mis for local governance


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PA 109 for Philippine Councilors League Master in Public AdministrationLNU Dagupan City


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1.MISs Concepts, Principles and Techniques2.Define and understand the term information system3.Understand the benefit of MIS in local governance; and 4.To have awareness on the relationship between ICT and Development

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Distinction between data and information.

data as raw facts, figures, objects

is used to make decisions.

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Input data resources, facts, statistics

Processing /Manipulation of Data/Performing Actions in the data

Reports or output of

information products

Storage of data resources/control of


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• Automating: doing things faster• Organizational learning: doing things better• Supporting Strategy: doing things smarter

Why Use Information Systems?

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• Support of business operation

• Support of operations, management, analysis, and decision-making functions In an organization• Support of Strategic

competitive advantage

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Information System




Five Key Elements in an Information System Data raw material,

unformatted information

Data input– Manual data entry– Semi automated data

entry– Fully automated data


– Payroll– Sales and ordering– Inventory– Purchasing, receiving,

shipping– Accounts payable and


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Technology is used to automate a manual process

Doing things faster, better, cheaperGreater accuracy and consistency


Information System




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computerization Reengineering and restructuring to take full advantage of IT

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Information System




Internal: Organization: Top, Middle, Rank & File

External: Other stakeholder: Constituents, Regulatory Agencies,Suppliers

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Information System designed to capture, transmit, store, retrieve, manipulate, display information , & share data

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Management Information Systems

MIS - is one type of information system that serves activities of planning, controlling and decision-making at the management level, usually take form of performance reports (such as exception or summary reports)

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Organization are composed of levels using information or assist in decision making

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• Strategic management– Executives develop organizational goals,

strategies, policies, and objectives – As part of a strategic planning process

• Tactical management– Managers and business professionals in self-

directed teams – Develop short- and medium-range plans,

schedules and budgets – Specify the policies, procedures and business

objectives for their subunits

Levels of Management Decision Making

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• Operational management– Managers or members of self-directed teams – Develop short-range plans such as weekly

production schedules

Levels of Management Decision Making

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Information System




In a very broad sense, the term information system is frequently used to refer to the interaction between people, processes, data, and technology

Information System is the orderly grouping of interdependentcomponents linked together according to a plan to support decision making, coordination, control, analysis, and visualization in an organization

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are used to build






Other related components


Payroll System

Inventory System

Business Permit Processing System

Customer Service System

Information System

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Available Reports are:1.      Personnel Data Sheet2.      Inventory of Personnel3.      Inventory of Personnel per Department4.      Celebrant of the Month (Birthday)5.      Candidates for Salary Increment6.      Candidates for Loyalty awards7.      Personnel Movement8.      Plantilla9.      Service Record10.  Employment and Compensation11. PES12. Report on Appointment Issued13. Report on 14. Separation/Retirement/Resignation15. Report on Accession16. Data Index Barred for Government Service

  basic information of employee such as: personal information, family background, educational background etc.  Monitors employee performance  Provides monitoring of Leave of Absence  Manages salary increment of employee  Manages annual gross income of employee

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Submit duly accomplished form

Market Division & RPTD

Inspection Team

Creation of Business Identification Number

Assessment of taxes & Fees

Verification & Approval of Assessment

Payment of Assessed Fees

Releasing of Permit

Submit duly accomplished form

Releasing of approved Billing StatementAnd receiving of lacking requirements

5 – 10 min1-2 day

5 min

5 min5 – 10 min

15 – 30 min

Business permit system for new application

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Dagupan City is blessed, digitalized, fiber optic and zero downtime, improved processing, improved productivity

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Management Functions

Get the job done on time

Within budgetSatisfactorilyUsing available


PlanningDevise short-range and long-range plans and set goals to help achieve the plans

OrganizingHow to use resources

Staffing Recruitment and SelectionDirecting

Guiding employees to perform their work

ControllingMonitoring progress towards goals




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Managers have become adept at taking full advantage of the resources of money, materials, methods, and people; but only recently have they begun to make effective use of the fourth major resource – information.

Managerial Function

1 Planning2 Organizing3 Staffing4 Directing/Influencing5 Coordinating/Reviewing6 Budgeting

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Middle level (tactical)

Low level (operational)

SupervisorDirecting and



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• Executive level (top)– Long-term decisions– Unstructured decisions

• Managerial level (middle)– Decisions covering weeks and months– Semi structured decisions

• Operational level (bottom)– Day-to-day decisions– Structured decisions

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• Define the problem

• Design the solution

• Develop alternate solution

• Select the solution

• Implement the solution

• Monitor and evaluate the results

System Approach to Problem Solving

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In general, information technology means all the technologies associated with gathering, processing, storing, and dissemination of information. However, with the lapse of time and the progress of technologies, the term information technology is given different connotation.

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The use of information technology has been an absolute requirement for public administration and management development to provide better service

It can be said that governance and public administration can not be productive, effective and efficient without the support of modern information technology.

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The modern term Information Technology (IT) acquired widespread use only beginning in the late1970s and is now used generally to embrace both computer and communications technology and allthe related software

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Status of Income Generation

Financial Management Committee

Report weekly Minutes of the meetingAdjustmentsProblems

Office of the Mayor

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This project aims to recognize LGUs with good governance performance in internal housekeeping particularly on four (4) areas, namely (1) Good Planning; (2) Sound Fiscal Management; (3) Transparency and Accountability; and (4) Valuing of Performance Monitoring. LGUs with the Seal of Good Housekeeping will be qualified for the Performance Challenge Fund for Local Governments Units being handled by the Bureau of Local Government Development

Thursday, 19 January 2012 07:46 DAGUPAN CITY – This city has successfully won the coveted Seal of Good Housekeeping award from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG).

"Because of this, the city government will soon receive its PhP 15 million endowment from the DILG to augment its approved 2012 Annual Investment Plan (AIP) initiatives," said city administrator Vlad T. Mata

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The Transformation: From Data to Wisdom

DataData is transformed into informationinformation ◦ Resources used to organize data into categories

Examples include monthly reports, regional summaries, etc.

InformationInformation is transformed into knowledgeknowledge◦ Knowledge is understanding patterns, rules and contexts.

KnowledgeKnowledge is transformed into wisdomwisdom◦ Collective and individual experience in applying knowledge to

solve a problem◦ Wisdom is where, when and how to apply knowledge

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Strategic Plan




Legal Provisions





organization Information system

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Technology Achievement of EffectivenessEfficientEconomyResponsivenessProductivity


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The Roles of Governments in the Use of IT

1. Largest user of information technology.

Data gathering, storing, processing, dissemination and utilization in taxation, customs, and financial management, statistics and census data gathering, elections, development planning, health, education and welfare, social security, land management and agriculture, and so forth. Other areas are police, national security and defense, and research, etc.

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The Roles of Governments in the Use of IT

2. Biggest owner of public information. Government Is often the only producer of relevant economic

and social information.

3. Stimulation of IT use. Clearly, each government has to chart policies and

strategies to exploit its information resources, to develop its information infrastructure, and to promote the utilization of information systems for the purposes of achieving more effective growth of public services. Failure to initiate effective and timely action will

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It must be able to provide objective, credible and independent information (group accountable for the integrity of report) It should be able to provide timely, accurate and relevant information (time is the essence, accuracy and certainty) Integrative –must be relational and are linked with other subsystem Focused – it must produce information that suits the needs of users (management and other entities)

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Understandable (use of graphs, charts, sounds and video) Actionable – it should be able to present information in a form that supports decision making (use parameters for acceptable performance) Accessible – the systems must be designed to accommodate a variety of needs of the users(Daily reports, weekly, monthly, quarterly and available through computers, emails mobile phones, etc.

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Efficient – contribute to the organizational efficiency and performanceAppropriate – The system must be able to produce reports that reflect the nature of information Contextual – reports should provide proper context of information (use benchmark or reference point Interpretative – to have an explanation and analysis

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Governance Performance Management System

Considering the lessons learned, and aware of the evolving notion of governance, the Local Governance Performance Management System, or LGPMS, was developed. With the Bureau of Local Government Supervision taking the lead, stakeholders from various sectors shared time, effort and resources to evolve a pioneering tool which is developmental in nature and strategic in purpose.

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A 5-point scale is applied to group local government performance -- to facilitate the identification of weak and strong points, or to situate localities with high or poor level of development. Applying a Scaling System also enables the summarizing of indicator values into a higher level of information.

In the case of governance indicators, the higher level of information is produced by service areas: Example: Transparency, Participation, Local Legislation, Development Planning, etc.

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• While in the case of development indicators, the higher level of information is produced by sub-sector and sector:   Example of Sub-sector - State of Health, State of Education, State of Housing and Basic Utilities, Peace and Order Condition; Example of Sector – Social Development Index.

• While in the case of development indicators, the higher level of information is produced by sub-sector and sector: Example of Sub-sector - State of Health, State of Education, State of Housing and Basic Utilities, Peace and Order Condition; Example of Sector – Social Development Index.

The scale of 1 to 5 is also called “Index”. For Governance Indicators Result, the term used is Performance Scale as shown in Box 1. For Development Indicators Result, the description used is Development Index as displayed in Box 2.

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The intangible portion of an information system, which is very crucial and usually neglected, is the organizational issues of an information system. User requirements analysis, data capturing and cleaning, data maintenance and updating, information dissemination and utilization, etc., all need to be well planned and organized. Any information system, no matter how advanced its hardware and software are, can not possibly be

successful unless management and

organizational issues are a top concern

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Find international donors willing to help in computerizing LGU system Someone has to champion the need to introduce the idea of ICT in the LGUs An ICT Team that will have a hands on for the actual operation to make it smoother Upholding the e-governance program of the government

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1. Information Technology Strategic Thinking for Cooperatives www.manilavoice.com; www.cooptrade.net2. Essentials of Management Information Systems 2003 Prentice Hall www.slideshare.net3. Information System: Strategic Use of ITMegat Zainurul Anuar bin Megat

Johari Dreamsoft (M) Sdn Bhd http://[email protected] http://megatportfolio.blogspot.com

4. Management Information Systems Stephen B. HarshDepartment of Agricultural Economics Michigan State University [email protected] 5. Philippine Journal of Development SIAR 135, No. 60, 2nd Sem 2005,

Volume XXXII, No.26. www.slideshare.com7. Melchor C. Caspillan, Executive Assistant for ICT, Dagupan City