mlm secret recruiting tips how to recruit people in your mlm business

Brought To You By : MLM Recruiting Secrets Tips How To Recruit People In Your MLM Business Do you want to learn a few MLM Recruitiing Secrets? I am sure if you are here you are probably wondering what makes me even qualified to even be giving out MLM Recruiting Tips”. I am not going to make this blog about me because I want to show you the good stuff, but I have recruited over 500 people in my business which is a modest amount…NOT bragging. How did I do it? It wasn’t easy in the sense that I had to get completely get out my comfort zone, which I dearly loved so much, but that comfort zone was what kept me struggling for over 3 years…so if you are there…GET OUT! If you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, I am willing to share some cool Tips on How To Recruit People In Your MLM Business Ready? First of all, there is NO Special Ninja MLM Secret to recruiting people into your business. It’s all about YOU! The following MLM Secret Recruiting Tips is exactly what I did to recruit over 500 people in my business…so technically…it’s not a secret.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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MLM Recruiting Secrets Tips How To Recruit People In Your MLM Business

Do you want to learn a few MLM Recruitiing Secrets?

I am sure if you are here you are probably wondering what makes me even qualified to even be giving out MLM Recruiting Tips”.

I am not going to make this blog about me because I want to show you the good stuff, but I have recruited over 500 people in my business which is a modest amount…NOT bragging.

How did I do it?

It wasn’t easy in the sense that I had to get completely get out my comfort zone, which I dearly loved so

much, but that comfort zone was what kept me struggling for over 3 years…so if you are there…GET


If you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, I am willing to share some cool Tips on How To Recruit People In Your MLM Business


First of all, there is NO Special Ninja MLM Secret to recruiting people into your business. It’s all about YOU!

The following MLM Secret Recruiting Tips is exactly what I did to recruit over 500 people in my

business…so technically…it’s not a secret.

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MLM Recruitng Tips

Tip #1 Condition Your Mindset

You have probably heard this a bunch of times, but the truth is that life happens and as human

beings…it’s easy to get discouraged. You have to have “Clarity Of Focus“. You have to know exactly

WHAT YOU WANT, WHY YOU WANT IT, WRITE DOWN a plan on how you are going to get it, HAVE FAITH, and TAKE MASSIVE CONSISTENT DAILY ACTIONuntil you achieve it.

Les Brown has a very powerful quote that I say to myself every ‘day “No matter how bad it is or how

bad it gets, I’m going to make it”…call me crazy…yes I talk to myself:)!

Here’s a video that will help condition your mindset to make it through tough times

Tip #2 Educate Yourself

I’m not going to lie… .

Even though the MLM Business isn’t rocket science, you still have to learn specific skills. You have to be

willing to invest in your knowledge, watch the trainings, go to the seminars and do all things necessary

in order to be successful in your business. Take it seriously. Remember why you joined. Surround yourself with people who want to succeed in their business just like you.

Sadly a lot of people don’t understand that it’s necessary to invest in their education in order to

succeed, and are willing to invest in traditional education that don’t teach you how to succeed.

It’s easy…invest in your knowledge, apply what you learn, master it….and teach others….

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Tip # 3 Build Relationships

There is a saying “People join people” Guess what….It’s NOT a myth. That is the MLM Secret Recruiting Tip that you need to be aware of.

Top MLM Internet Marketer Rob Fore always says: “Lead with value not a sales pitch”

The truth is even though people love to buy, they hate to get pitched. So how do you actually recruit

people in your MLM business without sounding pitchy?

Approach people in a way of helping them versus selling them. Get to know them. Ask them questions that will lead you to know their desires, needs and wants.

How do you do this?

For one thing…you can create a blog and fill it with valuable content that you know will help others or you can do videos, and use social media. Those are just examples.

MLM Recruiting Secrets Tips How To Recruit People In Your MLM Business Using Social


A while back, I took a training from a MLM Business I invested in called “$10k A Month Social Media Formula by Jessica Higdon”

It’s an MLM recruiting tip that’s timeless and that you can do daily to recruit people in your MLM

Business, and best of’s free to do.

So, when you get a chance…you can watch the video below “How to create a $10k per Month Business

through social media for absolutely free”

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Tip #4 Brand Yourself

I’m am not going to get too much into branding. I am just going to point out that in the MLM Business

it’s a jungle out there. There are a bunch of people joining businesses every single day and probably

promoting the same business that you are promoting. What’s going to make you different? How are

you going to stand out in the crowd? Jim Rohn once said: “We get paid for the value that we bring in

the market place”

How do you brand yourself?

That’s a whole other blog post but I am going to make it simple.

Provide 100% Value!

Tip #5 Build Your List

Obviously now a days MLM Recruiting is not as traditional as it was before where people would knock

on doors, go to house parties, talk to people in Walmart or worst of all bug friends and families (annoying)

Now, people are doing it online.

It’s not that easy either. Especially the generating targeted traffic to your site part…but it’s doable, and

something that you should be doing is building your list and collecting those emails. You can read more about that here.

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Tip#6 Market Daily

People are not going to learn about your MLM Business if you don’t put it out there. There are many

ways to market your MLM Business and bring visitors to your website. I will go further into generating

targeted traffic in another post but I give you some examples. MLM Recruiting is about building relationships, but believe it or not, you don’t really have to talk to people to recruit them….

You can market your MLM business by using paid traffic methods such as solo ads, facebook ppc,

youtube ppc, or free methods such as SEO, Content Marketing such as Blogging, Article Marketing,

Video Marketing, free classifieds, safelists, traffic exchanges forums, and even market if offline.

There are a bunch of ways…

The important thing is to learn one way…master it and learn the next…..

Don’t overwhelm yourself.

Tip #7 Don’t Give Up!!!

Yeah…I know…It’s easier said than done.

But that is actually one of the top MLM Recruiting Secret Tip that I can give you.

It can discouraging when you are a month into your business and you have had no results…but think of it this way…What empire was built in a month?

You have to keep on going no matter what. Keep saying to yourself: “No matter how bad it is or how bad it gets, I’m going to make it”.

Because if you believe in yourself you will…no matter what your current circumstance.

So, learn these skills and take massive consistent action

If you liked this post and found it helpful, please like, share and comment for more content

This has been my MLM Recruiting Secret Tips on How To Recruit People Into Your MLM Business

To your massive success

Melissa Diaz

Skype: mydiaz27

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P.S. Click here to learn how to recruit more people in your mlm business, generate more targeted traffic to your website and leverage by getting paid instant commission of $20, $100 and $200 daily