mi voice spring 2006

Spring 2006 No. 103 mivoice People and their stories Good Night, Sweet Dreams Melbourne Marathon How you can get involved INSIDE Features Well Ways National Rolling out a demonstration and evaluation project Registered with the Department of Human Services Print Post Approved 350190 / 00023 ISSN 0816 7877 For people with a mental illness, their families and friends well ways Helping family & friends find better ways

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Mi Voice Spring 2006


Page 1: Mi Voice Spring 2006

Spring 2006 No. 103


People and their stories Good Night, Sweet Dreams

Melbourne Marathon How you can get involved

INSIDE Features Well Ways National Rolling out a demonstration and evaluation project

Registered with the Department of Human Services Print Post Approved 350190 / 00023 ISSN 0816 7877

For people with a mental illness, their families and friends

well waysHelping family & friends find better ways

Page 2: Mi Voice Spring 2006

Business Review Weekly, in its edition of June 29- July 5

2006, ran a story entitled “Costly compassion”. The article

described Australia’s not-for-profit sector as ‘fat, lazy and

inefficient’. The BRW article quotes Don D’Cruz, who it calls ‘a

commentator on charities and non-government organisations’,

saying “They don’t want to be transparent because they don’t

want to be second-guessed or questioned about how they

spend their money”.

The truth is that money in the community sector has always

been sparse and many not for profit organizations have

lacked both the expertise and the capacity to engage the

expertise, to meet the increasingly complex reporting and

management requirements. There is a growing demand in the

sector for greater accountability and demonstrated efficient

management of service delivery. Managing these expectations

and ensuring the greatest expenditure is provided for direct

services to people, rather than overheads, has been a struggle

for organizations and has seen either growth or mergers

where overhead costs can be better spread.

MI Fellowship has grown to meet need and in doing so has

been able to increase efficiencies. Growth remains a key

strategic direction. The Board has concentrated on building

its expertise and capacity to meet community demand for

transparency and good governance. Our strategic plan clearly

sets out directions to the end of 2008 and includes program,

financial targets and areas for targeted development.

Over the past two

years, we have been

working towards

meeting Quality

Improvement &

Community Services

Accreditation (QICSA)

standards. There are 19 standards involved in three main

sections: 1. Building quality organizations; 2. Providing quality

services and programs; and 3. Sustaining quality external

relationships. The process involved a rigorous review of all

our systems and processes, including wide consultation with

people who use our services.

I am pleased to report that, following a comprehensive audit

by QICSA in July this year, we were found to have met all the

standards and have achieved “Leading Practice” standard in

three standards: Leadership and management; Collaboration

and strategic positioning; and Community and professional

capacity building. Formal accreditation will be conferred in

September this year.

I thank all of you who have contributed to the process of

accreditation and quality improvement in this organisation so

far – participants, members, supporters, volunteers and staff.

The outcomes are far from academic. They form the essential

evidence that shows that this organization is far from ‘fat,

lazy and inefficient’ and still has firmly in focus its vision and

mission – to improve the lives of people with a mental illness,

their families and friends.

IndexVietnamese Week at O’Meara House 3

A mother’s story about living with mental illness 4

‘Good Night, Sweet Dreams’ creative writing 5

Board of Directors – new and returning Directors 7

National Well Ways 8

Melbourne Marathon returns 9


From the Chief Executive

Blue wren… creative writing from an O’Meara House guest

Nestled within the branches of a Banksia tree, a brightly

coloured blue wren gazed out as a group of people

approached, dragging a large blue box behind them.

Some of these people had white sticks protruding

from their mouths with rising smoke, giving off a

strange aroma. The little blue wren flew to a higher

perch to have a closer look. He watched them

very carefully. ‘A curious gathering of humans’,

he thought. Wagging his long tail from side to side, as was his

custom, he watched as they all gathered around the flat wooden

object, bringing out strange shaped objects from their blue box

and placing them in a pattern on the flat wood. Then once this

was complete they began their familiar custom of strange sing

song noises, each taking turns whilst placing what appeared to

be foods in their mouths. ‘Humans eat curious food’ thought the

little wren. They seemed pleased to abide

in the forest even though he instinctively

knew they would leave soon. Although he

had witnessed this human custom on many

occasions, this particular group seemed

somehow different. He felt these humans had

all been through many experiences, very difficult

times, yet there seemed to be a common thread

running through them,

a kind of silent knowing that made them all feel at ease.

After the humans had eaten, a few white sticks in their

mouths and lit their sticks with fire, whilst others placed

the left over objects back in the blue box. They then began

to walk back up the path. The little blue wren wished them

well and flew off into the open sky.

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News bitesAccreditation The first week in June was a busy one for

the four Reviewers from Quality Improvement

and Community Services Accreditation (QICSA).

MI Fellowship had invited them

to conduct a thorough audit of the organisation

against two sets of standards:

• Quality Improvement Council

Health and Community Services Core Standards

• Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support

Services (PDRSS) Standards

They had four days to get to know us and come to some

conclusions about how MI Fellowship could further ensure

excellent levels of service to people with a mental illness,

their families and friends.

Before the Reviewers came, we had to conduct an in-depth

self-assessment against the standards. A team of staff

representing the different programs and levels of the organisation

got together to assess our operations against these standards.

Around 20 meetings were held until every single area of each

standard had been considered. All this self-assessment was all

written up in a 40,000 word document called the “Quality Journal”

and submitted to QICSA prior to the review.

The QICSA Reviewers’ traveled to nine

different MI Fellowship sites, interviewed

50 participants, 50 staff, a handful

of volunteers and students. By the end

of the week the Reviewers had heard

hundreds of opinions and experiences

of MI Fellowship’s programs.

By 3.30pm on the last day an eager audience of staff and

participants gathered at Fairfield Place to hear QICSA

announcing the results of MI Fellowship’s first External

Review. The good news came – we had passed every single

one of the 17 standards we were being benchmarked against.

This was an unusual achievement for any organisation going

for their first review. Not only that, we had also attained

a “leading practice” commendation in three areas – an

exceptional achievement for first timers. The areas are

leadership and management, collaboration and strategic

positioning and community and professional capacity building.

Rather than coming to the end of accreditation, the QICSA

process has only just begun. The External Review is just one

part of an ongoing cycle of continuous quality improvement.

�.In April this year, Madeline Trahair, Respite Services

Coordinator – Northern Region was contacted by Hai

Nguyen (a group facilitator from Action for Disability in Ethic

Communities ADEC) about the potential of working together

to meet the needs of a group he had identified as missing

out on current respite services. Together, Madeline and Hai

developed a culturally appropriate and flexible program that

would meet the needs of this particular community, resulting

in the first Vietnamese Week at O’Meara House in June.

“We discovered that many of the proposed participants had

not been on a holiday since arriving in Australia” said

Madeline. The Vietnamese generally have a strong sense

of community and it was noted that separating carers from

consumers was not desirable. This resulted in a mixed respite

option that staff and participants felt worked exceptionally

well. An O’Meara House staff member noted “We were

impressed with the connectedness of the group - the way they

looked after and supported each other, discussed issues, and

made decisions as a group”. Banter during meal times and

insistence by guests that staff join them at the table enabled

a valued culture exchange where guests used some English,

and Hai interpreted the rest.

The activities undertaken, determined by the group,

included bowling, movies, op-shopping and visits

to Healesville Sanctuary, Puffing Billy, Werribee Zoo

and Mansion. And, of course, there was plenty of time

for rest and recuperation. The group indicated they’d like

to try ‘Aussie cuisine’ so a staff member cooked kangaroo

steaks, which were tried by almost all of the guests.

However, it didn’t tickle everyone’s taste buds!

Overall, a very successful cross-cultural collaboration was

established between MI Fellowship and the Vietnamese

community. The partnership was created out of an identified

gap in present services and in order to best provide for the

multicultural society in which we live. We hope to continue

to develop these relations and make this an annual event.

Vietnamese Week at O’Meara House

O’Meara House guests for Vietnamese week

Melissa Macphail, MI Fellowship’s Quality Coordinator

Page 4: Mi Voice Spring 2006

A mother’s storyOur son was a typical and happy child who played sport,

dressed-up and played pirates and knights and went with

his dad to watch his favourite footy team. Then, five years

ago, he had a psychotic episode. He was 17 and it occurred

as a result of stress. He had just had major and traumatic

surgery and his father was having some health problems.

At the time we did not know how serious it could be.

There was the pressure of the last two years of high school;

and other normal adolescence life pressures.

He was admitted to hospital for a week and then visited

a youth service as an outpatient. Over the next couple

of years he made a good recovery, graduated from high

school, and passed the first year of a Bachelor of Social Work.

He was discharged from the Youth Service with a small dose

of medication. We assumed that he had recovered completely

and would not need any further support because nobody told

us otherwise.

Two months after discharge from the outpatient youth service,

he changed and increased medications and, as a result,

entered a vicious cycle of getting better for a while and then

relapsing. This distressing period lasted for nearly two years.

There were times when we were frightened and worried,

uncertain what the next day would bring or how we

would manage.

For us, as parents, it was extremely hard to see our son

in emotional pain and be unable to help him. He had lost

everything: his part time job, his studies, his ability to enjoy

life, and his friends. Different medications created side effects

including weight gain, neck stiffness, numbness and insomnia

(which greatly affected all the family). He spent his days

at home unmotivated, smoking and waiting for time to pass,

depressed for long periods and suicidal. It was extremely hard

to hear that he did not want to live anymore, that his pain

is too great to live with.

There were times when for weeks he was too unwell and

suicidal to be left alone. There were times when his pain

and hopelessness was so great that I dreamt we could take

a plane for a holiday somewhere and the plane would crash

so everything would finally be over.

One day in desperation after a crisis, I rang the helpline

at Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria and got the emotional

support I needed. I subsequently had a counselling session

there that started to open some doors for us. My husband

attended the Well Ways program and each week brought home

valuable information that we discussed and started to put into

practice. I later did the Well Ways program and decided

to volunteer on the helpline. The assistance offered to me was

so useful that I wanted to help others through difficult times

and also do my part to ensure that this worthwhile service

continues. I now volunteer weekly and find it very rewarding.

It is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel when

you are in the middle of a crisis. However, we have to keep

our hope alive and have faith that any situation, no matter

how difficult, can’t last forever.

It took months, but our journey has started to change from

one of desperation and hopelessness to a journey of support.

Some positive changes are starting to take place

in terms of finding the right medication, receiving

psychosocial rehabilitation and practical support.

My whole family now have our lives back to some degree.

We still have to deal with the illness and its impact, but we

now have some tools and support to be able to manage.

Our son is now stable enough to engage again in his studies

and sport. There are skills he has to re-learn, but he now

has the motivation and stability to try. The most important

lessons we learnt as carers is that the more you understand

the illness and the health system the more acceptance you

gain; and the more you ask for help, the more power you have

to make a difference in your life as a carer and in the quality

of life of your loved one with the mental illness.

Written by a MI Fellowship member and volunteer


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Well Ways promotional postersThe front cover of this edition of MI Voice features the new

promotional posters for the national roll-out of the Well Ways

program. We’re very excited by this new development and are

keen to hear what you think of it. If you have any feedback

about the posters, please contact Miranda England on

03 8486 4244 or email [email protected]

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People & their stories

Good Night, Sweet Dreams by Cynna KyddA kiss on the forehead and you’re alone, nothing is going

to protect you from what lurks in the shadows. A night

of sweet dreams lay ahead for those who fall asleep. Your

eyelids become heavy, your breath slows, you begin to relax.

A noise in the room awakens your senses. You are so close

to the safe haven of sleep, but your curiosity takes control.

Shapes drift around the room, fear begins to creep into your

mind. A glimpse of the creature and you are soon frozen

to the bed. What was that? Who’s there? What does it want?

A scream attempts to escape your mouth. Silence. A dash

for the door? Impossible. The creature of your imagination

is getting closer, fear runs down your spine, sending panic

through your body. What does this creature want? To hurt

you, or just to scare you? You want to be brave and stare the

creature in the face but you can’t. Isn’t there anywhere safe?

Then you remember - a place where nothing can touch you.

Your sanctuary. You dive under the blankets, quickly, before

the creature follows you. Safe. Sleep soon drifts in without

another thought of the creature that lingers in the room.

It’s amazing how your mind can play tricks on you when you

are a child. Lucky children believe that something so simple

as a blanket can protect them.

No-one now to kiss me on the forehead.

I am once again faced with the nightmare of sleep.

All alone.

No creatures in the room.


Tonight is going to be different.

Sleep will come as easily as when I was a child.

My eyelids start to close.

Relaxation takes over.

Sleep is near.

Not a sound to be heard, nor a shape to be seen, no one else’s

presence but for my own. The creature appears!

Just like when I was a child

But this time it isn’t in the room with me.

It is in my head.

Weakness has taken control. This creature now runs my

thoughts, my mind and my emotions. To think, that I allowed

this creature into my life. My mind wasn’t strong enough –

I wasn’t good enough. This creature has the strength to

destroy everything, including me. It is all my fault. I should

be happy, this creature shouldn’t have got in. All I can think

is what’s wrong with me, why is it following me? Helplessness

takes over, there is nothing to be done. Tears are smothering

me and no matter what I do there is no surviving the flood


of water which surrounds

me. This pool of water,

I have once again created

all by myself, may silence

the creature along with me.

Why can’t I make it stop?

There is no life boat out here

to save me.

The blanket.

Safe. As a child you don’t

wonder if the creature is still

there, the feeling of safety is enough. Sleep however is far

away, the demon is still there and there is no way of getting

it out of my head. This is one creature the blanket cannot

protect me from. Panic has taken over. I don’t know what to

do. It is just me and the creature under the blanket. Enough

people have had to put up with this creature controlling me.

I don’t want to hurt them anymore. Is there no way to escape

this creature I have created in my head?

That is it. The creature is in my head, it’s MY creation. I gave

it control, I let it in. A blanket on the bed is not going to save

me. My friends and family aren’t going to save me. No matter

how many times I tell myself to stand up to the creature I still

find it lurking around waiting for a moment of weakness.

I promise I will not give up. No matter how many times I

return under the blanket I will make this creature disappear.

This creature has a name, it is known as depression.

Just the name scares many people. Especially people who

don’t have to battle with it every day and night. Maybe if we

all didn’t shudder at the mention of the word, this evil

creature in our lives wouldn’t exist. A blanket can protect

children, but as adults we are faced with expectations,

perceptions of what other people think and the desire

to be normal. It is sometimes hard to act childishly,

but this is a time that you need to.

Cynna Kydd (nee Neele) lives in Preston, Victoria. She is

an elite netballer, having spent two years at the Australian

Insitute of Sport, and the last seven years playing in the

National League and more recently representing Australia.

Recently Cynna developed depression which affected her

so emphatically that her family and friends thought she

might never play elite netball again. It was during this

depression that she wrote “Good Night, Sweet Dreams”.

Having acknowledged her illness, Cynna is now back

on track and playing well.

Cynna Kydd playing for the

Melbourne Phoenix

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With the state election pending, we have a great opportunity to assess the attitudes and plans for mental health services of all parties and candidates standing for election. Already you, our members, have made a significant contribution

by identifying key areas of concern, the impacts those areas have on your lives and the outcomes you would like.

The Senate Select Committee report, the ‘Not for Service’ report of the Mental Health Council of Australia and Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Committee, and more recently the report prepared by the Boston Consulting Group for the state government, “Improving Mental Health Outcomes in Victoria: The Next Wave of Reform”, all identify the need to strengthen the support offered to people with mental illness living in the community, to stop the ‘revolving door’ syndrome that treats people only when they have become acutely unwell.

MI Fellowship has prepared a ‘Call to Action’ which challenges all aspirants to state office to make real commitments to addressing mental health service issues in the next

parliament. In it we back up the call of the Prime Minister for the states to match the Commonwealth’s commitment of $1.8 billion dollars over the next five years. We have invited each of the parties fielding candidates to prepare a short response to our asks which we will distribute to you. Your work at a local level with your local candidates will help to strengthen our case.

Senator Lyn Allison, who chaired the Senate Select Committee on Mental Health will give an address at our Annual General meeting on October 20 and will offer us her assessment of the current state of Victoria’s mental health system.

My term of office on the Board expires on October 13 as do those of three of my colleagues. Each of us has nominated for re-election. See elsewhere in this edition for details. Louise Milne-Roch will chair the Board meeting on October 13 when the results of the Board elections will be announced. At that meeting, office bearers for the coming year will be elected by the new Board. I encourage you to attend the forum and AGM. MI Fellowship has a long tradition of strong member voices which ensure that all its work reflects the lived experience of people with a mental illness, their families and friends. Without your voice, MI Fellowship has no mandate to advocate for reform.

Your participation in the AGM adds to that voice and makes a real difference.

From the President

About one in five Australians will experience depression

at some time during their lives, and that is just one

of a range of mental illnesses, many of them poorly

understood.” The committee released its report in March

this year, calling for massive increases in funding and

a nation-wide roll out of up to 400 highly accessible

community based mental health centres, as part of a

radical overhaul of mental health services. We are delighted

that Senator Allison has agreed to be the guest speaker at

our AGM, which is an important night for MI Fellowship to

report back to members about the previous financial year.

It’s also the night where we present our annual awards,

recognising the people who make a contribution to the lives

of people affected by mental illness.

WHERE: MI Fellowship, Fairfield Place, 276 Heidelberg Road, Fairfield

WHEN: Friday 20 October at 5.30pm

Forum featuring Senator Lyn Allison and Annual General Meeting

Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria will host our AGM at

Fairfield Place on Friday 20 October. The AGM will feature

an address from our special guest speaker, Senator Lyn

Allison. Senator Allison is the Chair of the Senate Inquiry

into Mental Health issues. When the committee called for

public submissions, Senator Allison said “Most people

know someone personally affected by mental health issues.

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The Hon. Robert Knowles - PresidentRob is a farmer and Company Director. He currently is the

Chair of the Mental Health Council of Australia, Chair of

the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia, Chair of Food

Standards Australia New Zealand and on the Board of the

Victorian Trauma Foundation. He is a former Victorian Minister

for Health and has a strong interest in services for consumers

and their families and carers.

Mr Graeme Pocknee - Vice PresidentGraeme has professional experience as line manager, in-

house change manager, and contracted consultant and

educator spanning the banking and financial services,

aerospace, agriculture, petroleum, chemicals, electricity,

coal, water, automotive and professional services. Graeme’s

interest in the mental health area is based on both personal

experience and professional experience.

Mrs Diane Brown – Honorary - SecretaryDiane lived in Wodonga for 15 years prior to moving to

Melbourne in 2001. She has worked for an Albury law firm for

the past 15 years and continues to work for them from her

home office in Melbourne. She has family experience

of mental illness and convened the Wodonga Support Group

for five years. Diane is a past member of the Melbourne

Health Research and Ethics Committee.

Mr Neil Cole – board memberNeil Cole is Associate Professor in the Monash Medical

School. Prior to joining Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre

Neil worked for five years at the Mental Health Research

Institute as the Head of the Depression Awareness Research

Project. Since the start of 2005 he has been working at the

Alfred Psychiatric Research Centre researching the link

between creativity and mental illness. Neil is a former lawyer,

a member of the Victorian State Parliament for over a decade

and, in the 1990s, the Victorian Shadow Attorney-General. Neil

is a playwright and has had seven plays produced in Victoria,

New South Wales and Queensland. Neil has had a long-

standing involvement with MI Fellowship, especially

through TJ’s day program, where his plays

have been produced.

Board of Directors – profiling our new and returning Directors

Park Bench© Observations of Daily life

Created by Peter Barker ‘Park Bench’ is a cartoon series, looking at life and social issues, provided by Peter Barker, who has lived with schizophrenia for over twenty years.

Dates for your diary – 200�Mental Health Week – 8-15 October

Samsung Melbourne Marathon – Sunday 8 October

Open Mind Fiesta – Sunday 15 October

AGM, Awards and Annual Lecture – Friday 20 October

Volunteer thank you party – 4pm, Thursday 30 November

Spring car raffle draw – Thursday 7 December

Please find out more about all activities by calling 03 8486

4200 or visit www.mifellowship.org/newsevents.asp

Staff and their storiesMark Lamont

What’s your role at MI Fellowship?

I am employed as a Regional Manager for the eastern

metropolitan and Gippsland regions. I have been in this

role for just over three years.

What’s your favourite part of your role? There are many

aspects of my role which I enjoy. One would be working with

a dedicated group of staff to improve the health outcomes

for participants and carers.

Where have you worked prior to this role? I have worked

predominantly in the clinical mental health sector over the

past 14 years in a variety of interesting and challenging roles.

If you could say one thing to members, what would it be?

Have hope! Okay, so it’s two words.....

In one word, describe the essence of MI Fellowship? People.

This includes the many members and volunteers whose

support makes such a difference to our organisation.

What’s your most treasured possession? I better not say

as my teddy bear prefers to remain anonymous. Okay,

I’m joking....no really, I am... I promise! I think my photo

collection as it contains many fond memories.

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Well Ways National Demonstration and Evaluation Project

In 2005 Mental Illness Fellowship Australia obtained funding

from the Department of Health and Ageing to undertake

a Demonstration and Evaluation Project, in order to provide

a peer-based, group, longitudinal skills development and

education program for families and friends of people with

mental illness.

Well Ways: Mental illness education program, helping

family and friends find better ways is the program that

has been developed by Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria

and is currently being rolled out across six Australian states

and territories - Northern Territory, North Queensland,

New South Wales, ACT, Victoria and Tasmania, during

September-October 2006.

The aims of the project are to improve the availability

of the Well Ways program, and to enhance the service

availability in North Queensland, where an additional

facet of the Project, the piloting of a dedicated specialist

counselling service will be implemented.

Dr Robyn Clifford, of the Research and Development program

at MI Fellowship will undertake the evaluation component

of the demonstration and evaluation oversight will be provided

by Dr John Farhall of La Trobe University.

As part of the project, two important initiatives were

implemented to build on the already established success

of Well Ways, in order to ensure both its quality and

sustainability. The first was the provision of a Well Ways

facilitator training program, which was held at Fairfield

Place in Melbourne. MI Fellowship staff joined visitors

from Darwin, Townsville, Cairns, Armidale, Canberra, Perth,

Brisbane and Geelong over three days in May 2006.

Training participants were tested prior to the training and

these Demonstration Project facilitators will be evaluated,

on site, in their respective states and territories during

October 2006. Assessment will include interviews and

observation of the facilitators’ application of their training

program learnings and will be based on core competencies

established by MI Fellowship.

The second initiative is the creation and development

of Well Ways marketing materials for use by MIFA members

as promotional resources for distribution to a broad range

of agencies and organisations in each state and territory.

An essential ingredient in the sustainability of the program

is the development of a pool of trained and skilled facilitators.

All MIFA member organisations will be invited to participate

in the planned development of ongoing support processes

for their Well Ways facilitators. The appointment of a National

Family Education Coordinator as part of the project is expected

to enhance the development of a collaborative model of

Well Ways delivery between MIFA members, Area Mental

Health Services and related professional associations across

Australia. Additionally, the fostering of ongoing updating

mechanisms, informed by participant feedback, as well as

the forging and strengthening of important organisational

relationships throughout all states and territories will

enhance the delivery and sustainability of the program

throughout Australia.

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MI Fellowship is running two exciting Challenges in 200�

- Amazing Race around South East Asia 10-23 March 2007

- Trek the Great Wall of China 5-17 May 2007

Individuals interested in participating in a MI Challenge

should contact Chris Harrison on 0423 780 716 or email

[email protected].

Challenge yourself to make a difference this year! More

information at www.mifellowship.org/michallenge.asp

MI Challenge: Challenge yourself and make a difference in 200�


Melbourne Marathon… it’s back on!

which is to be worn on the day for identification purposes.

MI Fellowship receives a payment from IMG for each

volunteer we provide on the day.

A great way to help us with the marathon is to think

of a group who might be interested in participating or

volunteering. For example, you might be part of a sporting

club or church group who could get together a group to help.

Or perhaps there’s a group at your workplace who could do

some training and then walk in the marafun as a group in

a team-building experience.

For more information on the Samsung Melbourne Marathon,

visit our website at


If you are interested in volunteering or participating in the

marathon or have any ideas about how we can get others

involved, please contact Ben Pocknee on 03 8486 4249 or

email [email protected]

MI Fellowship is fortunate to again

have the opportunity to be involved

in the Samsung Melbourne Marathon.

Management of the marathon has been

taken over by IMG, an international

management group who operate

in over 30 countries managing a diverse

range of projects, including some

of the world’s largest sporting events. This is an exciting

new partnership for MI Fellowship and we are delighted

to have this opportunity again with the new event managers

who, through this partnership, recognise the important work

of Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria. In 2005, MI Fellowship

raised more than our $10,000 target and we are keen to do

this again in 2006.

How you can get involved:

There are two ways you can get involved in our partnership

with the Melbourne Marathon. You can participate in the

marathon (42.2km), half-marathon (21.1km) or the marafun

(7.5km) and raise sponsorship money for MI Fellowship or

you can volunteer for us. Volunteers are needed to provide

assistance at drinks stations, assist with street marshalling,

pre-race packing of runners’ recovery packs, set-up and

distribute runners’ clothing post-race and other activities.

Volunteers are fundamental to the success of the Melbourne

Marathon. Each volunteer will receive a souvenir t-shirt

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Sometimes all we need is some good news, a little bit of

luck, just a small chance! After a run of ordinary luck lately,

things turned around for Carol in just a moment. All it took

- a small ticket to be drawn from a barrel to show that luck

can really change.

Congratulations to Carol for being the lucky winner of our

latest raffle and now the owner of a new model Toyota RAV4.

A lovely, denim-blue RAV4 was Carol’s reward for supporting

MI Fellowship’s last few raffles. And, although the day of the

presentation was windy and bitterly cold, the sun was shining

bright in one corner of Melbourne.

The 2006 Spring Raffle is currently underway. Small books

of tickets can be obtained by calling Joanne or Verity on 8486

4200. The Raffles Program continues to be a major source

of funds to MI Fellowship and your support would be very

much welcome and appreciated.

Just like Carol, your luck could change in just a moment -

that’s all it takes.

All it takes…….

Mental Illness Education ScheduleWell Ways: Mental illness education program, helping family and friends find better ways.

The Well Ways program consists of eight 3hr weekly group

education sessions plus follow-up workshops over 12 months.

Where: Box Hill

When: Thursday 10am-1pm commencing September 7

Where: Heidelberg

When: Wednesday 6.30-9.30pm commencing October 4

Where: Western region

When: Tuesday 10am-1pm commencing October 17

Where: Mitcham

When: Tuesday 6.30-9.30pm commencing October 17

Double Trouble: A support and information program for families

and friends of people with dual diagnosis (mental illness and

substance abuse).

The Double Trouble program consists of six three-hour weekly

group education sessions.

Where: Fairfield

When: Thursday 10am-1pm commencing October 12

Where: Coburg

When: Monday 10am-1pm commencing October 16

Understanding Mental Illness Workshops

Where: MI Fellowship, Fairfield Place, 276 Heidelberg Rd,


When: 9.30am on October 4; 6.30pm on November 9.

For more information about any of these programs or to book,

please call 03 8486 4200 or email [email protected]

State election advocacyYou will find enclosed a ‘call to action’ document that MI

Fellowship has developed and sent to politicians and other

key stakeholders in Victoria. Each political party is being

given the chance to respond to this and MI Fellowship will

publish a 400 word response from each party and send this

document to members before the state election on

25 November.

Letter to the editor

Dear Editor, It was lovely to see the work being done in the Hume

region in the last edition. It’s great that they get out

and educate the general public about mental illness.

Congratulations also on the MI Centre mural,

it’s magnificent!

T. Andrews

Xavier AmadorMI Fellowship is disappointed to announce that due to a

very tight schedule while in Australia, Xavier Amador will

not be able to make a public address while in Victoria.

We apologise for any disappointment this causes. If you

would like to know more about the work of Xavier, you

can visit his website at www.xavieramador.com

Page 11: Mi Voice Spring 2006

1 in 5 will be affected by mental illness. 5 in 5 can help

open mind fiesta

enquiries 03 8486 4200 w w w. m i f e l l ow s h i p . o r g

Kindly supported by

FAMILY FUN DAY Free entertainment, live bands, fashion, food, crafts, children’s activities, rides, wrestling, information and lots more

Join -Humphrey B Bear at 11.30am

Sunday 15th October, 11am-5pmStation Street Fairfield

SPRING 2006 mivoice


Volunteers still required! Contact Annmarie on 0� ���� �20� or email [email protected]

Page 12: Mi Voice Spring 2006

Ways to support and keep us informedPlease use this form to change your address details, become a Member of the Mental Illness

Fellowship or to show your support for our work.

• For credit card donations call 03 8486 4200 and quote MIV06, or complete this form and either

post or fax your credit card details

• For cheques and money orders post this form to:

Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria PO Box 359, Clifton Hill, Victoria 3068 Fax: 03 8486 4265

Please accept my Membership fee of:

Ordinary $22 Concession $16.50 Volunteer $11

Person in same household – Ordinary $11 Concession $5.50

I would like to make a donation of: $ to the work of Mental Illness Fellowship

I authorise a single deduction from my credit card:

Bankcard MasterCard Visa

Credit card Number:

Expiry Date: __ __ / __ __ Name on card:


Or I enclose my cheque/money order of $

(marked Not Negotiable and payable to Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria)


First Name: Surname:


Post code:

Day Phone:

Questions about donations?

Please contact us on 03 8486 4200 or via [email protected]

Please tick here if you do not wish to receive further information

about Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria or if you are under 18

I would like some more information about:

Volunteering – Your donation of time and talent.

Pledging a monthly contribution – Giving families a chance.

And a future.

Bequests – Remember the Mental Illness Fellowship in your will.

Who are we?Mental Illness Fellowship is Victoria’s leading membership-

based not-for-profit organisation working with people

with a mental illness, their family and friends to improve

their wellbeing.

Our VisionOur vision is of a society in which mental illness will be

understood and accepted. People with mental illness will be

afforded the same regard as those with physical illnesses and

resources will be available to offer early interventions and

state of the art treatment and support. These interventions

will be so effective that long-term negative consequences of

mental illness will have disappeared for the person and their

family. People will no longer experience stigma and society

will treat them with the same respect and dignity as any

other person, and welcome and fully include them as

community members.

Our ValuesHonesty Acceptance Equity

Flexibility Commitment Participation

Our MissionMental Illness Fellowship Victoria works with people with mental illness, their families and friends to improve their well being. More specifically we work to achieve mental health reform through education, support and advocacy, and we provide a range of innovative programs in both membership and services. We also provide mutual support and self help, day programs, employment, home based and accommodation services, respite and residential rehabilitation services.

mivoice SPRING 2006

The Hon. Robert Knowles - President Mr Graeme Pocknee - Vice President Mrs Diane Brown - Honorary Secretary Mr Peter Robertson - Treasurer Ms Jenny King, Ms Louise Milne-Roche, Professor Christos Pantelis, Mrs Elaine Price, Mr Nathan Shafir, Dr Alex Wood, Mr Neil Cole

Chief Executive Elizabeth Crowther

200�/� Board of Directors

Editor: Miranda England Assistant Editor: Stephanie Puls

Design: Artwords Printing: Print Impressions

MI Voice is for members and aims to keep them informed of the

latest information on mental illness and our advocacy work. It is

also our opportunity to keep potential and existing supporters who

donate informed of the Mental Illness Fellowship’s activities and

the difference their contribution makes. MI Voice is the quarterly

publication of the Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria, Fairfield Place

276 Heldelberg Road, Fairfield, Victoria, 3078, Australia.

Telephone 03 8486 4200

Email [email protected]

Website www.mifellowship.org

Mental Illness Fellowship retains the right to edit articles.

Please note that the opinions expressed in this publication

are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Mental

Illness Fellowship.

© Mental Illness Fellowship Victoria. All rights reserved.

ACN 093 357 165 ABN 93 093 357 165 ISSN 0816 7877