mc cain campaign(final)

S McCain Campaign 2008 A Project by Danielle Blakeman, Lauren Barone, Christian Bufford… Mao Mao

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McCain Campaign 2008A Project by Danielle Blakeman, Lauren Barone, Christian Bufford…

Mao Mao

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Strategy to get Nominated

McCain had an “Unintentional 50-State Strategy”

Win a lot early in the primary process

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Presidential PrimariesCaucuses

The series of presidential primary elections and caucuses is one of the first steps in the process of electing the President

The primary elections are run by state and local governments

Caucuses are private events run by the political parties

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Iowa Caucus

The first vote of the 2008 election season

January 3, 2008

McCain came in fourth place

McCain had not focused on winning Iowa

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New Hampshire Primary

McCain won this primary

He gained 37 percent of the vote

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Michigan PrimarySouth Carolina/Nevada

McCain finished second in the primary behind Romney

South Carolina primary effectively ended McCain’s 2000 campaign

McCain won the South Carolina Primary on January 19, gaining 33% of the vote

McCain did not seriously compete in Nevada. He finished third with 13% of the vote behind Romney and Ron Paul

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Florida Primary/Super Tuesday

McCain won the Florida Primary on January 29, taking 36% of the total vote

McCain won his home state of Arizona

He won the largest of the Super Tuesday prizes

McCain also scored wins in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York and Oklahoma

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The nominating convention is a political convention held every four years

Main purpose is to select the party’s nominee for President

To adopt a statement of party principles and goals known as the platform

Adopt the rules for the party’s activities

Now seen as ceremonial affairs

Democratic National Convention and Republican National Convention are the two main events

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McCain’s Nominating Convention

McCain was formally nominated on the night of September 3, following Palin’s vice-presidential acceptance speech

39 million Americans watched McCain deliver his acceptance speech, and 37 million watched Palin the night before

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McCain’s Party Platform

Support of the War in Iraq, immigration reform, pro-life/adoption, supports capital punishment for federal crimes, McCain believes that state and local agencies and not the federal government should be responsible for developing and enforcing academic standards, end US reliance on foreign oil, opposes gay marriage and supports civil unions, Health Care: Lowering health care costs to bring down the cost of insurance. Allowing families to be in charge of their health care dollars, promoting competition between health care companies

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Vice-Presidential Nominee-Sarah Palin

11th Governor of Alaska-The first female governor of Alaska and the youngest person ever elected in Alaska

Was a member of the Wasilla, Alaska, city council and city mayor

Chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission

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Strategy of VP Picking

Sarah Palin was the second woman candidate for Vice President

Also the first Alaskan candidate of either major party on a national ticket

First female vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party

To attract Democrats because he has a woman

Bill Kristol urged McCain to pick Palin, arguing that her presence on the ticket would provide a boost in enthusiasm

To gain white woman’s votes.

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Federal Legal Limitations

Federal Election Campaign Act-

- Regulations that said that all spending by parties on behalf of their candidate is subject to the spending limit.

Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002-

Designed to stop the use of soft money (money raised outside the limits of federal campaign finance law) for activities dealing with the federal elections.

Prohibits the use of spending or raising nonfederal funds, requires state and local committees to fund certain federal election activities with hard money (federal money), limits fundraising by federal campaigns and office holders with nonprofit associations and other candidates.

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Funding in Elections

National party committees are not allowed to solicit or make donations to 501 organizations (if the 501 is in connection with the federal election).

Direct donations and soliciting funds are allowed to take place with 527 organizations.

Public grant of 20 million if campaigning for general election. To be eligible, they candidates are not allowed to accept private contributions (may be accepted if they comply with campaign finance law.)

Candidates may spend $50,000 of their own personal funds.

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McCain’s Campaign Money

McCain used the public financing system during the general election, which gave the candidate an $84 million limit on spending.

This system put him at a disadvantage to his opponent, Obama, who had raised $66 million more in September, 2008 alone.

Raised: $370 million

Spent: Around $335 million

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Source of Funds

Individual contributions $199,275,171

PAC contributions $1,407,959

Candidate self-financing $0

Federal Funds $84,103,800

Other $83,306,833

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Source of Disclosure

Full Disclosure $168,024,058

Incomplete $6,905,825

No Disclosure $17,782,479

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Top Donors

These donations came from an organization’s PAC, and individual members and employees.

Merrill Lynch $373,595

Citigroup Inc. $322,051

Morgan Stanley $273,452

Goldman Sachs $230,095

JPMorgan Chase & Co $228,107

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McCain’s View on Negative Independent Expenditures

"I have long opposed the use of soft money by independent groups trying to influence elections. It is a position I hold without reservation. Anyone who believes they could assist my campaign by exploiting a loophole in campaign finance laws is doing me and our country a disservice. I ask all of my donors and supporters, including Mr. Reed, to cease and desist immediately from supporting any independent expenditures that might be construed as benefiting my campaign indirectly. If you respect me or my principles, I urge you to refrain from using my name and image in any ads or other activities. I will not win this election, nor would I want to win it, by acquiescing in anyone's attempt to put my campaign before my principles. I will run on my principles, my record, and my vision for our country, and I will trust the voters to make the right decision. I will never betray my trust to them or my own conscience for the sake of expediency, and I want all who support me to honor that commitment.”

- Senator John McCain

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Top Independent Expenditures and 527s in

the Campaign


“Was he Muslim?”-

“Small Town Fear Itself-

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Debates concerning General Elections

Since the televised debates of John F. Kennedy, debates have began to play an imperative part in the race for the presidency.

Debates are a wonderful opportunity for presidential candidates to address hard-hitting issues that directly effect voters.

Debates are also renowned for the political “jabs” between presidential candidates.

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McCain in the

debates…McCain’s strategy in debates with Obama were to go after the presidential candidate at every chance he got but to not be too forward or rash.

This was wise for him seeing as how McCain was deemed the “under-dog” and Obama had the majority of support from American citizens.

However, in the face of the economic downturn, most questions were concerned with unemployment and healthcare which gave McCain less of an opportunity to “go after” Obama.

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McCain’s campaign strategy

Organization- McCain's campaign was focused on building a network of officials and activists in the important early states, including Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. These states had a greater say in determining the Republican nominee

Voter outreach- McCain tailored his message and his methods to appeal to Republican voters in the pivotal states, hence the emphasis of his conservative credentials. His "Straight Talk Express" bus tour and frequent town halls were aimed at inspiring the likely participants in the early caucuses and primaries. He made himself available not only to the press but also to the voters.

Endorsements- McCain racked up an impressive list of U.S. senators and representatives, governors, mayors and other past and present government officials. Although voters did not follow suit, high-power endorsements did helped with fundraising.

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Results are in!!

Electoral voter results

Obama: 365 votes/ 53%

McCain: 173 votes/46%
