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Page 1: MEDIA KIT - What if What Next€¦ · Media Kit 1 A Calendar of Northern Fables By John T. Syrtash 416-642-5410 ISBN-13 ... Shiite women to obtain

Media Kit 1

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

[email protected]


ISBN-13: 9781772420395

ISBN-10: 1772420395












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Media Kit 2

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

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Media Kit 3

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash


John T. Syrtash was born in Budapest, Hungary, the child of Holocaust survivors

who immigrated to Toronto, Canada in 1957. He was a student of English

literature at the University of Toronto (1972-76). He graduated from Law at

Queen’s University in 1979. Over the past 35 years, he has published many legal

articles for The Canadian Jewish News, The National Post and Sun Media as well

as appearing on TV and Radio as a legal commentator. In 1992, he published

Religion and Culture in Canadian Family Law (Buttersworth) and is the Editor of a

weekly digest of Canadian family law cases called the Syrtash Family Law

Newsletter for LexisNexis.

He is currently Counsel to the law firm of Garfin Zeidenberg LLP, Toronto, Canada

practicing as one of Canada’s most Senior Family Law trial Lawyers.

Mr. Syrtash was awarded the B’nai Brith Community Award for having been

instrumental in reforming Canada’s family laws. His legislation helps Jewish and

Shiite women to obtain a religious divorce when their husbands refuse to grant

their consent.

He has three adult children and a grandchild.

A Calendar of Northern Fables is his first work of fiction.

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Media Kit 4

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash


A Calendar of Northern Fables is a nostalgic collection of short stories about

Jewish immigrants who settled in North America after the War. It’s also about

their children and grandchildren. Based in Toronto, Canada the stories follow

many of the Jewish Holidays and poke gentle fun at the lifestyle, rituals and

mythologies brought over from the old country. Meet Mendel, the much loved

Pharmacist and find out why he feels compelled to sin right before Yom Kippur,

the holiday of atonement. The book gives you a rare glimpse inside the homes

and synagogues of observant Jews and explains some of the customs followed by

this close knit community. What is the reason for the knotted strings dangling

from the hips of religious men? How do observant young people date without

ever touching each other?

A Calendar of Northern Fables is a charming and humorous look at Jewish

immigrants in the 1950s and the lives of their descendants today.

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Media Kit 5

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

TESTIMONIALS “A Delight to Read!”

"A Calendar of Northern Fables is a delight to read! Reminiscent of the style of Sholem Aleichem, John Syrtash recreates for the reader a world circumscribed by Toronto’s Jewish community – a world of observant Jewry with its beliefs, its traditions and its foibles. Told with empathy and gentle humour, Syrtash’s stories introduce the reader to Yiddish expressions, Jewish history, wise, Rabbis and adoring but not always wise parents, and the need to celebrate each day. The collection is rightly titled “Fables” as each of the stories imparts an important lesson about life and living, not just for Jews but for people of all faiths." - Author Joan O'Callaghan, Author and Seasonal Instructor – OISE, University of Toronto, English Curriculum.

“A Joy to Read!” "John Syrtash’s new book, A Calendar of Northern Fables, is a joy to read. Although a lawyer by profession, Mr. Syrtash has a penchant for creating vivid images of the modern Jewish shtetl. He weaves his personalities and communal structures from his experiences living in the Jewish community of Toronto. His love for his fellow Jew – despite the often quirky nature of our brothers and sisters – is quite evident in each story he lovingly details and in the warmth and kindness that he imbues into his characters. With his stories revolving around the Jewish calendar, you’ll find yourself reliving those special holy days with family and friends, since John’s characters hearken back to so many of our loved ones. You’ll find yourself asking the age-old Talmudic question, 'O G-d, who is like Your nation, Israel – such a unique nation in all the world!' Enjoy A Calendar of Northern Fables on a quiet Shabbos evening or any other time you’d like to catch up with old friends." -Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Beth Avraham Yosef of Toronto

“A Most Delightful Success”

"John's Syrtash's first venture into fiction and humour is a most delightful success. It brings to

life a bygone era and makes one nostalgic for yesteryear." - Frank Dimant, Professor of Modern

Israel Studies, and former Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith Canada

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Media Kit 6

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

TESTIMONIALS “The book is really terrific and a fabulous read!"

“Having growing up in Forest Hill (A prominent Jewish community in Toronto) John Syrtash's

Northern Fables book struck many chords that are still resonating after reading it several days

ago. He captures beautifully the hysteria of growing up in a Jewish household, the madness of

the Passover Sedars and the absolute truth and absurdity of the " Mason Dixon " line when one

crosses Bathurst and Steeles. As someone who tells stories on stage for a living I was thrilled to

see the detail John creates with each of his characters. I laughed out loud several times and had

felt the pain of several characters who I identified with perhaps a little too closely. A fabulous

read!” - Sam Rosenthal - Artistic Director/Founder of the Hogtown Experience / actor based in


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Media Kit 7

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

BOOK EXCERPT From “The Man Who Couldn’t Sin”

“Rifka, I’ve got to do something. How can I face the Rabeinu shel Olam (Lord of the Universe) on Yom Kippur

unless I ask for someone’s forgiveness?”

As they lay in bed, Rifka listened to her husband very patiently. Then she took a slightly different approach. She

cupped Mendel’s gentle, wrinkled face in her tiny hands, looked lovingly at her dear husband and responded thus:

“Mendel, like you, my sweet boitchek, I don’t think Rabbi Klopotnick is right. I don’t think you’re a bissel mishuga.

No, I think you’re a complete idiot. Just go to sleep. If you don’t rest, for sure you will be making more mistakes at

the pharmacy tomorrow.” She gave him a kiss, then added, “And when you leave in the morning, don’t forget to

take out the garbage.”

Mendel knew that Rifka loved him and meant well with her sensible comments. Not the slightest hint of hurt did

he harbour because of her remarks. That is what made Mendel, well, Mendel. But still he was not convinced. After

a night plagued by his persistent obsession, our introspective pharmacist came up with a plan. He was going to try

to offend someone and then, immediately after, ask for that person’s pardon.

From “The Festival of Roses”

Nearby, Jacob heard about a synagogue named after the Jewish community of Ostrovze (Ostowiece, Kielce,

Poland.) So, Jacob began looking for this place. The synagogue was not far from Bathurst Street. It is long gone

now. On Cecil Street, it was called the Ostrover schul in what used to be called the Jewish Market, but today they

call it the “Kensington” Market off Spadina Avenue near College Street. For Jacob it will always be the Jewish

Market. So Jacob wandered.

It was bustling.

He never saw anything like this – so many Jews willing to display themselves as Jews.

It was full of outdoor and indoor merchants often wearing yarmulkes, with aprons selling fruit, books, menorahs,

Sabbath candles, Holy Books, several houses of tefillah or prayer, affordable shmatas (clothing,) kosher foods, hats,

appliances, forks, spoons, plates out in the open air, and chickens, screaming chickens and fish being slaughtered

right in front of him, hanging in the window. And the cracked streets were packed in those days, especially just

before the Sabbath, mostly Jews who had escaped from the Holocaust and the Hungarian Revolution. Many of the

more religious men wore strings (tzitzit) hanging from their bellies. Their married women fashioned long black

skirts and wigs that didn’t always didn’t seem to fit right, unlike today when modern Orthodox women are very

careful with their sheytles (wigs) that are so perfect and stylish that one would never know…And kinderlach

(children!) hundreds of tiny and not so little children running around Jacob, under Jacob, bumping into Jacob– the

place was joyfully overrun. Yes, in those days Jews under 30 had children. And yes, in those days Jews used to

barter in Toronto, when it wasn’t considered politically incorrect to shop in stores that are located in the open air,

God forbid, and not in air-conditioned Shopping Malls with mindless clerks and their vapid smiles, Visa cards and

head-office policies. Because then Toronto had an authentic Jewish Market.

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Media Kit 8

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

And boy, did the Jewish market smell –primarily of the fish, the meat, the people: and the food it was real, vivid,

alive, a piece of Toronto never to return. Toronto Jewish people once had authentic smells, a touch, a feel, a faith

from the heart -- a connection to Him that created us all, yes, live screaming chickens, not plastic, tight jeans, rings

in bellies, Christmas pasted to Hanukah decorations, plastic smiles and muzak. Mourn the beloved Jewish Market

for its ghosts and shadows lingering in the memories of those few who remember, especially on the Biblical festival

Shavuot because at Shavuot, the Torah was given to the Jews to live by, and not just to be displayed in a glass case.

From “Passover at the Alters”

“Rabbi this is my friend, Leah.” “Miriam, Leah. You two sit beside me. And make sure you drink all four cups of wine tonight.” “So you two are friends.” “Yes, we live together” Miriam said quietly. “Oh. Well maybe we can make some introductions…. there are some other University students here tonight, a number of young men your age” Laughing, the Rabbi added: “So, maybe we can make a shiduch? {an introduction for marital purposes} “Well Rabbi, just to mention a few things. First, we brought some matza farfel cake we made, our little contribution. Second, we are very grateful to you and the Rebetzin to be here. We are true Bas Torahs [daughters if Torah learning and behaviour.] And by the way, about any introductions, you should know that we sort of, well more than just friends…” “Oh. My dear. Well…my. My oh my. Well, there frankly is a problem. You see, this is an Orthodox Seder. And we just can’t have that.” Stunned, both girls did not know how to respond as tears welled up in Miriam’s eyes. Both young ladies, dressed in appropriate long skirts and ready for the occasion with no where else to go, socially isolated and desperate to have a proper Seder service became instantly paralyzed. Miriam was just about to turn away, a chasm of Gehonim (Jewish Hell) opened up beneath her. This was it. All this talk of chesed (kindness) that Judaism personified just ended for her. All the pep talks she gave to Leah finally meant nothing.. It was time to go home with Miriam and simply forget the liberation that all Jews were to experience that Passover Seder evening. It was not meant for them. Hashem had turned his panim, His face from them. The darkness fell over their souls like the Biblical Hannah felt when she could not bear a child, except there was no Prophet to turn to, no one would listen, and unlike Hannah, they did not even appear drunk. They were perfectly sober. No one. They did not even exist within the scriptural vocabulary. This statement from Rabbi Alter was the final blow. They would go home. They would quietly chant Tehillim (the Psalms of David) usually reserved to foretell mourning in anticipation of death, to plead for mercy. They would fade into the night.

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Media Kit 9

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

“You see” continued Rabbi Alter, his heavy grey beard shaking and his large brown eyes gazing fixed, staring straight at both of them “please do not be upset. This is simply our custom. I’m sorry. But, we simply do not permit the use of “egg matza” in our home during Passover. So I must ask, did you use any egg matza when preparing your matza farfel cake? If so, I’m afraid we can’t use it tonight. I hope that you aren’t too upset.” “Egg matza?. You’re worried about us using egg matza in our cake. That’s what you meant?” Miriam responded, her eyes slightly moistened. “Well, what did you think? I hope you weren’t offended. You see our traditions hold that egg matza is chometz, a forbidden yeast-like food during Passover, similar to bread because it can cause the cake to rise, which symbolizes pride. So, we can’t use it. We may not be able to eat your cake” “Yes. Of course, Rabbi. But, we thought…I mean, we thought, don’t worry. We used no eggs. We thought you meant, I mean….well……” “What? Oh that! You think you are the first frum [religious] girls with a special relationship that I have welcomed into my home. Once again, you sit beside me, one on this side and you on the other side. You are my special guests. And incidentally, you are welcome to our Shabbat table whenever you want.. So, what school do you go to and what took you so long to visit us?” Tears again welled up in Miriam’s eyes, which could barely be seen. But these were different tears and only Leah could see them.


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Media Kit 10

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash


Why did you write this particular book at this particular time?

What was your inspiration?

What did you hope to achieve with the different types of readers this book


Where did all these story come from? You reference Jewish tradition, classic

mythology and the law?

How did your many years as a family law lawyer influence the writing of this


To your perspective as a family law and divorce lawyer how has the Jewish family,

all families changed over the years?

What is your favorite story and character in the book?

Is this book your legacy in any way?

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Media Kit 11

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash


High holiday reflections.

How do the Jewish holidays, as told in the book, relate to the lived experience of

Jews in Toronto and beyond?

How does the cycle of the Jewish holidays shape our lives and relationships?

How the Jewish community has changed for the better and worse over the last 50


Why are these stories called fables – fictionalized accounts of absolute truths

unique to our community?

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Media Kit 12

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash


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Media Kit 13

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

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Media Kit 14

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

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Media Kit 15

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash

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Media Kit 16

A Calendar of Northern Fables

By John T. Syrtash


Contact Information

5255 Yonge Street

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M2N 6P4

[email protected]


ISBN-13: 9781772420395

ISBN-10: 1772420395