relieving stress with amino acids

Relieving Stress With Amino Acids

Upload: arda-karimi

Post on 07-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine

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DESCRIPTION People are constantly on the lookout for the best possible solutions to manage stress.


Page 1: Relieving stress with amino acids

Relieving Stress

With Amino Acids

Page 2: Relieving stress with amino acids

Relieving Stress With Amino Acids

Stress is an issue we all have to deal with

in different intensities in today’s

competitive, fast paced world. People

are constantly on the lookout for the best

possible solutions to manage stress. /

Page 3: Relieving stress with amino acids

If you have been researching on ways and

means to reduce stress, you must have read

about how amino acids such as L-tryptophan

help reduce stress by improving sleep. It does

this by acting as a precursor to neurochemicals

and neurotransmitters such as melatonin and

serotonin. Serotonin acts as a mood enhancer

and aids with improved mental health while

melatonin induces sleep.

Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /

Page 4: Relieving stress with amino acids

If you have ever been prescribed anti-

depressants by your doctor, you should know

that they all work by regulating serotonin

uptake. Stress filled life today has led to

reduced serotonin in many. It is essential

therefore to take nutritional supplements that

contain this amino acid as it is not found in the


Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /

Page 5: Relieving stress with amino acids

Many neurological functions in our bodies

depend on tryptophan. This amino acid reduces

jetlag and helps heal tissues damaged due to

over exercising. This is one of the weight loss

tips (afvallen tips in Dutch) that trainers usually

impart. Apart from this, this amino acid helps

reduce symptoms of PMS or premenstrual

aggravations in women and promotes good

sleep. Apart from managing childhood growth,

tryptophan also acts on weight loss and gain


Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /

Page 6: Relieving stress with amino acids

Tryptophan helps control

impulsive behaviour and

reduces symptoms of anxiety,

irritability and depression. In

our bodies, tryptophan is

converted to vitamin B3 known

as Niacin that is vital for various

functions like energy generation

through carbohydrate burning

and maintenance of blood

sugar levels.

Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /

Page 7: Relieving stress with amino acids

Blood cholesterol is hugely reduced and stress

reducing hormones are generated by Niacin in

conjunction with the adrenal gland apart from

ensuring a healthy circulatory system. While

choosing amino acid supplements

(supplementen in Dutch), it is essential to

choose the best one that offers maximum


Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /

Page 8: Relieving stress with amino acids

There are many supplementen in the

market. Some of them like the

“Fundapeptide” however offer better

results than a normal amino acid

supplement or protein shake. This hi-tech

supplement offers a host of benefits.

Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /

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Firstly, it gets completely absorbed into your

bloodstream leaving no residue whatsoever.

“Fundapeptide” comes in an easy to take

tablet form and requires you to add no milk

or water. This supplement also has no extra

calories and is 100% natural. No sweeteners

or preservatives are added to

“Fundapeptide” which makes it a preferred

choice among the health conscious. This

supplement is best taken with the right kind

of protein diet.

Relieving Stress With Amino Acids /