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  • 7/27/2019 MET_CEFR


    The ME T is an international examination designed and scored by CaMLA. It assesses general English

    language profciency in social, educational, and workplace contexts. The MET is a paper-and-pencil test with

    135 multiple-choice questions in two sections.

    Section I: Listening Approximately 45 minutes 60 questions

    Assesses the ability to understand conversations and talks in social, educational,

    and workplace contexts

    Section II: Grammar and Reading

    90 minutes

    25 questions that test a variety o grammar structures

    50 reading questions that assess the ability to understand a variety o texts in social, educational,

    and workplace contexts

    Optional Speaking Test

    Approximately 10 minutes

    A one-on-one interaction between an examiner and the test taker

    Five tasks designed to give the test taker the chance to talk on a number o dierent topics

    The Common European FrameworkThe main purpose o the Common European Framework

    o Reerence (CEFR) is to provide a common basis or

    the elaboration o language syllabi, examinations, and

    textbooks. Many educators fnd the CEFR useul because

    it describes in a comprehensive way what languagelearners have to learn to do in order to use a language

    eectively or communication.

    The CEFR describes language profciency at six main levels:

    C1C2 B1B2 A1A2

    Profcient User Independent User Basic User

    The table on the reverse o this sheet shows the MET scores that correspond to CEFR levels C1, B2, B1, and A2.

    Interpreting MET Scaled Scores in Relation tothe Common European Framework Levels

  • 7/27/2019 MET_CEFR


    MET Listening Scores that Correspond to CEFR Levels C1, B2, B1, and A2Scaled Score CEFR Level Description

    64 and above C1 Can ollow most lectures, discussions, and debates with relative ease.

    53 63 B2

    Can understand recordings in standard dialect likely to be encountered in social, proessional,or academic lie and identiy speaker viewpoints and attitudes as well as the inormationcontent. Can ollow the essentials o lectures, talks, and reports and other orms o academic/

    proessional presentation that are propositionally and linguistically complex.

    40 52 B1

    Can understand the main points o clear standard speech on amiliar matters regularlyencountered in work, school, leisure, etc., including short narratives. Can ollow a lecture ortalk within his/her own eld, provided the subject matter is amiliar and the presentationstraightorward and clearly structured.

    39 or below A2

    Can understand and extract the essential inormation rom short, recorded passages dealingwith predictable everyday matters that are delivered slowly and clearly. Can understand phrasesand the highest requency vocabulary related to areas o most immediate personal relevance(e.g., very basic personal and amily inormation, shopping, local area, employment).

    MET Reading Scores that Correspond to CEFR Levels C1, B2, B1, and A2

    Scaled Score CEFR Level Description

    64 and above C1

    Can understand in detail a wide range o lengthy, complex texts likely to be encountered insocial, proessional, or academic lie, identiying ner points o detail including attitudes andimplied as well as stated opinions.

    53 63 B2

    Can read with a large degree o independence, adapting style and speed o reading to dierenttexts and purposes, and using appropriate reerence sources selectively. Can understand articlesand reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particularstances or viewpoints.

    40 52 B1

    Can understand the main points o clear, standard input on amiliar matters regularlyencountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can read straightorward actual texts on subjects

    related to his/her eld and interest with a satisactory level o comprehension.

    39 or below A2

    Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest requency vocabulary, including aproportion o shared international vocabulary items. Can understand sentences and requentlyused expressions related to areas o most immediate relevance (e.g., very basic personal andamily inormation, shopping, local geography, employment).

    MET Speaking Scores that Correspond to CEFR Levels C1, B2, B1, and A2Scaled Score CEFR Level Description

    64 and above C1 Can express him/hersel fuently and spontaneously, almost eortlessly.

    53 63 B2Can use the language fuently, accurately and eectively on a wide range o general, academic,vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the relationships between ideas.

    40 52 B1Can communicate with some condence on amiliar routine and nonroutine matters related tohis/her interests and proessional eld.

    39 or below A2Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange oinormation on amiliar and routine matters.

    CaMLA 2013