mudras set list

Mudras Mudras help in moulding the Physical, Mental and even the Moral aspects of the individual. Mudra is a Sanskrit word derived from the root mud, 'please' or 'delight' and dravay, the causal form of dru, 'to draw forth'. Specific folds, mutual positioning or postures – called mudras – of the fingers in one or both hands were discovered by the Vedic scientists of yoga for maintaining the natural order and healthy distribution of the pancha tatvas - five basic elements. The five fingers of the hand are regarded as representative symbols of these vital elements in the body. Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital pranic energies in the human body for health, well being and spiritual evolution. It also works as a therapy for the body and mind by balancing the ratio of five elements (panch tattvas) when done with hands. Along with Asanas, Mudras are employed along with Yogic Meditation to energize the Chakras and calm the mind. These are advanced techniques designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind. Concentration is improved and the mind settles into the body better when Mudras are used. Mudras "gesture" the energy necessary and "seal" that otherwise intangible and illusive moment, fixing it for all time in our heart and nerves, bones and blood, mind and body, soul and thought - creating a solid foundation upon which to build a spectacular healthy, happy and spiritual life. Mudras can bring about miraculous change and improvement in our body. Mudras generate Powers to provide all round development of mind & body which brings peace and happiness. Mudras look like miraculous remedies. They provide instant relief in many illnesses. Mudras can cure almost any ailment from simple ear ache to heart attack. Mudras help in moulding the Physical, Mental and even the Moral aspects of the individual. Some Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes, while some are fast enough to act within a few seconds. Practice of some of the Mudra's regularly can cure Insomnia, Arthritis, improves memory. Mudras have extra ordinary powers, practice of mudras brings about a quick and fundamental reversions of the destructive changes in the human body. They also develop virtuousity, social amiability, non-violence, piety and courteous dispositions. Mudras show how finger positions and pressure upon certain points of the hands can affect different parts of the body, influencing physiological processes linked with the currents of vital energy (Prana) as well as settle mental processes and calm emotions. Mudras are positions of the body that have some kind of influence on the energies of the body, or your mood. Mostly the hands and fingers are held in some position, but the whole body may be part of the mudra as well. Mudras have been in use in the East for thousands of years, particularly in Buddhism. Buddha statues often have the hands in certain hand positions. They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a way on the path to enlightenment. Indian classical dancers fold their fingers in various mudras. At Khajuraho, or even in the murals of Ajanta, figurines are almost invariably depicted with fingers in a mudra. I sought to hear the voice of GOD and climbed the topmost steeple... but GOD declared: "Go down again - I dwell among the people... Reiki Healing Reiki Healing Karuna Reiki Karuna Reiki Lama Fera Healing Lama Fera Healing Magnified Healing Magnified Healing Violet Flame Violet Flame Melchizedek Melchizedek Spirit Releasement Spirit Releasement Aura Scanning Aura Scanning 7 Chakras 7 Chakras Mudras Mudras Feng Shui Feng Shui Tags The 6 Basic Principles of Spiritual Practice Rudraksha The Angelic Realm Destiny & Karma Lucid Dreaming 123 DivineKrafts 1 of 14 4/3/2013 1:13 PM

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A list with pictures on mudras to perform in meditations.


Page 1: Mudras Set List


Mudras help in moulding the Physical, Mental and even the Moral aspects of the individual.

Mudra is a Sanskrit word derived from the root mud, 'please' or 'delight' and dravay, the causal form of dru,

'to draw forth'. Specific folds, mutual positioning or postures – called mudras – of the fingers in one or both

hands were discovered by the Vedic scientists of yoga for maintaining the natural order and healthy

distribution of the pancha tatvas - five basic elements. The five fingers of the hand are regarded as

representative symbols of these vital elements in the body.

Mudra is the ancient Yogic art and science of gesturing and sealing vital pranic energies in the human body

for health, well being and spiritual evolution. It also works as a therapy for the body and mind by balancing

the ratio of five elements (panch tattvas) when done with hands. Along with Asanas, Mudras are employed

along with Yogic Meditation to energize the Chakras and calm the mind. These are advanced techniques

designed to improve neuromuscular coordination, culture human emotions and still the restless mind.

Concentration is improved and the mind settles into the body better when Mudras are used. Mudras

"gesture" the energy necessary and "seal" that otherwise intangible and illusive moment, fixing it for all

time in our heart and nerves, bones and blood, mind and body, soul and thought - creating a solid

foundation upon which to build a spectacular healthy, happy and spiritual life.

Mudras can bring about miraculous change and improvement in our body. Mudras generate Powers to

provide all round development of mind & body which brings peace and happiness. Mudras look like

miraculous remedies. They provide instant relief in many illnesses. Mudras can cure almost any ailment

from simple ear ache to heart attack. Mudras help in moulding the Physical, Mental and even the Moral

aspects of the individual. Some Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes, while

some are fast enough to act within a few seconds. Practice of some of the Mudra's regularly can

cure Insomnia, Arthritis, improves memory. Mudras have extra ordinary powers, practice of mudras brings

about a quick and fundamental reversions of the destructive changes in the human body. They also

develop virtuousity, social amiability, non-violence, piety and courteous dispositions.

Mudras show how finger positions and pressure upon certain points of the hands can affect different parts

of the body, influencing physiological processes linked with the currents of vital energy (Prana) as well as

settle mental processes and calm emotions. Mudras are positions of the body that have some kind of

influence on the energies of the body, or your mood. Mostly the hands and fingers are held in some

position, but the whole body may be part of the mudra as well.

Mudras have been in use in the East for thousands of years, particularly in Buddhism. Buddha statues often

have the hands in certain hand positions. They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a

way on the path to enlightenment. Indian classical dancers fold their fingers in various mudras. At

Khajuraho, or even in the murals of Ajanta, figurines are almost invariably depicted with fingers in a mudra.

I sought to hear the voice of GOD and climbed the topmost steeple...but GOD declared: "Go down again - I dwell among the people...

Reiki HealingReiki Healing

Karuna ReikiKaruna Reiki

Lama Fera HealingLama Fera Healing

Magnified HealingMagnified Healing

Violet FlameViolet Flame


Spirit ReleasementSpirit Releasement

Aura ScanningAura Scanning

7 Chakras7 Chakras


Feng ShuiFeng Shui


The 6 Basic Principles of Spiritual Practice


The Angelic Realm

Destiny & Karma

Lucid Dreaming



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Page 2: Mudras Set List

It is little known, however, that mudra vigyan is Tatva Yoga — an essential aspect of yoga. All Godly and

superhuman persons like Lord Mahavir, Gautam Buddha, Lord Shankaracharya and others used to remain

in these Mudras. Mudra helps in Kundalini Yoga to awaken the Cosmic Energy and to unite consciousness

of inner Supreme Soul. Mudras are significant and simple yogic function by which one can develop internal

and external dispositions. Detailed description of Mudras are found in Tantra Shastra, Upasana Shastra,

Nritya Shastra, Art of Sculpture etc.

The most well-known mudras are probably the ones performed while meditating. One sits in lotus position

(or with crossed legs) and either puts one's hands on the knees, the tips of the thumb and index finger

joining, or in the lap, the fingers of the right hand resting on the left palm. But also the christian crossing of

the fingers for prayer is a mudra, as is the indian greeting gesture (that is also used while praying), where

the hands are held in front of the chest, the palms touching. The crossing of the hands puts one's attention

within, while opening the heart. The indian greeting gesture puts one into a mood of respect. Some mudras

are performed spontaneously by many people, like the Hakini mudra, where the tips of all fingers from the

right hand touch the corresponding fingertips from the left.

Often you might have been rebuked by your mother for twiddling your fingers or dangling your legs. This is

considered inauspicious because it involves a waste of prana or the vital energy within us. An excess of

wastage can even lead to brain damage; mudra vigyan taps this energy to heal the individual. The science

of mudras is one of the finest gifts of yoga to the cause of human welfare.

Mudras never generate an excess of energy, they simply seek an optimal balancing of prana, much like a

thermostat. So next time you are ailing, remember it may just be an instance of maladjusted prana and an

innocuous sleight of hand could be the cure.

Scientific Co relation

Any living body is made of 5 distinct elements:






These are not as per science's definition of elements but refer to the five building blocks that go into the

formation of any living body. Several ancient health systems are based on the concept of the balance of the

five elements. Indian Medical science according to ayurved and metaphysics affirm that distortion or

impairment of the 5 elements create outer disturbance and inner sickness in the body.

There is a tremendous flow of energy in our hands and each finger represents one of the five elements -

the thumb is agni (fire), the forefinger is vayu (air), the middle finger is akash (ether - the tiny intercellular

spaces in the human body), the ring finger is prithvi (earth) and the little finger is jal (water).

Imbalance of these elements disrupts the immunity system and causes disease. Deficiencies in any of these

elements can be made up by connecting one part of the body with another in a particular manner through

Mudras. When a finger representing an element is brought into contact with the thumb, that element is

brought into balance. Therefore the disease caused by the imbalance is cured. Mudras start

electromagnetic currents within the body which balance various constituting elements and restore health.

The joining of fingers creates an effect on the human body. However they're also used for physical


The finger tips of every living being have many concentrated nerve root endings which are free energy

discharge points. Science also confirms that around every tip there is a concentration of free electrons. By

touching together of the tips of the fingers or the finger tips to other parts of the palms this free energy

(Prana) is redirected back into the body along specified channels, back up to the brain. The redirected

energy traveling through the nerves stimulates the various chakras. Keeping the hands on the knees

stimulates the Gupta Nari and makes the energy start from the Mooladhara Chakra.

Thus, the tension applied to the nerve/s and/or the neural or psycho-neural circuits formed by the mudras

help in balancing the five basic elements (or building blocks). This balancing of the tension, and redirection

of the internal energy effects the changes in veins, tendons, glands and sensory organs, to bring the body

back to a healthy state.

Keeping specified nerves stretched for specified periods tones up of the nervous system. The fingers of

Dream Interpretations

Magick - White

Crystal Bible

Color Therapy

Serenity Surrender

Remedial Astrology

Planatary Behaviors & Nakshatras


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each hand are held folded in certain specific postures and this provides the required tension on the nerves.

The fingers of each and every individual in the world are different in their shapes and sizes. These are

determined and provided by nature as a tool to bring the nerves into prime condition when affected


Thus, they provide a different 'end tension' on the nerves when different individuals fold their fingers or the

same individual folds the fingers by different methods in different Mudras. This is exactly the tension

required by that individual for that particular application. Nature has already bestowed us with the tools to

be used to keep us healthy.

Compare this with Acupressure where the nerves are influenced by the application of pressure on certain

points or Acupuncture, where slight electrical impulses are conveyed through needles inserted in the body.

The advantage in Mudras is that the pressure to be applied on the nerves is automatic and controlled by

the shape and size of the fingers and not by external agencies.

Because the Mudras work on the nerves, they are a NEURAL SCIENCE

Mudras For Benefits

Mudra Vigyan is also a science based on the principles of the Indian Medical Science (Ayurveda) which

lays down three factors primarily responsible for the body's ills, Vata (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha


10 types of Vayus (Winds) circulate through the nerves of the human body and can be controlled with



Pran Vayu Mouth; central nose; central nabhi; heart

Apan Vayu Rectum; regenerative organs; knees; loins Stomach; waist; navel and calves

Vyan Vayu Eyes; ears; shoulders; ankles; throat

Udan Vayu Hands and feet

Saman Vayu assists other Vayus

UPVAYUS (Secondary winds)

Nag Vayu, Kurm Vayu, Kriker Vayu, Krikal or Devadutta Vayu, Dhananjaya Vayu and these winds

circulate in places like the skin and bones etc.

The rules to keep these Vayus in good order are called PANCHMUKHI PRANOPASANA or the five faceted

worship of the life forces and use the Mudras to achieve their ends.

The ancients believed there were 24 diagnostic elements, is it a coincidence that the Gayatri mantra has

24 words, the Jains have 24 Tirthankaras, Sanatan Dharma has 24 avatars.

The roots of all diseases lie in an imbalance of one of the five elements and can be corrected with

medicines, willpower and mudras. The Gayatri mantra confirms the worth of mudras with a grim


Eta mudra na janati Gayatri nishfala bhavat (he who knows not the mudras will not benefit from


The mantra lists 24 mudras, while an unknown number lies in the many forms of yoga.

Mudras are natures way of healing, as intended by nature and therefore, the mandates of nature are to

be followed. These are no instant pills, which do give temporary relief but harm in the long run. While

some Mudras do give instant relief, for permanent and long term gains they should be done with

sincerity and belief. Remember, the gains from all Yogic procedures are permanent and achieved


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without interfering with the natural working of the body mind or spirit.

When To Do?

Like any Yoga, Mudras must be practiced sincerely and after gaining full knowledge of them. With few

exceptions, a practice of these, with partial knowledge can, at the least, result in no gains and if

practiced wrongly also produce undesireable effects.

Like any Yoga, Mudras should be learned from a Guru. After understanding the basic principles, the

practitioners can generally do most of the Mudras by themselves.

Mudras Main

Mudra is a gesture by hand or seal which symbolizes energy. This is one of the most beautiful forms of

expression by using the fingers and thumb. Mudra is a voluntary neuromuscular action (contraction) or

posture by which the prana is controlled and directed through a particular nadi, known as Mudra. That

is why Viparita Karani Mudra is practiced as an asana with a limited objective at the physical level.

Mudra also means Seal or the cast (mould), Stamp, impression, currency, gesture, a body position

which provides pleasure and joy, symbol and action with some expression on the face. It is also known

as the ritual or symbolic gesture which is practiced from very old times in Buddhism and Hinduism.

Mudra calls for the involvement of the whole body and it is performed by the use of fingers of both the

hands and the hands as well. Mudra is regarded as energetic or the `seal of authenticity` utilized in the

Indian religious spiritual practice. There are references of Mudras in the philosophies of the Eastern

world and it is also a part of Yogic practice and culture. Mudra is justly defined as a mystical gesture of

the hand in order to focus elusive energy by symbols.

Moreover, the bandhas are also included in the mudras. The reason is probably that they are only four

in number. Usually they are practiced as an essential part of pranayama. When they are practiced

without pranayama, they are mudras. Therefore, mudras, which are practiced in pranayama, are known

as bandhas. They bind and direct the current of prana from a particular region and generate specific

impulse. When these impulses are understood at the experiential level, the prana or the force or vital

energy, can be directed further through the specific route or nadi. Gherand Samhita speaks of about 25

mudras in 100 verses. Tantra mentions Ankush mudra, Abhaya mudra, Kumbha mudra, Vara mudra,

and Shankha mudra. In Goroksha Shatak, only six mudras are described.

The word mudra is not limited to yoga. They are also included in Tantra (e.g., Vijay Tantra, which saves

a person from evil) and the art of Indian traditional dance as well as drama. Unlike in Hatha Yoga, in

Tantra the importance is given to the special arrangements of the fingers and hands. While in Indian

dance and drama, mudras are done with the help of face and eyes. The purpose is clearly of an

expression or indication of the feelings. The term `mudra` is derived from two words; `mud` and `ra`.

Here, `mud` means to rejoice or to be happy and `ra` means `to give`. Thus, Mudra is an action

which offers delight or extreme joy. This is an indication that the practice of mudra is concerned with

sensory aspect.

Concept of Mudras

Mudras` concept depends upon all the fingers of both the hands of an individual. Each of the fingers is

linked with specific meaning and energy. The accurate use of the fingers provides the Mudra with the

energy to heal. Fingers are stated to bear the human body`s five elements, which are air, water, fire,

earth and sky. These are there in set proportions and a slight imbalance may cause severe disaster. The

striking of balance in between these elements is however not easy. Thus, the practice of Mudra

facilitates the harmonizing of the five elements present in the human body.

An elaborate study concerning the fingers and their links with the five elements unveils the fact that the

element earth, worry and stomach are represented by the thumb. Index finger of a human being

comprises of the element metal and has an influence over the large intestine, lungs, and also the

control over emotions like sadness, depression and grief. The hand`s middle finger is regarded as the

element fire which is connected with the small intestine, heart, respiratory and circulatory systems and

the emotions include hastiness and impatience. The element wood is constituted by the ring finger and

the same is associated with the gall bladder, liver and nervous system, and represents anger, while the

little finger represents water, fear and kidney. Apart from this, the fingers of the hands are linked to

profound meaning in palmistry and astrology. The hand`s little finger is Mercury which is associated

with communication. The little finger is also linked with the second chakra. Ring finger is linked to the

Sun God called Apollo, and it refers to the association and it forms the root chakra. The middle finger is

associated with Saturn and it denotes responsibility and is linked with throat chakra, which is the

entrance to purity. The index finger is related to Jupiter and it denotes self-worth and is linked to heart

chakra. Lastly, the thumb is linked to Mars, and this denotes self-assertion and is relates to the element

of fire.

Origin of Mudras


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