matti jokiniemi matti jokiniemi kiipula vocational college special education

Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational Kiipula Vocational College College Special Education Special Education

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Page 1: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Matti JokiniemiMatti JokiniemiKiipula Vocational Kiipula Vocational

CollegeCollegeSpecial EducationSpecial Education

Page 2: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Kiipula Vocational College, is a school and development center, designed to educate students with special needs. Almost half of students in Kiipula have problems with learning difficulties, or problems with reading and problems with understanding the written text. Kiipula has also students, with problem with hearing.

Meny students have adjusted syllabus. When they have improved learning and their skills and are ready to go on the job-training, it`s usually adjusted aswell. Depending on what kind of problem they have.

Page 3: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Students who are about start their studying in Kiipula Business College, have two different occupational orientation to choose: •Customer Service & Sales • Business Administration & Office Services Despite the fact they both go under the degree Vocational Quafilication Of Business And Administration, they are quite different.

Page 4: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Customer-Service & Sales Much more client centered. Less informational technology is needed and it`s

hole lot more moveabale, and therefore it can be concidered much more healthfier than office work.

Business Administration & Office Services Much more math centerded than Customer-

Service teaching program. Informational technology has very significant role

Page 5: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

•One of the key factors of successful customer service, is a satisfied and extremely happy client. •Another factor is what kind of service our customer has received, has it been good and politeful, or has it been rude and impolite. If you`v been served badly, it usually reflect`s back to you. Just like a mirror.

Page 6: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education
Page 7: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

An Office which wants to serve it´s clients with respect, should look like this

But not like this. So remember to keep your office space clean. It gives better image of you and your possible clients as well

Page 8: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

During the classes of book-keeping, it`s very important to listen carefully and fully concintraded on what the teacher is showing and telling

Page 9: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

In the field of economics, thereis no room for an error. So remember to check your work at least twice, before you consider it to be done

In our use, we have the lastest software package and this is the guarantee of better learning

Page 10: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

One of our student is making an invoice to one of our clients

Sometimes there is situations when there is no other way but take care of our carbages ourselves

Page 11: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Vocational Qualification in Business and Adaministrations ass occupation is extremely challengin and at the same time very rewarding. Expecially book-keeping is not the easiest thing to do.

Page 12: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

After the Vocational Qualification In Business And Administration. The very first place to work is usually a small industrial company or a small independent business corporation, located in the same region where the student is coming from.

It`s not common but sometimes the first place to work can be outside the student`s home region.

Page 13: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

In the future 2013, office work will be much more easier do to. It will be quick and efficient, by more common information technology. Less persons are needed to take care of our clients bills, invoices book-keeping etc, because computers can do the job for us.

On This left side of the slide, is the present. On the right side is future. In the future all office premises will be isolated in their own space, just like it`s shown on the right

Page 14: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Usually Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration works in a medium-sized domestic industrial company, city halls, or Revenue Tax Offices.

Tasks depending the workplace are very comprehensive. They might work with the company`s book-keeping, payor, secretary or companys Exchange Switch employee.

Our future work places might as well be wellknown store chain such as Lidl, where we might work as Purchasing Agent of Products.

Or then we just start working from the very bottom and that usually means behind the cash register.

Page 15: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

In the next slide is a video about one of our group member

potraying an office worker of the future. This a fine example, of an

ordinary day in the office . We tried to make it as realistic as

possible. We hope that all of you could agree with us. Enjoy.

Page 16: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education
Page 17: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

Each of us Business & Administration students,, have one common dream. Dream of work and do the job we`been trained for. In a world of economics , there is also those with the suspicios about our professional ability for the job. We like to prove them wrong.We have so much faith in our selves,, that we can do this kind of job just like those who has academic degree of finances.

Page 18: Matti Jokiniemi Matti Jokiniemi Kiipula Vocational College Special Education

The producer of this slide-show wish to say thank you to all those who had opportunity to see it.

Let`s say it one more time. Thank You. Matti Jokiniemi

Kiipula Vocational Business CollegeBusiness & AdministrationGroup Talto-2

Olli Pekkola (music)