motobumotobu--ha shitoha shito--ryuryu karatekarate--do:do ... · ranks in motoburanks in...

Motobu Motobu - - Ha Shito Ha Shito - - Ryu Ryu Karate Karate - - Do: Do: The Evolution of a Style The Evolution of a Style Shihan James Herndon Shihan James Herndon Kuniba Kuniba - - Kai Summer Camp Kai Summer Camp Chesapeake, VA Chesapeake, VA July 2007 July 2007

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  • MotobuMotobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyuKarateKarate--Do:Do:

    The Evolution of a StyleThe Evolution of a Style

    Shihan James HerndonShihan James HerndonKunibaKuniba--Kai Summer CampKai Summer Camp

    Chesapeake, VAChesapeake, VAJuly 2007July 2007

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    In the BeginningIn the Beginning

    KarateKarate--Do, also called TangDo, also called Tang--Te (ChinaTe (ChinaHand), emerged from antiquity to becomeHand), emerged from antiquity to becomea popular activity in Okinawa and Japan.a popular activity in Okinawa and Japan.

    Early Okinawan styles included NahaEarly Okinawan styles included Naha--Te,Te,ShuriShuri--Te, TomariTe, Tomari--Te, ShorinTe, Shorin--Ryu, GojuRyu, Goju--Ryu, IsshinRyu, Isshin--Ryu, and ShitoRyu, and Shito--Ryu.Ryu.

    ShitoShito--Ryu today has several subRyu today has several sub--schoolsschools(Ha): Mabuni(Ha): Mabuni--Ha, TaniHa, Tani--Ha, MotobuHa, Motobu--Ha.Ha.

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    Some DefinitionsSome Definitions

    Do = ADo = A ““wayway”” or art, as in Karateor art, as in Karate--DoDo


    Ryu = ARyu = A ““stylestyle”” or school, as in Shitoor school, as in Shito--RyuRyu

    Ha = AHa = A ““sectsect”” or subor sub--school, as in Motobuschool, as in Motobu--HaHa

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Historical SenseiHistorical Sensei

    Anko ItosuAnko Itosu

    Kanryo HigaonnaKanryo Higaonna

    Choki MotobuChoki Motobu

    Kenwa MabuniKenwa Mabuni

    Kosei KokubaKosei Kokuba

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Anko ItosuAnko Itosu18301830--19151915

    ShuriShuri--Te master, a student of SokonTe master, a student of SokonMatsumura (1792Matsumura (1792--1887)1887)

    Organized karate in the Okinawan schoolOrganized karate in the Okinawan schoolsystemsystem

    Codified kata, and considered byCodified kata, and considered bysome to be thesome to be the ““Father of KarateFather of Karate””

    Trained many eminent menTrained many eminent men

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    Kanryo HigaonnaKanryo Higaonna18531853--19161916

    NahaNaha--Te master, student of ArakakiTe master, student of ArakakiSeisho and othersSeisho and others

    Spent time in China learning theSpent time in China learning thetechniques of kungtechniques of kung--FuFu

    Combined hard and soft to createCombined hard and soft to createGojuGoju--RyuRyu

    Noted for Sanchin kataNoted for Sanchin kata

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    Choki MotobuChoki Motobu18701870--19441944

    Student of Itosu and others in OkinawaStudent of Itosu and others in Okinawa

    Followed Funakoshi and Mabuni to JapanFollowed Funakoshi and Mabuni to Japan

    Given room and board at the dojo of KoseiGiven room and board at the dojo of KoseiKokuba, where he taughtKokuba, where he taught

    Known asKnown as ““Motobu no SaruMotobu no Saru””

    Passed MotobuPassed Motobu--Ha to KokubaHa to Kokuba

    Shiro Kuma kataShiro Kuma kata

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Kenwa MabuniKenwa Mabuni18891889--19521952

    Founder of ShitoFounder of Shito--Ryu KarateRyu Karate--Do c. 1930Do c. 1930

    Took name from Itosu and Higaonna, hisTook name from Itosu and Higaonna, histwo primary teacherstwo primary teachers

    Today, the Mabuni lineage isToday, the Mabuni lineage iscalled Seito Shitocalled Seito Shito--RyuRyu

    Son Kenei is head of styleSon Kenei is head of style 22ndnd SokeSoke

    World ShitoWorld Shito--ryu Karateryu Karate--do Federationdo Federation

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Kosei KokubaKosei Kokuba19011901--19591959

    Began training under Itosu at age 14Began training under Itosu at age 14

    Student of Choki Motobu; Motobu taughtStudent of Choki Motobu; Motobu taughtin Kokubain Kokuba’’s dojo in Osaka, Japans dojo in Osaka, Japan

    Nidai Soke of MotobuNidai Soke of Motobu--Ha KarateHa Karate--DoDo

    Founder of SeishinFounder of Seishin--KanKan

    11stst Kaicho of SeishinKaicho of Seishin--KaiKai

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  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    Informally formed 1940 in Osaka, Japan;Informally formed 1940 in Osaka, Japan;SeishinSeishin--Kan named in 1943Kan named in 1943

    Central dojo that attracted Sensei fromCentral dojo that attracted Sensei frommany styles: Shorinmany styles: Shorin--Ryu, ShitoRyu, Shito--RyuRyu……..

    The dojo where Shogo Kuniba trained withThe dojo where Shogo Kuniba trained withnoted founders such as Kosei Kokuba andnoted founders such as Kosei Kokuba andKenwa Mabuni and othersKenwa Mabuni and others

    The birthplace of MotobuThe birthplace of Motobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyu

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    First PromotionsFirst PromotionsSeishinSeishin--Kan DojoKan Dojo 19451945

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    Established in June 1947* Osaka, JapanEstablished in June 1947* Osaka, Japan

    Sei Shin translates asSei Shin translates as ““pure heartpure heart””

    The first organization to issue MenjoThe first organization to issue Menjo(certificates) recognizing Dan and Kyu(certificates) recognizing Dan and Kyuranks in Motoburanks in Motobu--Ha KarateHa Karate--Do and thenDo and thenMotobuMotobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--Ryu KarateRyu Karate--DoDo

    First Kaicho, Kosei Kokuba (1947First Kaicho, Kosei Kokuba (1947--1959)1959)

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  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Teruo HayashiTeruo Hayashi19241924--20042004

    Began training in 1948 under KoseiBegan training in 1948 under KoseiKokuba at the Seishin Kan DojoKokuba at the Seishin Kan Dojo

    22ndnd Kaicho of Seishin Kai (1959Kaicho of Seishin Kai (1959--1968)1968)

    HayashiHayashi--Ha ShitoHa Shito--Ryu KaiRyu Kai

    Soke of HayashiSoke of Hayashi--HaHa

    RengoRengo--Kai 8 DanKai 8 Dan

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    Kosho KokubaKosho Kokuba19351935--19921992

    Also known asAlso known as ““ShogoShogo”” KunibaKuniba

    Sandai Soke of MotobuSandai Soke of Motobu--Ha KarateHa Karate--DoDo

    Shodai Soke of MotobuShodai Soke of Motobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyu

    MotobuMotobu--Ha & MabuniHa & Mabuni--HaHa

    33rdrd Kaicho of SeishinKaicho of Seishin--KaiKai

    Posthumous 10Posthumous 10thth Dan awardedDan awarded

    by Japan Karate Federationby Japan Karate Federation

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    MotobuMotobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyu

    Created by Shogo Kuniba in 1956 as aCreated by Shogo Kuniba in 1956 as asynthesis of Motobusynthesis of Motobu--Ha KarateHa Karate--DoDo(learned from Kosei Kokuba) and Shito(learned from Kosei Kokuba) and Shito--Ryu KarateRyu Karate--Do (learned from KenwaDo (learned from KenwaMabuni and Ryusei Tomoyori)Mabuni and Ryusei Tomoyori)

    Other influences enriched the styleOther influences enriched the style

    Shogo Kuniba was the Shodai Soke of thisShogo Kuniba was the Shodai Soke of thisnew sect of Shitonew sect of Shito--RyuRyu

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    GenealogyGenealogy(from Instructor(from Instructor’’s Handbook 1981)s Handbook 1981)

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    MotobuMotobu--Ha KarateHa Karate--Do from Kosei KokubaDo from Kosei Kokuba


    Ippon KumiteIppon Kumite

    ShitoShito--Ryu from Kenwa Mabuni and RyuseiRyu from Kenwa Mabuni and RyuseiTomoyoriTomoyori

    Open Hand Kata from the ShuriOpen Hand Kata from the Shuri--Te andTe andNahaNaha--Te lineageTe lineage

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    Ryusei TomoyoriRyusei Tomoyori

    Ryusei (Takamasa) Tomoyori was aRyusei (Takamasa) Tomoyori was astudent of Kenwa Mabuni in Osakastudent of Kenwa Mabuni in Osaka

    In 1939, with MabuniIn 1939, with Mabuni’’s permission, hes permission, hefounded Kenyufounded Kenyu--Ryu (the Ken comes fromRyu (the Ken comes fromKenwa, the Yu comes from an alternateKenwa, the Yu comes from an alternatereading of one character in Tomoyori)reading of one character in Tomoyori)

    Kosho Kuniba studied under TomoyoriKosho Kuniba studied under Tomoyorifrom 1945from 1945--19551955

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    Other Influential SenseiOther Influential Sensei

    The style of Shogo Kuniba was enrichedThe style of Shogo Kuniba was enrichedby studying other styles and other forms ofby studying other styles and other forms ofbudo from:budo from: Shoshin NagamineShoshin Nagamine

    Shinken TairaShinken Taira

    Kenko NakaimaKenko Nakaima

    Asakichi ItoAsakichi Ito

    Gozo ShiodaGozo Shioda

    Ishii GogetsuIshii Gogetsu

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Shoshin NagamineShoshin Nagamine19071907--19971997

    21 year old Kosho Kokuba spent about21 year old Kosho Kokuba spent aboutone year in Naha, Okinawa where heone year in Naha, Okinawa where hestudied Shorinstudied Shorin--Ryu KarateRyu Karate--Do underDo underShoshin NagamineShoshin Nagamine

    Influence of ShorinInfluence of Shorin--Ryu kata can be seenRyu kata can be seenin Motobuin Motobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyu

    Nagamine also visited SeishinNagamine also visited Seishin--Kan DojoKan Dojo

    in Osaka in the 1950sin Osaka in the 1950s

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    Shinken TairaShinken Taira18971897--19701970

    Shinken Taira was a noted Kobudo masterShinken Taira was a noted Kobudo master

    Kosho Kokuba trained with him inKosho Kokuba trained with him inOkinawa in the midOkinawa in the mid--1950s1950s

    Taira influenced the styles of MotobuTaira influenced the styles of Motobu--HaHaand Hayashiand Hayashi--HaHa

    TairaTaira--Ha kobudo is widelyHa kobudo is widely

    practiced todaypracticed today

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    Kenko NakaimaKenko Nakaima19111911--19891989

    Son of Kenchi Nakaima; grandson of KenriSon of Kenchi Nakaima; grandson of KenriNakaima, who founded RyueiNakaima, who founded Ryuei--Ryu as aRyu as astyle of Karatestyle of Karate--Do in the late 1900sDo in the late 1900s

    Kosho Kokuba learned aspects of RyueiKosho Kokuba learned aspects of Ryuei--Ryu while visiting Okinawa 1955Ryu while visiting Okinawa 1955--5656

    Elements of this style merged with otherElements of this style merged with otherkarate variations taught by Kosho Kokubakarate variations taught by Kosho Kokuba

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Unique BunkaiUnique Bunkai

    Soke Shogo Kuniba was one, if not theSoke Shogo Kuniba was one, if not thefirst, karate sensei to incorporate complexfirst, karate sensei to incorporate complexBunkai (practical applications) into kataBunkai (practical applications) into katatrainingtraining

    Bunkai were derived and created from theBunkai were derived and created from thetechniques of Judo/Jiutechniques of Judo/Jiu--Jitsu and AikidoJitsu and Aikido

    Many Bunkai and Ippon Kumite patternsMany Bunkai and Ippon Kumite patternsfound their way into Goshinfound their way into Goshin--BudoBudo

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Asakichi ItoAsakichi Ito

    A young Kosho Kokuba began studyingA young Kosho Kokuba began studyingJudo from Asakichi Ito, an OsakaJudo from Asakichi Ito, an Osakapoliceman, who had a big dojo near thepoliceman, who had a big dojo near theKokuba houseKokuba house

    No information is available on ItoNo information is available on Ito’’s life ands life andlegacy (via web search)legacy (via web search)

    Kosho Kokuba found Judo less to hisKosho Kokuba found Judo less to hisliking than Aikidoliking than Aikido

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Gozo ShiodaGozo Shioda19151915--19941994

    Gozo Shioda was an outstanding studentGozo Shioda was an outstanding studentof Aikido founder Morihei Ueshibaof Aikido founder Morihei Ueshiba

    He served in the Imperial Japanese ArmyHe served in the Imperial Japanese Armyduring WW II, continuing Aikido trainingduring WW II, continuing Aikido trainingafter the warafter the war

    He founded Yoshinkan in 1955He founded Yoshinkan in 1955

    Kosho Kokuba trained with him in the lateKosho Kokuba trained with him in the late1950s1950s

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    Ishii GogetsuIshii Gogetsu

    1414thth Soke MugaiSoke Mugai--Ryu HyoRyu Hyo--Do, an olderDo, an olderstyle of Iaistyle of Iai--jutsujutsu

    According to Darrel Craig, in his bookAccording to Darrel Craig, in his book Iai:Iai:The Art of Drawing the Sword,The Art of Drawing the Sword, there arethere areonly two or three schools left in Japan thatonly two or three schools left in Japan thatteach this styleteach this style

    Kosho Kuniba learned from Soke IshiiKosho Kuniba learned from Soke IshiiGogetsu and passed techniques alongGogetsu and passed techniques along

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    Shogo KunibaShogo KunibaJapan Dojo 1969Japan Dojo 1969

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    Early U.S. FollowersEarly U.S. Followers

    Albert ChurchAlbert Church

    Richard BaillargeonRichard Baillargeon

    Hugh KelleyHugh Kelley

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    Albert C. ChurchAlbert C. Church19301930--19801980

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    Shorinji TetsuShorinji Tetsu--Ken Kamishin Ryu tracesKen Kamishin Ryu tracesit's lineage toit's lineage to Albert C. Church Jr.Albert C. Church Jr.'s'sinherited art ofinherited art of Shorinji Tekken RyuShorinji Tekken Ryu

    In 1968, as per the Seishinkai ShihanIn 1968, as per the Seishinkai ShihanCommittee, Kuniba sensei prepared aCommittee, Kuniba sensei prepared ascrollscroll recognizing... "Nippon Kobudorecognizing... "Nippon KobudoKamishin Ryu, Soke, Albert C. Church..."Kamishin Ryu, Soke, Albert C. Church..."and a license as the founderand a license as the founder--PresidentPresident(Kaicho) of the martial ways organization(Kaicho) of the martial ways organizationnamed Nippon Kobudo Rengokainamed Nippon Kobudo Rengokai..

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Richard P. BaillargeonRichard P. Baillargeon19301930--19891989

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    Seishin Kai Karate UnionSeishin Kai Karate Union –– USA BranchUSA Branch

    Established in 1964 by returning U.S. AirEstablished in 1964 by returning U.S. AirForce TSgt Richard BaillargeonForce TSgt Richard Baillargeon

    Operated from Moody Air Force Base,Operated from Moody Air Force Base,Valdosta, GAValdosta, GA

    Became an eclectic mix of styles, butBecame an eclectic mix of styles, butintroduced Motobuintroduced Motobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--Ryu to manyRyu to manypractitionerspractitioners

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Hugh KelleyHugh Kelley19401940--

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    United Martial Arts AssociationUnited Martial Arts AssociationInternational, founded by Hugh KelleyInternational, founded by Hugh Kelley

    PropagatesPropagates ““KokubashinKokubashin”” version ofversion ofMotobuMotobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--Ryu KarateRyu Karate--DoDo

    Shuseki Shihan Kelley is recognized asShuseki Shihan Kelley is recognized as99thth Dan by the World MotobuDan by the World Motobu--HaHaShitoShito--Ryu Karate AssociationRyu Karate Association

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    Shogo KunibaShogo KunibaMobile, AL 1971Mobile, AL 1971

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Gathering of U.S. InstructorsGathering of U.S. InstructorsMobile, AL 1971Mobile, AL 1971

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    USA HonbuchoUSA Honbucho

    Richard P. Baillargeon, 1964Richard P. Baillargeon, 1964--7474

    Darrel Craig, 1974Darrel Craig, 1974--7878

    William Price, 1978William Price, 1978--8080

    James Herndon, 1980James Herndon, 1980--8282

    After 1983, Shogo Kuniba moved to theAfter 1983, Shogo Kuniba moved to theU.S. and assumed Honbucho role untilU.S. and assumed Honbucho role until

    William Price, 1992William Price, 1992--9494……

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    National Karate and JiuNational Karate and Jiu--Jitsu UnionJitsu Union

    Founded in 1974, when KunibaFounded in 1974, when Kuniba--SokeSokevisited many SKKUvisited many SKKU--USA dojoUSA dojo

    Shihan Richard P. Baillargeon, 5Shihan Richard P. Baillargeon, 5thth DanDan(1930(1930--1989), became1989), became ““SokeSoke””

    Many dojo from SKKUMany dojo from SKKU--USA joined theUSA joined thenew NKJUnew NKJU

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    SeishinSeishin--Kai Martial Arts, Inc.Kai Martial Arts, Inc.

    Formed in 1983; dissolved 1996Formed in 1983; dissolved 1996

    U.S. Corporation, Virginia charter, toU.S. Corporation, Virginia charter, torepresent Seishinrepresent Seishin--Kai in AmericaKai in America

    Board of Directors: Soke Shogo Kuniba,Board of Directors: Soke Shogo Kuniba,Judy Kuniba, Dr. J.L. Nakanishi, GaryJudy Kuniba, Dr. J.L. Nakanishi, GaryNaigle, Ron Baker, Rick McElroyNaigle, Ron Baker, Rick McElroy

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    Established in 1995 to further theEstablished in 1995 to further theteachings of Soke Shogo Kunibateachings of Soke Shogo Kuniba

    MeansMeans ““Bamboo WarriorBamboo Warrior”” OrganizationOrganization

    Headed by WilliamHeaded by William ““BillBill”” Price, who is thePrice, who is the““SokeSoke”” of Kunibaof Kuniba--Ha KarateHa Karate--DoDo

    KunibaKuniba--Ryu GoshinRyu Goshin--DoDo

    Goichi Kobayashi advisorGoichi Kobayashi advisor

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    The Japan TraditionThe Japan Tradition

    Kunio TatsunoKunio Tatsuno……..

    Kosuke KunibaKosuke Kuniba……..

    Kozo KunibaKozo Kuniba……..

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Kunio TatsunoKunio Tatsuno19421942--19991999

    Student of Kosei Kokuba until 1959Student of Kosei Kokuba until 1959

    SeishinSeishin--Kai Shihan and Soke DaikoKai Shihan and Soke Daiko

    Succeeded Shogo Kuniba in 1992Succeeded Shogo Kuniba in 1992

    Nidai Soke of MotobuNidai Soke of Motobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyu

    44thth Kaicho of SeishinKaicho of Seishin--KaiKai

    WKPFWKPF –– Karate to the OlympicsKarate to the Olympics

    Tragic death in OsakaTragic death in Osaka

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    International SeishinInternational Seishin--Kai Karate UnionKai Karate Union

    Formed in 1998 by Kunio TatsunoFormed in 1998 by Kunio Tatsuno--SokeSokeas an extension of Seishinas an extension of Seishin--Kai of JapanKai of Japan

    Accepted members from around the worldAccepted members from around the worldin an attempt to gain support for the Worldin an attempt to gain support for the WorldKarateKarate--Do Promotion Foundation and itsDo Promotion Foundation and itsdrive to get karate into the Olympicsdrive to get karate into the Olympics

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  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    Formed in 1999, after death of TatsunoFormed in 1999, after death of Tatsuno

    Recognized by Nippon KarateRecognized by Nippon Karate--Do RengoDo Rengo--Kai as sole organizational sponsor ofKai as sole organizational sponsor ofMotobuMotobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--Ryu KarateRyu Karate--DoDo

    Kosuke Kuniba, Japan SokeKosuke Kuniba, Japan Soke

    Kozo Kuniba, Kaicho & International Soke,Kozo Kuniba, Kaicho & International Soke,KunibaKuniba--Kai Kokusai Budo RenmeiKai Kokusai Budo Renmei

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Kosuke KunibaKosuke Kuniba19581958--

    First son of Shogo KunibaFirst son of Shogo Kuniba

    Sandai Soke of MotobuSandai Soke of Motobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--RyuRyu

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Kozo KunibaKozo Kuniba19601960--

    Second son of Shogo KunibaSecond son of Shogo Kuniba

    Soke of KunibaSoke of Kuniba--Kai Kokusai Budo RenmeiKai Kokusai Budo Renmei

    11stst Kaicho, KunibaKaicho, Kuniba--KaiKai

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  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    SeishinSeishin--Kai International ShitoKai International Shito--RyuRyuKarateKarate--Do Union (formed in 2006)Do Union (formed in 2006)

    Split from ISKU, whose members noSplit from ISKU, whose members nolonger stick to pure Shitolonger stick to pure Shito--RyuRyu

    SISKU Members train in an eclecticSISKU Members train in an eclecticvariant of Shitovariant of Shito--Ryu (not MotobuRyu (not Motobu--Ha)Ha)

    Headed by Sadatomu Harada, 10Headed by Sadatomu Harada, 10thth DanDan

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH

    Sadatomu HaradaSadatomu Harada19361936 --

    55thth Kaicho of SeishinKaicho of Seishin--Kai of JapanKai of Japan

    Current Honorary President of theCurrent Honorary President of theInternational SeishinInternational Seishin--Kai Karate UnionKai Karate Union

    Recently formed SISKURecently formed SISKU

    Agrees not to claim MotobuAgrees not to claim Motobu--HaHa

    No longer claimsNo longer claims ““SokeSoke””

  • Copyright (c) 2007 JSHCopyright (c) 2007 JSH


    Motobu to KokubaMotobu to Kokuba…… Ryukyu Karate onlyRyukyu Karate only

    Ryukyu KarateRyukyu Karate--Do MotobuDo Motobu--HaHa

    SeishinSeishin--Kan (1940) to SeishinKan (1940) to Seishin--Kai (1943)Kai (1943)

    Kokuba to Kuniba (1940Kokuba to Kuniba (1940--59)59)…… MotobuMotobu--HaHa

    Mabuni to Kuniba (1945Mabuni to Kuniba (1945--52)52)…… ShitoShito--RyuRyu

    MotobuMotobu--Ha ShitoHa Shito--Ryu (named in 1956)Ryu (named in 1956)

    KunibaKuniba--Kai (1999)Kai (1999)

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    Never Forget!Never Forget!