methods inculcated of relieving exam pressure in schools


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Post on 20-Jun-2015




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Exams are no less than any episode of American Horror Stories for the children, as they are bogged down by the intense pressure of completing


Page 1: Methods inculcated of relieving exam pressure in schools


Exams are no less than any episode of American Horror Stories for the children, as they are bogged down by the intense pressure of completing so many subjects within a short span of time, just so that they could memorise, rote it down and then write it during exams. But not all students possess potential of equal calibre and hence due to lack interest in certain subjects might not score decent marks in exam.

Exam fever, Depression and other exam related anxiety disorders are increasing day by day in the schools in India. Schools are taking steps in employing counselling divisions within the school premises where children can go to seeking for help. But still there are cases being registered on suicides or attempt of suicide due to depression from exams, not being able to stand up to the expectation of parents and so on.

Indian schools particularly register innumerable cases of suicides because of exam pressure or poor results in Board exams by students. Duty does not merely end at initiating counselling cells within schools or other educational institutions, but awareness should be inculcated amongst the students of these services that are available within the premises of the educational institution. Counselling sessions should be organized with parents as well, so that they do not push their children to do things that seem beyond their capabilities.

Our country is home to thousands and thousands of school, right from government run educational institutions to private institutions. But still we follow an age old educational system or practice, which gives more importance to engineering, medical or business management, and other subjects of Arts, commerce and other literary and social sciences background hold no importance in the eyes of few parents. In order to fulfil their wishes sometimes children are forced by parents to study subjects that they have no interest in.

In order to ease out the tension from kids, schools try to engage kids in several activities of learning that will ease out their stress and also be helpful in sharpening their memory. Education Ministry of our country should come up methods of reducing the study load and making the curriculum more students friendly, so that the learning process becomes more qualitative than quantitative in nature. It is difficult to handle so many subjects at the same time, which results in Depression and stress for children in school. No every child has equal ability, so keeping this in mind every school should take proper actions towards making this education system a better one.