minutes exeter township board of supervisors … › minutes › archive › ... · 2 minutes of...

1 MINUTES EXETER TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING DECEMBER 30, 2014 A Regular Meeting of the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors was called to order on Tuesday, December 30, 2014, at 6:35 RM. in the Township Building by Chairman Jeff Bukowski. Supervisors Present: Jeff Bukowski, Chairman Dona L. Starr, Vice Chair Kenneth A. Smith Gary E. Lloyd Others in Attendance: Carol I. Leinbach, Finance Manager H. David Miller, Assistant WWT Superintendent/Emergency Mgmt. Coordinator Absent from the Meeting: Barry K. Ziegler The Meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. Public Comment Karl Schemberg, 207 Lisa Lane stated if the Board planned to combine the organizations for Fire & EMS, he recommended they hire a full-time Emergency Services Coordinator with a college degree who understands what is going on. He felt this person should oversee all the emergency service organizations. Linda Focht, 50 Glen Oley Drive stated it looks like the Fire & EMS will be combined; however, she feels it is necessary to have an emergency services manager. She also mentioned the Board previously discussed a oversight body. She felt fire-based EMS was an inappropriate title which gave the Fire Dept. more clout. She felt the Ambulance people should have more input about their people and the service to be provided to avoid any animosity. Colleen Vallonio, 326 West 38 th Street stated she has a medical condition and values the services provided by EAA. She stated firefighters are passionate about fighting fires and EMS are passionate about emergency services. She stated she wants trained people showing up when she needs them. Ms. Vallonio asked if ETVFD is a private entity and how much taxpayer money is given to them each year. Mr. Lloyd stated yes; and approximately $600,000; however, he clarified they do not bill for services. He stated EAA has asked for $450,000 and they are bale to bill for services in an amount around $l.lm. Ms. Vallonio asked about start-up costs for Exeter Fire, to which Mr. Lloyd stated approximately $150,000 would be loaned to them for this purpose. Ms. Vallonio asked for figures on paper, to which the Board responded the budgets are available for review and have been discussed for several months. Mr. Bukowski stated as far as fire-based EMS, the Fire Department is more than willing to share the figures they have developed. He also clarified that EMTs, Paramedics and other licensed professionals would be responding to medical calls not firefighters. Richard Allwein, 1211 Deer Run stated he has had great admiration for all first responders. He felt we need to give them all more support. He stated he has family members involved in the services and understands their side. Mr. Allwein stated trained paramedics are like Physician's Assistants with Emergency savvy. He stated he is concerned about the golden hour and skilled trained individuals. He stated most of the residents of the Township are paying nothing for the service; and, we wouldn't be here if they were. Mr. Allwein stated he was in favor of the Library and the Country Club acquisition; however, he stated this is a basic service which is more important than those two things. He was disappointed this meeting was taking place over the holidays and that more publicity was not done to get participation. He felt good trained people is most important.

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DECEMBER 30, 2014

A Regular Meeting of the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors was called to order on Tuesday, December 30, 2014, at 6:35 RM. in the Township Building by Chairman Jeff Bukowski.

Supervisors Present: Jeff Bukowski, Chairman Dona L. Starr, Vice Chair Kenneth A. Smith Gary E. Lloyd

Others in Attendance: Carol I . Leinbach, Finance Manager

H. David Miller, Assistant WWT Superintendent/Emergency Mgmt. Coordinator

Absent from the Meeting: Barry K. Ziegler

The Meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Public Comment Karl Schemberg, 207 Lisa Lane stated i f the Board planned to combine the organizations for Fire & EMS, he recommended they hire a full-time Emergency Services Coordinator with a college degree who understands what is going on. He felt this person should oversee all the emergency service organizations.

Linda Focht, 50 Glen Oley Drive stated it looks like the Fire & EMS wil l be combined; however, she feels it is necessary to have an emergency services manager. She also mentioned the Board previously discussed a oversight body. She felt fire-based EMS was an inappropriate title which gave the Fire Dept. more clout. She felt the Ambulance people should have more input about their people and the service to be provided to avoid any animosity.

Colleen Vallonio, 326 West 38 t h Street stated she has a medical condition and values the services provided by EAA. She stated firefighters are passionate about fighting fires and EMS are passionate about emergency services. She stated she wants trained people showing up when she needs them. Ms. Vallonio asked i f ETVFD is a private entity and how much taxpayer money is given to them each year. Mr. Lloyd stated yes; and approximately $600,000; however, he clarified they do not bill for services. He stated EAA has asked for $450,000 and they are bale to bill for services in an amount around $ l . lm . Ms. Vallonio asked about start-up costs for Exeter Fire, to which Mr. Lloyd stated approximately $150,000 would be loaned to them for this purpose. Ms. Vallonio asked for figures on paper, to which the Board responded the budgets are available for review and have been discussed for several months. Mr. Bukowski stated as far as fire-based EMS, the Fire Department is more than willing to share the figures they have developed. He also clarified that EMTs, Paramedics and other licensed professionals would be responding to medical calls not firefighters.

Richard Allwein, 1211 Deer Run stated he has had great admiration for all first responders. He felt we need to give them all more support. He stated he has family members involved in the services and understands their side. Mr. Allwein stated trained paramedics are like Physician's Assistants with Emergency savvy. He stated he is concerned about the golden hour and skilled trained individuals. He stated most of the residents of the Township are paying nothing for the service; and, we wouldn't be here i f they were. Mr. Allwein stated he was in favor of the Library and the Country Club acquisition; however, he stated this is a basic service which is more important than those two things. He was disappointed this meeting was taking place over the holidays and that more publicity was not done to get participation. He felt good trained people is most important.

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Lisa VanderLaan, 5560 Boyertown Pike stated it is concerning as a resident that there is so much nnsinformation. She felt we are allowing this to become an issue between the Fire Dept. and EAA and stated that is not appropriate. She stated they all dedicate their lives to the services we depend on. Ms. VanderLaan stated this is about money and encouraged everyone who has an opinion to educate themselves on all the information that has been presented on this issue in the recent past. She read the following statement: "As a resident of this community I take great exception to the Editorial in this morning's edition of the Reading Eagle. Fortunately for the news industry Editorials are allowed to be heavy on opinion and light on facts. Fear mongering is the basest type of journalism. It's a tactic used by New Organizations to push their agendas and private organizations to gain support, where otherwise such support maybe irrational. A simple review of the information presented by the Exeter Ambulance Association available to us all, as a matter of public record, over the last three years clearly defines a pattern of inconsistent financial information, inconsistent answers and _^ inconsistent behavior. That EAA has determined it is more important to scare the residents of this township at CO every available avenue with statements of possible death and destruction rather than provide the facts necessary 2 for our elected Officials to make an appropriate responsible decision is the basest behavior of all. It is one thing 00 to fight for the benefit of 50 employees. It is another to do so in a less than forthright manner with the 25 thousand residents of this Township. In the last 15 months let alone the last several years EAA has been afforded every opportunity to present an honest ful l disclosure of the condition of their company as well as invited to the table to discuss future options. To my neighbors, while it is easy to sit at home and write comments on social media while armchair quarterbacking the decisions made in this room, doing so at urging of others without educating oneself on the issues at hand is a poor use of citizenship. I have often questioned and disagreed with the actions taken in the room. But I at least try to avail myself of the facts when doing so. So I say to the Editor of the Reading Eagle. Using your influence in the manner you choose to do so this morning is irresponsible. Implying that our elected officials take the safety of our community with anything but the utmost of seriousness is irresponsible. Hiding behind an Editorial is despicable. Shame on you and anybody who would let such shoddy editorial work influence him or her one way or another."

MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 19th SPECIAL MEETING MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Starr to approve the minutes of the November 19 th special meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Disbursements MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to approve for payment the bills presented on the

. Disbursements List dated December 26 t h in the amounts of $78,246.01 in the General Fund and $8,393.88 in the Sewer Fund. Motion carried unanimously.


Emergency Medical Services /Fire-based EMS Mr. Bukowski stated before discussions started on the matter he would turn to Mrs. Starr to read the provision of the 2 n d Class Township Code relative to providing emergency services. Mrs. Starr read Section 1553 (Emergency Services) of the Code as follows: (a) The township shall be responsible for ensuring that fire and emergency medical services are provided wilhin the township by the means and to the extent determined by the township, including the appropriate financial and administrative assistance for these services; (b) The township shall consult with fire and emergency medical service providers to discuss the emergency services needs of the township; (c) The township shall require any emergency services organizations receiving township funds to provide to the township an annual itemized listing of all expenditures of these funds before the township may consider budgeting additional funding to the organization. Mr. Bukowski stated Mr. Smith had tabled his proposal at the last meeting and turned the floor over to him. Mr. Smith stated after speaking with several Supervisors individually he thought of an option that might allow EAA to operate with a little less financial burden largely due to its debt. He stated since last Monday, Mr. Galipeau had written a letter to the editor from

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which he paraphrased: the Board is naive, etc. Mr. Smith disagreed with Mr. Galipeau's letter and stated he felt tie Board has not favored one proposal over another. He also stated both EAA and the Fire Dept. has been very Datient in the time it has taken the Board to act. Mr. Smith referred to past years when EAA asked for funding and the Board requested ful l financial disclosure; however, they felt it was not shown. Despite this, Mr. Smith felt EAA is run well and has improved their financial situation somewhat. Mr. Smith made a motion to support EAA for an additional year by taking the burden of their loan payments of f their shoulders by working with the bank to ensure the loan balances wi l l not be any larger at the end of 2015 than they are today; and, that they open their books both past and present to the Township Manager and Finance Manager as well as any designees; and, that they bring that information back no later than April/May. He stated that would give the Board until May/June to come up with a rational decision on how to resolve the stalemate as well as give any potential new provider the necessary time to obtain approvals, etc. Mrs. Starr seconded the motion for discussion purposes. Mr. Smith stated he spoke to one of the EAA Board members who felt they might be willing to go along with this outline. Mr. Bukowski asked what the actual 2015 financial commitment would be, to which, Mr. Smith responded we would make arrangements with the bank to pick up the interest (approximately $30,000) with EAA committing that their building and other assets would go to satisfying that debt i f they cannot continue to operate. Jon Herbsleb, Chief of Exeter Ambulance stated the 2014 interest was approximately $36,000 and Mr. Smith stated what has been crippling them is the requirement to make periodic principal payments. Mr. Lloyd clarified the amount Mr. Smith wanted to designate for EAA, to which he stated the $30,000 interest portion. Mr. Lloyd felt this would not be sufficient for them. Mr. Herbsleb stated this would give EAA the breatMng room to finish off the restructuring process that was started mid-year. He stated they would gladly welcome the additional oversight and felt Mr. Smith's proposal would allow him more time to do more internal restructuring. Mr. Herbsleb stated to do this to secure the mterim future of the Association to keep the consistency in service and the level of service where it is, he can say this would be beneficial for them. Mr. Smith asked Dr. Patrick Borja (EAA Board member & resident) i f what has been discussed was acceptable to the EAA Board. Dr. Borja stated the proposal as outlined earlier has been acceptable to the EAA Board members he has spoken to and would give them time to restructure. Mr. Smith made it clear that the Board was allowing a limited amount of time to come to a final resolution, to which Dr. Borja stated they understood this. Mr. Bukowski asked for clarification on how $30,000 could get them through another year when they have asked for $450,000. Dr. Borja corrected Mr. Lloyd that they originally asked for $450,000; however, have backed down from there. Mr. Bukowski asked Dr. Borja what their last proposal was, to which he stated they had asked for capital funds and to have septage revenues over the next three (3) years. Mr. Lloyd stated that equated to approximately $ lm over three (3) years. Dr. Borja clarified the purpose for asking for these funds is so that they are able to have funds like the fire department for future apparatus to rotate trucks that would not require continual repairs and maintenance. Mrs. Starr asked i f the proposal included the fire department running one or two ambulances. Dr. Borja stated they were looking to have ETVFD run a third truck to supplement in the event they were busy. Mr. Herbsleb stated the delivery of service is key for whoever provides the service. He stated the future of this has to be a cooperative effort between Fire and EMS. Mr. Lloyd asked what proposals have been approved by the EAA Board other than the initial $55/household. Mr. Herbsleb stated the last amount approved was $30/household, to which Mr. Lloyd asked when that was received by the Township. Mr. Bukowski stated this was discussed at a past budget meeting. Mr. Herbsleb stated while he did not have Board approval to accept the proposal on the table, he felt fairly confident the Board would be in agreement and could meet by Friday to act on the same. He stated this would not only allow the things previously discussed but would also allow for the productive dialogue to come back instead of the adversarial ones. He sated the emergency services in the Township have been put in a position where they are not the.best of friends right now. He stated the proposal would allow them to evaluate i f the two services do eventually need to become one. He stated EAA would like to remain independent; however they understand the future holds regionalization of services whether with the Fire Dept. or other EMS agencies present at this meeting. Mr. Herbsleb stated they have notified all partners and all municipalities that they touch of their potential for closing. Mr. Bukowski stated the Township received via email today a joint letter from Lower Alsace and Southern Berks Ambulance Associations asking that they be considered to become primary 911 service

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provider within Exeter. Mr. Herbsleb stated i f we get to the 90-day point and a resolution has not been achieved or the Fire Dept. is not ready, this would place a burden on the mutual aid companies. He stated money is tight for everyone in the medical services industry. Mr. Herbsleb again reminded the Board a large issue is the $ 126,000 in unreimbursed care that is provided within the Township. He stated they proposed the $55/household medical response allowance to get 100% of the households to support 100% of the services. He thanked everyone for coming out tonight to voice their opinions and support. Mr. Smith stated the Fire Dept. in their proposal indicated they made adequate arrangements for ambulance service during the transition period until they obtain the necessary licensure including housing an ambulance in the Township. Mr. Bukowski stated he has been a proponent of getting two organizations who are looking to provide high levels of 911 services together. He stated there has been additional dialogue and digging into the numbers; however, he is a little skeptical that only $30,000 will be sufficient for the next year. Mr. Bukowski stated he is prepared to move to a combined fire and ems service. He sated he has never felt this would exclude Exeter Ambulance; ^ however, his feeling has changed somewhat and is prepared to designated ETVFD as the primary 911 Service O provider in the Township effective March 23, 2015. He still felt this should not exclude EAA from being a part QO of this as ETVFD would not likely have licensure before June, July or later. Mr. Bukowski felt it would be best to work with EAA to bridge the gap during the transition but to provide the services together. He also felt the Fire Advisory Board should be expanded to include representatives from EAA and other medical service providers. He stated he does not feel giving this designation puts EAA out of business; and, he hopes that does not happen. Mr. Bukowski stated ETVFD needs some definitive direction in order to proceed. He stated he is not opposed to the discussion and support in the mterim period; however, he is opposed to doing this in the absence of the designation of Exeter Fire. He hoped we could still work within the 90-day period. He felt the Board could make that financial commitment tonight or at the next meeting to ensure EAA's existence through 2015 in conjunction with ETVFD being designated and moving forward with the process. Deputy Chief Chris Chamberlain, ETVFD currently heading up the Dept.'s emergency medical services, stated the Dept. has \ continuously been here in an effort to assist with solving this dilemma. He stated their proposal remains pretty much unchanged with the exception of the announcement made at the last meeting regarding EAA's ability to provide services after 3/23. Chief Chamberlain stated a combined fire/ems service would use dual trained personnel who are trained in both fire and rescue and emergency medical services. This allows flexibility that is not seen in a single service system. He stated he struggles with folks who feel that people cannot be paramedics and firefighters. He stated this is common within the Commonwealth; however, not necessarily in Berks County. He stated he is a registered nurse, paramedic and firefighter with 25-years' experience. Mr. Chamberlain stated they would have qualified staff who could provide either fire/rescue or emergency medical services. He stated this is where you achieve operational efficiencies by having a combined service. Mr. Chamberlain stated the Dept. has developed a plan to assume responsibility for 911 Service. He stated the Dept. has been a licensed EMS as a QRS, non-transport provider since 2005. He stated they are looking to upgrade their licensure to include emergency ambulance transportation. He stated the timeline does not mesh with the EAA timeline. Understanding there cannot be a lapse of coverage, they have worked with some of their partners to develop an interim service plan. He stated Muhlenberg Ambulance has agreed to provide a 24-hour, 7 days a week service to f i l l the gap during the period they would be working to obtain licensure. He sated this does not cover the additional 12 hours per day unit that currently exists. Mr. Chamberlain stated once they had definitive direction to move forward, they would work to fill that gap with other providers. He stated the Fire Dept. has been very willing to work cooperatively with EAA and would extend the offer to have them provide that 12-hour unit beyond March 23 r d i f they are inclined to do so. He stated this would provide the additional coverage and be transparent to the public. He stated this buys additional time to discuss the mission of both organizations and the possibility of them being combined into one. Mr. Chamberlain stated i f ETVFD would take over 911 EMS, they propose to have a 24-hour, 7-days per week ALS mobile intensive care unit, staffed with firefighter/paramedics and firefighter/EMTs in addition to an 18-hour unit staffed the same way. He indicated this would be six (6) hours more coverage each day than is provided today. Mr. Chamberlain stated there is a possibility of a service lapse i f we do not come to some sort of consensus.

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Mr. Lloyd stated there are no concerns over a lapse of service i f ETVFD was appointed. Mr. Chamberlain felt there would be no change in response time. Mr. Bukowski asked where the Muhlenberg unit would be housed, to which Mr. Chamberlain stated one of the firehouses or more centrally located i f that was available. Mr. Bukowski stated he would be willing to go further than Mr. Smith and consider some transfer of property to fulf i l l some other township needs. He referred to the liens and stated the Township would need to get to the table with the bank to work that out. Mr. Bukowski stated he would like to schedule the January 26 t h meeting completely dedicated to the Fire/EMS issue to make sure we understand what the coverage would be, hear from Muhlenberg and have some discussions with the bank. He asked Mr. Herbsleb i f EAA could continue to provide 911 Service in a combined Fire/EMS model whereby ETVFD is designated as the primary 911 Service provider. Mr. Herbsleb stated he would say no, as with ETVFD being designated primary they would be responsible for providing the service. He stated this overall means the Ambulance Association would not have an incentive to do so. Mr. Bukowski asked for clarification on the non-incentive as they could be contracted by the ETVFD to provide the service and collect the revenue for all calls for service. Mrs. Starr stated this scenario is just the opposite of what the EAA proposal was (having the ETVFD be back-up). Kathy Cortelessa, EAA Board member felt that was a question for the EAA Board. Mr. Bukowski stated this could be part of the discussion going forward. He stated he felt the model could work. He stated the announcement by Mr. Galipeau at the last meeting put the Board in a bad place and they need to be prepared to provide the service at that point in time. Mr. Herbsleb stated at any time during this 90-day period all they need to do is rescind the notice. Mr. Bukowski stated he would be very uncomfortable not acting unless/until the notice was rescinded. He thanked Mr. Herbsleb and the EAA Board for gathering all of the documentation over a holiday weekend. He also noted that based on these recent documents, EAA is insolvent and something needs to be done to ensure the long-term existence. Mr. Herbsleb stated that is why they have come to the Board year after year asking for financial support to cover the uncompensated care. Mr. Bukowski disagreed and reviewed some of the history of the financial picture. He stated something needed to be done to ensure the residents had EMS coverage and he stated the Board members take their responsibility seriously and are not going to put the resident's lives at risk. He stated he wants EAA and the Fire Dept. to work together to provide 911 Services to the community for another 45 years and beyond. There was discussion on the funding set aside and how and when it would be used. Mr. Smith stated the Board would reconvene on January 5 t h so he would like to hear from EAA's Board as to what they can commit to. Mrs. Cortelessa stated this started and has remained an emotional situation for her and she felt that the Board was not seeing both sides. She was; however, happy for all the discussion tonight and thanked the Board for that. Mrs. Cortelessa stated as an EAA Board member she would like to start a conversation with their staff to see what they would like to see. She would like to see the we/they mentality go away and have everyone work together. She stated they would like the opportunity to talk with their folks and report back to the Board. Mr. Lloyd asked about a Facebook post she made making incorrect allegations about him. She stated this was her emotional side and was done prior to her being on the EAA Board. Mrs. Cortelessa stated she felt this was being pushed down people's throats and asked him to be more understanding and explanatory. She stated she still believes there may be, and is very worried about, response times. Mr. Bukowski asked Mrs. Cortelessa to respond to Mr. Smith's proposal. MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mrs. Starr to table his original motion until the January 12 t h meeting. Motion carried unanimously. MOTIONby Mr. Bukowski, seconded by Mrs. Starr to designate ETVFD as the primary 911 Services provider for Exeter Township as of March 23,2015; and, direct the Fire Dept. to make arrangements with other organizations as necessary, including without limitation, letters of agreement to be brought before the Board of Supervisors for review and approval; to provide 911 EMS at current response levels or better until such time as the Dept. is able to provide those services on it's own. Mr. Smith asked Mr. Herbsleb i f ETVFD is designated primary provider does that change what they would talk about at their next meeting. He clarified this effectively takes EAA out of being the primary provider as of March 23 r d. Mr. Bukowski felt it did not necessarily; however, he did not want to leave the residents unprotected. Mr. Lloyd stated having the Fire Dept. provide this services is not the norm in Berks; however, he welcomes the additional 6 hours of daily coverage and the ability of the Fire Dept. to bill for QRS calls. Motion carried unanimously.

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Board & Commission Appointments

This item was deferred to later in the meeting or possibly the Reorganization meeting. I

A five (5) minute recess was taken at this time. 1

Adopt 2015 Budget Resolution #2014-26 The 2015 Budget was advertised and sat for twenty (20) days in accordance with the 2 n d Class Township Code. Ms. Leinbach reviewed the minor changes that occurred since the budget was advertised. She indicated the Debt Service Tax income was adjusted to reflect the .50 mil verses the original discussion of .47 mils. In addition, $1,000 was added to Fund 04 for the outdoor range expense for the Police Department. The Finance Manager stated with these changes, there would be no net change in the total real estate tax rates for 2015. Mr. Smith stated he would vote against it due to proposed expenses vrithin certain line items. CO MOTION by Mrs. Starr, seconded by Mr. Bukowski to adopt the 2015 Budget Resolution #2014-26 including 2 total revenues of $19,894,533 and expenses of $22,104,093 (General Fund $9,555,653 with expense 00 $9,815,661). Motion carried with Mr. Bukowski, Mrs. Starr and Mr. Lloyd voting in favor and Mr. Smith w

voting opposed. Adopt 2015 Tax Resolution #2014-27 The 2015 tax rates were reviewed as follows:

2015 Real Estate Tax (in mils) 2.87 mil ($287.00/$100,000 assessed value) [1.815 General purposes; .555 Fire Services; and, .50 Debt Service]

2015 Street Light Tax 40 cents per improved front foot 25 cents per unimproved front foot

2015 Fire Hydrant Tax .09 mil ($9/$100,000 assessed value) 2015 Per Capita Tax $5/resident 18 and over 2015 Real Estate Transfer 1 % (shared with School) 2015 Business Privilege Tax 1.5 mil ($1.50 per $1,000 of gross sales -

shared w/school Mr. Bukowski stated the total 2015 real estate tax would remain at the 2014 level with an increase of .05 mil in the Fire Services Tax and a decrease of .05 mil in the Debt Service Tax resulting in no increase overall. MOTIONhy Mrs. Starr, seconded by Mr. Smith to adopt the 2015 Tax Resolution #2014-27 setting the various tax rates. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Smith stated anytime we can have no tax increase is a good time. Mr. Bukowski agreed

Appointment of RKL, LLP as Independent Accountant - 2014 Audit The Board previously advertised its intent to appoint RKL, LLP as Independent Accountant to conduct the 2014 Annual Audit. Mr. Bukowski asked where we stand with implementing GASB 34. Ms. Leinbach stated we have hired McGladrey to assist us with assessing the whole situation. She stated we need to schedule a time for them to come in. Mr. Bukowski asked that this be done as early in the year as possible. Ms. Leinbach stated we are now in the process of converting payroll to Jet Pay and once that is complete we can move into this process, most likely in February. MOTIONhy Mr. Bukowski, seconded by Mrs. Starr to appoint Reinsel, Kuntz, Lesher, LLP as independent accountant to conduct the 2014 audit at a cost of $21,200 in accordance with their original proposal. Motion carried unanimously.

Board & Commission Appointments Mr. Bukowski stated previously on the agenda the Board was going to interview Hunter Ahrens for consideration to serve on the ED AC.

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Mr. Ahrens has since reconsidered and would prefer to focus on his education at Albright. Mr. Bukowski stated he is currently serving as an intern through the Center for Excellence in Local Government and we would likely be hearing from him in the near future as he is working with the Center to educate local governments on the LERTA process. MOTIONhy Mr. Bukowski, seconded by Mr. Smith to move the appointments to the Reorganization Meeting. Motion carried unanimously.


Banking Services Proposals Ms. Leinbach stated we sent out an RFP for Banking Services for the period 2015-2017. She stated six (6) banks responded (First Priority, Fulton, M&T, Tomkins/VIST, Customer's and Metro). Ms. Leinbach stated, based on her review of the proposals and subsequent questions and responses, she recommends the Board accepts the proposal from Metro Bank. She stated they had the highest interest rate with a guaranteed floor of .25% for three years with no associated fees. They proposed a second option with an interest rate floor guaranteed at .24% including check stock costs being absorbed by the bank. Ms. Leinbach stated she would need to make another analysis to see which option wil l be the best for the Township. She stated a wrench was thrown into the process in which there were proposed fees for the direct deposits Jet Pay would be completing on our behalf. Metro has agreed to waive those fees. Ms. Leinbach stated what made them stand out amongst the others was — no reserve requirements and no fees. She stated she would provide a final recommendation for the reorganization meeting.

Linda Focht, 50 Glen Oley Drive asked a budget related question relative to Fire Services. She asked about the increase in the tax rate. The Board stated the radios and 911 communications fee will be covered by this .05 mil increase. Mr. Lloyd stated the other issue is the Worker's Compensation premiums are increasing drastically.


Enhancing Communications Mr. Lloyd stated he was happy the Board came to a resolution on the EMS services for the Township. He felt it would be a huge success with enhanced services to the residents. He felt the Board needed to do a more conscious job of planning and explaining things with fact sheets to help stop misinformation. He felt better communication overall was needed. He was concerned about the Reading Eagle Editorial stating there may be a lapse in service; which was untrue. Mr. Lloyd felt there should be quarterly planning and visioning meetings to help move things forward, keep information accurate and give staff clearer direction of what the Board wishes to accomplish.

Reading Eagle Reporter - Becca Gregg Mr. Smith complimented Ms. Gregg and the other reporters from the Reading Eagle on their fair and balanced approach. He asked that Ms. Gregg not be blamed for the Editorial.

General Comments Mr. Smith wished everyone a Happy New Year and hoped that in the future they could come to terms a little better on how things go. He congratulated Chief Jordan and the Fire Department on their efforts going forward as well as what they have done in the past. Mr. Smith felt it was appropriate for the Board to ask all the questions and get all of the answers to assure the residents the best service possible. He wished them luck with all the work that needs to be done. Mrs. Starr spoke in opposition to the Editorial. She indicated this has happened many times. She felt Ms. Gregg gets it right 99.9% of the time; however, she stated media likes to get an uproar and sell papers. Mrs. Starr also wished everyone a Happy New Year and stated she was looking forward to working with the Exeter Township Volunteer Fire Department and their 911 service. She felt it would be an exciting adventure and noted other municipalities are looking at this option as well.

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Mrs. Starr stated she has a lot of faith in the Dept. and thanked them. Mr. Bukowski stated i f the Reading Eagle Editors would have read Ms. Gregg's article they may have been more up to date on the facts. He stated the EAA and ETVFD have been providing high quality services for years. He stated no one on the Board wants to I see EAA go out of business. Mr. Bukowski stated the model the Board has chosen is a new model for the County; and, he recognized the amount of work that has gone into developing the model, running the numbers, etc. He stated that he looks forward to great things. Mr. Bukowski stated he would like to see the ETVFD and EAA provide combined Fire and Emergency Medical services together jointly either through cooperative agreements, some other arrangements, or, as suggested earlier by an EAA Board member, through a merger of the two (2) organizations. He recognized the challenges ahead and offered the Board's willingness to work together for the best service to the residents. Mr. Bukowski wished everyone a happy and healthy New Year. He also extended best wishes and a get well soon to Supervisor Ziegler.


MOTIONhy Mrs. Starr, seconded by Mr. Smith, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The Meeting adjourned at 8:40 RM.

00 CO

Respectfully Submitted,

Troy S. Bingamajh Township Secretary

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Date: 12/29/2014 Time: 2:23:16PM

Selective Check Register Exeter Township

Including all check statuses

For Bank Id GC and Check Number from 085294 to 085301

User: Page:



GC 085294 O 0000009553 BRIAN BOLLINGER 12/24/2014 3,092.04

GC 085295 V 0000001408 COMMERCE BANK 12/30/2014 0.00

GC 085296 O 0000001408 COMMERCE BANK 12/30/2014 3,029.51

GC 085297 0 0000002411 LINDA BERLIN 12/30/2014 112.58

GC 085298 0 0000002414 LIZY MALDONADO 12/30/2014 170.00

GC 085299 0 0000002627 PA MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSURANCE COOPERATIVE 12/30/2014 79,776.54

GC 085300 0 0000008133 PENNSYLVANIA-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY 12/30/2014 354.22

GC 085301 0 0000002413 RODMAN PROPERTIES INC 12/30/2014 105.00 Bank ID: GC Name: General Checking Checking Account*: 536364227 Bank ID Totals: 86,639.89

Report Totals: 86,639.89


„ J

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CED-CLGS-13 (6-99)


Annual Budget Report T O T A L R E V E N U E S $ 1 9 , 8 9 4 , 5 3 3 T O T A L E X P E N D I T U R E S $ 2 2 , 1 0 4 , 0 9 3


C E R T I F I C A T I O N F O R T H E Y E A R 20 1 5

To the Secretary of Community and Economic Development Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Ordinance No._ I hereby certify that the Annual Budget was enacted by Resolution No. ^Q>M

A Motion

of the TOWNSHIP of E X E T E R City, Borough, Township Home Rule Municipality

in the County of BERKS on the 3 0 t h day of DECEMBER A.D. 20 14

Township Secretary

(Municipal Seal)

One copy to be flied with

Department of Community and Economic Development Governor's Center for total government Services

325 F^rnniBjlilding Harrisburg, entey'lvania 17120-0025

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Account Classification Total All

L i n e

# Number Budgeted Funds

Assets - January 1 1

Cash (including checking, savings, cd's, etc.) $11,173,225.00 2

Accounts Receivable 3

Other Assets 4

Less Liabilities - January 1 5

Accounts Payable (unpaid bills) 6

Other Liabilities 7

Less Fund Equity Reserves - January 1 1 8

Fund Equity (sum of line 2 , 3 , 4 less 6 ,6 , 8) - January 1 $11,173,225.00 9

Revenues and Other Financing Sources 10

300 Taxes (from Schedule C) $8,463,325.00 11

320 Licenses & Permits $387,950.00 12

330 Fines & Forfeits $126,800.00 13

340 Interest, Rents & Royalties $465,867.00 14

350 Intergovernmental Revenues $1,514,897.00 15

360 Charges for Services (Departmental Earnings) $7,835,081.00 16

380 Miscellaneous Revenues $256,936.00 17

390 Other Financing Sources $843,677.00 18

Total Revenues and Other Financing Sources (sum lines 11 -18) $19,894,533.00 19

Total Available for Appropriation (sum of lines 9 and 19) $31,067,758.00 20

Expenditures or Expenses and Other Financing Uses 21

400 General Government $760,116.00 22

410 Public Safety (Protection to Persons Property) $6,813,377.00 23

420 Health & Welfare $29,900.00 24

Public Works- 25

426 Recycling/Sanitation $2,962,759.00 26

430 Highways, Roads and Streets $2,677,847.00 27

440 Other $0.00 28

450 Culture - Recreation $2,957,434.00 29

460 Conservation & Development $0.00 30

470 Debt Service $3,865,903.00 31

480 Miscellaneous Expenditures or Expenses $1,172,080.00 32

490 Other Financing Uses $864,677.00 33

Total Expenses and Other Financing Uses (sum lines 22 -33) $22,104,093.00 34

Assets - December 31 $8,963,665.00 35

Less Liabilities - December 31 36

Less Reserves - December 31 $395,914.00 37

Unappropriated Fund Equity (Line 35 less lines 36 and 37) $8,567,751.00 38

Total Appropriated and Unappropriated (sum of lines 34 and 38) 39

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General Highway Aid Other Special Other Governmental Proprietary Other Acct Fund Fund Revenue Funds Funds Funds Proprietary Funds #

1 35 2, 3, 19, 23, 32 4, 17, 18, 30, 37 8 9,10

$3,024,175.00 $132,493.00 $1,655,417.00 $2,989,566.00 $2,713,112.00 $658,462.00

$3,024,175.00 $132,493.00 $1,655,417.00 $2,989,566.00 $2,713,112.00 $658,462.00

$6,922,412.00 $1,540,913.00 300 $387,950.00 320 $126,800.00 330

$36,914.00 $1,000.00 $3,630.00 $49,323.00 $375,000.00 340 $798,879.00 $682,218.00 $33,800.00 350 $928,076.00 $4,668,150.00 $2,238,855.00 360

$12,000.00 $82,450.00 $89,900.00 $72,586.00 380 $342,622.00 $280,000.00 $167,055.00 $54,000.00 390

$9,555,653.00 $683,218.00 $1,940,793.00 $306,278.00 $5,169,736.00 $2,238,855.00 $12,579,828.00 $815,711.00 $3,596,210.00 $3,295,844.00 $7,882,848.00 $2,897,317.00

$725,876.00 $34,240.00 400 $5,779,577.00 $776,682.00 $257,118.00 410

$25,900.00 $4,000.00 420

$201,500.00 $978,570.00 $1,782,689.00 426 $1,664,111.00 $782,385.00 $79,351.00 $152,000.00 430

440 $607,917.00 $402,531.00 $37,500.00 $1,909,486.00 450

460 $398,065.00 $877,797.00 $2,590,041.00 470 $237,715.00 $12,409.00 $921,956.00 480 $175,000.00 $167,055.00 $242,622.00 $280,000.00 490

$9,815,661.00 $782,385.00 $2,315,825.00 $1,463,428.00 $5,537,308.00 $2,189,486.00 $2,764,167.00 $33,326.00 $1,280,385.00 $1,832,416.00 $2,345,540.00 $707,831.00

$310,252.00 $85,662.00 $2,453,915.00 $33,326.00 $1,280,385.00 $1,746,754.00 $2,345,540.00 $707,831.00

CO o


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RESOLUTION NO. 2014 - _£7_


WHEREAS, the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides at Section 3205(a)(1) that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy taxes upon all real property for general township purposes not exceeding fourteen mills (.014) per dollar of assessed value, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a tax on real property within the Township for general township purposes taxable at the rate of 1.815 mills (.001815) per dollar of assessed value, and

WHEREAS, the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides at Section 3205(a)(4) that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy taxes upon all property for fire protection purposes not exceeding three mills (.003) per dollar of assessed value, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a tax on real property within the Township for fire protection purposes taxable at the rate of .555 mill ($.000555) per dollar of assessed value, and

WHEREAS, the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides at Section 3205(a)(7) that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy taxes upon all property to pay interest and principal on any indebtedness, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a tax on real property within the Township to pay interest and principal on indebtedness (Debt Service) at the rate of .50 mill ($.00050) per dollar of assessed value, and

WHEREAS, the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides at Section 3205(a)(5) that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy taxes upon all property to establish and maintain fire hydrants not exceeding two mills (.002) per dollar of assessed value, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a tax on real property within the Township and within 780 feet of a fire hydrant to establish and maintain fire hydrants at the rate of .09 mills ($.00009) per dollar of assessed value, and

WHEREAS, the Second Class Township Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides at Section 3205(a)(2) that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy an assessment for the purpose of street lights, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a street light assessment of $.40 per foot for improved frontage per year; and, $.25 per foot for unimproved frontage per year for all properties having frontage within 250 feet of a streetlight, and

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WHEREAS, the Local Tax Collection Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1945, its amendments and supplements) provides that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy a Per Capita Tax of up to $10.00 per resident, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a per capita tax of $5.00 per resident (18 and older) per year, and

WHEREAS, the Local Tax Enabling Act (Act 511) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy or reaffirm a Real Estate Transfer Tax, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a Real Estate Transfer Tax of one percent (1%) upon the transfer of "real estate" situate within the Township, and

WHEREAS, the Local Tax Enabling Act (Act 511) of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides that the Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, levy or reaffirm a Business Privilege Tax, and the Supervisors of Exeter Township have heretofore adopted a budget for 2015 which assumes a business privilege tax of 1 Vz mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of gross volume of business), except that the rate of tax on each and every dollar of whole or gross volume of business transacted by wholesale dealers or wholesale vendors shall be 1 mill, ($1.00 per $1,000 of whole/gross volume), and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, and it is hereby resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Exeter Township that a tax for calendar year 2015 on real property within the Township be and hereby is levied at the following rates:

a) The tax rate for general purposes is established at the tax rate of 1.815 mills (.001815) on each dollar of assessed value, or, in other words, at the rate of no dollars and 18.150 upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable property.

b) The tax rate for fire protection purposes is established at the tax rate of .555 mill (.000555) per dollar of assessed value, or, in other words, at the rate of no dollars and 5.550 upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable property.

c) The tax rate to pay interest and principal on indebtedness (Debt Service) is established at the tax rate of .50 mill (.00050) per dollar of assessed value, or, in other words, at the rate of no dollars and 5.00 upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable property.

d) The assessment rate for streetlight purposes for those properties within 250 feet of a street light is established at $.40 per foot for improved frontage per year; and, $.25 per foot for unimproved frontage per year.

e) The tax rate for the establishment and maintenance fire hydrants for those properties within 780 feet of a hydrant is established at a rate of .09 mill (.00009) per dollar of assessed value, or, in other words, at the rate of no dollars and .9 cents upon each one hundred dollars ($100.00) of assessed valuation of taxable property.

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(f) A per capita tax of $5.00 per resident (18 and older) per year is hereby reaffirmed.

(g) A Real Estate Transfer Tax of one percent (1%) upon the transfer of "real estate" situate within the Township is hereby reaffirmed.

(h) A business privilege tax of llA mills ($1.50 per $1,000 of gross volume of business), except that the rate of tax on each and every dollar of whole or gross volume of business transacted by wholesale dealers or wholesale vendors shall be 1 mill, ($1.00 per $1,000 of whole/gross volume) is hereby reaffirmed.


Dona L. Starr, Vice Chairperson

Kenneth A. Smith, Member


Barry K. Ziegler, Member

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