may 2016 2bc monthly


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The 2BC Weekly | May 1, 2016 Second Baptist Church weekly worship guide/newsletter for May 1, 2016.


Page 1: May 2016 2BC Monthly
Page 2: May 2016 2BC Monthly

If you are a first-time guest, please complete a guest card from a pew pocket or Friendship Register and drop it in the offering plate so that we may get acquainted with you. Please see an usher if you’d like a listening aid.

Each Sunday in the Welcome Center (just inside the Kansas Street entrance on Level 1), our Hospitality Team is waiting to help you get connected. This may include finding a Bible study class, showing you where children and student ministries meet, or sharing the day’s activities and schedule. You may also enjoy a cup of coffee at the Welcome Center’s coffee bar and get to know others at Second.

Your entire family is welcome here! Children’s worship bags filled with books and activities are available at the Sanctuary entrances. If you’d like an alternative for your children, childcare for birth through Pre-K is available on Level 2 at any point in the service. Our Welcome Center is also available for those with restless infants, and you can view the service on a monitor there.

In addition to placing your offering in the offering plate, you can give online at or via your smartphone by scanning this QR code. We have “online giving” cards in the pew rack that you can place in the offering plate to represent your gift if you choose.

300 E. Kansas | Liberty, MO 64068 | 816-781-2824 | Join us on social media: @2bcliberty WiFi: 2BC-Guest Password: 2bcguest#01

Take a moment to prepare

your heart for worship…

“If we only had eyes to see and ears to hear and wits to understand, we would know that the Kingdom of God in the sense of holiness, goodness, beauty is as close as breathing and is crying out to be born both within ourselves and within the world; we would know that the Kingdom of God is what we all of us hunger for above all other things even when we don’t know its name or realize that it’s what we’re starving to death for. The Kingdom of God is where our best dreams come from and our truest prayers. We glimpse it at those moments when we find ourselves being better than we are and wiser than we know. We catch sight of it when at some moment of crisis a strength seems to come to us that is greater than our own strength. The Kingdom of God is where we belong. It is home, and whether we realize it or not, I think we are all of us homesick for it.”

― Frederick Buechner

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173rd Anniversary

May 1, 2016 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Gathering Music Invitation to Worship Jason Edwards Recognition of 40 Year Members Jason Edwards Larry and Helen Winter Candlelighting Lydia Cole

Prelude “Giusto con Vivo” Michael Glasgow Student Bells Christie White, Director Call to Worship “God of the Ages, History’s Maker” Lloyd Larsen Sanctuary Choir Don Brown, Director +Our Response of Praise 566 “O God Our Help in Ages Past” ST. ANNE The New Testament Lesson Revelation 21:10, 22 – 22:5 Steve Ritter (8:30)

Becky Dempsey (11:00)

(Pew Bible, page 204, New Testament)

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God!

Practicing the Presence of God Musical Meditation (8:30) “Day by Day” Oscar Ahnfelt

Becky Whited, flute Choral Worship (11:00) “Be Still and Know” Tom Fettke Student Choir

Leslie Bunch, Director

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+Hymn “O God Who Speaks” LIBERTY

(See inside back cover of hymnal)

Prayers of the People Don Brown Choral Worship “Pacem” Lee Dengler Student Choir The Psalm Psalm 67 Teresa Anderson (8:30) Craig Dempsey (11:00) Unison Reading

1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us - 2 so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. 3 May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. 4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth. 5 May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you. 6 The land yields its harvest; God, our God, blesses us. 7 May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Sermon INCONCEIVABLE! Jason Edwards +Hymn of Commitment 665 “Because I Have Been Given Much” SEMINARY The worship of the living God invites our response. Those who wish to profess faith in Christ and/or to

unite with the church are invited to come forward and share your decision with the pastor.

+Offertory Prayer and Generosity Moment Ron Mullennix

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Offertory “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)” Tomlin/Lamb Student Bells +Presentation of Offerings 208 “He Is Lord” HE IS LORD

He is Lord, He is Lord! He is risen from the dead and He is Lord! Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess That Jesus Christ is Lord. Music and Refrain arr.© 1986 Word Music, LLC

Baptism Josie Hilton Josie’s faith story is read by her father, Mark Hilton A Baptismal Affirmation 423 “This Is the Threefold Truth” ACCLAMATIONS Stanza 1

This is the threefold truth on which our faith depends, and with this joyful cry worship begins and ends: Christ has died! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! Words and Music © 1980 Hope Publishing Company

­Postlude “How Firm a Foundation” James Pethel All Songs UBP CCLI #1091036 All Video UBP CCVI #502497070 Organ: Ann Posey Piano: Name Helen Brown Sanctuary Sound: Dave Heston, Gary Pennington Media: John Hilton, Kenny Williams

Worship Leader: David Fulk


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Christian sympathy is

extended to Larry Willis in

the death of his Vietnam

buddy, David Peterson.

Christian sympathy is

extended to Toni and Byron

Buffalo in the death of Toni’s

mother, Mildred “Midge”

Bridwell of Eagle Butte, SD on

April 24.

OTHER PRAYER CONCERNS Otis Miller Sr., defibrillator/pacemaker implant. Prayers for him and Carol as he recovers. Jeff Moore Karen North; cancer treatment


Teresa Anderson is married to Matt and works in healthcare information technology. She and Matt share their home with their cat, Gus.

Don Brown has been a member of Second Baptist since the fall of 1967 when he and Helen moved to Liberty to join the music faculty of William Jewell College. He is involved in the Sanctuary Choir, the Adult Handbell Choir, the Middle School Handbell Choir as well as many other church activities.

Lydia Cole is a fifth grader at Northland Christian School. She is the daughter of Richard Cole and granddaughter of Rick and Cathy Cole.

Becky Dempsey is a deacon, sings in the choir, and serves as a connector for the Drama Team. For over 20 years she and Craig taught children’s Sunday School, and she also wrote and led children’s worship services during most of that time. Becky assistant directs for Liberty North High School theatre, is a Teaching Artist for Kansas City Young Audiences, and acts in films, commercials, and company training videos, as well as on stage from Richmond to Olathe.

Craig Dempsey spends a lot of time videotaping church activities. He helped set up the system and continues to help train new operators as well as taking his turn in the booth for worship and videotaping events outside of worship. He regularly does childcare for MOPS and subs for worship childcare. For over 20 years, he and Becky taught childen’s Sunday School. He and Becky have children who are all moving this summer: to Minneapolis; to Portland, OR; and within San Francisco. And yes, traveling is one of the interests Craig and Becky share!

Ron Mullennix and Kathy have been members of 2BC since 1977. He is a partner with Withers Brant Igoe and Mullennix, PC.

Steve Ritter and Tammy have two sons and three grandchildren. Steve is retired from GE Energy. The Ritters have been members of Second since l989.

Larry Winter served on the Second Baptist Church staff from 1976 to 2002. During that time Helen was a teacher at Liberty High School. Their daughter, Megan and family, live in Dallas, TX. Their son, Cody and family, live in Seattle, WA. They treasure their three grandchildren Liam, Charlie and Adele.

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In 1557, a gentleman by the name of Thomas Tusser compiled a collection of writ-

ings he called A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry. In the April Husbandry section,

he wrote one of the earliest recorded renderings of an oft-quoted adage:

Sweet April showers

Do spring May flowers


April showers bring May flowers.

The poetry of this old adage points to a rhythm intimately connected to the cycle of the seasons, the cy-

cles of our lives. The storms of one season bring forth flowering in another. As I pen these words during

the great storm of April 26, 2016 (ok, ok – GREAT is a bit of an overstatement), I find myself curious of

what might bloom in the days ahead. April 26 showers mean I certainly must mow my overgrown lawn

soon, but they also mean I should keep my eyes peeled for yellow, purple and red bursts of new beauty

that will continue to work their way through the soil around our home.

The Gospel indicates a similar cycle. Just weeks ago we journeyed together through the disappointment

and shame of Jesus’ crucifixion, the silent waiting of the weekend that followed, and the surprising news

that this wasn’t an ending, but perhaps THE beginning. Life burst forth from one of the least likely of plac-

es, an empty tomb. Life burst forth and the world would never be the same again.

As we live into this shift from April to May, from Easter resurrection to Pentecost power, we live as peo-

ple who have been thoroughly shaped by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. May we show up for worship con-

vinced that Jesus is alive and expectant of what he might want to do with us or say to us. May we em-

brace the opportunity to study scripture in community, knowing that we are people of a Book through

which God speaks anew daily. May we be stirred to sacrificial generosity, knowing that God can and will

multiply the loaves of our gifts far more than we could ask or imagine. May we renew our commitment

serving Jesus, either serving as we have more fervently, or by seeking out a ministry opportunity new for

you: become a greeter, join the school connections team, develop people with our leadership develop-

ment committee, sign up for a mission trip, join the choir, commit to prayer walking with our deacons,

become a Stephen Minister… sit down with one of our pastors and explore the many other existing and

burgeoning opportunities that might be a right fit for you. Or dream – dream big – and don’t forget to


April showers bring May flowers.

May the eyes of our souls be peeled wide open in the days and months ahead, so that none of us might

miss the flowering of God’s presence or purpose in our midst.




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Our children’s ministry is fortunate to have a CBF

intern working with us this summer! JoEllen Hill will

serve alongside us as she learns more about pastoral

ministry as well as working directly with our children

through Bible Study, Vacation Bible School and

whatever else we put her through! I look forward to

the summer together. Take a

minute to read her bio below.

Welcome, JoEllen! —Gwen Phillips

My name is JoEllen Hill, yes, of the

famous Hill family. My parents are

Jerry and Janet Hill and my

grandfather was Melvin Hill. Ministry is

in my family’s blood and it looks like it

passed on to me. I am studying

Religions and Culture at William Jewell.

Jewell has let me explore a lot of things, especially some

new hobbies and interests. I now love art more than

anything, and I love to paint. I also love to read and hang

out in my hammock. I love spending time with my friends

and family. I love going on spontaneous adventures. Most

of all, I love spending time with kids. So I want to thank

you all for giving me this opportunity to work with the

children of your church.



Second Baptist will be hosting Christine Harris,

trumpet, and Jerry Westenkuehler, organ, in concert

on Tuesday, May 31, 7:30 pm. Christine and Jerry are

graduates of William Jewell College. Both have

received doctorates in their respective fields and have

been active in church and teaching ministries.

Save the date!



Sunday, May 15, is Graduate Recognition Day where

we recognize high school graduates in 11:00 a.m.

worship. We will also list the names of college,

technical or grad school graduates in the Weekly on

that day. May 11 is the last day to register graduates

to be included in the Weekly. Email

[email protected] with your name, school and

degree/program, or visit




Wednesdays | 6:30-7:15 p.m. | We have three fun final

sessions to round out our Sanctuary year:

May 4: Children’s Choir program

May 11: Results from our 2nd Church Health Survey

May 18: TED-style talks from Students

Visit for more information!



July 16-22 | Winter Park Resort, Colorado | Rising 9th -

Graduated 12th | $100 deposit due at registration

Official registration has closed, but limited space may

still be available. Contact Charles Smith at

[email protected] or 816-781-2824 ext. 314 for



We’re going to the T-Bones game! Save the date and

watch for details.


High School Trip June 5-10

Middle School Trip June 27-30

Register (and pay the $100 cost online) at Contact Charles Smith

([email protected]) with questions!


Total receipts from Catalyst giving:

April 24 Plate offering $17,084.16

April Direct Debit Offering: $8,944.00

WEDNESDAY NIGHT MENU: May 4 Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, green beans, cookies Make reservations by Monday at noon with the church office or at MSG free/vegetarian options available.

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Second Baptist Church has adopted a new tool, AssessMe, to aid you in discovering your spiritual gifts

and connecting them to service opportunities within the church.

You can try it today at

1. Select the button that says REGISTER NOW. You will set-up a personalized login, which only takes

2-3 minutes. (Look for the text that says that says “It’s fast and free.”)

2. After you have finished setting up your account, you may login and begin the assessment.

3. The assessment is in four parts. You may take all four at once or break them up. The entire assess-

ment will only take between 15-30 minutes. Your results are automatically imported into the HUB

when you are finished.

While you are encouraged to complete this assessment online, a paper version is available by contacting the

church office at [email protected] or 816.781.2824.

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Sunday, May 22 | 6 p.m. | Northgate Middle School

We have been invited to participate in a soccer match with some new friends from the

Karen people group. Grace Baptist Church has a group that gets together and plays

soccer each week and they have invited us to field a team and have a match followed

by a time of fellowship. If you would like to play, contact Mike Lassiter at [email protected]. Anyone is welcome to watch the match and enjoy the fellowship.


Sunday, May 22 | after 11 a.m. service

As part of the SEND initiative at 2BC, our efforts to

support God's work in Haiti--the poorest country in

our hemisphere--are providing more opportunities

for us to serve, even if you can't travel.

To learn more about plans for upcoming trips to

Grand Goave, Haiti, and how you might get involved,

please join us.

Menu: Soup Joumou, a Haitian dish, prepared by Sara


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Following the 11 a.m. worship, there will be a lunch and launch party for the 2BC

Team. This kicks off the training season for our participation in the October 15 Kansas

City Marathon. We had tremendous interest from 2BC last week, and if you didn’t

have an opportunity to sign up yet, you can sign up at any time, but the earlier the bet-

ter. The team is for both seasoned runners that train year-round or those who have

never run or walked before, but who have a goal to raise money to provide clean wa-ter in Africa. Michelle Prindle is the Team Captain this year.

Sign up at!



July 23-30 | a group will travel to the area around Grand Goave, Haiti, and will connect

with Cooperative Baptist Field Personnel Jenny Jenkins;

June 4-12 | a group of 17 people will learn about caring for children in Bogota, Colom-


Two student groups in June and one all church trip (July 30-August 4) will reconnect

with our Lakota friends in Bridger/Takini on the Cheyenne River Reservation in South

Dakota. In addition, Jordan Groves, Elliott Yoakum and Emmy Gregory will travel to

the Reservation for the month of June to help with summer school at Takini again.

We will commission each group and pray for them as they share the journey with oth-

er cultures, learn from each other and become the presence of Christ to each other.

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Tuesdays in June and July (except July 12) | 10-11

a.m. | Assembly Room | $5 donation per class | Child-

care available | This is a beginner’s yoga class,

appropriate for those who have not done yoga

before. It will be a time for self-care and stillness,

to breathe and move our bodies intentionally,

and to practice the presence of God.

There is a suggested donation of $5 per class.

We will have childcare for ages birth

through pre-K. Wear comfortable clothes, and

if possible, bring a yoga mat.

Contact Maggie Henderson to sign up at 816-781-

2824 or [email protected].


Second Summer Symphony will begin playing for

worship on June 5. All instrumentalists who are

entering 9th grade through adults are invited to

bring their instruments and join us in making a joyful

noise each Sunday throughout the summer. We

meet at 8:44 a.m. on Sunday mornings to prepare

for that day's worship. Contact Ann Posey for more

information at [email protected].


Tuesday, June 7 | 3-7 p.m. | Social Room | One tangi-

ble way we can serve our community is by donating

blood! If possible, sign up in advance on the sheet at

the Welcome Center desk. Walk-ins also welcome.

Contact Luda Teterina at [email protected] if you have

questions or if you’d like to help as part of the Blood

Drive Team.

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We are working hard to turn this plot of land known as

Second Baptist Church into an exciting cave-like experience

for children all over the greater Liberty area! Save the dates

of JULY 11-15 and plan to join us.

When Jesus spoke to the people, he said “I am the Light of

the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness

but will have the light of life.” You can sign up as a volunteer

to help us share these truths: Jesus gives us hope, courage,

direction, love and his power. There is a CAVE QUEST

VOLUNTEER form online that you can fill out to help us

find just the right spot for you!



JUNE 10-11 AT 2BC

Leaders, save the date for a special training

opportunity we have for you! If you’re a leader

at 2BC, in the community, or if you’d like to

be, this will be a beneficial retreat for you.

Our guest leader will be Lance Wallace, Senior

Director of Communications and Issues Man-

agement, Georgia Tech University, Atlanta, GA.

You will learn, you will be inspired, you will be



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Celebrating Linda Jones

I am officially declaring May 2016 Linda Jones Appreciation Month, as she well deserves, and as

we well need. Many of us have been grieving Linda’s retirement since she announced it, and in case you didn’t

know, the official day is storming in upon us at the end of this month.

On Wednesday, May 25, Linda will retire after almost 11 years of service at 2BC. April showers are supposed

to bring May flowers (as I mentioned in an earlier article), and I’m certain joining Larry in retirement will bring

with it the further flowering of rest, travel, new and renewed passions and projects, the joy of doing what she

wants to do when she wants to do it and not when she doesn’t, the crème de la crème of increased grandchil-

dren time, and so many other joys. I’m sure this is all much anticipated by

Linda, it has not been by us, at least not with any measure of joy.

For so many this is because of the great deal of love and care that she has

brought to her work at Second Baptist. This was no doubt recognized

early on, because as you may remember, Linda started out working at

2BC as a part-time ministry assistant. She came to us after her first retire-

ment from teaching, a career for which she gave her first vocational life to

well. Linda, who has a Master’s degree in Education, has told me that she

never imagined she would do anything other than teach, and when Larry

entered his first “retirement,” which was really a second career that

moved them into our midst, she was content to enjoy a new season of

rest. That rest didn’t last long as she first volunteered at 2BC, then came

to work part-time, and finally was asked to assume the role of Church

Administrator, a position in which she quickly began to flourish.

Larry Gregory, our Volunteer Property Manager, has gushed to me about

how amazing Linda has been in this role. Linda didn’t just tighten up the

ship of 2BC, she did it as one who’d found new life in ministry as a Church Administrator. In our years togeth-

er, she has remarked that as much as she loved being a teacher, had she known what she knows now, she

would have started out as a Church Administrator. Like many, she was highly effective in one role. but then

later, because she was open to the winds of the Spirit, courageously embraced what would be a vocation that

tapped into the center of her soul, the essence of God’s design for her. And we reaped the benefits.

If you belong to the community of 2BC, you have benefited from Linda’s loving guidance of our support staff,

her dedicated attention to detail, her ongoing quest to get us the best results and to get them with the best

deals. (Her thirst for a deal has saved us all lots of money.) If you belong to 2BC, and even if you don’t – but

have been impacted by the ministries of this church because you live in Liberty – you have benefited from the

ministry of Linda Jones in ways I’m confident you are not even aware. Remember, everything done in and

through our building is connected to Linda’s ministry.

A few years ago the Church Administrator from Wilshire Baptist in Dallas visited me and asked if he could look

around our building. After careful examination he came back to me and said “Jason, you have a VERY good

church administrator. This building is receiving exceptional care. She’s VERY good.”

Friends, the job of the Church Administrator is so often behind the scenes. Given that, it is one of those jobs

that can often go unnoticed and underappreciated. What I need you to hear right now is this: You have had a

VERY good Church Administrator. We have all taken that for granted, as we’re want to do with so many things.

We have all failed to notice so many good things she has done for and with us. She has tended to her work with

diligence and care and passion, and she has mostly done this rather quietly. AND she has done this with an

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intentional pursuit of growing excellence, quietly seeking skill-

sharpening opportunities each year of her employment, not the

least of which pursuing her National Church Administra-

tors Certification in recent years and graduating with that

esteemed certification last summer, an accomplishment that we

didn’t come anywhere close to making enough noise about. Did

you know that she did all of that not for her own benefit, not

for her own advancement, but simply to make us better? Her

primary project was the development of a policies and proce-

dures manual for Second Baptist Church. To make us better. To

help us better achieve our vision of being a catalyst for the

dream of God to come true in the world.

She’s done all of this rather quietly, and because she has, I’d like

to ask you not to be quiet about any of that this month. Don’t

let her do what she wants to do – slip away quietly into retire-

ment, deflecting all of the good attention onto others. No sir.

Let’s make some noise!

This month I’d like for you to be as intentional about not taking

Linda for granted as she has been about serving God and you

with excellence over the past 11 years. This month, I’d like for

you to be as diligent in encouraging her as she has been in her

ongoing commitment to making this the best church it can be in

her 11 years with us. You can do that, of course, in conversa-

tion with Linda, but there are also other ways, and you can see

the box at right for a few of those.

One final personal note: Linda is much more than a Church

Administrator to me, she is my friend. As a young pastor com-

ing into a first pastorate, it’s so good to work with people who

are immediately committed to supporting, encouraging, dream-

ing, kindly advising, and simply conversing with you along the

way. Linda was committed to being my friend from day 1, and

that is something I will always cherish. Her friendship, in ways

I’m sure she doesn’t know, has bettered me. Being Linda’s col-

league has been something for which I will always be grateful.

Being her friend continues to be a gift from God. I know so

many of you feel the same way.

So *raising my espresso cup*’s to Linda! May we all fully

recognize the gift that she is… may we fully let her know we

are aware of that… May we celebrate her well in the days

ahead… and may we continue to cherish her friendship among

us for a very, very long time. (She’s staying around, don’t you


Let Linda Jones Appreciation month begin!




Linda with words of blessing! There will

be a box on the welcome center desk

labeled “blessings for Linda.” Please

write notes of encouragement to Linda

and drop them in that box. If you’d like,

you can also mail these Maggie Hender-

son in the church office with a note that

says “Blessings for Linda,” and she’ll

know where to put them.


courage you to record a 30 – 90 sec-

ond video message for Linda by May 22.

If you’d like to record it on your own device

and send it to us, you can:

email the video to Nicole Swanson

at [email protected], or

if the file is too large to send, email

Nicole and she will send you a link

to a Dropbox folder where you

can upload it.

If you’d like to have the video recorded for

you, Craig Dempsey will be available to

record messages in the Chapel at these


9:30-10 a.m. and immediately after

11:00 worship on May 8, 15 and 22.

Wednesday, May 11, during even-

ing activities



On that day we will recognize Linda

publicly at the end of our worship ser-

vices and in between them. From 9:15

to 10:45 a.m. we will have a special par-

ty for Linda in our Social Room. Please

circle Sunday, June 12th as an important

opportunity to let Linda know how

much we love and appreciate her.

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