millennial disruption index

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/19/2019 Millennial Disruption Index






    Identifies theindustries most likelyto be transformedby Millennials, thelargest generation inAmerican history.

    “I don’t see the

    difference between my bankand all the others.”

    71%would rather goto the dentistthan listen towhat banks aresaying.

    53%don’t thinktheir bank of-fers anythingdifferent thanother banks.

    Bankingis at thehighestrisk ofdisruption. 1 in 3 are open to switchingbanks in the next 90 days.

    They believeinnovation

    will comefrom outsidethe industry.

    Nearlyhalf are counting ontech start-ups tooverhaul the waybanks work.

    73%would be more excited about anew offering in financial servicesfrom GOOGLE, AMAZON, APPLE,PAYPAL, OR SQUARE than from theirown nationwide bank.

    Methodology:The data represented illumi-nates key findings from the

    Millennial Disruption Index(MDI), a three-year study of in-dustry disruption at the handsof teens to thirtysomethings.Millennials, a generation born1981–2000 and more than 84million strong in the U.S. alone,use technology, collaborationand entrepreneurship to create,transform and reconstruct en-tire industries. As consumers,their expectations are radicallydifferent than any generationbefore them. For the MDI, Scratch surveyedover 10,000 Millennials about73 companies spanning 15 in-dustries. The results paint a

    clear picture of which brandsare loved, which are meetingconsumer needs, and which arepoised on the brink of disrup-tion. The Index also sheds lighton the topline features of com-panies that Millennials rely onand identify with. A business category with a lowMDI score is less vulnerable todisruption. For categories witha high MDI, Scratch forecastsdisruption is imminent. Scratch is a creative and strate-gic SWAT team that channels thepower of Viacom’s portfolio innew ways. For more information

    and the complete study, contactus at [email protected].




    3 years

    •15 categories•

    200+ interviews•

    10,000+ respondents

    All 4of the leading Banks are among theten least loved brands by Millennials.

    The change willbe seismic.

    68%in 5 years, theway we accessour money willbe totally dif-ferent.

    70%in 5 years,the way wepay for thingswill be totallydifferent.

    33%believe theywon’t need abank at all.



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