waswatching closely. He moved back andforth, 20 or 30 feet each way - 50feet altogether - looking at it fromdifferent vantage points. He realizedthat perhaps he was seeing a UFO. Itwasn't anything like any aircraft themilitary had, he was positive, based onhis experience in the Air Force. Hewas aware that there seemed to be nonoticeable sound, possibly because hewas standing near the 1100 Watt gen-erator.

Moving from one side to the otherof where he had originally sighted thelight, he watched it closely as it wentthrough the "sequence" a third time.He wished the rest of the men werethere with him. He ran to the trailer,pounded on the door, and yelled tothe men to come out, that he wantedto show them something unusual.They came running out the door andfollowed him to the spot. There wasnothing! It was gone - absolutelygone! No sign of anything. Possiblyhis yelling and pounding had alertedthe object of impending danger.

The next day they crossed theravine to examine the tree and the ter-rain. They found nothing on theground and apparently nothing hadhappened to the tree, at least nothingthat was apparent. Strange that thishovering object, at least 40-50 feetacross and 12-15 feet high, wouldleave no evidence of having been there,and he had no witnesses, as well as noanswers. He related the experience tohis family, but told no one else.Strangely enough at about that sameperiod of time there were multiple ob-jects sighted over the city of Vallejo,where Dave lived with his family intheir home. Forty or more people,Dave noted, were involved this time,including police officers. But theywere not as close as 200 feet.

He thought little more about ituntil 4 years later when he and hiswife were watching a television showon the subject of UFOs. Suddenly hesaid to his wife, "That's what I saw!That's exactly what I saw!" It was anillustration on the TV as seen by a mannamed Bill Pecha from Colusa, Califor-

By G. A. Pennington(Project VISIT, P. O. Box 877, Friendswood, TX 77546)

Over the past several years, manyUFO incidents have been accompaniedby magnetic disturbances which affectcompasses, automobile tape decks, air-craft instruments, etc. In an effort todetect and render these effects morevisible for analysis, various types ofsensing devices have been proposedand in some cases used in a limitedmanner by UFO researchers. In gener-al, these devices work by recordingchanges in the local geomagnetic fieldwhich occur during UFO passage.

Since changes in the geomagneticfield are the basis for operation ofsome of these detectors and henceUFO detections, it is appropriate toconsider the changes which can beexpected by natural causes. In a paperpresented by William H. Hunkins atthe 1971 Midwest UFOConference.itis stated that deviations over 5% arerare for even the most extreme natur-ally caused transient disturbances,such as magnetic storms linked withsolar activity. Utilizing his numbers of50,000 to 60,000 gammas for thegeomagnetic field, this 5% deviationwould amount to approximately 3,000gammas. Now for most cases, thefields in question can be considered toobey the inverse cube of the distancefrom the source relationship with re-spect to field intensity. Hence, dis-tance rapidly attenuates the field ef-fects and localizes any disturbances.

Obviously, from the above discus-sion, very sensitive instruments such asproton free precision magnetometerswould be required to detect disturban-ces from a great distance. However,since it has been suggested by other'UFO researchers that a UFO field is onthe order of as much as 100,000 gam-

nia. Since then he has thought a lotmore about his sighting of that stillunidentified flying object.

Contacting this investigator wasthe next step, resulting in this interest-ing report of a close encounter by a re-putable witness.

mas, good results can be obtained us-ing inexpensive homebuilt magneto-meters as described herein. In addition,though less expensive, the field-induc-tion magnetometer is faster than a pro-ton magnetometer by a factor of about1,000.

Shown in Figure 1 is a field-induc-tion magnetometer designed to haveits sensor mounted vertically on theexterior of a building. The actual sen-sor is comprised of a 61 cm. long mu-metal (or soft iron alloy with equiva-lent magnetic permeability) bar thatserves as a flux concentrator for twowire coils. The larger of the two coils(LI) is a 16 KHz horizontal oscillatorcoil slipped over the bar and posi-tioned at its center. It should bepointed out that other types of coilsmay be used as long as they containgreater than 5,000 turns of wire. Theeffect of a smaller number of turnswill directly affect the sensitivity ofthe detector. As designed here, changesof 1,000 gammas in the geomagneticfield can be detected if local condi-tions permit.

The second coil (L2) consists of30 turns of No. 24 enamelled wire in-sulated from and wound over the maincoil. Coil L2 is used to induce a vol-tage across LI for testing. Signals in-duced across LI are amplified by OA1.OA1 is a standard 301A operationalamplifier. When the TEST switch SI isdepressed, capacitor Cl dischargesthrough potentiometer"R3 and Coil L2,inducing an EMF in main sensing coilLI . Potentiometer R2 is used to adjustthe sensitivity threshhold. The ampli-fied signal is indicated on meter Ml . Itshould be noted that if the geomag-netic field variations produced by aUFO also vary in flux density at someconstant frequency f, a steady-stateEMF will be induced in proportion tof and Ml will continually register. Be-,cause the magnetic field characteristicsfor UFOs are still largely unknown, itis recommended that the instrument


Page 15: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

be initially operated in the PEAKmode as discussed later in this paper.

The signal at the output of OA1 isalso passed via TRIGGER' LEVEL po-tentiometer R7 to the gate of SCR 1.When SCR1 fires, it activates alarm Al .Since the power source is dc, Al willremain on even after the triggering sig-nal has passed. Normally closed RE-SET pushbutton S4 must be momen-tarily depressed to silence the alarm. Itshould be noted that the alarm willcontinue to be activated repeatedly ifthe detected object is still present.

Two modes of signal detection areprovided by PEAK/NORMAL switchS2. In the NORMAL mode, meter Mlwill continuously show the signal valueoutput from OA1 when the detectedobject is present (if UFO flux is vari-able) and will return to null afterwards.In the PEAK mode, the strongest out-put level from OA1 will remain dis-played on meter Ml until the chargeon capacitor C3 leaks off. For this rea-son C3 is selected to provide for thebest low leak characteristics. The chargecan be dissipated on C3 at any time bymomentarily selecting the NORMALmode. Two scales are provided on Mlfor OA1 output level, so as to provideincreased granularity of the detectedsignal due to large or small field varia-tions induced in LI . These scales areselected by HI/LO switch S3.

Operating power is obtained froma line operated, regulated 12 volt dcsupply. If line power should fail, B2,a back-up 12.6 volt battery supply willoperate the unit. Silicon diodes D3and D4 provide for keeping the bat-tery voltage slightly lower than theregulated power supply voltage andthus allow its use only if line powershould fail. The unit is turned on viaON/OFF switch S5. LED will illumi-nate when power is applied via the reg-ulated power supply only, as it wouldquickly aid in draining B2 when in bat-tery-only operation. TRIGGERLEVEL control R7 should be set toprevent the alarm from being triggeredby natural or man-made sources inclose proximity to the detector.

The construction and packagingof the instrument is not especially crit-ical. The flux concentrator and coilscan be protected by a length of mag-netically neutral plastic pipe. Although



Figure 1

only the type of flux concentrator rodmentioned above has been tested,other rods may be used at a reducedsensitivity as long as the magnetic per-

meability of the rod substance is fairlyhigh (greater than 5,000). A list ofpart numbers for a major retailer willbe supplied on request to simplify con-struction of the instrument.

Left to right: Len Stringfield, Tom Deuley, and Richard Hall at Fund for UFOResearch table, 1980 MUFON UFO Symposium. (Photo: Bruce Oeuley)


Page 16: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

Movie Review

"HANGAR 18"(Sunn Classics Pictures, Salt Lake City, Utah)

At the annual MUFON meeting inJune, Mildred Biesele told us to watchfor "Hangar 18," a fictional film abouta captured UFO. She had spoken with,the Sunn Classics office, who told ofSunn asking the Air Force if theycould shoot the movie on an air forcebase. The answer was such a violent"NO!" that they felt they had toucheda sensitive spot. However, they discov-ered an abandoned air force base atBig Spring, Texas, and the film wasmade on location there."You wouldn'tbelieve the roadblocks put in the wayof production by the Air Force," saidSunn. "Hangar 18" opened on thewest coast in August, and will be re-leased throughout the rest of the coun-try in January. Mildred also providedme with a list of the actors, who arenot big stars but do a fine job. I amgrateful for her help.

Straightforwardly told with noartistic frills, the movie is packed withexcitement and suspense, and I en-joyed every minute of it. Briefly, threeastronauts launching a satellite en-counter a UFO. One does not sur-vive. Radar at NASA traces its flight tothe southwest United States. It is anelection year, and as soon as the Presi-dent and his advisor are informed thatthe Air Force is in possession of a fly-ing saucer they decide to stop atnothing to hush up the event and keepthe news from the public. The astro-nauts realize they are being manipu-lated and their lives ruined, so, takingmatters into their own hands, theyrush to locate the craft and prove itsexistence to the world, thus savingtheir honor and demonstrating thetruth. Meanwhile the machine and itsoccupant, hidden on an air force basein Hangar 18, are being examined by ateam of experts. Their discoveries andamazingly rapid deductions (after all,

it UfOS SICBtTS*1 pJ"fA ng-

olion pc'iiid "HQrigoi lc ".

this is a movie) alternate with the ruth-less pursuit of the heroes (astronauts)by the villains (FBI), and the actionbuilds to a satisfactory climax.

A more explicit description wouldspoil your fun, but interesting ques-tions arise from the thrills. Is the storybased on a real incident or combina-tion of incidents, and if so whichones? Does any evidence exist that theFeds have been authorized to kill wit-nesses to shut them up, and that thishas indeed been done? If so, who gavethe order? Which President? Any com-ment on these points, or others, wouldbe welcome.

It is evident that UFOs are now apopular subject, and we may expectsome imaginative books and movies.Mildred reports that "The OgdenEnigma," just out, is a fictional talebased on a real UFO incident. As longas they announce themselves to be fic-

tion, as does "Hangar 18" ("any re-semblance to actual persons or placesis purely coincidental"), the publicmay not confuse the fictional with theactual, but since the subject is the wayit is, no doubt confused concepts willresult. — Barbara Mathey

MUFON is working on a specialreport on UFO abduction cases, to in-clude reports from 1971 through1980. If youhave case reports or news-paper references for this period, pleasesubmit them for this special project.All contributions will be acknow-ledged. Participants in the recent mini-panel on UFO abduction cases^or oth-ers with similar professional creden-tials, are invited to contribute evalua-tive articles.


Page 17: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

Sample Clippings from Newsclipping Service [See page 19]

LIVINGSTON CO. PRESS, Howell, MI - March 26, 1980

Closely encountered

UFOs return yet againto busy Fowlerville skyFowlcrville

A UFO has again invaded the quielskies over Livingston County. Thelatest reported sighting was at Marshand Sober Roads, about 8 miles north ofFowlerville, shortly after 10p.m. on thenight of March 19.

Linda Hough was watching TV whenshe heard a loud sound outside, "like anoisy car," she says. "I looked out andthere was a huge light in the sky aboveMarsh Road."

"I didn't have my contact lenses on soI took the binoculars outside to look at itbetter," she explained. "It wasskimming along just above the treesand the light was so bright it l i t up thesky."

Linda wanted to try to see the shapeof the UFO so she went back indoorsand put On her contact lenses. Theobject was still in the sky when shewent back out

"I watched it cruise along," she said."I thought at first it was a plane, butthere were three planes in the sky andone of them passed right over it, and theplane was so small" (in comparison)She described it as having a "wholebunch of lights, maybe some red ones,but the white lights were brighter." Itreminded her of search lights and lit upthe sky "like a glow." "I've never seen

anything like it in my life," she saysShe described the noise as "realh

loud, louder than a jet. and it v ihrate i lIhc air."

Linda watched the object for abouififteen minutes, until it was almost nu:of sight, headed west toward Lansing.Then she realized how frightened shewas and went inside and locked thidoors. She was home alone with heryoung son. "1 called my aunt next doorto see if she had seen anything, but she-had been asleep and my cousinsweren't home. The neighbors on theother side weren't home either." Lindawatched (he sky until her husbandcame home from work a short timelater. He hadn't seen anything in thesky and neither had Linda's parcnl.-when they returned home from amovie.

Does Linda Hough believe in UFOs''"Yes, I believe in UFOs I think there

is something in outer space. I don'tthink they're threatening; they're juslcurious like we are. I think they're justcurious about what is here on Earth aswe are curious about all the otherplanets. They aren't here to hurt us,'she says.

Anyone seeing a UFO should call theLivingston County Sheriff Departmentat 15171 546-2440.

JOURNAL, Muscatine,

Weird lightis sighted

By DAVE DeWITTEStaff writer

"It made the hairs stand up on backof my neck. I know somebody's up,there looking down, and I'd like to knowwho it is."

Mrs. Fred Birch, who has a"gorgeous, panoramic" view of theMississippi River from her home southof Keithsburg, may be more waryabout looking outside'from now on.

When she first glanced out thekitchen window at around 9 o'clockThursday evening Mrs. Birch thoughtshe saw a "funny bright light" anddidn't think too much of it. But afterher husband had left for his night-shiftjob. she noticed it was still there, andtook a harder look.

"I said to my son, 'that isn't a star;it's got a goldish cast to it/ " Mrs.Birch recalls. Later she awakened herdaughter to take a look at it, andtelephoned neighbors.

What she saw hovering over MapesIsland in the Mississippi River wassomething gold, possiblywith<a redspot on it. about 3-4 times as bright asthe brightest star visible. It hoveredabove the island for nearly an hour. "Itwould move a little to the right and alittle to the left, but basically stay in"" same spot," she said.

After about an hour, the light began'°wering through trees on the island ' '1

IA - March 21, 1930realized it was something qu i tedifferent." she recalls. "If it h.idstayed there hovering 1 would havekept my mouth shut. I hope I never set*it again."

Mrs. Birch was so captivated by whatshe thought she was seeing that shecalled neighbors. "I said, you know Idon't drink, but I want you to look atwhat I'm seeing across the island andtell me what I see is there."

She called Mrs. Walter Wolfe, whosaw it also. Their sons went down to thelevee, where they watched the lightmove west across the Mississippi intoIowa The boys used binoculars Theysaid many smaller lights resemblingsmall aircraft could be seen in the skyalso.

A part- t ime Keithsburg deputyreportedly saw the light, as did othersalthough their accounts were not ascomplete.

Rock Island sheriff's authorities saida report March 11 came' in atapproximately the same time of nightTwo teenagers, Julie Smith, ruralReynolds, and Michael O'DoneU, An-dalusia, reported a very differentlooking object in the night sky.

The two were driving on a gravelroad east of Reynolds when they sawsomething ajwut as big as a two-cargarage. The object, which wassketched by O'Donell, was rounded onthe bottom and squared off at the top

A Rock Island County deputy whowas on patrol the same night reportedseeing a bright light in the sky "atabout the same time."

More UFOs Reported In Carolina SkiesBy WAYNE NICHOLAS

Obwrttr Glll«fH« Bureau

LINCOLNTON — George Fawcett. Lincolnton's59-year-old unidentified flying object (UFO) expert.had planned to spend last Wednesday night resting.

Instead his phone rang off the hook.An x-ray technician, who didn't want her name

used because she feared people would th ink she wascrazy, had spent five minutes on her way home thatafternoon, watching what she thought was a UFOmaneuver around the Burke County skies near Val-dese.

"I was playing the radio and singing to the top ofny lungs/* toe woman suA, "when, suddenly theradio got ful l of static."

The woman told 1'awcoit (and laicr a reporter)that she leaned over to h i t thf car radio to srvil shecould make it work. Wh'-n .she did, something red inthe sky caught her eye. It was aoout 5:20 p.m.Wednesday.

She said she pulled her car of f to t h e side of the.road, looked again and .saw a large, soup-bowl-shaped UFO hovering Irs.s th j i i a mile a«,a\ .

"It was about the size of a four-room house," shesaid.

The technician said the ohji-rt didn' t have anywindows, but on the bottom was a large red rectan-gle, which looked larger than a door. "It was thecolor of a shining candy apple," she said.

She said she watched it slowly maneuver forabout five minutes until it started to disappear in thedistance.

"People are going to th ink I am crazy," she saidover and over. "But I know what I saw."

Fawcett, who teaches a course in UFOs at theLincolnton campus of Gaston College, says he's beenswamped with new reports of f ly ing saucers eversince April 29. when The Observer printed a story

asking people to notify him of unusual sightings.Most reports have come from Gaslon, Lincoln

and Catawba counties, he said.Pete Link and Jeff Schlatter, two Rutherford

County carpenters, called Fawcett to report theywere working on the roof of a house near Lake Nor-man at 9 p.m. April 24 when a bright object rose ver-tically in the sky, made a loop and disappeared.

Fawcett said UFO skeptics have said f ly ing sau-cer reports increase dramatically whenever they re-ceive publicity, but Fawcett, who has studied f ly ingsaucer reports for 30 years, says that's not alwaystrue.

Studies have shown that people see UFOs regu-larly with or without publicity, he contends.

"All the articles do is to get people who wouldnormally be hesitant to talk about their experiencesto come forward." Fawcett said.

Fawcett, who is doing a paper on the reactions ofpeople to UFO reports, said people who see flyingsaucers may run into di f f icul ty (rom their friendswhen they tell what they've seen.

"Some people actually get mad when you tellthem you've seen a flying saucer," Fawcett said.

And that's one of the reasons he wants people tocall or write him about their experiences.

He promises a sympathlc ear.

SeenAlFO?If you spot what you think is a UFO, George

Fawcett would like to know about it. Contacthim after 6 p.m. at (704) 735-5725, or write himat 602 Battleground Road, Lincolnton, N.C.28092.

JAPAN TIMES, Tokyo,Japan - March 4, 1900

CR: T. MatsunuraSoviet Press CriticizesFlying Saucer Cult

MOSCOW < A P ) — The Sovietpress renewed its attacksSunday on Soviet flyinfi-saucercnthuslnsts. insisting that noscientific evidence has con-firmed purported sightings ofinterplanetary visitors or theirspaceships

The daily Pravrtadevoted ne.'irly a half-pace todebunking UFO rumors. In-cluding rumors thai the SovietAcademy of Sciences publishes"special research volumes" —presumably in secret — aboutUFOs.

The paper, quoting a reader'sletter, also cited underground"I :KO reports" thn! circulate InlypeuTiuen the SovietUnion.

The reader said the report hesaw — entitled "Are We Alonein the Universe.'" — claimed toqnole "reliable sources" inscient i f ic and governmentorganizations.


Page 18: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

[MarkR. HerbstrittPOB1

•Astronomy•• Notes


Mercury - Early in the month, it canbe seen low in the east just before sun-rise. By the 26th it is in superior con-junction.Venus - It is well placed among the"winter six" constellations in themorning sky, rising about 31A hours be-fore the sun, and standing about 37degrees above the eastern horizon atsunrise. Greatest elongation west (46degrees) occurs on the 24th.Mars - In Virgo, it can be seen low inthe southwest, just after sunset, but israther unfavorably situated for nor-

thern observers. It passes 2 degreesnorth of Spica on the 17th.

Jupiter - Though technically an even-ing "star," it is too close to the sun tobe seen.Saturn - It is very low in the west atsunset.

The Perseid meteor shower occursfrom the 10th to the 14th.

Moon Phases:Last Quarter — August 3 at 7 a.m.

(EST)New Moon - August 10 at 2:09 p.m.

(EST)First Quarter - August 18 at 5:28

pjn.(EST)Full Moon - August 25 at 10:42 p.m.



Mercury — Though technically anevening "star," it is too close to thesun to be seen.

Venus — A classic favorable elongation:it rises about 4 hours before the sun,and by sunrise it stands about 40 de-grees above the eastern horizon, aboveRegulus and below Castor and Pollux.Mars - Moving from Virgo into Libra,it is very low in the southwest at sun-set and sets about 2 hours later.Jupiter - It is too close to the sun tobe seen, conjunction occuring on the13th.Saturn - It is too close to the sun tobe seen, conjunction occuring on the22nd (E.S.T.)

Moon Phases:Last Quarter - Sept. 1 at 1:08 p.m.

(EST)New Moon - Sept. 9 at 5:00 p.m.

(EST)First Quarter - Sept. 17 at 8:54 a.m.

(EST)Full Moon - Sept. 24 at 7:08 a.m.

(EST)Last Quarter - Sept. 30 at 10:18 p.m.


(Director's Message, continued)

at the 1980 MUFON UFO Symposiumin Clear Lake City, Texas, on June 7thtitled "UFO Contactees: Captive Col-laborators or Cosmic Citizens" and al-so "UFO - '79" in San Diego, Calif.,on November 17, 1979. His paper isincluded in the 1980 MUFON UFOSYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS avail-able from MUFON. A limited numberof copies of the Proceedings of theRocky Mountain Conference on UFOInvestigations are available for $4.00from Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle, Box 3708,University of Wyoming, Laramie WY82071; telephone (307) 766-2187. Weare all very proud of the fine workthat Dr. Sprinkle has done in his spe-cialized field.

Reginald Marquis, one of our Ca-nadian members, has recently au-thored a new paperback in French titledLES OVNIS: CEUX QUI LES ONTVUS (211 pages), copyright 1980 byLes Enterprises, Castelriand Inc., C.P.997, 9 Ste-Anne, Riviere-du-Loup,GSR 3Z5, Canada. Frequent quota-tions and references are made to theMUFON UFO Journal and various an-nual MUFON UFO Symposium Pro-ceedings. A copy of his book may be

secured for $7.00 by international pos-tal money order by writing to ReginaldMarquis, 47, Hotel-de-Ville, Casier pos-tal 254, Riviere-du-Loup, Quebec GSR1L4, Canada.

Another publication of interest toour French-language members is a smallpamphlet (20 pages) titled "Detectiondu Phenomene Ovni en France" Resul-tats de 1'Annee 1979 by AlexandreLaugier, Bureau: 6, Rue Des Tanneurs,13100 Aix-En-Provence, France. It is areport and graphs on some of the workdone by CNES-GEPAN in Toulouse,France. Please contact Mr. Laugier atthe above address for further informa-tion if you desire a copy of this pam-phlet.

After an 8-year absence from theUFO Conference scene, APRO has an-nounced the sponsorship of a sympos-ium to be held June 12, 13, and 14,1981, in Cleveland, Ohio. Tentativespeakers are R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D.;Stanton T. Friedman; Daniel Harris,PhD.; Peter Van Arsdale, Ph.D.; andJohn S. Derr, Ph.D. The selectedtheme for the Conference is "Are WeAlone In The Universe?" Since someof the people who normally attend the

Annual MUFON UFO Symposiumsmay also want to attend the APROConference, the 1981 MUFON UFOSymposium at M.I.T. in Cambridge,Mass. (Boston) will be held on July24, 25, and 26, hosted by MUFON ofMassachusetts. We are looking forwardto having our first symposium in theEastern Region in 1981.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada, will bethe site for 1982 and Los Angeles,Calif, in 1983. Pittsburg, Pa., has ex-pressed a serious interest in hosting the1986 event. An established MUFONUFO group in a city or state is a pre-requisite for submitting a bid to hostan Annual MUFON UFO Symposium.Bids for 1984 and 1985 are open forqualified groups. Please contact yourInternational Director for furtherinformation if you are seriously Inter-ested. For the past eleven consecutiveyears, MUFON has conducted annualUFO symposiums, the only majorUFO organization to sponsor theseannual international events. We areproud to be the leader in this import-ant contribution to UFOlogy and pub-lic education.


Page 19: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September

Lucius Farish

in Other's wordsThe July 22 issue of NATIONAL ENQUIRER reports that UFO sightings

seem to be associated with natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcaniceruptions. An article by Bob Pratt in the July 29 issue profiles Ted Phillips andhis study of UFO landing trace cases. There have now been nearly 2,000 suchcases in 64 countries. In some instances, the evidence suggests that objectsweighing 8 to 10 tons (or more) have caused the traces. The August 5 issue out-lines the research of Dr. Harold Heaton, who is studying cases involving animals'reactions to UFOs.

James Oberg's "UFO Update" column in the August issue of OMNI dealswith the UFO sighting reports of Kenneth Arnold, who began the "flying sauc-ers" uproar with his reported sighting in 1947. Arnold claims to have seen UFOson other occasions since then, so this brands him a "repeater," according toOberg, who quotes Dr. J. Allen Hynek as saying that so-called "repeaters" are"utterably unreliable." While it is probably true that Hynek made such a state-ment, that certainly does not mean that it should be accepted (by Oberg or any-one else) as being valid. Oberg also errs in saying that "all (Arnold's) UFOs look-ed the same." On the contrary, one of the nine objects reported by Arnold in1947 was quite different from the other eight. His later sightings were of objectswith varying descriptions. Oberg also reports on UFOs and the U.N., followingthe ouster of Grenada's former Prime Minister, Sir Eric Gairy.

Another Oberg article is found in the September issue of FATE. In this one,he "disposes" of various stories about UFOs on the Moon, enigmatic lunar forma-tions, etc. While there has been a great deal of nonsense written on this topic (es-pecially regarding astronauts and UFOs), it is easy to sense a bit of "overkill" irithis attempt to write off some things which have genuinely puzzled lunar ob-servers. The many reports of TLP (Transient Lunar Phenomena) contain detailswhich are not so easily explained as natural phenomena.

The September issue of PROBE has an article by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, "TheLegion of the Bewildered Silent," as well as Allan Hendry's "UFO Update" col-,umn. It is understood that PROBE has now ceased publication, which is not sur-prising, in view of the types of articles carried in recent issues. It is unfortunatethat all the issues could not have matched the quality of the "Collectors Edition" •which was released several months ago.

Anyone who has not yet obtained a copy of THE ZETA RETICULI INCI-DENT by Terence Dickinson has missed some excellent information on the re-search done by Marjorie Fish on the "star map" allegedly seen by Betty Hillwhile on board an alien spacecraft. The publication is a reprint of Dickinson's1974 article in ASTRONOMY magazine, along with all subsequent material pub-lished in that magazine which dealt with the article. Dickinson has now authoreda four-page "update" on the map, which discusses the various criticisms by CarlSagan and others. Both the booklet and update are available from Stanton Fried-man at the following address: UFORI, Box 958, Houlton, ME 04730. Theprice is $3.00 for both items. Well worth your time and money.


The UFO NEWSCL1PPING SERVICEwill keep you informed of all the lat-est United States and World-WideUFO activity, as it happens! Our ser-vice was started in 1969, at whichtime we contracted with a reputablei n t e r n a t i o n a l newspaper -c l ipp ingbureau to obtain for us, those hard tofind UFO reports (i.e., l i t t le 'knownphotographic cases, close encounterand landing reports, occupant cases)and all other UFO reports, many ofwhich are carried only in small townor foreign newpapers."Our UFO Newsclipping Service is-sues are 20-page monthly reports, re-produced by photo-offset, containingthe latest United States and CanadianUFO newsclippings, with our foreignsection carrying the latest British,Australian, New Zealand and otherforeign press reports. Also included isa 3-5 page section of "Fortean" clip-pings (i.e. Bigfoot and other "mon-ster" reports). Let us keep you in-formed of the latest happenings inthe UFO and Fortean fields."For subscription information andsample pages from our service, writetoday to:


Plumerville, Arkansas 72127

The 1981 MUFON UFO Symposi-um will be held at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Cambridge(Boston), Mass., July 24-26. Thispromises to be an intriguing and well-attended event in a region containingmany veteran UFO researchejj, includ-ing MUFON State Director Joe San-tangelo, MUFON Director of Investiga-tions Raymond Fowler, Walter andDavid Webb, Joe Nyman, John Oswald,Betty Hill, and many others. Makeyour plans now.


Page 20: MUFON UFO Journal - 1980 9. September


"UFOs: A Canadian Perspective,"chaired by Henry H. McKay, MUFONRegional Director for Canada, was aninvitational conference held at theMetro-Toronto Reference Library, 789Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario, on March22, 1980. The theme or topic of dis-course was directed toward current re-search, educational endeavors, and as-pirational goals of organizations andindividuals dedicated to scientific stu:

dies and a rational approach to Un-identified Flying Objects or relateddisciplines. An invitation to participatewas extended to those people insouthern Ontario who had demon-strated in the past an active concernedinterest in this subject matter.

In Mr. McKay's introductoryspeech,-he related that the UFOlogistas a researcher or field investigator isfaced with many difficulties when deal-ing with a transient phenomenon andthe attendent disciplines. Two such as-pects were enlarged upon by Henryduring his brief address, supported bya slide and pictorial display, which ex-amined the need for a broader under-standing as to the complexity of land-ing trace cases and the problems in re-solving photographic evidence. Thesecould be misinterpretations of commoncauses, a perpetrated hoax, or a truegraphic display of a still unidentifiedanomaly captured on film. He recom-mended three books of divergent in-terest to the participants, two by Ca-nadian authors; "The UFO Connec-tion" by Arthur Bray residing in Otta- .wa; "UFO-Sightings, Landings and Ab-"ductions" by Yurko Bondarchuk; andW.H. Bowart's "Operation Mind Con-trol."

OtherTpeakers were David Haisell,author of the paperback book "TheMissing Seven Hours" and editor ofthe quarterly publication JOURNALUFO, who outlined some of the workof UP. Investigations Research, Inc.,Mississauga, Ontario; Pat De la franier,editor of TROFUS,a private newsletter

for the Stratford UFO Research Team,Stratford, Ontario, reported on their

_work; and Oscar Magocsi, author ofthe monograph "My -Space Odyssey inUFOs" ... the true story of a Torontoman's first-hand encounter with space. aliens.

Larry Fenwick and Joe Muskat,both officers of CUFORM, Inc. of Wil-lowdale, Ontario, gave a presentationon trie investigations of a reported en-counter incident involving a number oflocal people. The publisher of RESBUREAUX BULLETIN, known as"Mr. X /' outlined his experiences del-ving into and uncovering importantdocumentation pertaining to Canadiangovernment involvement. Mr. McKayand his colleagues are to be commend-ed for conducting this one-day UFOConference, whereby the participantscould personally meet and share theirinvestigative experiences in helping toresolve this perplexing enigma. All buttwo of the speakers are MUFON mem-bers.

Robert M. Hipp, State Directorfor Pennsylvania, has announced thatThomas Eveland, Box 4402 RD#4,Stroudsburg, PA 18360; is our newState Section Director for Monroe,Northampton, and Carbon counties.Mr. Eveland was recommmended byRaymond Fowler, Director of Investi-gations. Tom is an environmental biol-ogist with an M.S. in biology.. Twonew Research Specialists are MyronKarl Ilkin.72 ManahanSt.,Bankstown,N.S.W. 2200 Australia, a physicistwith a Masters in Applied Science and -a member of UFO Research Australia,and Douglas J. Labat, 4801 LurlineSt., New Orleans, LA 70127, an engi-neer with the telephone company inNew Orleans who will be working withour State Section Director James J.LaChute.

- STIGMATA, Number 10, ThirdQuarter of 1980, the publication de-voted to reporting on the continuinginvestigation into the occurrences of

animal mutilations ;by Project Stigma,P. O. Box 1094, Paris, TX 75460, wasrecently mailed to subscribers by TomAdams, MUFON State Section Direc-tor, and the world's leading investiga-tor into these bizarre events. This issueplaces emphasis on the internationalscope of mutilations. The 1980 sub-scription price for four quarterly issuesis $5.00 and the same will apply" in1981.

MUFON member John Paul Os-wald, of Hampton, N.H., has submitteda scholarly manuscript of 525 pages ti-tled "UFOs and A Coherent World-view," copyright 1980, to your direc-tor for his evaluation;and comments.John has done a magnificent job ofexpressing his personal views on thiscontroversial subject and has madedefinite recommendations to existingUFO organizations as to their futureaction. John personally feels that theanswers to the UFO phenomenon arecontained in this manuscript. He notonly reviews the status of UFOlogytoday, but delves into the positive andnegative aspects of Christianity andthe UFO as a new perspective from theBible and projected into the future.Since I haven't studied the entire man-uscript, I am not qualified to evaluateMr. Oswald's findings, explanations,and recommendations. The manuscripthas had_ very limited exposure to dateamong the leaders in UFOlogy. if isone of the most comprehensive studiesof this nature that your director hashad the privilege of being exposed to.

We are indebted to R. Leo Sprin-kle, Ph.D., for mailing a copy of the"Proceedings of the Rocky MountainConference on UFO Investigation"(contactee conference) conducted onMay 23, 24, and 25, 1980, at the Uni-versity of Wyoming. Dr. Sprinkle hasshared the experiences of some of theparticipants in the paper he delivered

(Continued on p. 18)