mprwa regular meeting minutes july 10, 2014

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  • 8/11/2019 MPRWA REgular Meeting Minutes July 10, 2014




    7:30 PM, Thursday, July 10, 2014COUNCIL CHAMBER580 PACIFIC STREET


    Directors Present: Burnett, Edelen, Kampe, Pendergrass, Rubio, Della SalaDirectors Absent: None

    Staff Present: Executive Director, Legal Counsel, Clerk

    ROLL CALLThe meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.



    Vice president Burnett reported that the Marina Planning Commission denied the permit for thetest well, therefore the item will be appealed to the City Council.


    President Della Sala invited public comment for items not on the agenda.

    Michael Warburton expressed concern that there has not been adequate study ofreasonable project alternatives.

    Dale Heikhaus requested a further explanation about the purpose of the ValueEngineering study and what kind of contribution it is making to the project.


    1. June 12, 2014 Regular Meeting

    Director Kampe requested a modification to the minutes. Regarding the presentation that theSalinas Valley will receive water from the Peninsula and he requested that it be reflected in theminutes that he asked for clarification of what the Peninsula will receive in return.

    On a motion by Director Rubio seconded by Director Pendergrass, and carried by the followingvote, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority approved the minutes of June 12, 2014as amended by Director Kampes request:

    AYES: 6 DIRECTORS: Burnett, Edelen, Kampe, Pendergrass, Rubio, Della SalaNOES: 0 DIRECTORS: NoneABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: None


    2. Receive Status Report of the Final Negotiations on the Ground Water ReplenishmentProject Source Water Agreements

  • 8/11/2019 MPRWA REgular Meeting Minutes July 10, 2014


    MPRWA Minutes Thursday, July 10, 2014

    Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

    Regular Meeting Minutes - Thursday, July 10, 20142

    Mike McCullough from MRWPCA presented an update report regarding the Pure WaterMonterey Ground Water Replenishment project. He spoke to current testing results, andcontinued coordination with the CPUC EIR team. He reported the Source water negotiationshave been ongoing but referred the Board to Dennis Allion, Chair of the Board on theMPWPCA, Mayor Rubio and Dave Stoldt for specific details. .

    Mr. Allion spoke to ongoing discussions and negotiations regarding source water agreements,including creative and alternative sources of waters that are should provide adequate water ataffordable rates for the CSIP program. He reported that progress is being made but concernscontinue regarding securing enough water for everyone. He closed by affirming the project isstill on schedule for January 2017 implementation.

    President Della Sala invited public comment on the time.

    David Lifland expressed concern about data published regarding the withdrawal of water fromthe aquifer when it is below sea level. Nelson Vega spoke against the report of progress beingmade on the source water agreements and requested the consideration of building the largerdesalination facility. Tom Rowley encouraged keeping focused on the cost to the rate payer.

    Director Rubio, as a participant to the negotiations reported that everyone has worked veryhard and he acknowledged Gary Peterson, Dennis Allion, Dave Stodlt and Keith Israel for alltheir hard work. The report was received and comment was taken.

    3. Receive Preliminary Cost Comparison Between the Ground Water Replenishment Projectand the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Desal Project

    Dave Stoldt, General Manager from the Monterey Peninsula Water Management Districtprovided a presentation regarding a cost analysis of comparing the small, the large desalinationfacility with the small and large facility plus GWR. He reported that as revealed during the VEpresentation there are still a number of aspects that will affect the final cost of water and that

    the projects are not yet at a point where a cost comparison can be accurately done.He spoke to the cost assumptions, the current estimates of GWR, including treatment,conveyance, injection and recovery. Mr. Stoldt agreed to report back in a few months with moreaccurate, update information. Mr. Stoldt answered questions from the Directors.

    Vice President Burnett, speaking to the upcoming CPUC testimony, questioned how theAuthority can accurately provide testimony regarding endorsement of the project if there is notenough information to judge cost effectiveness. Mr. Stoldt indicated that by the end of Augustthe sources water agreements should be completed and the issues of risk protection andquantity should be worked though to be able to provide sufficient cost information.

    President Della Sala invited public comment on the item.

    Tom Rowley expressed frustration that the source water is still undetermined for all projectsand that this will impact the decision from the Coastal Commission. Nelson Vega spoke to theincome disparity of Salinas residents versus the peninsula residents and urged the negotiatorsto find a cost effective solution for all. Jan Schriner expressed concern regarding the water thatis intended to be used for the test wells. George Riley requested that the Authority re-evaluatethe different projects, now that the schedule has slipped according to the criteria establishedfrom the SPI report. Mr. Warburton encouraged the Authority to being to talk about rationalsharing of publicly owned water.

  • 8/11/2019 MPRWA REgular Meeting Minutes July 10, 2014


    MPRWA Minutes Thursday, July 10, 2014

    Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

    Regular Meeting Minutes - Thursday, July 10, 20143

    The report was received.

    4. Election of Officers for Fiscal Year 2014-15

    Clerk Milton noted that this is a business item and a requirement to elect officers annually.

    Director Pendergrass expressed concern that the TAC operate without a Director to unbiasdlylead discussions and provide information. President Della Sala reminded the Authority that theBy-Laws were amended to allow maximum flexibility. He then declared that since he will not beseeking reelection for his Mayoral position in Monterey, he does not request to be presidentagain. He nominated Director Burnett to succeed him as President of the Authority. Thenomination was seconded by Director Pendergrass. Mr. Pendergrass spoke in support of theefforts of President Della Sala during meetings for his facilitation and expressed appreciation.The Board concurred.

    President Della Sala invited public comment on the item.

    Nelson Vega thanked President Della Sala for his efforts and spoke in support of the

    nomination for Director Burnett. He disagreed that there was ever a conflict whileDirector Burnett was the TAC Chair. He recommended that Mr. Rubio be the VicePresident due to his largest stake in the game as Mayor of Seaside.

    On a motion by President Della Sala and seconded by Director Pendergrass and carriedunanimously, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority elected Director Burnett asPresident for Fiscal Year 2014-15:

    Director Pendergrass nominated Director Rubio as Vice Chair but motion fails for lack of asecond. Director Edelen questioned the incoming President as to his preference for a Vice Chairto which President-Elect Burnett spoke to the work done by Director Kampe with regards tofinding a water solution. Mayor Rubio indicated that he will represent all Citizens fairly on all

    boards that he sits on.

    President Della Sala invited public comment on the item.

    Tom Rowley encouraged all Directors, regardless of position to work toward finding asolution.

    Nelson Vega requested the Directors to recognize the votes that Director Rubiorepresents and that the citizens of Seaside may take a great offense that their Mayorwas not elected.

    On a motion by Director Edelen, seconded by Director Burnett, and carried by the followingvote, the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority elected Director Kampe as VicePresident of the Authority for Fiscal Year 2014-15.

    AYES: 4 DIRECTORS: Burnett, Edelen, Kampe, Della SalaNOES: 2 DIRECTORS: Rubio, PendergrassABSENT: 0 DIRECTORS: NoneABSTAIN: 0 DIRECTORS: NoneRECUSED: 0 DIRECTORS: None

  • 8/11/2019 MPRWA REgular Meeting Minutes July 10, 2014


    MPRWA Minutes Thursday, July 10, 2014

    Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

    Regular Meeting Minutes - Thursday, July 10, 20144

    Public Comment was invited for the Treasurer and Secretary positions and there were norequests to speak.

    On a motion by Director Kampe seconded by Director Edelen and carried unanimously, theMonterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority elected Director Kampe as Treasurer for FiscalYear 2014-15:

    On a motion by President Della Sala, seconded by Director Edelen and carried unanimously,the Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority Elected Director Pendergrass as Secretaryfor Fiscal Year 2014-15:

    5. Receive Report on Status of Mitigated Negative Declaration for the City of Marina TestWells and the Approval Process for the City of Marina and the California CoastalCommission Coastal Development Permits

    Executive Director Cullem reported that since the City of Marina rejected the test well permitapplication it will be appealed to the City Council. There will be two opportunities to present to

    the City Council and if not passed would appeal to the Coastal commission. Rich Svinland fromCal Am presented a schedule of the critical path items for the MPWSP and indicated that asdecisions happen, the schedule will be updated and re-charted and is in response to theAuthoritys request to keep updated on the project.

    President Della Sala invited public comment on the item.

    Tom Rowley spoke to previous experience with the Coastal Commission and urged both CalAm and the Authority to attempt to be agendized by the CCC earlier rather than later. NelsonVega, Michael Warburton both spoke in support of Mr. Rowley's comments. Jan Schrinerencouraged the Authority to view the City of Marina as a community to be reasoned with andnot as a tool.

    The report was received.


    The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM


    Lesley Milton, Authority Clerk Chuck Della Sala, President