
Mudras for a Healthy Life There are five elements in our body and the five fingers of our hand represent these five elements: Fire - Thumb Air - Index Finger Space (ether) - Middle Finger Earth - Ring Finger Water - Little Finger When these 5 elements are not in balance we get various physical and psychological ailments. The energy from the body radiates out mainly through the tip of the nose, lips, finger tips and toes. When the thumb gets in contact with the other fingers, energy is directed back to vitalise various parts of our body. This is called as circuit bypass. Mudras and Bandas go hand in hand. Banda help in locking in the energy and whereas mudras help in redirecting the energy. Varsha Bhatia

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Post on 27-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Mudras

Mudras for a Healthy Life There are five elements in our body and the five fingers of our hand represent these five elements:

 Fire - Thumb  Air - Index Finger  Space (ether) - Middle Finger  Earth - Ring Finger  Water - Little Finger

When these 5 elements are not in balance we get various physical and psychological ailments. The energy from the body radiates out mainly through the tip of the nose, lips, finger tips and toes. When the thumb gets in contact with the other fingers, energy is directed back to vitalise various parts of our body. This is called as circuit bypass. Mudras and Bandas go hand in hand. Banda help in locking in the energy and whereas mudras help in redirecting the energy.

Varsha Bhatia

Page 2: Mudras

Mudras for a Healthy Life   To increase an element the thumb is pressed at the base of the finger tip.

  To decrease the finger is folded at the base of thumb and generally the back of the finger is pressed by the thumb.

  To balance the element the finger tip and the thumb tip are joined together.

Varsha Bhatia

Page 3: Mudras

Method: Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the index finger, with the other three fingers stretched out.

Specialty: As it is a mudra of knowledge, it enhances the knowledge. The tip of thumb has centers of pituitary and endocrine glands. When we press these centers by index finger the two glands work actively.

Time duration: There is no particular time duration for this mudra. You can practice by sitting, standing or lying on bed whenever and wherever you have time.

Benefits: Increases memory power and sharpens the brain. Enhances concentration and prevents Insomnia. If we practice it regularly, it will cure all psychological disorders like Mental, Hysteria, Anger and Depression.

Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 4: Mudras

Method: Join the tips of middle finger with the tips of thumb while remaining three fingers keeping stretched.

Specialty: This mudra relieves you from dullness and generates new energy.

Time Duration: 15 minutes.

Benefits: This mudra is very useful for heart diseases. It strengthens the bones. It prevents diseases related to nasal and oral cavities. It removes frustration.

Akash Mudra – Space

Varsha Bhatia

Page 5: Mudras

Method: Tip of the ring finger touches the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out.

Specialty: It reduces all physical weaknesses.

Time Duration: It has no particular time duration. You can practice it any time you want.

Benefits: It helps to increase the weight for weak people. It improves the complexion of skin and makes the skin to glow. It makes the body active by keeping it healthy.

Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 6: Mudras

Method: Little finger touches the tip of the thumb, with the other three fingers stretched out.

Specialty: It balances the water content and prevents all diseases that come due to lack of water.

Time Duration: It has no specific time duration and one can practice it according to their time.

Benefits: It retains clarity in blood by balancing water content in the body. Prevents the pains of Gastroenteritis and Muscle shrinkage.

Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water)

Varsha Bhatia

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Method: Keep the index finger on the base of the thumb and press with thumb keeping the other three fingers straight.

Specialty: It prevents all the diseases that occur due to the imbalance of the air. This mudra harmonises all 5 upa-pranas: Naga (belching), Kurma (blinking), Krikala (sneezing), Devadatta (yawning), Danajaya (preserving the body for a while after death).

Time Duration: The practice of this mudra for 45 minutes reduces the severity of the disease in 12 to 24 hours. For better results practice it for two months.

Benefits: It cures Rheumatism, Arthritis, Gout, Parkinson’s disease and paralysis without any medicine. It is useful for Cervical Spondilytis, paralysis to face and dislocation of nerve in neck. It corrects the disorder of gas in the stomach.

Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Air)

Varsha Bhatia

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Method: Keep the middle finger at the mount of Venus and press it with thumb.

Specialty: It reduces the dullness in our body.

Time Duration: One can practice it for 40 to 60 minutes daily until to be cured from the disease.

Benefits: It relieves an earache within 4 or 5 minutes. It is useful for the deaf and mentally challenged, but not for inborn ones. Ear pain is reduced. Hearing ability improves; speech clarity improves, and reduces the stammering.

Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 9: Mudras

Method: Bend the ring finger and press it with thumb.

Specialty: It sharpens the center in thyroid gland.

Time Duration: Practice it daily twice for 5 to 15 minutes.

Benefits: It reduces cholesterol in body and helps in reducing weight. This is to be done while walking. It reduces anxiety. It corrects indigestion problems. Reduces phlegm in the body (kapha dosha), reduces asthma, pneumonia, sinus and breathing difficulty. Linga mudra is to be done after this for 7-8 minutes. Note: Sick person should avoid this mudra or can do for a maximum of 0.5m a day.

Surya Mudra (Mudra of Sun)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 10: Mudras

Method: Bend ring finger and little finger and touch the tip of thumb with their tips keeping the remaining two fingers stretched.

Specialty: As it is the mudra of life, it improves the power of life. Weak people become strong. It reduces the clamps in blood vessels. If we practice it regularly, we will become active.

Time Duration: No specific time duration. One can practice it any time.

Benefits: It improves immunity. Improves the power of eyes and reduces eye related diseases. It removes the vitamin deficiency and fatigue.

Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 11: Mudras

Method: The tips of middle finger and ring finger touch the tip of thumb while the other two fingers are stretched out.

Specialty: It plays an important role in our health as it regulates the excretory system.

Time Duration: Practice it daily for 45 minutes, but practice for longer time yields more benefits.

Benefits: It regulates diabetes. It cures constipation and piles. It helps excreting the normal waste regularly.

Apana Mudra (Mudra of Digestion)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 12: Mudras

Method: The tips of the middle finger and ring finger touch the tip of thumb, while the index finger touches the base of thumb and little finger stretched out.

Specialty: It benefits the heart. It works like injection in the reduction of heart attack. It is as powerful as sorbitate tablet. It reduces the gas content in body.

Time Duration: Practice it as many times as you can. Heart patients and BP patients can practice it for 15 minutes daily twice for better results.

Benefits: It strengthens the heart and regularizes palpitation. It regulates excretory system. It redeems gastric trouble.

Apana Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Heart)

Varsha Bhatia

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Method: Interlock the fingers of both the hands and keep the thumb of the left hand vertically straight and encircle it with the thumb and the index finger of the right hand.

Specialty: It generates heat in our body. Take milk, ghee, more water and fruit juices in addition to practice of this mudra for much benefits.

Time Duration: Practice it any time you want. But don’t practice it a lot as it produces heat in the body. It can cause sweating even in winter if you practice it longer.

Benefits: It stops production of phlegm and gives power to lungs. It cures severe cold and bronchial infection. It invigorates the body.

Linga Mudra (Mudra of Heat)

Varsha Bhatia

Page 14: Mudras

Mudras for a Healthy Life There are some more mudras for wonderful health benefits.

Varsha Bhatia

Page 15: Mudras

Method: Touch the tip of thumb with the tips of index and middle fingers. Keep your ring finger into the fold of the thumb and stretch the little finger.

Specialty: This mudra relieves all tensions.

Time Duration: 15 to 20 minutes.

Benefits: It is very useful for migraine. It relives your eyes from straining. It reduces the mucous congestion. It relieves from back pain.

Mahasir Mudra – Tension Relieving

Varsha Bhatia

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Method: Touch the tips of the corresponding fingers of each other.

Specialty: This mudra improves memory power.

Time Duration: 15 minutes.

Benefits: It helps to improve concentration. It promotes the co-operation between the right and left brain hemispheres. For children suffering from Autism, Mudra of knowledge(Gyan Mudra) and this mudra can be very helpful. (Autism can be partially cured by mudras and some asanas in yoga. But for permanent cure you have to follow other methods prescribed by doctors).

Hakini Mudra – Memory

Varsha Bhatia

Page 17: Mudras

Method: Join the tips of fore finger, middle finger and ring finger with the tip of thumb keeping the little finger straight.

Specialty: This mudra develops the flow of energy in all parts of the body.

Time Duration: No specific time duration.

Benefits: This mudra refreshes your body.It enhances the efficiency of the nervous system. It cures many problems of the chest and navel area.

Udan Mudra – Awakening

Varsha Bhatia

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Method: Join the tips of all fingers with the tips of the thumb.

Specialty: This mudra controls the digestive system.

Time Duration: 20 minutes

Benefits: It digests food and nourishes body. It enhances the function of digestive system. It prevents and cures many problems associated with digestive system.

Saman Mudra – Digestion

Varsha Bhatia

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Method: Join the tips of fore finger and middle finger with the tip of thumb while the ring finger and little finger keeping straight.

Specialty: It balances the energy in our body.

Time duration: 20 minutes.

Benefits: It strengthens the whole nervous system. It helps to regain the heat energy in the body

Vyan Mudra – Energy

Varsha Bhatia

Page 20: Mudras

Important things to know about the Mudras

  When the tip of the thumb joins the tip of the other fingers, respective tatvas gets balanced in the body.

  When the tip of the thumb joins the base of the other fingers, respective tatvas gets increased in the body.

  When the tip of the fingers brought to the base of the thumb, respective tatvas gets reduced in the body.

  Anyone and anytime Hasta mudras can be done.

  As far as possible, the hands should face upwards while doing the mudras.

  Doing the mudras on both hands is more beneficial. Varsha Bhatia

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Important things to know about the Mudras… Cont’d

  Mudras can be done for few seconds, 10 minutes, half an hour or 50minutes.  If done for 50 minutes, desired results will come.

  While doing the mudras, only the tip of the fingers are used.  Pressing the fingers not needed. Other fingers should be straight.

  There is no side effect in this.  This can be done while one is on the medication also.

  If the Prana mudra, Apana mudra, Janan mudra and Pritvi mudra done every day for 5-15 minutes, one’s health improves significantly.

Varsha Bhatia

Page 22: Mudras

Important things to know about the Mudras… Cont’d

  Mudras not only improves the physical health but also improves the mental health by reducing the anger, increasing the peace and releasing one from the addictions.

  Chikitsa mudra should be stopped after one’s health improves.

Varsha Bhatia