mix'fit athlete assessment

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Post on 08-Apr-2016




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The Elite Athlete Has Arrived





eveloping a strategic and measurable means of managing and assessing a fitness client, Dathlete or even your own progress is

ultimately any coach or manager’s goal. Years where spent doing body-fat percentages assessments determining body composition when athletes all have three things in common:

1. Peak physical conditioning2. Measurable performance levels3. Lower body-fat%

Maybe it does take a scientist to figure out body composition analysis is merely one scientific approach to establish; my fitness client or athlete is in peak physical condition, compared to the world best?

Method of testing at Mix’Fit™ clubs may vary and there are numerous test available on-line, such as the 12 Minute Cooper Test to determine cardiovascular endurance. All you going to need is a scientific approach, ultimately giving you a score out of a maximum of 10.(See chart) Obviously, the goal of the chart is to identify possible strengths and weaknesses of the test subject. The chart is an excellent tool in establishing areas of conditioning which need more attention in training as well as an individualistic approach in coaching test subjects according to their specific needs.

The simple reality remains individuals with set objectives will need to be managed, directed. Maximizing time and resources to develop a competitive advantage is exactly what sports is about.

Its worth mentioning. The Mix’Fit athlete assessment chart was developed and refined by Mix’Fit™ for elite athletes, exclusively. It was used by TKOMMA™ in preparation of 15 Mixed Martial Art events resulting in 15 consecutive victories for our Mix’Fit™ sponsored athletes.

The conclusions of our little Mix’Fit™ experiment was: The Mix’Fit™ athlete assessment chart works for coaches, athletes and for getting measurable results. It’s also the only coaching aid of it’s kind in the world, fully endorsed by professional fighters, TKOMMA™ and Mix’Fit™.




Agility & Reaction Time Test

Agility is pretty much the bodies ability to change direction, alter course or cease with its

existing trajectory or workload, given if it is motivated enough to do so, normally after the

analysis of the environmental situation. The body receives instructions from the brain to act,

these instructions are relayed to the muscles via neural pathways. The brain uses its

sensory organs to collect data, the brain process the data similar to a CPU of a desktop, and

relays the processed data as information to the muscles. This all takes time. The superior

athlete has good sensory organs, a fast CPU, high density neural pathways and world class


We may thus conclude a world class athletes can improve agility by developing their:

Sensory Organs

o Sight

o Sound

o Taste

o Smell

o Gut Instinct

Increasing Brain Function / Intelligence

o IQ

o EQ

Developing Neurotransmitter Pathways

o Supplementation

o Repetition

Developing Muscle Fibres

o Supplementation

o Nutrition

o Training

Side2Side Test

We test for agility on the sports field with the 60 meter Side2Side Test by having the athlete

change direction on visual and/or audio instructions by the coach. The time taken to

complete the 60m course is recorded and compared to previous test to establish a score out

of 10.

Stop Test

The stop test is as its name implies; the ability for the athlete to stop executing a movement

after visual and or audio instruction by the coach. The aim is to get the athlete to perform a

movement at full capacity and then to measure the time it took from the STOP instruction to

where the athlete actually seized doing the movement. This test is best compared with the

brake test they do on motor vehicles or better known as the 100 to 0 test. The score once

again is recorded and given a score out of 10 to establish where the athlete lies.

Other Test

These test include: Online IQ Test , Psychological Assessments by Sports Therapist, Eye &

Hearing Tests




For the purpose of this assessment power will be defined as the ability of the body to

generate enough torque/force, normally measured in Newton Meters (NM). Now, from basic

science we know; Force = Mass x Acceleration. So as an example we can say; a 100kg

weight, moved 10 meters in 1 second generates 1000 NM.

100NM = 100kg x (10m x 1second)

Now, without getting to technical all we trying to do is establish the athletes maximum torque

generating ability. To do this we allow the athlete to sufficiently warm up and them perform a

1 rep max movement with resistance. In this case we used 3 “power / multi-joint”

movement’s like the Bench Press, Dead-Lift, Squat. Again throughout this assessment we

will give the athlete an overall score out of 10 compared to a pre-determined set standard.

Top class coaches will have these standards memorised or on record, either from

experience or from on-line research.


The only difference between Power and Strength according our personal experience is;

Power is the ability to generate maximum torque at a very short interval (0-15 SECONDS),

whereby Strength is the ability to lift maximum weight for a medium time interval. This time

interval can be varied from discipline to discipline but we prefer a time interval of anything

between 15 and 45 seconds max. We use traditional gym equipment to establish a score out

of 10 as the equipment allows for a more controlled setup, whilst the assessor can add

stuffiest weight in a safe environment.

Static Flexibility

Static flexibility is the ability of muscle fibres to lengthen under tension, in a zero-movement /

zero-contraction environment. Essentially you establish the flexibility of a muscle measured

from muscle origin to muscle attachment. This type flexibility play’s a much larger role in

increasing joint angle than it counterpart dynamic flexibility which focuses more on range of

motion (ROM). A good assessor will measure both (static & dynamic flexibility) and coaches

will incorporate workouts that develop these attributes.

Dynamic Flexibility

As mentioned above, Dynamic Flexibility is the ability of the body to perform the same

movement but with an increase in range of motion (ROM). For example, it is essentially the

ability to lift your leg higher than that of your competition. Obviously Static and Dynamic

Flexibility are closely related but the minor difference between; increases in joint angle vs.

increase in ROM means you will need to assess both.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular Endurance is Power and Strengths older brother. Again as with Power and

Strength you will encounter variables such as;

Mass, Time, & Acceleration / Rep Speed




Personal Details








Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5











Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5








Medial Calve


Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Body-Fat %

Body-Fat .kg

Muscle %

Muscle .kg




Agility Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Side 2 Side

Stop Test

Power Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Max Bench

Max Dead

Max Squat

* 1 Rep / Max Weight

Strength Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Bicep Curl

Leg Extensio.

Seated Row

* 10 Reps / Max Weight

Static Flex Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Sit & Reach

Toe Touch

Dynamic Flex Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Strait Kick

Side Kick

M. Endure Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

Push Ups

Sit Ups

* 1 Minute AMRAP

Cardio Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

12M. Cooper

VO2 Max

Speed Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5

100m Sprint

30m Sprint



Muscular Endurance is however measured over longer periods of time anything ranging from

1 minute to 3 minutes. As the name implies it is essentially the muscles ability to endure a

workload for an extended period of time, normally performed under a slower rep speed but

allot more methodically.

Cardiovascular Endurance

Cardio is the body’s relationship with life giving oxygen and the chemical reactions /

exchange that take place within that system. The efficiency of this system must be

measured, in respect to; chemical rate / volume of absorption, exchange, exhaustion, and its

relationship with on-field performance. As you may conclude; seeing as cardio-vascular

endurance is based on chemical reactions, energy transfer, energy conversions, the

interaction between variables such as temperature, atmospheric conditions, altitude, rep

range, rep speed, distance, genetics, supplementation, nutrition and psychology the safest

assumption will be; “simpler is better”. So, keep the test and assessments simple, easy and


When dealing with Cardio-Vascular Endurance is always good to remember; “You don’t

need to be the world best watch maker to know you have an expensive watch or how to read

the time so give you athlete a score out of 10”

(See Mix’Fit Magazine Series 3 / Volume 1: “How to Establish Your VO2 Max”)


Speed is relatively simple: “How fast can you do something?” Variables, that may influence

speed is; rep range, rep speed, range of motion, distance, angle of attack, acceleration and

mass. So again keep your assessment simple, consistent and focus allot of training on

getting your athletes faster.





Average Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5




Static Flex

Dynamic Flex

M. Endure






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