micromine consulting services brochure


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Intuitive Mining Solutions

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About MicroMine consulting services Micromine Consulting Services (MCS) provides geological and mining consulting services to mineral resource companies worldwide.

Our consultants are experienced geologists, mining engineers, metallurgists, surveyors, database managers and GIS specialists, all with proven competency in metals, energy and construction.

Proven exPerience And cAPAbilityMCS clients include many of the industry’s largest mining companies as well as State Provincial Governments; Mining Ministries; financial institutions both corporate and banking; and legal and accountancy firms.

Our clients benefit from independent consultancy services whether at their site or from a local MCS office. MCS uses Micromine, a leading geological exploration and mine modelling software solution, as well as other third-party software applications recognised by the resource sector, to complete projects quickly and cost effectively.

Mcs servicesMCS offers a range of services across three divisions, mining, exploration and GIS covering the metals, energy and construction materials sectors. Our services span the entire mining value chain from grass roots exploration; resource estimation; scoping to full bankable feasibility studies; and mine production and control.

Services include:


MCS manages exploration data capture, surface and sub-surface data collection and modelling, work programme design and implementation, and development of working practices for metals, coal and construction material prospects.

Experienced local consultants are available to provide expert geological assessment analysis and multi-disciplinary data interpretation.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control - QA/QC

MCS undertakes QA/QC audits and designs and implements best practice quality control processes and protocols. Our consultants provide assessment of data handling, sample preparation and analysis methodologies for assay, specific gravity and moisture determination, ensuring the quality of data meets the client’s needs and the reporting standards.

Resource Estimation

MCS has a team of senior geoscientists and competent persons, experienced in a wide range of commodities, who undertake geostatistical analysis; solid body modelling and classified resource block model estimations, using industry standard methods such as IDW, OK and MIK.


Our mining consultants undertake all levels of mining studies including scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies; pit optimisations, reserve estimations and mine design.

In addition we provide 3D underground mine design, and mine scheduling services along with production planning and grade control. Economic modelling and reserve reporting are also available.

Reserve Estimation

The resources can be converted to JORC compliant reserves by considering the modifying factors. The cash flows can be discounted to provide the net present value (NPV) for the project.


MCS generates competent person reports compliant with international and local reporting standards

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Data Management: Exploration and Mining

MCS has the expertise and in-house software capabilities to manage its clients’ exploration and mining data, involving the creation of new databases to accommodate client specific data management requirements, database back up, validation, import/export of data and general database administration.

We will configure database reports and views to suit our client’s needs and specific data types, and provide regular status reports for project management and budgeting.


MCS uses the latest GIS geological software packages in conjunction with the Micromine software solution, to provide multi-layer spatial solutions that enhance the understanding of mining and geological scenarios.

MCS has in-house capabilities to develop and maintain project specific multi-layer spatial databases, and to generate and digitise GIS maps, integrate data and provide analyses.

3D presentations and animation movies

MCS combines the 3D power of the Micromine software, Google Earth and other GIS and video editing software packages, to provide a 3D animation service to display exploration projects, mines, ore bodies and mine sites.

These 3D movies can also be included in presentations for investors, corporate videos or websites. MCS provides voice-over in various languages, or sound tracks to accompany the movie.

otHer services• Valuations

• Prospectus

• Projectaudits

• Technicalreviewsanddevelopment of modelling technologies

• Reconciliationofreportsagainst previous studies

• Duediligenceandcompetent person reports

• ReportsusedinInitialPublic Offerings (IPOs)

JORC NI43-101SAMREC SEHKChina MLRMongolian Standard GKZPERC

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Mcs is a division of MicroMine an award-winning global technology solutions provider

With over 12,000 clients in more than 90 countries, MICROMINE is a leading provider of intuitive software solutions to the mining and exploration industry. From capturing, managing, visualising and understanding data to controlling and reporting on mine production, MICROMINE has a solution for every stage of the mining process.

MICROMINE understands the software and consultancy needs of exploration and mining operations around the world. Located in 20 of the world’s major mineral producing capitals, our team is close to your operation. This means MICROMINE can provide you with local support and services in your language and time zone.

MICROMINE’s intuitive solutions are delivered by a team of specialists who understand the software and how it will integrate into your operation for maximum results.

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HoW Mcs cAn HelP youMCS consultants have local knowledge and local expertise to deliver competent person reports to globally recognised standards. With established local alliances and a comprehensive range of language competencies, including English, Ukrainian, Mongolian, Chinese and Russian, our consultants produce multi-lingual reports, understand, and interpret local data.

MCS competent person reports comply with the following reporting standards:




• SEHK(Chapter18,HongKong)

• ChinaMLR


• Russian,UkraineandCentralAsianGKZ (State Commission on Mineral Reserves) Standard

• PERC(Pan-EuropeanReservesandResources Reporting Committee) Codes

rePorting FlexibilityMCS will assist exploration and mining companies to quantify their mineral resources and reserves in line with their business objectives, examples include:

• Buyingorsellingmineralresources

• Projectapprovals

• Raisingcapital

• Shareholderrequirements

• Re-evaluationofexistingresourcesusing modern reporting standards

• Duediligence

•Mineandoperationalplanning and control

• Updatingand/oraddingvalueto a project with new sample data

MCS consultants provide standards compliant resource and reserve estimation and mining studies. If required, we are able to produce these reports in tandem for submission to Government bodies, as well as for international financial institutions. For example, in China, MCS will undertake JORC standard reports required for joint venture investors, inparallelwithMLRstandardreports for the Chinese Government.

This level of reporting flexibility delivers a cost-effective benefit to our clients.

locAl relAtionsHiPsMany countries possess complicated fiduciary and compliance requirements that can make reporting complex. Over several years, MCS has developed well-established relationships with the regulatory bodies within these countries. Our relationships, coupled with our sound working knowledge of the regulatory process, combines to provide our clients with a unique service. MCS clients benefit from timely, compliant and accurate reporting.

governMent AccreditAtionsThe Micromine exploration and mine design solution is accredited by The ChinaMinistryofLandsandResourcesfor the announcement of resources and reserves in China.

MCS consultants use Micromine to produce the mandatory drawings required to accompany reports submitted to governing bodies in regions such as China, Mongolia and Russia.

MICROMINE has received certification from the Mongolian Government as a Company authorised to conduct feasibility standard studies in Mongolia.

As a division of MICROMINE, MCS has access to an excellent team of software designers and developers able to modify the software, quickly and easily, to meet specific client or project requirements. This represents a unique benefit for MCS clients.

MCS clients benefit from timely, compliant and accurate reporting

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www.micromine.comMICROMINE Corporate 174HampdenRoadNedlandsWA6009AustraliaT:+61(0)894239000E: [email protected]

MICRoMInE Africa Tel:+27115140860 [email protected] Brazil Tel:+553133475904 [email protected] Canada Tel:+1(604)6468924 [email protected] Chile Tel:+56(2)6571642 [email protected] China Tel:+861059070556 [email protected] Indonesia Tel:+622175905333 [email protected] Kazakhstan Tel:+77272550573 [email protected] Mongolia Tel:+97670113889 [email protected] Russia Tel:+7(495)6654655 [email protected] Turkey Tel:+903122415571 [email protected] Ukraine Tel:+380443323858 [email protected] United Kingdom Tel:+44(0)2031760080 [email protected] USA Tel:+1(303)9966270 [email protected]


otHer MicroMine solutionsMicroMineMicromine is a world leading geological exploration and mine design solution. Developed for all stages of the mineral extraction process, Micromine takes you from target generation through to exploration, geological modelling, resource modelling, pit optimisation, mine design, reserve estimation, production scheduling, and grade control and beyond.

Field MArsHAlField Marshal captures and manipulates exploration and mining geological field data. Compatible with most portable or hand-held devices, it ensures field data is valid and reliable, enabling informed decisions. Enter data directly into Field Marshal, saving time, reducing errors and increasing productivity. Inexpensive and easy to use, Field Marshal is a recognised industry standard field data collection solution.

geobAnKGeobank is a flexible, reliable and secure Data Management Solution that captures, validates, stores and manages data from diverse sources.

Geobank seamlessly integrates with Micromine to enable mining and exploration companies to maintain the quality, integrity and usability of their essential data.

PitrAM Mine Production And control MAnAgeMentPitram complements Micromine’s exploration and mining solutions, a real-time mine production control system that records and manages mine site operations.

Pitram’s powerful planning functionality provides users with a snapshot of their mine. With access to maintenance plans, crew schedules and mining plans, users have tools needed within a single environment to make informed decisions.

From risk management and asset tracking to grade optimisation and stockpile management, Pitram’s real-time viewing environment helps you visualise your operations so that you have a complete production overview. Pitram’s reporting, analysis and integration platform is also vital to ensuring that the data obtained from disparate sources is presented in an organised and integrated fashion.

Flowing from intuitive and flexible planning functionality, through to short interval control and open pit and underground optimisation, Pitram drives a continual improvement process.

doMeDome is a web-based operational intelligence solution designed for the mining industry. The software application is capable of collecting data from existing systems and presenting decision makers with specific, timely and relevant information.

Bysourcingdatarelatedtoamine’sactivities, Dome provides information that supports general data analysis and process improvement methodologies. Mine staff can make informed decisions related to the operation; reducing costs, improving resource utilisation and increasing production.

HoW to contAct MicroMine consulting servicesFor more information on how Micromine Consulting Services can assist your business please visit our website at www.micromine.com or contact us at [email protected]

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Micromine Consulting Services (MCS) provides geological and mining consulting services to mineral resources companies who seek to pursue operational excellence.


Whether developing, buying or selling mineral resources, seeking project approvals, raising capital or re-evaluating existing resources, MCS will assist you. Our services cover exploration, mining and GIS expertise including independent technical assessment of mineral projects in metals, energy, industrial and construction materials for both open cut and underground mining projects.

Our MCS consultants are experienced geologists, mining engineers, metallurgists, surveyors, database managers and GIS specialists with a capacity to deliver strategic consulting services across all stages of the mining cycle.

Our early stage exploration and assessment services deliver end-to-end expert advice, data compilation, interpretation and geological modelling to drive operational impact for clients; all supported by MICROMINE’s award-winning portfolio of in-house technology and software solutions.

MCS has experience across all major deposit types and commodities. Our global experience and expertise spans all scales and stages of the exploration process ranging from desk studies to drill programmes, grass-roots exploration to production, and green field sites to tailings regeneration.

Breathing new life into old geology. Interpreted geological cross sections

GIS data analysis of target areas, geophysical structure in relation to topographical features and project licence areas

TECHNICAL EXPERTISEMCS’ exploration and assessment services include the following:

Desk Study Data Review and Interpretation / Target Generation

Our expert GIS analysis is an essential component of our exploration and data management services. Early stage exploration requires the amalgamation and interrogation of many different data sources including:

• Historicalorhardcopygeologicalmaps.

• Archivesurveyandsampledata.

• Uptodatelicenceboundaries.

• Moderngeophysicalorsatelliteimagery.

UsingrobustGIStechniquesthisinformationisdisplayedandanalysed to show targets, provide exploration focus and reduce initial field costs.


Asinformationiscollectedfromfieldprogrammes,samplepointsand assay results can be imported into the GIS model to display workings and define regional and local geological trends. This information can then be analysed and used to refine targets and identify new exploration areas. Core activities will include:

• Geologicalmappingandgroundtruthing.

• CompetentPersonspropertyreview.

• Surfacesampleprogrammedesign.

• Datacapture.

• Interpretationandmodelling.

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Grassroots & Exploration Drilling

To add confidence and financial value to an early stage project, explorationdrillingisrequired.DataderivedfromtheGIStarget exploration model is used to design a drill programme which will optimise return on investment and maximise the resource prospectivity of the project. Our support services will incorporate:

• Targetedregionalandprospectscaledrillprogramdesignand planning.

• Drillprogrammemanagement,loggingandsampling.

• Strategicrecommendationsondrillingandsamplingmethods,analyticaltechniquesandQualityAssurance/QualityControl(QA/QC)requirements.

• DeliveryofStandardOperatingProcedures(SOP)documentation and data management solutions to achieve required international industry standards.

Evaluation Stage

Designofresourcedevelopmentprogrammestoreachthespecific requirements of our clients to meet internationally recognised standards across a spectrum of commodities through the delivery of:

• Optimiseddrillprogrammesthoughdepositmodeldevelopment, geological and geostatistical analysis.

• Trainingandmentoringofonsitestaffalongsideongoingtechnical support.

• Periodicauditsandduediligence.

• Resourceandreserveestimation.

MCS CLIENTS INCLUDE• AlhambraResourcesLtd.

• AvalonMineralsLtd.

• CentralChinaGoldfields

• ChinalcoRioTintoExploration

• KennecottCanada

• LionOreMiningInternationalLtd.

• ManoRiverResources

• SilverDragonResourcesInc.

• WesternUnitedMines

• ZimbabwePlatinumMinesLtd.

Geophysical bedrock interpretation with active mining projects

www.micromine.comMICROMINE Corporate 174HampdenRoadNedlandsWA6009AustraliaT:+61(0)894239000E: [email protected]

MICROMInE Africa Tel:+27115140860 [email protected] Brazil Tel:+553133475904 [email protected] Canada Tel:+1(604)6468924 [email protected] Central Asia Tel:+77272550573 [email protected] Chile Tel:+56(2)6571642 [email protected] China Tel:+861059070556 [email protected] Indonesia Tel:+622175905333 [email protected] Mongolia Tel:+97670113889 [email protected] nordic Tel:+46(0)26519200 [email protected] Russia Tel:+7(495)6654655 [email protected] Turkey Tel:+903122415571 [email protected] Ukraine Tel:+380443323858 [email protected] United Kingdom Tel:+44(0)2031760080 [email protected] USA Tel:+1(303)9966270 [email protected]

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Chinese andMongolian standard studies

intuitive Mining solutions

China standard studies• MCShascompletednumerousChinaMinistryofLandsandResources(MLR)estimationreports,includedwithinthe


• MCSstudieshavebeenusedtoadvanceprojectdevelopment,registerprojectsonthenationaldatabaseandfortheapplicationofmininglicences.

• MCSproducesbothMLRapprovedandJORCcompliantreportsindividuallyandintandemformineralprojects.

• MCShasathoroughunderstandingoftherequiredMLRinterpretationrulesforlodedigitising,geologysolidwireframingandblockmodelcategorisationaccordingto331,332and333resourceclassification.

• MCScomplieswiththeMLRstringentrequirementsforresourceestimationandplotreportingandhasdesignedtherequiredplotsincludinggraphicallog,planandsectionalmaps.

Mongolian Feasibility studies• MCSisapprovedbytheMineralResourcesandPetroleumAuthorityofMongolia(MRPAM)tocompleteMongolian


• MCSconductsMongolianresourceestimationandminingstudies.

[email protected] www.micromine.com

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Examples of significant projects include:

• Nubrands Group Holdings Ltd - Hong Kong - MCS completed a new study for the Erdenetsogt coal deposit and the Saikhan Ovoo coal deposit in Mongolia to replace work undertaken to Russian standards. Working procedures for sampling, logging and drilling were drafted and implemented to produce a JORC compliant database. The data was used by MCS to estimate JORC compliant resources for inclusion in a shareholders’ circular, in a form accepted under Chapter 18 of the Rules governing the listing of securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.

• TambangTimahPT - MCS completed a very detailed study of the alluvial onshore and offshore tin resources including resource estimation, grade control review and processing review for a validation and valuation study. As a result PT Tambang Timah adopted the block modelling and optimisation methodology recommended by MCS for all of their operations.

• AlliedRiseGroupLtd - MCS completed the preliminary assessment of the coal field in China and then planned the infill drill program. MCS then updated the estimation of the coal resources for a London submission.

• AsiaGoldMiningCompany - MCS completed the design of resource definition drilling and regional scout drilling. MCS estimated the resources and managed the prefeasibility mining study in Mongolia.

• JSCZhayrem-Kazakhstan - MCS completed resource estimation of these structurally complex iron and manganese deposits in Kazakhstan.

• XinjiangGoldMountainCompany- MCS completed both JORC standard and China Ministry of Lands and Resources standard studies and technical reports for the XGM gold projects in China. The submitted MCS China MLR standard report was approved by the China Ministry.

• SharynGolJSC - MCS completed a JORC compliant technical report for the Sharyn Gol coal mine located approximately 215km north of Ulaanbaatar. The estimate provided by MCS and approved by the Mineral Authority of Mongolia (MRAM) more than doubled the previous reserve estimate.

[email protected] www.micromine.com

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The MCS extensive client portfolio is comprised of organisations from the following sectors:

• ExplorationCompanies

• MajorMiningCompanies

• ValuationCompanies

• FinancialInstitutions-CorporateandBanking


• AlhambraResourcesLtd

• AlliedRiseGroupLtd

• AngloAmericanProspectingServices

• AngloGoldAshanti

• AngloAsianGold

• AsiaGoldMiningCompany

• BHPBilliton

• EnergyResourcesMiningCompany

• FreeportIndonesia

• IndoMuroKencanaPT

• JSCZhayrem-Kazakhstan

• JSCMnogovershinnoye-KhabarovskyKray

• KennecottCanada

• KinrossGoldCorporation

• LafayetteMiningNL-Balcatta

• MarandaMiningCompanyPtyLtd

• LionOreInternationalMining

• ManoRiverResources

• NewmontIndonesia

• NubrandsGroupHoldingsLtd

• MerrillLynch

• MurchisonUnited

• PetroseaPt

• RioTinto

• SharynGolJSC

• SilverDragonResourcesInc

• SummitResourcesNL

• TambangTimahPT

• TarmoolaOperationsPtyLtd

• ZimbabwePlatinumMinesLtd


[email protected] www.micromine.com