montserrat by s.k, r.m and j.w


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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W




Page 2: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

So what actually happened Montserrat

Montserrat was a quiet place until the volcano erupted. Huge amounts of ash came out the top smothering the nearby towns. Just as they though it was over pyroclastic flows consumed the whole of Plymouth. Thankfully less than 100 people died thanks to the speed of the emergency services.


Page 3: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

Evidence of what's left

Houses completely destroyed by pyroclastic flows

no Vegetation left

Page 4: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

Our Plan of Action

In year one we would supply power with a geothermal power station. This would take two years to complete. We would also buy a new port which would take to years to complete. We are going to buy new utilities such as water treatment and sewage works.

We would build housing for 5000 people and a radio station and a new prison. We will buy 3 new primary schools and one adult education centre. We will be buying a farmland and forest reclamation program. Also a volcano trail for tourists. ♦♣♠♥

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Page 6: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

Our plans for the second year

In the second year we will complete the geothermal power station and the new port. We will also have completed housing for 5000 people and a secondary school and college. We will enlarge facilities at MVO. We will be upgrading st. Johns hospital. We will build a rice processing mill to supply the island with food.

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Page 8: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

Our plans for the third year

We will buy a Biogas plant. Also we will build a library. A magistrates court will be built. The MVO facility will be completed. Two new community health centre will be completed. All the emergency services facilities will be completed also the governors office will be completed.

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Page 10: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

Our plans for the fourth year

We will be improving roads bridges and a new airport will be built. A recycling depot will be completed. A new culture centre and 3 churches will be completed. Two new hotels will be built. A brewery will be built to supply the island with beer. A fish freezing and exporting plant will be built. Also an ash quarrying and processing plant and finally a creation of a natural park and marine reserve.

Page 11: Montserrat by S.K, R.M and J.W

Before and After