media presentation characters and questionnaire (mohid ali) (upload to blogger)

The ‘final girl’ usually has the role of being the character that stays alive throughout to the end of the movie. As the killer or monster is killing most characters in the movie, the final girl stays right till the end and normally ends up killing the evil killer. Final girl characters tend to be quite mature and strong, and most of the times have brunette

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The ‘final girl’ usually has the role of being the character that stays alive throughout to the end of the movie. As the killer or monster is killing most characters in the movie, the final girl stays right till the end and normally ends up killing the evil killer. Final girl characters tend to be quite mature and strong, and most of the times have brunette or dark coloured hair in the movie.

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Shown above are ‘monsters’ and killers. They are the characters in the movie that always constantly kill and hurt people. They normally are very strong to beat and scary. These characters tend to have a mask to hide their identity, and normally also have sharp objects, such as a knife to kill people. Some monsters also have sharp claws to hurt and kill people too.

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Shown above are ‘groups of friends’. They normally tend to be teenagers that are always hanging around as a group. In terms of horror movies ‘the group of friend’ usually are in serious trouble as they are getting haunted down by a monster/ evil character. They also normally get killed one by one during the duration of the movie.

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Shown above are a few examples of benefactors from different types of movies. Benefactors have normally the role of being as the people that give ‘advice’ which is beneficial to the other characters in the movie. They also tend to have the role of being very wise, mature and quite old.

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The ineffective characters are people that are not very important in the movie, although the role of the characters is that they are thought to be the bad guy at some stages throughout the movie.

Also the ineffective characters can be referred to ‘the group of friends’. For example in horror movies the ineffective characters generally get murdered during the beginning of the film.

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Horror Films

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Horror Films

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Horror Films – Age Ratings





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Analysis 15 rated film – The advantages for an 15 rated film would be that there will be a larger audience. People that are under the age of 18 will be able to watch the movie. Also the teenagers are one of the most important target audiences, as they would go out to the cinema’s quite frequently with friends or even family. Therefore if they make movies that 15 rated, there's more of a chance for the teenagers to go on watch the movie, and cinema’s will make more profit.

On the other hand the disadvantages would be that the movie would be more restricted. You would have to think carefully about your ideas, and have to make it less scary as it wouldn’t be suitable for the younger viewers.

18 rated film – The advantages for an 18 rated film would be that, you don’t have to worry much about how scary or gruesome you want the film to be. Gives you more freedom as the viewers that are 18 and over will be able to watch the film without too many restrictions. The hard core fan base of horror films are normally men that are in the age range between 18-30

The disadvantages would be that viewers under the age of 18 wouldn’t be able to watch the movie. Some critics, for example writers from newspapers like the daily mirror, will give negative feedback about the film. This can turn into an positive, as people may think why the film got bad reviews, and may end up going to watch the film themselves. Also as the audience is slightly smaller, 18 rated horror films may not make as much profit as other movies, such as PG family films etc.

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Texas Chainsaw Massacre Budget - $ 83,532

Gross Profit - $ 30,859,000

Texas chainsaw was an independent film which was released in 1974. the film was directed by Tobe Hooper. Texas chainsaw was produced and made for less than £300,000 and Tobe Hooper recruiter relatively unknown actors for the film. As the budget for the film was very limited, Tobe Hooper tried to complete the making of the film as quick as possible, because he had been using different types of equipment's and the rental cost was quite high.

Another interesting fact to add is that in most horror films set in the 70’s, there tends to be no famous movie stars in the film. This is because they prefer to have unknown actors playing the role, to make it seem and feel like it is ordinary people that are getting affected. This gives the audience a better sense of feel, as they have the feeling that something bad or scary could happen to them in real life.

The film was released in cinema on the 18th of July 1999.

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Blair Witch Project• Budget - $60,000 (estimated) • Gross Profit - $248,639,099

Blair witch project film was an 1999 American film. It was originally combined together with amateur footages. This film was produced by Haxan Films production company. A very fascinating fact is that throughout the whole film it was done by hand held camera. The purpose for this was, as the ‘ghost’ was always chasing the people, but it actually never showed the ghost in the movie.

Also in terms of advertisement it wasn’t really promoted as much. Video clips and documents were uploaded onto the internet and got very popular by the amount views that it got. It got more recognition through word of mouth. By people talking about it and watching it on the internet, it created a buzz for the film.

Blair witch project was distributed by artisan entertainment and was released on July 30th 1999 in the US. In the opening weekend Blair itch project made $1,512,054 in the USA alone and was shown in 27 Screens.

Artisan had spent only $1 million to promote the film. Rather than buy costly network ad time, the company screened the movie on college campuses and co-produced a special on the Blair witch with the Sci-Fi channel.

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Questionnaire Analysis

• Number of people completion of questionnaire – 53• Male – 33• Female – 19• Age groups range from – 14-21

This is just a little statistic about the questionnaire.

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Questionnaire Analysis

This question simply just asked whether if the person doing the questionnaire is either male or female. This question was asked because I just wanted to know what gender would be more likely to fill this questionnaire in. The majority of males completed this questionnaire. 14 more males did the questionnaire compared to the other 19 females. I think this statistic could have been more even, however having more males doing the questionnaire may make it seem more biased. Therefore I believe it would have been better if a few more females carried out doing the questionnaire. Although it can just show that in this research a lot of males are interested in the horror film genre, slightly more better then the females. Therefore this can be seen as quite interesting facts and research.

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Questionnaire Analysis

The statistics on this question show that 16/52 people are likely to go watch a film in the cinema’s, with another 15/52 people would watch films on the internet, which is illegal. This shows that a few people would go cinema to watch the film, although a high percentage would illegally watch the movie on the internet, this is a disadvantage because if people go on the internet to watch the movie and not pay to watch in the cinema's then it will be loss to me in terms of making profit when talking about the film. 21/52 people said they watch films in a different environment which consists of DVD’s, TV and other. The fact that 11 people watch films on DVD shows that they may be willing to spend money on films, that come out on DVD. Therefore after releasing my movie o may think about releasing it on DVD for people to purchase.

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Questionnaire Analysis

In this question I asked how often my audience watch movies. The majority watch movies weekly, followed by the second most votes of 21, which was people watching films monthly. This shows that people from my target market do watch films quite regularly, so therefore it will be a good thing to release my movie as lots of people will be willing to watch it. Only 2 people watch films daily and 0 never watch movies.

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Questionnaire Analysis

19/51 people said they are willing to spend £6-12 on DVD’S. This shows that people are willing to spend money on DVD’s, so it would be a good idea to release my horror film on DVD if enough people would want to buy it. 18/51 said they wouldn't spend anything on DVD’s, this could be because they do not have enough funds, or might have to ask for pocket money from their parents which will not be enough to buy DVD;’S. The main reason for this could because most of demographic may not have a job to earn them money. By knowing how much my demographic will be willing to spend, I can have rough idea on how much to charge in cinema’s and when I release it on DVD to get the most profit as I can.

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Questionnaire Analysis

I asked the audience out of the following 6 films, what type of film they proffered to watch. This was important as I needed to have a better understanding on what kind of films my audience would like to watch. Saw got the most votes of 16, which shows that the my audience would prefer to watch horror/gory type of films. This is positive news, as our film is based on the horror genre so therefore I am confident that my audience will come and watch my horror film. The second most highest voted film was Rush Hour which a comedy type of film with a few action and fighting parts in it, so therefore in my horror film I may consider to add small elements of action in it to make it more interesting and appealing for my audience.

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Questionnaire Analysis

Out all the participants that answered this question, the majority of people received pocket money of £8 and more. Out 47 people around half of the participants (24) of them received pocket money. This is a good factor for us, as it shows that most of our target market may have funds to go cinema and watch our movie etc. This will increase profits for us, if people are willing to go cinema's to view our movie. However the disadvantage would be that 17/47 people do not receive pocket money, so that can be seen a stumbling block, due to the fact that will have no money to go cinema and watch the movie. The reason for this could be because the younger audience may not have a job to earn money etc, and they will have rely on their parents to give them money.

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Questionnaire Analysis

This question simply asked whether my audience preferred to watch movies in either 3D or 2D. These results were really close, showing that majority of the people preferred to watch movies in 2D rather then 3D. 29/41 people chose 2D, which is a big advantage for us, this is because creating a 2D film is less expensive then making a 3D movie and is also less time consuming. Whilst 3D movies are longer to make, and much more expensive in terms of costs. Another point is that, in terms of our movie I have low budget and am restricted to less resources. Therefore I would have enough funds or equipment to make a 3D movie in the first place. 2D is a much more better option for us too, because we have the resources to make a decent 2D horror film.

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Questionnaire Analysis

This question was about whether people bought merchandises after seeing a movie. These results were all really close, as the 7/26 people said they purchased music CD’s with the second highest votes were for posters and comics/graphic novels with 6 votes each. This shows that merchandises can vary, as people might purchase different things, and it wont always be the same product. Another positive point is that my audience still do buy some sort of merchandises, so therefore after the showing of my horror film, i may produce my own type of merchandise for my horror film,. This will get me more profit and more recognition of my film.

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Audience Profile

After receiving back feedbacks from my questionnaire, the data shows that my demographic will be mostly the teenage audience. Shown above is the type of people that are my target audience. The age range of the teenagers consists between 15-19. Therefore I will need think carefully about what rating my film trailer will be aimed at. For example whether it should be a 15 or 18 film.

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Last But Not Least..

• Thank you for listening, and I hope you enjoyed the presentation !