mental health ch 7 ppt high

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    2013 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.

    Mental Health and

    DisordersChapter Seven

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    2013 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All rights reserved.



    You c an handle depress ion the same way yo u hand le a tiger if depression is creeping up and must be faced,learn so m eth ing abo ut the nature of th e beas t . You m ay escape wi tho u t a mau l ing .

    R. W. Shepherd

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    The American College Health Association Survey2010 Statistics

    45% of college students say they are depressed 10% clam they experience suicidal thoughts 44% report binge drinking 19% felt things were helpless at some point 23% felt overwhelmed by all they had to do 21% felt lonely 23% felt very sad 13% felt so depressed it was difficult to function 17% felt overwhelming anxiety 17% felt overwhelming anger


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    MENTAL HEALTH Mind, body, and culture

    Mental healthThe successful performance of mental functions resulting inproductive activity

    PsychosomaticThe influence of the mind on the way the body functions

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    Mental Health

    Basic mental health definitionsand theories

    Motivation The state of being energized to perform a

    task Self concept

    A stable set of beliefs about one

    s qualitiesand attributes

    Self esteem How one feels, good or bad, about one

    squalities and attributes


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    Mental Health

    Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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    Self-Esteem is a combination of self-image, ideal self, and Pygmalion-self

    Self Image: what we perceiveourselves to beIdeal-self: how we want to bePygmalion-self: our perception of

    what we believeother peoplethink of us.

    I am not what I think I amI am not what you think I am

    I am what I think you think I am7

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    Self Talk

    The encouragement or criticism yougive yourself

    The Law of Positive Self-Talk


    You can change who youare by changing what you say whenyou talk to your mind.

    When do you find yourself talking toyourself?

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    Ways to Improve Self Esteem

    Good Friends Focus on the positive aspects about yourself Supportive self-talk Work toward accomplishments rather than

    perfection Mistakes are learning opportunities Try new activities Set goals Exercise regularly Volunteer Accept that which you cannot change.

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    Characteristics of mental health They feel good about themselves They do not become overwhelmed by emotions

    such as fear, anger, love, jealousy, guilt, or anxiety

    They have lasting and satisfying relationships They are comfortable with others They can laugh at themselves with others They have respect for themselves and others They can accept life

    s disappointments They can meet life

    s demands and handle

    problems They can make their own decisions They shape their environment and adjust to it

    when necessary


    Mental Health

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    Personal and Social Problems Related to Mental Health

    Dr. John Guthman, Hofstra Univ. NY Published study in Aug 2010 3256 students studied over 10

    years Showed average college student

    levels of depression and anxietyremained constant

    Showed moderate to severe

    depression in college studentsincreased from 34% in 1998 to 41%in 2009.

    Most had pre-existing issues


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    Study found that average student had milder symptoms of

    depression and anxiety

    Those student with more severe forms of depression were: Socially isolated Under stress On Medication

    Identity Disorientation: Familiar people are no longer present to reinforce identity created

    by student Loss of sense of self Loss of confidence Increase in alcohol/drug use or abuse

    Personal and Social Problems Related to Mental Health

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    Drug abuse A quick fix and counterproductive Very common problem related to mental

    health Violence

    Serious mental health issue Largely preventable Violence is related to large social problems

    Eating disorders A response to unmet needs Related to self-esteem or self-image Socially related:

    perfect body


    Personal and Social Problems Related to Mental Health

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    Eating disorders Anorexia nervosa: self-starvation

    Fear of being fat Restricting eating so body weight falls below

    15% of a healthy weight Distorted body image; a perception of obesity In women: absence of three consecutive

    menstrual cycles


    Personal and Social Problems Related to Mental Health

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    Eating disorders Bulimia nervosa Episodes of binge eating Loss of control when eating Overly concerned with body shape and size Self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives or diuretics

    for weight loss and control Dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise to prevent

    weight gains Binge eating disorder

    Characterized by excessive overeating


    Personal and Social Problems Related to Mental Health

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    Mental and Personality Disorders

    Anxiety disorders Anxiety: excessive worry and concern Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD):

    constant and uncontrollable worry or concern about everything

    Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD):anxiety disorder occurring after experiencing a frightening event

    Panic disorders: sudden, overwhelmingattacks of fear

    Phobias: fears of specific objects or events Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD):

    repetition of an act over and over


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    Mood disorders: depression andmania Depression: feelings of worthlessness,

    sadness, and apprehension Mania: characterized by extremely elevated

    mood and hyperactive behaviors Dysthymia: depression that has long-term

    but lesser effects than major depression Bipolar disorder: mood swings between

    mania and depression

    Seasonal affective disorder: depressionexperienced during a specific season of theyear (usually winter)


    Mental and Personality Disorders

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    Paranoid Personality Disorder Excessive distrust and suspicion of

    others Schizophrenia

    Mental disorder Distorted thoughts Atypical communication

    Inappropriate emotion Abnormal motor behavior


    Mental and Personality Disorders

  • 7/27/2019 Mental Health Ch 7 Ppt High

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    Why Students Don

    t Seek Services For students, stigma remains the most significant barrier to seeking treatment. Specifically,according to a 2006 study, students cited embarrassment as the number one reasonsomeone wouldn

    t seek help. Only 23 percent would be comfortable with a friend knowingthey were getting help for emotional issues. Students also might not seek help because of concerns over confidentiality and finances andthe fear that accepting they

    re struggling will mean they can

    t lead a productive life. Suchconcerns cause students to keep their emotional troubles to themselves, reinforcing thestigma and making life far more difficult than it need be. Although the Internet shouldn

    t replace an evaluation with a therapist or treatment, reputableWeb sites can serve as good sources of information. In addition to Psych Central, consultthese sites:

    Healthy Minds , provided by the American Psychiatric Association, has information onmental health, including prevention, symptoms and treatment and tips for students andparents.

    ULifeline offers a screening tool, developed by the Duke University Medical Center, andcontact information for university counseling centers.

    Half of Us features inspirational interviews with artists and athletes along with informationon mental health. Yo u can also access the screening tool here.

    The JED Foundation provides resources and research on mental health and suicideprevention for parents, students and colleges.

    Campus Calm gives high school and college students the tools to combat stress.


    Treatment Options?
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    Treatment Options?

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    Treatment Options? Outreach Workshops found on Stamps Health Service Counseling Website

    Overcoming the Stressors of Perfectionism & Procrastination Don't Believe Everything You Think: Using Logic to Overcome Stress Managing Stress for Ethnic Minorities Mind Matters: Using Psychology to Enhance Your Academic and

    Test Performance Be at the Top of Your Game: Principles of Relaxation and

    Stress Management from Sports Psychology A Mind-Body Approach to Stress Reduction
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