measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a critical ...measuring sap flow and stem water...

Measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a critical analysis and development of a new heat pulse method (Sapflow+) 1 2 3 Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor (PhD) in Applied Biological Sciences by ir. Maurits Vandegehuchte May 2013

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Page 1: Measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a critical ...Measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a critical analysis and development of a new heat pulse method

Measuring sap flow and stem water

content in trees: a critical analysis and

development of a new heat pulse

method (Sapflow+)





submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor (PhD) in Applied Biological Sciences


ir. Maurits Vandegehuchte

May 2013

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Page 3: Measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a critical ...Measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a critical analysis and development of a new heat pulse method


Prof. dr. ir. Kathy STEPPE

Department of Applied Biology and Environmental Biology,

Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Universiteit Gent

Members of the examination board

Prof. dr. ir. Patrick VAN DAMME

Department of Plant Production,

Laboratory of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Ethnobotany,

Universiteit Gent

Prof. dr. ir. Wim CORNELIS

Department of Soil Management,

Soil Physics SOPHY, Universiteit Gent

Prof. dr. Nico KOEDAM

Department of Biology,

Laboratory of Plant Biology and Nature Management, Vrije Universiteit


Prof. dr. ir. Kris VERHEYEN

Department of Forest and Water Management,

Forest and Nature Lab, Universiteit Gent

Prof. dr. Caroline VINCKE

Earth and Life Institute,

Forest Science and Engineering, Université Catholique de Louvain

Dr. Melanie ZEPPEL

Department of Biological Sciences,

Climate and Forest Ecosystem Modelling group, Macquarie University


Prof. dr. ir. Guido VAN HUYLENBROECK



The research reported in this thesis was conducted at the Department of Applied

Ecology and Environmental Biology (Laboratory of Plant Ecology) of the Ghent

University, Belgium. This research and the research stay on North Stradbroke Island

were funded by the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO, Flanders, Belgium). The

author is a PhD fellow of the FWO-Flanders.

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Dutch translation of the title:

Meten van sapstroom en stamwaterinhoud in bomen: een kritische analyse en

ontwikkeling van een nieuwe warmtepuls methode (Sapflow+)

Citation of this thesis:

Vandegehuchte, M. W. (2013). Measuring sap flow and stem water content in trees: a

critical analysis and development of a new heat pulse method (Sapflow+). PhD

thesis, Ghent University, Belgium.

ISBN-number: 978-90-5989-610-9

The author and the promoter give the authorisation to consult and to copy parts of

this work for personal use only. Every other use is subject to the copyright laws.

Permission to reproduce any material contained in this work should be obtained

from the author.

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Acknowledgement - Dankwoord

Beste lezer, u behoort ongetwijfeld tot één van twee grote lezersgroepen. De ene

groep bestaat uit zij die dit werk volledig doorlezen of hier en daar de delen eruit

pikken waarin ze, vanuit wetenschappelijk oogpunt, geïnteresseerd zijn. De tweede

zijn zij die enkel deze eerste bladzijden lezen uit interesse voor het meer

menselijke aspect van de wetenschap of wie weet, in de hoop er ergens hun naam in

terug te vinden. Toch zijn beide groepen voor dit doctoraat even belangrijk geweest.

Ik hoop dan ook dat deze eerste en alle daaropvolgende bladzijden niemand van

deze beide groepen teleur zullen stellen.

Ten eerste wil ik mijn promotor, Kathy Steppe, bedanken. Niet omdat het zo hoort,

wel omdat er niemand anders is die zoveel tot dit werk heeft bijgedragen als jij. Vier

jaar geleden zorgde je enthousiasme als lesgever ervoor dat ik mijn thesis bij het

Labo Plantecologie wou doen. Na een avontuur in Tunesië spoorde je me aan om te

beginnen doctoreren en hielp je me mijn FWO beurs binnen te halen. Sindsdien heb

ik altijd met veel plezier met je samen gewerkt. Je hielp me ideeën uitdenken en

uitdagingen aan te gaan, waarbij je enthousiasme aanstekelijk werkte. Daarnaast

verloor je nooit je geduld als ik weer eens een veel te gehaaste versie van een paper

doorstuurde en jij er nauwgezet alle schrijf- en schoonheidsfoutjes uithaalde.

Bovendien steunde je me steeds in mijn wilde plannen om een bestaande theorie op

de korrel te nemen, in bomen te gaan slingeren of de gevaren van de mangroves te

trotseren. En naast het wetenschappelijke aspect was er steeds tijd voor een leuke

babbel of een toffe activiteit, of het nu in schaatsen in de buurt van Gent was of een

kampvuur in de bergen van Obora. Bedankt om voor mij zoveel deuren te openen,

mij te blijven vertrouwen in mijn werk en voor je creatieve inbreng in wat we tot

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stand hebben gebracht. Ik hoop dan ook dat ik nog een tijdje deel kan uitmaken van

de toffe bende die het Labo Plantecologie onder jouw leiding geworden is.

Dat brengt ons naadloos bij de rest van de bende, zonder wie het labo maar een

stille en lege plaats zou zijn. Bedankt aan iedereen voor de gezellige koffiepauzes,

middagpauzes, uitgelopen labo activiteiten en zoveel meer. De doc’s (Tommeke,

Hans, Veerle en Wouter) wil ik bedanken om mij drie jaar geleden als groentje op te

nemen in de groep. Nachtelijke zwempartijen, in bomen klimmen en avondlijke

pintjes waren een goede afwisseling tussen het wetenschappelijke werk door, ik

hoop dan ook dat er nog veel dergelijke ondernemingen mogen volgen! Tom,

hopelijk zien we je af en toe nog eens opduiken nu je bij ILVO werkt. Wouter, veel

succes in Australië, als je iemand nodig hebt om de mangroves in te duiken, weet je

me te vinden. Hans, hopelijk kan ik je binnenkort prof noemen en mag ik eens wat

sapstroom gaan meten op je lianen. Veerle, nogmaals sorry voor het stelen van uw

bureau. Jasper en Annelies, van studiegenoten zijn we geëvolueerd tot collega’s.

Bedankt voor die leuke eerste jaren op ons eiland. En dan is er natuurlijk ook de

‘nieuwere’ generatie. Naast Jochen en Marjolein, wil ik vooral Lidewei, Elizabeth,

Ingvar en Bart bedanken voor de fijne momenten op ‘onze’ bureau. Muren

intrappen, pseudowetenschappelijke discussies voeren en al typend met twee

vingers ‘hard werken’ heeft al voor veel plezante momenten gezorgd.

En dan kom ik bij de eigenlijke helden van ons labo: Geert en Philip. Zonder jullie

was dit boekje er niet geweest. De vele uren die jullie hebben besteed aan het mee

ontwerpen en maken van sensoren, het omhakken van bomen (met gevaar voor

eigen leven), het installeren van de gemaakte sensoren, heen en weer rijden naar

Wageningen en Gontrode… ze zijn ontelbaar. Om nog maar te zwijgen van de

laatste spurt voor ik naar Australië vertrok. Het samenwerken was altijd een

genoegen, de frietjes tussendoor meer dan verdiend. En nu dit boekje er ligt, wordt

het tijd om de belofte in te lossen: ‘het stoveke’ wacht op jullie… Natuurlijk wil ik

hier ook de latere aanvulling van het technisch team bedanken. Erik en Thomas,

zonder jullie was de Sapflow+ er niet geweest in zijn huidige vorm. Ann, Margot en

Pui Yi, jullie counterden mijn slordigheid met administratieve punctualiteit en

steeds met de glimlach. I <3 SAP maar jullie toch nog meer. Bedankt voor al jullie

harde werk, ik apprecieer het enorm.

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Los van de Labo collega’s, zijn er nog vele andere collega’s die hier verdienen

vermeld te worden. First of all, I would like to thank Leonardo Reyes, partner in

science crime. Both our collaboration in Ghent as our work afterwards have made

me appreciate you as a person, yes, as a friend. I hope that your new life in London

gives you al the (scientific) challenges you are looking for. I would also like to

express my gratitude towards prof. Nadja Nadezhdina and prof. Jan Cermak for the

great week at Obora and for introducing me to the world of sap flow. It is wonderful

that, besides a sometimes different point of view on sap flow methodology, we have

been able to work so well together. Ook prof. Frank Sterck, Paul Copini en Edo

Gerkema van Wageningen UR wil ik bedanken voor de fijne samenwerking

gedurende de MRI meetcampagne.

Dirk De Pauw wil ik enorm bedanken voor alle steun die hij gegeven heeft bij mijn

modelleeravonturen, de software ontwikkeling en de vlotte respons op mijn

suggesties en vragen. Je hebt me in totaal waarschijnlijk meer dan een half jaar tijd


Finally, for the science part, I am most grateful to prof. David Lockington, dr. Adrien

Guyot and the entire MBRS crew for giving me the opportunity to conduct

experiments in the wonderful mangrove ecosystem of Straddie. Adrien and Nina,

thanks for the warm welcome, the help with setting up the sensors and the nice

moments in between it all. I hope you find your way in the future, whether in

Grenoble or still in Brissie with or without the mime guy. Captain Matt, without you

the Belgies would not have been able to work at one of the most beautiful sites in

the world. You brought us there and back safely on your vessel, played Santa

bringing us food and lightened the work with your fine sense of humour. Shark’s

alley will never be the same again, many thanks for all the great Ozzie moments. En

natuurlijk mag ik de Belgies zelf niet vergeten, Michiel, Mieke, Stefanie en Niels, het

was een waar genoegen om jullie ‘meneer den tutor’ te zijn gedurende die twee


Maar gelukkig was er naast de wetenschap afgelopen jaren ook nog voldoende tijd

voor zoveel meer. Daarom bedankt aan iedereen die er de laatste jaren buiten het

werk voor me was. Jantje en Sabine, Anneke en Vinnie, Stijntje en Valerie, Cilia en

Charles en Karel en Caroline, tof om te zien dat we na onze gezamenlijke unieftijd

nog steeds samen plezier maken. Ik hoop dat we dat zo kunnen houden en kijk al

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uit naar wat de toekomst jullie allemaal brengt. Jan, extra bedankt voor de twee

leuke jaren dat we samen op kot zaten en dat je me vorig jaar onder je dak hebt

laten kamperen. Ik zal dan ook mijn uiterste best doen zo goed mogelijk te getuigen

volgende week. Boys, bedankt voor de vele banquets. Binnenkort is het dringend

weer eens mijn beurt. Klaas, ook bedankt voor de hulp met de kolommen in het

prille begin van mijn doctoraat. JNM’ers, jullie zijn met teveel om allemaal

persoonlijk op te noemen. Bedankt voor al die jaren natuur, kampen, activiteiten en

plezier. VP, ik ben blij dat ik een jaar jullie voorzitter mocht zijn, jullie zijn een

fantastische bende! JNM Gent, bedankt om me als West-Vlaming onderdak te bieden,

de vele avonturen waren onvergetelijk. Toch zijn er een paar JNM’ers die ik wel wil

vernoemen. Anton en Pieter (aangevuld door Hanne), jullie zijn de beste huisgenoten

en vrienden die je je kan inbeelden. De cursussen, de activiteiten, de avonden, de

feestjes, de reizen… stuk voor stuk geweldig. Moge er nog veel, veel meer van dat

volgen. Pepijn en Maarten, Spanje en Noorwegen waren overweldigend. Laat het het

begin van een traditie worden. Ik begin alvast een busje te zoeken en wat kano’s op

te blazen. Bart en Pieter, menig vrijdagmiddag hebben jullie me van vertier voorzien,

ik hoop dat ik binnenkort jullie boekske kan lezen. Hetzelfde geldt voor Sam, mijn

bijna-buur en regelmatige passant tussen de bureaus en respectievelijke

koffielokalen. Liezert, bedankt voor de onvergetelijke jaren en voor alles wat je me

geleerd hebt waar een universiteit nooit in zou kunnen slagen. Een vriendschap om

te koesteren.

Ten slotte bedankt aan mijn familie. Broers, eens te meer treed ik in jullie

voetsporen. Ik ken jullie letterlijk mijn hele leven en zou me geen leven zonder jullie

kunnen voorstellen. Na onze jeugd delen we nu ook de rest van het verhaal en daar

ben ik jullie ontzettend dankbaar voor. Jullie hebben me, als grote broers, mee

opgevoed en zo mee mijn leven bepaald. De vele momenten van lol trappen, samen

op stap gaan en elkaar steunen zijn onbeschrijfelijk. Michiel en Eva, bedankt dat ik

altijd jullie deur mag platlopen als ik daar zin in heb, jullie zijn als een tweede

thuis. Kleine Lukas, ik kijk er naar uit om je verder te zien opgroeien en samen

hansje-pansje te verwelkomen. Martijn en Bieke, altijd tof om jullie avonturen uit de

US en nu Zwitserland te lezen. Ondanks de afstand voelt het meteen weer aan als

vroeger als ik jullie in levende lijve zie. Hopelijk kunnen we binnenkort eens samen

de bergen daar trotseren. Pa en ma, de kleinen is nu weer wat groter. Bedankt voor

de gelukzalige, zorgeloze jeugd, de vele kansen, de hulp bij het verbouwen, de nooit

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aflatende steun en het vertrouwen in mijn, soms wat haastige, ondernemingen.

Betere ouders kan je niet dromen. Opa en oma, bedankt voor de mooie momenten

samen, het prachtige voorbeeld dat jullie ons geven en de oprechte interesse in waar

we mee bezig zijn. En dan zijn er natuurlijk nog Rit (toch een beetje een tweede

mama geworden), Simon, Jolijn en Daan. Jullie hebben me meteen laten thuis voelen

daar in de Kempen. Een warm nest waar ik met plezier langskom.

En als laatste is er natuurlijk Celien. Van een wetenschapper wordt verwacht dat hij

wat hij rondom zich ervaart, tracht te begrijpen en verklaren. Maar ik weet dat wat

ik bij jou ervaar, nooit ga kunnen of willen begrijpen, laat staan verklaren. Bedankt

voor de fantastische jaren die we samen al gehad hebben en voor de jaren die nog


Gent, Mei 2013

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LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ........................................................... XI INTRODUCTION AND OUTLINE OF THE THESIS ................................................ 1

1 WATER TRANSPORT IN TREES ....................................................... 7

1.1 The driving forces of stem tree water transport and storage ................. 7

1.1.1 Water potential as driving force ............................................................... 8

1.1.2 The cohesion-tension theory ...................................................................10

1.2 Flowing through the tree: the pathways of water ....................................12

1.2.1 Transpiration from the leaves .................................................................12

1.2.2 Water flow in stems ...................................................................................13

1.2.3 Water flow in roots ....................................................................................18

1.3 Taking the other route: hydraulic redistribution .....................................20

1.3.1 Water storage ..............................................................................................20

1.3.2 Hydraulic redistribution ...........................................................................21

1.4 Measuring tree water use variables .............................................................25

1.4.1 Water potential measurements ...............................................................25

1.4.2 Stem diameter fluctuations......................................................................28

2 COMMONLY APPLIED SAP FLOW MEASUREMENT METHODS AND THEIR LIMITATIONS.............................................................. 33

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................34

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2.2 Continuous heat sap flux density methods .............................................. 38

2.2.1 Thermal dissipation (TD) method .......................................................... 38

2.2.2 Heat field deformation (HFD) method................................................... 39

2.2.3 Natural temperature gradients ............................................................... 42

2.3 Heat pulse sap flux density methods ......................................................... 43

2.3.1 Compensation Heat Pulse velocity (CHP) method .............................. 44

2.3.2 Tmax method .............................................................................................. 45

2.3.3 Heat Ratio (HR) method ............................................................................ 46

2.3.4 Calibrated Average Gradient (CAG) method ........................................ 48

2.4 Sensor spacing .................................................................................................. 49

2.5 Wounding .......................................................................................................... 50

2.6 General conclusions ........................................................................................ 52

3 ERRONEOUS USE OF THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY IN THE HEAT FIELD DEFORMATION METHOD ................................................... 53

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 54

3.2 Thermodynamic background HFD method ............................................... 55

3.3 Materials and method ..................................................................................... 58

3.4 Results and discussion ................................................................................... 59

3.4.1 Characteristics of the HFD temperature ratio ..................................... 59

3.4.2 From temperature ratio to sap flux density ........................................ 62

3.5 Conclusions ....................................................................................................... 65


............................................................................................................. 67

4.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 68

4.2 Assumption of isotropic medium versus actual anisotropic

sapwood ............................................................................................................. 69

4.3 Implications of anisotropy for current sap flow methods..................... 70

4.4 Towards more accurate equations .............................................................. 77

4.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 78

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5 DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN BOUND AND UNBOUND WATER IN THE METHOD OF MIXTURES FOR DIFFUSIVITY CALCULATION ................................................................................. 81

5.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................82

5.1.1 But are we missing the point when applying the thermal

diffusivity theory? ......................................................................................85

5.1.2 Corrected equation to determine thermal conductivity Kax..............88

5.2 Materials and Methods ...................................................................................89

5.2.1 Sensitivity analysis .....................................................................................89

5.2.2 Plant material ..............................................................................................90

5.2.3 Thermal conductivity versus water content: original versus

corrected method .......................................................................................90

5.2.4 Implications of the correction for actual

sap flow measurements ............................................................................91

5.3 Results ................................................................................................................92

5.4 Discussion .........................................................................................................97

5.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 100


6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 102

6.2 Materials and methods ................................................................................ 104

6.2.1 Theory ........................................................................................................ 104

6.2.2 Water content ........................................................................................... 105

6.2.3 Sensor design ........................................................................................... 105

6.2.4 Identifiability analysis ............................................................................ 107

6.2.5 Comparison of heat pulse methods .................................................... 109

6.2.6 Measurements of sap flux density in artificial sapwood ............... 110

6.2.7 Measurements of sap flux density in sapwood ................................ 111

6.3 Results ............................................................................................................. 113

6.3.1 Identifiability analysis ............................................................................ 113

6.3.2 Sensor verification and calibration ..................................................... 115

6.3.3 Comparison of heat pulse methods by FEM ..................................... 117

6.3.4 Measurements on artificial sapwood .................................................. 120

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6.3.5 Measurements on sapwood .................................................................. 121

6.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................... 123

6.4.1 Applicability of the Sapflow+ method ............................................... 123

6.4.2 Comparison of Sapflow+ with other heat pulse methods ............. 126

6.4.3 Challenges for the Sapflow+ method ................................................. 127

6.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 128


7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 132

7.2 Materials and methods ................................................................................ 134

7.2.1 Field site .................................................................................................... 134

7.2.2 Meteorological data ................................................................................ 135

7.2.3 Ecophysiological measurements .......................................................... 136

7.2.4 Dynamic stem growth model ............................................................... 137

7.3 Applicability of the Sapflow+ method in field conditions .................. 142

7.3.1 Results ....................................................................................................... 142

7.3.2 Discussion ................................................................................................. 144

7.4 Water flow and storage in Avicennia and Rhizophora ......................... 146

7.4.1 Results ....................................................................................................... 146

7.4.2 Discussion ................................................................................................. 156

7.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................... 160


8.1 Research outcome and scientific contributions .................................... 163

8.2 Future perspectives ...................................................................................... 167

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... .171 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 193 SAMENVATTING ................................................................................................... 196 CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................................ 201

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List of abbreviations and symbols


CAG Calibrated Average Gradient

CO2 Carbon dioxide

CHP Compensation Heat Pulse

DOY Day Of the Year

FEM Finite Element Model(ling)

HD Heat Dissipation

HFD Heat Field Deformation

HR Heat Ratio

LVDT Linear Variable Displacement Transducer

MC Water content


Water content at Fibre Saturation Point

MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NaCl Sodium Chloride

NTG Natural Temperature Gradient

RH Relative Humidity

SHB Stem Heat Balance

SPAC Soil Plant Atmosphere Continuum

SF Sap Flow

SFD Sap Flux Density

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Abbreviations and symbols



Relative error in Sap Flux Density

TD Thermal Dissipation

TDP Thermal Dissipation Probe

THB Trunk Heat Balance

VPD Vapour Pressure Deficit

WBD Wet Bulb Depression

WSSE Weighted Sum of Squared Errors

2D Two-dimensional

3D Three-dimensional

Latin symbols

A Cross-sectional area

AC Actual soil water conductivity


Stem cross-sectional area

C Solute concentration

cd Specific heat capacity dry wood


Specific heat capacity of the woody matrix

cs Specific heat capacity of xylem sap

cw Specific heat capacity of water

D Thermal diffusivity


Inner diameter of the stem segment (without bark)


Outer diameter of the stem segment (with bark)

d Distance/thickness

e0 Saturated water vapour pressure

e Actual water vapour pressure

Fv Void fraction of the wood


Void fraction of the wood at fibre saturation point

g Gravitational acceleration

h Height

k Sensitivity instance


Proportionality factor between the soil water potential and the xylem

root water potential

K Thermal conductivity


Axial thermal conductivity

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Abbreviations and symbols


Kd Thermal conductivity of dry wood


Thermal conductivity of wood at fibre saturation point


Radial thermal conductivity

Ktg Tangential thermal conductivity

Kw Thermal conductivity of water

K Thermal conductivity vector

l Length of the stem segment

L Radial hydraulic conductivity of the virtual membrane separating the

stem storage compartment from the xylem compartment


Sapwood depth

M Mass


Molar mass of water

N Number

Neq Osmotic equivalent

P Hydrostatic pressure

Ph Heat input heater needle

q Heat input per unit length of the heater

Q Thermal energy


Temperature to which the amount of heat liberated per unit length of

the line would raise a unit volume of the substance

R Universal gas constant

Rs Resistance

Rs’ Resistance per unit length

Rst Flow resistance between stem xylem and storage compartment

Rx Flow resistance in the stem xylem

r Radius

s Relative sensitivity

∆S Thickness of the storage compartment

t Time


Time after application of the heat pulse at which the temperature at xup

is equal at the temperature at xdown

tm Time at which the temperature at a given distance after application of

a heat pulse is maximal

T Temperature

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Abbreviations and symbols



Air temperature

Tas Temperature measured in the asymmetric HFD needle

Td Downstream temperature


Dew point temperature


Temperature measured in the axial reference HFD needle


Stem temperature

Tu Upstream temperature

∆T Temperature difference

∆Ta Average temperature gradient between the downstream and upstream


∆T0 Temperature difference at zero flow


Temperature increase downstream from the heater after application of

a heat pulse


Temperature increase upstream from the heater after application of a

heat pulse


Temperature difference between the upper and lower axial HFD


∆Tas Temperature difference between the tangential and lower HFD needles


Temperature difference between axial downstream and tangential

measurement needle


Temperature difference between axial downstream and tangential

measurement needle at zero flow

U Voltage


Heat velocity


Heat velocity corrected for wounding

Vst Stem storage volume


Partial molal volume of pure water


Dry weight

wf Fresh weight

Wst Water mass stored in the stem storage compartment

x Axial distance


Upstream axial distance


Downstream axial distance

y Tangential distance

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Abbreviations and symbols



Distance between the axial HFD needles

Ztg Distance between the tangential and lower axial HFD needles

Greek symbols

Critical value for the pressure component (st

p ) which must be

exceeded to produce (positive) growth in the storage compartment

Collinearity index

δmeas Sensitivity measure

Bulk elastic modulus of living tissue in relation to reversible

dimensional changes (water storage)

0 Proportionality constant

θ Source component value


Chemical water potential


wµ Chemical reference water potential

Number Pi

Osmotic pressure

ρc Volumetric heat capacity

ρ Density

ρd Dry wood density


Sap density

w Density of water

wood Density of dry wood

σ Surface tension at the air-liquid interface

τ Matrix potential

Extensibility of cell walls in relation to non-reversible dimensional

changes (water storage)

Water potential

m Matrix water potential

l Leaf water potential

p Pressure water potential

Osmotic water potential

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Abbreviations and symbols


soil Soil water potential

stem Stem water potential

r Xylem water potential in the roots

x Xylem water potential in the stem


p Sap water potential


Storage water potential


p Storage pressure water potential


Storage osmotic water potential

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4 Introduction and outline of the


Besides humans, terrestrial plants are the main living organisms influencing the

local and global water cycles. By transpiring, plants take up enormous amounts of

water from the soil and transport these to their leaves, releasing the water as vapour

to the atmosphere. As a mere indication, the total amount of this water transport in

the world’s dense, tropical forests can be up to ~32 x 1015 kg per year (Hetherington

& Woodward, 2003).

The need of water for plant development and growth has led to several branches of

science, many as old as humanity itself. People have known from the very beginning

that in order to obtain vegetable food for human or animal consumption, whether

by gathering or cultivation, water is of crucial importance. During the ages,

strategies to deal with local water scarcity have shifted from a nomadic lifestyle

(Kaniewski et al., 2012), moving to those places where water was in abundance, over

early irrigation channels derived from river beds to wind driven water pumps and,

more recently, highly specialized irrigation techniques based on plant-driven models

(Steppe et al., 2008). Next to water as a resource for plant production, the

importance of plant-water relations has found acceptance in other branches of

science as well, amongst others to investigate colonization by fungi and insects,

fertilization, stress monitoring, reforestation and ecosystem changes. More recently,

the importance of plant water use has also been acknowledged in the global change

concept (Huntington, 2006). Knowing that water vapour has a magnifying effect on

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Introduction and outline of the thesis


the global temperature change and that more intense drought events can cause

widespread forest decline (Choat et al., 2012), a correct estimation of ecosystem

transpiration is crucial to accurately predict future climate changes and associated

consequences such as civil conflicts (Hsiang et al., 2011). To estimate these

contributions of plant transpiration to global and local water cycles, typically

vegetation models are used (Hanson et al., 2004), whether on the single-plant or the

ecosystem scale.

To understand the hydraulic functioning of plants in relation to the preset research

objectives, measurements of plant water use are essential. Worldwide, sap flow

methods are applied to monitor plant water status and validate vegetation models.

These methods determine flow direction as well as relative and absolute flow,

establishing the link between plant water uptake, release and storage. Hence,

whether it is to assess the correct irrigation dose, to monitor forest vitality or to

obtain trustworthy modelling results, reliable sap flow measurements are


Since the beginning of the previous century when dyes were applied to trace sap

flow in stems and roots (James & Baker, 1933; Dixon, 1936; Kramer, 1940), sap flow

measurement methods have greatly evolved. The application of heat as a tracer has

made sap flow measurements much less destructive and, even though modern

techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging or isotope analysis clearly have

their value in sap flow research, heat-based sensors remain the most practical and

cost-effective option for sap flow assessment. Since the pioneering work of Huber

(1932), a wide range of heat-based sap flow methods have been developed. While all

these methods have their merits and have led to interesting ecophysiological

findings, many methods are limited in the range of sap flow rate or sap flux density

they can measure and are dependent on thermal wood properties or empirical

calibrations. Moreover, wounding and natural temperature gradients can highly

influence the quantitative results. Therefore, the primary objective of this PhD study

was to investigate these limitations and try to come up with possible solutions.

However, before the basic principles of sap flow measurements could be tackled, a

thorough understanding of the mechanisms leading to sap flow had to be acquired.

Chapter 1 describes the driving forces behind plant water uptake and the pathways

water follows on its journey through the plant. Hydraulic redistribution as a way of

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water transport going against the expected flow direction is unveiled as a process

following the same fundamentals as common sap flow from soil to atmosphere.

Finally, the main measurable variables describing tree water use are discussed as,

together with sap flow measurements, they form the basics of experimental plant-

water research.

The information on how sap flow in plants can be measured is spread throughout

the scientific literature with most manuscripts focusing on a single method. While

Chapter 1 describes the mechanisms underlying sap flow, Chapter 2 assembles and

critically comments on the current state of knowledge on sap flow measurement

methodology. While sap flow rate methods are briefly mentioned as a means to

determine the integrated flow through the entire plant or stem section in a given

time span (m3 s-1), the chapter mainly zooms in on sap flux density methods,

determining the flow of sap through a certain sapwood area in a given time span (m3

m-2 s-1). The latter leads to a more specific assessment of sap flow on a spatial scale,

enabling more in-depth investigation of ecophysiological traits such as radial and

circumferential variability of sap flow or specific aspects of hydraulic redistribution.

Next to the theoretical background of the existing methods, this chapter also

provides a discussion on the most important factors influencing sap flow methods.

As the only continuous heat based sap flow method encompassing radial sap flow

profiles, high resolution monitoring for both regular and reverse flows as well as

enabling sap flow calculations without the need to assume night-time zero flow

conditions, the Heat Field Deformation method (HFD) (Nadezhdina et al., 2012) has

proven its use in many sap flow studies. However, the underlying methodology is

based on an erroneous use of thermal diffusivity as a sapwood parameter. Chapter

3 explains why thermal diffusivity should not be related to the empirical HFD

temperature ratio and suggests an improved correlation between the latter and sap

flux density, stressing that the HFD method should be considered empirical while

acknowledging its many advantages.

Given the empirical nature of continuous heat based sap flux density methods such

as the HFD, the interest of the scientific community has shifted towards heat pulse

methods as they have a theoretical thermodynamic background. All existing heat

pulse sap flux density methods are founded on the same isotropic heat conduction-

convection equation as mentioned by Marshall (1958). Sapwood, however, is

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Introduction and outline of the thesis


anisotropic, necessitating an anisotropic theory. This shortcoming in sap flow

method development is addressed in Chapter 4 where the correct basic theory is

derived and the consequences for existing sap flow research are unravelled.

Of the heat pulse methods, the most versatile is no doubt the Heat Ratio method

(Burgess et al., 2001a). Although limited for high flows, this method enables

measurements of average, low as well as reverse flows, converting the measured

temperature ratios to sap flux density based on the axial thermal diffusivity of the

sapwood. The latter is determined during zero flow conditions, based on a method

of mixtures applied to a sapwood sample cored from the tree. In this method of

mixtures, however, the meaning of the water content is misinterpreted, leading to

incorrect diffusivity calculations. Chapter 5 proposes a correction to this method,

including the proper incorporation of sapwood water content.

Given the limitations of existing sap flux density methods, the urge arose to search

for alternatives. Chapter 6 tries to tackle these limitations by presenting a new sap

flux density method, the Sapflow+ method, enabling sap flux density measurements

independent of thermal diffusivity determination across the entire naturally

occurring range of sap flows. Moreover, this method holds the promise of

simultaneously determining stem water content.

After the theoretical development of the Sapflow+ method and the confirmation of

its applicability by lab tests, Chapter 7 presents how the Sapflow+ method can be

applied in harsh field conditions to study tree water use. An experiment was set up

in on North Stradbroke Island, Australia to assess water use of Avicennia and

Rhizophora, two dominant mangrove species. By measuring stem diameter

variations, water potentials and sap flux density, the differences in water use of

these co-occurring species coping with the challenging environmental conditions

were revealed.

Finally, Chapter 8 summarizes the main findings of this PhD study and formulates

their implications and challenges for ongoing and future research. It is discussed

which questions remain unanswered and where promising areas of future research


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In summary, this PhD thesis addresses the following main questions:

- Which current methods are available to determine sap flow in plants?

- On which basis are these methods found?

- What are the differences between these methods and their limitations?

- How can sap flow measurements still be improved?

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1 1 Water transport in trees

Trees are sanctuaries. Whoever knows how to speak to them, whoever knows

how to listen to them, can learn the truth. They do not preach learning and

precepts, they preach, undeterred by particulars, the ancient law of life.

Hermann Hesse, Bäume. Betrachtungen und Gedichte

1.1 The driving forces of stem tree water transport and


The question of how large trees such as redwoods can transport water over

distances more than 100 m has fascinated man since centuries. Thorough research

has led to the general acceptance that water moves through plants in a passive way,

driven by differences in water potential according to the cohesion-tension theory

(Dixon & Joly, 1894; Slatyer, 1967; Tyree & Zimmerman, 2002).

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1.1.1 Water potential as driving force

Water moves passively from a higher to a lower chemical water potential. This

chemical water potential (µw in J mol-1), corresponding to the free energy of water,

can be expressed as:

Π τ0

w w w w w wµ =µ -V +V P-V +m g h (1.1)

with 0

wµ the chemical potential of pure water for a specific reference state, Vw the

partial molal volume of pure water (18.0×10-6 m3 mol-1), Π the osmotic pressure (Pa)

caused by the attraction of water by dissolved solutes, P the hydrostatic pressure

(Pa), τ the matrix potential caused by capillary forces (Pa) and mw g h the term

describing the influence of gravity with mw the molar mass of water (kg mol-1), g the

gravitational acceleration (9.81 m s-2) and h the vertical height compared to the

reference state (m).

The difference between µw and the reference state 0

wµ represents the amount of

work needed to move one mole of water from the reference to the actual level of

chemical water potential with the reference defined as pure water at atmospheric

pressure, at zero height level and at the same temperature as the considered

system. When diverting from this reference state, the water is not in equilibrium and

tends to passively flow towards a location where the difference with the reference

state is lower.

Although explaining passive water flow, the concept of chemical water potential is

not very practical as chemical potentials are difficult to measure in field conditions.

Therefore, plant physiologists prefer to work with water potentials ( ), expressed

in pressure units (Pa, or more commonly MPa) and obtained by dividing the

chemical potential by Vw:



w ww


µ µP- + g h

V (1.2)

with ρw the density of water (kg m-3). As both V

w and 0

wµ are constants, water will

passively flow from a higher (less negative) to a lower (more negative) water

potential . This water potential can be divided in different components:

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The pressure potential p (= P), indicating the physical pressure on the

water, which can be either positive or negative.

The negative matrix potential m (=- τ ), representing the interactions

between the water and air in numerous capillary interstices in plant tissues

or soils due to the attraction between water and hydrophilic surfaces. Notice

that m and p are mostly considered as one, describing the hydrostatic

pressure which can be positive when water exerts pressure against the cell

wall (turgor) or negative when water is under tension as in the xylem

elements (see Section 0). Throughout this thesis, pressure potential p will

include the matrix potential.

The negative osmotic potential

(=- ) due to the presence of dissolved

solutes as water tends to be transferred from a lower to a higher

concentration of solutes across a semipermeable membrane.

can be

determined according to the Van ‘t Hoff’s equation:

- -RT C


with R the universal gas constant (8.31 J mol-1 K-1), C the solute concentration

(mol m-3) and T the solution temperature (K). Hence, the higher the solute

concentration, the more negative


The positive gravitational potential g (= w g h ), related to the gravitational

forces exerted on the water at a certain height h. This potential is only taken

into account for tall trees.

This water potential concept is applicable for water in the liquid phase throughout

the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC). For water in the vapour phase, at the

boundary of leaf and atmosphere level, is expressed by the Spanner equation

(Spanner, 1951a):



R T eln

V e (1.4)

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where R is again the universal gas constant (8.31 J mol-1 K-1), T the absolute

temperature (K) and e0 and e the saturated and actual water vapour pressure (Pa),


Even though the concept of water potentials explains the transport of water from a

higher (less negative) to a lower (more negative) water potential, it does not indicate

how these water potentials are created within the tree. To this end, the cohesion-

tension theory was developed (Dixon & Joly, 1894; Tyree, 1997).

1.1.2 The cohesion-tension theory

The cohesion-tension theory states that water inside the apoplast of trees, the cell

wall continuum of a plant containing the dead conductive xylem cells, forms a

continuous string thanks to the cohesion forces between water molecules, caused by

hydrogen bonds. If then at one end of this string the water is being attracted

because of a lower water potential, the water molecules will resist to be pulled apart

and a tension will be propagated within the water string. This cohesiveness of water

molecules, together with the adhesive forces between water molecules and the walls

of xylem elements, allows water to be transported within the stem.

But what induces these lower water potentials, creating the attractive forces on

these water strings, causing them to be under tension? As the gravitational potential

is always positive, it can be ruled out. Hence, these forces must be caused by

changes in pressure and/or osmotic potential. The most influential cause of a

decreasing pressure potential leading to upward sap flow is transpiration. This

process comprises the water loss from leaves to the atmosphere, pulling up the

water strings through all components of the SPAC (see section 1.2). Within the

leaves, a meshwork of small interstices exists, created by the cellulose microfibrils

in the cell walls. These interstices act as a fine capillary network where water is in

contact with the air. Because of the strong adhesion between water and these cell

walls, many curvatures (menisci) are formed, inducing a negative pressure potential

in the sap directly behind the menisci (Nobel, 1999):


p r


where σ is the surface tension at the air-liquid interface (0.0728 N m-1 at 20°C) and r

is the radius (m) of the meniscus, which is by convention positive for a concave

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surface. As during transpiration water evaporates into the inter-cellular spaces of

the leaf, this radius r decreases, causing the pressure potential to become more

negative and, hence, creating a tension in the water string.

Next to transpiration, other processes can induce tension in the water column,

causing water to move downwards within the SPAC or even in opposite directions

within the tree. This phenomenon is termed hydraulic redistribution and is the

subject of Section 1.3.

As according to the cohesion-tension theory strong negative pressures are induced,

the water column will be in a highly metastable state. For over a century, this has

led the cohesion-tension theory to be subject to criticism (Zimmermann et al., 1994;

Canny, 1995; Zimmermann et al., 2004), leading to alternative theories explaining

sap flow in plants. Canny (1995) developed the compensating pressure theory,

stating that the tension in the water column due to transpiration is compensated by

the pressure exerted by the surrounding tissues, protecting the water from going

into the metastable state. This theory, however, has been widely disputed in a series

of meticulous studies and has never been proved by experimental data (Stiller &

Sperry, 1999; Tyree & Zimmerman, 2002). More recently, Zimmerman et al. (2004)

roused the debate again, stating that ‘negative xylem pressure values of several

megapascals exist only in the realm of science fiction’. These authors argue that

water in tall trees moves in analogy to the lifting of ships by consecutive watergates

thanks to occasional axial barriers or adherence to gel matrices. Their main

argument against strong negative xylem pressures seems to be the possible errors

induced by pressure bomb measurements (Scholander et al., 1965). Similar negative

pressures have, however, been measured independently by applying centrifugal

forces or stem psychrometers (Dixon & Tyree, 1984; Holbrook et al., 1995).

Moreover, the statements of Zimmerman et al. (2004) were immediately countered

in a commentary of Angeles et al. (2004), subscribed by over forty international

experts in tree water relations, stating that the work of Zimmerman et al. (2004) is

misleading in its discussion on the fundamentals of the cohesion-tension theory and

that the latter is widely supported as the only theory consistent with the enormous

amount of data on water transport in plants. Therefore, this theory will also be

accepted as correct throughout this study.

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1.2 Flowing through the tree: the pathways of water

From all the water taken up by the roots, 95% or more leaves the tree again through

transpiration (Ridge, 2002). This water loss can be seen as a side effect of

photosynthesis, the process converting the energy of the sun into sugars, the basic

building components of plants. Nevertheless, this water flow is of crucial

importance as it transports mineral nutrients from the soil to the leaves and cools

down these leaves as protection against high solar radiation. Moreover, without the

positive pressure that water exerts on cell walls (referred to as turgor pressure),

plants would not be able to grow. The following sections describe the different cell

types and tissues water encounters on its way through the plant.

1.2.1 Transpiration from the leaves

While water transport in trees is often described as starting at the roots, it is the

water loss from the leaves that induces flow. Imagine a healthy tree before sunrise,

its different flow paths filled with water. When the sun rises, the leaves’ stomata

open, allowing the diffusion of CO2 in the substomatal cavities to enable

photosynthesis (Figure 1.1). However, as the water potential of the atmosphere is

highly negative according to the Spanner equation (Eq. 1.4), water vapour from the

substomatal cavities and intercellular air spaces will be drawn away through the

stomata. This induces evaporation of water from the surface of the mesophyll cells,

reducing the menisci of water-air interfaces and, hence, lowering the water potential

(Section 1.1.2). Because of this lowered water potential, water is transported from

the xylem in the vascular bundles to the mesophyll cells, further propagating

tension throughout the water conducting system in the stem and roots.

Next to stomatal transpiration, water may also diffuse across the cuticle (cuticular

transpiration) (Jones, 1992). The resistance to evaporation through the cuticle,

which is not adjustable by the plant on the short-term and predominantly

dependent on the thickness of the cuticle, is, however, much larger than the

stomatal resistance. Moreover, the latter can be actively regulated by the plant as a

response to internal factors, such as the internal CO2, or external conditions, such as

light, temperature, relative air humidity and soil water availability. Hence, unless

stomata are (nearly) closed, cuticular transpiration only accounts for a small

percentage in leaf water loss (Nobel, 1999; Phillips et al., 2010; Zeppel et al., 2010).

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Upper epidermis


mesophyll cell


mesophyll cell

Air space



Stomatal pore

Guard cellLower


1.2.1 Water flow in stems

The water drawn from the leaves induces tension which propagates throughout the

water conducting elements in the stem, called xylem (Figure 1.2). Together with the

photosynthate-conducting tissue, indicated as phloem, the xylem makes up the

vascular system which can be found in the entire tree, from root to leaves. Both of

these transport tissues are produced by the vascular cambium, differentiating

secondary phloem outwards to the bark and secondary xylem inwards. While the

phloem mainly consists of living tissue, transporting photosynthesis products from

sources to sinks throughout the plant, xylem mainly comprises dead cells. These

cells do not only serve as water conducting pathways, they also provide structural

support for non-woody plants and young trees. For older trees, this support

function is taken over by the non-conducting heartwood, generated from the inner

part of the xylem which has lost its conducting function over time (Raven et al.,


Figure 1.1 Schematic transverse leaf section, indicating the various cell types. The blue arrows

indicate the diffusion of water to the atmosphere via the stomata, inducing water flow from

the vascular bundle, while the red arrows represent the uptake of CO2 (adapted from


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Ψsoil = -

0.3 MPa

Ψstem =

-0.8 MPa

Ψroots =

-0.6 MPa

Ψleaves =

-1.0 MPa

Ψair =

-100.0 MPa

Xylem sap

Mesophyll cells


Water molecules


Cohesion and

adhesion in the


Water uptake

from the soil

Adhesion by



Cell wallXylem cells

Cohesion by



Water molecules

Root hair

Soil particle







l g




Xylem flow

Within the xylem, a distinction can be made between vessel elements (only found in

angiosperms) or the more primitive tracheids (found in angiosperms, gymnosperms

and the lower vascular plants) (Figure 1.3a). For both types, conducting elements are

axially arranged end-to-end. However, whereas tracheids typically have tapered

ends, the generally shorter and broader vessel elements are adjoined by blunt ends.

The cell wall of these ends are distinctively perforated (hence the name perforation

plates), reducing the axial resistance within the vessel network, providing a suited

pathway for water transport. Tracheids, on the other hand, do not contain

Figure 1.2 A schematic representation of water movement through the SPAC. Removed from

the leaves by transpiration, water is sucked up from the roots, following the gradient in water

potential, created according to the cohesion-tension theory (adapted from Campell & Reece,


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perforation plates, forcing the water to flow through much smaller holes in their

touching boundaries, creating a higher axial resistance towards water flow

(Pittermann, 2010).

Vessels Tracheids




(a) (b)

Next to axial transport, water can also flow laterally between xylem cells. The thick

lateral secondary walls of these cells, which makes xylem very inelastic, are

punctured with small pits (Figure 1.3a). These pits, only existing of a very thin and

porous primary cell wall, allow the free passage of water and nutrients while

limiting the passage of air, pathogens and particles (Choat et al., 2003). Via the pits,

xylem elements are integrated into a complex network, giving the water the

necessary flexibility of altering its flow path in case water conductance through

certain cells fails. As water under tension in the xylem is in a metastable state, little

stress is needed to induce air bubble formation in the conducting cells (cavitation).

If then the tension of the xylem sap decreases below a certain threshold value, air

from cavitated vessels will penetrate the largest pit membranes, filling the adjacent

vessels, a process known as ‘air seeding’. As these vessels cease to function, the

water has to find another way upwards. As for other pits the cavitation threshold

will be higher (a more negative water potential), the water can relocate through

Figure 1.3 (a) The different water conducting cell types in the secondary xylem of trees:

vessels and tracheids (adapted from Campbell et al., 2004); and (b) structure and composition

of a woody angiosperm stem section (adapted from Raven et al. (1992))

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these pits to those cells that still hold their conductive capacities. If, however, the

tension further increases due to extended stress, too many xylem elements may

become cavitated, blocking upwards sap flow and finally resulting in plant wilting.

Next to vessel elements and tracheids, the xylem system also comprises fibres and

parenchyma cells. The latter are, in contrast with the conductive elements, living

cells which form xylem rays (Figure 1.3b) facilitating lateral movement of water and

solutes into and out of the conducting cells. Moreover, these cells form storage

compartments for carbohydrates. Xylem fibres, on the other hand, are slender,

lignified cells offering structural support to the xylem.

Secondary xylem is generally not uniformly produced throughout the year (Gricar,

2010). The cyclic pattern of seasonal cambial activity leads to a distinction in early

wood, with typically less dense and wider vessels, produced at the beginning of the

growing season, and late wood, which is produced at the end of the growing season

and typically contains denser and narrower vessels. While for some species, there is

hardly any structural difference between early wood and late wood (the so called

diffuse porous species), for others the distinction is clear, enhancing the visibility of

the growth rings (the so called ring porous species) (Butterfield & Meylan, 1980). It

should, however, be noticed that the distinction between early and late wood is not

only species, but also environmentally dependent as it has been shown that

different trees from the same species may or may not show large differences

between early and late wood based on seasonal intensity (Robert et al., 2011b).

Diffuse and ring porous species are often grouped together, forming the hardwoods

of angiosperms, while the wood of gymnosperms is frequently referred to as

softwood or coniferous wood. The latter also may or may not show clear

distinctions between early and late wood depending on species and environmental


Phloem flow

While the transport of water and nutrients takes place in the xylem, water-dissolved

photoassimilates are conducted via the phloem. This plant tissue consists of two

cell types: sieve elements and companion cells (Figure 1.4a) (Taiz & Zeiger, 2006). In

gymnosperms and lower vascular plants, the sieve elements (sieve cells) are

generally longer, less wide and more tapered than the sieve tube elements found in

angiosperms. Both sieve elements lose their nucleus, tonoplast (and thus their

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vacuole), Golgi bodies and ribosomes as they mature. Nevertheless, the cytoplasm,

cell membrane, endoplasmatic reticulum, few mitochondria and phloem-specific

proteins and plastids remain. Therefore, these elements are still considered as living

cells (Knoblauch & Peters, 2010). To metabolically sustain these sieve elements, they

are neighboured by specialized cells, called albuminous cells in gymnosperms and

companion cells in angiosperms. These cells do have nuclei and generally hold many

mitochondria, providing energy to the sieve elements. Besides, these neighbouring

cells are connected to the sieve elements by plasmodesmata, allowing transport of

solutes to and from the sieve elements.

Transport of phloem sap is facilitated by the sieve plate, the end-to-end connection

between sieve-tube elements, grouping them in sieve tubes. This sieve plate consists

of clusters of pores through which the protoplasts of adjacent sieve-tube elements

are connected. Therefore, phloem sap moving through the sieve tube does not need

to cross cell membranes.

Next to sieve elements and their accompanying cells, phloem also comprises

parenchyma cells, with storage as their primary goal, and fibres (sometimes

sclereids), giving strength to the tissue. In contrast to xylem cells, phloem cells are

never lignified, making the phloem tissue much more elastic.




Sieve plate








Nucleus of




(a) (b) (c)Sieve-tube



Sieve plate


cell with


Xylem Phloem Cambium

In angiosperm trees, the phloem is mostly situated in the bark, separated from the

xylem by the vascular cambium (Figure 1.3b). Besides the phloem, the bark also

consists of the periderm and cortex, forming the outermost tissues of the stem. Not

Figure 1.4 (a) Longitudinal view of phloem tissue, including sieve tube elements and

companion cells (Campbell et al., 2004); (b) successive cambia organised in concentric

cylinders; and (c) successive cambia organised in a reticulate network (adapted from Robert et

al. (2011a))

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all species show this clear boundary between phloem at the outer part and xylem

more centrally in the stem. While girth expansion in vascular plants is generally the

result of the meristematic activity of one cylindrical vascular cambium, some

species produce several successive cambia (Figure 1.4b) (Carlquist, 2007). These

cambia can literally develop successively although also simultaneous development

is possible (Schmitz et al., 2008). Next to this concentric organisation of successive

cambia, some species such as Avicennia have shown an intricate three-dimensional

network of cambia, resulting in a patchy growth pattern where active growth

displaces around the stem circumference with time (Schmitz et al., 2008; Robert et

al., 2011a).

While the transport of water and nutrients in the xylem is tension driven, the flow of

phloem sap is determined by sink-source interactions according to the pressure-

flow hypothesis (Münch, 1930). This hypothesis states that the flow in the phloem

tissue is driven by an osmotically generated pressure gradient between sources and

sinks. As at the source level photoassimilates are actively or passively transported

in the phloem, the osmotic potential is lowered, attracting water from the

surrounding tissues such as the xylem cells. This added water increases the

hydrostatic potential of the phloem cells (turgor). At the sink level, these

photoassimilates are unloaded from the phloem, decreasing its osmotic potential in

the phloem and forcing water towards the sinks. The pressure difference which is

thus created, sustains the flow from sources to sinks throughout the tree. This flow

is further aided by apoplastic loading steps between the sieve tubes, acting as relays

throughout the flow pathway (Lang, 1979; Knoblauch & Peters, 2010). As source

unloading in the phloem leads to water attraction from the xylem, an additional

tension in the xylem sap is created, causing the so called ‘Münch’s counterflow’.

This upwards xylem flow occurs even in the absence of transpiration to sustain the

water recycling in the phloem tissue (Windt et al., 2006; De Schepper & Steppe,


1.2.2 Water flow in roots

From the stem, xylem elements continue in the roots. If water is drawn upwards

during transpiration, the tension in the root xylem will rise, attracting water from

the soil through the root system.

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Root hairs, which are fine extensions of the epidermal cells, ensure a large contact

surface with the surrounding soil, facilitating water uptake. After an easy passage

through the single-cell layer of the root epidermis, waters moves through the root

cortex via two dominant pathways: the apoplast and the symplast (Figure 1.5).

During the apoplastic pathway, water moves within the continuum of cell walls and

extra-cellular spaces outside living cells while for the symplastic pathway it moves

within the protoplasm of the cells, connected by narrow plasmodesmata. A third,

less common, pathway consists of the non-plasmodesmic water transport between

cells, requiring the water to cross the cell membranes when entering and leaving the

cells (Taiz & Zeiger, 2006).

To travel from the cortex to the apoplastic xylem in the stele, water is forced to

cross the endodermis. This tissue consists of a single layer of cells of which the

anticlinal walls are impregnated with waxy materials such as suberin and lignin and

form the Casparian strip. Because of its composition, this waterproof Casparian

strip does not allow apoplastic transport, forcing the water to take the symplastic

pathway, a unique feature in the tree water transport system. This forced symplastic

transport has several implications (Tyerman et al., 2002). It does not only prevent

water loss through the roots in case of extreme drought events, it also enables the

roots to actively regulate their hydraulic conductivity by adapting the abundance

and permeability of aquaporins (water transporting proteins). Besides, the Casparian

strip allows accumulation of solutes in the xylem during conditions of high soil

water availability and low transpiration rates. As this increased solute concentration

will lower the osmotic potential, water will be attracted towards the root xylem

across the symplastic membranes, causing a positive hydrostatic pressure. This

‘root pressure’ has been attributed to rehydrate embolized xylem conduits and

allow the relocation of nutrients (Pickard, 2003; Clearwater et al., 2007). A typical

example of root pressure is the leakage of sugary xylem sap from damaged stems at

the beginning of spring, when root reserves are remobilized before budburst.

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Root hair



Endodermis Stele





Casparian strip





Casparian strip

Endodermal cell

1.3 Taking the other route: hydraulic redistribution

In the previous sections, the upwards xylem flow, induced by transpiration at the

leaves, was used as an example to understand the cohesion-tension theory and to

present the different water conducting plant tissues. Water, however, is not solely

transported from roots to leaves as water uptake and release are dynamic

processes, including storage and redistribution phenomena.

1.3.1 Water storage

Generally, a time lag can be noticed between the transpiration at leaf level and the

water uptake by the root system. As water is transpired from the leaves, tension is

created throughout the xylem sap, pulling the water upwards. Because of the

hydraulic resistance between leaves and roots, the amount of water taken up by the

root system cannot immediately fulfil the demand of water at the leaves. To meet

this shortage, water is released from the different storage compartment located

Figure 1.5 A schematic representation of the water pathways inside the roots, focussing on

the role of the Casparian strips (source:


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throughout the tree (Sevanto et al., 2002; Steppe et al., 2006; De Schepper & Steppe,

2010). On the other hand, when transpiration decreases, the water potential in the

xylem increases, inducing water flow from the xylem back to the surrounding

storage compartments. According to Tyree & Zimmerman (2002), three different

mechanisms of water storage can be distinguished.

Living cells form the first storage compartment, consisting of elastic cells

which are in the stem mainly located in the bark (phloem, cambium and

parenchyma) and the wood rays (Zweifel et al., 2000). Changes in water

content of these elastic tissues are accompanied by volume changes, visible

as shrinking and swelling of the stem. As long as the cells are not damaged,

this storage process is reversible.

The second storage compartment is formed by the capillaries in the lumens

of inactive xylem elements and intercellular spaces of the active xylem

tissues. This capillary water is almost entirely released if the water potential

lowers beneath -0.5 MPa (Tyree & Ewers, 1991). This process is also reversible.

A final storage mechanism is the release of water due to cavitation. This

threshold at which this water release occurs is dependent on the diameter of

the intervessel pits, ranging from -0.5 MPa for some species to -5 MPa or

more for others (Tyree & Ewers, 1991).

1.3.2 Hydraulic redistribution

Next to transport to and from the storage tissues, xylem sap can also be relocated

within the xylem. This phenomenon is generally referred to as ‘hydraulic

redistribution’ (Nadezhdina et al., 2010) and is a passive movement of water,

controlled by competing soil and plant water potential gradients and corresponding

pathway resistances (Nadezhdina et al., 2009).

Many studies have shown that water can transfer passively from moist to drier

portions of the soil profile via roots (Burgess et al., 1998; Meinzer et al., 2004;

Oliveira et al., 2005; Brooks et al., 2006; Howard et al., 2009; Domec et al., 2010;

Prieto et al., 2011). Depending on the flow direction of the water in the soil, three

types of hydraulic redistribution are distinguished (Figure 1.6). The term ‘hydraulic

lift’ describes the upward movement of water from deep wet to shallow dry soil

layers (Figure 1.6a), while the reverse movement from shallow to deeper soil is

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sometimes referred to as ‘downward hydraulic redistribution’ (Figure 1.6c). Next to

these vertical flows, water may also be transported laterally (lateral redistribution,

Figure 1.6b) from moist to drier soil patches. This redistribution of water in the soil

helps to maintain the soil water content in a range that prevents the soil water

potential from dropping to the critical threshold that would cause root hydraulic

failure due to cavitation (Domec et al., 2004; Warren et al., 2007; Siqueira et al.,

2009). As hydraulic redistribution in the soil accounts for more than 20% of the

water taken up during transpiration, it even affects land-surface climatology (Brooks

et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2005).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.6 Scheme of the different types of hydraulic redistribution in the soil compartment.

(a) Hydraulic lift; (b) Lateral redistribution; and (c) Downward hydraulic redistribution.

Different sizes indicate different water potentials: the bigger the symbol, the higher (less

negative) the water potential. Arrows indicate the flow direction. Adapted from Nadezhdina et

al. (2010).

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Hydraulic redistribution, however, does not only take place in the roots. Stephen

Hales (1727) conducted an experiment almost 300 years ago, providing evidence of

the possibility of reverse flow in tree stems (Figure 1.7).

(a) (b)

This reverse flow can be the result of several different processes, again passively

driven by water potential gradients (Figure 1.8). Canopy water uptake occurs when

water absorbed by leaves during rain, fog or dew events is transported from the wet

foliage to the dryer stem, root or soil compartments (Figure 1.8a). This foliar

absorption of water has shown to play a significant role in the water balance of

many ecosystems during drought events (Yates & Hutley, 1995; Burgess & Dawson,

2004; Breshears et al., 2008; Limm et al., 2009; Simonin et al., 2009). Next to water

uptake, water can also be redistributed within the tree. During moments of low

transpiration because of stomatal closure, whether at night or during conditions of

very high vapour pressure deficits (VPD) at daytime, water can move from the

different storage tissues to those compartments where water potential is highly

negative (Figure 1.8b). This ‘tissue dehydration’ occurs mainly under extreme and

prolonged drought conditions, when soil water potential drops below leaf water

potential (Nadezhdina et al., 2010).

While soil moisture measurements, water potential determination and isotope

analysis can indicate general flow directions and, hence, point to hydraulic

Figure 1.7 Illustration of the experiment conducted by Hales (1727) showing the water flow in

a large branch of an apple tree. The flow changed from roots (1)-leaves (2) direction during

transpiration (a) to the leaves (2)-roots (1) direction after branch severing when its cut upper

tip was put into water (b) (Nadezhdina et al., 2009).

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redistribution, it was not until the use of sap flow methods allowing bi-directional

flux measurements that the true complexity of this phenomenon could be assessed.

Nadezhdina et al. (2009) conducted a field experiment in which part of the roots

were located in drier soil while the opposite roots were adequately wetted. By

applying HFD sap flow sensors, it could be seen that water was taken up from the

wetted roots and then transported upwards in the stem before reversing to meet the

dry soil of the opposite roots during night (Figure 1.8c). Moreover, while the inner

xylem of the dry roots was conducting water to the soil, the outer xylem conducted

water back upwards. This simultaneous occurrence of both regular and reverse flow

points to radial sectoring, a feature which also has been noticed without hydraulic

redistribution events (Orians et al., 2004; David et al., 2012).

(a) (b) (c)

Even though hydraulic redistribution is becoming an increasingly important feature

in hydrodynamic plant research, many questions remain unresolved. To further

improve our understanding of this phenomenon and allow its integration in plant

water use models, reliable measurements of tree water use variables are essential.

The next and final section of this introductory chapter will discuss the most

important methods to determine plant water use variables before focussing on the

main subject of this study: sap flow measurements.

Figure 1.8 Scheme of the different types of hydraulic redistribution in the below-ground tree

compartments: (a) canopy wetting by rain, fog or dew increases the water potential to nearly

zero, stimulating reverse flow to the stem and roots; (b) in cases of severe drought, water from

internal storage can flow downwards if transpiration is low; and (c) water being redistributed

in the stem following water potential gradients via the path of lowest resistance, allowing both

upward and downward flow in the same transversal stem section (adapted from Nadezhdina

et al. (2009)).

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1.4 Measuring tree water use variables

‘The numbers tell the tale’ is a commonly heard expression in science, indicating

that hypotheses and theories need to be sustained by factual measurements. It is

obvious that fundamental concepts such as the cohesion-tension theory or hydraulic

redistribution could only have been developed thanks to measurement methods

allowing the assessment of a wide range of tree water use variables. This section

briefly describes the most common methods to determine water potentials

throughout the SPAC and to assess stem diameter changes, together with sap flow

the most important variables in plant water use research.

1.4.1 Water potential measurements

Soil water potential

Soil matrix water potential is measured either by measuring properties of the soil

which change with the water potential such as water content, electromagnetic

radiation, infrared reflectance, thermal or electrical conductivity or by equilibrating

the liquid or gas phase of the water in some reference medium with the liquid phase

of the soil (Campbell, 1988). The most commonly applied method to determine soil

matrix potential in-situ is probably tensiometry. Tensiometers exist of a porous cup,

connected to a tube filled with de-ionised water (Sormail & Vachaud, 1969). At the

top of this tube, a pressure transducer registers pressure changes above the water-

air meniscus in the tube. As the cup is placed firmly in contact with the soil, the

water inside the tensiometer will equilibrate with the soil water over the porous

ceramic cup. When properly calibrated by means of a pressure calibrator, this

simple method directly and continuously allows the determination of soil water

matrix potentials. If, however, the surrounding soil becomes to dry, air will be able

to enter the ceramic cup, distorting the tensiometer readings. Moreover, at low

water potentials, water will start to evaporate inside the tube, causing cavitation

inside the instrument. Therefore, tensiometers are limited to water potentials within

the approximate range of 0 to -0.1 MPa, although equitensiometers are able to

measure more negative water potentials.

A method to assess soil water potential as combination of matrix and osmotic

potential is soil psychrometry. Based on the work of Hill (1930) and Spanner

(1951b), Monteith & Owen (1958) employed the Peltier effect in their thermocouple

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psychrometer design to measure the total suction of soil water. To this end, a fresh

soil sample is placed in a small chamber with a high thermal mass. Within this

chamber, the sample is left to equilibrate to ensure that the water potential of the

air in the chamber is in equilibrium with the water potential of the soil sample. After

equilibration, a small current is sent through the copper-constantan thermocouple

located in the chamber above the soil sample. This Peltier current will cause the

thermocouple to cool down below the dew point, inducing a water droplet to form

on its surface. Then, the Peltier current is switched off and the thermocouple

temperature rises again, causing a measurable voltage different because of the

Seebeck effect. During the evaporation of the droplet, the temperature of the

thermocouple stays constant, forming a plateau in the voltage readout. When the

droplet is completely evaporated, the temperature further increases until it is again

at its original value. This process results in a typical psychrometer output (Figure

1.9) in which the wet bulb depression (WBD) indicates the voltage difference

between the output during evaporation of the droplet and the reference output. This

WBD can be linearly related to the water potential based on a calibration of the

psychrometer with NaCl solutions of which the water potentials are known.

Time after cooling (s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Voltage (











Figure 1.9 Typical psychrometer output showing the voltage signal over time after the cooling

of the thermocouple. The voltage difference between the evaporation output and the reference

signal is indicated as the wet bulb depression (WBD) and is proportional to the water potential

of the soil sample.

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The soil psychrometer as described above has a major practical limitation. Because

of the need for stable temperature conditions and the insertions of soil sample in

the psychrometer chamber, the method is limited to laboratory research (Monteith &

Owen, 1958). Recently, however, soil psychrometers have been developed that allow

on-site measurements. These have the minor disadvantage that they cannot be used

in completely saturated soils and can only measure at sufficiently large depths in

order to reach thermal equilibrium of the small psychrometer chambers.

Stem water potential

Similarly as for soil water potential measurements, the psychrometer principle can

be applied to determine stem water potential. It was, however, not until the work of

Dixon & Tyree (1984) that a practically applicable stem psychrometer was

developed. These authors attached a small chamber holding two thermocouples to

the sapwood after cutting away the bark. One of the thermocouples touches the

sapwood while the other measures the temperature in the chamber, allowing

measurement of and correction for the temperature gradient between the sample

and the dew point measuring junction.

Leaf water potential

While leaf water potential can be measured with leaf psychrometers as well, this

technique is less practical as a psychrometer chamber is much more difficult to

properly attach on a leaf surface compared to a stem surface. Moreover, leaves are

more prone to temperature changes which may influence the measurements. The

more traditional device for measuring leaf or twig water potentials is the Scholander

pressure bomb (Scholander et al., 1965). This method is based on the fact that, when

a leaf petiole or twig is cut, the xylem sap, which was under tension before cutting,

will recede into the xylem below the cut surface. If then the leaf or twig is placed

upside down in the chamber of the pressure bomb, a positive pressure can be raised

which forces the sap back to the surface of the cut end. This positive pressure

equals in absolute terms the tension that existed in the sap before the plant

material was severed. If the osmotic potential of the sap can be ignored, this tension

approximately equals the total water potential.

Measurements of water potentials of these three compartments have substantiated

the cohesion-tension theory as under well watered conditions, water potentials

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decline from soil to leaves during transpiration, forming a clear gradient to induce

xylem sap flow.

1.4.2 Stem diameter fluctuations

The exchange of water between the internal storage pools and the transpiration

stream causes small but detectable changes in the stem diameter of the tree,

causing a typical day-night pattern (see Section 1.3.1). Moreover, irreversible growth

causes a more linear expansion of the stem diameter over time during well watered

conditions (Figure 1.11).

Stem growth rate of trees has been measured since the beginning of the eighteenth

century. To this end, several different devices where developed, of which the manual

band dendrometer was the most commonly applied (Studhalter et al., 1963). While

these manual ‘dendrobands’ only allow to determine average growth rates, modern

automatic dendrobands or point dendrometers enable continuous measurements at

high time resolutions.

Point dendrometers or Linear Variable Displacement Transducers (LVDTs) are based

on the displacement of a cylindrical ferromagnetic core in a hollow metallic cylinder

in which several coils are assembled (Figure 1.10 a). Shrinking or swelling of the

stem moves the core inside the coil assembly which induces a voltage output. This

output can then be related to the displacement by calibrating the point dendrometer

in a fixed set-up during which a stepwise displacement is enforced on the sensor.

Point dendrometers have the advantage that they can measure azimuthal

differences in growth rate, allowing to study the phenomenon of ‘patchy growth’,

known to occur in some species (Schmitz et al., 2008). Automated band

dendrometers, on the other hand, are assumed to provide more accurate

estimations of average radial increments as the measurements represent a mean of

all azimuthal radii (Pesonen et al., 2004). These dendrobands consist of a stainless-

steel band encircling the tree which is attached with a fastening mechanism to a

rotating potentiometer (Figure 1.10 b). A constant force in the fastening mechanism

ensures that the band rotates the axis of the potentiometer without sliding. Hence,

movements in the steel band, because of shrinking or swelling, are transmitted to

the potentiometer, creating a voltage signal. Based on a similar calibration as for the

point dendrometer, the diameter variation can then be determined.

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Tree Tree


sensor head


with coil


Bend relief




Holder screws




(a) (b)

Next to the above mentioned contact methods, also optical methods have been

developed to obtain measurements remotely. These are, however, much more

expensive and their use has mainly been restricted to experimental studies in

laboratory conditions (Pesonen et al., 2004). Therefore, these will not be discussed

in this work.

Figure 1.10 (a) Point dendrometer, consisting of a movable rod fixed to a spring-extend sensor

head. Shrinking and swelling of the tree causes the rod to be displaced in the housing, creating

a voltage output linearly proportional to the displacement; and (b) band dendrometer,

consisting of a stainless-steel metallic band tightened to the tree and fixed onto a

potentiometer. Stem diameter variations cause the potentiometer to turn, inducing a voltage

output again linearly proportional to the displacement.

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X Data


p f



/ T





n T

(g c













e d



r va


n D











Time (h)

0 12 24 36 48 60 72






l (













Stem diameter variations and water potentials give a qualitative measure of water

storage and flow direction and are an indication for drought stress in plants. Sap

flow measurements, however, allow a quantitative assessment of water use in trees,

besides a more profound investigation of flow directions and spatial flow variability.

While for the estimation of stem diameter variations and water potentials the

Figure 1.11 A theoretical example of measured water use variables for a well watered tree:

(a) a time lag exists between the transpiration T and the measured sap flow SF. During the

morning, the water demand at leaf level exceeds the xylem supply, causing the stem to shrink.

In the afternoon, the stomata start to close, reducing transpiration while sap is still being

transported upwards, causing the stem to swell. Overall, a net growth occurs as new cells are

formed; and (b) the stem (Ψstem), leaf (Ψl) and soil (Ψsoil) water potential, showing a clear

gradient in which the water potential becomes more negative along the upwards flow path in

the tree.

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measurement methods seem adequately developed, sap flow methods, although

proven indispensable in plant-water research, still hold some limitations. The

remainder of this PhD study will focus on these limitations and how to overcome

them. However, to this end, a basic notion of existing sap flow methods is

necessary. The following chapter therefore describes the most widely applied sap

flow methods, their applicability and the factors most influencing their accuracy.

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2 2 Commonly applied sap flow

measurement methods and their


After: Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Sap flux density

measurement methods: working principles and applicability. Functional Plant

Biology, 40: 213-223.


Sap flow measurements have become increasingly important in plant science. Since

the early experiments with dyes, many methods have been developed. Most of these

are based on the application of heat in the sapwood which is then transported by

the moving sap. By measuring changes in the temperature field around the heater,

sap flow can be derived. Although these methods have the same basis, their working

principles largely vary. A first distinction can be made between those measuring the

sap flow rate (m3 s-1) such as the Stem Heat Balance and Trunk sector Heat Balance

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method and those measuring sap flux density (m3 m-2 s-1). Within the latter, the

Thermal Dissipation and Heat Field Deformation methods are based on continuous

heating, while the Heat Pulse Velocity, Tmax, Heat Ratio and Calibrated Average

Gradient methods are based on the application of heat pulses. Each of these

methods has its advantages and limitations. This chapter reviews the existing

methods to understand the basics of sap flow methodology and as a stepping stone

to allow further improvement in sap flux density measurement techniques.

2.1 Introduction

As mentioned in the general introduction of this PhD study, the scientific interest in

measuring sap flow to study plant water relations is not new. Application of dyes to

trace sap flow in stems and roots has been practiced since the beginning of the

previous century (Dixon, 1914; James & Baker, 1933; Kramer, 1940). However, as

this method necessitates plant cutting to determine the ascent of the dye,

alternatives were sought. Huber (1932) was one of the first to report the use of heat

as a tracer to determine sap flow. By measuring the time it took for a heat pulse to

reach a certain distance downstream from the heater, a measure for sap flux density

was obtained. This method was further developed by Dixon (1936) and Huber and

Schmidt (1937), adding a correction to account for conduction velocity. It was,

however, Marshall (1958) who described the analytical background of heat

conduction-convection which led to the theoretical basis for further development of

the heat pulse based sap flux density methods.

Besides these heat pulse methods, others which apply continuous heating were

developed. The work of Vieweg and Ziegler (1960) underlay the development of the

Heat Balance methods to determine sap flow rate (Daum, 1967; Cermak et al., 1973;

Kucera et al., 1977; Sakuratani, 1981, 1984; Baker & Van Bavel, 1987; Steinberg et al.,

1989) and the continuous heat sap flux density methods (Ittner, 1968; Balek &

Pavlik, 1977; Granier, 1985; Nadezhdina et al., 1998; Nadezhdina et al., 2012).

Within the existing sap flow methods, a distinction must be made between those

measuring sap flow rate (m3 s-1 or g h-1), determining the total sap flow in a plant

stem or stem section, and those measuring sap flux density (m3 m-2 s-1 or cm3 cm-2 h-

1), assessing the amount of sap flowing through a certain surface per time. While the

former are very useful for estimating whole plant water use, they are less suited to

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Sap flux density methods and their limitations


investigation of variation in sap flow within the plant, e.g. radial sap flow profiles or

hydraulic redistribution. As sap flux density methods can discern spatial differences

in sap flux density within the plant, whether circumferentially, radially or vertically,

they allow more detailed investigation of hydraulic plant traits. Assessment of radial

variation can be obtained by applying multiple sensors or incorporating

measurement points at different depths within a single sensor.

Sap flow rate can be measured by either the Stem Heat Balance (SHB) or Trunk Heat

Balance (THB) method. Both methods solve the heat balance over a stem section of

the plant during continuous application of heat to the tissue, applying a constant or

variable power. As these methods have been clearly described by Smith and Allen

(1996) and the operational principles of the methods remain unaltered, readers are

referred to this work for more in-depth information on sap flow rate methodology.

The purpose of this chapter is to present an updated review on recent developments

in sap flux density measurement methods as these will be the further focus of this

PhD study. By describing the underlying theory of each method and discussing

some of their most common practical and theoretical issues, we hope to encourage

further improvements. This chapter does not provide a complete description of all

sap flux density methods, readers are instead referred to the original methodology

papers for each method in the corresponding section. Neither does it provide a

description of the benefits that sap flow methods have provided in plant science nor

of sampling or scaling problems. Table 2.1 provides a comparison of the main

features of all the sap flux density methods included in this chapter.

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Method Measures Frequency Range Zero flow


NTG Wounding Wound



Empirical continuous methods



sap flux


(m3 m-2 s-1)

continuous low, moderate and high


yes yes yes not developed needs empirical


Heat Field


sap flux


(m3 m-2 s-1)

continuous reverse to high flows no ? yes not developed needs empirical


Theoretical heat pulse methods


Heat Pulse

sap flux


(m3 m-2 s-1)

pulsed moderate and high flows no no yes Vh_corr




Tmax sap flux


(m3 m-2 s-1)

pulsed moderate and high flows depending on



no yes Vh_corr



2 needs



Table 2.1 An overview of most common sap flux density methods, indicating the measurement frequency, in which range they

are applicable, if they are influenced by Natural Temperature Gradients (NTG) or wounding, whether wound corrections are

available and if so, which type and some important comments.

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Heat Ratio sap flux


(m3 m-2 s-1)

pulsed reverse, to moderate


depending on



no yes Vh_corr

=dVh needs






sap flux


(m3 m-2 s-1)

pulsed zero to high flows no yes yes not developed needs empirical


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2.2 Continuous heat sap flux density methods

2.2.1 Thermal dissipation (TD) method

The Thermal Dissipation method (TD), often referred to as TDP (thermal dissipation

probe) or HD (heat dissipation) method, as developed by Granier (1985, 1987) based

on the work of Vieweg and Ziegler (1960), is the most widely applied sap flux

density method because of its simplicity and low costs. It enables low, average and

high sap flux density estimations but needs zero flow conditions for its calculations.

The method relates sap flux density SFD (m3 m-2 s-1) to a temperature difference ∆T

(K), measured between a constant heated probe and an unheated probe located 10

cm lower in the xylem, based on an experimental regression for three species

(Pseutotsuga menziessii (Mirb.) Franco, Pinus nigra Arnold and Quercus pedunculata

Ahrh.) and artificial columns filled with synthetic fibre and sawdust:




T (2.1)

where ∆T0 is the temperature difference ∆T assessed during a period of zero flow.

The method is not capable of distinguishing flow direction as reverse flow will also

decrease ∆T. Moreover, the original assumption of Granier (1985) that the

experimental regression coefficients as shown in Eq. 2.1 are species independent,

which was confirmed for Prunus malus and Castanea sativa (Köstner et al., 1998),

has been contested by many studies. Underestimations, ranging between 6 and 90 %,

have been reported for a wide variety of species when comparing the TD to other

methods (Lundblad et al., 2001; Bovard et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2008; Iida & Tanaka,

2010) or during new calibration experiments on excised stem or branch segments

(de Oliveira Reis et al., 2006; Taneda & Sperry, 2008; Bush et al., 2010; Hultine et al.,

2010; Steppe et al., 2010), cut trees (Lu & Chacko, 1998; Uddling et al., 2009) or

potted plants (Braun & Schmid, 1999; McCulloh et al., 2007). Several possible

reasons have been indicated for these underestimations (Lu et al., 2004), including

deviations from the original sensor design, gradients in the radial SFD profile

(Clearwater et al., 1999; Wullschleger et al., 2011) and wound effects (Wullschleger

et al., 2011). Moreover, Clearwater et al. (1999) have shown that if the probe is partly

installed in non-conductive tissue, large underestimations occur. Therefore, they

suggested the following correction:

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T b TT



with ∆Tsw

being the corrected temperature difference for the portion of the heated

probe within conductive sapwood, ∆Tm the temperature difference for the portion of

the probe in inactive xylem (assumed equal to ∆T0) and a and b the proportion of

the length of the heated probe in contact with the sapwood and inactive xylem,

respectively. This correction, however, necessitates an accurate estimation of the

position of boundaries between active and inactive xylem that are spanned by the

probe, which is often difficult to obtain in practice without destructive


Hence, while the original goal of the TD method was to formulate a generally

applicable, species independent empirical relation between the measured

temperature ratio and sap flux density, it is now clear that species or even tree

specific calibrations are necessary to obtain accurate results. Given these specific

calibrations, the TD method enables measurements of low, average and high SFD if

zero flow occurs to determine ∆T0. In practice, however, zero flow is often not

reached because of night-time water uptake for vegetative or reproductive growth,

replenishment of internal storage (Zweifel et al., 2001; Steppe et al., 2006), Münch

counterflow (De Schepper & Steppe, 2010) and water loss due to a high vapour

pressure deficit in combination with a high wind speed (Snyder et al., 2003). In these

cases, ∆T0 values will be underestimated, leading to underestimations of SFD.

Therefore, it has been suggested to use the maximum ∆T0 value reached during a

measurement campaign if destructive determination of ∆T0 by cutting the sapwood

above and below the sensor is not possible (Lu et al., 2004). If, however, reverse flow

occurs, this procedure would lead to overestimations of SFD. Hence, while the TD

method allows many repetitions given its low costs and is easy to apply, which

explains its popularity in ecophysiological research, it is mainly suited to determine

relative flow changes as accurate sap flux density measurements require specific

calibrations and a correct estimation of zero flow.

2.2.2 Heat field deformation (HFD) method

Like the TD method, the HFD method is based on temperature changes measured in

a changing heat field around a continuously heated needle. However, while the TD

method only measures axial temperature differences, the HFD method also consists

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of a tangential needle, making it sensitive towards a wide range of sap flux densities

(Nadezhdina et al., 1998; Nadezhdina et al., 2012). Moreover, thanks to the

symmetrical axial needle configuration, also zero and reverse flows can be

determined (Figure 2.1). The first needle is installed above the heater (axial

direction), the second needle next to the heater (tangential direction) and the third

needle below the heater (axial direction). Temperature differences measured

between the upper and lower (axial) needles (∆Tsym

) allow for both bi-directional and

very low flow measurements. The temperature differences measured between the

tangential and the lower axial needle (∆Tas) are important to distinguish high from

low sap flux densities. Additionally, the HFD sensor needles are equipped with

thermocouples at several depths, enabling radial sap flux density profile

assessment. This feature can, however, also be incorporated in the other sap flux

density methods.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.1 (a) Schematic of a tangential section of the stem xylem with arrangements of the

thermocouples around the heater of the HFD sensor; and (b) Schematic of the HFD sensor

installed in the sapwood (SW) of a stem. Two temperature differences are measured: the

symmetrical temperature difference (dTsym

) and the asymmetrical temperature difference

(dTas). The third temperature difference (dT

s-a) can be calculated as the difference between


and dTas. After Nadezhdina et al. (2012).

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Sap flux density methods and their limitations


Basically, the HFD method is founded on an empirical temperature ratio which has

shown to be related to sap flux density (Nadezhdina, 1988; Nadezhdina et al., 1998;

Nadezhdina, 1999; Nadezhdina et al., 2012)

0( ) 1

s a s a ax

as tg sw


T Z L (2.3)

with ∆Ts-a

the temperature difference between the axial downstream and tangential

measurement needle, ∆T0(s-a)

this difference at zero flow (originally referred to as the

K value (Nadezhdina et al., 1998)) and ∆Tas the temperature difference between the

tangential and axial upstream needle, respectively. This temperature ratio is linked

to SFD by multiplication with thermal diffusivity D (m2 s-1), a spatial correction

factor Zax Z


-1 and a correction for sapwood depth Lsw

(m). For D, a nominal value of

2.5×10-3 cm² s-1 is typically used as suggested by Marshall (1958). The addition of these

terms to the original HFD temperature ratio are, however, somewhat random as they

are empirically derived and therefore do not seem based on found thermodynamics

(Nadezhdina et al., 2012).

Unlike the TD method or heat balance sensors, zero flow is not necessary to

determine ∆T0(s-a)

as it can be derived by linear extrapolation of ∆Tas or ∆T

s-a vs


/∆Tas with ∆T

sym the temperature difference between the axial downstream and

upstream needle (Figure 2.2). Because of its sensitivity towards a wide range of sap

flux densities and the integration of measurements at multiple depths, the HFD

method has played a crucial role in the research on hydraulic redistribution and

radial sap flux density profiles (Nadezhdina et al., 2002; Nadezhdina et al., 2009;

Nadezhdina, 2010; Nadezhdina et al., 2010; Leonardo Reyes-Acosta & Lubczynski,


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(a) (b)

(c) (d)


ΔT0(s-a) ΔT0(s-a)




2.2.3 Natural temperature gradients

Natural temperature gradients (NTG) are temperature gradients occurring in the

sapwood of plants that are not caused by the intentional heating from the sap flow

measuring methods. These gradients have, amongst others, been attributed to

differences in thermal heat storage in the soil, stem and root tissues resulting in

temperature differences between the sap and the plant tissues (Cermak & Kucera,

1981; Köstner et al., 1998; Do & Rocheteau, 2002a) and to the influence of direct

solar radiation (Lu et al., 2004). While these influences can be minimized by

Figure 2.2 (a) HFD temperature ratio with a schematic diagram of the gradually cutting of

shoots of a branch to provide conditions of zero flow; (b) dTas and dT

s-a for measurements when

the branch is still intact (no cutting); (c) dTas and dT

s-a for measurements when the branch is

cut at position 1; and (d): dTas and dT

s-a for measurements when the branch is cut at position 2.

After Nadezhdina et al. (2012).

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shielding the gauge from radiation and locating it sufficiently high above the

ground, the effect of natural gradients can never be excluded completely.

The influence of NTG on the TD method has been extensively studied and has

shown to lead to errors of over 100% if not corrected for (Goulden & Field, 1994; Do

& Rocheteau, 2002a, 2002b; Lu et al., 2004; Reyes-Acosta et al., 2012). The first

attempts to correct for NTG were focussed on measuring NTG on neighbouring trees

or on different positions in the tree that are being monitored (Köstner et al., 1998).

These methods, however, require NTG to be uniform within or between trees.

Therefore, more recent corrections are based on NTG measurements by periodically

switching the heater off. Do & Rocheteau (2002b) developed a cyclic TD system for

which a specific calibration was developed to account for non-steady state

temperatures regimes, significantly reducing the influence of NTG. This method was

updated by Ayutthaya et al. (2010) who improved the calibration coefficients.

Recently, Reyes-Acosta et al. (2012) further improved this method by extrapolating

the TD signal to thermal equilibrium, allowing the use of the original Granier

calibration. Moreover, their method enabled shorter measuring intervals, leading to

a higher measurement resolution. A further improvement of this method would be

the use of a single heated probe as was applied by Do et al. (2011) for their original

cycling method as this would reduce costs and complexity.

The influence of NTG on HFD measurements has not been reported yet. Because of

the shorter distances between the needles and their closer proximity to the heater,

the influence of NTG is expected to be smaller for the HFD than for the TD method.

2.3 Heat pulse sap flux density methods

Unlike the continuous heat methods mentioned above, heat pulse methods are

based on the fundamental heat conduction-convection equation as presented by

Marshall (1958), derived from Carslaw and Jaeger (1947), for an instantaneous ideal

heater. All heat pulse methods derive heat pulse velocity Vh from measured

temperature differences at specific locations around the heater after application of

a heat pulse. As the measurement procedures are based on the dissipation of the

heat after application of the pulse, heat pulse methods cannot measure

continuously, with the measurement frequency depending on the time span needed

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to reach thermal equilibrium again after having applied the heat pulse. These heat

velocities then need to be converted to sap flux densities:

( )d dwh

s s




where SFD is the sap flux density (m3 m-2 s-1), Vh the heat velocity (m s-1), MC the

sapwood water content (weight of water over dry weight of wood), cdw

the specific

heat capacity of the woody matrix (1200 J kg-1 K-1, Edwards and Warwick (1984)), ρd

the dry density of the sapwood (kg m-3), ρs the density of the sap (assumed to be the

density of water, 1000 kg m-3) and cs the specific heat capacity of the sap (assumed

to be that of water, 4186 J kg-1 K-1, Edwards and Warwick (1984)). Dry wood density

and water content are usually derived from wood-core measurements, implying that

variations in MC are often not taken into account, unless other techniques are

applied such as Time Domain Reflectometry (Wullschleger et al., 1996a; Nadler et

al., 2003; Nadler et al., 2006), Frequency Domain Reflectometry (Hao et al., 2013),

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Van As et al., 2009) or vibration methods (Iki et al.,

2009). However, these methods require additional equipment and analysis and the

gravimetric method remains the reference method to determine MC in trees.

As heat pulse methods are based on temporal temperature differences at the same

measurement position, unlike continuous methods which apply spatial temperature

differences between different positions, they are hardly susceptible to NTG (with the

exception of the Calibrated Average Gradient method) (Table 2.1).

2.3.1 Compensation Heat Pulse velocity (CHP) method

The CHP method, often also referred to as heat pulse velocity (HPV) method, is

based on the time tc after application of the heat pulse at which the temperature at a

distance xup

upstream of the heater needle is equal to the temperature at a distance


downstream of the heater (Swanson, 1972; Swanson & Whitfield, 1981):


down up



x xV



This method has the advantage that it is independent of thermal diffusivity, a

sapwood characteristic that has to be determined for the Tmax and HR method.

However, Eq. 2.5 is developed for an ideal heat pulse with an infinitesimally small

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length and is not theoretically correct for a step heat pulse, leading to

underestimations that increase with pulse length.

Moreover, CHP fails to measure reverse, low or very high flows (<5 cm h-1 and >100

cm h-1) as then no intersection between the upstream and downstream temperatures

occur. Besides, Green et al. (2009) have shown that for low wood water contents

(from 28 to 55%), Vh decreases for increasing water contents. Despite these

shortcomings, the CHP method is widely applied for irrigation purposes (e.g.

Edwards & Warwick, 1984; Green & Clothier, 1988; Tognetti et al., 2004; Pereira et

al., 2007; Madurapperuma et al., 2009a; Madurapperuma et al., 2009b) and to assess

water use of trees in ecophysiological research (e.g. Morris & Collopy, 1999; Hirose

et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2012; Ma et al., 2012).

2.3.2 Tmax method

The Tmax method (Cohen et al., 1981), determines Vh based on the time t

m at which

the temperature measured at a distance d from the heater becomes maximal:

2 4




d D tV

t (2.6)

with D the thermal diffusivity of the sapwood (m2 s-1), determined during zero flow






t (2.7)

Eq. 2.6 and 2.7 were later updated by Kluitenberg & Ham (2004) for step heat pulses

instead of instantaneous heat pulses:



0 0

4ln 1

( )


m m m

tD dV

t t t t t (2.8)



0 0

ln4 ( )


m m m

t tdD

t t t t t (2.9)

where t0 is the heat pulse duration.

Green et al. (2003) have shown that a curve smoothing procedure led to better

results as tm is difficult to accurately determine from the raw temperature data

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during low flows because of noise. However, even with curve smoothing procedures,

the Tmax method cannot distinguish between zero and low flux densities (<20

cm3 cm-2 h-1) as the relationship between tm and SFD is non-unique at these low flux

densities (Figure 2.3) (Becker, 1998). Besides, as for the heat balance and the TD

method, zero flow conditions are difficult to ensure, making non-destructive D

estimations impractical. Both Cohen et al. (1981) and Green et al. (2003) have,

however, confirmed that a 10% error in D only leads to errors of up to 3% in Vh and

hence SFD. Because its the higher complexity in comparison to the CHP method, the

Tmax method has been less frequently applied. Nevertheless, the field of plant-

water research has undoubtedly benefited from its use (e.g. Cohen, 1991; Schiller &

Cohen, 1998; Cohen et al., 2008).

Vh (cm h


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

t m (











2.3.3 Heat Ratio (HR) method

In an answer to the difficulties in measuring low flows with the CHP and Tmax

method, Burgess et al. (2001a) developed the HR method, based on a suggestion

presented in Marshall (1958):

Figure 2.3 Time to maximum (tm) versus heat velocity V

h based on the FEM output for a

measurement probe at 1 cm downstream from the heater, a water content of 0.75, a dry wood

density of 550 kg m-3 and an axial and tangential thermal conductivity of 0.63 and 0.42

W m-1 K-1, respectively. Wound effects were included in the model.

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x T (2.10)

with ∆Tdown

and ∆Tup

the increases in temperature at equal distances x (m)

downstream and upstream from the heater needle, respectively. In practice the

temperature ratio ∆Tdown/


does not remain constant with time because of non-

ideality due to wound effects. However, the rate of change in this temperature ratio

becomes negligible after about 60 s. Therefore, the average temperature ratio of

measurements between 60 and 100 s after application of the heat pulse are used to

determine Vh.

As for the Tmax method, D needs to be determined. Burgess et al. (2001a) based this

determination on previous work of Swanson (1983) who applied an empirical

equation deducted by Siau (1971), only necessitating a wood core sample to

determine MC and ρd. Another option is to determine D according to Eq. 2.7. For the

HR method, however, a 10% error in D will lead to an equal error in Vh, making this

option less favorable as zero flow can be difficult to ensure.

Given a good estimation of D, the HR method has proven its value for measuring low

and reverse flows. It is, however, limited for high flows (>55 cm3 cm-2 h-1) (Bleby et

al., 2008) as for these flows, the ∆Tup

signal decreases, reducing the sensitivity of Eq.

2.10. Nevertheless, since its description by Burgess et al. (2001a), the HR method

has rapidly gained popularity and has been applied throughout the entire spectrum

of plant-water research, ranging from irrigation (Madurapperuma et al., 2009a) and

the impact of tree and stand structure on tree water use (Ambrose et al., 2009;

Pfautsch et al., 2010) to those phenomena requiring accurate measurements of low

and reverse flow such as nocturnal sap flow (e.g. Dawson et al., 2007; Fisher et al.,

2007) and hydraulic redistribution (e.g. Hultine et al., 2003b; Burgess & Dawson,

2004; Oliveira et al., 2005a; Oliveira et al., 2005b; Scott et al., 2008).

Recently, Clearwater et al. (2009) developed an external HR method enabling sap

flux density measurements for small diameter stem (< 5 mm). D was derived based

on Eq. 2.7 and was found to be dependent on both the stem and the cork material

applied to fix the sensor. Promising results were obtained for low and reverse flows

(-7.5 cm h-1<Vh<7.5 cm h-1).

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2.3.4 Calibrated Average Gradient (CAG) method

Another promising heat pulse method, the CAG method, has been proposed by Testi

& Villalobos (2009). These authors extended the CHP method to enable low and even

zero flow measurements. Both results from Finite Element Models (FEM) and field

experiments confirmed that for low flows (Vh<30 cm h-1), V

h was linearly correlated

to ∆Ta, the average temperature difference between the downstream and upstream

temperature sensors during the 180 seconds after application of the heat pulse

(Figure 2.4). By extrapolating this linear relationship, which is only dependent on

sensor characteristics and thermal properties of the sapwood, low and zero flows

can be measured based on ∆Ta, while for high flows, the original CHP method is

applied. The use of the average temperature gradient, however, implies that the CAG

method is likely to be influenced by NTG. While for the other methods, only the

temperatures before and after application of the heat pulse are of importance, here

the temperature difference between downstream and upstream positions is needed

during the entire 180 s. By extrapolating this linear relationship, which is only

dependent on sensor characteristics and thermal properties of the sapwood, low

and zero flows can be measured based on ∆Ta, while for high flows, the original CHP

method is applied.

The use of the average temperature gradient, however, implies that the CAG method

is likely to be influences by NTG. While for the other methods, only the

temperatures before and after application of the heat pulse are of importance, here

the temperature difference between downstream and upstream positions is needed

during the entire 180 s. Hence, while for the other methods the relative temperature

changes are not influenced by a shift in absolute temperature, this will likely affect

the CAG method, reducing the ∆Ta signal for positive gradients from roots to crown

and vice versa and, hence, influencing the linear relationship between Vh and ∆T


Therefore, the effects of NTG on the CAG method should be further investigated.

Moreover, if the thermal properties of the sapwood change significantly during the

measurement period, a new linear relationship should be established.

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2.4 Sensor spacing

All sap flux density methods are based on the insertion of measurement and heater

needles into the sapwood. With exception of the TD method, all methods have probe

spacing directly incorporated in their sap flux density equations. Hence, while for

the TD method exact spacing is less important as long as the reference probe is not

influenced by the heated probe, for the other methods correct spacing is crucial

(Cohen et al., 1981; Swanson, 1983; Burgess et al., 2001a). Probe misplacement can

be assessed by placing over-length probes in the drill holes, enabling measurement

of the spacing and angle between the probes (Hatton et al., 1995). Moreover, for the

HR method, Burgess et al. (2001a) measured probe placement in situ, based on zero

flow conditions. However, parallel placement of the needles remains crucial for

accurate results and is often difficult to ensure, especially at large sapwood depths.

If probes are installed parallel, but needles are tangentially displaced, this cannot be

taken into account. Generally, applying a specific drill-bit template for each heat

pulse method can improve probe positioning during sensor installation.

Figure 2.4 Vh versus ∆T

a for Olea europaea. The line is the regression of V

h on ∆T

a obtained

with the data pairs where ∆Ta<0 K, taken during 24 h (adapted from Testi and Villalobos


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2.5 Wounding

When inserting probes in the sapwood, flow is locally obstructed with the

obstructed zone dependent on sensor geometry and probe size and, to a lesser

extent, probe material (Swanson & Whitfield, 1981; Barrett et al., 1995; Green et al.,

2003). Barrett et al. (1995) have shown that wounding also affects wood density and

fibre direction, especially in the axial direction. Besides these direct wound effects,

probe insertion also induces the formation of wound tissue which alters wood

properties and, hence, heat dissipation in this wood in the longer term (Moore et al.,

2009). This long-term effect can be avoided by regularly reinstalling sensors during

long-term experiments, although little research has been done on the required

frequency of reinstallation (Moore et al., 2009).

Short-term wounding, on the other hand, has been assessed to be an important

error-inducing factor for the TD method (Wullschleger et al., 2011). These authors

developed a numerical heat flow model to assess TD performance, allowing

investigation of error inducing factors both separately and combined. They

determined that physical disruption of the xylem due to wounding was a significant

cause of error, besides gradients in the radial sap flux density profile.

Moreover, Wullschleger et al. (2011) have shown that the TD method is sensitive to

changes in thermal conductivity and, hence, is dependent on sapwood

characteristics. This implies that for a specific tree species, the calibration could

change due to varying dry wood density of the sapwood and, even for a single tree,

could change due to variations in sapwood water content as wounding progresses.

According to their modelling results, a combination of these error inducing factors

can lead to both under- and overestimations of sap flux density when using the

original calibration coefficients. These authors justly warn users of the TD method

to interpret their results with caution and plead for an approach where numerical

modelling is combined with updated calibration coefficients to improve TD method

accuracy. Unlike for the TD method, wounding has not been thoroughly assessed for

the HFD method, although it is expected to have a similar influence on the results.

Next to the continuous heat methods, flow path obstruction due to wounding also

greatly influences the sap flux density results for heat pulse methods. Based on

Finite Element Modelling (FEM), it has been shown that wounding partially interrupts

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Sap flux density methods and their limitations


sap flow, leading to underestimations of Vh and hence SFD of up to 50% and more

(Swanson, 1983; Burgess et al., 2001a; Green et al., 2003). Therefore, wound

correction equations were developed for the existing heat pulse systems based on

FEM. Wound width has been shown to have a much larger effect than probe

material, calibration factors based only on wound width therefore seem sufficient

for a given sensor configuration (Swanson, 1983; Green et al., 2003). For the CHP

method, Swanson & Whitfield (1981) developed readily applicable wound correction

coefficients a, b and c for the correction equation Vh_corr



2, where Vh_corr


the heat velocity corrected for wound effects (Table 2.1). While Cohen et al. (1981)

derived correction factors for the Tmax method empirically, Green et al. (2003)

presented similar wound corrections for the Tmax method as those developed by

Swanson and Whitfield (1981) for the CHP method. For the HR method, Burgess et

al. (2001a) have shown that a linear correction equation is sufficient.

For hardwood species with a markedly non-uniform distribution of sap-conducting

vessels, however, an additional correction factor besides the wound correction may

be necessary. This type of wood diverges more from the assumption of thermal

homogeneity, on which the heat conduction-convection equations are based, than

for softwoods or hardwoods with closely-spaced and more uniform xylem elements

(Swanson, 1983; Green & Clothier, 1988). This correction factor can be empirically

determined or derived from enhanced FEM including vessel anatomy.

In the various models used to assess wounding, flow obstruction is implemented as

a region of zero flow starting from the most upstream sensor needle and stretching

on downstream with a width slightly larger than the sensor needles. While the effect

of different wound widths and sapwood water contents have been simulated, the

axial length of the zero flow region has never been mentioned (Swanson & Whitfield,

1981; Burgess et al., 2001a; Green et al., 2003). Nevertheless, it is likely that this

length will differ depending on wood anatomy. In addition, apart from flow

obstruction, wood properties also can be locally altered due to installation. It would

be interesting to investigate wound effects for different sapwood types and assess

possible differences in wound correction factors. Also, FEM could be improved by

including differences in vessel anatomy. In this way, the accuracy of heat pulse

based sap flux density estimates might be enhanced.

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2.6 General conclusions

Throughout the years, many sap flow methods have been developed, each with their

advantages and disadvantages. Heat balance methods integrate flow in the entire

stem or in a large stem section of the plant, giving a good indication of total plant

water use. Sap flux density methods, on the other hand, give more precise

information on flow directions and spatial flow distribution. For many methods,

wounding influences sap flow results. Despite the existing wound corrections for

the heat pulse methods, a more thorough insight in wound effects, including long-

term experiments combining sap flow methods with FEM and more advanced

techniques such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging, will likely further improve sap

flow methodology.

So far, the HFD is the only method enabling measurements across the entire

naturally occurring sap flow range. However, the link between SFD and the HFD

temperature ratio is somewhat obscure, raising questions on the accuracy of HFD

measurements. Therefore, the next chapter discusses the original HFD equation (Eq.

2.3) more thoroughly.

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3 3 Erroneous use of thermal

diffusivity in the Heat Field

Deformation method

After: Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Interpreting the Heat

Field Deformation method: Erroneous use of thermal diffusivity and improved

correlation between temperature ratio and sap flux density. Agricultural and

Forest Meteorology, 162-163: 91-97.


The Heat Field Deformation (HFD) method is a modern technique to assess sap flux

density in trees by applying an equation which relates an empirical temperature

ratio to the thermal diffusivity of the sapwood. However, this relation is based on a

misinterpretation of thermal diffusivity, leading to physically incorrect units of sap

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flux density. Moreover, the HFD method has recently been shown to occasionally

underestimate actual sap flux densities, raising the question whether species

specific calibration is necessary. This chapter calls attention to a correct

interpretation of thermal diffusivity and investigates the correlation between sap

flux density and the HFD temperature ratio based on a 3D Finite Element Model. It is

shown that the original terms linking the HFD temperature ratio to sap flux density

do not follow fundamental thermodynamics and, therefore, the HFD method should

be considered merely empirical. Besides, the method is not only dependent on

sapwood characteristics but also on sap flux density itself, necessitating a specific

calibration equation.

3.1 Introduction

The main goals of the development of the Heat Field Deformation (HFD) method

were (i) establishing a good linear correlation between measured temperature

signals and sap flow for both low and high sap flow rates, (ii) the possibility to

measure reverse flows and (iii) the ability to perform sap flow calculations without

the need to assume night-time zero flow conditions. Moreover, it was also an

objective to be able to determine sap flux densities at different depths within the

sapwood (Nadezhdina et al., 1998; Nadezhdina et al., 2012).

As explained in section 2.2.2, the HFD method is principally based on the dynamics

of a temperature ratio including a symmetrical (axial) and an asymmetrical

(tangential) temperature difference to characterize the changing heat field around a

continuous heater for different sap flux densities (Figure 2.1). To relate this

temperature ratio to sap flux density, it was multiplied by thermal diffusivity based

on the approaches of Marshall (1958) and Saddler & Pitman (1970) to determine sap

flow by heat based sensors. To obtain units of m3 m-2 s-1, the thermal diffusivity was

then multiplied by Zax Z


-1 Lsw

-1 (Eq. 2.3), with Zax the distance between the heater and

axial measurement needles, Ztg the distance between the heater and tangential

measurement needle and Lsw the sapwood depth. Here, L

sw Z

tg was considered to be a

measure for the sapwood cross-sectional area where deformation of the heat field

occurs and hence sap is flowing while the implementation of Zax Z


-1 partially corrects

for needle spacing (Nadezhdina et al., 1998; Nadezhdina et al., 2012). Hence, Eq. 2.3 is

supposed to determine actual sap flux density (m3 m-2 s-1).

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Accuracy and applicability of the HFD method


Without doubt, Eq. 2.3 has its merits in sap flow research, having revealed several

tree physiological phenomena, never measured before. It has been used to

investigate hydraulic redistribution (Nadezhdina et al., 2006; 2008; 2009; 2010),

xylem structure and functionality (Nadezhdina, 2010), radial sap flow (Nadezhdina

et al., 1998; Jimenez et al., 2000; Saveyn et al., 2008; Steppe et al., 2009) and

modelling of water use and transpiration (Chiesi et al., 2002; Oltchev et al., 2002;

Verbeeck et al., 2007; Van der Zande et al., 2009). The method appeals because of its

sensitivity across a wide range of sap flow rates and this for several sapwood

depths, even though recently deviations between actual sap flux densities

determined gravimetrically and HFD measured sap flux densities have been

reported (Steppe et al., 2010).

This chapter investigates the thermodynamic background of the HFD method and

its parameters and points out some misunderstandings concerning its units.

Moreover, by applying a FEM, the accuracy of the HFD method is questioned and a

mathematical relation between sap flux density and the HFD temperature ratio is

developed to correct its original flaws.

3.2 Thermodynamic background HFD method

When looking at the measured temperature differences (Eq. 2.3), it is clear that the

heat transport on which the HFD method is based, consists of two dimensions: the

axial and tangential dimension. This can be thermodynamically explained by the

assumption of a perfect linear heater in a homogeneous medium: by equally heating

the stem in its radial direction, the temperature field will be radially constant. This

is one of the fundamental assumptions of heat-based sap flow methods applying a

linear heater (Marshall, 1958; Burgess et al., 2001b; Tatarinov et al., 2005).

Therefore, these methods can be considered two dimensional. The radial profile

which can be obtained by the HFD method is thus the combination of several two

dimensional measurements at different depths. Therefore, the application of Lsw

as a

radial parameter in this two dimensional method is incorrect.

The main reason to include Lsw

was to obtain units of m3 m-2 s-1 (Nadezhdina et al.,

2012). However, even though multiplication of thermal diffusivity with Zax Z


-1 Lsw


leads to these units, they are not units of sap flux density. Thermal diffusivity D (m2

s-1), as a measure of the rate by which the sapwood can absorb heat from its

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surroundings (Bouguerra, 2001), is the ratio of the thermal conductivity K (W m-1 K-1)

of the sapwood on the one hand and the product of the fresh density ρ (kg m-3) and

the heat capacity c (J kg-1 K-1) of the sapwood on the other hand:




In this formula, thermal conductivity K (W m-1 K-1) is defined as the amount of heat

flowing per time unit through a body of 1 m thickness with a surface of 1 m2 and a

temperature difference of 1 K between both surfaces:

Q dKA t T


with Q the amount of thermal energy (J), d the thickness of the material (m), A the

cross-sectional area of the material (m2), ∆T the temperature difference between

both surfaces (K) and t the time (s). This parameter thus describes the ability of the

sapwood to transmit heat when subjected to a temperature gradient. For axial sap

flow, A thus represents the cross-sectional area of the sapwood, while d represents

the axial dimension corresponding to the flow direction. The density of the sapwood

ρ (kg m-3) is the mass M of the volume with cross-sectional area A and thickness d.

The heat capacity c (J kg-1 K-1) is the amount of thermal energy Q’ stored in this mass

M for a temperature change ∆T of 1 K (Marshall, 1958).

To gain insight in the dimensional unit (m²) of the thermal diffusivity D, the

following equation is defined:

( )


Q dK d A dA t TD

Qc A tMA d M T


The m² thus actually represents a volume of sapwood (A d) per sapwood cross-

sectional area (A) multiplied by an axial direction d, as this is the direction of heat

flow because of sap flow (Figure 3.1). Therefore, as in Eq. 2.3 the thermal diffusivity

is multiplied by an axial and divided by a radial and tangential dimension, the units

of the original HFD equation do not represent a flux density and have no physical

meaning. To obtain the correct dimensions, it is necessary to divide by an axial

distance. Moreover, the thermal diffusivity represents the entire sapwood (both

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Accuracy and applicability of the HFD method


wood matrix and water), leading to heat flux velocities Vh and not sap flux densities.

Hence, an additional conversion according to Eq. 2.4 would be needed to obtain SFD.

By which axial distance should the thermal diffusivity then be divided to obtain

physically correct sap flux densities? A logic choice would seem to divide by the

distance from the axial sensor needle to the heater (=Zax) as done for other heat-based

systems (Marshall, 1958; Saddler & Pitman, 1970; Cohen et al., 1981; Burgess et al.,

2001b). However, both for the systems based on Marshall (1958) and Saddler &

Pitman (1970), the sap flow equations are directly derived from the fundamental

heat conduction-convection equation. This is not the case for the HFD ratio, making

the multiplication with any parameter, even the thermal diffusivity D itself, an

arbitrary choice. Therefore, as the combination of parameters in Eq. 2.3 in relation

to the HFD ratio do not add any interpretational value to the HFD method, it should

be considered an empirical method for which any parameter linking the HFD ratio to

sap flux density, could be used, supposing a linear relation between the HFD ratio

and sap flux density. This prevents false interpretation of supposedly

thermodynamic features such as the thermal diffusivity.

Figure 3.1 Schematic representation of the HFD sensor with the dimensional units for

diffusivity and sensor spacing, with Lsw

the sapwood depth, A the sapwood cross-sectional area,

d the axial dimension corresponding to the flow direction, Zax and Ztg the axial an tangential

distance between the heater and the axial and tangential measurement needles, respectively.

Note that in this representation, no hardwood is taken into account.

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3.3 Materials and method

To thoroughly investigate the HFD method, a 3D FEM was developed. A moist wood

segment of 20 cm height and 10 cm width with a varying sapwood depth was

modelled, holding a heater needle and three measurement needles. The boundary

temperature was constant at 20 °C.

This FEM solves the partial differential equation governing heat transport in each

defined node of the 3D structure:

² ² ²

² ² ²

h h

T T T T T T Tc K cV P

t x y z x y z (3.4)

with T temperature (K), t time (s), Vh convective heat velocity (m s-1), ρ density (kg m-

3), c specific heat capacity (J kg-1 K-1) and K the vector of thermal conductivity (W m-1

K-1) of the medium (comprising of axial (Kax), tangential (K

tg) and radial (K


conductivity, respectively) in which the temperature changes take place. As moist

wood is anisotropic, containing directionally different thermal properties, Kax was

always set higher as or equal to Ktg. As the heater was inserted radially, K

rad had no

influence on the results. Ph (W m-3) is the amount of heat released in a unit of volume

at the point (x,y) per unit of time. For the measurement and heater needles, the

properties of steel were chosen for implementation in the model (ρ=7850 kg m-3,

c=475 J kg-1 K-1, K= 44.5 W m-1 K-1). Heat velocity was related to sap flux density

according to Eq. 2.4.

Simulations for a range of sap flux densities were conducted for which the ratio



) ∆Tas

-1 was calculated and compared with the sap flux density for

differences in wood properties (thermal conductivity, dry wood density and water

content) covering the natural range for woody species. To test the influence of heat

input on the HFD method, it was set between 9 and 18 W cm-1. As in the HFD

method continuous heating is applied, measurements were supposed to be stable at

120 s after the heater was switched on. The influence of the needle spacing was

tested to investigate the importance of the original correction factor Zax Z


-1. For the

rest of the simulations, the same distances as mentioned by Nadezhdina et al.

(1998; 2012) were applied (Zax=15 mm, Z

tg=5 mm) as these distances were mentioned

to lead to the highest sensitivity for the HFD ratio to changes in sap flux density.

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Accuracy and applicability of the HFD method


3.4 Results and discussion

3.4.1 Characteristics of the HFD temperature ratio

Influence of heat input

Figure 3.2a and b show the relation between the HFD ratio modelled for increasing

heat velocities (Vh) with different heat inputs. Even though for varying heat inputs

the absolute temperatures clearly differ (Figure 3.2a), the HFD ratio does not change

(Figure 3.2b). Similar results were obtained if the time to stabilization was set larger

than 120 s, confirming that the system was in thermal equilibrium after this period

of time. Therefore, for the remainder of the results, a fixed heat input q (heat input

per unit length of the heater) of 9.4 W m-1 will be used and temperature values are

always those at 120 s after its application.

Two dimensionality of the HFD ratio

Varying the sapwood depth of the 3D model while maintaining the same convective

flux did not affect the measured temperatures, confirming the theory that the HFD

method is basically two dimensional.

HFD temperature ratio q1

0 2 4 6 8 10


D te














Heat velocity Vh (cm h-1)

0 20 40 60 80 100










21.5q 4.7 W.m


q 18.8 W.m-1





(a) (b)

Figure 3.2 (a) Tref

, Tax and T

tg at 120s after switching on the heater for different heat velocities

(and hence sap flux densities), both for a heat input of 18.8 W m-1 and 4.7 W m-1; (b) HFD

temperature ratios for increasing heat velocities (Vh) calculated with different heat inputs and

q1=9.4 W m-1.

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Linearity of the HFD ratio

The HFD method has been said to be highly sensitive towards a wide range of sap

flux densities (Nadezhdina et al., 1998; Nadezhdina et al., 2012). Figure 3.3a

confirms that the HFD ratio increases with increasing sap flux density, but not

linearly. The relative error, calculated as the difference between the sap flux density

and the HFD ratio divided by the sap flux density, decreases for increasing sap flux

densities (Figure 3.3b), even though the absolute error increases (Figure 3.3a).

Multiplication of the HFD ratio with constant parameters as is done in Eq. 2.3 can,

hence, reduce the absolute errors, but can not resolve the relative sap flux density

dependency of the ratio. As a result of these findings,the measurements at different

sapwood depths will only give an approximation of the radial profile as the relative

error will be different for each depth, given the radial variation in sap flux density.

Moreover, this relative discrepancy is not only influenced by the sap flux density but

is also depending on the axial and tangential conductivity (Figure 3.4a) and dry

wood density (Figure 3.4b), even though the effect of the latter on the HFD ratio is

rather small (a 40% difference in dry wood density only led to a maximal difference

of 12% difference in HFD ratio). The water content does not influence the ratio

significantly if all other parameters remain unchanged (Figure 3.4c). In reality,

however, changes in water content are coupled with changes in thermal

Sap flux density (cm3 cm-2 h-1)

0 20 40 60 80


D r







0 20 40 60 80


tive e

rror o

f HF

D ra









1.00(a) (b)

Figure 3.3 (a) Relationship between the HFD ratio and the sap flux density. The dashed line

represents the 1:1 line; and (b) relative error of the HFD ratio, calculated as the difference

between the sap flux density and the HFD ratio divided by the sap flux density,

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Accuracy and applicability of the HFD method


conductivity. Hence, variation in wood properties between tree species can lead to

large relative differences in HFD ratio for the same sap flux density (Figure 3.4d).

Besides, even variation within species, both spatially and temporally, could induce

changes in the HFD ratio, although it is expected that these differences are rather

small as the variation in thermal parameters and dry wood density within species is

much smaller than between species (Skaar, 1988).

Influence of needle spacing on the HFD ratio

Figure 3.5a shows that changes in Zax hardly influence the HFD ratio if Z

tg remains

unaltered, while changes in Ztg lead to large differences for moderate and high flows

(>20 cm3 cm-2 h-1). Apparently, the ∆T0(s-a)

value largely compensates for changes in

Zax. Moreover, if Z

ax is changed, this will only have a small effect on the T

as signal for

Sap flux density (

0 20 40 60 80 100


D r








Kax 0.75; Ktg 0.65

Kax 0.85; Ktg 0.65

Kax 0.65; Ktg 0.65

Kax 0.75; Ktg 0.55

Kax 0.75; Ktg 0.45

Sap flux density (


D ra













Sap flux density (cm3 cm-2 h-1)

0 20 40 60 80 100


D r










MC 0.75

MC 0.85

MC 0.91

0 20 40 60 80 100


D r








tive d









Kax 0.70; Ktg 0.65; MC 1; d 450

Kax 0.75; Ktg 0.45; MC 0.55; d 600

Relative difference

Sap flux density (cm3 cm-2 h-1)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3.4 Sap flux density dependency of (a) the HFD ratio for different axial (Kax) and

tangential (Ktg) thermal conductivities (W m-1 K-1), a dry wood density (ρ

d) of 490 kg m-3 and a

water content of 0.91; (b) the HFD ratio for different dry wood densities(ρd) for K

ax=0.75 W m-1

K-1, Ktg=0.65 W m-1 K-1 and MC=0.91; (c) the HFD ratio for different water contents (MC) with

Kax=0.75 W m-1 K-1, K

tg=0.65 W m-1 K-1 and ρ

d =550 kg m-3; and (d) HFD ratios for varying wood

properties and the relative difference between them.

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high flows as then the Tref

needle is less influenced by the heater. Hence, displacing

this needle will only lead to small differences in Tref

. If, however, Ztg is altered, then

for high flows the Tas signal will be much more affected as the T

as needle should be

in close proximity of the heater to ensure sufficient sensitivity towards high flows.

In Figure 3.5b, it can be seen that there is a more even spread of HFD ratios if these

are multiplied with the Zax Z


-1 term. When comparing, for instance, the spacing Zax15

Ztg2.5 with Z

ax10 Z

tg5, the Z

ax Z


-1 term indeed led to a smaller deviation in HFD ratios

as the difference in Figure 3.5b is smaller in comparison to the difference in Figure

3.5a even though for sap flux densities >60 cm3 cm-2 h-1 they still greatly differ.

Moreover, for other combinations (for instance Zax15 Z

tg5 and Z

ax20 Z

tg5), the

divergence even increases when the Zax Z


-1 term is applied. The absolute changes in

HFD ratio with or without the term Zax Z


-1 due to changes in needle spacing will be

dependent on the thermal properties of the wood (data not shown), although the

same conclusions hold. Hence, even though the term Zax Z


-1 clearly influences Eq.

2.3, it cannot be considered an absolute spacing correction.

3.4.2 From temperature ratio to sap flux density

As the temperature ratio is dependent on wood properties and needle spacing, this

dependency needs to be included in the link with sap flux density. This is in

agreement with the lab and field experiments of Steppe et al. (2010), who stated that

recalibration of the HFD method might be necessary for each new tree species.

Sap flux density (cm3 cm-2 h-1)

0 20 40 60 80 100


D r








0 20 40 60 80 100


D ra

tio x

Zax Z


(a) (b)

Zax 15; Ztg 5

Zax 20; Ztg 5

Zax 10; Ztg 5

Zax 15; Ztg 2.5

Zax 10; Ztg 2.5

Zax 5; Ztg 2.5

Zax 20; Ztg 7.5

Zax 15; Ztg 7.5

Zax 10; Ztg 7.5

Figure 3.5 (a) HFD ratio for different combinations of Zax and Z

tg distances (mm); and (b) these

same HFD ratios multiplied by the term Zax Z



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Accuracy and applicability of the HFD method


While Steppe et al. (2010) determined a single calibration factor for their species, the

model results show that this will only be sufficient in a certain range of sap flux

densities as no linear relation exists between the ratio and sap flux density.

Therefore, a mathematical relationship should be fitted to the data:

SFD=f(HFD) (3.5)

with HFD the value of the HFD ratio (-), taking into account the influence of needle

spacing, Kax, K

tg, ρ

b and MC as well as the sap flux density dependency of HFD.

Although several relationships can be fitted to the data, a trade off between

goodness of fit and model simplicity (number of parameters to estimate) should be

taken into account. While high order polynomial regressions lead to an acceptable

low sum of squared error, these regressions require a large number of parameters

to be estimated. By running a curve analysis, fitting more than 40 both linear and

non-linear regression functions to the data, the following relationships were

obtained that led to a good fit for all combinations of input thermal properties and

needle distances and had maximum four empirical parameters to estimate:



cHFD dHFD (3.6)




b HFD (3.7)

2 4



b (3.8)

with a, b, c and d empirical parameters for each equation (Figure 3.6 as an example).

As the HFD ratio is empirical, these parameters will have no strict physical meaning.

Hence, similar as for the TD method (Granier, 1985), the dimensions of these

parameters are not of importance although they can easily be derived from Eq. 3.6,

3.7 and 3.8 as the HFD ratio itself is dimensionless. While for Eq. 3.8 only two

parameters need to be estimated, this fit underestimates lower flows and

overestimates higher flows and should, hence, be avoided. As the standard error for

Eq. 3.6 (1.840) is systematically higher than for Eq. 3.7 (0.280), the latter is


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To determine this correction equation, a validation experiment similar as done by

Steppe et al. (2010) could be set up. This way, both the non-linearity of the HFD

ratio and its dependency on wood properties are taken into account while the

advantages of the original HFD ratio, namely its sensitivity in a wide range of sap

flux densities and the possibility to establish a radial profile, remain.

These findings raise the question as to what extent results mentioned in previously

conducted studies applying the HFD method are correct. As has been shown by

Steppe et al. (2010), Eq. 2.3 can lead to large underestimations of sap flux density.

These underestimations will, however, be largely dependent on the applied Lsw


and, to a smaller extent, on the thermal properties of the sapwood, making error

estimations difficult as these values are often unknown. In general,

underestimations of up to 50% can be expected (Steppe et al., 2010), which is of

importance if absolute water use of trees was investigated. Fortunately, most

research has been focussing on relative flow patterns within the low to moderate

flow range to study phenomena such as radial flow, xylem structure and

Figure 3.6 Mathematical relation between sap flux density and modelled HFD ratio with

a=0.0207, b=0.0028, c=-0.603, d=8.650, e=239, f=0.543, g=4.562, h=24.01, i=0.282, j=-

0.00258 (Kax=0.75 W m-1 K-1, K

tg=0.65 W m-1 K-1, ρ

d=550 kg m-3, MC=0.85).

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Accuracy and applicability of the HFD method


functionality and hydraulic redistribution. Even though relative deviations must

have occurred, due to the non-linearity of the HFD ratio, the presented patterns are

clear and distinct and, hence, the conclusions correct.

3.5 Conclusions

Although the HFD method has proven its use in many studies because of its

sensitivity towards low, high and reverse flows and the possibility to measure flow

at different depths, the thermal diffusivity in its original equation is often wrongly

interpreted. Therefore, the method should be considered entirely empirical rather

than semi-empirical as the link between the empirical temperature ratio and sap

flux density is not based on fundamental thermodynamics. To enable accurate sap

flux density estimations from the HFD ratio, mathematical relations were derived

which necessitate species-specific calibration. This can be done by forcing a range of

sap flux densities on a cut stem segment and comparing the HFD results with the

gravimetric reference data. This calibration procedure is, however, impractical for

large scale field measurements. Therefore, heat pulse methods seem preferential as

they do not require specific calibrations and, as indicated in Chapter 2, are not

susceptible to NTG.

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4 4 The anisotropic heat conduction-

convection equation as basis for

heat pulse sap flow methods

After: Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Use of the correct heat

conduction-convection equation as basis or heat pulse sap flow methods in

anisotropic wood. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 2833-2839.


Heat pulse methods to determine sap flux density in trees are based on the theory

of heat conduction and convection in an isotropic medium, with thermal properties

of the medium not directionally differing. However, sapwood is clearly anisotropic,

implying a difference in thermal conductivity along and across the grain, and hence

necessitates the theory for an anisotropic medium. This difference in thermal

conductivities, which can be up to 50 %, is however not taken into account in the key

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Chapter 4


equation leading to the currently available heat pulse methods. Despite this flaw,

these methods remain theoretically correct as they are based on derivations of the

key equation, ruling out any anisotropic aspects. Nevertheless, it remains important

to specify the thermal characteristics of the sapwood according to axial, tangential

or radial direction and to refer to and use the proper anisotropic theory. This will

avoid confusion and misinterpretation of thermal properties when dealing with sap

flux density measurements or erroneous results when modelling heat transport in


4.1 Introduction

If heat pulse based sap flow methods are based on a theory only applicable for

isotropic materials, not differentiating between directionally different thermal

properties, can they then be accurate for an anisotropic material such as sapwood in

which axial thermal conductivity differs from tangential thermal conductivity? This

chapter will answer this pertinent question by summarizing and comparing the heat

pulse theory for both isotropic and anisotropic media.

Heat pulse methods are based on the theoretical background for heat flow in

sapwood as developed by Marshall (1958) based on the work of Carslaw & Jaeger

(1947). This theory is based on the analytical solution of the partial differential

equation for combined conduction and convection of heat in a specified medium. If

this equation can be solved for the convection term, the velocity by which heat

transfers through the medium, such as sapwood, can be determined and from this,

sap flux density can be calculated.

For the application of an instantaneous line source of heat along the z-axis in an

isotropic medium, the following analytical solution is obtained:

( )² ²exp

4 4

hTx V t yQ

TDt Dt


with ∆T (K) the difference between the temperature at position (x,y) before

application of the heat pulse and a time t (s) after application of the heat pulse, QT

(K m²) defined as the temperature to which the amount of heat liberated per unit

length of the line would raise a unit volume of the substance, D the thermal

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Anisotropic theory for heat pulse methods


diffusivity (m² s-1) and Vh the heat pulse velocity (m s-1). This heat pulse velocity is

directly proportional to sap flux density according to Eq. 2.4.

It is this equation that was used by Marshall (1958) and many others (Cohen et al.,

1981; Swanson & Whitfield, 1981; Swanson, 1983; Green & Clothier, 1988; Burgess et

al., 2001a) as the basis for the development of heat pulse based sap flow

measurement methods.

4.2 Assumption of isotropic medium versus actual

anisotropic sapwood

Sapwood, however, is composed of conductive elements which main goal is axial

transport. Hence, the structure and thermal properties of sapwood differ according

to the directional orientation, whether axial or tangential. Marshall (1958) already

stated that dry wood is not isotropic, but has a greater thermal conductivity along

the grain (Kax) than across the grain (K

tg). He also acknowledged that wet wood might

also be anisotropic, although probably to a lesser extent. For fresh wood segments

with a water content higher than the fibre saturation point, the axial thermal

conductivity (Kax) can be up to two times larger than the radial (K

rad) or tangential

(Ktg) conductivity, depending on wood species (Maku, 1954; Steinhagen, 1977).

Moreover, when applying the equations as mentioned in Swanson (1983) based on

the work of Turrell et al. (1967) and Siau (1971) for the calculation of Kax and K

tg, it is

clear that Ktg (and hence thermal diffusivity, D

tg) is remarkably smaller across all dry

wood densities and water contents with Ktg on average (54±7.5) % of K

ax (Figure 4.1).

This approach was also applied by Burgess et al. (2001a) to determine axial thermal

diffusivity (Dax) for the Heat Ratio method (see Chapter 5).

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When considering anisotropy, the analytical solution of the partial differential

equation for combined conduction and convection of heat, from which Eq. 4.1 was

derived for isotropic media, becomes:

( )² ²exp



ax tgax tg

x V tQ c c yT

t K KK K t (4.2)

And it is, hence, this equation (Eq. 4.2) that should be the key equation for sap flow

measurements based on pulsed heating by an ideal line heater instead of Eq. 4.1

which has, so far, been used as reference equation.

4.3 Implications of anisotropy for current sap flow


Applying Eq. 4.1 and 4.2 for heat transport in sapwood with a given dry wood

density and water content and the same heat input, clearly leads to different

Water content (kgwater

kgdry wood


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2



al co


uctivity (

W m

-1 K







1.0d = 1050 kg m


d = 900 kg m-3

d = 750 kg m-3

d = 500 kg m-3

d = 350 kg m-3

Figure 4.1 Axial (black lines) and tangential (grey lines) thermal conductivities for different

water contents and dry wood densities (ρb) as calculated according to Turrell et al. (1967))

based on Siau (1971).

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Anisotropic theory for heat pulse methods


temperature patterns in the wood (Figure 4.2). These different patterns are caused

bydifferences in thermal diffusivity, with the isotropic diffusivity taken as the

geometric mean of the axial and tangential diffusivity (Figure 4.3). This also affects

the parameters used in the methods based on Eq. 4.1 to determine sap flux density,

such as the Tmax method and the Heat Ratio method. For the Tmax method, the

difference in temperature field results in a difference in tm (Figure 4.4a), while for

the Heat Ratio method, the ratio (∆Tdown


) is clearly influenced (Figure 4.4b).

Time (s)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300














Tdown anisotropic

Tup anisotropic

Ttg anisotropic

Tdown isotropic

Tup isotropic

Ttg isotropic

Figure 4.2 Temperatures at 6 mm axially downstream, upstream and tangentially from the

heater for a water content of 70% and dry wood density of 550 kg m-3. For the isotropic case,

the thermal diffusivity D was taken as the geometric mean of Dax and D

tg of the anisotropic


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Chapter 4


If Eq. 4.1 is not valid for sapwood with anisotropic thermal conductivity, does this

imply that the methods based on this equation are not applicable? Not necessarily,

because most methods are based on derivations from Eq. 4.1. Marshall (1958) based

Water content (kgwater

kgdry wood


0.7 0.9 1.1



al d



ity s





2 s













Vh (cm h-1)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

t m (







MC 70%, anisotropic

MC 70%, isotropic

MC 90%, anisotropic

MC 90%, isotropic

MC 110 %, anisotropic

MC 110%, isotropic

Vh (cm h-1)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180







/( T















MC 70%

MC 90%

MC 110%

(a) (b)

Figure 4.3 Thermal diffusivities for both the isotropic and anisotropic case for different water

contents. The dry wood density was taken as 550 kg m-3. The isotropic thermal diffusivity was

taken as the geometric mean of Dax and D

tg of the anisotropic case.

Figure 4.4 (a) Time to maximum (tm) values and (b) ratio of the HR method temperature ratio



) for isotropic and anisotropic sapwood with different water contents. The isotropic

thermal diffusivity D was taken as the geometric mean of Dax and D

tg of the anisotropic case.

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Anisotropic theory for heat pulse methods


his measurements of Vh and D on the substitution of two points on the temperature-

time curve (t1,T

1) and (t



1 21 1

2 2 1 1 2 2

( )² ( )²² ²ln

4 4 4 4

h h

ax tg ax tg

c x V t c x V tT t cy cy

T t K t K t K t K t


If the measurement point is now chosen at an axial distance x (with y=0), this


1 1 1 21 2

2 2 1 2

( )²ln ( ² ² )



T t c t tx V t t

T t K t t



1 1 1 21 2

2 2 1 2

( )²ln ( ² ² )



T t t tx V t t

T t D t t


When applying this equation to two other points t3 and t

4 so that t





2, a

similar equation is obtained, leading to two equations with two unknown variables:

Dax and V

h. These equations can then easily be solved to obtain expressions for both

Dax and V

h. If the same mathematics are applied on Eq. 4.1, the same result is

obtained which makes clear that the thermal diffusivity as calculated by Marshall

(1958) really is the axial thermal diffusivity (Figure 4.5). Hence, by locating the

measurement needles only in the axial direction and choosing specific data points

on the temperature-time curve, the difference introduced by anisotropy between Eq.

4.1 and 4.2 is ruled out. This is also the case for the Heat Ratio method (Burgess et

al., 2001a). Here, the same distances of the axial measurement points upstream and

downstream from the heater needle were applied which also negates the difference

between axial and tangential conductivity (Figure 4.6).

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Chapter 4


Heat conduction-convection equation

Isotropic Anisotropic

Marshall’s solution

Applying only axial measurements

ax tg rad h

T T T T Tc K K K cV q

t x x y y z z x

2 2( )exp

4 4

hT x V t ycQT c

Kt Kt

2 2( )exp



ax tgax tg

x V tcQ c yT

t K KK K t

2 2 2 2

1 21 1

2 2 1 2

( ) ( )ln

4 4

h hx V t y x V t yT tc c

T t Kt Kt

21 1 1 22 1 2

2 2 1 2

( )ln


T t c t tx V t t

T t Kt t

21 1 1 22 1 2

2 2 1 2

( )ln


T t t tx V t t

T t Dt t

2 22 2

1 21 1

2 2 1 1 2 2

( ) ( )ln

4 4 4 4

h h

ax tg ax tg

x V t x V tT t y yc c c c

T t K t K t K t K t

21 1 1 21 2

2 2 1 2

( )ln



T t c t tx V t t

T t K t t

21 1 1 21 2

2 2 1 2

( )ln



T t t tx V t t

T t D t t

Heat conduction-convection equation

Isotropic Anisotropic

Burgess’ solution

Applying only axial measurements and choosing x1=-x2

ax tg rad h

T T T T Tc K K K cV q

t x x y y z z x

2 2( )exp

4 4

hT x V t ycQT c

Kt Kt

2 2( )exp



ax tgax tg

x V tcQ c yT

t K KK K t

2 2 2 211 2 1 2 2 1


ln 2 ( )4


T cx x y y V t x x

T Kt

2 2 2 2

1 1 2 1 22 1


2ln ( )



ax tg ax

V tT x x y ycx x

T t K K K





cx T





x T





cx T





x T

Figure 4.5 Marshall’s solution of Eq. 4.1 to determine Vh and D

ax (Marshall, 1958). By using

only axial measurements and substituting specific points of the temperature-time curve, the

influence of anisotropy is ruled out. Similar equations can be developed for t3 and t

4 to obtain

two equations including Vh and D

ax which can then be determined.

Figure 4.6 Burgess’ solution of Eq.4.1, based on Marshall (1958), to determine Vh. By

measuring on specific distances upstream and downstream of the heater (x1=-x

2), the actual

axial conductivity is applied, even when starting from the isotropic theory.

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Anisotropic theory for heat pulse methods


This also holds for the Tmax method of Cohen et al. (1981) (Figure 4.7). Even though

thermal diffusivity is mentioned in this work as D in Eq. 4.1, in practice Dax is being

measured. By using the derivative of Eq. 4.1 for a measurement needle located

axially from the heater, correct equations for both Dax during conditions of zero flow

and Vh are obtained:





t (4.6)

2 4 ax m



x D tV



with tm the time at which ∆T is maximal. D

tg can be determined when measuring the

temperature curve at a tangential distance (0,y) from the heater needle (Figure 4.7):





t (4.8)

Note that it is incorrect to apply any distance d as mentioned in Cohen et al. (1981)

(Eq. 2.6, 2.7) as a distinction between axial and tangential distances needs to be

made to obtain the corresponding diffusivities.

Also for the Compensation Heat Pulse method, the isotropic and anisotropic theory

lead to the same heat velocity results as the intersection point between upstream

and downstream temperature profiles remains constant. Hence, it can be concluded

that currently existing heat-pulse sap flux density measurement methods remain

valid, even though they are based on an inaccurate theory, as by mathematical

manipulations the same results are obtained as if the correct anisotropic theory

would have been applied. It is now also clear that these methods determine the

actual axial thermal diffusivity and not a mean of axial and tangential or overall

thermal diffusivity as is sometimes mistakenly thought.

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Chapter 4


Heat conduction-convection equation

Isotropic Anisotropic

Cohen’s solution

Applying only axial measurements

Applying only tangential measurements

ax tg rad h

T T T T Tc K K K cV q

t x x y y z z x

2 2( )exp

4 4

hT x V t ycQT c

Kt Kt

2 2( )exp



ax tgax tg

x V tcQ c yT

t K KK K t

2 2 4 m



Ktx y



2 4 m










K xIf V D

c t

2 4 m










K yIf V D

c t

2 2 4ax ax m




K K tx y

K cV


2 4 ax m



K tx





axh ax


K xIf V D

c t



4 ax tg m



tg m

K K tK y


K t




h tg


K yIf V D

c t

The difference in Dax and D

tg (or K

ax and K

tg) must also be made when numerical

models are used to assess heat pulse measurement systems based on Eq. 4.1. This

difference was taken into account by using the method of mixtures of Turrell et al.

(1967) in combination with the determination of dry wood thermal conductivity by

Siau (1971) in both the work of Swanson (1983) and Green, Clothier & Jardine (2003)

for their FEM to assess the errors of several heat pulse methods. In earlier work of

Swanson & Whitfield (1981), the axial conductivity was taken as twice the tangential

conductivity, independent of wood water content and, hence, only partially

accounting for the differences between Kax and K


However, in Jones, Hamer & Higgs (1988) this difference was overlooked. These

authors correctly stated that all heat pulse methods could benefit from the use of

curve-fitting procedures, but directly implemented Eq. 4.1, thereby neglecting the

anisotropy of the sapwood. This error was also made by Becker (1998) for a

theoretical example and, more recently, by Chen et al. (2012) in their statistical

method to determine probe spacing and wood thermal diffusivity. As these authors

did not differentiate between axial and tangential thermal diffusivity, their

numerical analyses need to be reconsidered. Next to these known examples, perhaps

Figure 4.7 By differentiating Eq. 4.1 to determine the time at which the maximal ∆T occurs, a

solution for Vh is obtained. When applying only axial measurements, the actual axial thermal

conductivity is used for these calculations

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Anisotropic theory for heat pulse methods


others have made the same mistake, erroneously implementing Eq. 4.1 instead of


4.4 Towards more accurate equations

Eq. 4.1, for an isotropic, and Eq. 4.2, for an anisotropic medium, are valid for

instantaneous pulses only, which is however never the case in practice. Both

Swanson (1983) and later Kluitenberg & Ham (2004) noted that for pulses longer

than 2 seconds, application of the instantaneous pulse theory can lead to important

errors (up to 10%) in determination of thermal diffusivity and sap flux density.

Therefore, it was suggested to implement the theory applicable for a step pulse. For

an anisotropic medium, this results in following equations:



( )² ²exp




ax tgax tg

x V tq c yT t dt

t K KK K for 0<t<=t

0 (4.9)


1 ( )² ²exp



t tax tgax tg

x V tq c yT t dt

t K KK K for t

0<t (4.10)

where q (W m-1) is the amount of heat liberated per unit length of the heater per

time. Eq. 4.9 and 4.10 can be numerically solved. When differentiating Eq. 4.10 to

time, similarly as was done by Cohen et al. (1981) for an instantaneous pulse, both

Dax and D

tg can be determined. We tested this method on a cut segment of European

beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) for several gravimetrically determined water contents by

positioning two sensor needles at 7.5 mm from the heater, respectively axially and

tangentially (Figure 4.8). The results confirm an important difference between Dax

and Dtg. Not only is D

ax 1.8 to 2.3 larger than D

tg, it is also more influenced by the

water content of the sapwood.

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Chapter 4


4.5 Conclusion

Throughout literature on heat pulse based sap flow measurement methods, there

seems to be an inconsistency when referring to thermal diffusivity of sapwood.

Despite clear evidence that sapwood is an anisotropic material for which axial

diffusivity Dax and tangential diffusivity D

tg will be markedly different, thermal

diffusivity is often addressed as an overall diffusivity for the whole material, based

on Eq. 4.1 (Marshall, 1958; Cohen et al., 1981; Jones et al., 1988; Cohen et al., 1993;

Becker, 1998; Nadezhdina et al., 1998; Burgess et al., 2001a; Green et al., 2003; Bleby

et al., 2004; Kluitenberg & Ham, 2004; Green et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the existing

heat pulse based sap flow methods are still theoretically correct and yield actual Dax

values due to their reliance on derivations of Eq. 4.1 and the use of only axial needle

positioning. However, when applying Eq. 4.1 for numerical modelling or for other

purposes for which the mathematical derivations do not cancel out the isotropic

effect, this will lead to errors in both diffusivity and sap flux density calculations.

To avoid further confusion and prevent mistakes in future research, we suggest to

mention Eq. 4.2 when referring to the development of heat pulse sensors and to

consequently discriminate between axial or tangential thermal diffusivity and/or

Water content (kgwater

kgdry wood


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0



al d



ity (


2 s















Figure 4.8 Axial and tangential thermal diffusivity for European beech at different water

contents calculated in analogue with the Tmax method (Cohen et al., 1981) but applied for a

step heat pulse (Eq. 4.9 and 4.10)

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Anisotropic theory for heat pulse methods


conductivity. Furthermore, we encourage the use of Eq. 4.9 and 4.10, because they

will be more accurate than those based on the instantaneous pulse theory.

Besides derivations from the heat conduction-convection equation, another way to

determine Dax is to apply the method of mixtures mentioned in Turrell et al. (1967)

in combination with the dry wood thermal conductivity determinations of Siau

(1971) which was specifically derived for the axial and tangential direction. The next

chapter, however, shows that in this method, sapwood water content was wrongly

interpreted, making it incorrect as the fibre saturation point is not taken into


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5 5 Differentiating between bound and

unbound water in the method of

mixtures for diffusivity calculation

After: Vandegehuchte, M.W & Steppe, K. (2012). Improving sap flux

density measurements by correctly determining thermal diffusivity,

differentiating between bound and unbound water. Tree Physiology, 32: 930-



Several heat-based sap flow methods, such as the Tmax and the Heat Ratio method,

include the axial thermal diffusivity Dax of the sapwood as a crucial parameter.

Despite its importance, little attention has been paid to determine Dax in a plant

physiological context. Therefore, Dax is mostly set as a constant, calculated during

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Chapter 5


zero flow conditions or from a method of mixtures, taking into account wood

density and water content. In this latter method, however, the meaning of the water

content is misinterpreted, making it theoretically incorrect for Dax calculations in

sapwood. A correction to this method, which includes the correct application of the

water content, is proposed. This correction was tested for European and American

beech and Eucalyptus caliginosa Blakely & McKie. Depending on the dry wood

density and water content, the original approach over- or underestimates Dax and,

hence, sap flux density by 10 % and more.

5.1 Introduction

While the Compensation Heat Pulse method (Swanson & Whitfield, 1981; Green &

Clothier, 1988) operates independent of the axial thermal diffusivity Dax of the

sapwood, for the Heat Ratio and the Tmax method, (Marshall, 1958; Cohen et al.,

1981; Burgess et al., 2001a; Clearwater et al., 2009), Dax is a crucial parameter to

determine sap flux density. As in the HR equation Dax is directly linearly

proportional to sap flux density, an error of x % will lead to an equal error in sap

flux density and, hence, calculated sap flow. This high linear sensitivity of sap flow

measurements towards Dax has been reported in the sensitivity analysis of Steppe et

al. (2010). For the Tmax method, the influence of Dax on sap flux density is less

straightforward. The sensitivity analysis of Cohen et al. (1981) indicates that a 10 %

error in Dax only leads to a maximal error of 3 % in sap flux density for a probe

spacing of 5 mm and even smaller for larger probe spacings.

Despite its importance as parameter in sap flow calculations, little attention has

thus far been paid to characterize Dax in a plant physiological context. Most research

has been done on wood that is used as construction material and the results are

therefore only applicable for dry wood samples. These dry samples have a water

content MC, calculated as the ratio of the weight of water divided by the dry weight

of the sapwood, below the point where only bound water is present (fibre saturation

point, FSP) (Harada et al., 1998; Suleiman et al., 1999; Adl-Zarrabi et al., 2006).

Simpson & TenWolde (1999) state that Dax measurements for water content values

above 25 % are few in number and generally lack accuracy. As the water content in

sapwood of living trees ranges between 98% to 249 % for conifers and between 44 %

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Interpreting MC in D determination


and 162 % for hardwoods, dependent on species and seasonality (Skaar, 1988), there

clearly is a lack in Dax knowledge for sap flow applications.

As explained in section 4.3, Marshall (1958) determined Dax by applying Eq. 4.2 for

specific times after application of the heat pulse, mentioning a range of 0.0014 to

0.0040 cm2 s-1. These values are based on the equations for an ideal heat pulse. In

addition, this method seems impractical as the four used time points need to be

specifically chosen to reach the requisite of t1+t




2. For the Tmax method, the

weaknesses are that zero flow conditions are required and that it is based on one

time point which is difficult to determine as the measured temperatures during zero

flow have a broad peak, impeding the determination of tm (Green et al., 2003). The

method as mentioned in Burgess et al. (2001a) based on the work of Swanson

(1983), Turrell et al. (1967) and Siau (1971) is not dependent on point measurements

of temperatures after application of a heat pulse nor on zero flow conditions as a

sample is taken from the sapwood, but determines Dax based on an empirical

relationship for which only a fresh wood sample needs to be taken. Given the

growing popularity of the HR method, this approach to determine Dax has been

frequently applied. Table 5.1 gives an overview of recent papers in which thermal

diffusivity was calculated accordingly. From the 43 papers investigated, 29

mentioned the application of the method as described in Burgess et al. (2001a),

while 11 did not mention it specifically, but did apply HR measurements to quantify

sap flow. Hence, it is assumed that in these studies, the method was also applied. In

only 3 papers, the HR method was used relatively, pre-empting the use of thermal


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Chapter 5


Year published Publications in which Dax is determined according to Burgess et

al. (2001a)

2011 Hernandez-Santana et al. (2011); Staudt et al. (2011)

2010 Ambrose et al. (2010); Bleby et al. (2010); Er-Raki et al. (2010):

Macfarlane et al. (2010); MCElrone et al. (2010); Miller et al.

(2010); Pfautsch et al. (2010); Zeppel et al. (2010)

2009 Hao et al. (2009); Hu et al. (2009); Madurapperuma et al.

(2009a; 2009b); Mitchell et al. (2009); O'Grady et al. (2009);

Pfautsch et al. (2009); Turnipseed et al. (2009); Winters et al.


2008 Moore et al. (2008); Scott et al. (2008); Zeppel et al. (2009)

2007 Fisher et al. (2007); MCElrone et al. (2007); Scholz et al.

(2007); Warren et al. (2007); West et al. (2007)

2006 Burgess & Bleby (2006); Langensiepen et al. (2006)

2005 Oliveira et al. (2005)

2004 Bleby et al. (2004); Bucci et al. (2004); Burgess & Dawson

(2004); Hultine et al. (2004); Williams et al. (2004)

2003 Hultine et al. (2003a; 2003b); Kurpius & Goldstein (2003);

Kurpius et al. (2003); Yepez et al. (2003)

2002 Scholz et al. (2002)

Table 5.1 An overview of literature in which the Heat Ratio method is applied. For 40 papers,

thermal diffusivity is calculated according to the approach mentioned in Burgess et al. (2001).

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Interpreting MC in D determination


5.1.1 But are we missing the point when applying the thermal diffusivity


Although the recalculation based on fresh/dry sapwood density and water content

determined from a sapwood sample is currently considered as the way to determine

Dax in sap flow research (Burgess et al., 2001a), the underlying theory is incorrect for

sapwood with water contents above the fibre saturation point which is the case for

most, if not all, transpiring trees during sap flow measurements. The approach

proposed by Burgess et al. (2001a) applies the method of mixtures as mentioned in

Skaar (1988) to determine c (J kg-1 K-1) of wet wood:

( )d d w f d


w c c w wc



where wf is the fresh and w

d the oven-dried weight of a wood sample (kg) and c

w and

cd the specific heat capacity of water (4186 J kg-1 K-1) and dry wood (1200 J kg-1 K-1) at

20°C, respectively (Edwards & Warwick, 1984). This method is known to

underestimate c of wet wood because the energy in the wood-water bonds is not

taken into account (Kelsey & Clarke, 1956). These authors state that this could lead

to differences up to 10 %. Morton & Hearle (1975) highlighted that c of sorbed water

itself is lower than that of free liquid water. This was however not taken into

account in the calculations of Kelsey & Clarke (1956) nor in the calculation of

Hearmon & Burcham (1955) as they used the same c for both free and bound water.

Nevertheless, bound water, when the water content exceeds the fibre saturation

point (MCFSP

), generally accounts for about 30 % of the total water expressed as water

mass per dry wood mass (Siau, 1984), although this value can be higher for low dry

wood densities and lower for high dry wood densities (Skaar, 1988). It is thus

difficult to conclude if this manner of determining c will lead to over- or

underestimations for sapwood, which generally contains high percentages of free

water. However, the method of mixtures is generally considered as a reliable

calculation procedure (Stamm & Loughborough, 1935; Steinhagen, 1977).

Similarly as for c, a method of mixtures, modified from Turrel et al. (1967) and also

mentioned in Swanson (1983), is used to determine axial thermal conductivity Kax (W

m-1 K-1):

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Chapter 5


d d

w w

ρ ρ1

ρ ρ

ax w dK K MC K MC (5.2)

with Kw and K

d the thermal conductivity of water (0.5984 W m-1 K-1) and dry wood at

20°C, MC the water content of the sample (ratio of water weight to dry wood weight)

and ρw and ρ

d the densities of water and dry wood (kg m-3). To determine K

ax of dry

wood (Kd), an equation based on a theoretical model developed by Siau (1971) is


Kd=0.04186 (21.0-20.0F

v) (5.3)

with Fv the void fraction of the wood. This equation was obtained by a single-cell

model with cell dimensions of unity length, width and height and an internal lumen

with a length and width of dimension a (=√Fv) (Figure 5.1). For a flux in the direction

of the fibre axis, Kd becomes:





v (5.4)

with Kmx

the (axial) thermal conductivity of the (wet) wood matrix and Kair


thermal conductivity of air. To obtain Eq. 5.3, Eq. 5.4 was fitted to Kd data found in

literature and a good agreement was obtained when using 0.0001 cal cm-1 s-1 K-1

(0.04186 W m-1 K-1) for Kair

and 0.0021 cal cm-1 s-1 K-1 (0.8791 W m-1 K-1) for Kmx


1971). Thus far, the method seems theoretically sound, neglecting similar

implications of using a mixed-model as for the determination of c. However, the

conductivity single-cell model of Siau (1971) is based on a combination of K of cell

wall material (with a certain water content) and an air filled lumen without unbound

water. Hence, the model was developed for non-saturated wood.

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Interpreting MC in D determination


In this model, the void fraction is defined as:



cw)+MC) (5.5)

with G the specific gravity of wood (dry mass per fresh volume divided by the

density of water) at water content MC (moisture per dry weight), ρcw

the cell wall

density (1530 kg m-3, Kollmann and Côté (1968)) and ρw the sap (=water) density

(1000 kg m-3). This void fraction thus indicates the volume fraction of air in the

wood. Interestingly, this expression is valid for water contents below the fibre

saturation point. When deducing Eq. 5.4 from the conductivity single-cell model,

Siau (1971) highlighted that Kd is not independent of MC. He reasoned that an

increase in water content decreases the porosity Fv of the wood resulting in an

increase in Kd. This reasoning is however an oversimplification of reality, as the rise

in Kd will not only be due to a decrease in porosity but also due to the fact that the

thermal conductivity of (bound) water is higher than that of completely dry wood

components without water or air (0.10512 W.m-1.K-1 according to Stamm (1964)).

Nevertheless, for practical purposes of wood that is used as a construction material,

Siau (1971) concluded that Kmx

can be considered independent of MC. The fit of

experimental data to Eq. 5.4 led to small deviations for MC ranging from 0 to 25 %,

Figure 5.1 Geometrical model for a single wood cell on which the theory of Siau (1971) is

based, with L the length and width of the wood cell and a the length and width of the internal


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justifying his assumption. This fit led to the value of 0.0021 cal cm-1 s-1 K-1 for Kmx

and Eq. 5.3.

However, the main implication of the use of this model in sap flow research lays in

the interpretation of MC. In the first part of Eq. 5.2, describing the contribution of

water to the total thermal conductivity, MC is used as a measure for the amount of

free water. In the second part of Eq. 5.2, describing the contribution of dry wood,

the same MC is used. The conductivity Kd, however, already takes into account the

water bound in the wood matrix. This implies that MC ascribed to free water will be

smaller than total MC calculated as the difference between fresh weight and oven-

dry weight divided by the fresh weight of a sample. Moreover, the void fraction Fv

represents the void fraction at fibre saturation point which will be larger than the

void fraction at higher water contents.

5.1.2 Corrected equation to determine thermal conductivity Kax

For a correct application of the concept, Eq. 5.4 should be used to calculate the total

thermal conductivity for MC below the fibre saturation point as was intended by

Siau (1971). For higher MC, the following equation should be used:



ρ( ) (1 )

ρax w FSP mx v FSP air vK K MC MC K F K F (5.6)

with MCFSP

the water content at fibre saturation point and Fv_FSP

equal to 1-G((ρ




), the volume fraction at fibre saturation point. However, here Kmx

and Kair


not hold the same value as in Eq. 5.4 as the applied volume fractions differ. Hence,

the empirical derived coefficients as determined by Siau (1971) are no longer

applicable. Therefore, it will be assumed that Fv in Eq. 5.6 is equal to F

v_FSP. This will

only induce an overestimation in Kax of a few percent given the small thermal

conductivity of air compared to total wood thermal conductivity. Hence, the

equation becomes:

d_ _


ρ( ) (1 )

ρax w FSP mx v FSP air v FSPK K MC MC K F K F


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Interpreting MC in D determination




ρ( ) 0.04186(21.0 20.0 )

ρ ax w FSP v FSPK K MC MC F (5.7)

Eq. 5.7 is more correct in determining thermal diffusivity in sapwood compared to

Eq. 5.2 which has thus far been used. The objectives of this chapter are to estimate

the errors in thermal diffusivity and sap flux density across varying wood properties

due to application of the erroneous Eq. 5.2 which does not distinguish between

bound and unbound water in sapwood.

5.2 Materials and Methods

5.2.1 Sensitivity analysis

To assess the difference in water use according to current practice for HR

measurements and the results generated using Eq. 5.7, the relative error (SFDerr

) in

sap flux density (SFD) was determined, calculated as the difference between SFD

obtained based on Eq. 5.2 and based on Eq. 5.7, respectively, divided by SFD based

on Eq. 5.7. To gain insight into the influence of the different parameters in Eq. 5.2

and 5.7 on this relative error, the centralized relative sensitivity function of this

relative error SFDerr

towards each parameter θ was calculated as:

( ) ( )( )


err errerr



SFD (5.8)

with ∆θ taken as 1 % of the source component value θ. This way, the relative

sensitivities of SFDerr


and ρd were calculated. Besides, a sensitivity

measure δmeas similar to that of Brun et al. (2002), Steppe et al. (2006) and De Pauw et

al. (2008) was calculated:




1 Nmeas

i k




where k is the sensitivity MC instance, N the number of MC instances for the

sensitivity function and si,k the relative sensitivity of SFD

err to the parameter i of

interest (MC, MCFSP

or ρd). As MC

FSP generally ranges between 15 and 35 %, depending

on wood species (Skaar, 1972), these values were implemented in the simulation. For

dry wood density, Skaar (1972) mentions a range from 310 kg m-3 for Western Red

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Cedar up to 1100 kg m-3 for Ceylon Satinwood. Note that ρd also varies within

species, depending on age, height and environmental conditions.

5.2.2 Plant material

To assess the implications of the misinterpretation of the method of Siau (1971) in

the field, experiments were conducted in which wood sections were taken from

European (Fagus sylvatica L.) and American (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) beech, both

diffuse-porous hardwoods. Sapwood sections of three 10- to 20-years old European

beech trees were taken at the experimental forest ‘Aelmoeseneie’ of Ghent

University (Gontrode, Belgium) and sections from two 60- to 70-years old American

beech trees were taken from Whitehall forest, the experimental forest of the

University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia, USA). The trees had a stem diameter at

breast height ranging from 14 to 21 cm.

For each cut tree, a sapwood section was taken at breast height. For two of the

European and American beech trees, wood sections were also taken at 50 cm above

breast height. After measuring the fresh weight of these sections, the volume was

determined by immersing the fresh wood sample, tightly wrapped in parafilm

(Parafilm M, SPI supplies/Structure Probe Inc., West Chester, PA 19380, USA) to

avoid water adsorption, in water and applying Archimedes’ principle. Afterwards,

the sections were dried to determine their dry weight. From these measurements,

MC, ρd and F

v and F

v_FPS were determined. Fibre saturation point values were estimated

according to Roderick & Berry (2001):


=0.2 (ρd ρ


-1)-1/2 (5.10)

with ρd (kg m-3) the dry wood density and ρw the density of water (1000 kg m-3).

5.2.3 Thermal conductivity versus water content: original versus

corrected method

For one European beech tree, a stem segment of approximately 1 m was cut in the

forest. The ends of this segment were sealed with parafilm (Parafilm M, SPI

supplies/Structure Probe Inc., West Chester, PA, 19380, USA) and enclosed in a

plastic bag to minimize evaporation. After transportation to the Laboratory of Plant

Ecology, Ghent University, a small section of sapwood of approximately 250 cm3 was

cut from the centre of this larger segment. This section was weighed, left to dry and

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Interpreting MC in D determination


then wrapped in parafilm (Parafilm M, SPI supplies/Structure Probe Inc., West

Chester, PA 19380, USA) for one hour to ensure a homogenous water content. Then

the weight of the section was measured. This was repeated to obtain a range of

water contents from approximately 0.45 to 0.8. Afterwards, the volume of the

section was determined according to the Archimedes’ principle. These

measurements allowed us to establish a relation between thermal conductivity and

water content both for the original and the corrected method.

5.2.4 Implications of the correction for actual sap flow measurements

To assess the implications of an inaccurate estimation of thermal diffusivity due to

a misinterpretation of water content, sap flow in an Eucalyptus caliginosa was

measured using the HR method (Burgess et al., 2001a). From this Eucalyptus

caliginosa, a segment with diameter 9.1 cm was freshly cut, prepared and hung in a

gravimetric validation system similarly as done by Steppe et al. (2010). This way, HR

measured sap flow with the diffusivity calculated according to both Eq. 5.2 and 5.7

could be compared with gravimetric data of sap flow. For this experiment, a

commercially available HR sensor was used, consisting of a heater needle and two

measurement needles located 5 mm upwards and downwards of the heater needle,

respectively (ICT International PTY LTD, Armidale, Australia). For this sensor, the

diameter of the needles is 1.5 mm and their length 35 mm and a wound width of

1.71 mm was determined. In each measurement needle, two thermocouples are

located at respectively 7.5 and 22.5 mm from the needle tip, located respectively 3

and 18 mm below the bark. For these measurements, Dax was calculated according to

both Eq. 5.2 and 5.7. To partially correct for the radial sap flux density profile, also

an HFD sensor (ICT International PTY LTD, Armidale, Australia) was installed

(Steppe et al., 2010). This sensor was installed 10 cm axially upstream and 90°

tangentially from the HR sensor and has the ability to estimate sap flux densities at

eight different depths, with 10 mm between each measurement depth and the first

depth at 3 mm below the bark. Hence, for both sensors, a measurement point is

located at 3 mm below the bark for which the ratio of the HR to the HFD sap flux

density was determined. By multiplying this ratio to the sap flux densities obtained

by the HFD sensor at the other seven depths, a radial profile was calculated based

on the accuracy of the HR measurements (Steppe et al., 2010). Hence, it was possible

to determine the sap flow through the segment more accurately, combining the

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relative HFD radial profile with the absolute values of the HR method. As the

measured flows were rather low (<25 cm3 cm-2 h-1), the relative radial sap flux density

pattern of the HFD was assumed to be correct (see Chapter 3).

The fibre saturation point was determined according to Eq. 5.10. A wood section of

19.6 cm3 was taken at the position of the HR sensor from which fresh weight, dry

weight and volume were determined, necessary to calculate thermal diffusivity.

5.3 Results

Figure 5.2 shows the results of applying Eq. 5.2 and 5.7 for different dry wood

densities (ρd) and fibre saturation points (MC

FSP) over a wide range of water contents.

In Figure 5.3, the relative error in sap flux density (SFDerr

) due to the application of

Eq. 5.2 instead of Eq. 5.7 is given for these same sapwood parameters. The

corresponding relative sensitivities of SFDerr


and ρd are presented in

Figure 5.4 while Figure 5.5 represents the sensitivity measures δmeas.

Water content (kgwater

kgdry wood


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4


rmal con


ctivity K

ax (

W m

-1 K








Kax Eq. 5.7 MCFSP 0.15

Kax Eq. 5.7 MCFSP 0.25

Kax Eq. 5.7 MCFSP 0.35

Kax Eq. 5.2

d 1100 kg m-3

d 850 kg m-3

d 600 kg m-3

d 350 kg m-3

Figure 5.2 Application of Eq. 5.2 and 5.7 for different dry wood densities (ρd). For Eq. 5.7, fibre

saturation points ranging between 15 and 35% were implemented (striped gray lines). For

each ρd, thermal conductivity K

ax increases for rising fibre saturation points.

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Interpreting MC in D determination


Moisture content (kgwater

kgdry wood


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4




p f

lux d


sity e









MCFSP 0.15

MCFSP 0.25

MCFSP 0.35

d 350 kg m-3

d 600 kg m-3

d 850 kg m-3d 1100 kg m



tive s



to r


tive s

ap f

lux d











MCFSP 0.15

MCFSP 0.25

MCFSP 0.35

Water content (kgwater kgdrywood


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2





0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

(a) (b)

(c) (d)



d MC








Figure 5.3 The relative error in sap flux density, calculated as the ratio of the difference

between sap flux density applying Dax based on Eq. 5.2 and based on Eq. 5.7,

respectively, to the sap flux density applying Dax based on Eq. 5.7, for different water


Figure 5.4 Relative sensitivities of the relative error in sap flux density (SFDerr

) to water

content (MC), fibre saturation point (MCFSP

) and dry wood density (ρd) for ρ

d 350 kg m-3

(a), 600 kg m-3 (b), 850 kg m-3 (c) and 1100 kg m-3 (d).

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Chapter 5


Table 5.2 shows the water content, dry wood density and corresponding thermal

conductivity according to Eq. 5.2 and Eq. 5.7 for both the European and the

American beech sections. The percentage over- or underestimation due to the

application of Eq. 5.2 in comparison to Eq. 5.7 is given in Figure 5.6. For the dry

wood densities available, the use of Eq. 5.2 leads to underestimations of axial

thermal diffusivity (and hence sap flux density) of up to 10 %. Overall, based on a

modified Levene test to test for homogeneity of variance, the variability between

tree species is not more significant than the variability between trees of the same

species or even variability within the same tree according to height. Samples taken

at different heights can lead to large differences in calculated thermal diffusivity.

Figure 5.7 shows the thermal conductivities according to Eq. 5.2 and 5.7 for

different water contents of the European beech sample. Apparently, errors were

larger for lower and practically zero for higher water contents for this specific dry

wood density, which corresponds to the data presented in Figure 5.2. Overall, the

error for this specific sapwood sample was maximally 4.5 %.

X Data

0 0 0



s 0.01



0.04 mc



X Data

0 0 0





Fibre saturation point MCFSP

















(a) (b)

(c) (d)

0.15 0.25 0.35 0.15 0.25 0.35

Figure 5.5 Sensitivity measure δmeas for water content (MC), fibre saturation point (MCFSP

) and

dry wood density (ρd) for different MC

FSP and ρ

d 350 kg m-3 (a), 600 kg m-3 (b), 850 kg m-3 (c) and

1100 kg m-3 (d).

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Interpreting MC in D determination


Tree Sampling





MC(-) ρd


Kax (Eq. 5.2)


Kax (Eq. 5.7)


EU1 BH 76 0.77 585 0.68 0.67

BH+50 53 0.79 567 0.67 0.66

EU2 BH 62 0.86 674 0.72 0.80

BH+50 68 0.91 653 0.72 0.79

EU3 BH 87 0.84 685 0.72 0.81

US1 BH 20 0.99 620 0.71 0.79

BH+50 90 0.99 586 0.70 0.74

US2 BH 122 0.66 723 0.72 0.76

BH+50 160 0.80 606 0.69 0.70

Table 5.2 Characteristics and calculated thermal conductivity Kax according to both Eq. 5.2

and 5.7 for the experimental trees. EU indicates European beech while US refers to American

beech. BH stands for Breast Height. For each sample, the corresponding stem diameter at

sample height, sample volume, water content (MC) and dry wood density (ρd) are given.

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Water content (kg

water kgdry wood-1)

0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80



al co


uctivity K













Eq. 5.2

Eq. 5.7

Figure 5.6 Relative error in thermal diffusivity calculated as (Dax(Eq. 5.2)-D



5.7) for European and American beech. The striped bars indicate the lower sections (BH), while

the full bars are located 50 cm higher (BH+50).

Figure 5.7 Thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1) calculated according to Eq. 5.2 and 5.7 for

different water contents for European beech with dry wood density 585 kg m-3.

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Interpreting MC in D determination


When comparing the obtained sap flow using both Eq. 5.2 and Eq. 5.7 with the

gravimetric reference data for Eucalyptus caliginosa, it is clear that Eq. 5.7 leads to a

better fit (Figure 5.8) when applying the HR method, corrected for the relative radial

profile obtained with HFD. Linearly regressing the difference in results based on Eq.

5.2 and those based on Eq. 5.7 versus the gravimetric sap flux densities led to a

significant slope of 0.11. Hence, for this experiment, an underestimation of about 11

% for Dax was obtained when applying Eq. 5.2 instead of Eq. 5.7.

5.4 Discussion

As is clear from Figure 5.2, variations in water content, fibre saturation point as well

as dry wood densities amongst and within species, can lead to large over- or

underestimations of Kax. This results in a relative sap flux density error varying

between –15 and +22 %, dependent on ρd, MC and MC

FSP (Figure 5.3). For the lower

Gravimetric sap flux density (cm3 cm

-2 h


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22




x d

ensity (


3 c
















Eq. 5.2

Eq. 5.7

Figure 5.8 Sap flux density based on the Heat Ratio method with the diffusivity according to

Eq. 5.2 (black line) and Eq. 5.7 (grey line) for an Eucalyptus caliginosa tree (dry wood density

565 kg m-3 and water content 1.17) compared to the gravimetric reference. The dashed line is

the 1:1 line.

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dry wood densities (350 kg m-3), application of Eq. 5.2 leads to overestimation of

SFD, while for the upper values (1000 kg m-3) it leads to underestimation. For

average ρd (600 kg m-3) and MC of approximately 0.8, the error is negligible. Clearly,

the relative error is highly influenced by differences in ρd, which is confirmed in the

sensitivity analysis (Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.5). Notice that δmeas for MC is always

higher than for MCFSP

, even though for low dry wood densities the relative sensitivity

to MC approximates the relative sensitivity to MCFSP

for water contents between 0.7

and 1. Moreover, MCFSP

can be estimated according to Eq. 5.10, even though this is

only an empirical relationship and prone to slight over- or underestimations. As ρd is

known to be dependent not only on species but also on age, height and

environmental conditions, this parameter should be measured in close proximity of

the installed sap flow sensor. Likewise, differences in MC of 60 % and more have

been reported for different species (Peck, 1953). Moreover, MC poses a greater

challenge than ρd as it has been shown to also vary seasonally up to 25 % (Peck,

1953; Gibbs, 1958; Henderson & Choong, 1968) and even 40 % (Gibbs, 1958). More

recently, Borghetti et al. (1998) have shown a clear relationship between water

content in the xylem of twigs and twig water potential. As they have shown diurnal

patterns for twig water potential, these same patterns will occur for twig water

content, implying not only seasonally but also diurnal MC changes. Moreover, Scholz

et al. (2007) have detected daily changes of up to 18 % in relative water content,

calculated as the ratio of the differences between fresh and dry wood and saturated

and dry wood, for savanna species in Brazil. This implies that thoroughly accurate

measurements can only be made when the water content is known at the time of


The results of the field experiment confirm the findings of the sensitivity analysis.

Clearly the difference between Eq. 5.2 and 5.7 is determined by both water content

and dry wood density (Figure 5.6). From Figure 5.7, one would expect that Eq. 5.2

overestimates for low water contents, but is quite accurate for higher water contents

of about 80 %. From Figure 5.6 and Table 5.2 however, it is clear that water content

alone is not sufficient to explain the over- or underestimations as for water contents

of about 80 %, large underestimations are obtained. These results also indicate that

within the same tree, differences in both water content and/or dry wood density can

occur, again stressing the importance of measuring both these parameters in

proximity of the sensor.

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Interpreting MC in D determination


Figure 5.8 shows the possible impact of using Eq. 5 during field measurements of

sap flux density. Here, the relative difference in sap flux density due to this single

misinterpretation was about 11 %. When absolute measurements of sap flow are

needed, such differences can undoubtedly lead to erroneous results and


Up to now, Eq. 5.2 was considered applicable for sapwood without considering the

correct meaning of MC, hence missing the point of the original theory as developed

by Siau (1971). Unfortunately, in the papers mentioned in Table 5.1, no indications

are given of the dry wood density or water content used to calculate the thermal

diffusivity according to Eq. 5.2, making an estimation of the errors in sap flux

density for these studies impossible. However, for the model mentioned in

Wullschleger et al. (2011) where Kax is calculated according to Eq. 5.2 with a K

d value

for dry wood based on Jones et al. (2004), an error of about 15 % is made for an

assumed fibre saturation point of 0.3. Other heat transport models have probably

based the implementation of Kax on Eq. 5.2 as well.

Eq. 5.7 has the advantage of a correct underlying theory, although a slight

overestimation can be expected because of the simplification needed to apply the

empirical coefficients of Siau (1971) and the additional parameter MCFSP

needs to be

estimated. This parameter, however, can easily be estimated based on ρd (Eq. 5.10).

Moreover, Eq. 5.7 is not very sensitive towards MCFSP

, especially for high water

contents as is mostly the case for transpiring trees (Figure 5.4). Therefore, a wrong

estimation of this particular parameter will only lead to small errors in Dax

calculations according to Eq. 5.7. A much larger challenge lays in the determination

of the water content. While this parameter is measured at the moment of sampling,

the seasonal and daily variations are not taken into account. Taking multiple

samples during the season will improve accuracy, but is often practically difficult

due to enhanced tree damage. However, as the Tmax method has the prerequisite of

zero flow conditions and limitations of a single point measurement, Eq. 5.7 seems

to be the more favorable method for Dax determinations in the field as to our

knowledge, no other methods exist for determining thermal diffusivity during non-

zero flow conditions. Nevertheless, a combination of methods is desirable. For

instance, combining Time Domain Reflectometry (Wullschleger et al., 1996a; Nadler

et al., 2006) or tomography (Brazee et al., 2011; Bieker & Rust, 2012) estimates of

relative changes in water content with absolute measurements of Dax based on Eq.

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Chapter 5


5.7 will likely result in improved sap flux density measurements but is of course

more labour and cost intensive. Another option is to apply the Compensation Heat

Pulse method as its operating principle is independent of Dax. Unfortunately, this

method is unable to resolve low or reverse flows.

5.5 Conclusions

Thermal diffusivity is a crucial parameter in modern sap flow calculation methods

such as the Heat Ratio method. However, due to a misinterpretation of MC in the

analytical equations, the current applied methodology to determine Dax can lead to

over- or underestimations of up to 10 % and more, depending on dry wood density,

water content and fibre saturation point when compared with the more accurate

approach which is presented in this chapter.

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6 6 Development of the Sapflow+

method to measure sap flux

density and water content

After: Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). A triple-probe heat

pulse method for measurement of thermal diffusivity in trees. Agricultural

and Forest Meteorology, 160: 90-99.

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Sapflow+: a four

needle heat pulse sap flow sensor enabling non-empirical sap flux density and

water content measurements. New Phytologist, 196: 306-317.

BE2012/0030: Een methode voor het meten van sapstroom,

waterinhoud en thermische eigenschappen in planten

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Chapter 6



So far, no non-empirical method exists to measure reverse, low as well as high sap

flux densities independently of thermal diffusivity. Besides, existing sap flow

methods require multiple destructive wood core measurements to determine

temporal changes in sapwood water content, necessary to convert heat velocity to

sap flux density. In this chapter, a non-empirical heat pulse based method and

coupled sensor are presented which measure temperature changes around a linear

heater in both axial and tangential directions after application of a heat pulse. By

fitting the correct heat conduction-convection equation to the measured

temperature profiles, heat velocity and water content of the sapwood can be

determined. An identifiability analysis and validation tests on artificial and real

stem segments of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) confirm the applicability of

the method, leading to accurate determinations of heat velocity, water content and,

hence, sap flux density. The proposed method enables sap flux density

measurements across the entire natural occurring sap flux density range of woody

plants. Moreover, the water content during low flows can be determined, enabling a

correct conversion from heat velocity to sap flux density without multiple

destructive core measurements.

6.1 Introduction

As mentioned in previous Chapters, existing heat-based sap flow methods all have

their merits, but also suffer from specific limitations. The HFD method enables sap

flux density measurements at different depths in the sapwood and has the strength

of distinguishing high, low and reverse flows, but it remains empirical and can lead

to over- or underestimations depending on sap flux density, water content and

thermal characteristics of the wood (Chapter 3) (Vandegehuchte & Steppe, 2012b).

The TD method has suffered from these same limitations and is known to largely

underestimate sap flux density (Steppe et al., 2010).

For the heat pulse methods, the CHP method has the advantage that thermal

diffusivity does not need to be determined. However, it is incapable of determining

low and reverse flows (Becker, 1998; Green et al., 2009; Steppe et al., 2010). This was

partly resolved by Testi & Villalobos (2009) who used the CAG method, extending

measurement possibilities towards the lower sap flow range. This method, however,

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The Sapflow+ method


necessitates an empirical calibration which is dependent on the thermal

characteristics of the sapwood. The HR method (Burgess et al., 2001a) can measure

both low and reverse flows but performs poorly at high flow rates (Burgess &

Dawson, 2008) and applies an inaccurate protocol to determine thermal diffusivity,

necessary as input parameter for the sap flux density calculations (Chapter 5). The

Tmax method (Cohen et al., 1981) determines thermal diffusivity correctly, but is

based on a zero flows and a single point analysis, making it susceptible to scatter.

Moreover, like the CHP method, it is unable to correctly estimate low and reverse

flows (Green et al., 2009). Besides, all heat pulse methods measure heat velocity

which needs to be converted to sap flux density based on water content of the

sapwood. To this end, wood cores are taken to estimate water contents. As taking

multiple wood cores increases wood damaging, temporal variations in water content

are usually not taken into account which may induce large errors in calculated sap

flux densities. While relative changes in stem water content can be estimated by

applications of methods such as Time or Frequency Domain Reflectometry,

resistivity tomography, gamma-ray attenuation and electrical resistance, these

methods require additional equipment, are difficult to interpret and struggle to take

the spatial variability of the sapwood into account (Wullschleger et al., 1996b;

Nadler & Tyree, 2008; Bieker & Rust, 2012). At present, sap flux density and stem

water content can be measured simultaneously by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Van

As et al., 2009) but this laboratory technique is expensive, necessitates specific

tuning for different flow ranges and remains difficult to apply in the field despite

recent progress (Jones et al., 2012). While many methods have been developed to

determine sap flux density or stem water content separately, to our knowledge no

practically applicable method exists which combines both.

This Chapter describes how a new method and coupled sensor were developed,

further referred to as Sapflow+, building on the available knowledge within the sap

flow research community and combining the strengths of existing sap flow

methods. The Sapflow+ method is capable of non-destructively measuring high, low

and reverse sap flows, thermal wood properties and water content of the sapwood

based on thermodynamics. A theory based on earlier work of Kluitenberg & Ham

(2004) and the knowledge gained in Chapter 4 is presented to determine these

parameters based on conduction and convection of a short-duration heat pulse

away from an infinite line source in the sapwood. It is shown that by using this

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Chapter 6


theory, sap flow, thermal wood properties and water content can be determined by a

four-needle probe. Results of both Finite Element Modelling and lab experiments are

presented which demonstrate the applicability of the theory for measuring sap flux

density and water content of fresh sapwood.

6.2 Materials and methods

6.2.1 Theory

The theory applied is developed for an infinitely long linear heater of zero radius in

an infinitely large medium. Based on the work of Kluitenberg & Ham (2004) and

Vandegehuchte & Steppe (2012c), the temperature distribution in an anisotropic

media is expressed as (see also Chapter 4):



( )² ²exp




ax tgax tg

x V tq c yT t dt

t K KK K

for 0<t<=t0 (6.1)


1 ( )² ²exp




ax tgt tax tg

x V tq c yT t dt

t K KK K

for t

0<t (6.2)

with ∆T the temperature difference (K) between the measured temperature at time t

(s) after application of the pulse and the measured temperature before the heat

pulse, measured at a distance x (m) axial and y (m) tangential from the heater,

respectively. Kax is the axial and K

tg the tangential thermal conductivity (W m-1 K-1), ρ

the density (kg m-3) of the sapwood, c the specific heat capacity of the sapwood

(J kg-1 K-1) and q the energy input per unit length of the heater per unit time (W m-1).

By measuring the temperature change ∆T at three different positions around the

heater needle, a multi-parameter model which solves Eq. 6.1 and 6.2 for each

position can be fitted to retrieve the parameters of interest, namely Kax, K

tg, ρc (the

volumetric heat capacity, J m-3 K-1) and Vh. In this model, a temperature correction

for changing sapwood temperatures independent of the heat pulses is applied. By

determining the temperatures before and after the heat pulse, the slope of

temperature change is calculated which is then subtracted from the modelled

temperature changes.

This multi-parameter model was implemented, simulated and calibrated using the

plant modelling software PhytoSim (Phyto-IT BVBA, Mariakerke, Belgium). For model

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calibration the simplex method, originally developed by Nelder & Mead (1965), was

used to minimize the weighted sum of squared errors between measured and

simulated values of the temperatures. The weighted sum of squared errors objective

value for each fit to the axial and tangential temperature data indicates the

goodness of fit:

1 1

1 1( )²


k n

ij ij

i j

WSSE m yn


where WSSE is the weighted sum of squared errors objective, k the number of

objective variables (3, for each position at which the temperature is measured), σ²

the measurement error variance for objective variable i (for the three temperature

measurements a value of 0.02 for σ was applied, based on the calibration of the

thermocouples in a warm water bath), n the number of measurement points for

objective variable i, mij the jth measurement value of objective variable i and y

ij the

corresponding simulation value.

6.2.2 Water content

If the volumetric heat capacity (ρc, J m-3 K-1) of the sapwood is known, its water

content (MC, kg water per kg dry weight) can directly be determined (Swanson,



w d

cMC c



with cw and c

dw the heat capacity of water (4186 J kg-1 K-1, Martin & Lang (1933)) and

dry wood (1200 J kg-1 K-1, Edwards & Warwick (1984)), respectively and ρd the dry

wood density (kg m-3), which can be measured once by sampling a wood core.

6.2.3 Sensor design

To apply the theory, a needle probe was designed consisting of a linear heater and

three measurement needles located at specific distances, respectively, axially

upstream, downstream and tangentially from the heater (Figure 6.1). The three

stainless steel measurement needles have a length of 35 mm and a diameter of 1.1

mm. In each measurement needle a copper-constantan thermocouple is located at

20 mm from the needle basis. Notice that, similar as for the HR method,

thermocouples could be installed at different depths to assess radial differences in

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sap flux density. This, however, requires additional logging capacity. Due to

practical limitations, it was in this set-up not possible to install more than one

thermocouple in each measurement needle.

The heater needle has a length of 38 mm and a diameter of 1.1 mm. The heater is

slightly longer than the measurement needles to avoid side effects at the end of the

sensor, similarly as for the HFD method. An enameled resistance wire with a known

resistance (0.02341 Ω mm-1) is coiled around this heater. Heat pulses of 6 seconds

were generated by applying 5 V to the heater. The theoretical amount of heat

released by this heater, q (W m-1), was calculated similarly as done by Campbell et al.






Uq (6.5)

with U (V) the applied voltage, Rs (Ω) the resistance of the heater and R

s’ (Ω m-1) the

resistance of the heater per unit length.

Figure 6.1 (a) Schematic of a tangential section of the stem xylem with arrangements of the

thermocouples around the heater of the Sapflow+ sensor; and (b) Schematic of the Sapflow

sensor installed in the sapwood (SW) of a stem.

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A CR1000 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Loughborough, UK) was used to control

the heat pulse, monitor the applied voltage and measure the temperatures as a

function of time.

6.2.4 Identifiability analysis

Application of the Sapflow+ model will only be successful when the parameters on

which the model is calibrated, are identifiable. Therefore, an identifiability analysis,

consisting of a sensitivity and a correlation analysis, was conducted for the model

parameters ρc, Kax, K

tg and V

h. Indeed, a model parameter is said to be identifiable if

it has sufficient influence on the model outputs, in this case the changes in

temperature before and after the pulse at three positions around the heater, ∆T1,

∆T2 and ∆T

3 (high sensitivity) and at the same time is not correlated with other

model parameters (no linear dependencies with other model parameters) (De Pauw

et al., 2008).

To examine the first condition of parametrical identifiability, a sensitivity measure

δmeas similar to that of Brun et al. (2002), Steppe et al. (2006) and De Pauw et al.

(2008) was used. This measure is an indication of the relative importance of the

different parameters for the model output. The centralized relative sensitivity

function of model variable yi towards parameter θ was calculated as (see also Section


( ) ( )( )

2 ( )

i ii


y yS y



with ∆θ taken as 1 % of the source component value θ.

The sensitivity measure δmeas was then calculated as:


n (6.7)

with Sc the vector constructed by concatenating the sensitivity function vectors of

T1, T

2 and T

3, and n the total number of measurement instances (summed overall

measured variables) which allows accounting for measurement quantities. ||Sc||

corresponds to the norm of Sc which is the square root of the sum of squared values

of each of the vector elements.

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To assess correlations between the model parameters, a collinearity analysis was

performed (Brun et al., 2002; Steppe et al., 2006) which allows detection of

dependencies between the model parameters. To this end, the collinearity index γ

was calculated based on the minimum eigenvalue of STS with S the normalized

sensitivity matrix composed of columns:

1 c





= , SS S


This collinearity index ranges between unity, if the sensitivity functions are

orthogonal, and infinity for an exact linear dependency between the sensitivity

functions. The threshold was put at 15 following Brun et al. (2002). Indices below 15

point to weak dependencies, whereas indices above 15 are associated with moderate

to strong relations. These indices can be calculated for all model parameters or on a

subset of specifically selected parameters.

The quality of the estimated parameters was further checked based on the

parameter estimation error covariance matrix. From this matrix, the standard errors

of the parameters can be calculated as σ(θi)=√V

ii with V

ii an element of the diagonal

of the covariance matrix. Sensor verification

A 3D Finite Element Model (FEM) was implemented to compare the theoretical Eq.

6.1 and 6.2, developed for a perfect heater (infinite length and zero radius) in an

infinitely large environment, with a more realistic situation. To this end, a cube of

immobilized water with length 10 cm was modelled. In this cube, the three sensor

needles and heater were located with their according dimensions, similarly as in

Section 3.3. While for the HDF model a continuous heat input was applied, here a

heat pulse of 160 W m-1 was implemented.

These modelling results were then compared with actual measurements in water

immobilized with 2 g agar l-1 (Campbell et al., 1991; Ren et al., 2003). The small

amount of agar was added to prevent natural convection in the water and is

assumed to have a negligible effect on the thermal characteristics. This immobilized

water has the advantage that it is in direct contact with the heater and needles.

From the known thermal properties of this medium, the heat input q as calculated

according to Campell et al. (1991) can then be checked for each sensor and a

correction factor calculated if necessary.

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6.2.5 Comparison of heat pulse methods

Next to immobilized water, moist wood was modelled according to the same

principles and with the same dimensions as for the immobilized water. The wood

was considered as an anisotropic medium in which unidirectional convection

occurred. For this wood, a dry wood density of 550 kg m-3 was applied, with varying

water contents and accordingly varying specific heat capacity and thermal

conductivity (Vandegehuchte & Steppe, 2012a). In this wood, sap flux densities

ranging from -15 (reverse flow) to 100 cm3 cm-2 h-1 (high flow) were modelled. For

this model the CHP, HR, Tmax and Sapflow+ method were compared for 6 s heat

pulses of 160 W m-1. For the Tmax method, formulas for a non-ideal heat pulse as

mentioned in Kluitenberg & Ham (2004) adapted for anisotropic wood were applied

(Eq. 2.8, 2.9) (Vandegehuchte & Steppe, 2012c), while for the CHP (Eq. 2.5) and the

HR (Eq. 2.10) the original equations valid for an ideal heat pulse were applied

(Swanson & Whitfield, 1981; Burgess et al., 2001a). Notice that in these equations as

mentioned in Section 2.3, D really is the axial diffusivity Dax, as explained in Chapter


Both for the HR and the CHP method, the original equations are theoretically not

applicable for non-ideal pulses. For the HR method, however, it is mentioned in

Burgess et al. (2001a) that there was no significant difference when applying heat

pulses of 6 seconds compared to shorter pulses. This was also confirmed by

comparing the theoretical results of applying the original HR equation to the

temperatures as modelled by Eq. 6.1 and 6.2 for heat pulses ranging between 1 and

10 seconds. As no significant difference between these results was obtained, the

original HR equation was deemed valid for pulses of 6 seconds. For the CHP

method, on the other hand, an underestimation of 15 % was noticed when

theoretically applying the ideal heat pulse equation for non-ideal heat pulses of 6 s.

This underestimation needs to be taken into account when interpreting the results.

As all methods are based on the insertion of needles in the wood, distinction was

made between wood without and with wound effects, the latter modelled as regions

surrounding the sensor needles in which zero flow occurs with a width of 1.5 mm

and a length stretching from 0.2 mm below the lower to 0.2 mm above the upper

needle. This wound effect simulates the interruption of flow due to the invasiveness

of the needles and will lead to a diversion from the ideal condition on which all

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mentioned methods are based, namely a uniform flow distribution in the wood. This

leads to underestimations in the calculated heat velocities. Based on the modelling

results, however, a correction can be developed to take these wound effects into

account (Swanson & Whitfield, 1981).

6.2.6 Measurements of sap flux density in artificial sapwood

The Sapflow+ method was tested on an artificial stem segment, consisting of a

plastic cylinder filled with fine sawdust of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). This

artificial segment has the advantage of a radial homogenous sap flux density profile

and, given the high porosity, allowed a wide range of sap flux densities to be

applied. The segment was installed in a verification system as proposed by Steppe et

al. (2010) (Figure 6.2). Flow rates of water were held constant by maintaining a

constant head of water pressure on the segment using the Mariotte’s bottle principle

(McCarthy, 1934). A closed water-filled 5-L Erlenmeyer flask was equipped with two

glass tubes located at the same depth in the flask: one tube functioned as an air

inlet, while the other, connected to a third glass tube via flexible tubing, functioned

as a siphon. By adjusting the height of the flask (and thus the bottom of the air

inlet), the water-filled siphon delivered the flow of water required to maintain a

constant head (h = distance between the bottom of the air inlet and the surface of

the segment) on the segment, regardless of the changing water level within the

flask. Water passing through the segments was continuously measured using an

electronic balance (PS 4500/C1, Henk Maas weegschalen BV, 4264 AW Veen, the


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At the end of the measurements, the volume of the sawdust column was determined

and the sawdust was dried and weighed to determine the dry wood density. As high

flows for this artificial column were expected, a needle configuration of (10,0); (-5,0)

and (0,5) mm was applied for the axial downstream, axial upstream and tangential

needle, respectively, enabling comparison with the CHP method.

6.2.7 Measurements of sap flux density in sapwood

Next to the artificial segment, the method was also tested in sapwood of European

beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). To this end, two trees of approximately 15-years old with

a diameter at breast height of about 12 cm were cut at the experimental forest

‘Aelmoeseneie’ of Ghent University (Gontrode, Belgium). The cut ends were sealed

with parafilm (Parafilm M, SPI supplies/Structure Probe Inc., West Chester, PA

19380, USA) and enclosed in plastic bags to minimize evaporation. The stems were

Figure 6.2 Schematic diagram of the Mariotte-based verification system (from Steppe et al.

(2010)) used for testing the accuracy of the Sapflow+ method.

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then transported to the Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Ghent University, and cut into

segments of approximately 20 cm length.

Before installing the cut stem segments in the experimental set up, cut surfaces

were wetted and trimmed using a razor blade to re-open possibly closed vessels

(this was visually confirmed using a stereomicroscope). A 2-cm strip of bark at the

top end of the segment was removed to ensure that water only passed through the

stem xylem. On these segments, a 30-cm high plastic cylinder was fixed directly to

the xylem using silicone and double-sticking adhesive tape. After a drying phase of

~18 hours for the silicone to harden, the Sapflow+ sensor was installed. Accurate

vertical spacing and parallel drilling was achieved by using a drill-bit template.

Notice that before installing the sensors, the bark was removed to ensure that the

heater was completely located in the sapwood.

At the end of the experiment, a small disc of the segment was cut from which

volume, moist weight and dry weight after drying 24 h in a 50°C oven were

determined. From these values, water content and dry wood density were calculated.

Besides, the segment was cut through at the needle position to accurately determine

the exact spacing between the measurement needles and to measure the wound

width. As lower flows were expected in comparison with the artificial column, it was

preferred to compare the Sapflow+ results with the HR method. As it was noticed

that for distances of 10 mm, the axial downstream signal was rather low which

reduces the sensitivity of the HR method, a smaller distance of 7.5 mm was chosen,

resulting in a needle configuration of approximately (7.5,0); (-7.5,0) and (0,7.5) mm

for the axial downstream, axial upstream and tangential needle, respectively.

Following equation for the HR method was applied (Burgess et al., 2001a):

2 24 ln( / )

2 ( )

ax down up down up


up down

D t T T x xV

t x x (6.9)

with Dax the thermal diffusivity (m2 s-1), ∆T

down and ∆T

up the downstream and

upstream temperature differences, respectively, at time t after application of the

pulse and xdown

and xup

the exact axial downstream and upstream distances of the

measurement needles to the heater, respectively. Unlike the original HR equation

(Eq. 2.10), Eq. 6.9 takes into account differences in the upflow and downflow needle

distance. Thermal diffusivity was determined according to Cohen et al. (1981) as it

has been shown that the original method to determine Dax presented in Burgess et

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al. (2001a) was incorrect (Vandegehuchte & Steppe, 2012a). Table 6.1 summarizes

the applied materials, methods and objectives of this Chapter.

Material Method Objective



Finite Element Modelling Investigation of influence of

theoretical assumptions leading to

Eq. 6.1 & 6.2

Immobilized water

(2 g agar L-1)

Confirmation of modelling results

Wood Finite Element Modelling Estimation of wound effects

Comparison of heat pulse methods

Artificial column with


Gravitational validation of Sapflow+

Comparison with CHP method

Fagus sylvatica segments Gravitational validation of Sapflow+

Comparison with HR method

6.3 Results

6.3.1 Identifiability analysis

Figure 6.3a, b and c show the relative sensitivity functions for the ∆T signals,

respectively at position (10 mm, 0 mm), (-5 mm, 0 mm) and (0 mm, 5 mm) from the

heater needle. The sensitivity functions of the parameters are clearly different for

the different measurement positions. For instance, a positive Vh will have a negative

relative sensitivity for positions upstream and tangentially from the heater, while

the relative sensitivity will be (partly) positive for downstream positions. Kax,

however, will have a positive relative sensitivity for axial positions, but negative for

Table 6.1 Summary of the applied materials, methods and objectives.

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the tangential position and vice versa for Ktg. Figure 6.3d gives an indication of the

overall sensitivity of the parameters for different heat velocities. It should be noted

that, for zero flow, the sensitivity measure for Vh is much lower than for the other

parameters (not visible in Figure 6.3d). A 1 % change in Vh will hardly influence the

∆T signals if Vh is much lower than for the other parameters (not visible in Figure

6.3d). A 1 % change in Vh will hardly influence the ∆T signals if V

h is approximately

zero. Nevertheless, the model remains practically applicable as an error of 1 % in the

Vh determination for such a low value is negligible and, for higher absolute V


values, the sensitivity increases rapidly. Moreover, as the collinearity index remained

below 8.5 across the complete natural range of water contents and sap flux

densities (from -15 to 110 cm3 cm2 h-1 (Vertessy et al., 1997; Burgess & Bleby, 2006;

Cohen et al., 2008)), the model can be considered to be identifiable if the heat input

and measurement positions are known.


tive s












Time (s)

0 50 100 150 200


tive s











Vh (cm h-1)

-10 0 40 120



ity m











Vh -10 cm3 cm

-2 h


Vh 40 cm3 cm

-2 h


Time (s)

0 50 100 150 200


tive s

















(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6.3 Relative sensitivity functions for Vh (-10 cm3 cm-2 h-1: black, 40 cm3 cm2 h-1: grey), ρc

(2.4×106 J m-3 K-1), Kax (0.62 W m-1 K-1) and K

tg (0.42 W m-1 K-1) for position (10 mm, 0 mm) (a), (-

5 mm, 0 mm) (b) and (0 mm, 5 mm) (c) with reference to the heater. The sensitivity measures

for all parameters are given in (d) for different heat velocities.

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6.3.2 Sensor verification and calibration

Figure 6.4a shows the temperatures as obtained with FEM for a distance of 7.5 mm

from the heater in immobilized water. As this medium is isotropic, exactly the same

results are obtained whether the measurement needle is located axially or

tangentially from the heater. Compared to the theoretical Eq. 6.1 and 6.2, there is

only a small difference in temperatures obtained by FEM (Figure 6.4a). The small

differences are probably a result of the fact that in the latter, actual needles are

implemented with finite boundaries of a specific material, i.e. stainless steel. When

applying Sapflow+ to the FEM data, following values are obtained (relative difference

with the actual values is indicated between brackets): ρc: 4.108×106 J m-3 K-1 (-1.8 %),

Kax, K

tg: 0.6176 W m-1 K-1 (+1.2 %) and V

h: 0 m3 m-2 s-1.

In Figure 6.4b, actual measurements with the Sapflow+ sensor in immobilized water

are given. As, for the three measurement needles at (0,7.5), (7.5,0) and (-7.5,0) mm

from the heater, similar temperatures were obtained, the data are only plotted for

one needle. When comparing these measurements with Eq. 6.1 and 6.2, the theory

seems to overestimate the temperature. If, however, the heat input q, as calculated

Time (s)

0 50 100 150 200




re (










Theoretical Eq. 6.1 and 6.2

Curve fitting for FEM

Time (s)

0 50 100 150 200 250




re (°C









Theoretical Eq. 6.1 and 6.2

Curve fitting for 0.84*q

Measured temperatures

(a) (b)

Figure 6.4 (a) Temperature data at 7.5 mm from the heater for the Finite Element Model

(FEM) of immobilized water compared with the theoretical Eq. 6.1 and 6.2 for the thermal

properties of water (ρc=4.186×106 J m-3 K-1, Kax=K

tg=0.61 W m-1 K-1, V

h=0 m3 m-2 s-1) and the

application of Sapflow+ to the FEM data; (b) Measured temperatures with the Sapflow+ sensor

in immobilized water compared to the fitted temperatures for the q calculated according to

Campbell et al. (1991) and after calibration for q, leading to an optimal value of 0.84×q. For

both the FEM as the actual measurements, a heat pulse of 6 s and 160 W m-1 was applied.

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according to Campell et al. (1991) is reduced, a good fit is obtained (objective value

of 13.17 compared to 12 for an ideal fit).

Figure 6.5 stresses the importance of temperature correction. During the

measurement, the ambient conditions generally change during the day, influencing

the measured temperature peaks (Figure 6.5a). Without temperature correction,

application of the presented method would lead to erroneous results. Figure 6.5b

shows the curve fitting without calibration for the known thermal parameters of

stabilized water when no temperature correction is applied. When calibrating the

parameters of Eq. 6.1 and 6.2 to obtain a good fit, erroneous results are obtained

(ρc=4.344×106 J m-3 K-1 (+4 %), Kax=K

tg=0.824 W m-1 K-1 (+34 %)) and the fit only has an

objective value of 694 compared to a 2.54 for an ideal fit. If, however, a temperature

correction is applied, the method is again able to correctly determine the desired

variables from the curve fitting procedure. The data further shown, have been

corrected for temperature effects.

Time (h)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20















Water temperature at (7.5,0)

Air temperature

Time (min)

484 486 488 490 492













Corrected fit

Uncorrected fit

Uncorrected fit, calibrated

(a) (b)

Figure 6.5 (a) Measured air temperature and temperature in immobilized water at location

(7.5,0) mm from the heater for heat pulses of 6 s and 105 W m-1, applied every 45 min; and (b)

Measured water temperature for one heat pulse compared to the curve fit for ρc=4. 186×106 J

m-3 K-1 and Kax=K

tg=0.61 W m-1 K-1 with and without temperature correction. When calibrating

the fitted curve without temperature correction, values of 4.344×106 J m-3 s-1 (+4 %) for ρc,

0.824 W m-1 K-1 (+34 %) for Kax and for K

tg and 0 m3 m-2 s-1 for V

h are obtained.

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6.3.3 Comparison of heat pulse methods by FEM

In Figure 6.6a the calculated heat velocities according to the Sapflow+, Tmax, CHP

and HR method are given for FEM of sapwood without wound effects. Similar results

were obtained for other water contents and dry wood densities. Figure 6.7 shows

that, for HR measurements at high heat velocities, the upstream ∆T signal is nearly

zero while the downstream ∆T signal is lower than for lower heat velocities between

60 and 100 s, the time period for calculating the average ∆Tdown



-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

Fit SapFlow+

Vh FEM (cm h-1)

-20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140


















Tmax & CHP


R2=0.995(a) (b)

Figure 6.6 Heat velocity calculated according to the Heat Ratio (HR), Tmax, Compensation

Heat Pulse (CHP) and Sapflow+ method based on the temperature data obtained by FEM for

sapwood with a dry wood density of 550 kg m-3 and a water content of 0.75 without (a) and

with (b) wound effect. The heat velocity range for which each method is applicable is

indicated. The full line indicates the 1:1 line.

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In addition to accurately determining heat velocity, Table 6.2 indicates that the

Sapflow+ method is also capable of estimating the water content of the sapwood, a

crucial parameter for the conversion of heat velocity to sap flux density. Moreover,

the thermal conductivities of the sapwood are estimated as well, although less

accurately as the method is less sensitive towards these parameters.


ax SF+ K

tg FEM K

tg SF+

0.748 0.748 (±0.013) 0.6275 0.607 (±0.014) 0.42 0.46 (±0.0230)

0.855 0.861 (±0.007) 0.6634 0.637 (±0.030) 0.44 0.467 (±0.022)

0.955 0.921 (±0.016) 0.6964 0.663 (±0.028) 0.46 0.467 (±0.018)

1.045 1.04 (±0.007) 0.7263 0.687 (±0.048) 0.48 0.511 (±0.027)

Time (s)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120















Figure 6.7 The ∆Tup

and ∆Tdown

HR signal for a heat velocity of 100 and 110 cm h-1. While for

the ∆Tup

signal the difference for both flows is hardly noticeable, the ∆Tdown

signal between 60

and 100 s is clearly higher for Vh 100 cm h-1.

Table 6.2 Water content (MC), axial and tangential conductivity (Kax, K

tg) implemented in the

Finite Element sapwood model (FEM) and the corresponding average values for heat velocities

from -20 to 140 cm3 cm-2 h-1 calculated with the Sapflow+ method (SF+). Standard deviations

are given between brackets.

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In practice, however, sap flux density measurements are influenced by wound

effects. Figure 6.6b shows the modelling results when wound effects are introduced,

which more closely correspond to reality in comparison with Figure 6.6a. Clearly all

methods are affected. When fitting a linear regression, the Sapflow+ method led to

the best fit and highest slope, although the R2 value did not differ much compared

to the other methods (Table 6.3). When regressing the difference between the

Sapflow+ results and the results of the other methods, slopes were all significantly

different from zero indicating a significant difference between the Sapflow+ and the

other methods. For both the CHP and Tmax method, the intercept is also

significantly different from zero. Moreover, the R2 value for the regressed difference

between Sapflow+ and HR method is only 0.566 because of the inaccurate HR

results at high heat velocities (Table 6.3). The main difference, however, lays in the

applicability of the methods across the sap flow range. Based on these modeling

results, the Sapflow+ method is the only method leading to good results for

negative, low a well as high heat velocities. Hence, by applying a simple linear

wound correction (as can be seen in Figure 6.6b), accurate heat velocities across the

entire range of sap flux densities can be determined by this method. The wound

effect, however, also influences the calculated thermal parameters and hence water

content (Figure 6.8). For low heat velocities ranging between -15 and 45 cm h-1, the

thermal parameters and water content are determined quite accurately (relative

error <5 %). For larger absolute heat velocities, however, the relative errors increase

and become more dependent on the water content. Based on the modelling results,

however, a non-linear correction can be applied based on the pooled data for all

water contents which will reduce the error to a maximum of 7 %.


Slope 0.62* 0.56* 0.48* 0.31* 0.057* 0.100* 0.294*

Intercept 1.56 3.18 0.40 8.47* -1.62 4.857* -4.847*

R2 0.997 0.979 0.994 0.981 0.567 0.871 0.995

Table 6.3 Linear regression results of the different heat pulse methods resulting from the

Finite Element sapwood model (FEM) with wound effects. Results were regressed against the

implemented heat velocity Vh. Significant results are indicated by *.

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6.3.4 Measurements on artificial sapwood

Figure 6.9a shows the heat velocity calculated according to the Sapflow+ and the

CHP method in comparison with the gravimetric heat velocity for the artificial

column. As no direct measurement of MC was possible on the artificial column, the

value determined by the Sapflow+ method for zero flow was applied for all

measurements, given the negligible error for MC determination during zero flow in

the modelling results. This value was also applied to calculate gravimetric heat

velocity from the measured gravimetric sap flux density. In Figure 6.9b, the relative

error in MC determined by Sapflow+, with the MC at zero flow determined by

Sapflow+ taken as reference, is given. Again, the error increases with increasing heat

velocity because of the interruption of flow around the needles (wound effect).


(cm h-1


0 50 100 150





in M

C (








MC 75

MC 85

MC 95

MC 105





Figure 6.8 Relative error (%) of water content calculated as the difference in water content

determined by the Sapflow+ method and the model input water content divided by the model

input water content, for different water contents and heat velocities.

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6.3.5 Measurements on sapwood

For real sapwood segments of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), a maximal heat

velocity (derived from the sap flux density, dry wood density and water content of

the sapwood according to Eq. 2.4) of 45 cm h-1 was obtained (Figure 6.10a).

Regressing the Sapflow+ and HR results to the heat velocity led to a slope of 0.61

and R2 of 0.982 for the HR method, and 0.61 and 0.978, respectively, for Sapflow+.

Given an average wound width of 1.51 mm, the obtained slopes are in agreement

with the modeling results. Clearly, for heat velocities up to 45 cm h-1, the HR and

Sapflow+ method perform equally. This was confirmed by linearly regressing the

difference in the Sapflow+ and HR method results to the gravimetric heat velocity,

which did not lead to a significant slope (p=0.824) or intercept (p=0.697) (Figure

6.11). Nevertheless, differences between stem segments can be noted (Table 6.4). It

should be noted that, for both methods, measurements were only performed at a

single sapwood depth. While the relative error in calculated water content was on

average 0.8±1.4 % for zero flow conditions, it increased to 10 % for higher heat

velocities (Figure 6.10b).

Vh gravimetric (cm h-1)

0 50 100 150 200

Vh S




















0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160



e e

rror in










(a) (b)

Figure 6.9 (a) Heat velocity (Vh) in the artificial column calculated by Sapflow+ and the

Compensation Heat pulse method (CHP) in comparison to the gravimetric heat velocity

(determined from gravimetric sap flux density based on the water content calculated by

Sapflow+ for zero flow). The broken line indicates the 1:1 line; and (b) Relative error in water

content (MC) determination by Sapflow+ with the zero flow measurement as reference value.

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Vh gravimetric (cm h-1)

0 10 20 30 40 50

Vh S






















0 10 20 30 40 50



e e

rror in













(a) (b)

Vh calculated by Sapflow+(cm h


0 5 10 15 20 25

Vh c




by H

R (












Figure 6.10 (a) Heat velocity (Vh) in the stem segments calculated by Sapflow+ in comparison

to the gravimetric heat velocity; and (b) Relative error in water content determination by the

Sapflow+ method with the gravimetrically determined water content as reference value. For

the 5 segments, an average wound width of 1.51 mm was measured.

Figure 6.11 Heat velocity (Vh) calculated by the Heat Ratio method (HR) versus heat velocity

calculated by the Sapflow+ method for all sapwood segments. The full line indicates the 1:1


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S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Slope 0.46* 0.55* 0.68* 0.82* 0.60*

Intercept 1.1* 0.97 0.40 -0.73 0.29

R2 0.995 0.980 0.976 0.994 0.953

6.4 Discussion

6.4.1 Applicability of the Sapflow+ method

From the identifiability analysis, the model is theoretically able to correctly

determine Vh, ρc, K

ax and K

tg across the entire natural range of sapwood water

contents and sap flux densities. This was also confirmed by the results of FEM

(Figure 6.4a). For the measurements in stabilized water, the fit was not as accurate

as for FEM, unless the heat input was reduced in the Sapflow+ model (Figure 6.4b).

As the heater needles are manufactured manually, the heater wire is not entirely

inserted in the wood to facilitate coupling to the voltage source. Moreover, it is

likely that some of the generated heat is taken up by the heater material itself and

hence not given off to the surrounding wood. Therefore, a calibration procedure is

necessary to correct the parameter q for every sensor. As q is only dependent on the

heater needle itself and not on the thermal characteristics of the sapwood, this

sensor-specific correction should be applicable for all further measurements.

To determine q correctly, it can be incorporated in the model calibration. If the

quotient of the volumetric heat capacity ρc and the heat input q is again considered

as a single parameter q/ρc, this parameter can be estimated along with Vh, D

ax and

Dtg by applying a curve fitting procedure on following equations:



( )²1 ²exp




ax tgax tg

x V tq yT t dt

t D Dc D D

for 0 < t <= t0 (6.10)

Table 6.4 Linear regression results for the Sapflow+ method applied for the different stem

segments as shown in Figure 6.10. Significant results are indicated by *.

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1 ( )²1 ²exp




ax tgt tax tg

x V tq yT t dt

t D Dc D D

for t

0 < t (6.11)

Identifiability analysis shows that this curve fitting leads to accurate estimations of

q/ρc for low and average heat velocities (up to 50 cm h-1) but the procedure is no

longer identifiable for higher heat velocities. As a single wood core needs to be

taken anyhow to determine the dry wood density, also the MC of this wood core can

be determined by weighing its initial wet weight and its dry weight after drying. This

way, ρc can be determined:

d w dwc c MC c (6.12)

As ρc is now known at the moment of wood core sampling and q/ρc can

simultaneously be determined from the model fitting, the correct q can be assessed

and further applied in the measurements according to Eq. 6.1 and 6.2. This way, an

in-situ calibration is obtained which is more practical than the calibration procedure

based on measurements in stabilized water.

In addition to a correct heat input, precise positioning of the sensor needles needs

to be known to obtain good results, which was also mentioned by Swanson (1983),

Jones et al. (1988) and later by Kluitenberg et al. (1995) for other heat pulse based

methods. A 5 % error in needle spacing can lead to up to 16 % error in calculated

heat velocities and MC, with the error depending on the heat velocity and relatively

larger for lower flows (Table 6.5).

Similar error percentages were obtained for other MC values. It is thus

recommended to use a template to install the needles in the sapwood. In addition, a

fixed sensor design can aid users to avoid spacing errors.

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1 0.95 1.05 1 1 1 1 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 0.95 1 1.05 1.05 0.95 1 1 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.05 1.05 1.05


1 1 1 1.05 0.95 1 1 0.95 1.05 1.05 0.95 0.95 1.05 1 0.95 1 1 1 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 1.05 1.05 0.95 0.95

ytg 1 1 1 1 1 0.95 1.05 1 1 1 1 0.95 1.05 0.95 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 1.05 0.95 1.05 1.05 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.05

Vh 50 35 0.95 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.05 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 1.05 1.00 1.05 1.05 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.05 1.05 1.05


0.9 1.06 1.07 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.07 0.94 1.07 0.94 1.07 0.94 1.14 0.88 0.94 1.07 0.88 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.07 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Vh 100 61 0.95 1.05 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.05 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.05 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.05 1.05 1.05


0.9 1.27 1.06 0.94 1.00 1.00 1.06 0.94 1.06 0.94 1.06 0.94 1.10 0.89 1.10 1.06 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.94 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.00 1.00 0.89

Vh 20 13 0.90 1.11 0.95 1.06 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.05 0.84 1.16 0.95 1.05 0.90 1.06 1.11 1.11 0.90 1.06 0.95 0.95 0.84 0.84 1.05 1.16 1.16


0.9 0.92 1.05 0.95 0.99 1.01 1.07 0.94 1.07 0.94 1.04 0.96 1.14 0.88 1.13 1.08 0.89 1.02 0.99 0.95 1.06 1.00 0.98 1.11 1.00 1.03 0.90

Table 6.5 Error analysis for varying distances. The first three rows indicate the relative change in distance for the axial downstream, upstream and

tangential position, respectively. The second column shows the absolute results obtained by Sapflow+ for a Vh of 50, 100 and 20 cm h-1 and an MC of 0.9

implemented in FEM with wounding. The lower rows show the relative change in Vh and MC due to the positioning errors for these values of V

h and MC.

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6.4.2 Comparison of Sapflow+ with other heat pulse methods

Similar to previous studies (Swanson, 1983; Green et al., 2003), the FEM results

(Figure 6.4) show that the Tmax and CHP method are limited in determining

negative or low heat velocities (<5 cm h-1), which was also confirmed for the CHP

method in the artificial stem segment data (Figure 6.9a). Moreover, both Tmax and

CHP underestimate Vh even without modelled wound effects. For the CHP method,

this was expected, as the applied equation is not strictly valid for non-ideal pulses,

which can be seen as a general shortcoming of the method because, in practice,

pulses will never be ideal. Apparently, the Tmax method is more sensitive to the

probe material than the Sapflow+ or HR method, for which the results agree closely

with the 1:1 line without wounding. The HR method, furthermore, can resolve

reverse and low heat velocities (Figure 6.6, Figure 6.10a) and agrees well with

Sapflow+ for the stem segment measurements (Figure 6.11), but shows deviations

for high heat velocities (>110 cm h-1) in the modelling results (Figure 6.6). For these

high heat velocities, the HR heat velocity levels off or even decreases as ∆Tup

remains approximately the same, whereas ∆Tdown

slightly decreases between 60 and

100 s (Figure 6.7). Shifting the time period for which the average HR signal was

calculated led to only slightly better results for the higher heat velocities; this was

also indicated by Green et al. (2009), who stated that shorting the averaging window

or altering the probe spacing will not largely improve the measurement range of the

HR method. Moreover, for very high heat velocities, the ∆Tup

signal becomes so small

that the ∆Tdown


signal reaches extremely high values, leading to unrealistic high

heat velocity results. In practice, these flaws will worsen the applicability of the HR

method as ∆T signals below 0.02 °C are smaller than the detection limit of most

thermometric systems. Generally, a maximum heat velocity of approximately 55 cm

h-1 is presumed measurable with the HR method (Swanson, 1983; Burgess et al.,

2001a). A similar experiment for segments which allow higher sap flux densities

would be beneficial to assess the difference between HR and Sapflow+ for higher

flows. For these flows, the Sapflow+ method could make a difference, as it does not

suffer from these sensitivity problems because, similar to the HFD method, three

measurement needles are applied. This way, heat velocity can be accurately

determined across the entire range of sap flux densities when applying a correct

wound correction (Figure 6.5, Figure 6.9a). Given the symmetric positioning of the

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axial temperature sensors, it can be assumed that good results will also be obtained

for reverse flow in stem segments as the only difference will be that the upstream

sensor needle will become the downstream needle and vice versa. The smaller

underestimation for the artificial stem segment in comparison with the stem

segments (Figure 6.9a, Figure 6.10a) is probably a result of the larger pores, allowing

water to continue its flow path more easily around the sensor needles which results

in a smaller wound effect.

In addition to its applicability across the entire range of sap flux density, the

Sapflow+ method has the advantage that, unlike the Tmax or HR method, thermal

diffusivity does not need to be determined separately as it is included in the model

calibrations. Hence, thermal diffusivity will be a model output instead of an input,

which is known to be prone to errors (Green et al., 2003; Vandegehuchte & Steppe,

2012a). Another advantage is that the water content is simultaneously estimated

with heat velocity with Sapflow+, at least for low flows ranging between -15 and 45

cm h-1. Hence, unlike other methods which determine the sap flux density from the

heat velocity by measuring the sapwood water content only once (taking a

destructive wood core), Sapflow+ should enable regular updates of water content

values which will lead to more accurate sap flux densities. At higher heat velocities,

less heat is transported tangentially and radially, resulting in a narrower and axially

longer heat field in comparison with lower heat velocities. As the area in which flow

is interrupted by wounding lays within this narrow zone, the influence of this area

will become more important, in comparison with a more broad heat field for lower

heat velocities. When applying the non-linear correction (Figure 6.8), even

estimations of water content changes at higher heat velocities can be made,

although these will probably be less accurate as wound effects may vary depending

on wood characteristics.

6.4.3 Challenges for the Sapflow+ method

The regression results for the separate stem segments show clear differences (Table

6.4). This is probably a result of radial and azimuthal variation in flow within the

segments. As not only variation between trees but also within the sapwood of a

single tree can occur as a result of stress factors, measurements at different depths

seem indispensable. The application of multiple thermocouples at different depths

could easily solve this, as has been shown for the HR method, for which the

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commercial sensors enable measurements at two radial depths. Hence, given a more

complicated fabrication of the sensors, Sapflow+ should be able to allow

measurements at multiple depths. However, for ring-porous species with a marked

distinction in early and late wood, additional correction factors might be necessary,

similar as for other heat pulse methods (Chapter 2). In general, further validation of

the method on different species and at a wider range of flows is necessary.

Another challenge lays in the accurate determination of MC. While at low flows the

deviation from the gravimetric results seems acceptable (Figure 6.10), at higher

flows the error is much larger. Even though a wound correction equation can reduce

these errors, such an equation depends on the obstructed zone caused by needle

installation which is dependent on sapwood properties. As the size and shape of

this wound zone is not known in practical applications, MC determination at higher

flows will be subject to large uncertainties. Validation experiments in combination

with for instance Frequency Domain Reflectometry measurements should be

conducted to test the accuracy of MC determination during low and high flows.

A more practical issue is the design of the sensor. As applied in this study, the

sensor’s operational system is an adapted CR1000 logger. This system is, however,

not applicable in field conditions as it requires constant line voltage, has impractical

dimensions and necessitates laborious data analysis. Therefore, a stand-alone

sensor and coupled software should be developed which allows field applications

and rapid data-analysis.

6.5 Conclusions

Overall, the results indicate that Sapflow+, by combining a three needle design

similar to the HFD method with the strengths of a heat pulse regime as applied by

the HR, CHP and Tmax method, performs well in determining heat velocity across

the entire naturally occurring sap flow range (approximately -15 to 110 cm3 cm-2 h-1).

Moreover, water content at low flows (Vh<45 cm h-1) can be estimated, necessary for

the conversion of heat velocity to sap flux density. Nevertheless, wound corrections

are required to overcome underestimations of heat velocity and water content

determinations at higher flows. Thus far, existing wound corrections for the current

available sap flow measurement methods are based on models similar as the FEM

used in this study (Swanson & Whitfield, 1981; Burgess et al., 2001a). However, as

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wound effects seem to play a significant role in the performance of heat pulse based

sensors and the correction factors that need to be applied, further research on this

topic seems essential to obtain even more accurate results. It seems likely that

wound effects not only depend on needle diameters, but also on wood

characteristics which vary between and within tree species and might be influenced

by the heating process itself. Therefore, a combination of modelling, gravimetric

validation experiments and more advanced methods, such as MRI should be applied

to increase our knowledge on these wound phenomena and enable accurate wound

corrections for different wood types.

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7 7 Practical application of the

Sapflow+ method in mangrove

water research

After: Vandegehuchte, M.W., Guyot, A., Hayes, M., Welti, N. Lockington,

D. & Steppe, K. (2012). Opposite daily stem diameter changes for co-occuring

mangrove species raise questions on environmental and endogenous growth

control. In preparation.

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Chapter 7


7.1 Introduction

Mangroves grow worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions at the intertidal

zones between land and sea. While only occupying a global area of approximately 13

million ha, their north-south distribution, ranging from ca. 30°N to ca. 38°S, is large

(Quisthoudt et al., 2012) (Figure 7.1).

Their morphological and physiological flexibility allows mangroves to occupy areas

with large gradients in salt concentration (from oligohaline, with a salinity ranging

between 0.5 to 5 ppt to hyperhaline, with a salinity over 40 ppt ), substrate type

(from clayey to sandy sediments) and inundation regime (from twice a day to twice a

month or less) (Quisthoudt et al., 2012). Even though mangrove species show

common characteristics such as an extensive, shallow root system and salt

exclusion techniques, specific adaptations differ along mangrove species, often

resulting in typical zonation patterns (Krauss et al., 2008) with Rhizophora generally

restricted to the seaward side of the mangrove forest where soil water salinity and

inundation frequency are rather constant, while Avicennia can occur along the entire

intertidal zone.

The harsh environment, in which mangrove trees thrive, hinders water uptake and

plant growth in general. Mangrove soils are often high in organic matter, but

frequent inundation leads to slow decomposition and a low release rate of inorganic

nitrogen and phosphorus (Wanek et al., 2007). Moreover, flooding causes the soil to

become oxygen deficient and leads to accumulation of chemical compounds which

Figure 7.1 World map of the mangrove latitudinal limits (indicated by dots) for the two most

widespread mangrove genera Avicennia (full dots) and Rhizophora (open dots). AEP: Atlantic

East Pacific biogeographic region; IWP: Indo-West Pacific biogeograpic region (Quisthoudt et

al., 2012)).

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


negatively affect plant growth (Barrett-Lennard, 2003; Colmer & Flowers, 2008). To

enhance oxygen uptake, mangrove species are equipped with aerial roots which

contain aerenchyma tissue, allowing rapid diffusion of oxygen from the lenticels to

submerged or underground roots (Purnobasuki & Suzuki, 2005).

Next to oxygen depletion, flooding also leads to high salinity levels. Two major salt

resistance mechanisms can be distinguished, allowing the regulation of cellular Na+,

Cl- and K+ concentrations (Drennan & Pammenter, 1982; Flowers & Colmer, 2008).

Rhizophora primarily excludes salt at root level, based on ultrafiltration of salt from

the water via tiny pores on the root system. Avicennia, on the other hand, allows the

uptake of salt water at root level, filtering the salt locally through semi-permeable

membranes and secreting the accumulated salt through excretion glands at leaf

level. Other morphological adaptations limit water loss at canopy level, such as

thick leaves with waxy cuticles (Rhizophora) and submerged stomata surrounded by

trichomes (Avicennia).

Because of their specific adaptations, mangrove species have been able to colonize

intertidal areas which remained inaccessible for most other species. In this intertidal

zone, mangrove communities form nurseries and breeding grounds for a wide range

of birds and marine organisms as they offer shelter and trap plant litter, leading to

decomposition into nutrients and, hence, providing food (Hogarth, 2007). Moreover,

mangrove forests have proven to be important for wood production, as a CO2 sink

as well as forming buffer regions against storms and tsunamis, protecting coastal

ecosystems (Cahoon et al., 2003; Stone, 2006; Duke et al., 2007). To fulfil these

essential functions, a dense structure in which healthy young trees are

complemented by healthy, sufficiently large, older trees is necessary (Duke et al.,

2007). Mangrove forests, however, are known to decline worldwide by 1 to 2 % a

year because of urbanization, aquaculture, coastal landfills or indirect effects of

pollution and climate change (Valiela et al., 2001; Duke et al., 2007). Despite the

need to protect mangroves, it is remarkable how little is known about the link

between water use and growth characteristics of many mangrove species in field

conditions, even though this key information seems indispensible to understand the

unique life traits of mangrove and to assess future changes in mangrove forest

density and dispersion. Becker et al. (1997) were the first to measure sap flux

density in mangrove species, later followed by Krauss et al. (2007), Hao et al. (2009)

and Muller et al. (2009). On the other hand, research has been conducted on

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Chapter 7


mangrove stem growth based on growth ring analysis and stem diameter changes

(Downton, 1982; Schmitz et al., 2008; Alongi, 2011; Robert et al., 2011a; Robert et

al., 2011b). To our knowledge, however, no studies exist combining sap flow

measurements with stem growth patterns.

This chapter has the intention to investigate water use and coupled dynamic growth

of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. and Rhizophora stylosa Griff. as examples of

the two most dominant mangrove genera Avicennia and Rhizophora. Additionally,

the experimental set-up allowed to test the Sapflow+ method in harsh field


7.2 Materials and methods

7.2.1 Field site

Measurements were conducted at the west coast of North Stradbroke Island,

Queensland, Australia (S27°27.061’ E135°25.806’, Figure 7.2), a vegetated sand dune

island. The island is characterized by sandy soils and acidic waterbodies intertwined

by a complex mix of groundwater-fed lakes, swamps and creeks (Page et al., 2012).

These sandy soils and acidic waters lead to low nutrient availability in the mangrove

ecosystem (Rogers & Westman, 1977). According to the Köppen classification

(Kottek et al., 2006), North Stradbroke Island is subjected to a dry humid

subtropical climate, characterized by dry, cool winters and wet, humid summers. As

measurements were conducted during August and September 2012, dry conditions

were expected.

Figure 7.2 Location of the field site at the west coast of North Stradbroke Island, Queensland,


20 km



2 km

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


The field site was located in a long stretch of mangrove vegetation, dominated by

Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. (or grey mangrove) and Rhizophora stylosa Griff.

(or spotted red mangrove), intertwined by creeks, carrying fresh water from the

upstream inland tropical forest. On this field site, three full grown trees of both

Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. and Rhizophora stylosa Griff. were chosen, located

in proximity of each other to avoid tidal effects and spatial salinity gradients (Figure

7.3, Table 7.1). The field site was subjected to tidal movement, flooding the site

approximately twice every 24 hours.

1 m






Rhi1 Rhi2

Beach at 25 m


Tree Av1 Av2 Av3 Rhi1 Rhi2 Rhi3

DBH (cm) 19.4 30.6 18.1 18.8 11.7 17.2

7.2.2 Meteorological data

Air temperature, relative humidity, shortwave solar radiation, rainfall and

windspeed were measured and recorded every ten minutes at 2 m above soil surface

(HOBO weather station, Onset, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA). Vapour pressure

deficit (VPD, kPa) was inferred from measured air temperature (Tair

) and relative

humidity (RH) according to Buck (1981):

0VPD e e (7.1)

Figure 7.3 Schematic of the measured trees at the mangrove site on the west coast of North

Stradbroke Island, showing the measured Avicennia trees (grey circles), the measured

Rhizophora trees (white circles) and the location of the weather station (MET station).

Table 7.1 Diameter at breast height (DBH) of the measured mangrove trees.

Tree line at ±100 m

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with e the air vapour pressure and e0 the saturated air vapour pressure, calculated



17 276107

237 3



. Te .

T .

exp (7.2)

0e RH e (7.3)

Soil salinity and water table depth were determined with in situ pressure sensors

(Aqua Troll 200, In-Situ Inc., Fort Collins, CO, USA) installed in piezometers, located

close to the measured trees at depths of 25 and 180 cm. Actual measured soil water

conductivity (AC in mS cm-1) was converted to osmotic water potential


based on McIntyre (1980):

1 09110 . AC

log( )-1.46 (7.4)

7.2.3 Ecophysiological measurements

All trees were equipped with a dendroband (DRL26 – Logging Band Dendrometer,

ICT international, Armidale, NSW, Australia), continuously recording stem diameter

variations. Stem water potentials were recorded with stem psychrometers (PSY-1

Stem Psychrometer, ICT International, Armidale, NSW, Australia). These

psychrometers were cleaned and reinstalled as soon as the peltier curve indicated

that the thermocouples were soiled.

To assess sap flux density and sapwood water content, each tree was equipped with

a Sapflow+ sensor at the South side of the tree and a Heat Ratio sensor at the North

side. Sapwood cores were taken once to assess sapwood water content and dry

density gravimetrically and calculate the heat input of the Sapflow+ sensors as

described in Chapter 6. As the Sapflow hardware applied in Chapter 6 was not

practical to use in field conditions, a stand-alone logger was developed for each

Sapflow+ sensor. During instalment of the sap flux density sensors, the bark was

removed to ensure that the sensor needles were completely inserted in the

sapwood. The HR sensors measured sap flux density at 0.75 cm and 2.25 cm below

the cambium while the Sapflow+ sensors measured at depths of 1.5 cm and 2.5 cm

below the cambium. The HR sensors measured sap flux density each 15 min while

the Sapflow+ sensors had a frequency of one measurement each 40 minutes, the

time necessary for the heat generated by the hand-made heaters to be fully

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


dissipated. As the main interest of the research concerned relative patterns, we

chose not to convert measured heat velocity to sap flux density. This way, errors

because of the conversion to sap flux density based on MC and wounding were

avoided. Nevertheless, wound widths for both species were measured based on the

cutting of three branch segments per species in which example holes were drilled.

This resulted in average wound widths of 1.63±0.02 mm for Avicennia and

1.58±0.04 for Rhizophora.Besides these continuous measurements, stomatal

conductance was measured hourly approximately from sunrise till two hours after

sunset during four days (DOY 241, 247, 251 and 254) throughout the measurement

period, applying a dynamic porometer (AP4 dynamic porometer, Delta-T Devices

Ltd, Cambridge, UK) on Av1, Av3, Rhi2 and Rhi3. For every measurement, the

average of three leaves located close to each other was taken. Measurements were

always conducted on the same leaves throughout the day as well as for the different

measurement days.

7.2.4 Dynamic stem growth model

By slightly modifying the mathematical flow and storage model of Steppe et al.

(2006), a mechanistic model was obtained to assess dynamics in xylem and storage

water potentials based on stem sap flux density and stem diameter variations

(Figure 7.4). This model was applied as a tool to synthesise the conducted

measurements and derive trends in osmotic potential of the stem storage tissue.

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Chapter 7


1 exp outS a( (b D ))

2in outD D S

22 2st outV l( D S S )

0 4st st wW . V

exp outout

dDd Sab ( b D )

dt dt

2outin dDdD d S

dt dt dt

2 2st outout

dV dD d S d Sl S D S

dt dt dt dt

st stw

dW dV

dt dt





st st

p out p st ststout p p


d DdVD

dt dt V


st st

p out pst


d DdV

dt dt V

x r xSF R


soil soilk


inR D L

st x ststdWR


st st st


Stem flow and storage model

Stem diameter variation submodelStem water transport




Figure 7.4 Schematic overview of the model linking the dynamics of stem diameter variations

to stem sap flow and storage. The links between the two submodels as mentioned in the text

are indicated by arrows. Measurements of Dout

form the input of the stem diameter submodel

while the water transport submodel is run on SF measurements. Symbols are explained in the

List of abbreviations and symbols and in the text.

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In this model, the thickness of the stem storage compartment ∆S (m) is linked to the

outer stem diameter Dout

(m) via an empirical relationship (Génard et al., 2001;

Steppe et al., 2006):

1 exp outS a( (b D )) (7.5)

with a and b empirical parameters. Based on measurements of bark thickness and

stem diameter of the investigated Avicennia and Rhizophora trees, rough estimates

of a and b were obtained, with a=0.0035 and b=18.47 m-1 for Avicennia and

a=0.0153 and b=10.03 m-1 for Rhizophora, respectively. From ∆S and the measured


, the inner diameter of the stem Din consisting of the outer diameter minus the

storage tissue can be calculated, as well as the water flow (dVst/dt in m³ s-1) in and

out of the stem storage tissue, with l (m) the length of the stem which was measured

for both species. This Vst is directly linked to the storage tissue pressure water

potential st

p , distinguishing between elastic growth (st

p ) (Eq. 7.6) or both

elastic and plastic growth (st

p ) (Eq. 7.7) (Lockhart, 1965):


pst st


ddV V

dt dt



p stst stst p

el pl

ddV VV

dt dt


with the extensibility of cell walls in relation to non-reversible dimensional

changes (MPa-1s-1), the bulk elastic modulus of living tissue in relation to reversible

dimensional changes (MPa) and the critical value (in MPa) for the pressure

component (st

p ) which must be exceeded to produce (positive) growth in the

storage compartment. For this threshold pressure , different values have been

observed, ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 MPa (Green et al., 1971; Green & Cummins, 1974;

Hsiao & Xu, 2000). Based on the reasoning of Génard et al. (2001) that Γ has to be

higher for stem tissues than for the young tissues or individual cells on which most

of the measurements have been made, the upper value of 0.9 MPa was chosen for

the simulations.

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Chapter 7


The bulk elastic modulus is considered proportional to Dout

and st

p :



out pD (7.8)

with 0 a proportionality constant (Génard et al., 2001; Steppe et al., 2006).

The obtained variables from this diameter driven growth submodel can then be

applied in the water transport submodel. In this submodel xylem water potential

x (MPa) is derived from the root water potential r (considered proportional to

the soil water potential soil applying a proportionality factor ksoil

), the measured sap

flow SF (mg s-1) and the xylem resistance to flow Rx (MPa s mg-1). Rx and ksoil

can be

calibrated based on stem water potential measurements. If x is known, the water

potential of the storage tissue can be determined based on the flow to and from this

compartment and the exchange resistance Rs (MPa s mg-1) between stem storage and

stem xylem compartments. The latter is determined based on the assumption that

the stem storage and xylem compartments are separated by a virtual membrane

with a radial hydraulic conductivity L (m MPa-1 s-1) (Steppe et al., 2006). The mass

flow of water to and from the storage compartment is determined from the

volumetric flow assuming a constant water density of 1000 kg m-3 and taking into

account that only 40 % of the total stem storage volume Vst consists of water (Steppe

et al., 2006). Knowing the pressure water potential of the storage tissue from the

diameter submodel, the osmotic water potential of the storage tissue st

can then

be derived.

While ksoil

and Rx can independently be assessed through calibration of the modelled

xylem water potentials based on the psychrometric measurements, the parameters

L, and 0 remain unknown. Also, an initial value of


p must be fed to the model.

For L, values obtained from cells of higher plant tissues between 1.1×10-10 and

1.67×10-4 m MPa-1s-1 have been mentioned (Dainty & Preston, 1963; Dale & Sutcliffe,

1986). For cell wall extensibility , Hsiao et al. (1998) mention a range from 8.33×10-

6 to 5.56×10-5 for young plants, although for older tissues this the extensibility is

likely to be an order of magnitude lower (Génard et al., 2001). The elastic modulus

ranges from from 0 to 30 MPa for higher plant tissues (Dainty & Preston, 1963;

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


Dale & Sutcliffe, 1986), allowing a realistic estimation of 0 based on D

out and



values. For the initial value of st

p , st( in)

p , a value of 0.7 was applied.

From the derived st

and V

st, a measure for the total amount of osmotic active

compounds Neq (mol) in the storage tissue can be derived from the Van ‘t Hoff

equation (Eq. 1.3):

eq stN VRT


As no distinction is made between the different compounds or their osmotic

activity, Neq will be referred to as a number of osmotic equivalents.

The model, consisting of a set of algebraic and differential equations, was

implemented, simulated and calibrated using the modelling and simulation

software package PhytoSim (Phyto-IT BVBA, Mariakerke, Belgium). Table 7.2

shows the applied parameter values, based on Génard et al. (2001) and Steppe et

al. (2006).

Parameter Value

L (m MPa-1 s-1) 2.85×10-9

(MPa-1 s-1) 2.34×10-7

0 (m-1) 150

Table 7.2 Applied model parameters. These parameters were chosen within the ranges

mentioned in literature, based on expert knowledge.

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Chapter 7


7.3 Applicability of the Sapflow+ method in field conditions

7.3.1 Results

Heat velocity

Unlike in Chapter 6, it was not possible to set up a gravimetric validation

experiment at the mangrove site. Therefore, the Sapflow+ method was compared to

the HR method (Figure 7.5). Although a high correlation was obtained between the

Sapflow+ Vh measurements and those of the HR sensors (correlation coefficient

0.83), a pooled regression of all measured data did not lead to a clear linear relation

(R²=0.68) (Figure 7.5a). However, when regressing these measurements for each tree

separately, an average R² of 0.93±0.05 was obtained. Moreover, when applying Eq.

6.9 to the downstream and upstream temperatures measured by the Sapflow+

sensor, even the pooled data led to a good linear fit (Figure 7.5b).

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25

Vh H

R (














Vh SF+_HR=0.1+0.96Vh SF+R²=0.99

Vh SF+ (cm h-1)

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25

Vh S



R (c

m h









(a) (b)

Figure 7.5 (a) Heat velocity Vh as determined by the HR sensors versus V

h determined by the

Sapflow+ (SF+) sensors for all measured trees, both Avicennia and Rhizophora; and (b) Vh as

determined applying the HR method to the downstream and upstream temperature

measurements of the Sapflow+ sensor (Vh SF+_HR) versus V

h determined by the Sapflow+

sensor, both for Avicennia and Rhizophora. For the application of the HR method to the

Sapflow+ temperature measurements, Dax values as obtained by the Sapflow+ method were


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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


Water content

Figure 7.6a, c indicates that Vh and MC patterns are highly correlated (correlation

coefficient of 0.90), with MC showing a daily pattern similar to the Vh pattern: when

daily peaks were registered for Vh, also peaks in MC were noted both for Avicennia

and Rhizophora (Figure 7.6a, b), while for those depths for which Vh did not vary,

also no daily variation in MC was registered for both species (Figure 7.6c, d).

However, while Vh measured according to the Sapflow+ method showed no noise

throughout the entire measurement period, MC data became noisier even though Vh

patterns remained accurate (Figure 7.6b, d). While for some installed sensors, this

noise only occurred after more than a month, for others it emerged already after a

week. Nevertheless, despite this noise the observed MC patterns were still somehow

visible and remained unaltered throughout the measurement period.

226 227 228 229 230 231 232





















+ (c

m h








Day of the year

242 243 244 245 246 247 248







(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.6 Examples of water content (MC, black dots) and heat velocity (Vh, grey line)

measured according to the Sapflow+ method at the beginning of (a, c) and later on during the

measurement period (b, d). While a and b show measurements at an outer measurement point

where sap flux density showed a clear daily pattern, c and d show measurements at an inner

measurement point where there was very little variation in sap flux density. MC values were

corrected for flow effects based on the wound corrections mentioned in Figure 6.8 and Figure


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Chapter 7


As daily measurements of MC may be prone to errors, the nightly average of the MC

values from 19.30 till 5.00 h was determined to investigate the long term changes in

stem water content. To this end, data of subsequent days measured with the same

sensor were analyzed. Figure 7.7 shows nightly water content for Avicennia 3 and

Rhizophora 3. To assess long-term rise or decline in water content, a weighted linear

regression was conducted. This led to significant slopes of 0.1±0.03 % per day for

Avicennia 1, 0.07±0.02 % per day for Avicennia 3 and -0.05±0.01 % per day for

Rhizophora 3 while for the other trees the slope did not significantly differ from


7.3.2 Discussion

Heat velocity

As it is known that sap flux density and, hence, heat velocity can greatly vary

radially and azimuthally (Ford et al., 2004; Krauss et al., 2007; Saveyn et al., 2008), it

was not surprising that the pooled dataset of all Sapflow+ Vh measurements did not

lead to a good linear relation with the HR Vh measurements as both sensors

measured at different depths and different time intervals (Figure 7.5a). The high

correlation coefficient of the pooled dataset and the good linear regressions for

Day of the year

220 230 240 250 260 270 280


r conte




ter kg













Figure 7.7 Water content determined as the average of night-time (19.30 - 5.00 h) water

content measurements. Av3 and Rhi3 were chosen as for these trees, the longest

uninterrupted measurements with the same sensor were obtained.

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


each tree separately, however, indicated that the Sapflow+ sensors were able to

capture the same trends in Vh as the HR sensors. This was clearly confirmed when

comparing the Sapflow+ data with those obtained by applying the HR method on the

temperatures measured upstream and downstream with the Sapflow+ sensor (Figure

7.5b). These results are in agreement with the results from Chapter 6, showing that

the Sapflow+ and HR method perform equally for reverse to moderate flows. As the

highest measured Vh was 24 cm h-1, possible discrepancies between Sapflow+ and HR

measurements at higher flows could not be confirmed.

Unlike the theoretical calculations in Chapter 6, the Sapflow+ results and HR results

applying the measurements from the Sapflow+ sensor are not exactly equal as the

linear regression led to an offset of 0.1 and a slope of 0.96. This is probably because

of small differences between the actual needle distances and those measured and

applied in the Vh calculations as it has been shown that small offsets in needle

spacing can lead to large differences in Vh determination, both for the Sapflow+ and

the HR method (Chapter 6).

For the rest of this chapter, Vh values determined according to the Sapflow+ method

will be used. However, because of practical issues, some gaps occurred in the

Sapflow+ data. For these periods (approximately 11% of the data), Vh data were

interpolated based on the HR results obtained by the HR sensor from the same tree.

Water content

On an hourly time scale, MC clearly increased during the day when sap flow rose

and decreased again when sap flow declined. This is somewhat counterintuitive as it

is known that for most species MC should decline during the day and rise during

the night because of the lag between transpiration and sap flow (Jameson, 1966;

Borghetti et al., 1991). Moreover, the daily fluctuations in MC seem very large (up to

20 %). Nevertheless, similar patterns have been shown for gravimetric

measurements on twigs of Pinyon species during dry winters, although this pattern

was not physiologically explained (Jameson, 1966).

The observed noise is likely due to sensor properties which need further

improvement. As such, it was noted that the applied heaters slowly corroded

leading to unequal heat pulses and finally heater breakdown. As MC is much more

sensitive towards heat input than Vh, small changes in heat input can affect MC

results without affecting Vh. Additionally, MC is more closely correlated to thermal

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Chapter 7


conductivity which in practice may lead to identifiability problems, even though

theoretically the model is identifiable (Chapter 6). Optimization of the hardware and

a thorough comparison of the model parameters may further improve MC


On the longer term, however, MC results were readily interpretable. These results

indicated that there was little change in water content throughout the measurement

period. Even though these results could not be confirmed by an independent

validation, the obtained nightly averages seem realistic and the long-term patterns

plausible. As such, these long-term patterns can be coupled to other

ecophysiological variables when assessing the water use strategies of the species

under investigation.

7.4 Water flow and storage in Avicennia and Rhizophora

7.4.1 Results

Given the similar patterns in the ecophysiological variables for the three trees of

each species, the average of the three trees per species was taken for further

analysis. This way, a more general investigation of species water use was conducted,

rather than focussing on intra-species variability.

Ecophysiological measurements

Averaged heat velocity showed a good positive correlation with both radiation

(correlation coefficients of 0.83 and 0.78 for Avicennia and Rhizophora,

respectively) and VPD (correlation coefficients of 0.86 and 0.88 for Avicennia and

Rhizophora, respectively) (Figure 7.8). As soil water potential, at both measured

depths, varied very little with an average value of -2.1 MPa and a standard deviation

of only 0.1 MPa, heat velocity and soil water potential were not correlated, with

correlation coefficients 0.08 and 0.04 for Avicennia and Rhizophora, respectively

(Figure 7.8). While stomatal conductance for Rhizophora was very low during the

night and increased during daytime, the reverse pattern was measured for

Avicennia, showing large stomatal conductance at night-time. On average, stomatal

conductance values for Avicennia were higher than for Rhizophora (Figure 7.9).

While average heat velocity patterns were closely correlated for Avicennia and

Rhizophora (correlation coefficient 0.91), their stem diameter changes were

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


markedly different (Figure 7.8c, d). While Avicennia showed the classical pattern

where the diameter decreases in the morning and increases at night, diameters for

Rhizophora increased during the morning and decreased in the late afternoon,

remaining more or less stable at night-time. Stem water potentials for both species

were again similar, decreasing in the morning and increasing in the afternoon.

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Chapter 7


Heat velo


Vh (











m d



r (cm






r pote

ntial (M









r level

above s

oil (m






r ra


tion (

W m









D (k














Heat velo


Vh (











m d



r (cm









Day of the year

246 247 248 249Ste

m w


r pote

ntial (M








Soil WP

Water level

Diameter Rhizophora

Vh Rhizophora

Diameter Avicennia

Vh Avicennia

Stem WP Rhizophora

Stem WP Avicennia

Figure 7.8 Shortwave solar radiation and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) (a); Soil water

potential and water level above the soil (c); heat velocity Vh and diameter change for Avicennia

(c) and Rhizophora (d) and stem water potential for Avicennia and Rhizophora (e) during

standard days.

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


On 5 different days (DOY 231, 238, 245, 252, 258) throughout the dry measurement

period (no rain fell from DOY 224, the start of the measurement campaign, till DOY

262), a steep decline in average stem diameter of both Avicennia and Rhizophora

was noted (Figure 7.10 as an example). During these days, the stem diameter of

Rhizophora hardly increased or even decreased in the morning and further

decreased in the afternoon while for Avicennia, the decrease in diameter was much

larger than on standard days. During these days, it was noted that the VPD values

were higher during the morning and/or during the afternoon compared to standard

days, which was reflected in a steeper decline of stem water potential and

corresponding rise of heat velocity in the morning and vice versa in the afternoon.

Time (h)

05 09 13 17



l conducta

nce A




m s









l conducta

nce R














Figure 7.9 Stomatal conductance for Avicennia and Rhizophora, determined as the average

of measurements conducted during 4 standard days (DOY 241, 247, 251 and 254) during the

dry period.

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Chapter 7






n (

W m









D (k














l (M







-1.5 Wa

ter le






il (m)0.0



0.6Soil WP

Water level


t ve


Vh (












m d



r (cm






Day of the year

252 253 254 255Ste

m w


r p



l (M















t ve


Vh (











m d



r (cm











Diameter Avicennia

Vh Avicennia

Diameter Rhizophora

Vh Rhizophora

Stem WP Rhizophora

Stem WP Avicennia

Figure 7.10 Shortwave solar radiation and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) (a); Soil water

potential and water level above the soil (c); heat velocity Vh and diameter change for Avicennia

(c) and Rhizophora (d) and stem water potential for Avicennia and Rhizophora (e) during a

period with a typical diameter decline.

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


Modelled storage water potential patterns

In Figure 7.11 the model results of the standard conditions are shown. While for

Avicennia, the storage water potential lags behind the xylem water potential,

corresponding with a decreasing stem diameter in the morning and an increase of

stem diameter in the afternoon, the reverse pattern is visible for Rhizophora. This

difference in total storage water potential is caused by the time lag in storage

osmotic water potential (Figure 7.12a). Although the patterns are very alike, the

number of osmotic equivalents increases more rapidly for Rhizophora compared to

Avicennia (Figure 7.12b).

2D Graph 1

246.0 246.5 247.0 247.5 248.0 248.5 249.0


r pote

ntial (M











2D Graph 1


m d



r (cm












Day of the year

246.0 246.5 247.0 247.5 248.0 248.5 249.0


r pote

ntial (M










246.2 246.4 246.6 246.8 247.0 247.2


m d



r (cm








(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.11 Model results showing the diameter input and xylem and storage water potential

output for both Avicennia (a, b) and Rhizophora (c, d) during standard conditions. (b) and (d)

are more detailed representations of the model results for a single day.

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Chapter 7


For the days where a strong decline in stem diameter was observed, the xylem water

potential became more negative, enlarging the difference with storage water

potential for Avicennia and narrowing this difference for Rhizophora in the

morning, resulting in a stronger decline and less increase in stem diameter for both

species, respectively (Figure 7.13). In the afternoon, the more negative xylem

potential led to a larger difference with the storage water potential for Rhizophora,

magnifying the afternoon shrinkage. While both species show an increase in osmotic

equivalents in the stem storage volume (Figure 7.14), the osmotic potential remains

insufficiently negative to avoid the diameter decline.














Pa) R











Day of the year

246.0 246.5 247.0 247.5 248.0 248.5 249.0


otic e
































Figure 7.12 Osmotic potential of the storage tissue (a) and derived osmotic equivalents (b) for

Avicennia and Rhizophora during standard conditions.

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research



r pote

ntial (M









Day of the year

252.0 252.5 253.0 253.5 254.0 254.5 255.0


r pote

ntial (M












m d



r (cm








252.2 252.4 252.6 252.8 253.0


m d



r (cm












(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 7.13 Model results showing the diameter input and xylem and storage water potential

output for both Avicennia (a, b) and Rhizophora (c, d) during diameter decline conditions (with

a typical diameter decline during DOY 252). (b) and (d) are more detailed representations of

the model results for a single day.

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Chapter 7


Rain events

Despite their remarkably different growth pattern, stem diameters of both

Avicennia and Rhizophora showed an immediate increase during rain events (Figure

7.15 as an example of the first rain event). During rainfall at daytime, sap flux

density fell to zero while xylem water potential and stem diameter for both species

increased. However, also during night-time, when sap flux density was already zero

(or close to zero during high night-time VPD for Avicennia), the stem diameter of

both species rose rapidly. These rain events were crucial as each time, an increase in

diameter of more than double the standard difference in daily maximum and

minimum was obtained, muting the gradually decline in stem diameter for

Avicennia and even leading to stabilization for Rhizophora (Figure 7.16).



) A













) Rh











Day of the year

252.0 252.5 253.0 253.5 254.0 254.5 255.0


otic e






ia (
































Figure 7.14 Osmotic potential of the storage tissue (a) and derived osmotic equivalents (b) for

Avicennia and Rhizophora during diameter decline conditions (with a typical diameter decline

during DOY 252).

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r ra


tion (

W m









D (k





















rain S



r pote

ntial (M









r level a

bove s

oil (m





0.6Soil WP

Water level

Heat velo


Vh (















r Rhiz









16.215Vh Avicennia

Vh Rhizophora

Diameter Avicennia

Diameter Rhizophora

Day of the year

260 261 262 263 264 265 266


m w


r pote

ntial (M







-1.0Stem WP Avicennia

Stem WP Rhizophora







r Avic




Figure 7.15 Shortwave solar radiation, vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and rain (a); Soil water

potential and water level above the soil (b); heat velocity Vh and diameter change for

Avicennia and Rhizophora (c) and stem water potential for Avicennia and Rhizophora (d)

during a period with rainfall.

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Chapter 7


7.4.2 Discussion

Low flows: an indication of drought stress rather than proof against the

cohesion-tension theory

Similarly as suggested or measured in previous studies and reviews on mangroves

(Ball, 1988; Zimmermann et al., 1994; Krauss et al., 2007), measured heat velocities

and, hence, sap flux densities in our study were very low (maximal recorded heat

velocity of 24 cm h-1) (Figure 7.5, Figure 7.8, Figure 7.10, Figure 7.15). Zimmerman et

al. (1994; 2002) attributed these low flows to the presence of viscous, polymeric

substances in the xylem sap and hypothesized that these substances caused the

upward water flow by reducing the chemical activity of water. This hypothesis,

together with their pressure probe measurements which showed much less negative

xylem pressures than those obtained by the pressure bomb (Zimmermann et al.,

2004), led these authors to discard the widely accepted cohesion-tension theory (see

also Section 1.1.2). Becker et al. (1997), however, measured sap flux densities in

mangrove species which were very similar to those measured in a tropical heath

forest with a similar climate and concluded that sap flow rates of mangrove trees

are not necessarily unusually low. Although their experimental plot had freshwater

entering from streams and a sewer, it was not known if the trees relied on these

freshwater sources. As proven by isotope analysis, mangrove trees often do have

Day of the year

220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290


m d



r A











m d



r Rhizo


ra (c




















Figure 7.16 Stem diameter of Avicennia and Rhizophora during the measurement period.

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Application of the Sapflow+ method in mangrove research


access to freshwater lenses, enhancing water uptake (Lambs et al., 2008). It is,

hence, more plausible that the low sap flow rates noted in many mangrove studies

can be attributed to the high salinity of the available water, lowering the water

potential and thwarting water uptake. Given the very negative soil water potentials

(Figure 7.8, Figure 7.10) and the overall decline in stem diameter of both species

(Figure 7.16), the measured trees clearly suffered from drought stress. Hence, it is

not unexpected that these stressed trees want to reduce their water loss as much as

possible, resulting in low flows and rather low stomatal conductances during the

day (Figure 7.9). Moreover, the measured stem water potentials in this study show

that mangrove trees do establish highly negative stem water potentials, conform the

cohesion-tension theory.

Stem diameter variations: time lag and/or osmotic regulation?

When interpreting the plant water status, the radial transport between the xylem

and surrounding storage tissues is of crucial importance as it allows turgor to build

up which ultimately leads to plastic growth if a threshold pressure is overcome

(Lockhart, 1965). Moreover, water in the storage tissue buffers discrepancies

between water demand and supply. As such, it has been commonly accepted that a

clear time lag exists between the transpiration at leaf level and the water uptake at

root level, caused by the hydraulic resistance between the two (Zweifel et al., 2000;

e.g. Peramaki et al., 2001; Sevanto et al., 2002; Steppe et al., 2006) (see also Section

1.3.1 and Figure 1.11). This time lag causes a decrease in stem diameter in the

morning as then the water supply from the roots lags behind the transpiration at

leaf level, necessitating water flow from the storage compartments (Hinckley &

Bruckerhoff, 1975). In the afternoon, when xylem water potential rises because of a

decreased atmospheric water demand, water again flows back to the storage tissues,

resulting in a diameter increase (Molz & Klepper, 1973).

Despite this commonly accepted morning shrinking and afternoon swelling pattern

of trees, reverse diameter patterns as shown for Rhizophora (Figure 7.8d, Figure

7.10d) have been mentioned before for crasulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants

(Gouws et al., 2005; Matimati et al., 2012). These CAM plants are characterised by

night-time acquisition of CO2 through open stomata, which is then stored as foliar

organic acids. During daytime, decarboxylation of these acids allows for

photosynthesis behind closed stomata (Osmond et al., 2008). However, the

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measurements of low night-time and higher daytime stomatal conductance coupled

with a daily sap flux density pattern clearly indicate that Rhizophora stylosa Griff.

cannot be considered a CAM plant (Figure 7.8d, Figure 7.9, Figure 7.10d).

For many, mostly herbaceous, species, daytime stem diameter increase can be noted

during conditions of very low to zero VPD and sufficient soil water availability. This

phenomenon is caused by the active loading of solutes into the xylem and

subsequent osmotic uptake of water and is termed root pressure (Kramer & Boyer,

1995). During conditions of low transpiration, the solutes retained in the

endodermis and transported to the xylem allow root pressure to build up, causing

an upward water flow which can then be radially transported to the storage tissues

(Steudle & Peterson, 1998). Even though for Avicennia early morning growth peaks

could be seen when VPD was zero and root pressure may have been present for both

species during these conditions, it cannot explain the daily growth pattern of

Rhizophora as diameter increase continued when VPD increased and xylem water

potential decreased (Figure 7.8, Figure 7.10). To our knowledge, a similar

combination of morning diameter increase and afternoon decrease together with a

classical sap flux density and stem water potential pattern has not been presented

in literature so far.

By which mechanism then, if not CAM or root pressure, do these differences in

growth pattern for both species, influenced by the same environmental conditions,

occur? The results of the mechanistic model based on the cohesion-tension theory,

show that the different growth patterns can be explained by a difference in time lag

between xylem and storage water potential (Figure 7.11, Figure 7.13) and suggest

that both species show a daily pattern of osmoregulation in the storage tissue

(Figure 7.12, Figure 7.14). A slightly earlier increase of osmotic active compounds in

the storage tissue, allows the storage compartments of Rhizophora to draw water

from the xylem during the morning, whereas for Avicennia, the slightly delayed

increase in osmotic compounds causes the storage water potential to be less

negative than the xylem water potential, resulting in diameter decrease (Figure 7.12).

If, however, VPD is high during the morning, xylem water potential decreases

relatively more than the storage water potential. Apparently, the osmotic regulation

of the storage tissue is not capable of compensating this drop in xylem water

potential, resulting in a stronger diameter decline for Avicennia and reduced

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diameter increase or even decrease for Rhizophora (Figure 7.10, Figure 7.13, Figure


Rain as important growth factor

Despite the reversed daily diameter variation patterns of Avicennia and Rhizophora,

both species immediately showed a large diameter increase at the onset of rainfall

(Figure 7.15, Figure 7.16). While rainfall is known to induce stem diameter increase

as it leads to a sudden drop in xylem water potential, similarly as during stomatal

closure in the afternoon, here the growth peaks occurred both during daytime and

night-time rain events, implying another mechanism. As the diameter responses

were immediate, whether at high or low tide, and sap flux density was zero during

these growth peaks, also rain water uptake from the soil can be excluded. This

leaves direct canopy uptake of the rainwater as the most plausible mechanism

resulting in the observed diameter increases.

Foliar water uptake has been described for many species, especially in drought

stress conditions, improving photosynthetic performance and growth and is now

considered to be a widespread phenomenon (Dawson, 1998; Burgess & Dawson,

2004; e.g. Breshears et al., 2008; Limm et al., 2009; Simonin et al., 2009; Goldsmith

et al., 2012). While the pathways for foliar uptake are not entirely unravelled, the

cuticle (Yates & Hutley, 1995; Limm & Dawson, 2010), trichomes (Franke, 1967) and

hydathodes (Martin & von Willert, 2000) have been identified as gateways for water

uptake, while stomatal pores used to be expected not to allow penetration of water

films (Schönherr & Bukovac, 1972). Recently, however, Burkhardt et al. (2012)

showed that stomatal penetration of water is possible, especially in the presence of

salts. Hence, given their trichomes and salt exclusion glands, mangrove species

seem well fit to allow foliar absorption. Unlike in several other foliar water uptake

studies, no reverse sap flow was noted during rain events. It is, however, possible

that the rainwater was directly transported to the storage compartments or only

occurred in specific parts of the xylem. The latter would be in agreement with the

patchy growth pattern that has been noticed for Avicennia (Schmitz et al., 2008).

Independent of the mechanism of rainwater uptake, it is clear that the rain events

are crucial for the survival of both Rhizophora and Avicennia as without rain, both

species clearly suffered from the stress conditions caused by the saline

environment, resulting in highly negative soil water potentials (Figure 7.16). Despite

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periods of slight diameter increase, days characterised by high morning or evening

VPD caused diameters for both species to decline on average during periods without

rain, indicating that at this location, both species are functioning close to their

hydraulic limits. In these circumstances, only rain seems to allow for sufficient

hydraulic recovery.

Endogenous regulation versus environmental dynamics

From the above, it seems that stem diameter variations and coupled growth are the

result of both endogenous control and environmental dynamics. This has previously

been suggested for growth patterns of leaves and roots (Walter & Schurr, 2005). This

implies that, to allow correct predictions of plant behaviour based on mechanistic

modelling, the latter must also include these endogenous adaptations, especially as

our results show that very small differences in osmotic active compound regulation

can have drastic influences on important plant physiological variables such as the

stem diameter. Next to these endogenous influences, also alternative hydraulic

pathways such as canopy water uptake will need to be included in cohesion-tension

based models.

To this end, further research is needed to unravel the complex interactions between

environmental and endogenous control of growth, whether on molecular or entire

plant level. This will include the determination of storage osmotic water potentials

and identification of osmotic active compounds, assessing the variability in xylem

and storage hydraulic resistances and further elucidating alternative hydraulic

pathways. A more thorough knowledge on how these features influence stem

diameter variations will result in more insight into why species differ in growth

patterns and, hence, which growth strategies are more beneficial, depending on

environmental conditions. Moreover, it will allow assessing the relative importance

of endogenous regulation and environmental dynamics to long-term growth.

7.5 Conclusions

Although the time lag between transpiration and root water uptake has proven to

greatly influence stem diameter variations, endogenous regulation of growth

patterns must not be neglected. We demonstrated that, despite their occurrence in

the same environment, Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. and Rhizophora stylosa

Griff. showed markedly different stem diameter variation patterns. Based on a

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mechanistic stem diameter and flow model, these differences were attributed to

small shifts in osmotic compound loading in the stem storage compartments. In

spite of these daily differences, both species showed an average decline in stem

diameter with characteristic short-term declines when VPD was high, pointing to

drought stress. Similarly, stem diameter of both species immediately increased

during rain events. Hence, while daily differences were based on endogenous

regulation, the average growth was mainly determined by environmental dynamics.

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8 8 General conclusions and


The main focus of this PhD study was to improve and critically comment on

measurements of sap flux density, based on sound thermodynamic principles. In

this concluding chapter, the main findings of this research are briefly summarized.

Afterwards, the remaining unanswered questions are discussed and suggestions for

future research are put forward.

8.1 Research outcome and scientific contributions

Existing continuous sap flux density methods should be considered empirical and

necessitate calibration

Measurements of sap flow are indispensable in plant physiological research and

applications as they link hydraulic processes throughout the entire Soil Plant

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Atmosphere Continuum (Chapter 1). These measurements can be focussed on total

sap flow through the stem or a stem section or on changes in sap flux density,

allowing to assess spatial differences in sap flow (Chapter 2). Within the latter, a

distinction can be made between methods applying continuous heating and those

based on the application of heat pulses. As mentioned in Chapter 2, the continuous

Thermal Dissipation method is not derived from the basic heat conduction-

convection equation, unlike the heat pulse methods. For these heat pulse methods,

actual conditions do not differ too much from the assumptions of an ideal heater in

an infinite medium as heat pulses are rapidly dissipated in the medium. For

continuous methods, however, this is not the case, as in real life applications, finite

boundaries will limit the continuous heat dissipation. This makes theoretical

derivations from the heat conduction-convection equation as basis for continuous

heat methods difficult. This was confirmed in Chapter 3, where it was shown that

also the continuous Heat Field Deformation method should be considered empirical,

linking an empirically derived temperature ratio to sap flux density. Given their

empirical nature, these continuous methods necessitate a species-, or even tree-

specific calibration. Even though these methods have their benefits as they allow

continuous measurements, are easily applicable because of low costs and simple

methodology (TD method) or because of their high sensitivity towards a large sap

flux density range (HFD method), they should be used with caution. Moreover, these

continuous methods are more susceptible to Natural Temperature Gradients than

the heat pulse methods and require more power, making them less suited in remote

field locations. Also, wound effects are harder to take into account as it is difficult

to assess whether deviations from reference or modelled sap flux densities are due

to the empirically determined coefficients or due to actual wounding. Because of

these reasons, heat pulse methods seem more adequate to accurately determine sap

flux density.

The anisotropy of sapwood needs to be accounted for in sap flow method

development and modelling

Although acknowledged by Marshall (1958), the anisotropy of sapwood has often

been overlooked during heat pulse sap flow method development and modelling as

the existing methods and many of the models are based on the isotropic heat

conduction-convection equation for an ideal heater in an infinite medium.

Fortunately, Chapter 4 shows that, as the Compensation Heat Pulse, Tmax and Heat

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Conclusions and perspectives


Ratio heat pulse methods are derivations from this isotropic equation, these

methods remain applicable for anisotropic sapwood. For several model applications

and recently developed adaptations of sap flux density approaches, this is, however,

not the case. Therefore, it is advised to consequently refer to the anisotropic heat

conduction-convection equation instead of the isotropic equation and to clearly

distinguish between axial, tangential and radial sapwood properties, as was done

during the development of the Sapflow+ method in Chapter 6. This will, hopefully,

avoid further confusion and future errors in modelling and method development

and interpretation.

A distinction must be made between bound and unbound water to determine

thermal wood properties based on the method of mixtures.

In Chapter 2, it was described how the Heat Ratio method was developed as a

method enabling low and reverse flows, which is of crucial importance in studying

hydraulic redistribution processes (Chapter 1). The developers of this method

preferred not to determine axial thermal diffusivity based on the heat pulse itself as

was proposed for the Tmax method (Chapter 2) as this method necessitates zero

flows and is susceptible to errors. Unlike for the Tmax method, a deviation in

thermal diffusivity will lead to a percentually equal deviation in heat velocity for the

HR method. Therefore, thermal diffusivity determination was based on a method of

mixtures for a single cell model, taking into account volumetric heat capacity and

thermal conductivity of wood, air and water. This way, axial thermal diffusivity can

be derived based on a single wood core from which dry wood density and water

content are determined. However, in this method of mixtures, no distinction was

made between bound and unbound water, inducing an error which is dependent on

dry wood density and water content (Chapter 5). Therefore, a new equation was

proposed, taking into account the amount of bound water based on the fibre

saturation point of the sapwood. Although more accurate, this correction

necessitates a good estimate of the fibre saturation point, a parameter which can

not readily be measured and must be derived based on an empirical relation with

dry wood density.

Directly fitting measured temperature changes on axial and tangential positions

from the heater to the anisotropic heat conduction-convection equations allows

for independent estimation of heat velocity and thermal wood properties.

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In response to the limited measurement range of the Compensaion Heat Pulse,

Tmax and Heat Ratio method and the difficulties to accurately determine axial

thermal diffusivity, needed to calculate heat velocity for both the Tmax and Heat

Ratio method, an improved method, the Sapflow+ method, was proposed (Chapter

6). This method directly fits the anisotropic heat conduction-convection equation

for an ideal heater in an infinite medium to the temperature profiles measured both

axially and tangentially from the heater. The combination of these axial and

tangential measurements is necessary for the method to be sensitive towards the

entire naturally occurring sap flux density range, a feature that is not present in

previously developed heat pulse methods, even though it is applied in the

continuous Heat Field Deformation method. The Sapflow+ method has the

advantage that heat pulse velocity is determined independently from thermal wood

properties. Moreover, these properties are simultaneously estimated during the

curve fitting procedure, allowing for water content determination. This method was

validated both in laboratory conditions on cut stem segments (Chapter 6) and in

mangrove field conditions (Chapter 7). During the field experiment, the Sapflow+

method performed well in determining heat velocity and allowed the assessment of

long-term water content variation. Further validation experiments, in which a better

hardware design is coupled to independent water content estimates, should be

conducted to investigate the cause of the short-term water content variation and the

observed noise.

Small shifts in osmotic loading of the storage tissue can result in markedly

different stem diameter variation patterns.

Stem diameter variations are functionally explained by the time lag between the

transpiration at leaf level and the water uptake at root level, caused by the hydraulic

resistance between the two (Chapter 1). Because of this time lag, stem diameters

typically decline in the morning and increase again in the late afternoon. This same

time lag explains the reverse pattern for CAM plants, as these plants open their

stomata at night and close them during the day. In Chapter 7, however, we showed

that another mechanism must be involved in stem diameter changes as for

Rhizophora, the stem diameter increased in the morning and decreased in the

afternoon, even though stomata were closed during night-time. We hypothesize that

this remarkable pattern is caused by endogenous osmotic regulation of the storage

water potential which allows refilling of the storage tissues. From our modelling

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Conclusions and perspectives


results, small shifts in osmotic loading can lead to markedly different stem

diameter variations patterns. This conclusion has significant implications for

hydraulic plant modelling as, besides environmental dynamics, this endogenous

control needs to be taken into account to accurately predict plant growth.

8.2 Future perspectives

Increasing the accuracy of sap flow measurements is crucial to assess plant water

use, investigate hydraulic pathways and validate hydrodynamic plant models. This

PhD study attempted to improve sap flow methodology by pointing to some flaws in

existing methods, proposing corrections and presenting an improved approach to

determine sap flux density and thermal sapwood properties. Nevertheless, still

many questions related to sap flow measurement methodology remain unanswered.

These questions together with suggestions for future research are listed below.

Unravelling the mechanisms of short and long term wounding

As indicated in Chapter 2 and Chapter 6, heat velocity measurements are

influenced by wound effects, comprising both short and long-term effects. When

inserting measurement and heater needles in the plant xylem, flow is locally

obstructed which has a direct influence on heat velocity measurements, both for the

continuous and the heat pulse methods, as has been shown based on Finite Element

Modelling (Swanson & Whitfield, 1981; e.g. Burgess et al., 2001a; Green et al., 2003;

Wullschleger et al., 2011). Even though the influence of flow obstruction has been

assessed in various models by implementing obstruction zones as regions of zero

flow with a width proportional to the installed needle diameter, further research

needs to be conducted to determine the actual shape and variability of the xylem

zone influenced by needle insertion. It is likely that not only width, but also length

of the obstructed zone will be dependent on needle diameter. Moreover, both width

and length will depend on thermal wood properties as well. Together with this flow

obstruction pattern, also local alteration of sapwood properties such as wood

density, fibre direction and water content due to drilling and needle installation

need to be further investigated (Barrett et al., 1995). Research on these small-scale

phenomena poses, however, several challenges. By varying the width and length of

flow obstruction zones in Finite Element Models, combined with varying wood

properties, a more profound insight on the effects of wounding on sap flux density

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Chapter 8


measurements will be obtained. Nevertheless, more advanced methods will be

needed to assess wound effects in actual plants. In this respect, a combination of

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and wood anatomical studies seems most suited to

investigate short-term wound effects for different tree species.

Next to these short-term effects, needle installation also has consequences on the

longer term as the defence mechanisms of trees will react to the intrusion of this

foreign material. Production of resin and formation of wound tissue will alter wood

properties and, hence, heat dissipation in the sapwood in the longer term (Moore et

al., 2009). As these influences can be avoided by regularly reinstalling the sensors,

little attention has thus far been paid to long-term wounding. Nevertheless, for long

measurement periods, attention must be paid not to falsely interpret changes in sap

flux density caused by this long-term effect. It would be interesting to set-up an

experiment during which sap flux density of several species is measured, applying

both stationary sensors and sensors that are frequently relocated on the same tree.

This way, an easy assessment of the effect of long-term wounding could be

obtained. Additionally, pinning experiments may provide further inside in the

anatomical development of wound tissue.

Accounting for differences in wood anatomy in heat based sap flow methods

In Chapter 2 it was mentioned that Clearwater et al. (1999) proposed a correction

factor for the Thermal Dissipation method for those cases where part of the probe

was in contact with nonconducting xylem or bark, as heat will also be dissipated in

these tissues while they do not contribute to the sap flow. Similarly, it can be

expected that additional corrections are needed when measuring in sapwood

characterized by a non-uniform distribution of sap conducting elements and/or

other functional tissues. While such correction factors can be derived empirically for

the measured species (Swanson, 1994), a more mechanistic approach, in which

different vessel sizes and tissue characteristics are implemented in sap flow method

models, will increase our knowledge as to how these factors influence sap flux

density measurements. Similarly, it might be interesting to model and assess the

impact of radial and tangential flows as sap flux density methods only take axial

flow into account, although for most species axial and tangential flows will only

have a marginal contribution to total stem flow.

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Conclusions and perspectives


Further optimization of water content measurements with the Sapflow+ method

The Sapflow+ method (Chapter 6) was developed to allow heat velocity

measurements across the entire naturally occurring sap flux density range,

independent of thermal sapwood properties. Moreover, as the latter were

simultaneously obtained from the curve fitting procedure, the Sapflow+ method

also enables water content determination. However, the method was only tested in

lab conditions on a single species. Further lab validation on other species is

necessary to confirm its applicability.

Even though during a field experiment the Sapflow+ method allowed heat-velocity

determination and revealed long-term water content patterns (Chapter 7), short-

term water content profiles were susceptible to noise. The cause of this scattering in

field conditions needs to be further investigated, based on validation experiments in

which an independent measure of sapwood water content can be obtained. To this

end, water contents can be determined based on wood core sampling or Magnetic

Resonance Imaging. These methods, however, are not evident. Water content

determination based on wood core sampling requires careful core drilling and

handling as water content may be influenced by evaporation or water absorption.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, on the other hand, remains difficult to apply in field

conditions and needs highly specified parameter tuning. Nevertheless, both

methods would be interesting to compare with the Sapflow+ method. Recently,

Frequency Domain Reflectometry has been put forward as an accurate method to

determine sapwood water content. Combining this method with the Sapflow+

method may allow pinpointing the advantages and disadvantages of both methods,

both in laboratory and field conditions.

Integration of stem water content as variable in plant physiological research and


So far, stem water content has often been neglected as an important plant

physiological variable because of its impractical determination. Nevertheless, the

Sapflow+ method holds the promise of enabling stem water content measurements,

enabling the applicability of stem water content as an indicator for drought stress

or vulnerability to insect or fungus colonisation. Moreover, it can be related to water

capacitance, stem diameter variations and cavitation events. As such, stem water

content could be an interesting variable to integrate in hydrodynamic plant models.

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Chapter 8


Unravelling the importance of endogenous control of stem diameter changes and

coupled growth

In Chapter 7 it was shown that two species influenced by the same environmental

dynamics can show entirely different patterns in stem diameter variation, pointing

to endogenous control of stem diameter changes and growth. The mechanisms

behind this endogenous regulation, however, still need to be clarified in further

studies. Given the complexity of growth regulation, studies will have to focus on the

molecular, tissue as well as the entire plant level. Within these studies, plant water

and carbon relations need to be coupled, assessing how carbohydrate metabolism

influences osmotic storage potential and is linked to diel growth dynamics. By

sampling the bark and xylem tissue, diel patterns of osmolite concentrations can be

obtained to confirm the modelling results. Based on chemical analysis, it can then

be derived which of the osmotic compounds has the greatest influence on storage

water potential and could reveal possible species specific metabolism pathways. By

varying the salinity and nutrient concentration of the soil water in combination with

varying microclimatic conditions in a controlled environment, their influence on the

daily stem diameter variations can be assessed, further elucidating the cause of the

observed shrinkage events and the difference in pattern between the two species.

Additionally, labelled isotope experiments could be applied to confirm the canopy

water uptake hypothesis and provide insights into the water uptake pathway.

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Just as carbon, water is indispensable for plants to develop and grow. A lack of

water causes turgor loss in plant cells which prevents further expansion of these

cells and the coupled incorporation of carbon sources in the cell wall. This inhibits

growth and, if this water scarcity continues, plant dimensions such as the stem

diameter will start to decrease. Finally the plant will lose its vital functions and die.

Worldwide, sap flow methods are applied to monitor plant water status and validate

vegetation models. These methods determine flow direction as well as relative and

absolute flow, forming the link between plant water uptake, release and storage.

Hence, whether to assess the correct irrigation dose, to monitor forest vitality or to

obtain trustworthy modelling results, reliable sap flow measurements are


The most commonly applied sap flow methods are based on heat dissipation in the

sapwood. Within this group, a distinction can be made between those methods

determining the total flow per time inside a stem or stem section and those

assessing sap flux density, the flow per surface per time. While the former are

widely applied in irrigation and other applications necessitating an estimation of

total plant water use, the latter are applied to investigate specific hydraulic

pathways and processes as they allow to distinguish spatial patterns in sap flow,

both axially, radially and azimuthally.

In this PhD study, the accuracy and applicability of the most important sap flux

density methods were investigated. To this end, the underlying thermodynamic

theory was studied, Finite Element Modelling (FEM) conducted and lab experiments

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on cut tree stem segments were undertaken, complemented with a field study on

Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. and Rhizophora stylosa Griff.

By investigating the thermodynamic interpretation of the thermal diffusivity as

sapwood property, it became clear that the link between the Heat Field Deformation

(HFD) temperature ratio and sap flux density, based on this thermal diffusivity, was

incorrect. It was concluded that therefore, the continuous HFD method should be

considered merely empirical, similar to the Thermal Dissipation method. Moreover,

based on FEM, an improved empirical correlation between the HFD temperature

ratio and sap flux density was proposed.

Also for the methods based on the application of heat pulses, a flaw in the basic

theory was noted. These methods are based on the isotropic heat conduction-

convection equation for an ideal heater in an infinite medium. Sapwood, however, is

known to be anisotropic. Fortunately, the Compensation Heat Pulse, Tmax as well as

the Heat Ratio method are based on derivations of this basic equation in a way that

is independent of the assumption of isotropy. Hence, for these methods the results

are still theoretically correct. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to apply the

correct anisotropic equation in modelling and method development, as recent

examples show that by neglecting anisotropy, errors can be induced.

Within the heat pulse sap flux density methods, the Heat Ratio method enables

measurements of low and reverse flow, unlike the Compensation Heat Pulse and

Tmax method. This method, however, is dependent on accurate estimations of axial

thermal sapwood diffusivity. In this PhD, it was shown that in the currently applied

method of mixtures to determine this diffusivity, no distinction was made between

bound and unbound water, resulting in over- or underestimations of axial thermal

diffusivity dependent on the dry sapwood density and sapwood water content. A

correction to this method was proposed, differentiating between bound and

unbound water based on the fibre saturation point. This correction has the

disadvantage that fibre saturation point is a sapwood characteristic that is not

measurable in-situ and, hence, has to be estimated based on dry sapwood density.

In response to the difficulties encountered when studying the different sap flux

density methods, a new method was developed: the Sapflow+ method. This method

is based on a curve fitting procedure during which the anisotropic heat conduction-

convection equation is directly fitted to measured temperature profiles located both

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axially and tangentially from the heater. As was shown by the conducted

identifiability analysis and the lab experiments on stem segments of Fagus sylvatica

L., the Sapflow+ method enables simultaneous measurements of heat velocity,

across the entire naturally occurring range, and thermal sapwood properties, from

which sap flux density and sapwood water content can be derived. The applicability

of the method to determine heat velocity was confirmed in a field experiment on

Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. and Rhizophora stylosa Griff. For the

determination of sapwood water content, further validation experiments and

possible optimization of the method are needed.

Next to providing an opportunity to test the Sapflow+ method in harsh field

conditions, the experiments conducted on Avicennia and Rhizophora led to the

remarkable finding that both species show a completely different pattern in stem

diameter variation, despite being influenced by the same environmental conditions.

This led to the hypothesis that endogenous control of stem diameter fluctuations

and growth might be much more crucial than previously assumed and could play an

important role in plant growth strategies.

In conclusion, the presented PhD study has exposed some limitations of and

inaccuracies in existing sap flux density methods and has provided an alternative

based on correct theoretical principles. This Sapflow+ method is sensitive towards

the entire naturally occurring sap flow range and holds the promise of accurately

determining sapwood water content.


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Net zoals koolstof is water onontbeerlijk voor de ontwikkeling en groei van planten.

Een gebrek aan water zorg voor turgorverlies in de plantcellen. Dit verhindert

expansie van deze cellen en de gekoppelde inbouw van koolstofbronnen in de

celwand waardoor verdere groei onmogelijk wordt. Als deze waterschaarste

aanhoudt, nemen plantdimensies zoals stam diameter af en verliest de plant finaal

zijn vitale functies waardoor ze afsterft.

Wereldwijd worden sapstroommethoden gebruikt om de plantwaterstatus op te

volgen en vegetatiemodellen te valideren. Deze methoden bepalen zowel de

stroomrichting als de relatieve en absolute hoeveelheid sapstroom, waardoor het

verband kan gelegd worden tussen de wateropname, -vrijstelling en -opslag van de

plant. Bij deze meetmethoden is accuraatheid van de sapstroombepaling

onontbeerlijk, of het nu gaat om de bepaling van de correctie irrigatiedosis, het

opvolgen van bosvitaliteit of om betrouwbare modelresultaten te bekomen.

De meest gebruikte sapstroommethoden zijn gebaseerd op de verspreiding van

warmte in het spinthout. Binnen deze groep kan verder onderscheid gemaakt

worden tussen de methoden die de totale hoeveelheid sapstroom per tijd in een

stam of stamsectie bepalen en deze die de sapstroomdichtheid bepalen, de

hoeveelheid sapstroom doorheen een gegeven oppervlakte per tijd. Waar de

eerstgenoemde vooral ingezet worden voor irrigatietoepassingen en andere

applicaties waarbij een inschatting van het totale waterverbruik van de plant beoogd

wordt, worden de laatstgenoemde vooral aangewend om specifieke hydraulische

routes en processen in de plant te onderzoeken, aangezien deze methodes toelaten

om ruimtelijke verschillen, zowel axiaal, radiaal als azimuthaal, in de

sapstroomdichtheid te bepalen.

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In dit doctoraatonderzoek werden de accuraatheid en toepasbaarheid van de

belangrijkste sapstroomdichtheidmethoden onderzocht. Hiertoe werd de

onderliggende thermodynamische theorie bestudeerd, werden Finite Element

Modellen (FEM) toegepast en werden labo experimenten uitgevoerd op afgezaagde

stamsegmenten, aangevuld met een veldstudie waarbij op Avicennia marina

(Forssk.) Vierh. en Rhizophora stylosa Griff. werd gemeten.

Door de thermodynamische betekenis van de thermische diffusiviteit als

spinthouteigenschap onder de loep te nemen, werd duidelijk dat de op deze

parameter gebaseerde link tussen the Heat Field Deformation (HFD)

temperatuurratio en sapstroomdichtheid, incorrect was. Op basis daarvan werd

besloten dat de continue HFD methode, net zoals de Thermal Dissipation methode,

als empirisch moet beschouwd worden. Bovendien werd op basis van FEM een

verbeterde empirische correlatie tussen de HFD temperatuurratio en

sapstroomdichtheid voorgesteld.

Ook voor de methoden gebaseerd op de applicatie van een warmtepuls werd een

gebrek in de toegepaste theorie bemerkt. Deze methoden zijn namelijk gebaseerd

op de isotrope warmteconductie-convectievergelijking, ontwikkeld voor een ideale

verwarmingsnaald in een oneindig groot medium. Het is echter bekend dat

spinthout anisotrope karakteristieken heeft. Gelukkig zijn zowel de Compensation

Heat Pulse, Tmax als Heat Ratio methode gebaseerd op afleidingen van deze

isotrope vergelijking waarbij de resultaten onafhankelijk zijn van de assumptie van

isotropie en geldig blijven voor anisotrope media. De metingen bekomen via deze

methoden zijn theoretisch dus nog steeds correct. Toch moet er op gelet worden dat

de correcte anisotrope vergelijkingen worden toegepast in modelleerstudies en bij

het ontwikkelen van nieuwe warmte gebaseerde methoden aangezien recente

voorbeelden aantonen dat het verwaarlozen van het anisotroop karakter van

spinthout tot fouten kan leiden.

Binnen de bestaande warmtepulsmethoden, laat de Heat Ratio methode, in

tegenstelling tot de Compensation Heat Pulse en Tmax methode, toe om lage en

omgekeerde sapstroom te meten. Deze methode is echter afhankelijk van een

nauwkeurige bepaling van de axiale thermische diffusiviteit. In dit

doctoraatonderzoek werd aangetoond dat in de huidig toegepaste

combinatiemethode geen onderscheid wordt gemaakt tussen gebonden en

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ongebonden water. Dit kan tot over- of onderschattingen van de axiale thermische

diffusiviteit leiden, afhankelijk van de droge dichtheid en het vochtgehalte van het

spinthout. Een correctie werd voorgesteld waarbij het onderscheid tussen gebonden

en ongebonden water gemaakt wordt op basis van het vezelverzadigingspunt van

het spinthout. Deze correctie heeft als nadeel dat het vezelverzadigingspunt een

spinthouteigenschap is die moeilijk in situ kan bepaald worden, en dus geschat

moet worden op basis van de droge densiteit van het spinthout.

Als antwoord op de beperkingen waarop gebotst werd tijdens het bestuderen van de

bestaande sapstroomdichtheidmethoden, werd een nieuwe methode ontwikkeld: de

Sapflow+ methode. Deze methode is gebaseerd op een curve fitting procedure

waarbij de anisotrope warmteconductie-convectievergelijking rechtstreeks gefit

wordt aan opgemeten temperatuurprofielen op specifieke afstanden axiaal en

tangentieel van de warmtenaald. Zoals aangetoond via een

identificeerbaarheidsanalyse en labo experimenten op stamsegmenten van Fagus

sylvatica L., laat de Sapflow+ methode toe om gelijktijdig warmtesnelheden, over het

volledig natuurlijk voorkomende bereik, en thermische eigenschappen van het

spinthout op te meten. Hieruit kan dan sapstroomdichtheid en

spinthoutvochtgehalte bepaald worden. De toepasbaarheid van de Sapflow+

methode voor het bepalen van warmtesnelheden werd bevestigd tijdens een

veldexperiment via metingen op Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. en Rhizophora

stylosa Griff. Voor de bepaling van het spinthoutvochtgehalte zijn additionele

validatie-experimenten en mogelijks verdere optimalisatie van de methode nodig

Naast de mogelijkheid om de Sapflow+ methode te testen in moeilijke

veldomstandigheden, hebben de uitgevoerde experimenten op Avicennia en

Rhizophora tot de merkwaardige vaststelling geleid dat beide soorten een volledig

verschillend stamdiametervariatiepatroon vertonen, ondanks dat ze door dezelfde

omgevingsomstandigheden beïnvloed worden. Dit leidde tot de hypothese dat

endogene controle van de stamdiameterfluctuaties en groei belangrijker kan zijn

dan aanvankelijk werd gedacht en bovendien een beduidende rol kan spelen in


Samenvattend heeft dit doctoraatonderzoek een aantal beperkingen en

onnauwkeurigheden van bestaande sapstroomdichtheidmethoden blootgelegd en

biedt het een alternatief aan, gebaseerd op correcte thermodynamische principes.

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Dit alternatief, de Sapflow+ methode, is gevoelig tegenover het volledig natuurlijk

voorkomend sapstroombereik en houdt de belofte in accurate vochtgehaltes van

spinthout te kunnen bepalen.


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Curriculum vitae

Personal information Name: Maurits Willem Vandegehuchte

Date of birth: 20 February 1987

Place of birth: Oostende (Belgium)

Nationality: Belgian

Address: Lisbloemstraat 45, 9000 Gent

Tel: +32 473 32 22 54

E-mail: [email protected]


2007-2009 M.Sc. in Bioscience Engineering (Environmental Technology),

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent

(Summa Cum Laude)

Master thesis:

Performed at the Laboratory of Plant Ecology, Ghent

University, Gent in collaboration with the ‘Institut d’Olivier’,

Sousse, Tunisia.

Title: “Evaluation of several irrigation techniques and sap

flow variation for olive tree Olea europaea L. ‘Meski’”.

Promoter: prof. dr. ir. Kathy Steppe

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Curriculum vitae


2004-2007 B.Sc. in Bioscience Engineering, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering,

Ghent University, Ghent (Magna Cum Laude)

1998-2004 Secondary school, Science-Mathematics, Onze-Lieve-

Vrouwecollege, Oostende

Additional education

2009-2013 Doctoral training programme in Bioscience Engineering,

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University

Courses followed in the framework of this programme:

Wood technology: material characteristics (2009-2010)

Multivariate data analysis (2009-2010)

Advanced academic English: writing skills (2010-2011)

Effective Scientific Communication (2010-2011)

Quality Research Skills (2010-2011)

Personal Effectiveness (2010-2011)

Leading, Following and Collaborating (2010-2011)

Applied isotope studies (2011-2012)

Career management: applying for a postdoctoral job (2013)

April 2012 Certificate of succeeding a four day Tree Climbing PRO

course organized by The Tree Climbing Company

November 2009 Certificate of instructor at youth work recognized by the

Agency of Social-Cultural Work of the Flemish Government

September 2009 Certificate of succeeding the course on international

cooperation and development issues (North-South relations)

organized by the Belgian Technical Cooperaton (BTC)

Professional experience

2009-2013 Research fellow of the Research Foundation – Flanders

(FWO, Flanders, Belgium). The research as preparation for

this doctoral thesis was conducted at the Department of

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Curriculum vitae


Applied Ecology and Environmental Biology (Laboratory of

Plant Ecology) of the Ghent University, Gent.

Other scientific activities

June 2013 Member of the scientific committee of the 9th International

Workshop on Sap Flow, Ghent, Belgium, 4-7 June 2013

July-October 2012 Research stay at Moreton Bay Research Station, Queensland

University, North Stradbroke Island, Australia in

collaboration with the Groundwater Research Centre, Civil

Engineering, Queensland University, Bribane, Australia.

Mangrove water relations research in the framework of the


April-May 2012 Research stay at Wageningen NMR Centre, Wageningen

University, the Netherlands to be instructed in NMR wood

water content research.

October 2010 Research stay at the Institute of Forest Ecology, Mendel

University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic

to discuss sap flow measurement methods with prof.

Nadezhdina and prof. Cermak.

2009-2013 Review tasks for Tree Physiology, Plant and Soil,

International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Trees - Structure

and Function, Hydrological Processes and Australian Journal

of Multi-disciplinary Engineering.

Grants and prizes

July 2012 Grant from the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO –

Vlaanderen) for the research visit at the University of

Queensland, Australia.

October 2010 Scholarships from the Department of Education and

Training (Flemish Government) and the Czech Republic

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport for the research visit

at the Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic.

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Curriculum vitae


October 2009 PhD fellowship from the Research Foundation – Flanders

(FWO – Vlaanderen) for the PhD research at Ghent

University, Belgium

September 2009 Bayer Plant Science award from Bayer Plant and Bayer Crop

Science for the master thesis ‘Evaluation of several irrigation

techniques and sap flow variation for olive tree Olea

europaea L. ‘Meski’’.

Educational activities

2009-2013 Guidance of practical courses and technical lectures for

the courses “Ecophysiology”, “Plant-Water Relations” and


2012-2013 Tutor of the M.Sc. thesis of Mieke Van Houtte (Electrical

Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to establish wood water

content patterns in living trees), Stefanie de Groote

(Canopy water uptake in the mangrove species Avicennia

marina), Michiel Hubeau (Water transport and growth

patterns in mangrove species Rhizophora) and Niels De

Baerdemaker (Assessing the water use strategies of

Banksia aemula).

2011-2012 Tutor of the M.Sc. thesis of Caroline Van der Heyden

(Seizoenale relatieve verandering in sapstroomdichtheid

en vochtgehalte van het spinthout van beuk (Fagus

sylvatica L.)) and Dries Vermassen (Validatie van de

Sapflow+ sensor: hoe nauwkeurig wordt

sapstroomdichtheid en vochtgehalte van het spinthout

door deze methode bepaald?)

2010-2011 Tutor of the M.Sc. thesis of Lidewei Vergeynst (Changes

in temperature and stem water content evoke erroneous

sap flux density estimates with. Thermal Dissipation

Probes) and Bart Van de Wal (Ecophysiology of mangrove

in Australia: hydraulic functioning).

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Curriculum vitae



International publications with peer review

Vandegehuchte, M. W., Braham, M., Lemeur, R. & Steppe, K. (2012). The importance

of sap flow measurements to estimate actual water use of Meski olive trees under

different irrigation regimes in Tunisia. Irrigation and Drainage, 61: 645-656..

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012) Comment on “Sap flow measurements by a

single thermal dissipation probe: exploring the transient regime” — Ann. For. Sci. 66

(2009) by Mahjoub et al. and “Sap flow measurement by a single thermal dissipation

probe in transient regime: implementation of the method and test under field

conditions” — Ann. For. Sci. 1-9 (2012) by Masmoudi et al. Annals of Forest Science,

69: 769-771.

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Use of the correct heat conduction-

convection equation as basis for heat pulse sap flow methods in anisotropic wood.

Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 2833-2839.

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Interpreting the Heat Field Deformation

method: Erroneous use of thermal diffusivity and improved correlation between

temperature ratio and sap flux density. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 162-

163: 91-97.

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Improving sap flux density measurements

by correctly determining thermal diffusivity, differentiating between bound and

unbound water. Tree Physiology, 32: 930-942.

Vandegehuchte, M. W. & Steppe, K. (2012). A triple-probe heat pulse method for

measurement of thermal diffusivity in trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.

160: 90-99.

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Curriculum vitae


Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Sapflow+: a four-needle heat pulse sap

flow sensor enabling nonempirical sap flux density and water content

measurements. New Phytologist, 196: 306-317.

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Sap flux density measurement methods:

working principles and applicability. Functional Plant Biology (accepted).

Reyes-Acosta, J. L., Vandegehuchte, M. W., Steppe, K. & Lubczynski, M. W( 2012).

Novel, cyclic thermal dissipation (CHD) method for the correction of natural

temperature gradients in sap flow measurements. Part 2. Laboratory validation. Tree

Physiology, 32: 930-42

Nadezhdina, N., Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Sap flux density

measurements based on the heat field deformation method. Trees - Structure and

Function, 26: 1439-1448.


Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2012). Finite Element Analysis as Aid in

Understanding Heat Based Sap Flow Methods with Linear Heating. 8th International

Symposium on Sap Flow, 951: 63-70.

Oral presentations

Vandegehuchte, M.W., Nadezhdina, N. & Steppe, K. (2011) Improved thermodynamic

approach for Heat Field Deformation sap flow measurements. 8th International Sap

Flow Workshop, Volterra, Italy, 8-12 May 2011.

Reyes-Acosta, L.J., Vandegehuchte, M.W., Steppe, K. & Lubcsynski, M.W. (2011)

Natural thermal gradient (NTG) bias on sap flow measurements when using Thermal

Dissipation Probes and Heat Field Deformation sensors: errors and corrections by

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Curriculum vitae


applying an alternated power methodology.8th International Sap Flow Workshop,

Volterra, Italy, 8-12 May 2011

Steppe K., Vandegehuchte M.W., Van de Wal B.A.E., Hoste P., Guyot A., Lovelock C.E.,

Lockington D. (2013) Reverse sap flow in mangroves: do these trees drink rainwater

through their canopy? International Symposium on Wood Structure in Plant Biology

and Ecology (WSE), Naples, Italy, 17-20 April 2013.

Vandegehuchte, M.W., Guyot, A., Lockington, D.A. & Steppe, K. (2013) Stem diameter

variation: endogenous regulation versus environmental dynamics and its implication

for functional modelling. 7th International Conference on Functional-Structural Plant

Models, Saariselkä, Finland, 9-14 June 2013 (accepted)

Vandegehuchte, M.W. & Steppe, K. (2013) Eliminating the heat input as parameter in

the Sapflow+ method. 9th International Sap Flow Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 4-7

June 2013 (accepted)

de Sousa, E.F., Santolin, M.A., Vandegehuchte, M.W., Compostrini, E. & de Jesus

Soares, K. (2013). Development of a mathematical model and its numerical solution

to estimate sap flow applying a transient heating system. 9th International Sap Flow

Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 4-7 June 2013 (accepted)

Poster presentations

Vergeynst, L.L., Vandegehuchte, M.W., McGuire, M.A., Teskey, R.O. & Steppe, K.

(2011) Changes in temperature and stem water content evoke erroneous sap flux

density estimates with Thermal Dissipation Probes. 8th International Sap Flow

Workshop, Volterra, Italy, 8-12 May 2011

Guyot, A., White, A., Vandegehuchte, M.W., Steppe, K. & Lockington, D.A. (2013)

Atmosphere-Vegetation-Groundwater interactions: a case study in the context of the

subtropical coastal sandy mass aquifers from Eastern Australia. Geophysical

Research Abstracts, 15, EGU, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013

Vandegehuchte, M.W., Burgess, S.S.O., Downey, A & Steppe, K. (2013) Stem

temperature influence on heat pulse sap flux density measurements. 9th

International Sap Flow Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 4-7 June 2013 (accepted)

Lubczynski, M.W., Reyes-Acosta, L.J., Chavarro-Rincon, D., Vandegehuchte, M.W.,

Roy, J., & Steppe, K. (2013) Cyclic heat dissipation (CHD) method for the correction

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Curriculum vitae


of natural temperature gradients in sap flow measurements. 9th International Sap

Flow Workshop, Ghent, Belgium, 4-7 June 2013 (accepted)

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