michelle slide show picture story book


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Post on 13-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Michelle slide show picture story book
Page 2: Michelle slide show picture story book

It was dawn 6.30am. The bright shining sun was shimmering across the strong ocean. As the water cracked the breeze travelled smoothly across the bright blue goodness. As the pale blue mammal swam through the cold pacific sea his tail swished through the thick clear water.

Page 3: Michelle slide show picture story book

He hesitated as these humongous waves floated. The thick water became tender and rough. This large sized object came closer and closer. The closer it got the more his intense heart pounded. It increased amazingly. It took two heart beats for his mind to figure out what the large sized object was. He quickly swam over 25 miles to get to the bottom of the dark teal sea.

Page 4: Michelle slide show picture story book

He waited miserably. It took hours and hours for him to feel safe again. He swam intensively up to the dark surface. He peeked to see where the horrible thing went. It rushed back. He spotted a blank white net dragging across the thick blue water. He froze. He felt a rush of water fall down his back. His mind was yelling at him to SWIM away, but he was ignoring it.

Page 5: Michelle slide show picture story book

AMAZINGLY it stopped. But the white net didn’t. It dragged through the water over to him. It was about 1cm away. He was fidgeting all around but he just couldn’t get out. The net began moving again, amazingly so did the large thing. He tried everything to get out but he just couldn’t get out.

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2 hours later (still on the net). He spotted something. He wasn’t positive of what it was, but it had something on it. He pulled himself through the blue water up to the unknown object. He thought he read WHALE POACH ACADAMY!!

He finally scratched the white net, he fit through the whole he made and swam off. His eyes saw the most beautiful thing. It was bright, colourful and amazing.

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He saw tiny spikes and a group of bright fish hidden inside. The current made it swish from side to side back and forth. The sunlight shinned upon it and made a bright shine of yellow. He swam past feeling like he was king of the world. He had a rush of thought reach his mind.

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1 day later WINTER! He figured it’s time to move on. He was thinking hard. He thought he had to move to a warmer place to mate. He can finish his life span with 2 baby calves. If he was smart he would go to a place where no one would go. One thought came, only ONE. It was a risky place but it was the only place. If he went he would save the whales, but if he didn’t they will be gone!

He swam and swam and swam.........

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He finally reached it. All those hours of humility and pain were finally over. He thought maybe he could stay here forever.


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He is still swimming around like he has just been born. HE HAS SAVED THE WHALES FOREVER!