
Before I AM Life Series Arunachala Press © 2008 Mooji a tribute from Psiplex Mooji Mooji Selected book quotes 2 Selected book quotes 3

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LifeSeries #5 from Psiplex explores more of the quotations Mooji and his book 'Before I Am". Origianl electronic music track 'M5' accompanies. PDF version available at:


Before I AM


Arunachala Press© 2008 Mooji

a tribute from Psiplex

MoojiMooji Selected book

quotes 2

Selected book

quotes 3

'Before I Am' is a book of satsang dialogues with Mooji, which points unwaveringly to the core message that "we are not our mind, nor personality, but the non-dual being - already perfect, whole and blissfully content."

arunachala press© 2008 Mooji

Don’t touch this ‘me’, it’s just a word, it’s a concept. Look.

Don’t think. Be still. Observe.


P. 93

Don’t get rooted in ego, break off from this ‘I-me’ sense by constantly recognizing it as a phenomenon appearing in the

space of your self, the unchanging reality.


P. 97

What arises as ‘I’ here inside this body? Is it tangible? If so, to

whom? Find this out.The very attempt to catch hold of it breaks its spell and thus leaves

you as pure awareness.


P. 97

In letting go, letting be, there is peace, silence and clarity

that arise from complete abandonment. Let life be.


P. 101

It is the beingness itself which lets go of the sense of being a person....when released of the

spell of the illusory ego occurs...lightness and

joy prevail.


P. 102

Somehow, out of nowhere, unexpectedly — Grace

appears and removes the dirt from your eyes and a thorn

from your heart!


P. 103

God is beyond all.God is pure consciousness

unknowable by the mindshining within all

as the sense‘I am’.


P. 108

All that may be said is that what I am must be more subtle and earlier than even the sense ‘I

am’, the intuitive sense of subjective existence, for the

‘I am’ is also perceived.


P. 110

Therefore what I truly am, what is, must be the subtlest principle. This principle must be the only constant, for all ‘other’ is what

comes and goes and is witnessed inside the unchanging.


P. 110

Observe and gradually you will come to see that all existence is occurring in

empty awareness.


P. 113

Like this, you realize that perception, activity, dreaming, everything happens as natural expression of the Beingness

in manifestation.


P. 113

Be empty. Be emptiness, this is

the secret.

www.mooji.orgBefore I Am

A gentle opening appears and a fresh flowing begins — a flow of Grace.