11 atg_id=40741113&atg_sid=CD8580&atg_eid=FRERPT&atg_sid_pay=CD8581 March 7, 2013 8 TOP TRADES for a Massive Payday in 2013 8 Top Trades for a Massive Payday in 2013 You live and breathe trading. You can’t get enough. Guess what? Neither can the advisors at 24/7 Trader! At 24/7 Trader, you have full access to some of the market’s most experienced and successful options trading experts. These advisors have seen it all, and they’ve backed up the truck in all kinds of markets. What better way to learn (and profit) than from someone else’s experience? Our experts are sharing their time-tested advice with you today in this free report. Knowledge and confidence are critical in achieving your financial goals, and that’s what the advisors are here to give you. Whether you track the technicals or you’re more of a fundamentals type, the advisors at 24/7 Trader are ready to meet your needs. 24/7 Trader is your home for turning real-time info into big-time money. Let’s meet the advisors! Ken Trester As the nation’s foremost professional options trader, Ken Trester is not just another “options educator.” He is a pro who has been trading options since the first exchanges opened in 1973 with a winning streak that goes all the way back to 1984 and money-doubling average annual profits since 1990. In fact, Ken puts his money where his mouth is and actively trades his own account each and every day as part of his popular Maximum Options service. Using his own proprietary system, Ken uncovers up to 10 low-cost, high-potential options trade recommendations each week, from single-option plays to spreads and also offers access to his top stock picks each week. He has a two-pronged approach to profiting - by uncovering options that are undervalued, you profit when they start trading up (or down) to their fair value PLUS you also benefit from the underlying stocks’ momentum. Amazingly, he’s closed out 59 credit spread for 100% gains in 2012 alone, and his single options trades have yielded great returns like: 71% profits in BUD in 14 days 81% profits in WMB in 20 days 100% profits in DLTR in 25 days

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March 7, 2013


for a Massive Payday in 20138 Top Trades for a Massive Payday in 2013

You live and breathe trading. You can’t get enough.

Guess what? Neither can the advisors at 24/7 Trader!

At 24/7 Trader, you have full access to some of the market ’s most experienced and successfulopt ions trading experts.

These advisors have seen it all, and they’ve backed up the truck in all kinds of markets. Whatbetter way to learn (and prof it ) than from someone else’s experience? Our experts are sharingtheir t ime-tested advice with you today in this f ree report . Knowledge and conf idence arecrit ical in achieving your f inancial goals, and that ’s what the advisors are here to give you.

Whether you track the technicals or you’re more of a fundamentals type, the advisors at 24/7Trader are ready to meet your needs.

24/7 Trader is your home for turning real-t ime info into big-t ime money.

Let ’s meet the advisors!

Ken Trester

As the nat ion’s foremost professional opt ions trader, Ken Trester is not just another “opt ionseducator.” He is a pro who has been trading opt ions since the f irst exchanges opened in 1973with a winning streak that goes all the way back to 1984 and money-doubling average annualprof its since 1990.

In fact , Ken puts his money where his mouth is and act ively t rades his own account each andevery day as part of his popular Maximum Options service. Using his own proprietary system,Ken uncovers up to 10 low-cost, high-potent ial opt ions trade recommendat ions each week,from single-opt ion plays to spreads and also of fers access to his top stock picks each week.He has a two-pronged approach to prof it ing - by uncovering opt ions that are undervalued, youprof it when they start t rading up (or down) to their fair value PLUS you also benef it f rom theunderlying stocks’ momentum. Amazingly, he’s closed out 59 credit spread for 100% gainsin 2012 alone, and his single opt ions trades have yielded great returns like:

71% prof its in BUD in 14 days

81% prof its in WMB in 20 days

100% prof its in DLTR in 25 days

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146% prof its in CRUS in 21 days

177% prof its in SHFL in 25 days

233% prof its in SLAB in 27 days

Here are two trades Ken is act ively t rading now:

There are only a few stocks every week that give signals strong enough to make them acandidate for prof itable opt ions trading. Ken Trester has looked through the list of PowerStocks and picked out the most volat ile and liquid t rades. He’s also taken stock pricemovement and theoret ical opt ion values into account.

And that research has yielded an internet stock that stands out among the rest for opt ionstrading: Yahoo (YHOO).

Trade #1 - Yahoo! (YHOO)

Buy YHOO May 22 call opt ions at 82 cents or lower, when the stock price is at $21.30. Afterentry, take prof its if the stock price hits $22.80 or the opt ion price reaches $1.60. Exit if thestock price closes below $20.50 or the opt ion price falls to 50 cents.

Extra Credit : Prof it ing from Credit Spreads

In addit ion to the several single opt ions trades, Ken gives his Maximum Options subscriberssteady-returning credit spreads each week to augment your t rading income.

A credit spread involves writ ing (selling to open) an opt ion and purchasing (buying to open) anopt ion at a dif ferent strike price in the same underlying security. The posit ion, or leg, of thespread trade that you sell gives you a cash credit to your t rading account. The opt ion you buylimits your risk and lowers your margin requirement for the t rade.

In a credit spread trade, you collect more money on the leg you write than you spend on the legyou buy, so you are gett ing paid to enter the t rade! For maximum prof its, you want bothopt ions involved in the spread to expire out of the money. But regardless of what happens tothe opt ions, the money you receive for opening the posit ion is yours to keep.

Trade #2 - ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (TBT)

Put Credit Spread to Open -- Sell the ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (TBT) Mar64 Put and buy the TBT Mar 61 Put for a spread credit of 35 cents or higher.

TBT is an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that moves twice the inverse of long-term Treasurybond prices. In other words, if long-term term Treasury yields rise, TBT also rises (when interestrates rise, bond prices fall). TBT has been in a steady uptrend since November as t raders andinvestors have sold Treasuries to buy stocks. The rally brought its price back above its 200-daymoving average, which is now serving as support . Addit ional support also exists in the $66 areawith its 50-day moving average, and more chart support is available at $64.10.

Here is the information you need to know to open the ProShares UltraShort 20+ YearTreasury put credit spread:

Underlying Stock: ProShares UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (TBT)

Current Stock Price: $67.23

Trade Type: Put credit spread

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This posit ion generates an 11% return on margin (132% annualized) for a three-week holdingperiod. Your maximum risk is $265 per contract .

Making the Trade: Use a spread order to Sell to Open the ProShares UltraShort 20+ YearTreasury (TBT) Mar 64 Put (TBT130316P00064000), and Buy to Open the ProSharesUltraShort 20+ Year Treasury (TBT) Mar 61 Put (TBT130316P00061000), for a spread credit of35 cents or higher.

A put credit spread is a bullish posit ion in which you want the stock price to stay above theupper strike price of the spread. Use an auto-stop order to close this posit ion if TBT tradesbelow $63.50 prior to March opt ions expirat ion and you do not want to buy the stock. If you donot close the posit ion and the TBT Mar 64 Put expires in the money you will be obligated tobuy 100 shares of the stock at $64 per share for each credit spread contract you open.

Sign up for Maximum Opt ions today and stay on top of all the t rades Ken has to of fer.

John Lansing

John Lansing is not your typical Wall Street insider, but that hasn’t stopped him from makingtons of money using his own winning stock market t rading strategies. In fact , he started hiscareer in hotel restaurant management, but his penchant for numbers, his photographicmemory and a burning desire to “make good” led him to his t rue calling - technical t rading.

With this amazing “Midas touch” at picking opt ion t rades based on solid stock analysis, Johnlaunched Parabolic Options, his weekly opt ions trading service geared toward helping individualinvestors double their money in three weeks or less with short-term, highly leveraged and easy-to-execute opt ion t rades.

At Parabolic Options, John typically works 15-hour days on his subscribers’ behalf , t irelesslytracking 238 dif ferent sectors and subsectors of the market - more than 16,000 dif ferentinvestment vehicles - to f ind winning, easy-to-execute opt ions trades.

Here are two more trades John is watching closely :

Trade #3 - Fiserv (FISV)

Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2013 marked the lowest close so far in 2013 in the NASDAQ 100 as measuredby the NASDAQ ETF (QQQ) on signif icant volume as well as registering the third highestvolume day this year. If you were to compare this market to a used car, anyone going long atthese levels likely just drove of f the lot with a lemon, and technology is gett ing t rashed.

Apple (AAPL) cont inues to break down, and high-beta China-related stocks Limited (CYOU), (SOHU), SINA Corp. (SINA) and now cont inue to get pummeled and underperform their large-cap, blue-chip peers. The formernames are gett ing hammered, giving back all the gains they saw early in the year in just onesingle t rading day in many cases.

One name from the bunch has emerged as one of the worst of the worst : Fiserv (FISV). FISV isa great candidate for a bearish t rade.

It ’s a really high volume stock. If you take a look at a lot of the dif ferent indicators andoscillators, now they are in negat ive territory as FISV broke south out of a wedge pattern. Butbecause FISV is not a high-beta stock (meaning it doesn’t make huge moves up and downsuddenly), the best opt ion appears to be at-the-money puts with a March expirat ion.

'Buy to open' the FISV Mar 80 Puts (FISV130316P00080000) at current levels for a target

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of 5.00.

Parabolic Options members get complete entry instruct ions, including the underlying stock, theexpirat ion month, the strike price, the opt ions t icker and the entry price, as well as any pert inentprof it target informat ion. At Parabolic Options we rarely use stop-losses, as opt ions areinherent ly volat ile and a stop-loss could take you out of a posit ion prematurely, but you’ll get allthe informat ion you need to get posit ioned:

Trade #4 - Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG)

Another bearish opportunity in the markets right now is in Chipot le Mexican Grill (CMG). Theirburritos may be delicious but the stock, but CMG stock is following the same pattern as manyformer high f lyers that have since crashed and burned. It 's been in a broken uptrend for years,and it appears to be back-test ing that t rend right now.

'Buy to open' the CMG Mar 265 Puts (CMG130316P00265000) at current levels for atarget of 8.00.

John expects the near-term move down to be swif t , so our window of opportunity to enternew opt ions while volat ility remains low is closing quickly as the weekly t rends are turning verybearish in the senior averages! Take advantage of the current pricing; this may mean buyingputs on a day when the market is up. This kind of counter-intuit ive move means you're aheadof the crowd, but that 's why technical analysis works so well: It helps you spot the t rend beforeeveryone else, so you can get posit ioned before a big market move occurs, not after.

After more than two decades of t rading experience, John wouldn't st ick with technical analysisif it didn't work. It 's led Parabolic Options t raders to prof its like these:

87.5% prof its in AGU in 24 days

32% prof its in LEN in 3 days

79% prof its in MMM in 10 days

93% prof its in IBB in 3 days

114% prof its in RAX in 1 day

140% prof its in CHKP in 11 days

John Jagerson and Wade Hansen

They are passionate about f inance and helping both novice and experienced traders increasetheir port folios. As Co-Editors of SlingShot Trader their original goal was to create the best-in-class t rading advisory service where you can make prof its while keeping your risks in check.

John Jagerson

John Jagerson, Co-Editor of SlingShot Trader, has worked in the capital markets and privateequity for most of his career, including invest ing, writ ing, educat ion and money management.

John is the co-author of Profiting With Forex: The Most Effective Tools and Techniques forTrading Currencies (McGraw-Hill, 2006). He has been the featured trader in BusinessWeek’sStock Trader newslet ter and has writ ten for numerous f inancial publicat ions. John’scommentary and educat ional art icles are regularly featured across the Web including 24/7Trader. He was a managing partner at Ouroboros Capital Management and is the co-founderof

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Wade Hansen

S. Wade Hansen, Co-Editor of SlingShot Trader, is a founding member of a source for f ree investment educat ion and daily analysis of the stock, opt ions and Forexmarkets as well as a f requent contributor to 24/7 Trader.

Wade is the co-author of Profiting With Forex: The Most Effective Tools and Techniques forTrading Currencies (McGraw-Hill, 2006). He also has writ ten for Yahoo! Finance,, and He has an MBA from the University of Utah and was amanaging partner at Ouroboros Capital Management.

As co-editors of SlingShot Trader, they combine their two great passions in order to helpinvestors gain more conf idence and make bigger prof its t rading opt ions. They live and breatheinvest ing -- virtually every aspect of it , f rom stocks and opt ions to futures and Forex.

Whether you're new to opt ions trading or have been in the trenches for years, their t raders f indthat having access to their insight and rat ionale can help them stay focused in even the mosttrying markets. If you've ever exited a t rade too early or got in too late, you’ll want to check outSlingShot Trader where they will guide you every step of the way helping you become a better,more prof itable t rader.

Recent ly, they celebrated some great wins in SlingShot Trader, including:

58% prof its in AEP in one day!

76% prof its in APOL in four days

144% prof its in WAG in 5 days

65% prof its in JCP in 3 days

144% prof its in MHK in 4 days

Because there are so many factors that push and pull on this market at any one t ime, veryrarely are they completely bullish or completely bearish in the SlingShot Trader port folio. Rather,they ensure you have the best exposure to prof it f rom specif ic names that are set to movebecause of earnings, as well as broader sectors that might be impacted by world events oreconomic act ivity. The two trades below are part of their strategy to keep a balanced port foliothat will thrive in any market.

Trade #5 - Pandora (P)

Pandora (P) is a great example of a stock that has benef ited f rom the axiom "a rising t idef loats all boats." Since dropping nearly 17% to a low of $7.53 af ter last report ing earnings onDec. 4, P has jumped on the bullish bandwagon on Wall Street and is now trading above $12.The quest ion we have is...don't investors realize this is the same company that suf fers f rom abusiness model where growth can actually be a drag on the company?

That 's right . The more music users listen to on Pandora, the more the company has to pay forthat music, and the rates keep going higher. Under the blanket agreement online radiocompanies have with record labels, the rate paid per song rose from 0.11 cent last year to 0.12cent this year, and it was recent ly revealed that Sony/ATV recent ly renegot iated a 25%increase in the rates it receives from P.

This wouldn't be such a big problem if the company could of fset the rising costs with risingrevenues from subscript ions and advert ising, but that isn't happening. While the company's

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customer base is growing, a large percentage of that growth is coming in the form of userswho stream Pandora's music through their mobile devices, and unfortunately, mobile ad ratesare much, much lower than the rates the company is able to charge for advert ising on itsdesktop plat form. In fact , this discrepancy between rising royalty rates and meager onlineadvert ising rates forced P to announce yesterday that it will be capping free mobile listeninghours to 40 hours/month.

We don't believe the company has turned things around enough at this point to just ify the 60%increase in its stock valuat ion that we have seen in the past two months and think it is t ime fora pullback. While the stock may see some slight gains in the next few days, we ant icipateseeing $13 hold as resistance for the stock as we draw closer and closer to the March 7earnings announcement, which will come after the market closes. At that point , we would notbe surprised to see the stock drop to $11 or below, just like it did last September.

'Buy to open' the P Apr 12 Puts (P130420P00012000) for a maximum price of $1.45.

Sign up for SlingShot Trader today and you'll immediately be able to see all of their currenttrades and have the next t rade sent direct ly to your email.

Trade #6 - Capital One Finance (COF)

On January 17, COF missed the consensus est imate f rom their Q4 earnings report and loweredtheir revenue guidance for FY 2013. Consequent ly, the stock has shed 18%. Financials inaggregate are up 8.5% YTD while COF, the sixth largest bank in the US, is down -12.3%.

Yet the recent sellof f has also made COF one of the most undervalued names in the sector.With a book value per share (BVPS) of $68.10, the current price puts the stock at a mere 0.75xand only 7.5x the 2014 consensus est imate of $6.76, all while maintaining a return on equity of10.64%. These cut-rate mult iples are the kind of numbers that get value investors salivat ing.But the severe selling in the wake of the earnings report , going on f ive weeks now, is indicat iveof a fundamental shif t in at t itude towards the company.

In the one-year chart , the MACD and Stochast ics have fallen near their current levels only twiceand both t imes were followed by decisive rebounds. COF tends to see a lot of whipsaw act ion,of ten retracing moves abrupt ly to return to a mean trendline. Given these characterist ics, it islikely that COF will rebound to the $55 resistance level.

Buy to open the March $52.50 calls (COF130316C00052500) for $0.70 per share or less.

Jon Markman

Jon Markman is the editor of Trader's Advantage, a daily t rading service that leverages hisunique swing trading principles and aims to capture prof its of 15% to 40% -- and of ten as muchas 100% to 200% -- in less than 90 days. By combining technical analysis with underlyingfundamentals, Jon recommends beaten down stocks on the brink of reversal and powerfulmomentum stocks breaking out to new highs.

Recent ly, Jon launched CounterPoint Options to help t raders capture prof its f rom the VIX,commonly known as the "fear index." A direct play on the volat ility that 's come to def ine thecurrent market, VIX opt ions are also user-f riendly f rom a pricing standpoint . That 's because theVIX is the most liquid and heavily t raded instrument in the opt ions world, which means thatthere are endless opportunit ies and gett ing into and out of t rades for prof its isn't a problem.

A pioneer in the development of stock-rat ing systems and screening software, Jon Markman isco-inventor of two Microsoft patents and author of the best-selling books Swing Trading andOnline Investing. He was port folio manager and senior investment strategist at a mult i-strategy

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hedge fund from 2002 to 2005; managing editor and columnist at CNBC on MSN Money from1997 to 2002; and an editor, investment columnist and invest igat ive reporter at the LosAngeles Times f rom 1984 to 1997.

Jon thinks the most successful t raders use a mix of stocks and opt ions to generate returns,like the 6% he made short ing DIS stock over a two-week period, but the prof its opt ions tradeshave given him underscore just how important they can be to your port folio:

53% prof its in VOD in 7 days

50% prof its in PCLN in 3 weeks

100% prof its in AIG 13 days

1005 prof its in KGC in 8 days

233% prof its in GILD in 4 days

Below, he’s sharing two of his current top holdings, two bullish stocks to take advantage of thenext leg up - and af ter they show some momentum, Jon may recommend his Trader'sAdvantage members supplement with call opt ions.

Trade #7 - McDonald's (MCD)

McDonald's (MCD) is interest ing in that it is a quintessent ially American company, based inChicago, and yet it depends heavily on overseas markets for expansion. The stock spent a verylong period in investors' doghouse, basically f rom 1999 to about 2003. Shares rose followingthe start of the "shock and awe" init iat ion of the f irst phase of the war in Iraq, and thenadvanced steadily through the f irst year of the f inancial crisis in 2007, and half of the secondyear in 2008.

If you look at the top chart , though, you will see shares were largely unscathed in the f inancialcrisis, unlike about 90% of its large-cap peers. Since it was not super-cheap in early 2009, it gotof f to a slow start in the new 2009 bull cycle but then more than made up for that with stellaryears in 2010 and 2011. I would call your at tent ion to mid-2011 in part icular, since that was avery hard period for most large stocks, as the S&P 500 fell 19.5% from top to bottom in thatyear – and yet again, MCD was unscathed. Shares then peaked in January 2012 and did notpart icipate in any of the major rallies last year. But af ter that t ime out, the Happy Meals wereout in force again at the start of this year as it was suddenly considered an undervalued stock.

And that is where we are now. MCD took a year of f in 2011 as it weathered a variety ofchanges in management, men and franchising rules. But I believe it is in gear now and shouldperform well through the remainder of this half of 2013, at least even if the broad market sellsof f . Analysts believe comparable store sales will be under pressure in the f irst quarter, butguidance should be higher, part icularly if commodity prices remain stable or decline.

One of the primary changes this year, according to analysts who have met with management,is that the company will shif t its tone from "better, not bigger" to "better at being bigger." Todo that, the company is planning to spend $3.2 billion in 2013 to add 1,200 to 1,300 net newtradit ional restaurants. That will contribute 2.5% to annual growth, versus the 1%-2% seen inthe last decade. Management has gone to great lengths to emphasize future expansion will bepragmatic and sustainable even though it is also on a larger scale than seen previously.

If the company earns $5.73 in f iscal year 2013, as suspected, and trades at a 16.3 t imesmult iple, which is historically normal, then it should have no trouble gett ing to my target over$100. The company should be a long-term core holding in most port folios seeking low risk andsolid absolute return when you combine its capital appreciat ion with its 3.5% dividend.

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Buy to open MCD Apr. $95 Calls at new $2.20 limit for a $3.10 target .

Trade #8 - Boston Scientif ic (BSX)

Boston Scient if ic (BSX) a major medical device maker focusing on the cardiac, neurologicaland endoscopic markets, has perked up for the f irst t ime in nine years this month, as demandfor the shares have pushed the price over the persistent ly constrained 18-month average. Thisis a very, very long t ime for the shares of a major company to be depressed. Boston Scient if ic isnot actually a lost soul as it st ill sports a $10.4 billion market cap. The fact that this is 90% lowerthan where it was in 2004 shows you how large and important the company was at one t ime.

Shares have risen recent ly due to appreciat ion that year-over-year revenue growth has f inallyturned a corner, with the fourth quarter of 2012 rising sequent ially f rom the same quarter of2011. The progress is encouraging and is expected by analysts to cont inue over the rest of thisyear. Helping out will be a cont inued commitment to buybacks, with a $1 billion programauthorized this year. Execut ives have commit ted to spend half of f ree cash f low to repurchaseshares, which is a lot . At the same t ime, in the last conference call late last month, managementalso commit ted to $115 million in cost savings to help improve earnings per share.

The company said it sees "encouraging signs" of stabilizat ion in its core cardiac business andactual growth in its other lines. Plus, analysts point to a number of products in the pipeline thatshould add to overall growth in 2013 and beyond. The list includes these products: Asthmatyx,DBS, S-ICDs, Ingenio, BridgePoint , Lotus Valve, Vessix Renal Denervat ion, and Watchman LAA.

All of this is what you typically hear f rom a turnaround story that that has legs: We are seeingtop line growth, margin growth, and earnings growth all at the same t ime. Shares are not likelyto double f rom here af ter their big move of f the f loor late last year, but they can certainlyadvance 15% to 30% as awareness among value investors grows and the company hits itsnumbers. The $8.50 to $10 range is within reach with a lit t le luck, which would be around 13t imes more than consensus EPS est imates.

To get to the upper end of that range, the company needs better-than-expected marketgrowth and share gains f rom Medtronic in the cardiac segment; gross margin upside; improvedpricing in its core products; an increase in medical technology use overall in the nat ion'shospitals; and more restructuring. All of these are doable.

Buy BSX stock under $7.65 for an $8.75 target .

Special Offer - Maximum Options

To help you get started we at 24/7 Trader want to extend this amazing special offer to KenTrester’s Maximum Options service. This isn't your typical one-trick t rading service. And KenTrester isn't your typical opt ions trader. Ken uses every strategy from his professional t radinglife to make sure you consistently make money.

Ken Trester started trading when the opt ions market was in its infancy. Learning, t rading andref ining his techniques, he has pioneered a t rading strategy that maximizes prof it potent ial,giving his subscriber fast 100% gains almost 82% of the t ime.

In fact , he has documented 27-straight winning years publishing recommendat ions for t raderslike you.

Better yet , he hasn't achieved this remarkable consistency by playing "small ball."

Maximum Options Is a Convenient Electronic Service.

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When you sign up today, you're service includes via e-mail:

5-6 shots at breaking the bank each week! “Slam dunk” calls and puts will boost yourcash posit ion then get ready to exploit my Millionaire-Maker “Play of the Week.”

Your twice-weekly issues of Maximum Options. Each Thursday and Friday af ter themarket closes, Ken writes up all new buys, sells and updates. To make it simple he tellsyou exact ly what to tell your broker.

Easy-to-execute trades from the man with a 27-year winning streak. Did you knowKen trades act ively in his own account - with the same recommendat ions he sends you?If you buy and sell stocks, you’ll have no trouble t rading opt ions.

Free, unlimited access to the Maximum Options private web Dive in for updates on all current t rades, Flash Alerts, andmy latest Special Reports (especially helpful for new subscribers)

Special Flash Alerts. Sometimes Ken just can’t wait to tellyou that one of his t rades has hit its price target. These could arrive anyt ime - day ornight.

Your 10 FREE Special Reports - Ken has taken his 30-year opt ions career andcompressed it into 11 wealth-building reports for new opt ions traders. Each one is worth$49 but all are FREE when you respond today:

Best Way to Start Trading Options

Controlling Stocks for Pennies

Page 10:

Supercharge Your Investment Income

How to Hit Home Runs

Get Paid to Buy Stocks for Less

Options Glossary

The Best Way to Speculate With LEAPs

Making Money in a Down Market

Covered Call Writing

10 Basic Rules for Buying Options

If you have any doubts whatsoever, take 90 days to give Maximum Options a trial run.

If you’re not happy with all your prof its, you can cancel within 90 days, even the very last dayfor 100% of your money back.

And you can keep your 11 Special Reports for f ree as “Thank You” gif ts for giving MaximumOptions a legit imate shot.


Certain Prof its for 27 Straight Years

To rack up 27 straight winning years you need to be more good than lucky.

Ken Trester credits his success to his Certain Prof it Trading System that skews the playingf ield sharply in your favor, using a favorite strategy of pros, but simplif ied to make it easy forthe average Joe.

Plus, if you ever have a quest ion, just e-mail for the answers you deserve.

As you'll see, Ken leans on this system heavily -- as you will, too, when you join him at MaximumOptions. Give him a few weeks, and you'll understand why.

His Certain Prof it Trading System has yielded an 80%+ success rate with these trades throughthe years. And Ken has reams of data to prove this claim.

An 80%+ win-rate -- with many of those winning trades money-doublers, as well.

The Certain Prof it Trading System is the backbone of his success -- 100% success, 0% failure27 straight winning years!

Maximum Options Is a Convenient Electronic Service.

You're Service Includes Via E-mail:

5-6 Maximum Options Trades each week, on average.

Clear Instruct ions and Easy-to-Execute Trades. Ken and his staf f do all the hard workso you don't have to. If you can trade stocks, you can trade opt ions -- that 's how simplewe make it .

Twice-Weekly Issues of Maximum Options, where you'll get all your new trades, withspecif ic buy and sell instruct ions.

Page 11:

Special Trade Alerts. When one of your t rades hits its target, you won't be lef twondering what to do next. Ken will zip instruct ions to you by e-mail.

24/7 Access to the Subscriber-Only Web Site, where you can view current t rades,Special Reports and more.

Expert Help When You Need It . Most advisers leave you completely alone to fend foryourself . But not at Maximum Options. Any t ime you need help or reassurance, just sendKen's team an e-mail, and you'll get a reply by e-mail.

Try Maximum Options for Just $49

Try Maximum Options and pay just $49 for two full months. For only $49 you'll have fullaccess to the ent ire Maximum Options service for 2 months.

Trade on paper or t rade for real -- whatever gets you going. Just $49 unlocks a whole newworld of t rading prof its that few investors ever have the joy to experience. Join here.

If you're completely sat isf ied with your current t rading plan, then good for you. But if you thinkyou might do better -- cut those big losses; prof it more consistent ly; earn more money-doublers -- then I urge you to give Maximum Options a t ry.

Sign up now, while this offer is st ill on your screen

It takes just a moment to sign up and gain access to all the current t rades.

Accept your risk-free trial TODAY.