mathematics grade 11 exponential surds


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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Mathematics FET Grade 11 Term 1: Exponents Surds


  • 1. EXPONENTIAL SURDSSURDS Irrational Decimals

2. After the lesson you must be able to Identify common factors. Add common factors. Apply exponential laws on surds.LEARNING OUTCOMESA+2A= A(1+2) 2C+C-D= 3C-D SQROOT 2 = 2^(1/2) 3. COMMON FACTORS NAME COMMON THINGS BETWEEN THE 2 GROUPS.Group AGroup B 4. COMMON FACTORS Like the title says common factor Meaning this that are the same. The look alike. In Surds we add those surds that look alike. E.g. root A + root A = 2root A This is because the variables under our are both a thus there are common so they can be added/subtracted together. 5. COMMON FACTORS This brings us to the next point. Products or quotients of equations DO NOT REQUIRE YOU TO FIND COMMON FACTORS!!! Root A * Root A 1. 2. 3.Class work Try the following Root 5 + 3root 5 Root 2 - 4root 2 2root a + 7root a root b 6. SURDS Surds are irrational roots. Remember we said irrational roots are those that are not perfect so their nature is always a decimal number. 0.84682492 Whats the root of this tree? 7. EXPONENTIAL LAWS Fundamental laws when working with surds are as follows: a to the power of half = square root of a a to the power of 1/5 = fifth root of 5 Therefore this tells that any exponent thats a fraction is a root, and the denominator in the fraction informs you the nature of that root.1) 2) 3) 4)5)Now that you have an idea try the following. Convert from surd form to exponential form. Sixth root of a Square root of 3 Cubed root of 27 Tenth root of a thousand Hundredth root of a hundred 8. COMMON FACTORS The same. You can add or subtract common factors. You can take out a common factor in an expression. NB: ONLY WHEN YOU ADD AND SUBTRACT.SUMMARYSURDS They can be added or subtracted only when they are common. You use exponential laws to solve them. They correspond with exponential fractions.