mcq computer

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  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answers

    1. The Program Counter

    Your Answer

    C. Both A and B

    Correct Answer

    C. Both A and B

    2. Example of 32 bt mcroprocessor are

    Your Answer

    B. !"3!#$!"%!#

    Correct Answer

    B. !"3!#$!"%!#

    3. &hch of the followng regsters s used to 'eep trac' of address of the

    memor( locaton where the next nstructon s located )

    Your Answer

    *. Program +egster

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answer

    B. ,emor( *ata +egster

    %. A CP- generall( handles an nterrupt b( executng an nterrupt serce


    Your Answer

    C. b( chec'ng the nterrupt regster after /nshng the executng

    Correct Answer

    C. b( chec'ng the nterrupt regster after /nshng the executng

    0. n mmedate addressng the operand s placed

    Your Answer

    B. after P code n the nstructon

    Correct Answer

    B. after P code n the nstructon

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    #. dentf( the addressng modes of below nstructons and match them

    Your Answer

    B. a 4 35 b 4 25 c 4 15 d 4 %

    Correct Answer

    C. a 4 15 b 4 25 c 4 35 d 4 %

    6. A*C

    Your Answer

    C. Add mmedate data to Accumulator

    Correct Answer

    A. Add to Accumulator usng carr( 7lag

    !. The storage dece whch s used to compensate for the d8erence n rates

    of 9ow of data from one dece to another s called

    Your Answer

    C. Bu8er

    Correct Answer

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    C. Bu8er

    :. To put the mcroprocessor n the wat state

    Your Answer

    C. +ase the ;

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Your Answer

    B. &hch s assgned to one and onl( one tas'

    Correct Answer

    B. &hch s assgned to one and onl( one tas'

    12. dentf( the deces gen below wth ther C numbers

    Your Answer

    C. >c? >d? >a? >b?

    Correct Answer

    A. >c? >b? >a? >d?

    13. The addressng mode used n the nstructon P-=; B s

    Your Answer

    C. +egster ndrect

    Correct Answer

    C. +egster ndrect

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    1%. =peed of mcroprocessor depends on

    Your Answer

    A. *ata Bus wdth

    Correct Answer

    A. *ata Bus wdth

    10. nterrupts whch are ntated b( an $ dre are

    Your Answer

    B. External

    Correct Answer

    B. External

    1#. An nstructon ppelne can be mplemented b( means of

    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answer

    B. 77 bu8er

    16. &hch of the followng s a se@uental access dece

    Your Answer

    C. Tape

    Correct Answer

    C. Tape

    1!. &hch of the followng s not noled n a memor( wrte operaton )

    Your Answer

    B. PC

    Correct Answer

    B. PC

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    1:. The word length of a CP- s de/ned as

    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

    Correct Answer

    B. The wdth of a CP- +egster

    2". Ppelnng mproes CP- performance due to

    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

    Correct Answer

    C. The ntroducton of Parallelsm

    Correct Answers

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    1. The pre4order and post order traersal of a Bnar( Tree generates the same

    output. The tree can hae maxmum

    Your Answer

    C. ne node

    Correct Answer

    C. ne node

    2. The searchng techn@ue n whch there are no unnecessar( comparsons s


    Your Answer

    B. =e@uental searchng

    Correct Answer

    C. ;ashng

    3. &hch of the followng sortng procedures s the slowest)

    Your Answer

    *. Bubble sort

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answer

    *. Bubble sort

    %. f eer( node u n s adacent to eer( other node n 5 A graph s sad

    to be

    Your Answer

    *. =trongl( Connected

    Correct Answer

    B. Complete

    0. n order to get the nformaton stored n a Bnar( =earch Tree n the

    descendng order5 one should traerse t n whch of the followng order)

    Your Answer

    *. +ght5

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    #. n a ;eap tree

    Your Answer

    B. alues n a node s reater than eer( alue n chldren of t

    Correct Answer

    B. alues n a node s reater than eer( alue n chldren of t

    6. f an( undrected graph 5the sum of degrees of all the nodes

    Your Answer

    *. ,ust be een

    Correct Answer

    C. s twce the number of edges

    !. A raph n whch all nodes are of e@ual degree s called

    Your Answer

    C. +egular raph

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answer

    C. +egular raph

    :. &hat s the post/x form of the followng pre/x Dab cd

    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

    Correct Answer

    A. abcd D

    1". The most common ;ash functons use theFFFFFFFFFFto compute hash


    Your Answer

    C. *son method

    Correct Answer

    C. *son method

    11. The *ata =tructure re@ured for Breadth 7rst Traersal on a raph s

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Your Answer

    A. Gueue

    Correct Answer

    A. Gueue

    12. The balance factor for an A< tree s ether

    Your Answer

    B. "51 or 41

    Correct Answer

    B. "51 or 41

    13. The Tme 7actor when determnng the eHcenc( of algorthm s

    measured b(

    Your Answer

    B. Countng the number of 'e( operatons

    Correct Answer

    B. Countng the number of 'e( operatons

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    1%. The norder traersal of the tree wll (eld a sorted lstng of elements oftree n

    Your Answer

    C. Bnar( =earch Tree

    Correct Answer

    C. Bnar( =earch Tree

    10. =parse matrces hae

    Your Answer

    B. ,an( non Iero entres

    Correct Answer

    A. ,an( Iero entres

    1#. &hch of the followng algorthms soles the All Par =hortest Path


  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Your Answer

    B. 7lo(d algorthm

    Correct Answer

    B. 7lo(d algorthm

    16. A =ortng techn@ue that guarantees5that records wth the same prmar(

    'e( occurs n the same order n the sorted lst as n the orgnal unsorted lst

    s sad to be

    Your Answer

    A. =table

    Correct Answer

    A. =table

    1!. ;ashng Collson +esoluton Techn@ues are

    Your Answer

    *. Channg5 Buc'et Addressng

    Correct Answer

    *. Channg5 Buc'et Addressng

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    1:. en a bnar( tree whose norder and preorder traersal are gen b(

    norder EC7B*J;K

    Preorder BCE7*;JK

    The post order traersal of the aboe bnar( tree s

    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

    Correct Answer

    A. E7CJK;*B

    2". Consder a 1?

    Correct Answer

    A. >1?

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    1. f a node hang two chldren s deleted from a bnar( tree ts replaced b(


    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

    Correct Answer

    C. norder successor

    2. The post/x expresson AB C* 4 D can be ealuated usng a

    Your Answer

    A. =tac'

    Correct Answer

    A. =tac'

    3. &hat s the most approprate data structure to mplement a prort(

    @ueue )

    Your Answer

    A. ;eap

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answer

    A. ;eap

    %. n a Bnar( Tree5 certan null entres are replaced b( specal ponters whch

    pont to nodes hgher n the tree for eHcenc(. These specal ponters are


    Your Answer

    *. Thread

    Correct Answer

    *. Thread

    0. n

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    #. A B=T s traersed n the followng order recursel( +ght5 +oot5

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    Correct Answer

    A. nput4restrcted de@ue

    :. The process of accessng data stored n a tape s smlar to manpulatng

    data on a

    Your Answer


  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    11. &hch of the followng can be the se@uence of nodes examned n bnar(

    search tree whle searchng for 'e( !! )

    Your Answer

    You hae not selected an( opton.

    Correct Answer

    *. 1:"5 #"5 :"5 !05 !!

    12. Bnar( =earch Tree s an example of

    Your Answer

    A. *de and con@uer

    Correct Answer

    *. *(namc programmng

    13. The =earchng techn@ue that ta'es >1? tme to /nd a data s

    Your Answer

    C. ;ashng

    Correct Answer

  • 8/11/2019 MCQ Computer


    C. ;ashng

    1%. &th regard to ln'ed lst5 whch of the followng statement s false )

    Your Answer

    B. An algorthm for deletng the /rst element n a sngl( ln'ed lst re@ures

    >n? operatons n the worst case.

    Correct Answer

    B. An algorthm for deletng the /rst element n a sngl( ln'ed lst re@ures

    >n? operatons n the worst case.

    10. =elect the true statement

    Your Answer

    B. Eer( Complete Bnar( Tree s also a full Bnar( Tree

    Correct Answer

    B. Eer( Complete Bnar( Tree s also a full Bnar( Tree