module 3b facilitation

Module 3b: Facilitation Guide Overview The goal of the presentation is to help teachers understand the Framework for Teaching, specifically 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques. As an observer, you will become intimately familiar with Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching and the nuances of each of the components; however, your teaching staff will have little to no understanding of how evidence is observed, collected, and leveled. This module presentation serves to bridge this knowledge gap in your school Use this Facilitation Guide to lead an engaging and effective presentation for teachers. Training Materials Module 3b: Facilitation Guide Module 3b: Presentation (PowerPoint) A Printed Copy of the EXIT CARD slide for each Teacher to complete Framework at a Glance: Domains 2 and 3 (for each staff member) from previous session Framework for Teaching from previous session Back Up of Video Clips

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Page 1: Module 3b Facilitation questioning and discussion techniques lead to animat ed class discussions that engage

      Module 3b: Facilitation Guide  

Overview  The goal of  the presentation  is  to help  teachers understand  the Framework  for Teaching,  specifically 3b:   Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques.   As an observer,  you  will  become  intimately  familiar  with  Charlotte  Danielson’s Framework  for Teaching and  the nuances of each of  the components; however, your  teaching  staff  will  have  little  to  no  understanding  of  how  evidence  is observed, collected, and  leveled.   This module presentation serves to bridge this knowledge gap in your school   Use this Facilitation Guide to lead an engaging and effective presentation for teachers.  

Training Materials  

Module 3b: Facilitation Guide 

Module 3b: Presentation (PowerPoint) 

A Printed Copy of the EXIT CARD slide for each Teacher to complete 

Framework  at  a Glance: Domains  2  and  3  (for  each  staff member)  from previous session 

Framework for Teaching from previous session 

Back Up of Video Clips             

Page 2: Module 3b Facilitation questioning and discussion techniques lead to animat ed class discussions that engage


 SLIDE 1:  Introduction     Opening Talking Points: 

A teacher’s skill in questioning and in leading discussions makes a powerful contribution to  student  learning  and  is  valuable  for many  instructional  purposes:  exploring  new concepts, eliciting evidence of  student understanding,  and promoting deeper  student engagement. 


The Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson


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SLIDE  2  &  3:    Why  is  this  an  important  component  of  effective teaching?   Opening Talking Points: 

When teachers use questions skillfully, they engage their students  in an exploration of content. 

Carefully  framed  questions  enable  students  to  reflect  on  their  understanding  and consider new possibilities. 


Questioning and discussion are the only instructional strategies specifically referred to in the Framework for Teaching; this reflects their central importance to teachers’ practice. In the framework, questioning and discussion are used as techniques to deepen student understanding, rather than serving merely as recitation or a verbal "quiz." Good teachers use divergent as well as convergent questions, framed in such a way that they invite students to formulate hypotheses, make connections, or challenge previously held views. Students’ responses to questions are valued; effective teachers are especially adept at responding to and building on student responses and making use of their ideas. High-quality questions encourage students to make connections among concepts or events previously believed to be unrelated and arrive at new understandings of complex material. Effective teachers also pose questions to which they do not know the answers. Asking non-formulaic questions, even when the question has a limited number of correct responses, is likely to promote student thinking. Effective questioning and discussion techniques lead to animated class discussions that engage all students in considering important issues and in using their own language to deepen and extend their understanding. Discussions may be based around questions formulated by the students themselves.


Not all questions must be at a high cognitive level in order for a teacher’s performance to be rated at a high level; however, when exploring a topic, a teacher might begin with a series of questions of low cognitive challenge to provide a review or to ensure that everyone in the class is on board. Furthermore, if questions are at a high level, but only a few students participate in the discussion, the teacher’s performance on the component cannot be judged to be at a high level. In lessons involving small-group work, the quality of the students’ questions and discussion in their small groups may be considered as part of this component.

In order for students to formulate high-level questions, they must have learned how to do so. Therefore, high-level questions from students, either in the full class or in small-group discussions, provide evidence that these skills have been taught.


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SLIDE 4:  The Elements     Opening Talking Points:  

This component may be broken down into three distinct and important elements. 1. Quality of questions/prompts. 2. Discussion techniques. 3. Student participation. 



This component may be broken down into three distinct and important elements. As you review these elements, think about what they might look like in practice in the classroom.

Quality of questions/promptsQuestions of high quality cause students to think and reflect, to deepen their understanding, and to test their ideas against those of their classmates. When teachers ask questions of high quality, they ask only a few of them, and they provide students with sufficient time to think about their responses, to reflect on the comments of their classmates, and to deepen their understanding. Occasionally, for the purposes of review, teachers ask students a series of (usually low-level) questions in a type of verbal review. This may be helpful for the purpose of establishing the facts of an historical event, for example, but they should not be confused with the use of questioning to deepen student understanding.

Discussion techniquesSome teachers report that "we discussed x" when what they mean is "I said x." That is, some teachers confuse discussion with explanation of content; as important as explanation is, it’s not discussion. Rather, in a true discussion, a teacher poses a question and invites all students’ views to be heard, and also enables students to engage in discussion directly with one another, not always mediated by the teacher.

Student participationIn some classes a few students tend to dominate the discussion; other students, recognizing this pattern, hold back their contributions. Experienced teachers use a range of techniques to ensure that all students contribute to the discussion, and they enlist the assistance of students to ensure this outcome.


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 SLIDE 5: Indicators  

  Opening Talking Points:  

Determining  a  level  of  performance must  be  grounded  in  evidence  found  during  an observation. 

Poor questions may be those that are boring, comprehensible to only a few students, or narrow – the teacher has a single answer in mind even when other options are possible. 

Good questions tend to be divergent rather than convergent, framed in such a way that they  invite  students  to  formulate  hypotheses,  make  connections,  or  challenge previously held views. 

High‐quality  questions  promote  thinking  by  students,  encouraging  them  to  make connections among previously believed, unrelated concepts or events and  to arrive at new understandings of complex material. 

 (Discuss bullet points on slide)   

Questions of high cognitive challenge, formulated by both students and teacher

Questions with multiple correct answers, or multiple approaches even when there is a single correct response

Effective use of student responses and ideas Discussion in which the teacher steps out of the

central, mediating role High levels of student participation in discussion


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SLIDE 6 ‐ 8:  Activity: Relevant because…    

Activity Directions:  

1. Having reviewed the indicators for Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques on the previous slide, select whether each piece of evidence is “relevant” or “not relevant” for the component. 

 (click to show evidence)  2. Have the teachers read the evidence, and assess using a showing of hands if they think

that the evidence is relevant or not.  3. Then click on the slide to get the explanation as to why this is relevant (note that all of

these examples are relevant for this exercise)  (read explanation and repeat)  4. Allow for brief discussion. 


The teacher only calls on students who have their hands up.This observation is evidence of student participation—one of the elements of this component. If a few students dominate the conversation, then this is an indication of a lower level of performance.

In a lesson on plot structure in a Dickens novel, the teacher asks, “Where was Shakespeare born?”

This observation is a demonstration of the quality of questions/prompts—one of the elements of this component. The question posed to students is unrelated to the lesson outcomes, and does not deepen their thinking; however, it might be appropriate in a higher level of performance if the question is followed by one or more questions that do require higher-order thinking.


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Students attend fully to what the teacher is saying.NOT RELEVANT: This observation does not provide evidence for the quality of questions posed by the teacher nor the quality of discussion among students. Rather, this observation is evidence for how respectful students are in teacher-student interactions—an element of Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport.

A student says to a classmate, “I don’t think I agree with you on this because…”

This observation is evidence of students engaging directly in discussion with each other (rather than a completely teacher-mediated discussion) in a manner that extends their learning—an indication of a higher level of performance.


The teacher asks, “Student M, can you comment on Student T’s idea?” and Student M responds directly to Student T. This observation demonstrates that the teacher employs techniques that encourage students to engage in discussion with each other—an indicator for this component. An important piece of evidence to note would be whether or not Student M responds directly to Student T. If he does, then this would indicate that students have been taught how to engage in respectful discussion with one another—a higher level of performance.

The teacher asks a student to explain the task to other students.

NOT RELEVANT: This is evidence for directions and procedures—an element of Communicating with Students. In order for an observation like this to be relevant for Using Questioning/Prompts and Discussion Techniques, the teacher would have to ask students to discuss an issue related to the topic that deepens student understanding rather than clarifying task procedures.


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SLIDE 9‐14:  Activity: Level of Performance     

Opening Talking Points:  

•  The Framework for Teaching is a tool that provides clear expectations and standards to both the observer and the teacher. 

• The  rubrics  provide  a  common  set  of  criteria,  a  common  language  of  professional practice. 


Activity Directions:  

1. Have  teachers  read  The  Framework  for  Teaching  handout,  pages  16‐18  relating  to Domain 3b. 

2. Review the directions on slide 9 for this activity. 3. Display and Read aloud the descriptions on slides 10‐13, giving 4‐5 minutes on each for 

teachers to utilize their Framework to determine the performance levels of each. 4. Display the slide 14.    Inquire by showing of hands what  level the teachers would have 

placed each description.   Click on the presentation after each discussing each of the 4 scenarios to reveal the answers. 


You will read four classroom observation descriptions. They are numbered so that we can reference them and in no way reflect their performance level. After each of the four description, jot down what performance level you would assign it and why.


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1. While the teacher may use some low-level questions, he or she poses questions to students designed to promote student thinking and understanding. The teacher creates a genuine discussion among students, providing adequate time for students to respond and stepping aside when appropriate. The teacher successfully engages most students in the discussion, employing a range of strategies to ensure that most students are heard.


2. The teacher uses a variety or series of questions or prompts to challenge students cognitively, advance high-level thinking and discourse, and promote meta-cognition. Students formulate many questions, initiate topics, and make unsolicited contributions. Students themselves ensure that all voices are heard in the discussion.


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3. The teacher’s questions are of low cognitive challenge, with single correct responses, and asked in rapid succession. Interaction between teacher and students is predominantly recitation style, with the teacher mediating all questions and answers. A few students dominate the discussion.


4. The teacher’s questions lead students along a single path of inquiry, with answers seemingly determined in advance. Or, the teacher attempts to frame some questions designed to promote student thinking and understanding, but only a few students are involved. The teacher attempts to engage all students in the discussion and to encourage them to respond to one another, with uneven results.


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Any surprises?

1. Effective (Rubric Level 3)2. Highly Effective (Rubric Level 4)3. Ineffective (Rubric Level 1)4. Partially Effective (Rubric Level 2)

   (Discuss Results) 


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 SLIDE 15‐16: Level 3 Critical Attributes, Evidence, and Sample Video     

Opening Talking Points:  

The  levels of performance described  in  the  rubric correspond  to developing expertise with respect to Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques. 

We will first examine level of performance 3 in detail.    Allow for brief discussion.   

The teacher uses open-ended questions, inviting students to think and/or offer multiple possible answers.

The teacher makes effective use of wait time. The teacher builds on and uses student responses to questions effectively. Discussions enable students to talk to one another, without ongoing

mediation by the teacher. The teacher calls on most students, even those who don't initially volunteer. Many students actively engage in the discussion.

Level 3: Evidence The teacher asks, "What might have happened if the colonists had

not prevailed in the American war for independence?" The teacher uses the plural form in asking questions, such as "What

are some things you think might contribute to…?" The teacher asks, "Student M, can you comment on Student T's

idea?" and Student M responds directly to Student T. The teacher asks a question and asks every student to write a brief

response and share it with a partner; the teacher then invites a few students to offer their ideas to the entire class.


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SLIDE 17‐18: Level 2 Critical Attributes, Evidence, and Sample Video    

Opening Talking Points:  

The  levels of performance described  in  the  rubric correspond  to developing expertise with respect to Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques. 

We will first examine level of performance 2 in detail.    Allow for brief discussion.   

The teacher frames some questions designed to promote student thinking, but only a few students are involved.

The teacher invites students to respond directly to one another’s ideas, but few students respond.

The teacher calls on many students, but only a small number actually participate in the discussion.

Level 2: Evidence Many questions are of the "recitation" type, such as "How

many members of the House of Representatives are there?" In a lesson on plot structure in a Dickens novel, the teacher

asks: "Where was Shakespeare born?" The teacher asks, "Who has an idea about this?" but the same

three students offer comments. The teacher asks, "Student M, can you comment on Student

T's idea?" but Student M does not respond, or makes a comment directly to the teacher.


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SLIDE 19‐20: Level 1 Critical Attributes, Evidence, and Sample Video     

Opening Talking Points:  

The  levels of performance described  in  the  rubric correspond  to developing expertise with respect to Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques. 

We will first examine level of performance 1 in detail.    Allow for brief discussion.   

Questions are rapid-fire and convergent, with single correct answers.

Questions do not invite student thinking. All discussion is between teacher and students; students are

not invited to speak directly to one another. A few students dominate the discussion.

Level 1: Evidence All questions are of the "recitation" type, such as "What is 3 x

4?" The teacher asks a question for which the answer is on the

board; students respond by reading it. The teacher only calls on students who have their hands up.


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SLIDE 21‐22: Level 4 Critical Attributes, Evidence, and Sample Video    

Opening Talking Points:  

The  levels of performance described  in  the  rubric correspond  to developing expertise with respect to Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques. 

We will first examine level of performance 4 in detail.    Allow for brief discussion.   

In addition to the characteristics of a level of performance 3, Students initiate higher-order questions. Students extend the discussion, enriching it. Students invite comments from their classmates during a


Level 4: Evidence A student asks, "How many ways are there to get this

answer?" A student says to a classmate, "I don't think I agree with you

on this, because…" A student asks other students, "Does anyone have another

idea as to how we might figure this out?" A student asks, "What if…?"


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SLIDE 23: Discussion     

Opening Talking Points:  

Well run classrooms reflect the following evidence: 1. Discussions use the questions posed by students.  The formulation of questions 

require that students engage in analytical thinking and motivates them more than questions presented by teachers 

2. A teacher does not hold center stage but rather encourages students to comment on one another’s answers and request further elaboration. 

3. All students are engaged. 

Teachers demonstrate their skill in questioning and discussion techniques almost exclusively in classroom observation..  

Teachscape is a resource in which teachers can log into to see more videos at each level under Module 3b:  Levels of Performance, should they desire on their own.  


After reviewing the Performance Levels for Domain 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, do you think you could distinguish between them?

Did the sample videos of each of the performance levels in this component help to provide clarity in what each of the performance levels looks like?

Reflect on your classroom practices…. What would the performance level of your classroom on a typical day be as it relates to this component?


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SLIDE 24: Our performance goal is to LIVE in 3… and vacation in 4.    

Opening Talking Points:  It is important that as we move through the modules that teachers understand that the 

expectations for our staff is that we are all effective practitioners (Level 3).   

Highly  effective  practices  truly  reflect  students  taking much  of  the  responsibility  and initiative. 

Effective  practitioners  strive  to  be  highly  effective  in  their  practices  but  due  to external  and  necessary  factors  and  duties  of  the  profession,  this  cannot  always  be achieved.  (ex. test giving, direct instruction mini‐lessons, flexibility in meeting student needs lead to a more teacher‐centric lesson) 


Our performance goal is to LIVE in 3… and vacation in 4.


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SLIDE 25:  Session Reflection & Exit Card   

Opening Talking Points:  

A lot of new information was just disseminated and it will take time to digest it all.     

Activity Directions:  Have teachers complete the EXIT CARD as a reflection of session and submit to the facilitator to collect impressions and feedback. 


An insight I had as a result of today’s session is…

Concepts from this session that are most applicable to my teaching practice are…

A question I have related to today’s session is…