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Elementary Principles of Milling Fixtures, by E. R.


Examples of Milling Fixtures 26

Copyright, 1912, The Industrial Press, Publishers of MACHINERY49-55 Lafayette Street, New York City

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The principal consideration, when designing fixtures that are to be

fastened solidly to the table of a milling machine, should be to have

the fixture firm enough to admit working the machine and cutter to

their limit of endurance. In fact, the fixture should be stronger than

the machine itself, and able to resist any possible strain that the

cutter can exert. While fixtures should be strong, the movable parts

should be so made as to be easily manipulated. All bearing and locat-

ing points should be accessible to facilitate the removal of chips and

dirt. The action of the clamping devices should be rapid, so that no

time is lost in manipulating them.

The Milling Machine Vise-False Vise Jaws

The first fixture to consider is the milling machine vise, which has

a stationary and a movable jaw, against which are placed removable

jaws, held in place by means of screws. The stationary-removable jaw

generally has connected with it any shelf, pins, or means for locating

the pieces to be machined. The reason for attaching them to this jawis that this portion of the vise is not movable, and is, or should be,

stiff enough to resist without springing any pressure that may be

exerted by means of the crank and screw. The jaw attached to the

movable slide part of the vise, on the contrary, is liable to alter its

location slightly under strain, especially when the vise becomes worn.

For some purposes, where but a few pieces are to be milled, or wherethe character of the pieces is such that there is not much liability

of the jaws wearing, and thus affecting the accuracy of the pieces, it

is safe to make the jaws of cast iron. If, however, there is a consid-

erable strain on the jaws, it is advisable to make them of steel and

harden them. For most purposes, jaws made of a good grade of ma-

chinery steel and properly case-hardened answer as well as those madefrom tool steel, and cost only a fraction as much for stock.

If possible, the piece to be machined should be held in the jawsbelow the level of the top of the vise, in order to avoid springing the

jaws out of a vertical position, as would be the case if the piece wereabove the level of the top of the vise. Occasionally pieces are so

shaped, however, that they have to project considerably above the top

of the vise jaws, in which case the jaws may be made with a rib whichextends over the top of the vise and rests on the piece, as shown in

Fig. 1. This furnishes a brace and prevents the springing that would

prove harmful to almost any piece of work that it would be safe to

* MACHINERY, November, 1905 ; December. 1905 ; January, 1906 ; and Feb-ruary, 1906.


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hold in a vise while milling, As it would prove quite expensive if

many jaws of this style were made from steel, they may be madefrom cast iron, and a plate of steel placed where the work is to rest,

as shown at a, Fig. 1. After the steel plate has been cut to shape andthe locating device attached, the jaw may be hardened. If the devices

mentioned are pieces which must be attached to the jaw, or pins whichenter holes in it, they must be removed when the jaw is hardened.

At times it is necessary to hold pieces so that they rest on shelves

on each jaw, or are located by pins in both the stationary and movable

jaw. Generally speaking, it is advisable to construct special fixtures

for such pieces, provided the degree of accuracy and the number of

pieces warrant the outlay. However, if the pieces must be held in

, JV. T.

Flgrs. 1 to 4. Special Jaws for Milling Machine Vise

jaws in the vise, some method should be found to prevent the movable

jaw from rising when pressure is applied, in the operation of "tighten-

ing up." If the jaws are reasonably thick, large pins may be used, one

near each end of the jaw, as shown in Fig. 2. These pins must be

forced solidly into one jaw and fit closely in the other. Another methodwhich works nicely is shown in Fig. 3. In this case the movable jaw

proper is connected with the stationary jaw by means of pins, or a

slide of different design. It is not, however, attached to the movable

slide of the vise, but a hardened piece of steel is attached to this and

bears against the movable part of the jaw. Many other forms are

made, one of which is shown in Fig. 4. The front portion hinges at

the bottom, and is pressed against the work by a movable slide. In

all such holding devices, however, chips are liable to get between the

various parts, decreasing their accuracy.

When making any form of holding device, it is necessary to provide

a place for the burrs that are a result of previous operations, unless

they are removed by a process of filing or grinding. In many cases

these burrs will be removed by future operations if it is possible to

provide a place for them so that they will in no way affect the accuracy

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of the piece. For this reason milling machine jaws and other fixtures

are cut away or recessed in places to allow the burrs a place in which

to drop, as shown in Fig. 5 at A. At B a piece of work is shown with

the burr mentioned.

Provisions for Removing Chips

It is the custom in most shops to provide a liberal supply of oil, or

other lubricant, for cutters when milling work that requires lubrica-

tion. In many cases this fluid is used to wash out the jaws or fixtures

after removing a piece of work. As this supply is used over and over,

however, it is liable to become thick and gummy, and apt to proveharmful rather than helpful, unless the operator watches his fixtures

closely. In some shops compressed air is used to blow \;hips from the

working surface, and in many cases "works like a charm." On certain

jobs nothing seems so effective as the hand and finger method for

cleaning the surfaces of the fixtures.

Machinery. N.T.

Fig. 5. Arrangement of Fixture or Vise Jaw to Accommodate Burr

One example of the necessity of taking account of the question of

chips, taken from actual practice, may give this matter its full empha-sis. This example also shows how at times it is necessary to change

existing methods in order to accomplish the desired result. A piec

of work consisting of a flange, as shown in Fig. 6, was provided with

projecting portions, a a, which were to be straddle-milled. The jawsof the vise used to hold this piece had circular grooves, 6 6, Fig. 7,

which were thought necessary to properly hold the piece, since the

pull of the cutters was in an upward direction; but these grooves madean excellent place for a deposit of chips, and as it was a difficult mat-

ter to clean them, and as the operator was working by the piece at a

rather low rate, and consequently was not inclined to take too great

precautions, the edges of the flanges of the piece being milled became

badly scored, and required an extra operation in the turret lathe to

remove the marks. To overcome this difficulty, the projecting lips of

the vise jaws were cut away and the direction of rotation of the cut-

ters reversed, the overhead belt being changed so that the cutters

would run onto the work, thus holding the work securely down on the

seating surface of the jaws.

Special Forms of Vise JawsIt sometimes happens that the opening in the vise is not sufficient

to take in a long piece of work, in which case the jaws may be made

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of a form shown in Fig. 8. At other times the vise may be used with

the movable jaw of the original form, and with the stationary jaw

arranged as in Fig. 9. In this case a flat piece of steel is attached

to the outside of the jaw by means of screws which are a snug fit in

holes drilled and reamed in both the auxiliary and stationary jaws of

the vise. It is apparent that such an arrangement does not allow great

accuracy, as the jaw on the end has no backing, and consequently

will easily spring, yet there are instances where it answers the pur-

pose as well as a costly fixture. If milling machine vises are drilled

for screws that hold jaws in such a manner that the jaws will readily

go on any vise, much valuable time may be saved. If we are equip-

Fig. 6. A Difficult Straddle Fig. 7. Arrangement of Vise JawsMilling Job to Hold Piece Shown in Fig. Q

ping a shop with new machines, this may be readily accomplished, as

we may order vises drilled alike and corresponding with some vise

already in use, and to which a number of pairs of jaws are fitted.

Cams or Eccentrics for Binding; Vise Jaws

The vises ordinarily furnished with milling machines are opened and

closed by means of a screw. Unless it is necessary to apply consider-

able pressure to the piece being held, this form of vise will not workas quickly as desirable where cheapness of production is a factor. Toovercome this objection, vises are made so that the slide may be

opened and closed by means of a cam and lever, and unless there is

much variation in the sizes of pieces being machined, the cam will

cause the work to be held sufficiently firm. The work may be placed

in and taken out in this way much more quickly than when a vise

operated by a screw is used. In fact, where such a vise will answer

the purpose, it will be found as cheap to operate and as satisfactory in

results as special fixtures; and the jaws necessary when starting a new

job are, as a rule, much cheaper than special fixtures.

When it is necessary to cut in the vise jaws the shape of the piece

to be milled, it may be done by milling with the mills to be used on

the work, as shown in Fig. 10. The pins, or other appliances for hold-

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ing the work, should be added, and are then again removed and the

jaws hardened.Hardening- Vise Jaws

While, as mentioned, such parts of tools as milling machine jawsare ordinarily made from machinery steel, open-hearth steel which

does not contain over 25 or 30 points carbon is to be preferred. This

may be case-hardened nicely in oil with little or no liability of spring-

ing, as the depth of hardness necessary does not call for extreme heat,

which causes the steel to go out of shape and also opens the grain

of the steel and renders it more liable to become indented should a

chip be pressed against the surface. The jaws, if made of this kind

of steel, may be packed in the hardening box with a mixture of charred

bone and wood charcoal equal quantities and run five or six hours

after they are red hot. Then they may be removed and dipped in a

bath of oil, working them up and down lengthwise in the oil until the

red has entirely disappeared, after which they may be lowered to the

bottom of the tank and allowed to remain until cold.

If for any reason it is necessary to harden the piece deeper than

can be done in the length of time mentioned above, then the red-hot

rH B

Fig-. 8. Off-set Vise Jaws Fig. Q. Extended Vise Jaw

jaws may be exposed to the action of the carbonaceous material for a

greater length of time. If the jaws are made from the grade of stock

mentioned, and are given a low heat, there should be no springing

during the hardening process.

Regular Milling Fixtures

There are many pieces of work that can be machined at a much less

cost if a fixture specially designed for the purpose is used. When the

number of pieces to be done warrants the outlay, it is generally advis-

able to pursue this policy. There are other pieces of work that mustbe held in specially designed fixtures in order to produce a sufficient

degree of accuracy, and there are still others that cannot be machinedunless such fixtures are provided. The design of such fixtures should

always depend on the number of pieces to be machined, and the cost

of doing the work. If a fixture is to be used for machining a relatively

small number of pieces, then it should be made at as small a cost as

possible. If, on the contrary, it is to be used as a permanent fixture

for machining the same class of work for an indefinite period, then it

should be made in a manner to insure its "standing the racket." Suchfixtures should be made very strong and solid, as the cost for stock

and labor is not much greater than when making a too light, more or

less useless contrivance.

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As cast iron is the material used for the base of most fixtures of

this kind, plenty of the material rightly distributed will insure free-

dom from chattering and uniformity of the product, provided otherconditions are right. This additional weight of cast iron does not

materially add to the cost of the fixture. As a rule, cast iron does not

prove satisfactory as a surface against which to bed small pieces when

Machinery, JV.Jf.

Fig. 1O. Vise Jaw made to Correspond to Shape of Work

milling, and for this reason a surface of steel is generally providedfor this purpose.

Examples from Actual Experience

Fig. 11 shows a milling machine fixture used for milling a leaf for avernier rifle sight. It is necessary to have the sides, a a, of the leaf

parallel to the sides of the slot. The base, 6, of the fixture is made of

cast iron, the bottom of which is planed flat. It has a slot cut in it

to receive the tongue pieces which fit the tongue slot in the table. Agroove is cut in the top surface to receive a tongue on the steel por-

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case of this particular piece of work it was found necessary to providea somewhat complicated contrivance to hold the leaf down onto the

fixture while milling, as the cut was rather heavy, compared with the

strength of the sides of the leaf. But it was suggested that by revers-

ing the cutters and running them down onto the work, rather than

against it, the cutters would be made to hold the work down on the

seating surface rather than to tend to raise it. All that was needed

then was two screws, the heads of which screwed down onto the leaf.

To release the leaf it was necessary to give the screw but a quarter

turn, as the opposite sides were cut away to a width a trifle less than

Machinery, If. Y.

Fig. 12. Testing the Alignment of the Milling Machine Saddle

the width of the slot in the leaf. The only reason it was necessary

to provide the screws was that at the ends of the cut the pressure of

the cutters tended to tip the leaf.

Alignment of the Milling Machine Table

In order to produce good work when straddle-milling on a single-

spindle milling machine, it is necessary to have the table travel exactly

at right angles to the axis of the spindle. Should it not do so, it will

be necessary to either scrape the saddle or swivel the head to get the

alignment. The Lincoln type of miller usually has provision for the

latter adjustment, but if not, and the saddle must be scraped, it is

better to scrape the sliding surfaces which bear against the bed, in-

stead of the table slides, unless the latter should be so badly wornas to need scraping.

The alignment of the saddle of a milling machine may be tested

by means of a piece of wire attached to the spindle, as in Fig. 12.

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In this case the bearing surface to be tested is on a bevel, instead of

standing vertical, and therefore a cast iron block is planed to fit the

angle portion, the block having a vertical surface for the point of the

wire to bear against.

Principle of Gang- Fixtures

Fixtures are many times made to hold two or more pieces of work

to be machined at the same time, thus increasing the efficiency of the

machine. Fig. 13 represents a fixture used in milling a bolt head

flat on opposite sides. The fixture is designed to do away with any

inaccuracy that might result from an attempt to mill bolts whose

bodies were of varying sizes. For this reason the grooves for holding

the bolts are made V-shaped instead of circular. The fixture is so

designed as to allow the strain incident to cutting to come against

the solid part of the fixture. To insure ease of manipulation, the cam

levers, used in clamping the pieces in the fixture, are located in the

portion of fixture nearest the operator. Were they located on the


mry, Y. Y.

Fig. 13. Fixture for Milling Bolt Heads

opposite side it would be necessary to run the table back far enoughto get the cam levers away from the cutters, so as not to endanger the

operator's hands. Then again, if located nearer the cutters, they wouldbe covered with chips, thus rendering it necessary to clean them everytime before handling. The designer should always have in mind the

safety of the operator, not only from a humanitarian standpoint, but

also because accidents caused through poorly constructed tools and

appliances are extremely costly to the manufacturing concern in whose

shops they happen.

Prevention of Springing- Action in Fixtures

It is generally the best practice to have the device used in bindingthe piece of work to the fixture connected with that part which holds

the work, as shown in Fig. 14. If this plan is adopted there is no

danger of springing the fixture and thus producing work which is not

uniform to gage, as might happen if the design shown in Fig. 15 wereused. If the fixture is extremely heavy and there is a certain amountof error allowable in the gaging, the objection to the method shown in

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Fig. 15 would not be readily apparent. However, for accurate workit is advisable, when possible, to adopt the method shown in Fig. 14,

for it is possible to spring fixtures which are apparently quite strong.

If a fixture is to be made in the form of an angle iron and consider-

able strain is to be exerted by the operation of cutting, the upright

Fig. 14Fig. 15

Fig. 16 Fig. 17

Figs. 14 to 17. Preventing? Springing1 Action in Vises and Fixtures

portion of fixture should be made heavy, so as to absorb vibration, andit should be well braced on the back to prevent any tendency to yield

under the strain. If such a fixture were made as shown in Fig. 16, the

piece of work being machined would be chatter-marked from the vibra-

tion, and out of true from the yielding of the fixture. If it were madeas shown in Fig. 17 neither of these troubles would be experienced,

Machinery. A.T.

Fig . 18 Pigr. 19

Proper and Improper-Direction of Cut

provided other conditions were right. When possible, the pressure of

the cutter should always be against the solid part of the fixture, as

shown in Fig. 18, rather than against the holding device, as in Fig. 19.

One thing that is sometimes overlooked is the inability of the cutter

arbor to do the work without springing. Many times cutters are madewith holes so small that the arbor cannot transmit the power without

springing. If arbors are made for a special job and are to be subjected

to great strain, they should be as short as possible.

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Fundamental Principles of Milling- Fixture Design

The simplest fixture that will hold the work in a satisfactory manneris, as a rule, the most satisfactory, to say nothing of its lower cost.

It is necessary at times, in order to accomplish a certain purpose, to

make a complicated fixture, but the more complicated such a tool is,

the greater the probability of its getting out of alignment and out

of working condition. There is a tendency on the part of many youngdesigners to make elaborate fixtures, not realizing that true success in

this branch of business depends on making all machines and tools in

the simplest way possible. To be sure, most of the automatic machin-

ery on the market is very complex in design, but the designer uses

every effort to simplify where possible, and still have it accomplishthe desired result.

While it is absolutely necessary that milling machine fixtures be

made in a manner that insures the desired degree of accuracy, yet

they should be so designed that the work may be placed in and taken

out in the shortest space of time possible, since this item adds very

Machinery , A'. P,

Fig. 2O. Drop Forged Jaw, Finished by Milling:

materially to the cost of the article. As it is customary to have the

operator run several machines, the greater the length of time necessaryto devote to one machine, the fewer machines he can tend.

So far as possible the design should be worked out by always work-

ing to, or by, a given surface, or other working point, and in makingthe fixture the same principle should be adhered to. It is poor practice

to change and work from a different working surface unless compelled

to do so, as any slight inaccuracy, that in itself might be of little con-

sequence, might affect other vital portions. This same principle should

apply to all machining operations.

Examples of Practical Applications

As an example of what has just been said, let us consider the cutting

plier jaw shown in Fig. 20. This jaw was first forged to shape from

tool steel under a drop hammer. The side marked a was milled first,

after which the opposite side was milled. Unless great care were

taken when seating in the jaws, the second side milled would not be

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parallel with the first. Now, this would not materially affect the fin-

ished jaw if one particular side were selected and worked to through-

out the various milling operations. The surface a was selected as the

working surface and was the one placed against the working surface of

the drill jig. Then, under normal conditions, the drilled holes would

be square with the surface worked from. The same side was also

placed against the stationary jaw in the milling machine vise whenmilling the surfaces c and d. Then, if the jaws were properly madeand set in the vise and reasonable care taken to prevent the presence of

chips and dirt, the surfaces c and d would be square with a.

A simple method to use when it is required to mill a block perfectly

square is to first straddle-mill two sides by holding the block in the

jaws of a milling machine vise. The other sides are straddle-milled

by holding the piece in the simple fixture shown in Fig. 21, so designed

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Milling a Bicycle Hub

Fig. 23 shows a bicycle hub having projections. Through these pro-

jections, or ears, are drilled holes to receive the spokes. The equip-

ment of milling machines in the shop where these hubs were to be

milled was not sufficient to turn out the required number of pieces, and

as it was not deemed wise to increase the equipment, ways were

Machinery, tf.Y*

Fifif. 22. Testing the Parallelism of Table and Spindle

devised of doing the additional amount of work on the machines on

hand. In order to accomplish this task, it was found necessary to

make multiple fixtures.

Two fixtures were made to go side by side on a plate, each fixture to

hold a hub. A dog was attached to one end of the hub, the tail of the

\Fig. 23. Bicycle Hub Fig. 24

dog entering an opening in the plate on the nose of the fixture spindle.

On the other end of the spindle was an index plate having around its

circumference a number of holes equidistantly spaced, the number of

which corresponded with the number of teeth to be milled on the

hub. A hardened steel pin entered these holes and thus located the

hub. In making fixtures of this character where fine chips can get

into the holes, it is advisable to make locating holes straight rather

than tapering, since when the holes are tapering there is a strong

probability of fine particles getting in the holes on one side of the pin,

thus causing the work to be unevenly spaced; but where the hole and

pin are straight, if the pin enters the hole, it must necessarily locate

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the spindle properly. If the holes and pins are properly ground and

lapped, they will retain their size for a long time. In order to facili-

tate the pin entering the hole the end should be chamfered somewhat.

When milling the job shown in Fig. 23, it occurred to the operator

that not only could two hubs be milled at a time, but one could also

make each cutter able to mill the spaces between two teeth each time,

making a cutter of the form shown in Fig. 24. This shows howfixtures and methods are the results of gradual development, andalmost any operation, however well planned, can almost always be still

furfher improved upon.

Milling- a Tapered Square End on an Axle or Tool

In Fig. 25 is shown a fixture used to mill a square on the end of

an axle, but with the four sides on a slight taper with the axis of the

Atct/uiMry, .V.iT.

Fig. 25. Fixture for Squaring- End of Asle

axle. On this account it was necessary to use an end mill rather than

a face mill, and in order to use an end mill in the ordinary milling

machine, the fixture must hold the axle in a vertical position andwith the axle standing at the right angle to produce the proper taper.

It was found to be impossible to drill the spacing holes in the index-

ing dial of the fixture with sufficient accuracy by holding it between

the centers of the dividing head when the holes were drilled on the

universal milling machine, and it was necessary to resort to another

scheme. A disk about six inches in diameter was placed between the

centers of the universal milling machine, and by means of an end mill

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was squared. When tested with a square, it was found that the sides

were not exactly square with each other, however, and they were

carefully scraped until they were as square as it seemed possible to

get them. The disk was then placed on a stud located on an angle

plate attached to the face-plate of a lathe. The indexing dial to bedrilled was then fastened to the squared disk, and after locating oneside of the latter parallel with the face-plate, a hole was drilled andbored in the dial at the proper location, after which the stud was

Fig. 26. Axle Milled in Fixture Shown in Fig. 25

turned so the next side of the squared piece was parallel with the face-

plate. By continuing this method, four holes were drilled and bored

that were equidistant from each other. These holes were bushed with

hardened steel bushings, ground inside and outside, and then forced

into the holes. Pieces milled on this fixture, and which were located

by this dial, were found so nearly square that no error could be

detected when tested with a square. Fig. 26 represents the axle whoseends were milled.

In the previous examples an attempt has been made to avoid using

complicated fixtures in illustrating the various methods of doing work,as they would be more confusing, and the simple fixtures illustrate the

Fig. 27. Casting: to be Milled in Fixture shown in Fig. 28

methods involved as well. There are certain principles which must be

observed in designing fixtures of this character. These can be more

plainly illustrated when simple fixtures are shown, but the designer

may elaborate as much as is necessary to produce a tool adapted to

the work in hand.

Fixtures with Adjustable Supports

We often have to mill articles of cast iron or other metals which

are not uniform in size or shape, and which would not locate alike

in any fixture, without means of compensation for the irregularities.

It has been noticed that columns of milling machines, which weighed

400 or 500 pounds, have sprung out of true when on the planer table

by tightening a holding bolt, when the wrench used was an ordinary

6-inch wrench, apparently applied with small force. To secure a good

job, it is therefore necessary to block under the work very carefully,

and then fasten it securely for the roughing cut; and for the finish cuts

the strains on the clamp have to be removed entirely, or nearly so.

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If it is possible to spring a large mass of metal in this manner, it is

apparent that comparatively weak pieces may be distorted very easily.

For this reason, it is necessary many times to provide adjustable sup-

ports at the points where the fastening devices are located, and also at

points where the pressure of the cutter would have a tendency to

spring the piece.

Pig. 27 represents an iron casting, the surfaces of which are to be

milled. As castings will distort more or less in cooling, and as theyare very liable to alter their shape when the surface "skin" is removed,it is often necessary to provide fixtures with adjustable supports for

LMFig. 28. Fixture for Supporting Piece Shown in Fig. 27

holding the piece, as shown in Fig. 28. In milling a piece like that of

Fig. 27, such a fixture should be used when taking roughing cuts on

surfaces a and 6, and the finish cuts on surface Z>.

In the case of work that must be very accurate as to dimensions

and truth of finished surfaces, it will be found necessary to finish the

surface a approximately true by means of grinding or scraping before

milling the surface & for finish. This is especially true with such workas the knee of a milling machine, as shown in Fig. 29, where it would


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above remarks are applied directly to the milling of a milling machine

knee, they are equally applicable to any piece of work that must be

true, and whose shape or material renders it liable to spring as a

result of some machine operation.

There are jobs which require a number of cuts on one side andwhich must be of a certain uniform depth from a given surface. If

the pieces are of a uniform thickness they may be held in the usual

manner, by having the under side of the piece bear against the seating

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which is securely held against the seating surface by means of a

wedge. Between the wedge and cap is placed a block, as shown. Whenthe wedge is driven forward, the block may be removed and the cap

taken from the fixture. The pin at the thin edge of the wedge pre-

vents the wedge from being driven entirely out of the fixture.

At times when fixtures of the character mentioned are to be used,

it is wise to make them of the style shown in Fig. 32, the cutters beingbeneath the fixture. In this case, the seating surface being uppermost,it is more easily cleaned than when the fixture shown in Fig. 31 is used.

Bridge Milling:

A method of milling a certain class of work which is not used so

extensively as it was a number of years ago, and which is entirely

unknown to many mechanics, is known as bridge milling. In some

shops work is done on profiling machines which might be done in a

satisfactory manner by this method and at a fraction of the cost. Thedesired shape is produced by means of a form, A, which is securely


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a represents the piece of mild steel cut to length; b, after one side

is milled to shape; and c, after both sides have been milled. Eigtft

pairs of legs are milled at a time, and at a fraction of the cost of

drop forgings.

Fig. 35 shows a case of bridge milling the flat portion at the end of

a bicycle crank. As in the case of the caliper legs, a double fixture

is used and six pairs of cranks milled at a time, milling the right-

33. Principle of Bridge Milling: Fixture

hand crank in one fixture and the left-hand in the other. These

are located side by side on the same machine. On account of the

unequal quantity of stock removed at the various portions, a slight

inaccuracy can be observed, but this is corrected by running the

cutters across the work twice at the same setting of the pieces.

In these two examples of bridge milling cited, the milling wasdone with straight cutters, whose teeth were cut spirally, the helix

being right-hand on one cutter and left-hand on the other, to do awaywith the thrust incidental to long interlocked spiral mills where the

teeth of several cutters are of the same hand helix.

Vertical Spindle Milling

When surfaces are to be machined flat it will be found more satis-

factory and quicker, in many cases, to use an end mill of the proper

design. The work may be held in a special vise or in an ordinary vise

Fig. 34. Samples of Bridge Milling Cuts

attached to the vertical face of an angle iron, and done in an ordinary

horizontal milling machine as indicated in Fig. 36. The best results

in vertical milling are obtained by using a vertical spindle milling

machine, especially if heavy cuts are to be taken; but unless there is

work enough to keep the vertical machine busy, it is, generally

speaking, advisable to buy a horizontal machine with a vertical attach-

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ment, since it is possible to use the machine either way, as required.

The fixtures for holding work when machining by this method will not

differ materially from those already described. There are several

advantages of vertical over horizontal milling for many classes of

work; one very important one is that the surface being milled is

usually more plainly in sight in the vertical machine, being turned

Tig. 35. Bridge Milling Cut on a Bicycle Crank

upward, than in the horizontal, where it would have to be turned

inward to the spindle, in order to permit the milling operation to be

performed.Cams or Eccentrics for Binding Work in Fixtures

Cams are applied to vises and special fixtures in a variety of waysand furnish a rapid means of binding the work in place. At times

the cam is very simply made on the end of a piece as shown in Fig. 37.

If it is necessary to get considerable length of movement to the slide of

the fixture, the cam may be made on a piece having a turned projection

on its lower surface, which fits in a hole in the base of the fixture.

When it has been turned sufficiently to relieve the pressure against

Fig. 36. End Milling on Horizontal Milling Machine

the slide, the cam may be lifted from the fixture and the slide

moved as much as is necessary. After placing another piece of workin the fixture, the slide may be moved against it, the projection on the

cam inserted in the hole, and the necessary pressure applied by turn-

ing the cam.

Fig. 38 shows a cam which is round in form and has a round pro-

jection which enters a hole in the fixture. This smaller projection

is eccentric with the larger, in which a hole is drilled and a lever

inserted as shown. This, like the previous form, may be made remov-

able if desired. Cams of various designs may be employed for holding

work, the particular design depending on the piece to be held.

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Other Binding- Devices

The method employed for holding work in the fixture depends, of

course, on the nature of the work. Unless it is necessary to bind the

work more securely than would be possible with a cam, it is not

advisable to use a screw, on account of the length of time wasted in

Fig. 37. Simplest Form of Cam Binder T.

Fig. 38. Eccentric for Binding "Work in Fixtures

turning it back and forth sufficiently to secure or free the work. Attimes it is necessary to use a screw, and it is found possible to save

time by the use of a collar of the description shown in Fig. 39. Whenthe nut is turned back part of a turn, the slotted collar may be

removed and the work taken out, sliding it right over the nut. After

putting another piece in the fixture, the collar is placed on the screw

under the nut, and the nut tightened to give the desired effect.


Fig. 39. Slotted Collar for

Releasing Work Quickly

MachineryJt. Y."Fig. 4O. Removable Post

or Stud

Fig. 41 shows a method, some modification of which may be employedto hold work when it would not do to have any screw heads or other

devices projecting above the strap. When pressure is applied by means

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of the screw, the portion a is forced down onto the piece of work.

The angle piece is hinged at &, as shown. At times it is possible to

substitute a cam for the screw, and so lessen the time necessary to

operate the device. When forgings or castings are machined, it Is

sometimes possible to take advantage of the beveled portions occa-

sioned by the draft necessary to get the forging out of the die, or the

pattern from the mold. If the amount of bevel ordinarily given is not

ample to insure desired results, a sufficient amount may be given when

41 Fiff. 42Holding "Work where Space is Limited

the die for the forgings- or the pattern is made. Fig. 42 shows a fixture

holding a casting by means of considerably beveled edges.

When such a method would bind the work sufficiently strong, it is

customary many times to use a screw having a right-hand thread onone end and a left-hand thread on the opposite end. Two applications

L. g

Fig-. 43. Differential Screw Movements

of this principle are shown in Fig. 43; at A the screw is held from

moving lengthwise by means of the block c, and the jaws are movedtoward or away from each other by turning the screw. The jaw at

the left, a, has a right-hand thread, while the right-hand jaw, 6, has

a left-hand thread. This fixture is valuable when it is desirable to

mill a slot, or a projection in the center of pieces which vary in width,

and where the variation is immaterial. In the fixture B the jaw a is

tapped with a left-hand thread, and the stationary upright, &, with a

right-hand thread. These threads being square in form may be of

coarse pitch, thus causing the slide to move rapidly.

To save time, it is customary at times to locate the binding screwin a removable post, as shown in Fig. 40. When removing the workfrom the fixture the screw is turned sufficiently to relieve the pres-

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sure, and the post lifted out of the hole, after which the work i3

removed from the fixture, the bearing surfaces cleaned, another piece

put in place, and the post again put in the hole, a partial turn of the

screw binding it securely. In many instances if a screw were used

in a stud securely fastened to the fixture it might be necessary to

give it ten or a dozen turns before the work could be removed.

Fig. 45 represents a device used for holding two pieces of work to

be machined at the same time. Each piece rests against stationary por-

. 44. Holding: Work from below by a. Counterbored Hole

tions a a of the fixture, and is held in place by the swinging pieces 6 ft,

which are hinged at the center, as shown, and are closed onto the work

by means of the pointed screw c which passes through the stud d.

This stud can turn in the hole in the fixture, and so allow the point

of the screw to swing somewhat to conform to any variation in the

thickness of the pieces being held. When pieces have holes throughthem it is possible many times to take advantage of these in holding

the work. Fig. 44 represents a piece of work having on its upper por-

Machintryjf. f.

Fig. 45. Holding- Two Pieces of Work at a Time

tion a counterbored hole. A pin with a head a trifle smaller than the

counterbored portion of the hole extends down through the hole and

through a hole in the fixture, as shown. In the small end of the pin

is a rectangular hole. Through this is driven a wedge-shaped key,

which draws the work solidly onto the seating surface of the fixture.

There are occasions when an ordinary cam would be objectionable

and a screw would be too slow, and yet a combination of the two

works nicely. Fig. 46 represents such a binding device, which is used

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in holding a blank for a spring bow for a machinist's caliper, while

the ends are bent in a punch press. When the screw is turned downinto the threaded hole in the base, the V-shaped projection under the

head passes up the incline on the upper portion of the leaf, forcing it

down on the blank. When the projection of the screw reaches the flat

portion at the top of the incline, the leaf has forced the blank down

solidly to the bending fixture. If the screw is turned more, it, of

course, continues to descend, and draws the leaf down still more. The

advantage of this combination is that if a cam does not pass to its

highest point at the end of the throw, it is apt to jar loose if subjected

to vibration, whereas the projection under the screw head passing up

. 46. Combined Cam and Screw Clamp

the incline acts as a cam, when it rests on the flat portion, and con-

tinues to draw the leaf down as the screw goes into the tapped hole.

Although a fixture used on a punch press is used to illustrate the idea,

the same device may, of course, be applied to fixtures for use on

milling machines.

The previous paragraphs are only an outline of the fundamental

principles, illustrated by means of simple fixtures and various forms

of binding devices. The application must, of course, be left to the in-

dividual designer who should always bear in mind that simplicity is

always preferable to elaboration, provided the simple device insures

the desired result.

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In the following a number of examples of milling fixture designs for

definite purposes are given. These fixtures are selected as typical of

the various kinds of milling fixtures found in machine shops. No at-

tempt has been made to show only fixtures of the most approved

designs, but examples indicating general practice have been taken,

and attention has been called to the reasons for the special features of

each design. The names of the persons who originally contributed the

Fig. 47. Vise for Holding Shafts for Keyway Milling

descriptions of the devices shown, to the columns of MACHINEEY, have

been given in notes at the foot of the pages, together with the monthand year when their contribution appeared.

Vise for Holding Shafts for Keyway Milling-

One of the simplest designs of fixtures for the milling machine pre-

sents itself in the form of a special vise for holding short shafts and

studs while milling a keyway. Such a vise is shown in Fig. 47. Sev-

eral advantages over the method of clamping either in an ordinary

vise or directly on the milling machine table, are apparent. The

clamping bolts, holding the device to the table, are never disturbed

while clamping the shafts, and if the fixture once has been set in align-

ment, it will remain so. Every shaft is clamped exactly alike, the

screw forcing the shaft into the Vs bringing every one into exact

parallelism, provided, of course, the fixture is accurately set at the

start. It is obvious that this device can also be profitably used on the

drill press for holding shafts and other cylindrical work for drilling,

and with an adjustable arm added for holding a guide bushing for the

drill, it would prove efficient as a simple adjustable drill jig.

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Fixture for Holding Thin, Flat Work


It frequently occurs that thin, flat work must be held so that the

whole upper surface is free, a milling cut being required to be taken

across the entire piece of work. This prevents the use of any clamp-

ing devices which bear down upon the work from above, and, if the

work is very thin, it does not permit of set-screws entering to bear

upon it from the sides, as the diameter of the screws would be greater

than the thicknecs of the work, and consequently project above the

surface of the latter. The design of fixtures for the conditions out-

lined is often a rather difficult matter. A simple solution of the clamp-

ing problem is shown in Fig. 48. This cut presents merely one clamp,but it is evident that two or more clamps of the same kind are

required for a complete set. The clamp is bolted to the table H, with

the T-bolt G, and the bottom of the casting A is planed with a slot for

Industrial frttn, y.Y.

PlgT. 48. Fixture for Milling' Thin, Plat Work

the key B. These clamps are used for any flat work which is placeddown on the seat E ; the set-screw D is then tightened, thus forcingthe steel point F downward and into the work. The same operation

performed upon the other end securely clamps the work. If the workis long, and so thin that it is likely to spring away from the cutter

if not supported in the center, this device should be modified so that

the clamps are made integral parts of a fixture body which is planedon top and gives a support to the work for its full length.

Milling Fixture for Bolt Heads

In Fig. 49 is shown a device for performing a special milling oper-

ation, which, however, will illustrate some principles of general mill-

ing fixture design. It was required to mill the sides of the heads of

screws, such as shown at the upper left-hand corner in the cut, so that

they would assume the shape shown at the center of the cut at the

top. The fixture shown in the lower part of the cut was designed for

this purpose. It consisted of the body A, made of mild steel. It wasplaned all over, and a groove was cut through the body lengthwise,which was made of the same width as the diameter of the body of the

screw. A hole was counterbored in the center to a depth equal to

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the thickness, of the head after being milled. Two clamps B weremade of tool steel, and hardened to prevent bending. These weremachined to fit the groove, thus keeping them from shifting sidewaysand always in line with the body of the screw to be milled. The two

binding screws C were also made of tool steel and hardened.

Two 4-inch side or straddle mills, held apart by a collar of a width

equal to the diameter of the screw, were used to mill the heads. After

placing a screw in the fixture, as shown in the cut, the fixture was

placed in a vise on the milling machine, the straddle mills beingset to the clamps for position sidewise, and just touching the bodyof the fixture for the vertical position. With this fixture it was

possible to mill the heads with only one cut, and it was found quite

Machinery, JV. F.

Pig. 49. Fixture for Milling Bolt Heads

satisfactory. While, however, it was possible to mill the screws in

this manner so that the result was satisfactory, mechanically, it does

not say that this fixture was satisfactory economically. If there wrere

but a few screws to be milled as indicated, then, undoubtedly, a simple

fixture like the one shown was preferable. But if there had been a

great quantity of screws upon which this operation had to be per-

formed, then a fixture milling one screw at a time, and requiring first

the tightening of the two screws <7, and then the tightening of the

milling machine vise, would not have been in place. In such a case

a fixture permitting a great number of screws to be clamped simul-

taneously, and to be milled all at one time, although more expensive

to make at first, would in the long run have proved cheaper. A fixture

employing this principle is shown in Fig. 50.

The purpose of this fixture is not the same as that of the previous

device described, but the principle may be employed for almost anykind of a milling fixture for small work. The fixture shown in Fig. 50

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is used on a milling machine for slotting pieces such as shown at A,

and also for slotting screw heads. The vise jaws a and H are madeout of tool steel, and are left soft; they are placed in a milling

machine vise, and the piece A to be slotted is placed between the two

jaws, as shown. The chamber C is a cylindrical hole into which are

drilled holes from the side for the cylindrical plungers D. The cham-

ber C is filled with tallow, and, as the pieces A are clamped in between

the plungers D and the vise jaw G, the tallow provides an equalizing

effect until all the parts are held equally firm. This means permits

pieces of a slightly uneven length to be held securely. The plungers

D must, of course, be a very good sliding fit in the holes running downto the chamber C. The pin E simply serves the purpose of locating

the piece A by entering the hole in its center. The holes F are tapped

to receive screws holding the jaws to the milling machine vise. Pieces

E and D should be made of tool steel and hardened. When screw

PigT. 5O. Equalizing Vise Jaws

heads are slotted, the parts K and L are used instead of D and E.

The screws are then held in the semi-circular grooves M, the operation

of the device being the same as when slotting pieces A. The screws

/ in the ends of the circular chamber C simply serve the purpose of

preventing the tallow from escaping at the ends.*

Fixtures for Slotting1 Screw Heads

WThile the fixture in Fig. 50 is,, at times, used for slotting screw

heads, it is not primarily intended for this purpose. In Fig. 51 is

shown a fixture which is designed for this work exclusively, and which,

although simple, is an excellent device for holding screws for slotting

the heads. It has the great advantage of holding each screw with the

same grip, no matter if the diameters are not uniform. It consists

of the angle plates C and D, both having tongues underneath to fit the

slot in the milling machine table, and in D are fitted the binding screw

E and the guides B, which latter are securely fixed. The guides carrythe V-blocks A, between which the screws are clamped The guides

slide freely through the holes in the angle plate C, and may be madewhatever length desired to accommodate the number of V-blocks andscrews. If the full capacity of the jig is not required, say only four

screws are to be slotted, as shown in the cut, the angle plate C is

moved toward D, so that the binding screw E shall be long enough* S. Oliver, September, 1907.

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to clamp the screws. In fact, the arrangement is a most flexible one,and should prove a very satisfactory fixture for any shop.

A rather interesting and suggestive slotting device, the principle of

which can be applied to a variety of work where it is necessary to slot

many pieces with rapidity, is shown in Fig. 52. The part A is a cast

iron block, which is bolted and keyed to a hand miller, and B is a postwhich swivels in A. At C is shown a lever with its fulcrum on the

pin D. The jaw E is hinged to the lever and is held in a closed posi-

tion by means of the spiral spring on the round head screw .F, the ten-

sion being controlled by lock-nuts. The tool steel plate G, on which one

Industrial freat, ff. Y.

Fig- 61. Fixture for Slotting Screw Heads

end of the piece to be slotted rests, is screwed and doweled to the jawE. The spring H holds the end of the lever down clear of the cutter,

when it is not in operation.

The fixture is first brought clear of the cutter by moving the machine

table back; the jaws are then swung out from the machine, bringingthe jaw E against the pin 7, which compresses the spring on F and

thus separates the jaws, so that the piece to be slotted can be put in

between the six locating pins. The pressure being then removed from

the spring allows the latter to bind the piece securely in place. Thelever is then swung so that the jaw E comes up against the pin /, and

the lever itself rests on stop K. The table is then fed forward, bring-

ing the piece against the bottom of the cutter, which slots it to the

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desired depth. The piece is released by a reversal of these operations.

This fixture has proved satisfactory, as it is possible when the machineis ready for operation to turn out 300 pieces per hour. The principle

of this fixture could be- used for slotting screws.*

In Fig. 53 is shown another device for slotting screws. This is more

elaborate, and permits of a continuous operation, the operator placingthe screws to be slotted in the fixture simultaneously with the slotting

of the screws previously put in. At A and B are shown two rings of

machine steel, case-hardened, with holes drilled on their peripheries

suitable to grasp the work to be slotted. The number of holes will

vary according to the speed at which the fixture is run and the work



Fig. 52. Slotting Fixture for Hand Miller

being slotted. The rings are held and located on the holders C and Dby screws and dowel pins not shown in the cut. Holder D is driven

by means of a belt from the countershaft to grooved pulley E and

through spur gears F and G- and worm and worm-wheel H and J.

Holder D is made in one piece with the worm-wheel shaft. Holder Cis in turn driven by holder D by means of pins K, held in holder D.

Spring L takes care of any variation which may exist in the size of

the pieces being slotted.

To locate and drill the holes, which retain the work, in rings A and

B, they are screwed and doweled on the holders, and the fixture placedon a drill press in such a manner that an equal section of the hole

will be drilled in each ring. The rings are then case-hardened. Fordifferent pieces of work it is merely necessary to make different

rings to suit the conditions of the -piece. The bracket M is adjustableforward and backward to allow different thicknesses of rings to be

* S. A. McDonald, November, 1907.

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used. The hole in bracket M is bored at an angle of 2 degrees, andthe plate A is also faced off at the same angle, so that it will be

parallel to ring B at 2V'. By boring the hole at an angle, it will be

readily seen that at point O the space between the two rings is

the greatest, and at point N the least. In operating the fixture, it is

placed on the milling machine so that the slotting saw will pass

directly through the center of the screw head to be slotted, and directly

over the center of the rings. The fixture is then started, and the

operator only inserts the work in the holes. As will be seen, the piece

is gripped firmly while passing under the saw, and automatically

dropped when reaching the bottom.*

Fixture for Splitting Work in Two Parts

Sometimes a simple operation like splitting a piece of work in two

will be found to present difficulties equal to those encountered in

much more complicated operations. One such a case was met with in

machining the pieces shown in Fig. 54, which were to be split in two

along the line X-X. Owing to the peculiar shape of these pieces it

was impossible to clamp them, by simple means, in any position so as

to mill more than a single one at a time, and as a large quantity wereto be made it was desirable to arrange so as to cut a number at a

single operation. For this purpose the fixture shown in Fig. 55 wasconstructed and with this ten pieces could be cut at a single setting.

This fixture consisted of a casting A which was provided with a

tongue for aligning it upon a milling machine table, and a slot at

either end for receiving a clamping bolt. A series of holes, of the samesize as that in the work, was drilled in the upper part of the fixture,

and to insure their being parallel with the tongue, the drilling wasdone in place upon the milling machine, the vertical attachment

being used. These holes were fitted with the studs B, which wereof sufficient length to extend through the work C, as shown in the sec-

tion. On the bottom of each stud was placed a split washer and nut,

the latter being small enough to pass through the hole in the jig andwork. These studs were prevented from turning when the nut wastightened, by means of a set-screw D, the point of which fitted a slot in

the side of the stud. A similar slot was also cut in the side of the

nut so that it could pass the set-screw. A slot E, the width of the

splitting saw, was cut through the top of each stud, and the set-screw

D insured this slot being always in proper position for the saw to pass

through when splitting the work.

Before the pieces were placed in the jig, they were bored and faced

on the top, bottom and on the straight sides, so that the splitting

formed the last operation. Ten of the pieces were placed on the fix-

ture, the bolts B put through and the washers put in place. Before

tightening the nuts a straightedge was placed along the front side of

the pieces so as to set them all squarely, after which the nuts were

tightened and the saw passed through the group in the usual manner.**

* Fred R. Carstensen, September, 1907.** Charles P. Thiel, August, 1903.

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Slotting Fixture for Special Chuck

The piece shown in the upper right-hand corner of Fig. 56 is a latch

chuck, made of cold-rolled steel, and used on a special machine for

holding the ends of rods. The body and the center holes on both ends

are turned in the lathe and the other holes are drilled in a special jig.

The fixture shown in Fig. 56 was designed for holding the chuck

while milling the longitudinal slot to receive the latch, which was re-

quired to be exactly central with the axis of the piece. While not of

unusual design, it possesses some advantages that make it especially

useful when it is necessary to perform milling operations of this

nature. It is so made as to be free from any outside incumbrances,and the parts where wear is likely to become appreciable are hard-

Vlg. 56. Slotting Fixture for a Special Chuck

ened. The principle applied to the clamping mechanism is that of a

gradual wedging action, thereby holding the work securely, and at the

same time permitting the quick removal of one piece and the inser-

tion of another by simply turning the knurled knob to the right or left

as may be desired. As will be seen, the clamping mechanism is

entirely enclosed, thus avoiding dust and dirt, and lessening the liabil-

ity to accident from any external cause. While the illustration shows

only one way in which this device may be employed, a wider field of

application will without doubt suggest itself, as it is suitable for hold-

ing all kinds of milling jobs, especially where the work is polished and

would be marred by clamping in a vise in the ordinary manner.

The fixture is made of liberal proportions, to insure rigidity, and is

tongued and slotted for clamping bolts. Through the center of the

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body of the fixture is drilled a hole carrying the tightening clamp B,the larger diameter of which fits snugly in the hole while the neck is

turned down and threaded to fit the clamping knob <7. To preventthe piece from turning, when the knob is turned, a groove is cut theentire length of the larger diameter, and into this fits the point of theset-screw D. The upper face of B is milled flat on a taper of one inch

per foot and this part of the piece is made very hard. When clampingthe work, the shoulder of the knob brings up against the body of the

jig at E; on reversing, the two screws F, with their points seatedin a rounded groove in the knob, prevent it from being withdrawn.The semi-circular faced plug a stands vertically in the position

shown, one end resting on the inclined face of B and the other boredout to conform to the diameter of the work. A spline is cut on oneside to receive the point of the screw JET which, while permitting a free

movement up and down, checks any tendency of the piece to rotate.

This plug fits the hole so freely that when it is released it falls awayfrom the work by gravity. When the parts of the fixture are assembled,the chamber in which the slide B is located is filled with vaseline andthe plug I driven in, thereby completely enclosing the mechanism andpreventing the ingress of grit or the escape of the lubricant.

The milling of the slot in the work is performed with an ordinarymetal saw of the required width; setting it central is simplified andfacilitated by the set gage J, which is of tool steel, hardened and fast-

ened in place with screws and dowel pins. The depth to be cut is

measured by the graduated dial on the milling machine. In this case

it is 0.510 inch, and this is stamped upon the fixture for convenienceof future reference. To operate the fixture, the pin K is withdrawna sufficient amount to clear the hole L, and the nose of the ehuck to bemilled is inserted against the stop pin. The chuck is rotated by hand,at the same time pressing upon the head of the pin K, until the pin

slips into the fulcrum pin hole for the latch, K', that has been previ-

ously drilled in the work. A turn of the knob C then clamps it

tightly for the milling operation.*

Fixture for Plain Milling-

While plain milling operations seem very simple to the casual ob-

server, it is often a perplexing problem to so arrange and systematizethese operations, when several surfaces are to be finished on the samepiece of work, that the required accuracy is combined with a reason-

able degree of speed of carrying out the work. In Fig. 57 is shown a

fixture of very simple design for milling pieces in duplicate, whereseveral faces are surfaced. This fixture reduces the setting of the

machine and handling of the work to a minimum.Let A represent a piece to be surfaced on spots shown on the sides

and ends, these surfaces to bear definite relations to one another. It

is quite possible to put spotting pieces on the top or bottom, and finish

these first, fasten the work to the table and finish one side, and then,

by parallels and squaring plates, finish the other surfaces from the

C. H. Rowe, October, 1903.

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first. But this means a good many measurements, bolts, straps and

settings of the machine, the mass of which may be avoided by the

fixture shown. It consists of a casting B to which the work is fast-

ened in any convenient way after being located by the spots e e', s s

and s' s', which are finished to the dimensions of the finished work,and serve to show the necessary position of the work in order to

clean. The fixture has on its lower side a key slot k correspondingto the slot in the machine platen and spaced equally between the oppo-

site spots s s and s' s' on the side.

In setting up the machine, the fixture is located by the key, and the

cross-feed screw is used to bring the spots s s or s' s' to the line of cut

of a face mill on the spindle nose. As the slot k is located centrally

Fig. 57. Time-saving Fixture for Plain Milling

between the sides to be milled, the same setting of the machine an-

swers for both sides, it being necessary only to turn the fixture around.

The ends are placed in position in the same way, and without altering

the setting of the machine, for the slots m m' near the ends of the

fixture are the same distance from surfaces e e' as is slot fc from sur-

faces s s and s' s'. Therefore, the operator has simply to see that the

key enters the slot properly.

Ears may be provided for receiving the bolts which, when loosened,

may simply be moved to suit the new position of the fixture as it is

swung around. In practice one side may be milled first and then one

end, the other side, and the other end; one rotation completing the

piece. On many kinds of work the key and slots would not be accu-

rate enough, in which case a base plate upon which the fixture mightbe located by dowels could be brought into service. The principle,

however, would remain the same.

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Simple But Efficient Milling- Fixture


Figs. 58 and 59 show a piece of work, and the method employed for

finishing the bosses on same by milling. In Fig. 58, which shows the

work, the surfaces finished are indicated by the letter /. The fork endof the work is finished by the cutters A, B, and C, Fig. 59, while the

other end is finished by the cutters D, E, F, and A, in the same figure.

In Fig. 59 is also shown a plan view of the device which supports the

work when being milled, as well as a side view of the device. It will

be seen that the fixture for holding the work is very simple, consist-

ing simply of three V-block supports, one at Cr supporting the casting

near the fork end, and two at H supporting the hub at the other end.

There are two vertical standards K which are mortised for a keywhich clamps the work down on the V-blocks. The particular feature

Machinery.^. Y.

Fig. 58. The Work to be Milled in the Fixture In Fig. 59

of this device is that the V-blocks are located at such a distance fromthe center that, when the hub is milled and finished, and the upper

plate of the jig revolved one-half of a revolution, the center cutter A,

which has been previously employed for finishing one side of the hub,

will be in correct position to mill one side of the fork end, the spac-

ing collars between the cutters, of course, being made to take care

of the required distance. A stop pin is used for keeping the upper

revolving plate in the correct position in regard to the lower bed-plate.

A milling fixture of this description can be used advantageously ona great number of pieces which are ordinarily jigged two or three

times. One great advantage inherent in this class of fixture is that

the work is finished at one setting, thus insuring that all the machined

surfaces are in proper alignment. Another advantage is that the workis handled only once at the milling machine, while if milled in the

usual way, the hub end would be milled with a straddle mill, and then

the casting taken to the drill press, and after the drilling operation

returned to the milling machine for finishing the fork end, the work

being probably held in another milling jig and located by a pin or

stud through the hole in the hub.*

* Y. Ziegler, November, 1908.

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Adjustable Milling: Fixtures

Often, when a number of different sizes of some work, shaped and

finished in the same or similar ways, are to be milled, it is possible to

make milling fixtures, which with slight modifications and adjustments

may serve for all the various sizes of the work, saving the expense

of a great number of different fixtures. Such fixtures may be termed

adjustable milling fixtures. They can often be made in a very simple

manner.The casting shown in Fig. 60 strapped to the table of a milling ma-

chine is one of a large variety of housings of widely varying shapes

Machinery,!?. Y.

Fig. 59. Fixture for Milling Work shown in Tig. 58, at One Setting

and sizes, which are used in the construction of a certain automatic

machine. These housings resemble each other in that they are pro-

vided with a V-groove at the bottom, where they are clamped to the

bed of the machine, and also in the fact that they are made with vari-

ous pads and bosses, similar on both sides, which have to be milled

off to a uniform thickness of 1% inch. The cross-sectioning in the

plan view distinguishes the finished areas. The large number of pat-

terns used would have made the job of providing a separate fixture for

each style of casting a very costly proceeding. Therefore the follow-

ing sectional fixture was made, and has proved to work well on all

the different pieces on which it has been tried.

Fig. 61 shows the different parts of the fixture in detail: A is a

block with a set-screw and spur, similar to that used on a planer; Bis an abutment provided with a steel block to enter and hold down

the V-groove edge of the casting; C is a simple stop to take the thrust

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of the cut; D is a wedge used under springy places in the casting; andE is a spring-jack used where convenient for a similar purpose. In

Fig. 60 a typical casting is shown on the milling machine platen withthe various holding pieces arranged about it. The two blocks B are

placed at the outside edge of the table, and the work is supported onthese and the spur block A, thus giving a three-point bearing for afoundation. The spur holds it down on one side, and the steel blocks

in the V-groove hold it down on the other. Blocks C with their set-

screws are arranged as shown to take up the end thrust in each direc-

Intlttttrial Press, N.AFigr- 61. Details of Adjustable Fixture shown with Work in Fig. 6O

tion, and wedges D are slipped lightly into contact with outlying cor-

ners of the work where support is needed. Spring-jacks E are also

located where the work is most liable to spring under the influence

of the mill. These jacks are fastened permanently in place, the set-

screws loosened, then the work is pressed down into place and fast-

ened with the spur block A. The set-screw, which bears against the

teat of the spring plug, is then clamped, and the casting is thus sup-

ported without the possibility of the casting being sprung as it would

be if fastened down onto a solid bearing which might or might not be

of the right height. The set-screw may be placed in either side, as

convenient, as shown in detail of spring-jack in Fig. 61.

A 6-inch end-mill is used in the vertical milling attachment to makethe surfacing cut. This does its work more rapidly and with less

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pressure than a cylindrical cutter would. Care is taken to feed in

such a direction that the thrust of the cut will be toward the V-blocks

B or the stops C, although when once by mistake the cutter was run

toward the spur A, this seemingly insecure fastening device held the

work well. The housings are allowed a limit of 0.002 inch over or

under the standard thickness of 1% inch.*

Gang- Milling- Fixtures

In the manufacturing of small interchangeable castings for machine

parts, gang milling fixtures play a very important part. When the

parts are machined to extremely accurate dimensions, and are pro-

duced under the modern piece-work system, the object sought is to

handle as many castings at a time as possible, in fixtures so designed

as to insure the complete interchangeability of the product. To illus-

trate the value of gang milling fixtures for manufacturing accurately

machined duplicate parts, and also how a number of such parts may


Tig. 62. Casting- Milled in Fixture shown in Pigs. 63 to 66

be handled and machined expeditiously at the minimum of cost, a

gang milling fixture which is in use in an establishment requiring

over 100,000 of the castings machined in this fixture per year, has been

described in the following.

In Fig. 62 we have three views of the casting machined in the fix-

ture. The work performed is the milling of the two channels indicated

by D. Previous to this operation the casting is machined on the backB and also on the sides and ends A and E to limit gage measurements.

Subsequent to the operation, the four holes are drilled in the project-

ing lugs C, the insides of the channels being utilized as banking or

abutment surfaces for the locating of the castings in the drilling jig.

Figs. 63 and 64 are two views of the fixture complete, Fig. 63 being the

plan view, which shows the appearance of the fixture without the

work in it, and Fig. 64 a vertical cross-sectional view. Fig. 65 is a

longitudinal sectional view of the fixture, and also of the gang of ten

cutters used in conjunction with it. Y represents the cutters; X repre-

sents the washers or collars; and W represents the milling machine

spindle. Fig. 66 is an end view illustrating the fixture with the workin position and presented to the cutters for milling.

* Ralph E. Flanders, October, 1904.

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The fixture handles five castings at a time. The body casting has

projections or wings F, at two sides, and has two locating tongues at

U, for fastening and locating it on the tahle. The body casting has

five inclined channels milled in its face to accommodate the five hard-

ened tool steel work locators M. The five parts N are also of tool

steel, hardened and tempered, and fastened to the wall surfaces be-

tween the inclined channels by means of three flat-headed screws each.

These pieces serve as banking pieces or surfaces for the work to clamp

up against. Five eccentric levers L force the work locators up the

inclined ways, thus clamping the work in position against the plates

Fig. 65. Longitudinal Section of Fixture, Fig. 63, and Gang of Cutters

N. These levers are fastened in milled slots by means of the drill-rod

shaft /. The eccentric portions of the levers are indicated clearly at Hin Figs. 64 and 66. J is a stop bracket fastened to the back of the

fixture or body casting by means of several round head screws. The

portions at K are stops against which the ends of the castings to be

machined, abut. The construction for forcing the work holders back

in the inclined channels upon the releasing of the eccentric clampinglevers I/, thus allowing of the removal of the work, is shown in the

vertical sectional view, Fig. 64. It consists of a stiff spiral spring Q,

located in the drilled hole P, a pin O for engaging this spring, and the

headless set-screw R. One end of the spiral spring rests against the

screw R, and the other against the pin 0. The tension is kept suffi-

ciently stiff to cause the work-holders to release the work immedi-

ately upon the lever L being pulled upward; each of the five workholders is equipped with such an arrangement.

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When in use, the fixture is clamped to the table of a large universal

miller, and this is then adjusted until the work receivers or holders

are in the relative positions to the cutters illustrated in Figs. 65 and66. The castings are located in the holders; the eccentric levers are

pushed downward, as shown in Fig. 66; and the castings are thus

clamped in position. The feed is then thrown in and the table and

Fig. 66. End View of Fixture, Vig. 63, with Work in Position

fixture travel forward until the channels D are milled,

then fed backward and the machined work removed.*

The table is

Fixtures for Milling a Journal Cap and Base Plate

Simplicity in jig and fixture design is one of the most important

fundamental principles. It is not necessary that a fixture be elaborate

to be efficient. On the contrary, it is often the case that the simpler

fixture is by far the one to prefer, as it has less parts to repair, and,

when repairs are needed, they can be carried out with less trouble.

The following description of tools used in the milling machine for

finishing a journal cap and base casting, gives a few instructive exam-

ples of simplicity in fixture design coupled with efficiency.

Taking the cap first, we may hold it in the manner indicated in Fig.

67. If we are manufacturing a large number of these pieces it will

pay to make special fixtures for arranging them so that the extreme

length of the table feed or travel may be used. We may arrange to

take one or more rows of the castings side by side, depending on the

size of the miller. The cap will be seen to be resting on pins where

the bosses for the cap' bolts come, this making a convenient and reli-

* Joseph V. Woodworth, July, 1905.

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able foundation. The cap is held sideways by the set-screws on either

side and is held down on the pins by the clamp shown in the sectional

view. The cut explains itself, so that but few words are necessaryin connection therewith. In the holding of work on the milling ma-chine table or in supplementary fixtures it seems to have become theidea that it is necessary to bolt it down with all the force that it is

possible to use without stripping the thread on the bolts. So muchstrain is not necessary, serving as it does only to distort the table,

making it run hard and eventually producing a permanent set whichgives the working surface an untrue face. This straining of the binderbolts also wedges the T-slots out of shape, peening the metal abovethe T so as to project above the rest of the surface. An examination


Fig. 67. Simple Fixture for MillingCap for B earing

of the machine in operation will show that in 90 per cent of the workdone the force or pressure of the cut is symmetrical and has but little

effect on the work, all the holding required being merely that necessaryto keep it from sliding either along in front of the cutter or sideways.This is accomplished by bunters and toe clamps. Of course it is neces-

sary that the work be held down on the table, but very little power is

necessary in doing so. If the cap is made with the matched fit shownat A instead of with straight fit, the advantage of milling over planingsuch classes of work is very apparent, as gang cutters will then finish

the work at one setting, while the planer will require at least two set-

tings. But the real gain would be in obtaining interchangeablework which can be obtained on the planer only at the expense of

considerable time and trouble, but which is a matter of course on themiller.

In performing the corresponding operation on the base casting wehave the advantage of the broad base and the projecting surfaces for

clamping which make it an easy matter to set and hold the work. The

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No. 4 MILLING FIXTURESsame that has been said regarding the operations on the cap may be

applied to the base. Fig. 68 shows how this piece would be held. Theclamps hold down the piece, while the piece is blocked up against aliner to insure a setting parallel with the travel of the table. The rowis kept from shifting endwise by using the bunters mentioned above.


Fig. 68. Holding the Base ofBearing while Milling Seat for Cap

In machining the foot of the base piece we are confronted by a jobthat presents a kind of milling operation which has many little points

of interest. The problem of milling comparatively broad surfaces is

presented. It is an acknowledged fact that the milling of such surfaces

Machinery. A.

Fig. 69. Simple Holding Device used when Slab Milling the Lower Surface ofthe Base

must be accomplished by cutters that are so constructed that the chip

is broken up into short cuts, giving the operation the advantage of the

single pointed tool in the question of power required, and truth of

surface obtained. This is accomplished by notching the teeth of the

cutter so that they may be presented to the work, successively, both

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notches and teeth being cut spiral at right angles with each other.

A surface produced by such a cutter will bear the strictest examina-

tions as to truth.

Fig. 69 shows one method of machining the bottom surface. In this

method we use a plain milling cutter as shown, taking one or two

cuts as the case may require. If very little stock has to be removed

but one cut ought to be sufficient, as the resulting surface will be good

enough for the intended purpose. As will be seen the piece is held

down and prevented from moving sideways by the screws which are

tapped through the strips bolted to the table. This makes a conven-

ient method and one that will be found to answer the purpose verywell. Another method of performing the operation is by the use of

Fig. 7O. Alternative Method of Holding the Base when Milling the Lower Surface

an end mill as shown in Fig. 70. This means of removing the metal

is very efficient, as a very true surface can be obtained with a muchfaster feed and deeper cut than can be done by slab milling. Thepower necessary to revolve the cutter and force the feed is also verymuch less than that used for slab milling. While the surface may be

badly marked it will yet be almost absolutely true. When the work is

set up on the edge as shown, no trouble is encountered with the chips,

as is otherwise the case. We are fortunate in finding this piece to be a

very easy one to provide jigs for, as it permits itself to be set in almost

any position. The method used in Fig. 70 is a good one, and will be

found very convenient. The top clamp is removed when the work hasto be removed or placed in position. This clamp serves the double

purpose of holding the work and of setting it in line, the screw beingused to make any allowance for variations in the castings. When this

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method is chosen the machining of the bottom should be done before

the cap bearing is milled, as this gives a good solid setting for the

latter operation. A great many operations may be accomplished bythis latter method, which are now milled with plain cutters. Thaaction of the cutter in this operation closely resembles that of the

single pointed tool and has all the advantages that are claimed for

this tool, but very few of the disadvantages, it being a multiple cutter,

which means greater output.

The last four cuts shown leave considerable to the imagination, as

they show but an end view of the work. This is done because the

same method may be used to advantage in holding one or a dozen

pieces. Elaboration of the idea does not seem necessary, since the

principle is shown.*

* John Edgar, November, 1906.

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CONTENTS OF DATA SHEET BOOKSISTo. 1. Screw Threads. United States,

Whitworth, Sharp V- and British Associa-tion Standard Threads; Briggs PipeThread; Oil Well Casing Gages; Fire HoseConnections; Acme Thread; WormThreads; Metric Threads; Machine, Wood,and Lag- Screw Threads; Carriage BoltThreads, etc.No. 2. Screws, Bolts and Nuts. Fil-

lister-head, Square-head, Headless, Col-lar-head and Hexagon-head Screws; Stand-ard and Special Nuts; T-nuts, T-bolts andWashers; Thumb Screws and Nuts; A. L.A. M. Standard Screws and Nuts; MachineScrew Heads; Wood Screws; Tap Drills;Lock Nuts; Eye-bolts, etc.

No. 3. Taps and Dies. Hand, Machine,Tapper and Machine Screw Taps; TaperDie Taps; Sellers Hobs; Screw MachineTaps; Straight and Taper Boil3r Taps;Stay-bolt, Washout, and Patch-bolt Taps;Pipe Taps and Hobs; Solid Square, RoundAdjustable and Spring Screw ThreadingDies.

No. 4. Reamers, Sockets, Drills andMilling- Cutters. Hand Reamers; ShellReamers and Ari-urs; Pipe Reamers; TaperPins and Reai >rs; Brown & Sharpe,Morse and Jarno Taper Sockets and Ream-ers; Drills; Wire Gages; Milling Cutters;Setting Angles for Milling Teeth in EndMills and Angular Cutters, etc.

No. 5. Spur Gearing-. Diametral andCircular Pitch; Dim. sions of Spur Gears;Yables of Pitch Diameters; OdontographTables; J! Iling Mill Gearing; Strength of

Spur Gears; Horsepower Transmitted byCnst-iron and Rawhide Pinions; Design of

Spur Gears; W- !ght of Cast-iron Gears;Epicyclic Gearii.^.

No. 6. Bevel, Spiral and Worm Gear-ing-. Rules and Formulas for BevelGears; Strength of Bevel Gears; Designof Bevel Gears; Rules and Formulas forSpiral Gearing; Tables Facilitating Calcu-lations; Diagram for Cutters for SpiralGears; Rules and Formulas for WormGearing, etc.No. 7. Shafting, Keys and E^yways.

Horsepower of Shnfting; Diagrams andTables for the Strength of Shafting;Forcing, Driving, Shrinking and RunningFits; Woodruff Keys; United States NavyStandard Keys; Gib Keys; Milling Key-ways; Duplex Key?No. 8. Bearing's, Couplings, Clutches,

Crane Chain and Hooks. Pillow Blocks;Babbitted Bearings; Ball and Roller Bear-ings; Clamp Coupling*; Plate Couplings;Flange Couplings; Tooth Clutches; CrabCouplings; Cone Clutches; UniversalJoints; Crane Chain; Chain Friction;Crane Hooks; Drum Scores.

No. 9. Springs, Slida, and MachineDetails. Formulas and Tables for SpringCalculations; Machine Slides; MachineHandles and Levers; Collars; HandWheels; Pins and Cotters; Turn-buckles,etc.

No. 10. Motor Drive, Speeds and Feeds,Change Gearing, and Boring Bars. Powerrequired for Machine Tools; CuttingSpeeds and Feeds for Carbon and High-speed Steel; Screw Machine Speeds andFeeds; Heat Treatment of High-speed

Steel Tools; Taper Turning; Change Gear-ing for the Lath* ; Boding Bars and Tools,etc.

No. 11. Milling Machine Indexing,Clamping Devices an . Planer Jacks.Tables for Milling MacMne Indexing;Change Gears fcr Milliner pirals; Anglesfor setting Iiiue ing Heau when MillingClutches; Jig C mpijiy Devices; Strapsand Clamps; Planer Jacks.No. 12. Pipe and Pipe Pitting* Pipe

Threads and Ga^es; Cast-iron Fittings;Bronze Fittings; Pipe Flanges; PipeBends; Pipe Clamps and Hangers; Dimen-sions of Pipe for Various Services, etc.

No. 13. Boilers and Chimneys. FlueSpacing and Bracing for Boi'ers; Strengthof Boiler Joints; Riveting; Boiler Setting;Chimneys.

No. 14. Locomotive and Railway Data.Locomotive Boilers; Bearing Pressures

for Locomotive Journals; LocomotiveClassifications; Rail Sections; Frogs,Switches and Cross-overs; Tires; TractiveForce; Inertia of Drains; Brake Levers;Brake Rods, etc.No. 15. Steam and Gas Engines. Sat-

urated Steam; Steam Pipe Sizes; SteamEngine Design; Volume of Cylinders;Stuffiing Boxes; Setting Corliss EngineValve Gears; Condenser and Air PumpData; Horsepower of Gasoline Engines;Automobile Engine Crankshafts, etc.

No. 16. Mathematical Tables. Squaresof Mixed Numbers; Functions of Frac-tions; Circumference and Diameters ofCircles; Tables for Spacing off Circles;Solution of Triangles; Formulas for Solv-ing Regular Polygons; Geometrical Pro-gression, etc.

No. 17. Mechanics and Strength of Ma-terials. Work; Energy; CentrifugalForce; Center of Gravity; Motion; Fric-tion; Pendulum; Falling Bodies; Strengthof -Materials; Strength of Flat Plates;Ratio of Outside and Inside Radii ofThick Cylinders, etc.

No. 18. Beam Formulas and StructuralDesign. Beam Formulas; Sectional Mod-uli of Structural Shapes; Beam Charts;Net Areas of Structural Angles; RivetSpacing; Splices for Channels and I-

beams; Stresses in Roof Trusses, etc.

No. 19. Belt, Rore and Cliain Drives.Dimensions of Pulleys Weights of Pul-leys; Horsepower of Belling; Belt Velocity; Angular Belt Drives; Horsepowertransmitted by Ropes; Sheaves for KopeDrive; Bending Stresses in Wire Ropes;Sprockets for Link Chains; Formulas indTables for Various Classes of DrivingChain.No. 20. Wiring- Diagrams, Heating and

Ventilation, and Miscellaneous Tables.Typical Motor Wr ing Diagrams; Resist-ance of Round Crnper Wire; Rubber Cov-ered Cables; Cur.>nt Densities for Vari-ous Contacts and Materials; CentrifugalFan and Blower Caj .icities; Hot WaterMain Capacities; Miscellaneous Tables:Decimal Equivalents, Metric ConversionTables, Weights and Specific Gravity ofMetals, Weights of Fillets, Drafting-roomConventions, etc.

MACHINERY, the monthly mechanical journal, originator of the Reference andData Sheet Series, is published in four editions the Shop Editicn, $1.00 a year;

the Engineering Edition, $2.00 a year; the Railway Edition, $2.00 a year, ..nd the

Foreign Edition, $3.00 a year.

The Industrial Press, Publishers of MACHINERY,49-55 Lafayette Str eet, New York City, U. S. A.