medicine ball exercise (3)2009-2012 สมบูรณ์

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  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    Medicine Ball Exercise Guidelines

    General Guidelines:

    1. Always warn-up before you start a workout.Try to do a total body warm-up before yourstart training. A good example of a total bodywarm-up is a light jogging motion for lowerbody and modified push-ups for upper body. Itis especially important to warm-up the specificmuscle groups you are going to be using.

    2. Use proper posture. Maintaining properposture will greatly reduce chances of injuryand maximie exercise benefit. !hen standing"always #eep your feet shoulder-width apart"unless otherwise suggested. $o not loc# your#nees% it puts an unnecessary strain on them.&eep your bac# flat and straight" ma#ing surenot to twist or arch in order to complete anexercise.

    '. Use proper exercise form. (ocus on the proper motion of the exercise" while

    concentrating on the specific muscles being used. $o not sacrifice proper form toperform more repetitions. &eeping proper form also means in a smooth fluidmotion. &now when your muscles are too tired to #eep going.

    ). Breathe properly.*e+er hold your breath during any part of an exercise. ,oldingyour breath may cause se+ere intra-thoracic pressure and raise blood pressureleading to diiness" blac#out or worse The rule of thumb is to exhale slowly onexertion and inhale on the return part of the exercise.

    . top trainin! if you feel pain. If you feel pain during a specific exercise" stopimmediately. Any continuation may aggra+ate an existing injury. /ee+aluate yourroutine to ma#e sure you are doing a proper warm-up. $ecrease the amount ofresistance you are using. Tal# to a recognied health professional.

    0. "orso stabili#ation. /efers to the use of abdominal and bac# muscles called youranatomical girdle to pro+ide reinforcement and protection of the spine duringlifting" sport or any other +igorous acti+ity. In order to safely recei+e the maximumbenefits from the ball exercises in this guidelines" torso stabiliation is essential.Torso stabiliation is achie+ed through a contraction of your anatomical girdlemusculature i.e. the trans+eresus abdominis" internal3external oli4ues and thedeep spinal muscles it is easy to engage your anatomical girdle% simply suc# in yourstomach while exhaling. *ext" as you feel your muscles contracting" loc# them intothis contracted state while you breathe normally and perform any of the medicineball exercise in this guidelines. $on5t forget to breathe It gets easier with practiceand pro+ides you with excellent spinal support and protection during yourwor#outs.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    Medicine ball "echni$ue % afety:

    1. afety

    If you are new to exercise" don5t start with

    medicine ball training. (irst" master flexibilitytraining" then weight training" with a focus on corestrength" gradually mo+ing to medicine ball trainingmuch later.

    !arm-up before starting any medicine ball


    Initially" all exercise should be performed slowly"

    with control and proper form. Increase speed onlywhen you ha+e de+eloped your techni4ue. Always

    maintain proper form and control. !ear proper exercise footwear. 6roper exercise

    shoes will help pre+ent slipping" exercising in barefeet or soc#s is not recommended.

    !or# out in an open space" away from furniture

    and other fixtures or structures that may cause injury.

    Maintain control of the ball at all times. 7oss of control may result in injury.

    8tart with little or no weight and gradually build up as your ability to

    perform the exercise impro+es.

    $o not exercise on slippery surfaces.

    &eep the ball away from sources of heat including heaters" fireplaces etc.

    !hen doing partner acti+ities try to match partners with similar sie"

    strength and ability.

    !ear proper exercise clothing that allows a full range of motion.

    $rin# plenty of water when exercising.

    2. &assin! techni$ue

    9rip the ball from the top and the bottom when accepting the ball.

    9rip the ball from the sides when passing the ball.

    '. 'atchin! techni$ue

    /each out to meet the ball as it comes toward you. ,a+e your hands slightly apart and open wide.

    !hen catching a long throw" don5t stand in the tra+el

    path of the ball.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    'ore (orkout:

    ). ide to ide


    This exercise strengthens your legs" trun# muscles and impro+es

    your range of motion.

    As with all exercises" start with little or no weight and gradually

    increase as your ability to perform the exercise impro+es.

    *. Bent +,er "wist


    This exercise strengthens your legs" trun# muscles and impro+es

    your range of motion.

    . tandin! "wist


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance" muscle coordination"

    rang of motion and wor#s your obli4ues and hip flexors.

    . 'rosso,er "wist


    This exercise wor#s your abdominals" obli4ues and hip


    /. 0e,erse 'runch


    This exercise wor#s the abdominal and hip flexor


    1. 2 Bend


    This exercise impro+es balance and muscle coordinationwhile wor#ing the abdominals and hip flexors.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    3. 'runch


    This exercise impro+es muscle coordination"

    wor#s the abdominals" hip flexors and adductors.

    4. Ball 0ollout


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance" muscle

    coordination" wor#s the bac# and hamstring muscles.

    5. &el,ic "hrust


    This exercise wor#s the glute" hamstring" bac# and adductor muscles.

    )6.'runch with Ball 0oll


    This exercise wor#s the abdominal muscles.

    )).&ullo,er it-up


    This exercise wor#s the abdominal and shoulder muscles.

    )*.7i!h89ow &ass


    This exercise impro+es muscle coordination as well as range

    of motion: it also wor#s the shoulders and obli4ues.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    ).it-up &ass


    This exercise wor#s the rectus abdominis and hip flexormuscles.

    ).tandin! ide Bend


    This exercise impro+es range of motion as well as increasing strength in

    the obli4ue muscles.

    )/.Bent 9e!!ed ead lift


    This exercise this exercise impro+es sense of balance and

    flexibility" wor#s your hip and bac# extensors.

    )1.9yin! "runk "wist


    This exercise impro+es range of motion as well as increasing strength in the

    obli4ue muscles.

    )3.eated "wist


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance as well as muscle

    coordination" strengthens the obli4ue muscles and hipflexors.

    )4.+,er8Under &ass


    This exercise impro+es muscle coordination and range of motion"

    wor#s the shoulder" bac#" hip and abdominal muscles.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    )5.+utside 0otation &ass


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance" muscle coordination" rangeof motion" and strengthens the obli4ue muscles.

    *6.;nside 0otation &ass


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance" muscle coordination and

    range of motion " strengthens the obli4ue muscles.

    *).9yin! Extension


    This exercise wor#s the bac# extensor muscles.

    9ower Body:

    **.$uat and

  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012



  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    6.0e,erse 9un!e


    This exercise trains for power" wor#s the 4uadricep"

    gluteal" hamstring" tricep and shoulder muscles.

    ).ide 9un!e


    This exercise wor#s your abductor and adductor" aslegs and gluteal muscles

    Upper Body:



    This exercise impro+es sense of balance as well as musclecoordination and wor#s the abdominals" triceps and chestmuscles

    .>ront 0aise


    This exercise wor#s your anterior and mid-deltoid muscles.

    .tandin! ide 0each


    This exercise impro+es muscle coordination and range of

    motion" strengthens the shoulder and obli4ue muscles.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    /.houlder "wist


    This exercise impro+es your sense of balance" as well as

    muscle coordination" !or#s your shoulder" bac#" hip andabdominal muscles.

    1."riceps Extension


    This exercise wor#s the triceps and shoulder muscles.

    3.Giant 'ircles


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance as well as muscle

    coordination and range of motion.

    "hrows % 'atches:

    4.ide "oss


    This exercise strengthens leg and obli4ue muscles.

    5.+,erhead "oss


    This exercise wor#s the chest triceps" shoulder and leg


    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012

    10/12 and "oss


    This exercise impro+es abdominal endurance. In addition" it

    wor#s the chest" triceps and shoulder muscles.

    ).hot &ut


    This exercise wor#s your chest" triceps" shoulder" leg" obli4ue and

    hip muscles.

    *.eated ide "oss


    This exercise de+elops power" wor#s the obli4ue" shoulder and

    bac# muscles.

    .+,erhead ide &ass


    This exercise wor#s your shoulder and bac#


    .=ick "oss


    This exercise impro+es sense of balance and stability. !or#s your hip"

    abdominal and 4uadriceps muscles

    /.+,erhead "hrow


    This exercise wor#s triceps and abdominal


    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    1.=nee and "hrow


    This exercise wor#s the chest" triceps and abdominal muscles. and "hrow


    This exercise wor#s the chest" arm and abdominal


    4.?uarterback &ass


    This exercise impro+es balance" flexibility and muscle coordination. !or#s

    the hip" trun# and shoulder muscles.

    5.Underhand &ass


    This exercise helps build explosi+e power" wor#s

    the 4uadriceps" gluteal and shoulder muscles.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.


  • 8/11/2019 Medicine Ball Exercise (3)2009-2012


    0otator 'uff:

    /6.0otator 'uff )


    This exercise strengthens external rotators for shoulder stability.

    /).0otator 'uff *


    This exercise increase shoulder stability and rang of motion.

    /*.0otator 'uff


    This exercise strengthens internal rotators for shoulder stability.

    /.0otator 'uff


    This exercise strengthens external rotators for

    shoulder stability.

    Sources: Andre Noel Potvin and Michael Jesperson. The Great Medicine Ball Handbook.Productive Fitness Products Inc. 2!.
