microsoft dynamics ax with episerver commerce

avensia storefront Technology for Microsoft Dynamics AX Microsoft Dynamics AX with Episerver Commerce Turn-Key Storefront Solution C R M P I M W M S E - C o m m e r c e S t o r e s M o b i l e B r a n d S i t e S o cia l M a r k e tin g P e r s o n a li z a t i o n P e rs o n a liz a tio n P O S S o c ia l M a r k e ti n g A n a l y t i c s Liv e C h a t Cam paigns Search Reco m m endatio ns P i c k U p A n d r o id i O S O M S W i n d o w s P e r s o n a l i z a t i o n C o n c e p t S t o r e s T em p orary Stores S u p p l y C h a i n F i n a n c i a l s Kiosk Salesman Campaigns C o nte n t N e w s l e t t e r Recom mendations Automation SEO Auto m ation Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail

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Post on 10-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Microsoft Dynamics AX with Episerver Commerce

avensia storefrontTechnology for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics AX with Episerver Commerce

Turn-Key Storefront Solution









d Site

Social MarketingPersonalization






Live Chat




Pick Up









n Concept Stores

Temporary Stores

Supply Chain

















Microsoft Dynamics

AX for Retail

Page 2: Microsoft Dynamics AX with Episerver Commerce

Avensia Storefront combinesEpiserver’s e-commerce platform with Microsoft Dynamics’ end-to-end omni-channel retail system. It is the final piece of the puzzle to remove the gap between in-store and online experience. Avensia Storefront is a solution supporting B2C and B2B retailers.

Avensia Storefront adds high end logic from Microsoft Dynamics AX to the digital experience platform Episerver. With this solution assortment, customers, orders and data such as stock status and campaigns are available in real time across all channels and managed from one single system.

avensia storefront

Microsoft Dynamics goes beyond traditional ERP systems by bringing the applications that run your finances, sales, and operations together with the familiar Office apps you already know. Combined with the power of the cloud, a business solution from Microsoft frees you to work anywhere, anytime, across your devices.

Episerver connects digital commerce and digital marketing to help organizations create unique digital experiences for their customers, with measurable business results. Episerver empowers digital leaders to embrace disruptive, transformational strategies to deliver standout experiences for their customers.

Page 3: Microsoft Dynamics AX with Episerver Commerce

Retail Logic in an Enterprise Web Platform

avensia storefront

avensia storefront

Web CMS/ E-Commerce Platform

Integration Starter SiteERP

Avensia Storefront uses the business logic provided and distributed by Dynamics AX. This makes all retail features in Dynamics AX available in the online channel.Avensia Storefront Connector imports all product catalog information from Dynamics AX into Episerver after validating and transforming it into full featured e-commerce information. The connector configures and builds the complex search index used by the Episerver search engine.

This ensures that information is searchable and instantly available for the e-commerce solution. Avensia Storefront Connector imports all product information needed for a modern e-commerce solution. The product information used includes translations, relations, variants, retail kits and all assignments made to groups and agreements. Information defined in Dynamics AX is available for both B2C and B2B solutions.

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Product / Category Customer Support Campaign Management

In Store PersonnelPurchase Department Order Management

Marketing Department Digital Experience Manager

Avensia Storefront Integration Benefits

Save up to 40% of total project cost Start up your project with revenue earning site

Same business rules and information in all channels

Personalization features available across all channels

On site drag and drop administration for web and mobile

Extensive add-on components available Fail safe integration with recovery and logging

Extendable integration framework

Benchmarked integration for performance monitoring

Uses standard integration interfaces of Dynamics AX and Episerver

The Organization

Page 5: Microsoft Dynamics AX with Episerver Commerce

The Avensia Storefront starter site is a fully functioning web shop that utilises all retail features available in Dynamics AX. All features are instantly available for the web editor.

The starter site uses all e-commerce features used in a modern web shop by utilising the Commerce Runtime Library distributed by Dynamics AX. It also uses the user controls distributed by Dynamics AX for the complex checkout flow. Avensia Storefront doesn’t require any customization of the business logic. All business logic is provided by Dynamics AX.

The Starter Site

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Product and variant information• Supports dynamic product attributes• Translations• Field additions• Product relations• Retail kits• Assortments• Catalogues• Navigation hierarchies• Assets and attached resources• Extendable product modelPrice• All price models supported• Base price• Recommended price• All trade agreements• Price groups• Customer groups• Discounts and price adjustmentsSales order• Supports dynamic sales order attributes• Created using Dynamics AX business logic• Synchronization and integration by Dynamics AX• Omni channel order informationReal time services• Create customer• Create RMA• Get order history• Get stock status• Extendable to use customized servicesDiscount• Supports all discount types available in Dynamics AX• Price adjustments• Discounts• Mix and match discounts• Threshold discounts• Quantity discounts• Discount codes• Best price

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Loyalty & Gift Card• Loyalty card as payment• Loyalty schemas• Sell gift cards• Use gift card as paymentCustomers • Address book defined for channel• Create customer• User accounts and customer relations• My pages features• Order history• Login and logoutLanguages• All languages supported• Translations as content• Configure and translate in Dynamics AXChannel configuration• Languages for retail online channel• Currencies for retail online channel• Default web customer• Payment methods• Delivery methods• Scheduled distribution• Synchronization and integrationPayment• Dynamics Payment Connector• Channel specific payment methods• Authorization and settlement• Additional PSP support availableSearch• Auto-complete with recommendations• Product information rendered search• Merchandizing and recommendations• Dynamically add searchable attributesEpiserver• The start site supports all standard features of Episerver• Foundation for other 3rd party add-ons.• Enhanced information prepared for drag-and-drop use

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Episerver add-on store

To book a demo & for other inquiries

avensia storefrontTechnology for Microsoft Dynamics AX

Developed and licensed by Avensia. The leading Nordic e-commerce expert company. We deliver complete omnichannel solutions for companies with high aspirations and demands on their businesses. With experience gained from hundreds of enterprise scale e-commerce projects, we help our clients not only with implementation of systems, but also with business development and advice.

[email protected]