ch 4 ppt condensed

Read, analyze chart and answer the questions In 1790, the first U.S. census was taken, as required by the Constitution …The count was necessary in order to determine taxation and representation in Congress . All free people were counted, as well as “three-fifths of all other Persons.” Indians were excluded. City 1790 1800 1810 Boston 18,038 24,937 33,250 New York 33,131 60,489 96,373 Philadelphia 45,529 69,403 91,874 Baltimore 13,503 26,114 35,583 Charleston 16,359 20,473 24,711 1. What is a Census check, why was it needed and when does it occur? 2. What does it mean when it states 3/5’s of all other persons? 3. Which city grew the most during the 20 years shown? 4. Which city grew the least during the 20 years shown? Bell RINGERS

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Page 1: Ch 4 Ppt Condensed

Read, analyze chart and answer the questionsIn 1790, the first U.S. census was taken, as required by the

Constitution…The count was necessary in order to determine taxation and representation in Congress. All free people were counted, as well as “three-fifths of all

other Persons.” Indians were excluded.

City 1790 1800 1810

Boston 18,038 24,937 33,250New York 33,131 60,489 96,373Philadelphia 45,529 69,403 91,874Baltimore 13,503 26,114 35,583Charleston 16,359 20,473 24,711

1. What is a Census check, why was it needed and when does it occur?

2. What does it mean when it states 3/5’s of all other persons?

3. Which city grew the most during the 20 years shown?4. Which city grew the least during the 20 years shown?


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Wash inaugural

• Washington begins his

presidency in New York City and alternates between there

and Philadelphia.

• Capital city at this time was

New York City.

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Precedents are models, examples or influences other

Presidents would followWhat to call the President? Mr. President

President sets their own personal style

Cabinet appointed by President and advises him


VP has no official dutiesPresident acts independent from Congress

Congress relies on the advice of the PresidentServed 2 terms and stepped aside for someone else

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Department of State-----Foreign affairs• Thomas Jefferson----Secretary of State

Department of State-----Foreign affairs• Thomas Jefferson----Secretary of State


Cabinet advises the President and heads up an agency of the government

Cabinet advises the President and heads up an agency of the government

Department of Treasury---Financial affairs• Alexander Hamilton—Secretary of the Treasury

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• Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson played a valuable role in the beginning of our nation.

• President Washington was stuck in the middle of these two men as they argued over our country’s beginnings.

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John Jay first Chief Justice

of the Supreme Court

•Judiciary Act of 1789• Congress created lower courts to

assist the Supreme Court. • President Washington appoints 6

justices to the Supreme Court• 3 from North and 3 from South

•Judiciary Act of 1789• Congress created lower courts to

assist the Supreme Court. • President Washington appoints 6

justices to the Supreme Court• 3 from North and 3 from South

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Foreign Debt

$11,710,000Federal Domestic Debt


State Debt$21,500,000






• Pay off $80 million debt

• National Govt should take over States DEBT- unification

• Tariff: a tax on imports

• Establish good credit with foreign nations

• Create a national bank with a national currency

• Raise money for govt backed by gold silver


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HAMILTON• Provide loans to

government and state banks

• A national currency---$$$$$• Constitution did not forbid

a national bank….Loose construction of

Constitution• National debt good for


JEFFERSON• Against the Constitution

• State banks would collapse• Strict construction…If it is

not mentioned in the Constitution than there

can’t be a national bank.• Against a national debt


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• Farmer’s revolt in western

Pennsylvania.• Refused to pay Hamilton’ s excise

tax on Whiskey

• Believed it was an unfair tax.

• Were called the “Whiskey Rebels”

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Washington stressed that the US should stay neutral in all foreign


That way the US would never be pulled into a war when it was not


“conduct friendly and impartial toward the belligerent powers.”


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• Washington warned of the dangers of political parties and permanent

alliances with other nations. • Washington’s warning against “entangling alliances” became a principle of U.S. foreign policy.



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Adams Becomes PresidentAdams Becomes President• Adams was a difficult person.• Adams was supported by New

England and Federalists– Defeated Jefferson 71-68 in Electoral

College– Jefferson becomes VP

• France and US close to war.• Adams Biggest achievement was

avoiding war with France

• Adams was a difficult person.• Adams was supported by New

England and Federalists– Defeated Jefferson 71-68 in Electoral

College– Jefferson becomes VP

• France and US close to war.• Adams Biggest achievement was

avoiding war with France

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To avoid war with France, President Adams sent representatives to negotiate a

peace agreement…..US representatives were snubbed by the

French government……Eventually, 3 French representatives

(known as X, Y and Z because they refused to give their names) approach the

American GovtXYZ demanded a bribe of $250,000 to

merely talkInsulted, we refused the demands and

left France…

President Adams on the XYZ Affair….”I will never send another minister to France without assurances that he will be received, respected, and honored as the representative of a

great, free, powerful and independent nation.”


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• President Adams black mark on his Presidency

• Allowed the Govt to forcibly EXPEL foreigners and Newspaper editors for “scandalous and malicious writing”


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DOCTRINE OF NULLIFICATION: Since the States created the National Government, they

have the right to nullify, cancel or decide not to obey a law

they believed was unconstitutional ….

Kty/va resolutions

• Jefferson’s and Madison’s response to Adam’s Sedition Act…..

• Believed Sedition Act violated freedom of speech and press.

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•Many historians look at this time period as the beginning

of the true democracy. •Champion for the common

man•Believed education would

prepare them for participation in government…..

Jeffersonian democracy

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Louisiana purchase

• Jefferson purchased Louisiana Territory for $15 million, about 3

cents an acre• Doubled the size of the US

• Jefferson’s greatest accomplishment

• Ironic because Jefferson was a STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST…

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•Jefferson sends personal secretary Meriwether Lewis and army officer

William Clark to explore north Louisiana

•28 men who accompanied Lewis/Clark.

•Exploration yielded maps, knowledge of Indians, overland trail to Pacific

•United States’ claim to the Pacific Northwest

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Britain Vs. USA

•Causes: •British impressments of of

American Seamen•Brits interference with American

Commerce•British Aid to Native Americans

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Consequences of War of 1812

• Demise of Federalist Party • Nationalist Feelings• Industrialization• Era of Good Feelings... KINDA• Andrew Jackson advances career

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Washington, D.C. burned by British, 25th of August 1814


Dolly Madison escaped from White House and

took many pieces of art, furniture from the White House before the

British destroyed it.

Dolly Madison escaped from White House and

took many pieces of art, furniture from the White House before the

British destroyed it.

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U.S. Flag which flew over Fort McHenry to inspire Francis Scott Key to write the Star

Spangled Banner. September 13th, 1814


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NationalismNationalism: powerful feeling of patriotism and NATIONAL unity! (developed after War of 1812)

Economic Nationalism: Protective tariffs• Foreign producers taxed to protect

American manufacturers

Judicial Nationalism: McCulloch v. Maryland• The court stuck down a Maryland law that

taxed the National Bank.

This showed that States did not have the right to boss around (tax) the

NATIONAL Government.

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•Born in Virginia in 1758, •Elected United States

Senator•Helped negotiate the

Louisiana Purchase. •Era of Good Feelings


President James Monroe

President James Monroe

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• Referred to as America’s Self Defense Doctrine.

• It is a continuation of President Washington’s neutrality and

isolationist policies.• YOU STAY OUT OF MY

BUSINESS… I’ll stay out of yours.

US protector of new democracies in the Western Hemisphere

No European Colonization in the Americas

US protector of new democracies in the Western Hemisphere

No European Colonization in the Americas

US will stay out of European


US will stay out of European


Monroe Doctrine

US recognized existing

European Colonies

US recognized existing

European Colonies