michigan recruiters conference sourcing lab with elijah beckwith


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1. CRUITIN 2. -CRUITIN 3. What would ya say ydo - here? Utilizing Boolean Search through Google Leveraging LinkedIn Recruiting Facebook 4. An Aberdeen study found that 73% of 18-34 year olds found their last job through a social network. (Source: Aberdeen Group) *Its about subsidizing your current processes & having more avenues to locate talent *Finding candidates to place sure; but also finding people that didnt know they wanted your job. Jobvite 5. So long & the short if I do my job correctly: 6. BOOLEAN SEARCH THROUGH GOOGLE The process of utilizing search operators and commands coupled with specific keywords, locations, and data to return desired output. PROS: - Free. - Candidates you wont/cant find elsewhere online. - Access to passive candidates. CONS: - Longer-form. - Most applicable for Engineering/IT capacities. 7. GENERAL EXACT NOT/- TILDE/~ ASTERISK/* OR 8. Search: Google Lansing Michigan Web Developer 9. Search: Google (inurl:resume OR intitle:resume OR inurl:cv OR intitle:cv) "Web Developer" "Lansing, MI" -jobs -recruiter "Web Designer" -postjobfree 10. LINKEDIN * Utilize Boolean Search Terms in Advanced Search to locate candidates (in LinkedIn Basic) * Developments for those without LinkedIn Recruiter access. Total # of searches, workarounds, etc. * Tips and tricks for optimizing your LinkedIn search results and your time 11. General LinkedIn Search: Web Developer and Lansing, MI and ASP 12. LinkedIn Adv. Search: "Web Developer" -jobs recruiter ASP *manage 13. For Those of Us Without LinkedIn Recruiter update The Latest LinkedIn has recently gone live with a Commercial Use Limit on each Basic profile. The Problem When you reach a certain amount of searches as well as a certain amount of profile views your ability to search will be restricted. Its based on the total number of searches executed in a certain period of time. The Experiment Ran a trial, on two separate occasions, to see how many searches would prompt LinkedIn to get mad at me. The Results The first trial rendered 89 separate searches total. The second 83 in 2+ days. Looking at other sourcers & recruiters online who like me must have too much time on their hands we got an average of approximately 82. (source: recruitingblogs.com) The Solution A couple of workarounds: Dont worry you can search all you want go crazy. The one thing to remember just dont click on profiles. Find alternate means of locating contact info (Google, Facebook); only click profiles as needed. Make sure youre not searching too much within one weeks time. There seems to be a reset function at some point after a least one week. 14. Include full names of acronyms and vice versa Need a Design Engineer Pro/E Software? Unigraphics? Pro-E = 47,907 profiles VS. Pro Engineer = 284,329 UG = 52,152 VS. Unigraphics = 97,738 *The hyphen or slash does not have any bearing Pro/E, Pro-E, Pro E = 47.907 Common split/unsplit words will produce different results: Front End Developer = 48,955 Frontend Developer = 14,214 Capitalize OR If you dont, LinkedIn will treat it as a search term. Software or Softwares = 129,595 Software OR Softwares = 16,557,385 Include abbreviations Linkedin is more formal than other social networking sites, but not to the point of a Resume . Candidates will still abbreviate titles. 696,085 results for MGR OR Mngr No need to use Of, the etc and Special Characters LinkedIn doesnt care about em. You shouldnt either. Director of Operations = 357,963 Director Operations = 357,963 *Approach LinkedIn for what it is i.e. theyre profiles not resumes* 15. FACEBOOK Not Just For ________ Anymore 1.39B & 890M Daily Users & the worlds second most visited site (Yeah, Ive heard of it.) *You can have a brand here and it can be awesome. *How do I find candidates outta those bajillion people? 16. How Your Company Will Be Awesome on Facebook Make an awesome career page. Yes, put the facts and specs of why youre the best company ever along with why someone should want to work there Engage: Share interesting, fresh, and fun info with your audience Respond and interact with any candidate questions or inquiries Give industry insights and post employee testimonials, reviews, videos, etc. Stick with it. Schedule reminders to update monitor feedback etc. 17. SOURCING FACEBOOK The Struggle is Real. No More Facebook Graph Search (as we knew it) YES! No Bueno 18. The Solution http://www.intel-sw.com/blog/facebook-search/ 19. The Results/Next Steps - Weve found people arent too turned-off being contacted via Facebook - Send Message ($1) - Friend-ing not always the best idea for making that contact 20. PRACTICE