morning speaker evening speaker · 2020-03-17 · date morning speaker evening speaker june...

April, May, June 2020 (USPS 494-280) Volume 68, Issue 4-5-6 UCCMA President Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26 - Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson Danny Emerson June 29 Kelly Jolly Leon Batchelor June 30 Phillip Oliver Donna Shambach July 1 Dallas Vines Kenny Dunn July 2 Craig Strain-UCBI Graduation John Autry/Pat Hayes July 3 Ministers Prayer Breakfast Laverne Tripp-Ordination Service

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Page 1: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

April, May, June 2020 (USPS 494-280)

Volume 68, Issue 4-5-6

UCCMA President


June 26 - Brandon Blevins

June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden

June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson Danny Emerson

June 29 Kelly Jolly Leon Batchelor

June 30 Phillip Oliver Donna Shambach

July 1 Dallas Vines Kenny Dunn

July 2 Craig Strain-UCBI Graduation John Autry/Pat Hayes

July 3 Minister’s Prayer Breakfast Laverne Tripp-Ordination Service

Page 2: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

“And I fell at his [the angel] feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou

do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus:

worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Revelation 19:10).

As I sat in the car riding down the road from one of our meetings, this verse fell

into my spirit and began to resonate in my heart and mind. It was as if it was brand

new and given only to Don Warren. I began to think about the words—what I received was just a snippet.

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”

When I was a little boy playing my guitar in our neighborhood churches, the testimony of Jesus was on

the lips of everyone I encountered. In school, my teacher talked about Jesus and how He gave His life for me.

My parents weren’t preachers, but they often spoke of Jesus and how He was coming back again. The Sunday

school teachers and the preachers at the various churches spoke the name of Jesus over and over. They told of

His many miracles, His mercy and grace, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection, the Ascension,

and how He is coming again. If I close my eyes, I can still see the pictures displayed in my Sunday School

class depicting all these many wonders.

But today, the name of Jesus is anathema. I sat and watched a gospel meeting. The entire congregation

sang their “theme song” over and over. They sang the song in every meeting—in the beginning of the service

and at the end. Not one time was the name “Jesus” mentioned in the song.

When prayers are raised at sports events and municipal meetings—more often than not the pray-er is in-

structed to not invoke (as they call it) the name of Jesus.

I have seen young people over and over who are interviewed on news networks who have no


Our churches oftentimes seem oblivious to the fact that Satan has never stopped his onslaught. When I

was a child we would hear the command from Jesus: Go ye into all the world! The minister told us when the

message of Jesus had been taken to the whole world—then the end would come! We think of places where

the missionaries must go—Africa, the islands of the sea, India, etc. However, when these words where spo-

ken, one of the places farthest away was the land where we live today—the United States of America. This

land was settled by Christian settlers—a new world where they could worship our Lord as they pleased! But

today, not only have Christians turned from Jesus, we’ve allowed pagan religions to become the norm. Our

children and grandchildren will debate their elders in support of these “religions.” Just as people are afraid to

speak out in support of certain political candidates—they are AFRAID TO SPEAK THE NAME OF JESUS.

As Revelation 19:10 rolled in my soul, I realized, today as NEVER BEFORE the TESTIMONY OF JE-


prophecy of our redemption. It is the prophecy of the second-coming of Jesus to claim His Bride. It is the on-

ly hope for our world. The TESTIMONY OF JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY! Many seek for a

sign! They run from meeting to meeting wanting “a word.” They ask if the speaker is a prophet. I say to

you—Speak the Testimony of Jesus! It is the prophecy of the Christian to a

lost and dying world. We will not stop! I challenge you to say the name of Je-

sus every chance you get. Say the name—JESUS!

Bro. Don and the entire UCCMA Revival Team would like to extend their

heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the pastors who’ve invited them to

minister in your church and to friends who are faithful to attend the revival

meetings in your area. Thank you to those who gave sacrificially—we pray

God will bless you. They’d love to come to your church for a meeting—call

today! 423-472-7271.

Page 3: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 3

of the devil. Herewith I present and give to you the Mystery of the Ages.

First, remember—man—was a “creation”—not a “creator.” Man—was given power to be used at his will. The first man Ad-am was a creation of the earth (earthly). He was sustained and existed by earthly things. Adam, Eve, prophets, kings, rulers and subjects—all down through the Old Testament tried and most of them failed.

The whole human race is born to lose. Truthfully, not one de-scendant of Adam can be termed as a winter—totally. In Adam we are all born losers. God saw this! God saw great and gallant men as they went forth to conquer. For a season they won, only to lose in the end. The plan of election and ordination was placed into total operation. The strong word came into human flesh!

Mary conceived of the Holy Ghost. Mind you, the flesh con-ceived of the Spirit. The absolute Word, mind and will of God was conceived of the Holy Ghost.

Jesus was “the only begotten of the Father.” Firstborn among many brethren; elder brother!

The mystery of sonship is re-vealed! We are in the God-family—we are the Sons of God. We are the children of God. We are the born-again heirs of our

The Bible plan of election is now projected and is in full focus. The original seed (wheat word) is now being made manifest and it will not mix with hybrid seed.

God has a remnant which is chosen and elected at His own will! The secret of the ages is be-ing revealed and only those of the Revelation plan will see or com-prehend it.

Let no one doubt or deny the unbreakable will of God. Hath not God said, “Ye have not chosen me . . . I have chosen you”? The Apostle Paul, an infallible example of the election spoke irrefutable truth, “Ye are born of the will of God.”

All through the Bible we see God ordaining His man. We see God raising up those of His own choosing at His own sovereign will.

God has a plan. God has a plan and all must follow it for eternal salvation. God has a plan for the present as well as the hereafter. This may shake you and astonish you, but God has statesmen and harbingers in His work today that can give a true answer to problems that are here now and to those that lie ahead. They are called prophets, apostles, evangelists and preachers. Those who are ordained of God will preach, prophesy, speak with tongues, cast out devils, and heal the sick because they are author-ized by God himself to do these things (see Mark 16:15, 18).

Total submission, obedience,

acceptance and dedication are the requirements, and these are im-planted or imparted to all the cho-sen and ordained by God Himself, at His own sovereign will.

I ask you this question: Was Elijah or Elisha prophets of their own choosing or wish, or was it the ordination of God? Was Abra-ham the elect of God by his own volition, or again was it by the direct intervention and will of God? Was Noah the salvation for the human race of his own will and desire, or was he acting at the direct command of God? The an-swer to all these questions proves that God was in total command—He accepts nothing less!

See God as He set the ordina-tion or elect plan in motion. Now! Remember in the Beginning—God! “God is a Spirit.” “In the beginning God created the heav-ens and the earth.” He did this by the spoken Word. “The Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by Him.” Heavens, earth, all things, ani-mate and inanimate were spoken into existence: being nothing, coming out of nothing into some-thing; at the will of God, by His spoken word.

God made man—Adam and Eve, and gave them a mind, intel-ligence and intellect of their own, to act or perform at their own will. Of course, Bible scholars know that man from his very cre-ation, failed! His will was not enough to withstand the onslaught


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From “The Spoken Word . . . The Sign-Gift

Ministry.” For an offering of $15, you many

receive this book full of sermons preached

by Brother Hall.

Page 4: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 4

and a privilege to be able to behold with my own eyes the wonders of Al-mighty God.

Still today, I remain working in the field in which I started so long ago. I’m just as eager today, as I was as a young girl to see what God has in store for His church! As Brother and Sister Hall sang, “I’ve got my hand on the plow holding on!”

I look forward to the time when I will see my Lord. I’d like to think I might be one of the first! Remember Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome went to the sepul-cher where they had laid Jesus just as soon as the Sabbath was passed. They didn’t go to mourn. No! They went to work. They had bought sweet spices and were going to anoint our Lord. But Jesus was risen. We read in the Gospel of Mark: “He [Jesus] appeared first to Mary Magdalene.” He appeared first to the very ones who had come to work! Perhaps He’ll do the same this time when He comes.

In many ways my life has been a sacrifice—given fully to the work of the Lord. But you, my friend, have given too. I heard Brother Don just yesterday late in the day, playing his guitar. I recognized the song—“Win the Lost at Any Cost.” It is still our heart’s cry! Win the lost at any cost! I know it is yours, as well. Tens of thousands of men and women, who are licensed with United Christian have laid down their dreams and aspi-rations, and every day they take up their cross and follow Jesus Christ. There are dear saints who pray daily for this ministry. Many write to Brother Don to encourage him and the workers. I appreciate every call and every letter we receive.

We are living in perilous times and the way is harder than every before. But with God on our side we cannot fail! There is still much work to be done.

I say to you, dear Christian work-er—The Lord Himself will recompense your work and a full reward given unto you.

Today we often hear: “This genera-tion doesn’t have

the same work ethic my generation had!”

What exactly is a “work ethic”? It is the principle that hard work is intrin-sically virtuous or worthy of reward. That definition lines up with the Word.

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23).

“I was born into a large family—the baby of nine children. You might think that I was spoiled—but my par-ents instilled a good work ethic in me. When I graduated from high school, I got a job in my hometown. But then the United Christian Revival Team came to our area. I went to the meet-ings and I was hooked! I just knew there had to be something—anything—for me to do in the work of the Lord.

I made my way to Cleveland, Ten-nessee eager to work in the United Christian Ministries offices. There was-n’t really a place available for me. But I didn’t let that stop me. I remembered the verse, “Be ye steadfast and un-moveable; always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).

Like me, Ruth left her home—everyone she’d ever known—and went to a strange land. She was a Moabite who had married a young man origi-nally from Judah. When he died, her mother-in-law, Naomi, who was also a widow, decided she would go back to Judah to live.

Ruth could have stayed there in her homeland, but she uttered one of the most quoted phrases in our Bible to Naomi: “Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.” (1:16-17).

And so it was, Ruth was a stranger

when they reached Bethlehem in Ju-dah. Naomi had a wealthy kinsman in that region and the barley harvest had just started. Ruth’s first instinct was to say, “Let me go work and glean the fields and perhaps I’ll find favor.”

So Ruth, rose early each morning and made her way to the barley fields of Boaz. She stayed until after sunset. When an employee is the first in and last out—the boss is going to notice and that is what happened with Ruth. Boaz asked who she was and said he wanted her to work only in his field. Then he told them to let her drink from their water. Later Boaz told his men to drop grain onto the field so Ruth would find it.

Unto Ruth, Boaz said, “The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust” (2:12).

When I first came here to Cleve-land, I really didn’t know anyone very well. I had been in Brother Hall’s meetings, but we weren’t personal friends, of course. But I knew I want-ed to work for the Lord and this place was where the Lord had led me.

The ministry office was very or-ganized, but I tried to fit in and do all I could do. I worked from early to late trying to help anywhere I could. Then just as Ruth had been rewarded, Brother Hall instructed his staff to give me a permanent position in the work.

I have never regretted leaving my home and coming to work here at United Christian. I’ve seen millions of pieces of paper pass through my hands over the years. I’ve seen letters of en-couragement, prayer clothes, Bible study courses, the Shield of Faith go from this office that have touched the lives of so many. I’ve opened mail from saints of God who told of mira-cles, signs and wonders they experi-enced through this ministry. It has been an honor to work with mighty men and women of God from all areas of the world and get to do my part in helping them. It has been an honor

Page 5: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 5

As we move well into the year 2020, we pause often to remember all of this ministry’s dear friends who passed away last year. While we are unable to list each of them, we wish to give time and space

to note two who were our especially close long-time colleagues.

REV. JERRY TOM CHAPMAN, SR. Glencoe, Alabama

Brother Jerry and his wife Ann (also deceased) pastored and

evangelized for over 60 years. He was a soul-winner, a counselor

to ministers, a supporter of foreign missions, and a friend to man-

kind. He constantly supported Bro. H. Richard Hall’s revival team,

and served as a Director on the board of the United Christian

Church and Ministerial Association. He joined the Lord in glory

on Nov. 8, 2019 at the age of 85 years.

He is survived by three sons: Jerry Tom Chapman Jr., Stephen

Paul (Julie) Chapman Sr., Michael David Chapman; one daughter,

Rebecca Ann (Tony) Kamits; 11 grandchildren; 25 great-


J. O. “TORO” TOWNLEY Candler, Florida

“Toro” (Spanish for “bull”) was the lifelong nickname for

this gentle giant. His parents, Jake and Helen Townley, founded

Townley Plastics in 1962. They were always fervent backers of

Brother Hall’s ministry. When Jake died in 1997, Toro assumed

the presidency of the business that had developed into Townley

Engineering & Manufacturing and Townley Foundry & Machine

Companies, employing more than 300 persons with operations

plants in six states. Toro’s constant mantra was “to serve God is

to serve man,” and he lived it truly as a servant of both heaven

and humanity. “Toro had a tremendous love for the Lord. Toro

would always include the words ‘Lord willing’ in his comments

regarding any plan... Although he was a big, strong man, he had a

tender heart,” said Pamela Townley, his wife.

With his wife Pam, Toro continued to support United Christian Church and Ministerial Association, and

he was an executive board member of the UCCMA. Brother Toro passed into his eternal reward at the age

of 60, on December 4, 2019.

Survivors include his wife, Pamela; sons, John, Josh, J.O. “Beau” Townley and Eric Knight; daughters,

Tori Dudley and Adriane “Amy” Knight; sisters, Sarah Dean, Sandra Ingram and Leona Owen; brother, Par-

nell; and seven grandchildren.

We mourn the passing of these two men of God, and we rejoice in their memory, as we do concern-

ing each of our many friends now in Christ’s heavenly presence.

Page 6: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 6

There could not be a counterfeit, if there was not something REAL!

Thank God there is something REAL!

There is a REAL, true, powerful, move of God in the world today that the powers of hell have sought to counterfeit.

I love to sing a song that has been around for many years:

“It’s real! It’s real! I know, it’s real! This Pentecostal Blessing – I know, I know it’s real!” In spite of all the gimmicks I

have seen presented as being a “move of God,” I am so glad to know there is the REAL MOVE OF GOD!

I’m so very glad to know we—the children of God—today have the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, to lead us and guide us!

It is so very important to be filled with the Holy Ghost, for as Jesus said;

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13).

If you are a born-again child of God who has been baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire, the spirit of God is in you, and He is leading you. YOU KNOW when something is not right! The Holy Ghost inside of you rises up and sets off an alarm!

So, the elect of God doesn’t believe everything that comes along! We know the voice of our Savior, and we only follow Him

“My sheep hear my voice,

I read an article that said, in Zambia, there are

street-corner “emerald vendors.” Unsuspecting tourists buy

them, thinking they’re getting “bargain-basement” emeralds, when in reality these so-called emeralds are nothing more than broken pieces of glass taken from stolen traffic lights!

There are a lot of deceivers and scam artists in the world today.

There is a lot of fake and phony. Dishonest and evil people try to pass off the fake as being real and genuine.

There is fake gold and there is REAL gold! There are fake diamonds and there are REAL diamonds!

Sadly, there is even counterfeit in churches and religious circles.

Satan is a deceiver and at times he appears as though he is an angel of light.

There are many warnings about this in God’s Word:

“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works” ( 2 Corinthians 11:13-15).

“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1).

and I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27).

“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect” (Matthew 24:23, 24).

Some time ago, a famous television celebrity made the statement that there are MANY ways to God… and told people you could choose your own way to God and no matter what way you chose, you would be right.

No! That is absolutely not true!

There are a lot of false ways…and man’s ways, but there’s JUST ONE WAY to God, only ONE WAY to eternal life, only ONE WAY that is right, and Jesus said, “I AM THE WAY!”

“Jesus saith unto him, I AM the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6).

All of the forgeries of the devil will pass away, but the real and genuine that comes from God will stand forever!

“The lip of truth shall be established forever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment”

(Proverbs 12:19). The chosen, elected and

ordained of God are following Jesus, and He is directing our path!





Page 7: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 7

Father. All that He has is ours! We are the children of Deity. We are brothers and sisters of the Word made flesh (Jesus).

We are now born-again heirs of our Father. We cannot lose. Our Father (God) is not a loser! In Christ we have need of nothing. We ask and we receive, we seek and we find: we knock and the door is opened unto us. All that our Father has is ours. Our Divine Father is concerned with us, His children. He watches over us. He cares for us and He provides for us, physically and spiritually.

God’s biblical plan is infalli-ble. The answer to the problems of this generation cannot be given by those in politics, government, education, or science. Senators, governors, legislators, statesmen and news commentators absolute-ly do not have the answer to per-plexing problems of this age.

The Storm Lies Ahead All of these others in various

vocations have insight to the trag-edies that lie ahead, but they do not have the answers. They know of impending doom, hunger, race riots, wars and famines, but they

cannot do anything about it. All of you see the gathering clouds of the storm that lies ahead but none with worldly wisdom can do any-thing about it. Humanity is on a treadmill and is headed or destruc-tion, annihilation, and doom if they fail to look to the answer.

How shall the called, anointed and chosen of the Lord answer if they fall to preach the absolute gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation and every creature?

Let us go in haste to reach the lost at any cost.

“Go, ye swift messengers to a nation scattered—to a people—a na-tion meted out and trodden down” (Isa. 18:2).

The Gospel is a message of Sal-vation, deliverance and hope. This Salvation ministry is reaching thou-sands and many are being saved, healed and delivered through televi-sion, revivals held by the UCCMA Revival Team, through the 24-hour prayerline, through this very maga-zine. We need to go further though. The time is now—the grain is ripen unto harvest.

We need to go on more televi-sion stations. Just yesterday, I spoke with a man who had moved to a new area and was no longer able to view the Shield of Faith broadcast. I tried to explain how he could watch via the internet, but he didn’t have a computer. People are hungry for the true Gospel. They are tired of a Jesus who smiles down from a picture in the foyer of a church. They are tired of hearing Bible stories that sound more like a biography than a living Word. They want to know this Jesus that you and I know. They want to know Him for themselves. We must get the message to them!

Friend, we are not building a denomination. We’re not trying to catch up with any other ministry, but we are certainly not stopping. This Gospel of the Kingdom MUST BE PREACHED. We have no choice. If we are to obey God, we must take this Gospel.

You may say, people have lost interest in religion. Well, so have I. I have lost interest in the religion “business.” I was reading recently where David had the people num-bered, and God didn't like it. I real-ize now that we don’t have time to count who’s getting saved, who’s getting healed, who’s getting deliv-ered. There is work to do NOW! We cannot turn to count, we just contin-ue straight ahead.

Are people interested? There is a longing in the heart of man for Jesus. We see men and women—fathers and mothers, who are rest-less. They are looking for something to satisfy that longing. They turn to illicit liaisons, drugs, strong drink, and this might offend you, but they also turn to careers. They enter into the business mindset of “one-upmanship.” It is prevalent even in ministry. That’s why they count or

number the people. They’ve lost their love and desire for souls and started “trying to get ahead.”

We must take this Gospel—the Gospel of the Living Lord—Jesus! We cannot stop. We cannot delay. We must obey the call of Christ.

We need your help. Please pray and ask God what He would have you give and send it to this Jesus ministry today. It will be used to reach the lost, to take deliverance and freedom to those held captive by sin and disease. It will be used to take Jesus as far and wide as we possibly can. We dare not fail.

If you are able to send an offer-ing, we thank you and pray God will return to you an hundredfold. If you feel like you are unable, please seek God and give what you can. No of-fering is too small. Give from your abundance—whatever that is—and God will reward you.


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CLEVELAND, TN 37364-0700

or call us at 423.472.7271

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Page 8: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 8

The Dialogue in Matthew 16:13-25

In the above-cited passage,

Jesus asks his disciples, “Whom do you say that I am?” Simon answers for them, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus regards Simon, and pours upon him robust approval. “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona! For flesh and blood have not revealed it unto you, but my Father in heaven.”

It is the only occurrence in the Gospels in which Jesus directly pronounces “blessedness” upon any individual person. “Blessedness” is the attainment of some God-like quality, to become like God in at least one aspect—to become a “partaker of the di-vine nature,” as Simon Peter him-self will later put it (2 Peter 1:4).

Jesus now says two further important things. First, to Si-mon—“You are Peter, and up-on this rock I will build my church…” Second, to all of the disciples—“I charge you to tell no man that I am the Christ. I must first go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things…and be killed, and be raised again the third day.”

Simon Peter, again presuming to speak for the group, takes Jesus by the arm and partially turns Him, arguing, “Be it far from you, Lord! This shall never be unto you!” Jesus turns fully, lev-eling His gaze upon Simon, and utters to him the stern anathema, “Get you behind me, Satan! You are an offence to me! For you savor not the things of God, but the things of men”.

How is it that with one breath Jesus blesses Simon Peter, and

with almost the next breath He virtually curses him? What does it mean that Peter can learn some-thing from God alone and not from human nature; yet simulta-neously loves the things of man but not the things of God? Why does “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona!” shift so quickly to “Get behind me, Satan! You are offensive to me!” What has hap-pened?

The obvious turning point is that Simon Peter hates the idea that Jesus should be killed. Simon is blessedly willing to have a “Christ, son of the living God,” but he is unwilling to follow such a Christ to crucifixion. Jesus calls him “Satan” for this. (The transla-tors probably should not have capitalized “shah-than,” as though Jesus now sees Simon as the devil. The word here more likely means simply “my adver-sary.”) In other words, Jesus says, “Ah, Simon, so you are an ad-versary to my purposes. You wish to turn me away from Cal-vary? No! Get in line behind me! You don’t lead me. I lead you! I will not be your Christ-without-a-cross!”

This serves as a reproof to be-lievers who accept Jesus as Lord and Christ, and who praise Him as such, yet who shun the cross in their daily lives—cross-less Christians worshiping a cross-less Christ. Note Jesus’ next words, once again to the group—“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me”.

Yet there is something else here, at center. Jesus has called Simon “Peter”—“a rock”. (Actually, this is from the later Latin translation Petrus. In Jesus’ spoken Aramaic the word is Kěfa,

sometimes spelled Cephus. All terms mean “a rock.”) Why does Jesus call Simon a “rock,” the nickname thenceforth to be Simon’s most commonly used moniker?

Jesus knows that Simon’s character is far from rock-like. Rather, this “Petrus” is as unsta-ble as a handful of shifting sand. Jesus says so a few weeks lat-er—“Simon, Satan has de-sired to…sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith fail not. And when you are converted, strengthen your brethren”. (Luke 22:31-32) So, to here call Simon “a rock” might be seen as sarcasm. Yet Jesus speaks not to Simon’s present state, but rather to his God-ordained po-tential.

Here is the person you are now, and there is the person you are becoming in process. Throughout Scripture, it seems that the Lord prefers to view persons in terms of their future, like a potter seeing not so much the clay he holds in his hand, but more the finished vessel he has in mind.

Simon Peter, then, repre-sents the kind of material Christ will use to found His church. Simon is a mere handful of sand—much like the handful of dust from which God made Ad-am and mankind. Jesus finds the handful “offensive” in its unsta-ble, shifting present form—yet “blessed” in its hidden potential.

Through Christ, Simon-the-sand will become Peter-the-rock.

And of such stuff are you and I—and upon such stuff as this Christ still builds His church.

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July, August, September 2014 Page 9

UCCMA President

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July, August, September 2014 Page 10

sit at home, gossip, sow abomi-

nable discord and wait for some

poor deceived person to support

them. Don’t be foolish, stand

with those who have the mes-


We must promote the Gospel

of Jesus Christ. We must sup-

port missionary work. We must

publish the Gospel of Jesus

Christ into all the world.

Over 20,000 ministers join us

for to preach in every church and

every place, everywhere for the

salvation of souls and unity

among the saints.

We are asking you to help

carry this load. We cannot car-

ry it alone. Please continue to

help us as you have in the past.

Do not forget the ministry of

God that helped you and your

family. This ministry is God-

ordained. It is not built on man

or by man. It is God’s ministry.

There can be no rest for those

who work in this ministry every

day—Brother Don Warren and

the revival team are working tire-

lessly to reach the lost and to

bring revival to your area.

Every day, Pastor Wayne and

Regina Johnson and Sister Pau-

lette Hilton are at their post of

duty getting the Lord’s work

done. We must work while it is

day for “the night cometh when

no man can work.”

We need your help. We can-

not carry this load by our-

selves. I know after your pray

about this, you will do as the

Lord leads you.

God said,

who will

go: and

who can

I send? And I said, Here am I oh

Lord, send me.”

You know that we have our

very soul in this work of faith and

love. We sacrifice, give, work,

preach and pray. We give our

time, our strength, our abilities

and all our possessions. We hold

back nothing. We give our talents,

worldly goods, money and proper-


Dearly beloved, only God

knows how much I appreciate

and thank you for standing with

us in this end-time labor of love

and work of faith.

Those who love God will do

those things that please Him.

Church buildings, tents or great

headquarters do not bring revival.

Revival only comes when we

pray, travail, weep and intercede

with God.

We must be consumed with

love and compassion for the lost.

We must be prisoners of the di-

vine anointing.

We are the chosen and elected

of God to reach the lost who are


We have to promote, support

and preach the true Word of God.

We are on a wall. We are doing

a good work and we will not come


The harvest is great. Let us

reap! Pay no mind to those who

We appeal to you to help us in

this great work of God. You can

help us in your prayers, with your

tithes and offerings.

United Christian is tax exempt

and your tithes and offerings are

tax deductible if given to us and

sent to this office as directed be-


1. Pray with us without ceasing.

2. Write a letter today and let us

know that we do not stand alone

in this great and heavy burden

for souls that are going to hell.





PO BOX 700

CLEVELAND, TN 37364-0700



Brother Hall

20 DVD

Sermon Collection

Page 11: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

July, August, September 2014 Page 11

tion. Born again believers do not

celebrate a holiday, they celebrate

the resurrection when Jesus

walked out of the grave. All reli-

gious leaders who founded a reli-

gion have died and are still dead.

All but one, the Lord Jesus. He is

alive today, He will be alive to-

morrow, and He will be alive for

evermore—for all eternity.

Make no mistake about it. Je-

sus was nailed to the Cross and He

died on the Cross that day. His

body was taken down and placed

in a grave. He was dead, but death

could not hold Him. He was put in

the grave, but the grave could not

keep Him. A stone was rolled in

front of the grave, but the stone

could not stop Him. Soldiers stood

outside the grave but the soldiers

could not arrest Him.

It was the GETTING UP MORNING AND HE GOT UP. He walked out and He ascended to the Father to present Himself as the completed sacrifice, the com-pleted work to restore man back into fellowship with God. To give man eternal life. To give man back that relationship that was broken when Adam was in the Garden of Eden. Man is no longer

My dad use to say, “there’s

going to be a getting up morn-

ing.” He was referring to 1 Thes-

salonians 4:13-18 where the

scriptures tell us, “For the Lord

himself shall descend from Heav-

en with a shout, with the voice of

the archangel, and with the trump

of God; and the dead in Christ

shall rise first. Then we which

are alive and remain shall be

caught up together with them in

the clouds, to meet the Lord in

the air: and so shall we ever be

with the Lord.”

I want to talk about the first

“getting up morning,” when Je-

sus got up out of the grave. The

Bible tells us Mary Magdalene,

Joanna, Mary the mother of

James and other women that

were with them went to the sep-

ulcher with spices. When they

got there, they did not find the

body of the Lord Jesus, but they

did find two men in shining gar-

ments. The women were asked

this question, “why seek ye the

living among the dead?” (Luke


Easter Sunday will soon be

here. This is a time of celebra-

separated from God, but he is now able to be joined back to God as God is his Father and man is His son.

The only way to God the Fa-ther is through the Lord Jesus Christ! There is no other way that exists! It is through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection that gives us forgiveness of sins, eternal life and fellowship with God the Fa-ther.

Remember when you go to church this Easter Sunday and you sit down with your family to eat; your not celebrating a holiday you are celebrating the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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July, August, September 2014 Page 12


Address ________________________________________________________________________________________

City ____________________________ State _______ZIP__________ Phone _______________________________

E-mail _________________________________________________________________________________________

Please check one of the following: ____ GBK 1 (Old Testament) $125 Offering

____ GBK 2 (New Testament) $125 Offering ____ Proverbs/Song of Solomon DVD Course $130 Offering

United Christian Bible Institute PO Box 700, Cleveland, TN 37364-0700 Or call the UCBI office at 423.479.4277




your long relationship with God’s Word.

I pray you will continue to study the Word. There is an old song, “I’m Using My Bible for a Road Map.” The definition of a “road map” is “any plan or guide to show how something can be.” So you see, no matter how unusual the song title may be, the Bible is God’s plan showing you how your life can be.


If you haven’t yet begun to study your Bible, let me ask you to consid-er General Bible Knowledge 1 and 2. This study is in depth, yet can be completed by the beginning Bible student. You are never too young and never too old to complete this course. If you are able to read the King James Version of the Bible and comprehend what it says—you can participate in this Bible study course. I encourage you to write today and receive this Bible study course.

Graduates of United Christian Bi-ble Institute, all is ready for our an-nual graduation ceremony to take place on Thursday, July 2.

Now you have read the ENTIRE BIBLE. We commend you on your perseverance and commitment to studying God’s Word. The Bible will be a light unto every path you take. Write the meditations of God on your heart—they will sustain you through the tough times in your life. Engrave the Law of the Lord on the portals of your soul—if you love the Lord, you will keep His commandments.

Bible scholars, you have been giv-en an opportunity to study the Word as few people will ever do. From cover to cover, from beginning to end, you have completed reading the very Word of God.

I know this was a long journey for you and probably arduous at times. It is good that you have a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. But friend, this is just the beginning of

If you plan to participate in

the formal UCBI graduation

ceremony, please let us

know ASAP that you plan to

attend. All answer sheets

must be received no later

than May 15 in order to partic-

ipate in the 2020 Graduation

ceremony. 423.472.7271

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July, August, September 2014 Page 13

For Office Use Only

License # ____________________ Class ______

Ordination Date ________/________/________

United Christian Church and

Ministerial Association PO Box 700 Cleveland, TN 37364-0700 PH: 423.472.7271

Fax: 423-479-6381

Email: [email protected] Web:

Minister’s Survey Data First Name_________________________________________________ M.I. _____Last Name _________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________________________________ State __________________________ Zip Code __________________________

Country ____________________________________________ Phone (________)________________________ Cell (________)_________________________

E-mail Address ______________________________________________ Website ______________________________________________________________

Age ________ Male _____ Female _____ Marital Status: Married _____ Single ______ Divorced ______ Divorced/Remarried ______

1. What is the name of your spouse? ________________________________________________________

2. Do you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:4? Yes _______ No _______

3. Are you free from tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography or gambling which would hinder your ministry? Yes ____ No ____

4. Do you believe in the gifts of the Spirit? (1 Corinthians 12:7-11) Yes _______ No _______

5. What is your calling in the ministry? (Ephesians 4:11) Pastor ___ Evangelist ___ Helps ___ Missionary ___ Teacher ___

Music ____ Street Ministry ____ Prison Ministry ____ Chaplain ____ Other ___ Explain: ______________________________________

6. How long have you been a Christian? __________Months ___________ Years

7. Are you enrolled in our Bible study course? Yes _______ No _______

8. Do you and/or will you tithe to the Lord’s work? (Hebrews 7) Yes _______ No _______

9. Will you support the United Christian Ministerial Association with a portion of your tithes and offerings to support missions and

other outreaches of the ministry? Yes ______ No_____

10. Do you understand that the United Christian Ministerial Association is interdenominational and all of our ministers may not

agree on all points of doctrine? Yes _______ No _______

11. Are you a pastor? Yes _______ No _______

12. What is the name of the church you pastor or attend? ________________________________________________________________________

13. Have you ever been arrested, convicted or plead “no contest” at any time? Yes □ No □ If yes,

please explain: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




(Complete the back of this form, please.)

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July, August, September 2014 Page 14

14. Have you ever been convicted of a felony, a misdemeanor, a crime or moral turpitude or any sex offense, including, but not limited to, child abuse and/or child neglect? Yes ______ No ______ If yes, state the nature of the offense(s), when, where and disposition.*




*The existence of a conviction of pending charge will not necessarily preclude you from credentialing. The nature and gravity of the offense or offenses, the time that has passed since the conviction or completion of the sentence, and the nature of the job held or sought will all be considered.

I hereby state that all the information contained on this application is correct and true.

Signed: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I will humbly and sincerely work for the Lord. I affirm that I will live and preach Bible holiness.

Signature of Applicant ______________________________________________ Date ____/_____/_____

YOU MUST HAVE TWO MINISTERS SIGN AS REFERENCES BELOW. MINISTERS: By signing below you verify that you know this individual personally and believe him/her to live a life above reproach and that he/she is morally and spiritually qualified for the Ministry of Jesus Christ. Also, please select the area of ministry he/she is (in your estimation) qualified for (1) being licensed to preach and teach only or (2) being ordained (marrying individuals and carrying out the other rites of the church.)


Ministers License Number ______________________

Print Name _______________________________________________________

Signature _________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________

City _______________________________________________________________

State ________________Zip __________________________________________

Country ___________________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________ I believe the applicant is qualified to:

Check Only One: ____ 1. License to Preach and Teach Only

____ 2. Ordination

Ministers License Number ______________________

Print Name _______________________________________________________

Signature _________________________________________________________

Address __________________________________________________________

City _______________________________________________________________

State ________________Zip __________________________________________

Country ___________________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________ I believe the applicant is qualified to:

Check Only One: ____ 1. License to Preach and Teach Only

____ 2. Ordination

Please complete this application for license or ordination. Please attach a recent photo of yourself for our records. We will inform you of our decision and give you further instructions, if necessary. Call 423-472-7271 for more info.

Super Channel WACX-TV 55

Sunday 1 PM or view on line


WJGV-TV Comcast Cable Channel 229

Putnam County, FL Sunday 8:30 AM

WLFG-TV 68: Grundy and Abingdon, VA,

Tri-Cities, Boone Sunday 2:30 PM

WAGV-TV 44: Somerset & Harlan, KY,

Richmond, Lexington. Sunday 2:30 PM

WEZK-TV: Knoxville, Oak Ridge,

Maryville, Alcoa, TN : Sunday 2:30 PM

WLFB-TV 40: Bluefield, VA/WV,

Princeton, Beckley & Oak Hill, WV Sun. 2:30 PM

KMCT-TV 39: Monroe, LA/Arkansas/Mississippi

UHF digital Channel 22

Tu: 7:30 PM, Fri: 9:30 AM, Mon 7:30 AM

WJZC-TV: Sevierville, Pigeon Forge,

Gatlinburg, Morristown, TN: Sun. 2:30 PM

WHKY-TV: Hickory, NC

Sunday 9:30 AM

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July, August, September 2014 Page 15

Item Description Offr’g






HAMMOND B3 CD $10.00

4 Bro. Hall Classics

8-DVD Set $75.00

5 Timeless:

Bro. Hall 5-DVD Set $40.00

6 Brother Hall: 20 Years!

20-DVD Set $95.00

7 Spoken Word Hardback Book

by H. Richard Hall $15.00

8 Chosen, Elected, Ordained

Hardback book by H.R. Hall $15.00

9 Revival Fires: Life & Ministry

of Bro. Hall by Pat Hayes $15.00

10 Don Warren’s Music

6-CD Set $40.00

11 An Hour With Brother Hall:

6 CD Set $20.00

12 Bro. Hall: THIS IS WAR! $30.00


Includes “It’s Real!” $10.00

14 Pat Hayes Missions Package $25.00






19 Proverbs/Song of Solomon

DVD Course by Pat Hayes $130.00

Who do you turn to when no one seems to care? Who will take

your needs before the throne of God and pray until the answer

comes? Who will speak a kind and loving word to a saint of God

who is feeling low? Who will speak hope to a lost one, struggling

to make it in this world today?

United Christian Church and Ministerial Association is availa-

ble to you any time, day or night. Call us on the toll-free line (1-

866-518-2262) and we will reach heaven for you!

When you are fighting the very demons of hell and you don’t

think you can make it through the night, we are here. We’re wait-

ing to reach out to Jesus with you.

When you are low in spirit and need a word of encouragement,

don’t even consider not calling us. We want to hear from you. We

want to take your needs before the Lord.

This world is in turmoil today. There is trouble on every side.

But, through it all—Jesus cares.

Families are breaking up, children are rebelling against their

parents, joblessness keeps climbing, disease is rampant—but Jesus

is still the answer.

Maybe you are not in church right now and don’t have a pastor

to call—we will pray with you. Maybe you’ve asked for prayer for

so long, you are weary of calling your friends for prayer. We want

to pray for you. Maybe you seem so far from God and the call He

has placed on your life. We want to pray for you. Won’t you pick

up the phone and call right now? Just call!

Everyday our office receives calls from people just like you--

people who have reached the end of their rope. Holy Ghost-filled

prayer warriors are waiting to take your needs to the Lord.

You may say, “Why pray?” Dear friends, we have seen multi-

plied thousands of victory testimonies. Our phone rings off the

hook with people telling us how God has moved for them.

Don’t spend another hour—not even another minute—in the

condition you are in.

Page 16: MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER · 2020-03-17 · Date MORNING SPEAKER EVENING SPEAKER June 26-Brandon Blevins June 27 Michael Chapman Mitchell Rhoden June 28 Pastor Wayne Johnson

U n i t ed Ch r i s t i an C h u rch a nd Min i s t er i a l A s s o c . T h e S h i e l d o f Fa i th

PO B o x 7 0 0 C l ev e l a nd , T enn ess ee 37364-0700

PRAYER CONNECTION 2057 Smoot Ave Danny Emerson

April 3-4 Friday-Saturday DANVILLE, WEST VIRGINIA


576 Deaverview Rd Leonard Hodge April 17-18 Friday-Saturday 828-665-1351


NEW LIFE WORD TABERNACLE 133 SE 10th St, Mitch Rhoden

April 22-23, Wednesday-Thursday GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA 32601


Danny Emerson 10280 SE 110th St Rd. near PO 10 Miles SE of Ocala off

Hwy. 441 So. April 24-25 Friday-Saturday


COUNTRY INN & SUITES 2120 Harper Rd 304-252-5100 Danny Emerson

May 1-2 Friday-Saturday BECKLEY, WEST VIRGINIA


Don Warren & Danny Emerson 1100 Praley St SW

May 8-9 Friday-Saturday VALDESE, NORTH CAROLINA


Corner of Woodland & Warner Patrick Hayes May 15-16 Friday-Saturday


FAITH TEMPLE GOSPEL CHURCH 2112 West Hwy 80 Danny Emerson

May 29-30, Friday-Saturday RUSSELL SPRINGS, KENTUCKY 42642




BARNARDSVILLE CHURCH OF GOD 1436 Barnardsville Hwy, Danny Emerson



3015 Hefner Road (Turn Right At Burger King off Hwy 321) Patrick Hayes

June 13-14 Saturday-Sunday HUDSON, NORTH CAROLINA

Knights Inn (423) 478-1137

Days Inn (423) 476-2112

Holiday Inn Express (423) 790-1199

Holiday Inn (423) 478-1212

Heritage Inn (423) 478-1183

Hampton Inn (423) 458-1222

LaQuinta Inn (423) 813-7300

Douglas Inn (423) 559-5579