methodology for non-linear contact fea for dpcv

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Methodology for Non-linear Contact FEA for DPCV


    Methodology for carrying out a non-linear (contact non-linearity) nite

    element analysis for dual plate Check valve

    Considerations done during 3D model creation:

    •  To reduce numer of elements to solve a non-linear analysis!

    the model has een cut "here the loads are not re#uired to


    •  The radius at each location is removed to reduce mesh

    con$unction% The computation time is reduced drastically due

    to this% &lthough stress concentration at corners might e

    visile! this can e ignored at surface or local areas%

    Considerations done during contact denition:

    •  To depict the actual oundary condition et"een the

    components in contact! frictional contact ("herever

    applicale) is considered et"een the components% Co-

    e'cient of friction taken here is % due to high

    computational time% The more the value! the more "ill e the

    computational time%

    *esults and Discussion

    • +rom the aove analysis it is clear that the type of contact

    plays an important role in the result plots% Thus it is important

    to select the type of contact depending on actual condition

    and depict the actual realistic condition to get the results

    closed to practical conditions%

    •  The results otained from the default settings sho"s

    ma,imum stress values much less than the allo"ale limits

    "hile the ma,imum induced value is much larger than the

    allo"ale stress value%

    •  The results otained from the non-linear analysis (contacts)

    sho" the ma,imum stress value close to induced stress value

    and thus it is transferring stress from one location to the

  • 8/18/2019 Methodology for Non-linear Contact FEA for DPCV


    suse#uent component%