microfluidics thesis

Tesis defendida por Jhonnatan Guerrero Mu˜ noz y aprobada por el siguiente Comit´ e Dr. V´ ıctor Ruiz Cort´ es Codirector del Comit´ e Dr. Cyrille Vezy Codirector del Comit´ e Dr. Heriberto M´ arquez Becerra Miembro del Comit´ e Dr. Jorge Olmos Soto Miembro del Comit´ e Dr. Josu´ e ´ Alvarez Borrego Miembro del Comit´ e Dr. Pedro Negrete Regagnon Coordinador Posgrado en ´ Optica Dr. Jes´ us Favela Vara Director Direcci´ on de Estudios de Posgrado Abril de 2014

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New microfluidic techniques with ultrasonic waves for nanobiophotonics.The main goal of this proyect was do develop an optical system for the detection of cancer cells in a microfluidic envyronment.


  • Tesis defendida por

    Jhonnatan Guerrero Munoz

    y aprobada por el siguiente Comite

    Dr. Vctor Ruiz Cortes

    Codirector del Comite

    Dr. Cyrille Vezy

    Codirector del Comite

    Dr. Heriberto Marquez Becerra

    Miembro del Comite

    Dr. Jorge Olmos Soto

    Miembro del Comite

    Dr. Josue Alvarez Borrego

    Miembro del Comite

    Dr. Pedro Negrete Regagnon


    Posgrado en Optica

    Dr. Jesus Favela Vara

    DirectorDireccion de Estudios de Posgrado

    Abril de 2014



    Programa de posgrado en ciencias

    en Optica

    Dispositivo microfludico para el estudio de adhesion de celulas vivas por microscopa


    para cubrir parcialmente los requisitos necesarios para obtener el grado de

    Maestro en Ciencias


    Jhonnatan Guerrero Munoz

    Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico,


  • ii

    Resumen de la tesis de Jhonnatan Guerrero Munoz, presentada como requisito par-cial para la obtencion del grado de Maestro en Ciencias en Optica con orientacion enOptoelectronica.

    Dispositivo microfludico para el estudio de adhesion de celulas vivas por microscopa

    Resumen aprobado por:

    Dr. Vctor Ruiz Cortes

    Codirector de Tesis

    Dr. Cyrille Vezy

    Codirector de Tesis

    Esta tesis muestra un estudio teorico y experimental de diferentes areas como la mi-crofludica, la optica y la biologa para acoplar en un solo dispositivo para una aplicacionbiofotonica. Un generador de gradientes de 2 entradas se realiza mediante fotolitografautilizando una deposicion de fotoresina SU-8 2050 por centrifugado para el dispositivomaestro. El dispositivo de microfluidos se realizo con polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS) y seunio a un cubreobjetos de vidrio por grabado por reaccion de iones (RIE). El disposi-tivo de microfluidos fue adaptado para formar parte de un sistema de microscopa decontraste de interferencia por reflexion (RICM). Los resultados muestran que el pasode revelado es un paso crtico para asegurar buenos dispositivos microfludicos.

    El generador de gradientes se caracteriza por intensidad. Primero, fluyendo unasustancia de color (permanganato de potasio) en una entrada y de agua en el otro auna velocidad de 0.4ml/minute. La toma de imagenes fue realizada en un microscopioconvencional. Despues se fluyeron partculas fluorescentes (Alexa488) y agua. La tomade imagenes fue realizada en un sistema de microscopia de fluorescencia, obteniendo enambos casos un gradiente muy bien definido.

    Un sistema de RICM fue construido principalmente usando un microscopio Zeiss,un fotodiodo como una fuente con una longitud de onda de = 658nm y un difusor.Esta tecnica se utilizo para medir el radio de curvatura de partculas esfericas de unamanera muy precisa y despues se utilizo esta informacion para encontrar la distanciade la particula a la superficie, se obtuvo una distancia de separacion de 0,389 m parapartculas esfericas de R = 10.018m.

    Tambien se hizo el cultivo de celulas MDA MB 231 mediante el proceso conven-cional para cultivo celular y tratamos de fijar las celulas en un entorno microfludicoencontrando problemas de burbujas y de presion cuando fluye medio de cultivo fresco.

    Palabras Clave: RICM, Microfludica, Microscopa, Biofotonica

  • iii

    Abstract of the thesis presented by Jhonnatan Guerrero Munoz, in partial fulfillmentof the requirements of the degree of Master in Sciences in Optics with orientation inOptoelectronics.

    Microfluidic device for the study of adhesion in living cells by microscopy

    Abstract approved by:

    Dr. Vctor Ruiz Cortes

    Codirector de Tesis

    Dr. Cyrille Vezy

    Codirector de Tesis

    This thesis shows the study theoretical and experimental of different areas suchas microfluidics, optics and biology in order to couple them into a single device forbiophotonics application. A gradient generator of 2 inlets is made by photolithographyusing a deposition of SU-8 2050 photoresist by spincoat for the master device. Themicrofluidic device was made with Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and was bonded to aglass coverslip by Reactive-Ion Etching (RIE). The microfluidic device was adapted toform part of a reflection interference contrast microscopy system (RICM). The resultsshows that developing is a critical step to ensure good microfluidic devices.

    The gradient generator was characterized by intensity. First, flowing a colored subs-tance (potassium permanganate) in one inlet and water in the other at 0.4ml/minuteand taking pictures on a conventional microscope. After flowing fluorescent probes (Ale-xa488) and water and taking pictures at a fluorescent microscope system obtaining inboth cases a very well defined gradient.

    A RICM system was build maninly using a ZEISS microscope, a photodiode as asource with a wavelength of = 658nm and a diffuser. This technique was used tomeasure the radius of curvature of spherical beads very accurately and after, using thisinformation to find the distance from the particle to the surface obtaining a separationdistance of 0.389m for spherical beads of R = 10.018m.

    We also did cell culture of MDA MB 231 under conventional process for cell cultureand tried to set the cells under microfluidic environment getting some bubbles andpressure problems when flowing fresh medium.

    Keywords: RICM, Microfluidics, Microscopy, Biophotonics

  • iv

    To my parents. Who ga-

    ve me their unconditio-

    nal support and moti-

    vated me to carry on

    proudly, no matter how

    difficult was the way.

  • vAcknowledgements

    To my family who always give me their empathy and cheer me up in every step i

    take in my life always thrusting that i will take wise decisions.

    To my friend, the old ones and the new ones. Friends that had always been there

    sharing good and bad moments.

    To my professors and classmates from the optics department who shared their study

    time and living lessons with me. To the CPP who thrust me in this international project

    and also to CICESE for being my second home.

    To Dr. Heriberto Marquez and Dr. Rafael Salas, who willed to help me to make this

    project became real by linking me. Special thanks to Dr. Heriberto Marquez for his aid

    in professional and personal situations when i mostly needed.

    Also special thanks to Dr. Cyrille Vezy for helping me in everything he could, for

    tutoring me and also being very friendly with me. For accepting me in this project and

    having patience to guide me.

    To Dr. Victor Ruz for his friendship and support all this time, for helping and

    advising me in this important project for me. To Dr Jorge Olmos, Dr Josue Alvarez for

    being part of this project.

    To lUniversite de technologie de Troyes and LNIO for their hospitality and disposi-

    tion also to the city of Troyes for making my internship a pleasure.

    To Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologa (CONACyT) project No 51144-Y for

    its economical aid.

    Finally i want to thanks everyone that was involved directly or indirectly with my

  • vi

    life during the development of this project.

  • Table of contents

    Resumen en espanol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

    Abstract in english . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

    Dedicatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

    Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

    List of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii

    List of tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

    1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

    2. State of art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    2.1 Cell Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    2.1.1 Cell adhesion and cell migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

    2.2 Directed cell migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    2.3 Microfluidics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    2.3.1 Laminar flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    2.3.2 Slow diffusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    2.4 Microfluidics for biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    3. Fabrication of microfluidic devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    3.1 Soft Lithography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

    3.1.1 Cleaning of the substrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


  • viii

    3.1.2 Deposition by spin coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    3.1.3 Pre exposure bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    3.1.4 Exposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    3.1.5 Post exposure bake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    3.1.6 Developing process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    3.2 Casting process with Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    3.2.1 Punching Inlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

    3.3 PDMS bonding by means of Reactive-Ion Etching (RIE) . . . . . . . . 23

    3.4 Tubing and pressure control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    3.5 Optimizing the process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    3.5.1 Dilution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    3.5.2 Double Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    3.5.3 Optimal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    4. Experimental methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    4.1 Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    4.1.1 Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy (RICM) . . . . . . 30

    4.1.2 Characterization of the RICM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    4.1.3 MDA MB 231 cell observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    4.2 Gradient generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    4.2.1 Mathematical description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    4.2.2 The mixing chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    4.2.3 The step profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    4.2.4 The linear profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

    5. Cell fixing in microfluidics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

  • ix

    5.1 Maintaining cultured cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    5.2 Cell fixing in a microfluidic device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    6. Conclusion and perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    Bibliographic references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

  • List of figures

    1 Schematic representation of a the microfluidic gradient generator. . . . . . . . . . 3

    2 Schematic representation of a cell displacing, where the red spots corresponds to the

    adhesion points in the surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

    3 Structure of an adhesion complex in a migrating cells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    4 General steps of the photolithography process. A: Photoresist deposit by spin coating.

    B: Exposition to UV light. C: Development of the device in SU-8 developer. D: Clea-

    ning of the unexposed photoresist with isopropanol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    5 Photography of the ultra sonic bath process to clean the substrate. . . . . . . . . 15

    6 Photography of the spin coater at the clean room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    7 Photo of a device ready to be exposed in the photo masker . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    8 Photography of the hot plates with two devices under the hard bake step. . . . . . 17

    9 Master device after development. It can be seen some photoresist in the edges in the

    edges of the substrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    10 methyl group transformed into silanol group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    11 Silanol group transformed into siloxane group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    12 Photography of the microfluidic system tubed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    13 Correspondence between photoresist layer thickness and the rotational speed of the

    spin coater for a 20 percent diluted SU-8 2050 in cyclohexanone. . . . . . . . . . 27


  • xi

    14 RICM principle: A monochromatic light of intensity I0 and wave length is sent to a

    cell adjacent to a surface. There formation of interference between the beams reflected

    by the surface of intensity I1, and those reflected by the cell of intensity I2. n1 is the

    refractive index of the medium. The measurement of the interferogram provides the

    distance h(x) between the cell and the coverslip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    15 Representation of a spherical bead of radius R separated a distance h from the surface. 32

    16 Picture of the system components at LNIO. A is the photodiode, B is the aspherical

    lens covered in black paper, C is the diffuser covered in black paper, D is a converging

    lens, E is the diaphragm, F is the mirror and G is a converging lens. . . . . . . . 32

    17 Schematic diagram of the ilumination system for the RICM. Letters A to G are

    relating to figure 16 components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

    18 Schematic diagram of the microscope components, showing 2 crossed polarisers, di-

    chroic mirror, CCD camera and a objective with a build in quarter-wave plate. . . 33

    19 Interference pattern of a spherical bead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

    20 Correspondence between the position and the width in the horizontal axis. . . . . 36

    21 Correspondence between the position and the width in the vertical axis. . . . . . . 37

    22 Image of an spherical bead interference pattern and the calculated center pixel. . . 37

    23 Correspondence between the position and the intensity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    24 Correspondence between the position of the maximums and the distance from the

    surface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    25 A: Picture of the cell in phase contrast.B: Picture of the cell in RICM. . . . . . . 39

    26 A: Picture of the cell in phase contrast. B: Picture of the cell in RICM. . . . . . . 40

    27 Optical microscopy image showing a microchanel with a U shape of the gradient

    generator device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

  • xii

    28 Optical microscopy image showing a microchanel of a five channel joint of the gradient

    generator device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    29 Christmas tree microfluidic network geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

    30 Equivalent electric circuit model of a single branch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

    31 Schematic representation for the nomenclature we used for the mathematical des-

    cription of the network. If B=6 and S=2, for this branching point R1= 2R and R2=

    5R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    32 Image of the outlet channel showing the gradient line profile for two different positions

    along the outlet channel under a flow rate of 0.4 ml/minute. a: 200 m from the joint.

    b: 2000 m from the joint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    33 Correspondence between intensity and position at 200 m from the joint for the dye

    solution experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

    34 Correspondence between intensity and position at 2000 m from the joint for the

    solution experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    35 Gradient line profile at 5000 m from the joint at the outlet channel under a flow

    rate of 0.4 ml/minute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    36 Correspondence between intensity and position at 5000 m from the joint for the

    fluorescent particles solution experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

    37 Gradiant line profile at 5000 m from the joint at the outlet channel under a flow

    rate of 0.01 ml/minute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

    38 Correspondence between intensity and position at 5000 m from the joint for the dye

    solution experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

    39 Living MDA MB 231 cells attached in the substrate in a microfludic device. . . . . 55

  • List of tables

    1 Parameters used in the baking process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

    2 Tests done for manual development, showing no real success in being a reliable process. 18

    3 Tests done for vortex development, shown to be a reliable process but not as accurate

    as needed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    4 Tests done for ultrasonic development, showing an optimum development time of 45

    seconds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    5 Tests done for exposition time, showing a 12 seconds exposition time under a UV

    lamp power of 8.5 mJ/cm2s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    6 Tests done for RIE process. Optimal parameters are highlighted. . . . . . . . . . 25


  • Chapter 1


    One of the biggest challenges in biomedicine is the study of cancer cells, with two

    mayor problems to overcome. The first one, a system to emulate the environment in

    which the cells are immerse. The second, to have a compatible system to quantify the

    phenomena. With these conditions there is a need to implement a technique that is

    capable of generating and maintaining adequate stable conditions for long periods of

    time. To solve the first problem microfluidics is a good option.

    It is well known that a cancer tumour can cause invasive phenotypes which travel

    through the bloodstream and lymphatic circulatory system to eventually settle down

    into a new body and proliferate, this process is known as metastasis. Some research

    (Wang et al., 2004]) has proved that in the metastasis of cancer cells are directed to their

    targets by soluble factors secreted by the organs to be invaded, this would imply that the

    migration of cancer cells is directed, being the investigation of chemotaxis (movement

    induced by changes in the concentration) crucial for understanding metastasis (De

    Robertis, 1968).

    Commonly used equipment such as chemotaxic chambers or introducing pipetted

    flows have two major problems, one of them is the low diversity of chemical gradients

    that can be generated and the second is the difficulty in maintaining stable generated

    gradient by long periods of time. Microfluidic devices are an alternative to these methods

    to meet those needs (Dertinger et al., 2000).

    The use of microfluidic devices for biomedical research and develop technologies for

    clinical use have several advantages. First, the volume of fluid in the channel is very

  • 2small, usually a few nanolitres whereby the number of substrates and reagents used

    is very small. This is especially significant when working with expensive reagents. Se-

    cond, the manufacturing techniques used to construct microfluidic devices are relatively

    inexpensive and currently exist techniques for the mass reproduction of them. There

    is great interest in investigating the role of chemical gradients in biological systems,

    such research would benefit greatly by having a technique for producing gradients with

    complex profiles (Stephan et al., 2001).

    The total internal reflection microscopy is a non-invasive technique for obtaining in-

    formation about the position of objects near the surface (Laurent, 2009), this technique

    provides a high spatial resolution. Since the field of application of this technique are

    small scale (of the order of nanometres), makes it a technique in which a large samples

    are not required.

    Current methods to study cell response in presence of biochemical signals are ex-

    pensive and limited in the number of tests that can be performed simultaneously (Whi-

    tesides et al., 2001). Developing a technology that could analyse the behaviour of cell

    response to chemical gradients could lead to advancements in different fields like tissue

    engineering, drug discovery and biomedicine.

    To overcome the difficulties associated with generating chemical gradient, a micro-

    fluidic system prototype was design and fabricated with polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS),

    the scheme of the microfluidic is shown in figure 1. In this research and previous studies

    (Dertinger et al., 2001) have shown that the gradient generator is able to generate stable

    concentration gradients through a series of mixing and redistribution of the chemical

    reagents in the serpentine channels.

    The microfluidic device system could be used to perform tests on cell behaviour

    with different gradient factors. Studies have proven that breast cancer cells (MDA MB

  • 3Figure 1. Schematic representation of a the microfluidic gradient generator.

    231 cell line) response to epidermal grow factor gradients (Wang et al., 2004). Thus, the

    fabricated microfluidic gradient generator system has potential for many applications

    relating to various biomedical research, this research demonstrate that the system provi-

    des a way to conduct study and analysis on cell response to chemical gradients. In order

    to study cell adhesion and cell migration studies have shown that reflection interference

    contrast microscopy (RICM) could be used to do single cell observation (Laurent, 2009).

    Cells dynamics like spreading (Sengupta, 2006) and membrane fluctuations (Zidovska,

    2011) had been studied with RICM previously.

    In this thesis project we report the design and fabrication of a microfluidic system

    for total internal reflection microscopy. In this project several fields are involved, such

    as biological phenomena, microfluidic devices and microscopy techniques and aims to

    describe and understand the basic processes for creating microfluidic devices by pho-

  • 4tolithography, recognize the main parameters for the creation of the device so as to

    propose a way to optimize the process.

    The microchanels were made using PDMS on a SU-8 2050 photoresist master device

    made by a photolithography process.

    Chapter 2 is dedicated to state of the art where the basic principles involved are

    explained. Chapter 3 contains information about the manufacturing process of the mi-

    crofluidic device. Chapter 4 is dedicated to the presentation of the system used in this

    work which includes system characterization and measurements made with it. Chapter

    5 contains the cell culture protocol and insertion in the microfluidic environment.

  • 5Chapter 2

    State of art

    In biology, every single process have several complexities and needs. One of those

    needs is a system to emulate the environment, and at the same time, allowing us to

    interact with the living process, therefore, its require the implementation of a device

    that would satisfy these conditions. For this reason, in biomedicine as in many other

    areas of science, exist the need for interdisciplinary work, unifying different areas of

    knowledge like physics, biology, engineering among others.

    2.1. Cell Mechanics

    It is well known (De Robertis, 1968) that when a cancer tumour is generated in an

    aicted zone it can produce invasive phenotypes of cells which can travel along the

    blood torrent through the sanguine system to finally invade and proliferate in a new

    organ giving rise to a new tumour, therefore, making it hard to control this disease.

    This kind of invasive process is known as metastasis. To understand the general concept

    of metastasis is required to study the cellular adhesion and cellular migration.

    2.1.1. Cell adhesion and cell migration

    Cell migration process is complex and not very well understood and it is involved

    in many physiologic as well pathologic phenomena (De Robertis, 1968). It can be seen

    in the early steps of embryogenesis when the cells migrate to the embryo, in the wound

    healing process when cells are released before and during the proliferative phase in order

    to reproduce and replace the dead cells, in the inflammatory response and many other

  • 6processes.

    It also occurs in pathalogic phenomena like metastasis, where cancer cells migrates

    from a localized tumour to a new organ in order to invade and proliferate. As well as

    angiogenesis which is coupled to the wound healing response and tumour blood vessels.

    There are many forms of celular motility like ciclosis, which is the internal mo-

    vements of the cell without modifing the membrane, ameboidism which consist in the

    displacement due to the emission of pseudopods, ciliar and flagelar in which both are re-

    lated to common mechanical displacement provided by the motion of cilios and flagelos


    Due to the nature of the cells of interest, ameboidism movement is a topic in cell

    migration research (De Robertis, 1968). This movement is originated by the extension

    of pseudopods through which the cytoplasm flows, during the movement, the cell is

    constantly changing its shape as shown in figure 2.

    This type of movement requires the adhesion to a solid support in order to exert the

    proper force that would lead to a displacement. The parts of the cell which plays a role

    are the cytoskeleton, adhesion molecules and extra celular matrix as shown in figure 3.

    The cytoskeleton is made of microtubules and filaments, this constitute an elastic

    support that allows the cell to stretch and contract to modify its shape.

    The adhesion molecules are a group of proteins localized in the surface of the celular

    membrane, the function of them is give stability to the cell by making contact with a

    surface or with another cell. Within this molecules exists some macromolecules named

    focal points who are in charge of sending signals to make the cell produce a directed

    mechanical forces in order to produce displacement of the membrane (De Robertis,


    The focal points are bonded to the extra celular matrix, providing enough informa-

  • 7Figure 2. Schematic representation of a cell displacing, where the red spots corresponds to the adhesionpoints in the surface.

    tion to move along it, once they are bonded, the cell use them as stationary support

    points to exert traction in order to push the membrane in a direction, then the cell

    detach from the extra celular matrix to make new focal adhesion points. The extra

    celular matrix is the group of tissues that surround the cell, like structural proteins

    (colagen and elastin) and adhesion proteins (laminine, fibronectine).

    2.2. Directed cell migration

    In a normal state the cells can migrate to random directions, however when the

    movement shows a preferred direction it is said that is a directed migration.

  • 8Figure 3. Structure of an adhesion complex in a migrating cells.

    There are several forms to induce migration, such as chemotaxis, durotaxis, galva-

    notaxis and haptotaxis.

    Chemotaxis is the directed migration due to changes in chemical concentration,

    durotaxis is due to changes in sheer stress of the surfaces where the cell is placed,

    galvanotaxis is due to changes in electric currents and haptotaxis is due to changes in

    the properties of the adhesion sites (ChunHong et al., 2012).

    2.3. Microfluidics

    Microfluidics is the study of the behaviour of fluids constrained to small geometries.

    This dimensions allow us to have reduced volumes, optimizing the waste of solvents

    to make experiments. Normally, if one dimension of the channels goes down to few

    micrometres its considered to have microfluidic properties.

  • 9Microfluidics give us many properties of our interest, one of them is that it provides

    laminar flow, this means that if two substances are flowing by two different channels

    and then the channels get to a joint, the substances will not mix due to the flow and will

    follow together, if the flow rates are equal, both substances will fill the same volume.

    Another property is slow diffusion, which means that the only mixing process that will

    occur in the channel will be given by diffusion.

    2.3.1. Laminar flow

    It is said that a fluid motion is laminar if the fluid is flowing parallel to the surface

    and it is not mixing due to perpendicular currents. In fluid mechanics, the characteristics

    of the flow is determinate by the Reynolds number. This number come from the second

    law of newton for fluids as shown in (Hakho et al., 1991). When we apply this law

    to fluids it is convenient to consider labelling some set of material points (imagine

    placing a small amount of dye in the fluid) and following their motion through the

    system. In addition, we can think about the hydrodynamic pressure as a force acting

    to either accelerate the fluid elements (i.e. overcome the inertia) or to overcome friction

    (viscosity) to maintain the motion. Then, it follows that the mechanical response to

    pressure forces that cause flow depends on the relative magnitude of the inertial response

    to the viscous response; this ratio is known as the Reynolds number. Therefore in order

    to obtain laminar flow in a given system it is needed to archive lower Reynold numbers

    than 2000 (Squires and Quake, 2005).

    To have an idea of the order of magnitud, we can aproximate the Reynolds number

    by direct substitution of the analisis of a sphere of radius l traveling at speed U through

    a liquid with viscosity and density . The Reynolds number can be approached by

    equation 1 (Hakho et al., 1991).

  • 10

    R =ma


    . (1)

    The Reynold number is a dimensionless parameter since it is a ratio between for-

    ces. It is useful to characterize the flow situation for a given system; it is not a simply

    property of the fluid but rather combines fluid properties (density and viscosity), geo-

    metrical properties ( length scale ) and the fluid velocity.

    To calculate a better approach to the Reynold number a fluid dynamics study is

    needed. From basic physics we know that every fluid system (liquid or gasses) is linked

    to the continuity equation that is given by equation 2(Hakho et al., 1991).

    t+(U) = 0, (2)

    where the gradient operator is, =(/x,/y,/z).Since we are interested in liquids it is better to add the incompressible flow condition

    to our theoretical description, to find results easier to understand. This means that the

    pressure variations that accompany the flow create insignificant density changes d i.e.

    ( d

  • 11

    where Fb represent the body forces acting on the liquid.

    The left hand of the equation 4 refers to the product of masses and acceleration

    (Newtons second law) and the right hand of the equation 4 refers to forces acting on

    the fluid.

    This equation does not have an analytical solution, but we can make an approxi-

    mation of it when we have very well known conditions.

    If we analyse the flow a little bit away from the inlet and outlet, for relative low

    flow speeds and perfect uniform channel under incompressible flow, the non linear term

    U in the equation 4 is zero making it easier to solve and giving rise to steady statesolutions. Therefore, for low Reynolds number we have a steady state solution for our


    If the solution is a steady state then U(x,y,z,t) = U(x,y,z) simplifying the Navier-

    Stokes equations to:

    () + 2(U) + Fb = 0. (5)

    The equation 5 only have as parameters the flow speed and the geometrical pro-

    perties of the microfluidic channels, making it easy to control the conditions to have

    laminar flow.

    2.3.2. Slow diffusion

    Diffusion refers to the movement of molecules from a region to another one of lower

    concentration by random molecular motion.

    If laminar flow is guaranteed, then, when two different solutions are injected in the

    same channel they will not mix due to the flow and will only mix due to diffusion,

    giving as a result an homogeneous mixture between the fluids.

  • 12

    2.4. Microfluidics for biology

    With the aid of a microfluidic system we can make chemical gradients. It had been

    proven that for a christmas tree arrangement as shown in figure 1, the profile that can

    be obtained is directly proportional to the number of inlets, being a polynomial of order

    N-1 where N is the number of inlets. The mathematical demonstration can be find in

    (Dertinger et al., 2001).

    It has been proven that a linear profile of epidermal growth factor is enough to

    stimulate directed migration, therefore a two inlets microfluidic system is enough to

    study this phenomena (Wang et al., 2013).

  • 13

    Chapter 3

    Fabrication of microfluidic devices

    The fabrication process of the microfluidic device starts with the fabrication of the

    master, a mold made of SU-8 2050 MicroChem photoresit to cast the microchanels with

    PDMS. It consist in 5 main steps.

    The first one is the cleaning of the substrate. This step is important in order to have

    a good adhesion of the photoresist. It is followed by the deposition of the photoresist

    by spin coating and a baking process. The third step is the exposure, where the sample

    is set on a photo masker machine with the desire design and then irradiated with UV

    light. After that, a post exposure bake is required followed by a develop. Finally, it is

    required to stop the developing process, this is done with a rinse of the sample with

    isopropanol until all the unexposed photoresist is removed.

    Figure 4. General steps of the photolithography process. A: Photoresist deposit by spin coating. B: Exposi-tion to UV light. C: Development of the device in SU-8 developer. D: Cleaning of the unexposed photoresistwith isopropanol.

    The general scheme of the process is show in figure 4 and will be described each

    step in the following sections.

  • 14

    3.1. Soft Lithography

    When trying to achieve a good master device that could be used several times, many

    problems that could arise need to be take into account. The complexity of the design

    plays an important role during this process, the parameters or methods could differ

    highly from design to design.

    3.1.1. Cleaning of the substrate

    A clean substrate is very important to obtain good adhesion of the photoresist to

    the substrate, therefore, is necessary to have a well defined process to do it.

    The cleanse of the substrate is performed with the next steps:

    Pre clean the substrate with acetone using a tissue

    Rinse with water

    Dry with an airgun

    Put the sample in a deionized water ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes

    Put the sample in a isopropanol ultrasonic bath for 10 minutes

    Put the sample in a deionized water ultrasonic bath for 5 minutes

    Dry with an airgun

    The ultrasonic cleaning process is shown in figure 5

  • 15

    Figure 5. Photography of the ultra sonic bath process to clean the substrate.

    3.1.2. Deposition by spin coat

    To deposit the photoresist on the substrate we placed the substrate on the spin

    coater, we dropped a 200ml photoresist then the sample was spin coated in two steps,

    the first one is to get an initial spread of the photoresist at 500 rpm for 15 seconds and

    a second one to get the desire thickness at 2000 rpm for 30 seconds. The spin coater

    used is shown in figure 6.

    Figure 6. Photography of the spin coater at the clean room.

  • 16

    3.1.3. Pre exposure bake

    After having the photoresist of approximately 100 micrometres thick layer in the

    substrate, the sample was taken to a baking process. It was placed in a hot plate at 65 C

    for 5 minutes for a soft bake(SB) then at 95 Cfor 15 minutes for a hard bake(HB) and

    finally letting it cooldown for 10 minutes to avoid cracks by stress due to the changes

    of temperature during the irradiation process.

    3.1.4. Exposition

    Then the sample was exposed to UV light for 12 seconds getting a radiation dose of

    102 mJ/cm2. To find out the correct dose for the sample, several tests were done before

    archiving the correct dose. The photomasker used is shown in figure 7.

    Figure 7. Photo of a device ready to be exposed in the photo masker

    3.1.5. Post exposure bake

    A post exposure baking was done with the same temperatures for 4 minutes at 65 C

    and 9 minutes at 95 C as shown in figure 8. Then we wait 10 minutes for cooldown

    The standard parameters used for the baking process can be found in table 1

  • 17

    Figure 8. Photography of the hot plates with two devices under the hard bake step.

    Table 1. Parameters used in the baking process.




















    5 15 10 4 9 10

    3.1.6. Developing process

    After the samples was exposed it is necessary to remove the non exposed photoresist

    to obtain the desire pattern, to do this the sample need to be developed. We used

    MicroChem SU-8 developer to perform it.

    When trying to use the standard development procedure suggested by the photo-

    resist provider(MicroChem), the main problem that can be found is the inconsistency

    of the technique in the develop process. MicroChem suggest a technique based on the

    user skills, a manual develop, where there is no real control of the process, making

  • 18

    Table 2. Tests done for manual development, showing no real success in being a reliable process.

    Develop Time(min) Photoresist between channels Overdevelop

    5 yes no

    6 yes no

    7 yes no

    8 yes no

    9 yes no

    10 yes yes

    11 yes yes

    it unrepeatable. When used the suggested process to produce the gradient generator

    master,the photoresist was stuck between the closest channels,making it useless.

    The table 2 shows the result of the developing tests for the MicroChem suggested

    technique. It can be see that we could not archive any kind of succeed with it.

    It is important to have a well characterized process that can avoid at least, long

    manual interactions. For this, it was attempted several different processes to optimize

    the developing process. In the first attempt, the sample was sank in a falcon tube filled

    with developer and put to vortex. A great decrease of the developing time was observed,

    going down from 8-10 minutes (large variation in time based on shaking speed and size

    of the container) to 3 and a half minutes but the photoresist was not completely removed

    from the channels before overdeveloping the sample. In table 3 the results using the

    vortex are shown.

    After the vortex, we tried a combine technique with the previous methods (vortex +

    manual) to develop. After several attempts it seemed inconsistent regarding the develop

    time due to manual interactions. We tried a third technique which consist of developing

  • 19

    Table 3. Tests done for vortex development, shown to be a reliable process but not as accurate as needed.

    Develop Time(min) Photoresist between channels Overdevelop

    1.5 yes no

    2 yes no

    2.5 yes yes

    3 no yes

    3.5 no yes

    with ultrasonic bath, obtaining very good results and a dramatical reduction of time

    spent during developing. Going down from the initial 8-10 minutes to 45 seconds as

    show in table 4. Better results were observed when using the ultrasonic bath in sweep


    Even when 45 seconds and 50 seconds presented optimal conditions, we have selected

    to use 45 seconds in order to avoid overdeveloping due to the time taken in removing

    the sample.

    In order to test the strength of the photoresist we ran three tests. The first one was

    blowing with an airgun, the second one was making soft contact with the structure and

    the third one was scratching lightly with a tweezer, where the numbers from one to one

    hundred its a estimation of the damage made to the structure, by looking at it at the

    microscope after testing it. Tests results are shown in table 5.

    It was found that having an irradiation power of 8.5 mJ/cm2s the correct exposition

    time to have the strongest adhesion of the photoresist was 12 seconds giving 102 mJ/cm2

    for the radiation dose as seen on table 5. An example of a master device is shown in

    figure 9.

  • 20

    Table 4. Tests done for ultrasonic development, showing an optimum development time of 45 seconds.

    Developing Time Photoresist between channels Overdevelop

    25 yes no

    30 yes no

    35 some no

    40 few no

    45 no no

    50 no no

    55 no yes

    60 no yes

    3.2. Casting process with Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)

    Before starting the casting process with PDMS it is necessary to prepare the master

    to have optimal conditions. Having a hydrophobic surface will prevent the adhesion of

    the PDMS after baking. Fluorsilane needs to be managed in an chamber filled with

    argon because fluorosilane reacts with oxygen, therefore is necessary to avoid exposing

    it to it. We first introduce a recipient in a chamber filled with argon, after that we put

    a tissue soak with 100ml of liquid fluorosilane in the recipient and extract it from the

    argon chamber. We put the recipient in a vacuum chamber with all the master devices

    to coat and made vacuum for 90 seconds. this ensure that the pressure inside the

    vacuum chamber gets to the vapour pressure level of the fluorsilane making a change

    of state from liquid to gas. In order to secure that condition is fulfilled, the master

    devices was left inside the closed vacuum chamber for 20 hours to get them coated with

    fluorosilane by vapour deposition. When opening the vacuum chamber to extract the

  • 21

    Table 5. Tests done for exposition time, showing a 12 seconds exposition time under a UV lamp power of8.5 mJ/cm2s.

    Exposition Time Airgun Soft contact Scratching damage percent

    7 yes yes -

    8 no yes -

    9 no no 50

    10 no no 40

    11 no no 40

    12 no no 20

    13 no no 30

    14 no no 50

    15 no no 80

    16 no no 100

    17 no no 100

    18 no no 100

    19 no no 100

    20 no yes 100

  • 22

    Figure 9. Master device after development. It can be seen some photoresist in the edges in the edges ofthe substrate.

    devices, it is necessary to do it in a extractor chamber to evacuate the fluorsilane gas.

    The fluorosilane used was Perfluorodecyltrichlorosilane(FDTS).

    To prepare the PDMS that will be used to make our microfluidic device, we mix

    liquid silicone with the curing agent in a rate ten to one (30g of PDMS + 3g of curing

    agent). In order to do this we measure the weight in a chemistry balance.

    After mixing, a lot of bubbles appeared, so it is necessary to place the PDMS in

    the vacuum chamber in order to pop up the bubbles. The time needed to remove the

    bubbles depends on the quantity of PDMS. For a quantity of 33 grams it takes 30


    The next step is to put the coated master in a container and fill it with the PDMS, we

    used a glass petri box as container. The last step is baking, it is done in a conventional

    oven for 2 hours under 75 C.

    When the PDMS is baked, it is recommended to cut it and lift it up it from the

    master device while it still warm to have an easier detachment. To cut the PDMS a

    surgical knife was used. Its important to have a very sharp edge to avoid cracking the

  • 23

    PDMS. A cracked PDMS could lead to a bad sticking in the glass substrate due to

    inhomogeneity on the surface.

    After the PDMS is cut to the desire shape it is recommended to unstick all the

    corners first then help out with the knife to starting lifting the PDMS slowly. When

    the PDMS is extracted from the master device it can be stored it on dust-free tape for

    future use.

    The PDMS is stored as is ready to be punched in order to make the inlets and

    outlets for the microfluidic network where needed.

    3.2.1. Punching Inlets

    The inlets of the microfluidic device needs to be punched before bonding the PDMS

    in the a glass cover slip to avoid braking it. To make them, we used a piece of a cut

    syringe needle.

    3.3. PDMS bonding by means of Reactive-Ion Etching (RIE)

    Reactive-ion etching (RIE) uses chemically reactive plasma to remove material de-

    posited on wafers. The plasma is generated under quasi-vacuum pressure by an elec-

    tromagnetic field. Ions with very high energy are generated in the form of a plasma to

    attack the wafer surface and react with it.

    The plasma is initiated in the system by applying a strong electromagnetic field.

    The oscillating electric field ionizes the gas molecules by stripping them of electrons,

    creating a plasma. This striped electrons are accelerated in the chamber striking the

    sample at a very high speed. When the electrons drift toward the wafer, they collide

    with the sample and if the electric field is high enough it can knock off material in the


  • 24

    Oxygen plasma is very effective in the breaking of most organic bonds of surface

    contaminants. This helps to break apart high molecular weight contaminants, making

    them react and due to the vacuum the residue tend to vaporize resulting in a easy

    extraction of them. At the end of the process the substrate is very cleaned and ionized.

    PDMS is hydrophobic, with a low energy and non reactive surface, therefore it is

    difficult to bond it with other surfaces. By exposing PDMS to oxygen plasma its surface

    becomes hydrophilic and more reactive. This results in a irreversible bonding when it

    gets in contact with glass, silicon, or even another PDMS piece that was exposed to the

    same oxygen plasma. Contact should be made quickly after plasma exposition because

    the PDMS surface will undergo reconstitution to its hydrophobic and non reactive state

    within hours. The bonding is accelerated if a post-bake at 75 C is performed to help

    remove the humidity between the surfaces.

    When the PDMS is exposed to the oxygen plasma the methyl surface groups (Si-

    CH) along the PDMS backbone are transformed into silanol groups (Si-OH) by the

    reactive oxygen species in the plasma. The glass is also activated by the oxygen plasma

    producing silanol groups. If both wafers are put in direct contact, the silanol groups can

    be bonded and converting into siloxane-groups (Si-O-Si) + H2O as shown in figure 10

    and figure 11.

    Figure 10. methyl group transformed into silanol group.

    In order to bond the PDMS to a glass substrate, we used oxygen plasma.

    For the oxygen plasma we found the appropriate parameters for a good bonding,

  • 25

    Figure 11. Silanol group transformed into siloxane group.

    Table 6. Tests done for RIE process. Optimal parameters are highlighted.

    Sample Power(W) Time(min) Bonded

    1 50 2.5 no

    2 50 3 no

    3 20 2.5 not the edges

    4 3 3 yes

    the runs are showed in the table 6

    It is shown that a power of 50W over 3 minutes at 50mTorr was enough to bond

    the PDMS to the coverglass.

    After taking out the bonded sample by oxygen plasma, it is placed in a hot plate at

    75 C for 10 minutes to eliminate humidity in the glass and ensure a safe sticking.

    3.4. Tubing and pressure control

    To set the proper tubing for the microfluidic device we used Tygon Flexible tubes

    glued with Loctite silicone as shown in figure 12. To inject the desire fluids, we used a

    double syringe pump, the PHD ULTRA from Harvard apparatus.

  • 26

    Figure 12. Photography of the microfluidic system tubed.

    3.5. Optimizing the process

    Since the master device was only lasting 5 uses approximately we decided to optimize

    the process in order to make more durable masters.

    3.5.1. Dilution

    The most difficult part of the process was working with SU-8 photoresist due to

    its high viscosity, making it easy to have a failure. Because of this, we tried a diluted

    solution with cyclohexanone(C6H10O) to reduce its viscosity.

    We made a dilution of SU-8 2050 at twenty percent (4-1) using a magnetic stirrer for

    2 hours. Then we made thin layers at different rpm to characterize the new photoresist.

    The height of the layer was measure with Taylor-Hobson Surtronic 3+ perfilometer.

    The results are shown in figure 13.

    Since we are interested in channels with 120-80 microns height, the SU-8 was to

    diluted to be useful for our device. On the other hand, the management of it improved

    alot. Its low viscosity made it easy to deposit, therefore, making it useful for a first

    layer deposition to enhance the adhesion of the photoresist.

  • 27

    Figure 13. Correspondence between photoresist layer thickness and the rotational speed of the spin coaterfor a 20 percent diluted SU-8 2050 in cyclohexanone.

    3.5.2. Double Layer

    The cleaning of the substrate is a key step when working with very small designs. To

    overcome difficulties and have a better bond, we added first a layer of SU-8 photoresist

    of 30 micrometres to enforce the bond between the photoresist and the substrate.

    Due to the high viscosity of the SU-8 2050 photoresist we used the diluted one at

    twenty percent for the first layer to ensure a layer with a very homogeneous distribution.

    Adding this step improves the lifetime of the master device.

  • 28

    3.5.3. Optimal Parameters

    After testing all the parameters we obtained a very good set of parameters for easy

    manufacturing a robust master device and a well bonded microfluidic device.

    Spin coating a first thin layer of 30 micrometres to enhance the bonds between

    photoresist and the glass. This was made with a SU-8 diluted in volume 1:4 in cyclohe-

    xanone (C6H10O). The spin coating speed used was 1000 rpm for 30 seconds.

    A second spin coating of SU-8 to obtain the desire thikness. For a thikness of 80

    micrometres it is better to first spin coat at 500 rpm for 15 seconds to spread the resin

    due to its high viscosity and then spin coat at 2000 rpm for 30 seconds to obtain the

    desire thickness.

    We used the standard baking times of pre-exposure soft bake (5min), pre-exposure

    hard bake (15min), post-exposure soft bake (4min), post-exposure hard bake

    (10min). The temperature used for soft baking was set to 65 C while the tempe-

    rature for hard bake was set at 95 C

    The exposition time was 12 seconds using a dose of 102 mJ/cm2s

    The developing time under ultrasonic(sweep mode) was 45 seconds

    The baking time for PDMS was 2 hours under 75 C

    A RIE power of 50W over 3 minutes at 50mTorr pressure was used to stick the

    PDMS to the substrate. After that the sample is placed in a hot plate at 75 C

    for 10 minutes

  • 29

    Chapter 4

    Experimental methods

    Since we are researching in a multidisciplinary area of science, different methods are

    needed to complete the goal. Different techniques in microscopy, microfluidics and cell

    culture where used.

    In microscopy, we used conventional microscope to observe our devices, fluorescent

    microscopy to characterize our gradient generators and reflection interference contrast

    microscopy (RICM) to observe cells. From microfluidics, we made a gradient generator

    based on slow diffusion and laminar flow. In biology, we made cell culture and tried to

    develop a technique to cell culture under microfluidic environment.

    4.1. Microscopy

    Microscopy is the technical field of using microscopes to view samples and objects

    that cannot be seen with the unaided eye (objects that are not within the resolution

    range of the normal eye). There are three well-known branches of microscopy: optical,

    electron, and scanning probe microscopy.

    Optical and electron microscopy involve the diffraction, reflection, or refraction of

    electromagnetic radiation/electron beams interacting with the specimen, and the subse-

    quent collection of this scattered radiation or another signal in order to create an image,

    while scanning probe microscopy forms images of surfaces using a physical probe that

    scans the specimen.

  • 30

    4.1.1. Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy (RICM)

    To observe cell migration we need to be able to detect adhesion points very close to

    the surface. RICM can give information of the distance from the surface to the cell from

    few nanometres up to 1000nm, it give us quantitative information about the process of

    adhesion and the evolution of the adhesion points as the cell moves along the surface.

    RICM also give us information about the shape of the cell. It was first used to observe

    cell adhesion in the early 1960 by Curtis (Curtis, 1962).

    Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy (RICM) is a microscopy technique that

    can be used to characterize thin films (Gingel and Todd, 1979) or cells (Hahn and Beck,

    1981) in the vicinity of a glass slide illuminated by a monochromatic light source. This

    technique consist of collecting the light reflected by the surface and the light reflected

    by the sample and if the distance cell/surface is sufficiently small, on the order of

    magnitude of the wavelength of the light, successive reflections on the glass slide I1 and

    on the cell I2 will lead to interference. Figure 14 shows a general scheme of the process.

    The position and contrast of the interference can be traced back to the distance h(x)

    between the substrate and the sample, very accurately. Thus, the intensity obtained

    depends on h (x). The relation between the intensity and the distance h(x) is given by

    equation 6 (Hakho et al., 1991).

    I(h(x)) = I1 + I2 +I1I2 cos [


    ], (6)

    where n is de index of refraction of the medium and the wavelength of the light.

    Measuring and comparing absolute intensities is a delicate operation. In the context

    of RICM, if the geometry of the object to be observed is known, this knowledge can often

    be exploited to devise an alternative to height determination from the intensity. Such a

  • 31

    Figure 14. RICM principle: A monochromatic light of intensity I0 and wave length is sent to a celladjacent to a surface. There formation of interference between the beams reflected by the surface ofintensity I1, and those reflected by the cell of intensity I2. n1 is the refractive index of the medium. Themeasurement of the interferogram provides the distance h(x) between the cell and the coverslip.

    symmetry-based analysis is often more robust than an analysis based on quantification

    of the intensity.

    In the context of colloidal beads, the geometry of the object is known and is spherical.

    For the configuration of figure 15 it is expected to give rise to fringes with circular

    symmetry. A change in the height of the bead changes this fringe pattern in a systematic

    manner. Using equation 6 and the equation of the sphere with an offset in the vertical

    axis we can find a equation for the distance from the surface given by the equation 7

    (Hakho et al., 1991).

    h(rm) =(2m 1)

    4nR +

    R2 r2m, (7)

    where R is the radius of the bead, the wavelength, rm the radius of the m maximum

    fringe from the center and n the index of refraction of the medium.

    An image of an a experimental RCIM setup is show in figures 16, 17 and 18. It

  • 32

    Figure 15. Representation of a spherical bead of radius R separated a distance h from the surface.

    consist of an inverted microscope equipped with antireflex objective (only the light

    coming from the sample is collected in the detector) of 63x magnification, a light source

    and a CCD camera. The sample is observed under epi-illumination of a monochromatic

    source, the microscope system is shown in figure 18.

    Figure 16. Picture of the system components at LNIO. A is the photodiode, B is the aspherical lenscovered in black paper, C is the diffuser covered in black paper, D is a converging lens, E is the diaphragm,F is the mirror and G is a converging lens.

  • 33

    Figure 17. Schematic diagram of the ilumination system for the RICM. Letters A to G are relating tofigure 16 components.

    Figure 18. Schematic diagram of the microscope components, showing 2 crossed polarisers, dichroicmirror, CCD camera and a objective with a build in quarter-wave plate.

    To build the RICM setup we used the following optic elements:

    ZEISS inverted microscope with a microscope objective of numerical aperture of

    0.55 and working distance of 2.6mm

    Photodiode with = 658nm

    Aspherical lens with a focal lenght of 6cm.

  • 34


    2 Converging lenses



    The light from the photodiode is sent through the aspherical lens to collimate it.

    Then we put a diffuser to avoid the projection of the image of the source in the micros-

    cope. After this we set a condenser system using two positive lenses, a diaphragm and

    a mirror to adapt the system to the space in the table.

    The diaphragm needs to be positioned in the focal distance of the first positive lens.

    The total distance between the lenses (sum of both focal lengths) is determined by the

    entrance of the microscope.

    Since RICM works with interference fringes, the light source should be partially

    coherent to avoid speckle. For the light source a photodiode and a set of optical compo-

    nents is enough to have an homogeneous illumination at the entrance of the microscope,

    because of this, manual alignment is necessary.

    From figure 16, the distance between photodiode and aspherical lens is d1=6cm, the

    distance between aspherical lens and diffuser is d2=4cm, the distance between diffuser

    and converging lens is d3=12cm, the distance between converging lens and diaphragm

    is d4=16cm, the distance between diaphragm and mirror is d5=8cm and the distance

    between mirror and converging lens is d6=8cm.

    An inverted microscope is suggested since the samples of interest tend to sediment

    in the floor of the substrate. A reflector cube inside the microscope needs to be placed

    in the light path. It should be composed of a polariser, a semi-reflecting mirror and

  • 35

    a cross polariser in order to avoid heavy noise background due to internal reflecting


    A special objective is also recommended, an objective that include a built-in quarter-

    wave plate (QWP) located in front of the lens. With the QWP we ensure that the

    incident beam and the reflected beams have a crossed polarization, therefore, only the

    reflected beam will be collected in the CCD camera as shown on figure 18.

    As stated previously, most of the time the samples of interest for RICM are sediment

    in the substrate, commonly a glass coverslip of refractive index 1.52 and surrounded by

    an aqueous medium (mostly water based mediums of refractive index 1.33 or sightly


    The samples used to characterise and test RICM measurements were:

    Glass beads of radius 10 m and refractive index of 1.5

    MDA MB 231 Breast Cancer Cells

    4.1.2. Characterization of the RICM

    To characterize RICM, experiments were made with spherical beads.

    We obtain images of 10m spherical beads under RICM configuration. The interfe-

    rence pattern is shown in figure 19. The interference pattern look like newtonian rings

    as expected.

    Since we are using particles with a circular geometry, circular integration is optimal

    to obtain the interferogram. Therefore the localization of the center of the bead is re-

    quired. We took all linear profiles of the whole matrix (horizontal and vertical profiles)

    then we selected the ones corresponding to the area of the bead, we found their ma-

    ximum and the position of the adjacent minimums. Then we choose the linear profile

  • 36

    Figure 19. Interference pattern of a spherical bead.

    with the maximum separation distance between those minimums to get our coordinates

    as show in figures 20 and 21.

    Figure 20. Correspondence between the position and the width in the horizontal axis.

    The center for this image is (140,120). The figure 22 shows the position of this pixel.

    Starting from the center of the bead we made circular integration to obtain the in-

  • 37

    Figure 21. Correspondence between the position and the width in the vertical axis.

    Figure 22. Image of an spherical bead interference pattern and the calculated center pixel.

    tensity profile, shown in figure 23.The maximums were found using the matlab function


    Since the integration was circular, the distance from the center is given by the radius

    of the circles.

    Having the intensity profile, we can find the position of the maximums and by

    equation 4 we know that every maximum represent a known value of h(x). Therefore

  • 38

    Figure 23. Correspondence between the position and the intensity.

    we can plot a graph of h(x) vs distance using equation 7.

    Since the object was a sphere, circular profile is expected. Therefore we made a

    circular fit using Taubin algorithm(Taubin, 1991) as show in figure 24.

    The radius value of the fitted circle by the Taubin method was R=10.018m. Which

    shown that using RICM we can retrieve the radius of the sphere very accurate.

    Knowing the geometry of the object, we can apply the equation 7 to calculate the

    distance from the surface. The calculated distance of the bead from the surface was:

    0.389 m.

    4.1.3. MDA MB 231 cell observation

    After testing the RICM with spherical beads, we sedimented MDA MB 231 cells

    to observe them with RICM and phase contrast microscopy. We used phase contrast

    microscopy to take a general picture of the cells and RICM to obtain information about

  • 39

    Figure 24. Correspondence between the position of the maximums and the distance from the surface.

    the area of contact of the cells.

    Figure 25. A: Picture of the cell in phase contrast.B: Picture of the cell in RICM.

  • 40

    When we are observing cells under a microscope, it is difficult to say the distance

    from the substrate to the cell because the cell is composited of different substances.

    Therefore, the index of refraction of the cell is not constant. In figure 25, we have a cell

    that had a preferred direction of movement before sticking to the surface. In figure 25b

    the head of the cell is darker, it means that is very close to the surface, while the tail

    lighter, meaning that is not close to the surface.

    Figure 26. A: Picture of the cell in phase contrast. B: Picture of the cell in RICM.

    In figure 26b, shows an image of a cell under RICM, the edge of the lamellipodium

    is completely dark while the rest of it is white, it can be because the cell is moving to

    the right using the lamellipodium as traction.

    In order to use RICM for quantitative experiments a more complex system is needed.

    Labelling the cells with fluorescent quantum dots would ensure low area of contact,

    therefore, interference patterns.

  • 41

    4.2. Gradient generator

    A gradient generator is a device that can ensure a spatial concentration profile of a

    solution given two starting solutions with different concentrations by controlled mixing.

    It was first designed by (Stephan et al., 2000). It consist of a microfluidic network that

    mixes the initial solutions. The arrangement if known as a christmas three microfluidic

    network as shown in figure 1.

    The gradient generator microfluidic device was made in PDMS with a channel height

    of 80 m and a channel width of 100 m ensuring the fulfilling of the requirements for

    microfluidic conditions (laminar flow and slow diffusion) by the equation 1, giving a

    maximum Reynolds number of 0.01 for a fluid velocity of 0.1 ml/min.

    Figure 27. Optical microscopy image showing a microchanel with a U shape of the gradient generatordevice.

    Our gradient generator is formed of mixing channels with different geometries, like

    straight lines and curves. Figure 27 shows the U turn of our microfluidic device while

    the figure 28 shows the branching of all mixing channels into the outlet channel.

  • 42

    Figure 28. Optical microscopy image showing a microchanel of a five channel joint of the gradient generatordevice.

    4.2.1. Mathematical description

    Using the fundamental properties of microfluidics we can induce chemotaxis for the

    study of cell migration through the concentration of epidermal grow factor (EGF) (Price

    et al., 1991).

    A simple model that describe the behaviour in the microchannels of the volume

    splitting ratios under laminar flow is using a description analogous to the analysis of

    an electric circuit. In the microfluidic scheme, the fluid flow represent the current while

    the viscosity and the length of travel plays the role of the resistance. So the flow will

    go towards the trajectory of minimum resistance.

    An approach to generate the gradients is using a microfluidic network in a christmas

    tree configuration geometry, as shown in figure 29.

    A simple way to describe a branching point is shown in figure 30, where we just

    take care about 1 inlet and 2 directions of flow. From figure 30 we have the equation

  • 43

    Figure 29. Christmas tree microfluidic network geometry.

    for the joint.

    Figure 30. Equivalent electric circuit model of a single branch.

    I = I1 + I2, (8)

    where I is the inlet current and I1 and I2 are the outlet currents.

    By analogy to the ohms law we have that the flow that is needed to satisfy the

  • 44

    following equation is given by (Hakho et al., 1991).

    I =V

    R, (9)

    where V is the pressure difference and R is the resistance of the channel.

    In general In =V/Rn, where In and Rn are the inlet of the n side and the resistance

    of the n side.

    Since the continuity equation (Hakho et al., 1991) needs to be satisfy, the diffe-

    rence in pressure for both ways need to be constant, from the equation 9 we can get

    equation 10.

    I1 =R2R1I2 (10)

    If we substitute this in the node equation 8 we obtain an expression in terms of the

    inlet current.

    I1 =R2

    R1 +R2I, (11)

    or in general

    In =Rm

    Rn +RmI. (12)

    For a symmetrical system we have that R1 = R2 = R. We can see in the equation

    8 that I1 = I2, but for a general system like the one shown in figure 30, R1 6= R2. R1and R2 will be given by the sum of the resistance in each side for each branch of the

    microfluidic network.

    A simple model to obtain a general expression for the splitting of the flow can be

    obtained using the convention in the figure 31, where every level is marked, with B the

  • 45

    number of inlets in the current horizontal level and S the number of aditional resistances

    to the left from the branching point.

    Figure 31. Schematic representation for the nomenclature we used for the mathematical description ofthe network. If B=6 and S=2, for this branching point R1= 2R and R2= 5R.

    Under this conventions the equations for the currents can be writen in the following

    way (Stephan et al., 2001).

    I1 =B S + 1B + 1

    I, (13)

    I2 =S

    B + 1I. (14)

    Using this convention it is easy to follow the current in every branch in order to know

    the distribution of the flow. Therefore we can know what percentage of each substance

    from each inlet goes to each channel.

    For a two inlet system like the one shown in figure 29 the total flow in each level B

    is given by equation 15.

    ItotB =B

    B + 1I (15)

    The concentration in the channels on the edges of the system is filled with pure

    solution coming from the inlets (inlet one for the left sided channels and inlet two for

  • 46

    the right sided channels). The flow for an arbitrary channel (B,S) is given by the two

    flows of the adjacent branching points, the ratios are given by equations 13 and 14.

    IBS = IB(S1)2 + IBS1, (16)

    where S needs to be 6= 1,B.The concentration is given by equation 16.

    CBS =C(B1)(S1)IB(S1)2 + C(B1)SIBS1


    Using equations 13, 14 and 15 in equation 17 we can find a recursive equation for

    the concentration.

    CBS =(S 1)C(B1)(S1) + (B S + 1)C(B1)S

    B, (18)

    where CB1 = C11 and CBB = C12. Being C11 and C12 the concentration at the inlets.

    4.2.2. The mixing chamber

    To ensure diffusion for Reynolds numbers lowers than 1, long mixing channels are

    suggested (Stephan et al., 2001), this let us change the inlets velocity without loosing

    the laminar flow property nor the slow diffusion.

    The mixing chamber consist of a serpentine channel. Its total length is given by 10

    straight segments of 3400 m and 13 turns of middle radius 150 m, giving a total

    length of 40.13 millimetres. The outlet channel width is 1 millimetre and have a length

    of 14.2 millimetres

  • 47

    4.2.3. The step profile

    As a first gradient generator we designed a linear concentration profile generator

    with two inlets and five outlets. The design is shown in figure 1.

    We mounted the microfluidic device in a microscope and then we injected with a

    syringe pump water in one inlet and Potassium permanganate(KMnO4) as a coloured

    substance in the other one and took some pictures at the outlet channel. In order to

    make a step profile, is required to have high flow velocities to avoid diffusion in the

    outlet channel. The velocity required to be able to see a step profile was 0.4 ml/minute.

    We measure the line intensity profile in two places of the outlet channel, the first

    one located at 200 m from the joint of all the channels shown in figure 32A and the

    second one at 2000 m from the joint shown in figure 32B.

    Figure 32. Image of the outlet channel showing the gradient line profile for two different positions alongthe outlet channel under a flow rate of 0.4 ml/minute. a: 200 m from the joint. b: 2000 m from thejoint.

    At 200 m from the joint we obtain a step profile for the concentration as shown in

    figure 33, this is expected since the mixing by diffusion is still occurring in the entrance

    of the channel. It can be seen in figure 34 that even if the velocity was high, the diffusion

  • 48

    was still going on and tending to get a linear profile when it gets far from the joints.

    The distance between this two profiles is 1800 m, it is less than the half of the length

    of the mixing chamber, length that ensure diffusion.

    Figure 33. Correspondence between intensity and position at 200 m from the joint for the dye solutionexperiment.

    Then we repeated the experiment with Alexa488 fluorescent probes that absorbs at

    = 495 and emit at = 520 and using the same gradient generator microfluidic device,

    multiple images were required because the microscope vision area for fluorescence was

    limited to the size of the laser spot as shown in figure 35. In this case we also obtain a

    step profile as shown in figure 36

    After looking at the step profile, we lowered the velocity to 0.01 ml/minute to

    observe if the behaviour was linear as expected

  • 49

    Figure 34. Correspondence between intensity and position at 2000 m from the joint for the solutionexperiment.

    Figure 35. Gradient line profile at 5000 m from the joint at the outlet channel under a flow rate of 0.4ml/minute.

  • 50

    Figure 36. Correspondence between intensity and position at 5000 m from the joint for the fluorescentparticles solution experiment.

    4.2.4. The linear profile

    To ensure mixing by diffusion we lowered the inlets flow rate to 0.01ml/minute.

    This velocity is low enough to have diffusion within the length of the outlet channel.

    We measured an intensity profile of the outlet at a distance of 5 millimetres from the

    joints. The image line profile its display as the black line in the figure 37 and the profile

    is shown in figure 38

    We obtained a linear profile as shown in figure 38, showing that our gradient gene-

    rator is working and we are able to produce the desire profile.

  • 51

    Figure 37. Gradiant line profile at 5000 m from the joint at the outlet channel under a flow rate of 0.01ml/minute.

    Figure 38. Correspondence between intensity and position at 5000 m from the joint for the dye solutionexperiment.

  • 52

    Chapter 5

    Cell fixing in microfluidics

    In this chapter, we will describe the procedure that we followed for cell fixing in

    microfluidic device, in this case in a gradient generator. The cells that were inserted to

    fix were MDA MB 231, breast cancer cells. In order to constantly test our cell fixing

    technique it is necessary to have a supply of fresh and healthy cells. We will also describe

    the protocol for cell subculture.

    5.1. Maintaining cultured cells

    In this section we will describe the procedure for subculturing of cells in culture.

    Subculturing is a procedure were we remove the growth medium and transfer de cells

    from a previous culture into a fresh growth medium. In this way we maintain a fresh

    supply of cells.

    The equipment and materials needed for subculture are an incubator at 37 C with

    5 % CO2 atmosphere, cell culture hood and reagents.

    The process of cell subculture is pretty standard and consist in the following steps:

    1.- Sterilization with alcohol the cell culture hood and all the regents containers this


    Phosphate buffered saline (PBS). It is used to wash the cells in the culture flask.

    Dulbeccos modified eagles medium (DMEM) + Glutamax. It is the cell culture


    Trypsin. It is a protein for easier cell detachment from the culture flask.

  • 53

    Culture Flasks.

    2.- Remove and discard the spent culture medium from the culture flask.

    3.- Wash cells with 5ml of PBS.

    4.- Discard the PBS from the culture flask.

    5.- Add 500l of trypsin

    6.- Incubate the cell culture flask at 37 C with 5 % CO2 atmosphere.

    7.- Remove the culture flask from the incubator

    8.- Add 5ml of culture medium in the culture flask and 5ml of culture medium in a

    new culture flask.

    9.- Transfer the desire volume to the new culture flask.

    10.- Label the new culture flask with the following data:

    Name of the cells


    Initial Volume

    User name

    11.- Incubate the culture flasks at 37 C with 5 % CO2 atmosphere.

    5.2. Cell fixing in a microfluidic device

    Cell fixing in microfluidic device is not a well characterized process. In order to try

    to do cell culture, we followed the next process.

    Flow the medium in the microfluidic device (This is to have the channels already


  • 54

    Inject cells

    Put the device in the incubator for 1 hour

    First we tried to inject the cells directly (before tubing) into the microfluidic device

    and then we placed the device in the incubator, after 1 hour we observed that the

    cells were fixed. Then we did the same but adding the tubing, after 2-3 hours the cells

    started to detach and die. The first thing to considerate was contamination due to the

    silicone but after seeing this many times even with the most of the cares we discarded

    this option.

    Another factor that could play an important role for cell fixing is the pressure. Since

    the cells are sensible to pressure and can get stressed by changes of pressure, therefore,

    as a second option we tried first making the tubing, then, a cleaning of the device for

    possible silicone leakage, afterwards we filled the tubes and the device with medium

    and at last we injected the cells. Using this method we intermediately found a problem,

    we had changes of pressure due to gravitational potential, making the cells flow slowly

    through the channel until they left the device.

    Then as a third attempt, we plugged the tubes of the inlets but did not plugged

    the tube in the outlet, then we directly injected the cells into the microfluidic device

    and placed it in the incubator for 1 hour, after this step, the cells were fixed. Then we

    plugged a metallic tube (a piece of a cut syringe needle) directly in the outlet and on

    it we plugged a piece of plastic tube, with this, we managed to have a closed system.

    Figure 39 shows some MDA MB 231 cells inside a microfluidic system.

    Since the volume in the microfluidic device are small we have evaporation due to

    temperature (37 C) which the cells requires to stay alive, it is needed to keep a constant

    flow of fresh culture medium inside the microfluidic device. When trying to do this we

  • 55

    Figure 39. Living MDA MB 231 cells attached in the substrate in a microfludic device.

    got some bubbles going inside the microfluidic channels and since the flow was really

    slow, the cells died due to lack of culture medium in this period. We tried to overcome

    this problem by changing how we introduce the culture medium, first connecting the

    syringes right after adding the cells and second trying doing it at the end, on both cases

    without success in solving the air bubbles problem.

    When trying to work with cells in a microfluidic environment there are many pro-

    blems to overcome, the main problems we found was pressure problems and in the way

    to inject the medium to avoid bubbles. We suggest implementing luerstocks to manage

    the pressure and bubbles problems.

  • 56

    Chapter 6

    Conclusion and perspectives

    During this research project the necessary basic techniques were studied to fabricate

    a microfluidic device in order to build an experimental system for measuring the adhe-

    sion and movement of cells during the migration process. The process used to produce

    the microfluidic master device was photolithography using ultrasonic cleaning, depo-

    sition by spincoating and ultrasonic development. It was found that one of the main

    factors affecting the durability of the master device was the developing process. When

    the developing process is performed it is needed to consider the shape and proximity

    of the structures because if they are close enough, some photoresist could get stuck

    between them. Ultrasonic development shows to be a good way to develop the sample.

    Coating the master device with fluorsilane before using it improved the lifetime of it,

    making easier to remove the PDMS from the master.

    We have presented that RICM as a technique with good accuracy to measure dis-

    tance from the surface without labelling or staining the sample. Its drawback is the

    complexity of the image interpretation for complex images especially for quantitative

    analyses. This issue arises from the fact that RICM measure optical paths rather than

    absolute distance. Possible future developments could be made with a combination of

    RICM with other surface microscopy techniques, for example total internal reflection

    microscopy (TIRF). Another way is to perform a high theoretical and experimental

    analysis using spectral variation to determinate length independently of material opti-

    cal properties.

    Finally RICM has demonstrated to be compatible with microfluidics due to the

  • 57

    nature of the surfaces. Microfluidic devices are made on glass coverslips, the glass cover

    slips have a flat surface, therefore are optimal for an RICM setup.

    We also presented our ways to do cell culture in a microfluidic environment without

    having success on keeping the cells alive. More experimental work is needed to be done

    in order to have a stable environment to keep the cells alive, being the control of the

    pressure one of the main goals. We propose to lock the inlets with luerstocks to avoid

    changes of pressure that could stress the cells and additionally avoid the introduction

    of air bubbles.

    We developed an analytic technique to calculate de split ratios of substances with

    different components, therefore, is possible to calculate the parameters to produce mul-

    tiple gradients of different components at the same time.

  • 58

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