more design patterns in delphi jim cooper falafel software session code: d3.03 track: delphi

More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

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Page 1: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

More Design Patterns In Delphi

Jim Cooper

Falafel Software

Session Code: D3.03Track: Delphi

Page 2: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi


Discuss some lesser known patterns from the GoF

Examine example code for an application

Somewhat contrived, but we only have an hour

Assume some knowledge of patterns

Most important point is that a pattern is not a code template

Page 3: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi


A necessarily small piece of software

Read and display CSV files

Read and display XML files

Will automatically detect the type of file being read, and parse it appropriately

Used refactorings on this code. An example is in the Refactorings paper

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Parsing CSV files

Comma delimited text

Stuff,123,”More, with comma”,,Last

Often would use a state machine

Models a set of states

From each state, particular inputs cause transitions to other states

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Finite State Machine

This example is from ToD, with the kind permission of Julian Bucknall

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State Pattern

“Allow an object to alter its behaviour when its internal state changes. The object will appear to

change its class”

Cannot actually change class, so we mimic that

Participants are context (interface to external systems) and states.

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State Pattern - Code

Context is TCsvParser

All states derive from TCsvParserState – one for each state in the FSM

Note caching of state objects

Sometimes need to create and destroy states on the fly

State objects often need access to the context

Page 8: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Parsing XML Files

Won’t attempt a full-blown parser!

Only allow a subset of XML, but we still have a small language

Use a recursive descent compiler

See the Dragon Book for details

Output is an abstract syntax tree, where each node represents an element of the language

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XmlDoc -> Prolog0..1 TagList0..1

Prolog -> <?xml PrologData?>TagList -> Node*Node -> StartTag [Data | TagList] EndTagStartTag -> <TagName>EndTag -> </TagName>PrologData -> [Any printable chars except <,>,/ and ? ]*Data -> [Any printable chars except <,> and / ]*TagName -> [Any printable chars except <,>,/,space,?]+

Ignore DTDs, attributes, escaped characters (e.g. &lt), structure of prolog data and empty element tags

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Example XML file

We will be able to parse things like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<SomeStuff>Stuff 1 is here</SomeStuff>

<SomeStuff>Stuff 2 is here</SomeStuff>

<SomeStuff>Stuff 3 is here</SomeStuff>

<SomeStuff>Stuff 4 is here</SomeStuff>


Page 11: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Interpreter Pattern

“Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the

representation to interpret sentences in the grammar”

Definition of “interpret” is broad, and includes other things than executing instructions

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Interpreter Pattern - 2

We will be defining a class for each element in the grammar, so this pattern works best if the grammar is not too complex

Can be inefficient way to represent data

Recursive descent compilers have similar limitations and are a good match for feeding the interpreter

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Interpreter Pattern - Code

Requires client to build syntax tree

Base class of tree is the abstract expression class

Has abstract method to perform interpret operation – Search and Replace in our case

Will allow operation on just Data or Tags as well, so need to understand document structure

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Interpreter Pattern – Code 2

Subclass for each grammar element

Terminal expressions (refactored out) PrologData, Data, TagName

Actually do search and replace on these elements

Nonterminal expressions Made up of other expressions

Call SearchAndReplace on those other expressions

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Visitor Pattern

“Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you

define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.”

Moves operations from tree nodes to another class

Page 16: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Visitor Pattern - Code

Declare a Visitor class, which has a Visit method for each node type in the object structure

Can use method overloading in Delphi

Methods virtual so visitor descendants can choose which to implement

Accept method in base expression class – note similarity with S&R

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Visitor Pattern - 2

Implementing new visitors requires a new visitor class, but no changes to the syntax tree

Similar operations are grouped together

Can break encapsulation by needing to know too much about nodes

Changing the object structure will break visitor classes

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Store some information about the document we are looking at

Used as a context in many patterns

Uses a stringlist to hold the text

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Strategy Pattern

“Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy

lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it. ”

This pattern is a way to use different techniques for the same operation

Page 20: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Strategy Pattern - Code

Hide details of S&R and pretty printing from users of document

In our case, have 2 operations per strategy, and one strategy per file type

Base class is abstract to force implementation in descendants

Note access to context (Document)

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Strategy Pattern - 2

Could subclass context to have 2 document classes

Mixes algorithms with document

Can be difficult to structure hierarchy, especially if several operations

More objects in system

Strategy and context can be closely coupled

Can have default algorithms

Page 22: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Command Pattern

“Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterise clients with different requests,

queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.”

Want to be able to undo operations

Delphi actions are an example of the Command pattern

Page 23: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Command Pattern - Code

Abstract base command class

Execute and Rollback methods

Use Template pattern

Descendant class for each command

Need a reference to the document (the receiver)

Not always needed

Separates out command logic

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Memento Pattern

“Without violating encapsulation, capture and externalise an object’s internal state so that the

object can be restored to this state later.”

Stores an object’s state

We will use it to support undo operations

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Memento Pattern - 2

Normally need 3 types of object

Memento – stores state information

Caretaker – stores the memento(s)

Originator – creates mementos, and uses them to go back to earlier state

Memento class needs a lot of info about the originators

To avoid encapsulation problems declare both in the same unit

Page 26: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Memento Pattern - Code

Document class is our originator

Memento is simple, just stores document text - usually more complex

Memento property accessors get and set document state

Use memento in pretty printing command/rollback

Need a list of commands, so...

Page 27: More Design Patterns In Delphi Jim Cooper Falafel Software Session Code: D3.03 Track: Delphi

Facade Pattern

“Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. Facade defines a higher-level

interface that makes the subsystem easier to use.”

Hides a complex subsystem behind a simple interface

Particularly good if subsystem has many tightly coupled classes

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Facade Pattern - 2

Reduces coupling between elements of the subsystem and clients

Can change subsystem without affecting clients

Subsystem objects should not normally know about the facade

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Facade Pattern - Code

We have a facade to hide the commands and the undo/redo list

Also hides document from the UI

UI code is now one line of code per menu item

Facade is normally a Singleton

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Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides Some find this too abstract

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You can contact me further [email protected]

Thank you

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