monitoring with ganglia

Monitoring with Ganglia Vladimir Vuksan @vvuksan

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June 24, 2014. At Velocity 2014, Fastly engineer Vladimir Vuksan gave an intro to Ganglia concepts (grid, clusters, hosts) as well as an installation of a sample monitoring grid. He also goes through the following commonly used visualization tools and how they may aid in detecting issues, identifying causes, and taking corrective action: - Cluster/Grid Views - Aggregate graphs - Compare Hosts - Custom graph functionality - Views - Interactive graphs - Trending - Nagios/Alerting system integration - How to add metrics to Ganglia - Different export formats such as JSON, CSV, and XML


Page 1: Monitoring with Ganglia

Monitoring with Ganglia

Vladimir Vuksan@vvuksan

Page 2: Monitoring with Ganglia

Who am I

● Have done systems administration for over 20 years

● Ganglia contributor● Co-authored O'Reilly book about Ganglia● Work at Fastly

● @vvuksan on Twitter

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Ganglia book

Book signing Wednesday 6/25 at 10:45 in the O'Reilly Author booth

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What is Ganglia

● Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization

● Started in 2002

● Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization

● Started in 2002

● Ganglia is a scalable distributed monitoring system for high-performance computing systems such as clusters and Grids. It is based on a hierarchical design targeted at federations of clusters. It leverages widely used technologies such as XML for data representation, XDR for compact, portable data transport, and RRDtool for data storage and visualization

● Started in 2002

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How I got involved

● Got introduced to Ganglia in 2005● Loved it● In 2010 started working on rewrite of Ganglia

web UI● In 2011 became one of the Ganglia core


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Tutorial outline

● Why Ganglia● Ganglia basics● Ganglia setup demo● Ganglia web UI demo● Choose your own adventure topics

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Why do we monitor

● Problem/issue detection MTTR/MTTD

● Trending – where are we going

● Learn how our infrastructure/system really behaves

Timezone difference between NZ and SYD is 2 hours=> People are predictable

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Why Ganglia ?

● Relatively easy to set up and track lots of metrics

● Doesn't impose heavy operational burden ie. most installs don't require multiple machines, proxies, Hbase etc.

● Doesn't require lots of work to provide me with tons of usable graphs

● Lots of power users geared features e.g. aggregate graphs, compare hosts, views

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Ganglia Architecture

● 2 daemons: gmond & gmetad

● gmond sends and/or receives metrics – keep in memory

● 1 gmetad per grid. polls 1 gmond per cluster for data.

● a node belongs to a cluster.a cluster belongs to a grid.

● Web UI a separate item use it or lose it

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● Gmonds talk to each other over UDP● Gmonds expose metrics over TCP as XML● Gmetad exposes metrics over TCP as XML

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Multicast vs. unicast transport

● Multicast is the default● Works great if in environments that are on a single

network segment e.g. compute grids, corporate networks

● Zero config● Doesn't work in cloud as multicast is filtered● Allows for some interesting implementations since all

nodes about metrics from all other nodes

● Use Unicast

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Write scaling using RRDcached

● If you have lots of metrics your I/O subsystem will likely become the bottleneck. Use SSDs and RRDcached (consolidates writes)

● RRDcached daemon on Ubuntu Debian /etc/default/rrdcached

OPTS=" -t 60 -w 180 -z 180 -F -s ganglia -m 664 \

-l -s ganglia -m 777 -P FLUSH,STATS,HELP \

-l unix:/tmp/ -b /var/lib/ganglia/rrds -B \

-p /var/lib/ganglia/"● Tell gmetad where to look

● Prior to 3.7.0+ environment variable– export RRDCACHED_ADDRESS=/tmp/rrdcached.sock

● In 3.7.0+ gmetad.conf setting– rrdcached_address

● Tell Web UI where to look● $conf['rrdcached_socket'] = "unix:/tmp/";

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Network buffers scaling

● You will need to increase your UDP buffer size. Default is 128k

● Bump it up in sysctl

sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=15000000● Bump up conntrack for good measure

sysctl -w net.nf_conntrack_max=512000 ● In gmond.conf under udp_recv_channel add

buffer = 10000000

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Getting data in

● Via gmond modules, written in C or Python.● Varnish metrics, Apache metrics

● Via gmetric or libraries that implement the gmetric protocol.

● Via other daemons designed to feed metrics to ganglia (e.g. statsd)

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Zero metric configuration

● Just start sending new metrics.● gmetad will create a new RRD file for any new

metric it sees.● The web UI will draw a basic graph for every

metric.● You can create nice colored graphs later if you

want them.

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Gmond shenanigans

● One aggregating gmond required for each cluster

● Deficiency in the protocol :-(

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Demo setup

SFO gmondAggregatorPort=50001

SFO gmond sender AMS gmond sender NYC gmond sender

SFO gmondAggregatorPort=50002

SFO gmondAggregatorPort=50003

Gmetad pollerWeb UI

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● On aggregator

apt-get -y install ganglia-monitor ganglia-monitor-python gmetad rrdtool ganglia-webfrontend

● On nodes

apt-get -y install ganglia-monitor ganglia-monitor-python

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Gmond configuration

● Separate aggregator and sender nodes

● We'll be using unicast

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Sender config

● Send metrics (global section)

mute = no

deaf = yes

● Remove any udp_recv_channels and tcp_accept_channels

● Ganglia sends metadata packets separately from metric packets. If you don't have metadata metrics will not show up. This becomes a problem if aggregator gets restarted. Not a problem in multicast settings where they can send each other messages requesting metadata but needs to be set in unicast. Set following in global section

send_metadata_interval = 60

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Aggregator config

● Receive metrics only (global section)

deaf = no

mute = yes

● Remove any udp_send_channels defined

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Node name determination

● Out of the box receiving/aggregator gmond will use reverse DNS resolution to determine hostname/node name for received metric packets

● Use

override_hostname = “my_hostname”● In global section to set the desired host name

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Zero configuration

● Just start sending new metrics.● gmetad will create a new RRD file for any new

metric it sees.● The web UI will draw a basic graph for every

metric.● You can create nice colored graphs later if you

want them.

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High availability setup


udp_send_channel { host = port = 8649 }_channel


udp_send_channel { host = port = 8649 }_channel

US aggregating gmond.conf

udp_recv_channel { port = 8649 }tcp_accept_channel { port = 8649}

EU aggregating gmond.conf

udp_recv_channel { port = 8649 }tcp_accept_channel { port = 8649}_channel

US gmetad.conf

data_source “cluster”

EU gmetad.conf

data_source “cluster”

Ganglia Web UI

Ganglia Web UI




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Ganglia Demo

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Web UI tutorial

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● Search as you type – shows matching hosts then metrics

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● Arbitrary collection of graphs● Individual metrics● Composite graphs● Aggregate graphs

● How to add● Add through the web UI● Configure using JSON configuration files

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Views JSON config example

$ cat /var/lib/ganglia­web/conf/view_cpu_util.json 


  "view_name": "CPU utilization",

  "default_size": "medium",

  "items": [


      "hostname": "aggregator",

      "metric": "cpu_idle",

      "vertical_label": "%",

      "title": "CPU Idle"



  "view_type": "standard",

  "parent": null


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Aggregate graphs

● Easy composite graph creation● Requires

● Host regular expression● Metric regular expression

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Common regular expressions

● Show both bytes_in and bytes_out● bytes_(in|out)

● Show any metric that starts with bytes● ^bytes_

● Show only bytes_out and not varnish_bytes_out or bytes_out_compressed● ^bytes_out$

● Only hosts cache-5,cache-7 and cache-9● ^cache-(5|7|9)

● All hosts from cache-5 to cache-9● ^cache-[5-9]

● All hosts except ones starting with cache-t● ^cache-[^t]

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Compare hosts

● Compare a set of hosts defined by a regular expression across all common metrics

● Aggregate graphs on steroids● Will generate hundred/thousands of aggregate

graphs you can use for analysis

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● View events/Add Events

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Add events API driven

● Use curl from init script or deploy script● curl -v "http://ganglia.server/api/events.php?


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Automatic rotation

● Aimed for ops team that need to continuously rotate metrics to help spot early signs of trouble.

● metrics will be rotated until the browser window is closed.

● If you have multiple monitors you can invoke different views to be rotated on different monitors.

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Live Dashboard

● Adaptation of Tasseo for Ganglia

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Mobile view

● Mobile optimized view for Ganglia.● Intended for any mobile browsers supported by

jQueryMobile toolkit. This covers most WebKit implementations ie. Android, iPhone iOS, HP webOS and Blackberry OS 6+.

● Provides a better experience viewing Ganglia on your mobile phone by eliminating panning and zooming.

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UI components you can interact with in host view

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Add to view

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● Interactive graph you can hover over, zoom●

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CSV and JSON export

● Export data from the graph you are just seeing for further processing e.g. spreadsheet

● Can be done to any image URL by appending either &csv=1 or &json=1

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XML export from Gmetad● curl http://localhost:8652/MYCLUSTER/

<HOST NAME="" IP="" REPORTED="1403577908" TN="2" TMAX="20" DMAX="0" LOCATION="unspecified" GMOND_STARTED="1403557741" TAGS="">

<METRIC NAME="load_one" VAL="2.80" TYPE="float" UNITS=" " TN="62" TMAX="70" DMAX="0" SLOPE="both" SOURCE="gmond">



<EXTRA_ELEMENT NAME="DESC" VAL="One minute load average"/>

<EXTRA_ELEMENT NAME="TITLE" VAL="One Minute Load Average"/>




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Choose your own adventure

Nagios integrations/


AdHoc Views Statsd

Ask anythingConfig options to tune

Export to other systems

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Nagios integration / Alerting

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Nagios integration/Alerting

● Implements Nagios checks using Ganglia

● You already have nearly all the data you need for alerting ie. current load, disk utilization etc.

● If it's something you are gonna alert you might want to trend it

● Provides for much richer alerts

– Use custom criteria other than over/under threshold e.g. percentage of combined values

– Check multiple values – make sure no one is currently working on a machine (indicated by presence of /etc/disabled file)

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Nagios integration cont'd

● Check a single metric

● alert if one minute load average is > 5         check_command           check_ganglia_metric!load_one!more!5

● alert if number of local IPs is not exactly 5          check_command           check_ganglia_metric!local_ips!notequal!5

● Check multiple metrics on a single host – check all disks        check_command       check_ganglia_multiple_metrics!



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Nagios integration cont'd

● Check multiple metrics on multiple hosts specified by a regex

● Useful in situations where failures occur rarely

● For example send to Ganglia number of failed disks in a disk array. Alert if on failure

 check_command     check_host_regex_ignore_unknowns!'.*'!failed_disks,more,0

● Result    # Services OK = 236, CRIT/UNK = 2 : 

        CRITICAL compute­ failed_disks = 1 disks, 

        CRITICAL git­ failed_disks = 1 disks

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Check value same everywhere

● Sometimes you need to assure that

● App revision is consistent across all servers – polling may be tricky due to firewalls, network partitions etc.

● You have deployed all config files

     check_command   check_value_same_everywhere!



● ResultVCLs loaded are not the same on all hosts CRITICAL  CRIT varnish_vcl_loaded differs values  

          53 ( cache­1, cache­3, cache­4 ) 

          52 ( cache­2 )

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Files present

● Alerting systems will not alert on any machines that have following files present

● /etc/ganglia_silence● You will need to expose this as a metric

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Ad-Hoc Views

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Ad-Hoc views

● Define arbitrary views on the fly● Enable them in conf.php

● $conf['ad-hoc-views'] = true;

● Supply complete view JSON config as a GET or POST variable e.g.

&ad-hoc-view={"view_name": "CPU utilization",”default_size”: …

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Use ad-hoc views with Tasseo

● You can also use them for Tasseo as well e.g.● URL suffix


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Misc hacks

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Misc hacks

● Notify a chat channel of an average number of HTTP errors

MIN15AGO=`date --date="15 minutes ago" "+%s" ;

ERROR_RATE=`curl --silent "$MIN15AGO&csv=1" | \

awk -F, '{sum+=$2} END { print "Average = ",sum/NR}'

# Send to HipChat

curl -d "room_id=ourRoom&from=Ganglia&message=Error Rate = $ERROR_RATE&color=red&notify=1"

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● You crazy ?

● Use Ganglia as a common one way bus

● Ganglia supports string metrics. Use them :-)

● Send out key applications version numbers, config hashes etc.

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Graphite Export

● Make sure you use UDP transport to send out metrics to graphite. TCP doesn't perform as well. Enable following settings in gmetad.conf

carbon_server ""

carbon_port 2003

carbon_protocol udp

● If you don't care for Ganglia Web UI. You can disable writing of RRDs

write_rrds off

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Memcache Export

● Add following in gmetad.conf

memcached_parameters "--SERVER= --POOL-MIN=10 --POOL-MAX=70"

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Riemann Export

● Riemann is a powerful event stream processor● To enable

riemann_server ""

riemann_port 5555

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Statsd implementations

● Pystatsd● Built in support for Ganglia●

● Etsy statsd● You need pluggable statsd backend●


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Config options to tune

● Add override config options in conf.php (overrides anything in conf_default.php)

● Remove stats from graph legend

$conf['graphreport_stats'] = false;

● Change default metric that shows up. Default load_one

$conf['default_metric'] = "cpu_report";

● Disable authentication – enables view and event creation (if you are behind firewall/basic auth)

$conf['auth_system'] = 'disabled';

● Don't show all host metrics by default.

$conf['metric_groups_initially_collapsed'] = true;

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Config options to tune

● Change default time ranges

$conf['time_ranges'] = array(







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● Ganglia Github repos●