may 26, 1925 the t love bands you give closes last and … · 2010-01-07 · tuesday torrance...

TUESDAY TORRANCE HERALD MAY 26, 1925 CLIMAXING THIS GREAT SALE WITH The LAST and FINAL SLASH of PRICES CLOSES FRI. NIGHT J. W. Barnes Co. $5O,OOO Sale Dept. Store's Nears the End! Last chance at these prices! This fi- nal appeal to buyers brings hundreds of sure saving chances in all depts. Store Closed all day Sat., Decoration Day REGULAR 35o CHILDREN'S % length HOSE REGULAR $1.75 PURE SILK Chiffon HOSE $1.39 Value to 60c Yd ENGLISH PRINTS Big Assortment of Stripes and Checks WHITEWARE CUPS AND SAUCERS AND DINNER PLATES First Quality _ 58x54 SCALLOPED ea Damask Cloths $1.39 Blue, Pink and Cold Border ^ r CHILDREN'S ONE-PIECE BATHING SUITS Plain and Combination Colors One Big Lot Tissue GINGHAMS is Season's N terns and Co 43c This Season's New Patterns and Colors. "Little Sister" and "Little Brother" Sealpax UNION SUITS 85c Two Pairs for the Price of One - - Last Chance CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN'S SHOES VALUE TO $7.50 WOMEN'S STRAPS AND OXFORDS $2.95 Pat. Kid Satins and Suede Cut Out and Combination Leathers VALUE TO $9.00 WOMEN'S STRAPS and OXFORDS $4.95 Patent Kid Suede Satin White Kid 'All New Stylet and Shadei Men's $1.50 Famous SEALPAX ATHLETIC UNIONS 98c $6.00-Value Men's New FLANNEL TROUSERS $4.85 Grey with Pin Stripe English Cut $1.25 Value BOYS' BLOUSES 89c Percale, Cheviot and Khaki Plain and Stripaa J. W. Barnes Dept. Store $5O,OOO SALE CLOSES Fri. Night BOWLING NOTES CITY LEAGUE STANDINGS Team— W. L. Avg. Renn's Grocers ......... 14 7 740 Tanssy's Barbers .... 14 7 871 Palmer's Service __ It 8 860 Paxman's Tigers ........ 13 8 811 Kelly's _________ 12 9 804 First Nationals ___ 11 10 89S Columbia Steel Corp. 10 11 857 Warren's Market _.. 10 . 11 7»J "Hardware" Reeve . 9 12 768 City Trustees ____. 9 12 781 Sam Levy ___.___. 6 16 771 Beacon Drug Co. 6 It 7(E INDIVIDUAL Player Sharon __. .._ Kabelltz ____ Pratt _______ Stanger „.___.. Crowell ......_.— Oelnlnger Travloll ______ Sohwarti _..__ Vonderahe _.__ Griffin _______ Summervllle Wolfe ______ Clever, G. __._ Keeney _.___ STANDINGS Pins Games Avg. 4203 21 200 188 18S 182 181 180 178 ater Clarke ......._____ Harvey .._.. Davlg _____... McMlllan ............ Fisher ....._ .._ Proctor ____.... Warren , __. O'Connell _____ Olpe ____._ Pe.-kinn ____ Gerulff' _______ Newby ..____.. Baxter ______ Hagen ._-- Hanson _____ Webb _....._.__ Alverson ____ Barnes ... . . Clever, E, ..._... Fix ..._....____.. Tanaey ..;_____ Tansey ...._._... Cooke .................... Maughen ____ Jolley _.______ Stevenson __..... Lang ...._____... Mills ..'..___.__. King .___. Merrltt ..... ..-. Delninger ...__.. Beneah __.. ..:_ Paxman ......._.... Sleppy ..._... ._ Flnster ...._. Alien .........__.... Briney _____. Rlppy . ._.... Blandford _____ Pannier _____ Button ......._...... Reeve .................... Young ____ Murphy ____ 2635 3850 2726 3251 8788 3744 3719 8171 3171 3688 8156 8668 1044 8644 8689 3624 3103 2063 2547 8042 8636 504 8616 8688 8443 3438 8436 2266 8892 8896 3226 3370 3365 3360 2844 3312 3289 3281 3278 467 3235 3223 2757 465 3171 3171 3170 2896 1348 3105 2510 3089 427 426 2960 2949 2909 2891 21 177 176 176 176 176 174 174 174 173 173 172 172 170 169 168 168 167 106 164 164 164 1?2 162 162 161 161 160 160 158 158 167 156 156 166 154 153 153 162 161 151 Ibl 150 150 148 148 145 142 142. 141 HO 139 138 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stelgh and son Leslie, of Narbonne Avenue, attended a Long Beach theatre Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and daughter Edna, of Rjdondo Boule- vard, are visiting friends In San Diego and Tla Juana. Mrs. H. L. Hess and daughter Madelyn, of Poppy Street, spent Monday In Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snyder of Redondo Boulevard visited friends In Long Beach Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curtla of Redondo Boulevard attended the Torrance Theatre Sunday evening. Mrs. Floyd, Anson and Mrs. Ed- inonson, of San Pedro, were enter- tained Thursday by Mrs. Fred Nelson of Weston Street Mrs. Jessie Johnson, Miss Viola Harlan and Mrs. Hans Andersen spent Saturday In Long Beach. Mrs. Andrew Synott of 266th Street visited San 'Pedro friends onday. Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Hodgo and daughter were weekend visitors at Anahelm Landing. T OWNE ALKE "Just for Fun" By RAS BERRY They wae lota of rnuelo in town Sat. nt. First Qene DeBra he had a big Atwater Kent radio tuned in at the Ferncroft on the Blltmore and plenty of bozos et a 86 cen dinner and heard the Blltmore a the same time and Imagined the chow was costing them about 16.90 And the bus. mgr. come out of the Ferncroft and out In front o Hardware Reeves why a phono graph was playing. What's the Idea of all the Sartorl st. merchants running competltloa to the Gardner Music-'Co. says the bus mgr. They ain't no offense Intended says Hu rum only business Is a little slov and I'm just, putting out a fev notes. ^—• Than they waa the muiio ova on El Pr'ado where the merchants give a free concert and dance. Wel a couple of little tots belonging to Manager Grub of the American Market they got loose and was irying and they was rescued by Officer Edwards and Officer Brun- dette and each policeman had one baby In his arms and these two i was crying like everything and somebody says it looks like the police dept. la caring for the babies while the mothers dances. This one says Officer Brundette seems i hole lot uneasy. I wonder what' the matter with It. And as he waa trying to quiet the tot why a vole n the crowd yells, Maybe he its a drink of water, Officer Nobuddy waa hurt. The L. A. Examiner aeemi think that it would be a nice thing or L. A, to widen the shoestring itrip and take in some more area Into the L. A. limits and they sa; they want the new territory on to- west side of the present strip Ain't that sweet of them? .Plenty of the boya up to the American, is worried for fear Dew* Fix will drink ' too many Coca Colas as they say he Ip up to thj counter ordering a lot lately and some of the boys says the reason ain't that he is so thirsty but be- cause of the general attractiveness of Hughey/s new assistant. Old Hughey is a wiae bozo. Con Cave and L. CrQwoll .goea up with Freddie Palmer the othe p. m. and Con he gets sick so when they land again why It seems Time Table Effective May 1, 1925 to Long Beach and Wilmington Leave Torrance for Wilmington Leave Long Beach and Long Beach por Torrance 7:15 A. M. 8:20 *9:15 10:20 11:20 12:20 P. M. 1:20 2:20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 9:20 811:25 D 7:00 A. M 7:40 08:10 9:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 P. M 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:45 5:35 6:45 S7-40 b;4o 10:50 D Daily except Sundays. S Sunday only. 'Connections for Catallna Island. Make reservations and purchase tickets at the Torrance Pharmacy. Phone 3-J. Onyowwy Motional Pullntans the rim V. Ticket* to and from Europe via all Trait*- Atlantic Line* Santa Ticket Robt 2394 Careen round trip fares Mexico City . $126.65 Munu.-l . 144.42 New Orleans 8S.15 N«w Yo.'lt . 147.40 Oklahoma City 72.00 Onuha . . 72.00 St. Louis . 81.50 St. Paul . . 87.50 Washington 141.56 Winnipeg . :i-.50 -and man/ othera RETURN LIMIT OCTOBER )( ! Office and Travel Bureau P. Hinxo, Loo-1 Agont Strool. Phono Torranoa 844 right for Fred to buy him another lunch. Con uya ho pretty athjlatio In hto college days cut that never until be went up In that plane did he think anybody could get BO much distance In the broad put. You aim eomething at Torrance, he says, and It lands In Oardena, which says more for distance and natural selection than It does (or accuracy. That being the oaao and mo be ing a resident of Torrance who walks around a lot, why I have asked Fred to always tell them when they are up there why to aim It at Torrance. Con eaye that taking a bozo in a plane 'like that and Hopping around so he gets sick is what be calls "putting up" a little lunch. Gilbert, 'Hanaen and Page was moving into their new office yes terday and Eufus and Fred and Wallace was carrying furniture and I meets Frank Summons out In front and we agreed that It was a refreshing thing once In a while to see a bunch of real estate men doln a little work. And Fred aaye, well that m«ke« t unanimous. Read Our Want Ads! •with DRUG STORE The best Aspirin Tab- lets money can buy, at a price all can afford. That well describes Aspirin Tablets They are made scien- tifically from TRUE as- pirin, disintegrate quick- ly and give prompt re- lief. 25c Handy pocket Box of 24............. Big household Afk Bottle of 100....49C DOLLEY DRUG CO. Torrance •eeeeeeeee* Love Bands You Give "Her" Let there be no question concerning the quality of the Engagement or Wedding Rings, oven if they roust bo Inexpensive. No matter how large or how small the diamond may be, if it is bought from the House of Parr Values, "she" will never be ashamed to wear it as long as she lives. Our reputation is at stake every time we make a sale, and we cannot afford to Jeopardize the good will and confidence we have been five long years in building. i tee 1603 Cabrlllo ••••••••••••••••••••••••I PHONE 60-W TorrancePlumbingCo. AGENT FOR Ward Floor Furnace EWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE AND TERRA COTTA Aoroaa from Peat Off loo 1418 MarceHna Avenuo Equip Your Home With a Eliminates Pot Watching Oven Heat Regulated Gas Ranges eliminate pot watch- ing. Put your whole dinner in the oven, roast, vege- tables, and everything, set the RED WHEEL, then take the afternoon off and forget about cooking tH! dinner time. When you go home all you will have to do is to turn off the gas and serve a perfectly cooked dinner. ___ ........ ... ,&_ ? *:*. * SOLD BY THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. Post and Cravens TORRANCE, CAL. TERM PAYMENTS Value For The Money TUDOR SEDAN 680 Toarinf Car ... 2J)0 Cow* ..... SSO rtrimrStJaa - . . tSO Oa oura cm demounuble Ital and «.rt«r an «85 tiltm All print f. o. 6. Detroit The Ford car is universally known to be Reliable, Economical, Convenient—Easy to Buy For Ford economy is not only a matter of low price and upkeep; it is a question of the saving you will enjoy in time, energy and health. Satisfaction it increased by reliability of the Ford Dealer organization in every neighborhood where you may drive. See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Ask him about the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan, or write us for particulars. BALLOON Full Size (29*4.40) Now Optional On All Ford Car. At An Extra Con of '25 Ford Motor Company, Dept. N-6^Detroit, Michigan <*>•«•• null »w fall tuurttaulan racwdln* your «MT Dten for owning an automobile. THE NKAM-WT AUTHOIUZ-tO P«MU» DEAUR SAFETY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY

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Page 1: MAY 26, 1925 The T Love Bands You Give CLOSES LAST and … · 2010-01-07 · TUESDAY TORRANCE HERALD MAY 26, 1925 CLIMAXING THIS GREAT SALE WITH The CLOSES LAST and FINAL SLASH of



CLOSES FRI. NIGHTJ. W. Barnes Co. $5O,OOO Sale

Dept. Store's Nears the End!Last chance at these prices! This fi­

nal appeal to buyers brings hundreds

of sure saving chances in all depts.

Store Closed all day Sat., Decoration Day


% length HOSE


Chiffon HOSE $1.39


Big Assortment of Stripes and Checks


First Quality _


ea Damask Cloths $1.39Blue, Pink and Cold Border r̂


SUITSPlain and Combination


One Big Lot


is Season's N terns and Co

43cThis Season's New

Patterns and Colors.

"Little Sister" and "Little Brother"


85cTwo Pairs for the Price of One - - Last Chance


VALUE TO $7.50


Pat. Kid Satins and SuedeCut Out and Combination




$4.95Patent Kid Suede Satin

White Kid 'All New Stylet and Shadei

Men's $1.50 Famous




$6.00-Value Men's New


$4.85Grey with Pin Stripe

English Cut

$1.25 ValueBOYS'


89cPercale, Cheviot and Khaki

Plain and Stripaa

J. W. Barnes Dept. Store $5O,OOO SALE

CLOSES Fri. Night


Team— W. L. Avg.Renn's Grocers ......... 14 7 740Tanssy's Barbers .... 14 7 871Palmer's Service __ It 8 860Paxman's Tigers ........ 13 8 811Kelly's _________ 12 9 804First Nationals ___ 11 10 89SColumbia Steel Corp. 10 11 857Warren's Market _.. 10 . 11 7»J"Hardware" Reeve . 9 12 768City Trustees ____. 9 12 781Sam Levy ___.___. 6 16 771Beacon Drug Co. 6 It 7(E


Sharon __. .._ Kabelltz ____ Pratt _______Stanger „.___.. Crowell ......_.—Oelnlnger Travloll ______Sohwarti _..__ Vonderahe _.__ Griffin _______Summervllle Wolfe ______ Clever, G. __._ Keeney _.___

STANDINGS Pins Games Avg. 4203 21 200

188 18S 182 181 180 178

aterClarke ......._____Harvey .._.. Davlg _____... McMlllan ............Fisher ....._ .._Proctor ____....Warren , __. O'Connell _____Olpe ____._ Pe.-kinn ____ Gerulff' _______Newby ..____.. Baxter ______

Hagen ._-- Hanson _____ Webb _....._.__Alverson ____ Barnes ... . . Clever, E, ..._... Fix ..._....____..Tanaey ..;_____Tansey ...._._...Cooke ....................Maughen ____ Jolley _.______Stevenson __.....Lang ...._____...Mills ..'..___.__. King .___. Merrltt ..... ..-.Delninger ...__.. Beneah __.. ..:_ Paxman ......._....Sleppy ..._... ._ Flnster ...._. Alien .........__....Briney _____. Rlppy . ._.... Blandford _____Pannier _____ Button ......._......Reeve ....................Young ____Murphy ____


86168688844334388436226688928896322633703365336028443312328932813278467323532232757465317131713170289613483105251030894274262960294929092891 21

177 176 176 176 176 174 174 174 173 173 172 172 170 169 168 168 167 106 164 164 164 1?2 162 162 161 161 160 160 158 158 167 156 156 166 154 153 153 162 161 151Ibl 150 150 148 148 145 142 142. 141 HO 139138

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stelgh and son Leslie, of Narbonne Avenue, attended a Long Beach theatre Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson and daughter Edna, of Rjdondo Boule­ vard, are visiting friends In San Diego and Tla Juana.

Mrs. H. L. Hess and daughter Madelyn, of Poppy Street, spent Monday In Long Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snyder of Redondo Boulevard visited friends In Long Beach Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Curtla of Redondo Boulevard attended the Torrance Theatre Sunday evening.

Mrs. Floyd, Anson and Mrs. Ed- inonson, of San Pedro, were enter­ tained Thursday by Mrs. Fred Nelson of Weston Street

Mrs. Jessie Johnson, Miss Viola Harlan and Mrs. Hans Andersen spent Saturday In Long Beach.

Mrs. Andrew Synott of 266th Street visited San 'Pedro friends


Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Hodgo and daughter were weekend visitors at Anahelm Landing.


"Just for Fun"By RAS BERRY

They wae lota of rnuelo in town Sat. nt. First Qene DeBra he had a big Atwater Kent radio tuned in at the Ferncroft on the Blltmore and plenty of bozos et a 86 cen dinner and heard the Blltmore a the same time and Imagined the chow was costing them about 16.90 And the bus. mgr. come out of the Ferncroft and out In front o Hardware Reeves why a phono graph was playing. What's the Idea of all the Sartorl st. merchants running competltloa to the Gardner Music-'Co. says the bus mgr. They ain't no offense Intended says Hu rum only business Is a little slov and I'm just, putting out a fev notes. ^—•

Than they waa the muiio ova on El Pr'ado where the merchants give a free concert and dance. Wel a couple of little tots belonging to Manager Grub of the American Market they got loose and was irying and they was rescued by

Officer Edwards and Officer Brun- dette and each policeman had one baby In his arms and these two

i was crying like everything and somebody says it looks like the police dept. la caring for the babies while the mothers dances. This one says Officer Brundette seems i

hole lot uneasy. I wonder what' the matter with It. And as he waa trying to quiet the tot why a vole

n the crowd yells, Maybe he its a drink of water, Officer

Nobuddy waa hurt.

The L. A. Examiner aeemi think that it would be a nice thing or L. A, to widen the shoestring itrip and take in some more area

Into the L. A. limits and they sa; they want the new territory on to- west side of the present strip Ain't that sweet of them?

.Plenty of the boya up to the American, is worried for fear Dew* Fix will drink ' too many Coca Colas as they say he Ip up to thj counter ordering a lot lately and some of the boys says the reason ain't that he is so thirsty but be­ cause of the general attractiveness of Hughey/s new assistant.

Old Hughey is a wiae bozo.

Con Cave and L. CrQwoll .goea up with Freddie Palmer the othe p. m. and Con he gets sick so when they land again why It seems

Time Table EffectiveMay 1, 1925

to Long Beach and WilmingtonLeave Torrancefor Wilmington Leave Long Beachand Long Beach por Torrance

7:15 A. M.8:20

*9:15 10:20 11:20 12:20 P. M.1:202:203:204:20 5:206:207:209:20


D 7:00 A. M 7:40

08:10 9:40

10:40 11:40 12:40 P. M 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:45 5:35 6:45

S7-40 b;4o

10:50D Daily except Sundays.S Sunday only.

'Connections for Catallna Island. Make reservations and purchase tickets at the Torrance Pharmacy. Phone 3-J.


Motional Pullntans the rim V.

Ticket* to and from Europe via all Trait*- Atlantic Line*

Santa F« TicketRobt

2394 Careen

round trip faresMexico City . $126.65 Munu.-l . 144.42 New Orleans 8S.15 N«w Yo.'lt . 147.40 Oklahoma City 72.00 Onuha . . 72.00 St. Louis . 81.50 St. Paul . . 87.50 Washington 141.56 Winnipeg . :i-.50

-and man/ othera RETURN LIMIT OCTOBER )( !

Office and Travel BureauP. Hinxo, Loo-1 Agont

Strool. Phono Torranoa 844

right for Fred to buy him another lunch.

Con uya ho w« pretty athjlatio In hto college days cut that never until be went up In that plane did he think anybody could get BO much distance In the broad put.

You aim eomething at Torrance, he says, and It lands In Oardena, which says more for distance and natural selection than It does (or accuracy.

That being the oaao and mo be­ ing a resident of Torrance who walks around a lot, why I have asked Fred to always tell them when they are up there why to aim It at Torrance.

Con eaye that taking a bozo in a plane 'like that and Hopping around so he gets sick is what be calls "putting up" a little lunch.

Gilbert, 'Hanaen and Page was moving into their new office yes­ terday and Eufus and Fred and Wallace was carrying furniture and I meets Frank Summons out In front and we agreed that It was a refreshing thing once In a while to see a bunch of real estate men doln a little work.

And Fred aaye, well that m«ke« t unanimous.

Read Our Want Ads!


DRUG STOREThe best Aspirin Tab­

lets money can buy, at

a price all can afford.

That well describes

Aspirin TabletsThey are made scien­

tifically from TRUE as­

pirin, disintegrate quick­ ly and give prompt re­


25cHandy pocket Box of 24.............

Big household Afk Bottle of 100....49C




Love Bands You Give "Her"

Let there beno questionconcerning

the quality ofthe Engagement

or WeddingRings,

oven if they roust bo Inexpensive.

No matter how large or how small the diamond may be, if it is bought from the House of Parr Values, "she" will never be ashamed to wear it as long as she lives. Our reputation is at stake every time we make a sale, and we cannot afford to Jeopardize the good will and confidence we have been five long years in building.

i tee

1603 Cabrlllo ••••••••••••••••••••••••I


TorrancePlumbingCo.AGENT FOR


Aoroaa from Peat Off loo 1418 MarceHna Avenuo

Equip Your Home With a

Eliminates Pot WatchingOven Heat Regulated Gas Ranges eliminate pot watch­

ing. Put your whole dinner in the oven, roast, vege­

tables, and everything, set the RED WHEEL, then

take the afternoon off and forget about cooking tH!

dinner time. When you go home all you will have to do

is to turn off the gas and serve a perfectly cooked

dinner. ___ ........ ... ,&_ ?

*:*. * SOLD BY THE



Value For The MoneyTUDOR SEDAN

680Toarinf Car ... 2J)0Cow* ..... SSOrtrimrStJaa - . . tSO

Oa oura cm demounubleItal and «.rt«r an «85 tiltm

All print f. o. 6. Detroit

The Ford car is universally known to be Reliable, Economical, Convenient—Easy to Buy

For Ford economy is not only a matter of low price and upkeep; it is a question

of the saving you will enjoy in time, energy and health.

Satisfaction it increased by reliability of the Ford Dealer organization in every neighborhood where you may drive. See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer Ask him about the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan, or write us for particulars.

BALLOONFull Size (29*4.40)Now Optional On All Ford Car. At An Extra Con of

'25Ford Motor Company, Dept. N-6^Detroit, Michigan<*>•«•• null »w fall tuurttaulan racwdln* your «MT Dten for owning an automobile.