migs training program june 2013 policy options for genocide & mass atrocity prevention

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention










  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    Learning Goals

    1. A fast review of genocides long historyand four key motives for genocide

    2. Proposing how to create a Culture ofPrevention and Using Quiet Diplomacy

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    Intent: The Crucial Component of

    Genocide The perpetrators calculated intent to destroy the

    group as a group (as such and in whole or inpart) is the crucial component of the crime of

    genocide The four groups protected by the UN Genocide

    Convention are:* Races * Ethnicities

    * Religions * Nationalities

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    I. Genocide in History The temptation of genocide perpetrators to

    pursue the total annihilation of an entire group ofhuman beings has existed throughout recordedhistory. Early examples?

    The genocide perpetrators define the boundariesaround the members of the group and theydecide who is a member of the targeted group

    The group need not be real according to ourown definitions of what is logical and rational.

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    Where do genocides come from?

    Genocides dont spring up from theearth like mushrooms after a rain

    Genocides are cultivated andnurtured

    Genocide have specific motives What are the conditions which lead to


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    The Four Major Motives of

    Perpetrators of Genocide1. Economic Gain

    i. The GermanArmysannihilation ofthe Herero andthe Namapeoples of

    German SouthWest Africa,1903-1907

    2. Elimination of a Realor Perceived Threat

    i. The genocide ofthe Tutsi ofRwanda in 1994

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    The Four Basic Motives of

    Perpetrators of Genocide3. Desire to create terror

    to aid the perpetratorin building an empire,

    sphere of influence,and hegemonyi. Shaka Zulu

    expanding hiskingdom in the

    early 19th centuryand destroyingthe Ndwandwepeople

    4. Fulfillment of thePerpetratorsIdeology, Theory, or

    Belief Systemi. The Nazis murderof the Jewishpeople of Europe,1941-1945

    ii. Stalinsdestruction of theTartars and theIngush in 1944-45

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    Crimes Against Humanity which

    often precede genocides Political Killings Torture Mutilation Rape Abduction Forced population


    Expropriation Denial of water/meds. Redirection of aid


    Destruction ofproperty

    Looting Denial of freedom of


    Destruction ofsubsistence foodsupply

    Man-made famine

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    Modern Cases to Keep in Mind

    Rwanda Cote dIvoire Liberia Sierra Leone Uganda Libya Democratic Republic

    of Congo Sudan

    Burundi Central African


    Kenya Bosnia Kosovo East Pakistan (Bang.) Sri Lanka East Timor Guatemala

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    Risk Factors for Genocide

    Identification ofvictims based onidentity criteria such

    as race, color,descent, religion,ethnic or nationalorigin, gender, sexualorientation, political

    opinion or group; Public hate speech Incitement to violence

    Humiliation of a grouppublically or in themedia

    Exclusionaryideologies that justifydiscrimination

    A past history ofviolence againstperceived groups

    A climate of impunity

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    Alternative View: Genocide is

    Caused by Men Who Lack FemaleSupervision

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    What is the difference between

    Knowledge and Wisdom? Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.

    Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

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    Proven Approaches of Quiet Diplomacy

    Aim of quiet diplomacy:

    To create conditions in which parties feel comfortable to act,in particular allowing parties calmly to evaluate positions and interests,

    to weigh options and consider independent and impartial advice

    Characteristics/functions of quiet diplomacy:

    - Pre-standing, pro-active and long-term; preventive rather than curative- Engagement (neither interference nor intervention); access balanced by


    - Creating political space through dialogue, saving face- Problem-solving approach, based on international and other established or relevant


    - Institutionalised prevention; professional support enabling timeliness- Honest broker; disinterested, impartial, unquestionable integrity

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    Enlarging Political

    Space as a Means ofConflict PreventionCivil Society


    Civil Societygroups

    Civil Societygroups

    Civil Societygroups

    Political Space*


    Civil Societygroups

    *Political space

    Regional cooperative institutions canfacilitate political space wheregrievances can be heard and

    addressed, and disputes resolved,applying a problem-solving approach.

    Enhances representative,participatory governance by

    promoting, inter alia:ad hoc or permanent consultativebodies & processesopen parliaments

    ombudsperson institutions

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    Operational Conflict Prevention:Costs Comparison (USD)

    Annual Global Military Expenditures


    SFOR, Relief &Reconstruction in


    $7,500,000,000(per annum)

    NATO Bombing &Reconstruction in


    $670,000,000(perDAY of bombing)


    $259,000,000(per annum)


    $3,000,000(per annum)


    Global Military Expenditures2002 figure (un.org/depts/dpko)

    SFOR, Relief & Reconstruction

    Based on total 1992-98 (wilsoncenter.org)

    NATO Bombing & Reconstruction

    Total costs of war, aid, PKO & reconstructionper day of bombing

    (BBC/Janes Oct. 1999)


    Biennial budgets for 2004/5 combined anddivided by 2

    (un.org & ictr.org)


    Based on 2004 budget of Euro 2.5 million(osce.org)

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    2008 NATO military expenditure inpersonnel and equipment:$486.878 b

    2009 ODA from DAC countries:$119.573 b

    UNDPKO 2010-2011 budget: $8.4 b NATO bombing & reconstruction inKosovo: $670 m (per day of bombing)

    2008 GlobalMilitary


    $1.464 trillion

    ICTY biennium 2010-2011: $301.895m

    ICTR biennium 2010-2011: $227.246m

    EuropeAid to AU 2009:$125.5 m

    HCNM 2010 Budget: $4.08 m

    Global Military Expenditure Comparison(Costs in USD)

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    U.S. Disaster (Non-) Preparation

    Netherlands 1953 storm surge: 2,000dead

    The Delta Plan Billions of guilders invested in a network ofdams and barriers, including seawalls

    US Hurricane Sandy, Hurricane Irene US underinvestment in public


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    Disaster Public Infrastructure

    $2.2 trillion needed in US (AmericanSociety of Civil Engineers)

    Power grid a disasteravg. annual poweroutages in US last 4X longer than inFrance and 7X longer than in Netherlands

    Every dollar invested in infrastructure bygovernment save US taxpayer $3.65 incosts

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    Building Capacity at the National


    The Will to Intervene Project of theMontreal Institute for Genocide and Human

    Rights Studies (W2I)

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    W2Is Key Message:

    Incorporate the prevention ofmass atrocities into Canadasdefinition of its National

    InterestIts about security andnational interest, first, and doing

    the right thing, second.

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    Drivers of Deadly Violence

    Today Climate Change Nationalism Poverty and Inequality Population Growth and the Youth Bulge Epidemic Disease and Pandemics Local Disputes over Land, Water, Minerals

    and Other Resources

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    The Public Policy Implicationsof Genocide: The Costs of InactionThreaten Our Security Today

    The genocide and ethnic cleansing inRwanda and the Balkans underlined theimportance of Canadas will to supportinternational intervention, emphasizing

    peaceful means, and its need to improveits readiness to make its interventioneffective

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    The Public Policy Implicationsof Genocide: The Costs of

    Inaction Threaten Our SecurityToday

    Mass atrocities engender thespread of warlordism, withattendant threats to secure accessto vital raw materials and traderoutes, and trigger enormous flowsof refugees and internaldisplacements that accelerate theincidence and spread of infectiousdiseases, as well as xenophobia

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    The Public Policy Implicationsof Genocide: The Costs of

    Inaction Threaten Our SecurityToday

    Mass atrocities cost UN memberstates enormous sums of moneyThe $ cost of failing to prevent:

    Rwanda aid - $4.5 billion (1994-96)ICTR - $1 billion (1996-2007)Bosnia - $15 billion (1996-2007)

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    The Public Policy Implicationsof Genocide: The Costs of

    Inaction Threaten Our SecurityToday

    Canada, its diplomats, its developmentexperts and its armed forces, have a long andproud tradition of foreign aid and participationin international efforts to restore peace and

    end conflict that must be sustained andupdated in the face of new andunprecedented risks of mass atrocities

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    The Public Policy Implicationsof Genocide: The Costs of

    Inaction Threaten Our SecurityToday

    Mobilizing the domestic Will toIntervene is an essential prelude tomounting the international cooperationnecessary for preventing massatrocities in our interdependent world

    Every city and province of Canadahas a stake in Mobilizing the Will toIntervene to prevent mass atrocities

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    W2Is Civic Dialogue Approach In each major city, a lead NGO brings together

    about 40 local leaders from city and provincialgovernments, business, religious communities,universities and the media

    The W2I team summarizes itsrecommendations and answers questions

    The civic leaders register their concerns andannounce what they are prepared to do toadvance the adoption of W2Isrecommendations by the Government ofCanada

    Mayors, Premiers, and city and provincialcouncils adopt resolutions or issueproclamations supporting the recommendations

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    Gen. Dallaire receives the Vancouver W2I proclamation fromMayor Gregor Robertson and Council Member Geoff Meigs, assisted byElaine Hynes of The Simons Foundation and Barbara Buchanan of the

    British Columbia Bar

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    W2Is Policy Recommendations

    Four Priority Areas for Government:

    Enabling Leadership Enhancing Coordination Building Capacity Ensuring KnowledgeOur Recommendations:

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    Enabling Leadership

    The President of the US and the PM of Canadaissue Executive Orders establishing theprevention of mass atrocities as a policy priority

    The Parliament of Canada make the All-PartyParliamentary Committee for the Prevention ofGenocide a standing committee

    The US Congress create a Caucus for thePrevention of Mass Atrocities

    The Governments of Canada and the UnitedStates foster public discussions on preventingmass atrocities

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    Enhancing Coordination

    The President of the US and the PM of Canadacreate Atrocities Prevention Committees tocoordinate interagency policy on the prevention

    of mass atrocities The US National Security Advisor create anInteragency Policy Committee on PreventingMass Atrocities to coordinate policy across theexecutive branch and liase with the Atrocities

    Prevention Committee. Canadathe same The National Security Advisor create operating

    procedures for disseminating intelligence on therisks of genocide and other mass atrocities

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    Building Capacity

    The Government of Canada and the Governmentof the US establish deployable Prevention Corpsof experienced public servants

    The Government of Canada and the US increasetheir diplomatic and development presence infragile countries

    The Government of Canada and the US continueenhancing the Canadian and American Forcesspecialized capabilities by increasing their forcestrength and developing operational concepts,doctrine, force structure, and training to supportcivilian protection

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    Ensuring Knowledge - 1

    Canadian and American civil societyorganizations develop permanent domesticconstituencies by forming national coalitionsforR2Pin Canadaand the U.S.

    Canadian and American civil societyorganizations expand their advocacy bytargeting local/municipal and state/provinciallevels of government to support R2P

    Canadian and American civil society groupsdevelop strategic, outcome-based proposalsgeared towards key decision makers in thegovernment

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    Ensuring Knowledge - 2

    Canadian and American civil society groupsleverage new information andcommunications technologies to educate thepublic and government

    Canadian and American civil society groupsinitiate public discussions on the preventionof mass atrocities and related foreign policyissues

    Individual journalists, media owners, andmanagers in Canada and the United Statescommit themselves to the responsibility toreport

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    Stage One of W2I Completed

    See: http://migs.concordia.ca

    Policymakers version of the W2I

    Report MIGS 2009

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    Reaching decision makers

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    Launch of W2I at USIP,

    Washington, DC

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    Textbook version, McGill-Queens University Press, 2010

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    Converging movements: a) climate change,b) public health, c) human rights, and d) security fromterrorism

    Progress made within the New US Government: The

    White HousePublic Support for W2I in Canada: The Angus Reid pollresults and the rebuilding of Canadian foreign aid and theCanadian military

    New Arguments and Policies advanced by W2I

    New Technologies: Facebook, Google, Cell phonecameras and video, and SMS messaging all advancecitizen lobbying

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    Will to Intervene

    Information and Blogs about W2I are postedon:


    Twitter MIGS website (migs.concordia.ca)USIP website Enough Project website

    CPAC Youtube

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    W2I will organize partnerships and signagreements with research institutes in:

    The Republic of South Africa Britain

    Secure targeted fundingShare authority with research teams in South Africaand Britain to write and launch national reports on

    Mobilizing the Will to Intervene

    Help research centres in both countries to organizecivic dialogues supporting their recommendations to

    their governments

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    Why we must ensure Mass AtrocityPrevention becomes part of the public policy

    lexicon.We remember:



    LIBYAand more . . . .

    We need to do the right thing, but it is especially

    about our security today

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    Contact Information

    Kyle Matthews,W2I Senior Deputy DirectorE-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://migs.concordia.ca

    Frank Chalk, Project DirectorE-mail: [email protected]

    Web: http://migs.concordia.ca

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    Any final questions?

    (if there is time)

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    Non-United Nations Options

    Inter-governmental organizationsOrganization for Security and Cooperation in


    Regional organizationsAfrican UnionAssociation of South-East Asian NationsOrganization of American States

    Sub-regional organizationsInternational Conference of the Great LakesRegion

    ECOWAS (and the SADC, IGAD, etc.)

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  • 7/28/2019 Migs Training Program June 2013 Policy Options for Genocide & Mass Atrocity Prevention


    What is the difference between

    research and plagiarism? To steal ideas from one person is

    plagiarism. To steal from many isresearch.

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    Addressing rootand proximatecauses



    violence andarmed conflict



    Addressing new

    root andproximatecauses

    Oprl prevention




    Addressing rootcauses



    of Diplomacy






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