match user manual world cup 2010 v1 3

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  • 8/9/2019 Match User Manual World Cup 2010 v1 3


    User Manual Match! for FIFA World Cup Soccer 2010

    Email: [email protected]:

    Version: 1.3

    Version Match: 5.0


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    I ndex--Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... 5STEP 1: Install Match ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 5STEP 2: Choose competition: ................................ ................................ .............................. 6STEP 3 (optional): Enter sub-player data ................................ ................................ ........... 6

    STEP 4 (optional): Enter Parameter values ................................ ................................ ........ 7STEP 5 (optional): Enter Gambler-data ................................ ................................ ............. 7STEP 6 (optional): Generate Gambler-Input form ................................ ............................ 7STEP 7 (optional): Read Gambler-Input forms ................................ ................................ .. 7STEP 8: Enter match-results ................................ ................................ ............................... 8STEP 9 (optional): Enter match-details ................................ ................................ .............. 8STEP 10: Calculate Player-ranking ................................ ................................ .................... 9STEP 11 (optional): Calculate Subplayer-ranking ................................ ........................... 10STEP 12: Update active Round ................................ ................................ ......................... 10STEP 13: Update active Phase ................................ ................................ ........................... 10STEP 14: Generate matches from virtual matches ................................ ........................... 10STEP 15 (optional): Calculate Gambler-ranking ................................ ............................. 11STEP 16: Check End Ranking ................................ ................................ ........................... 11STEP 17: Run Queries ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 11STEP 18: Create Reports ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 11FIGURES ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 12


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    F igures--F iguur 1: Setup-file ....................... ......... .......................... ...... ....................... ......... .............. 12F iguur 2 : Directoy Match ........................ ........ ........................... ..... ........................ ........ .... 13F iguur 3: Start Match ......................... ....... ........................... ..... ......................... ....... ........... 14F iguur 4: F orm Select competition ....................... ......... .......................... ...... ....................... 15F iguur 5: F orm Main-Menu ........................... ..... ......................... ....... ........................... ..... .. 16F iguur 6: F orm Menu Data ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 17F iguur 7: F orm Subplayer (List) .......................... ...... ........................ ........ .......................... . 18F iguur 8: F orm Subplayer (Details) ........................... ..... ......................... ....... ...................... 19F iguur 9: F orm Subplayer - Edit-mode ............................ .... ......................... ....... ................. 20F iguur 10: Warning for delete record ......................... ....... ........................... ..... .................... 20F iguur 11: F orm Subplayer (Details ) ........................ ........ ........................... ..... ................... 21F iguur 12: Button F ilter in F orm Subplayer (list) ........................ ........ ........................... ..... .. 22F iguur 13: F orm Subplayer (list) after applying F ilter ................................ ........................... 23F iguur 14: Parameters ........................ ........ .......................... ...... ......................... ....... .......... 24F iguur 15: Parameter -Values ......................... ....... ........................... ..... ......................... ...... 25F iguur 16: F orm Gamblers (list) ....................... ......... ......................... ....... ....................... ..... 26F iguur 17: Gambler I nput-doc (Excel ) ........................... ..... ......................... ....... ................. 27F iguur 18: Directory Gamble I nput-docs .......................... ...... ....................... ......... .............. 28F iguur 19: F orm Gamblers (Details) .......................... ...... ........................ ........ ..................... 29F iguur 20: F orm Match-Gambler ......................... ....... ....................... ......... ......................... . 30F iguur 21: F orm Virtual Match -Gambler ......................... ....... ........................... ..... ............. 31F iguur 22: Report Match-Gambler................... ............. .......................... ...... ....................... . 32F iguur 23: Report Virtual Match -Gambler ........................... ..... ......................... ....... ........... 33F iguur 24: F orm Match (list) .......................... ...... ........................ ........ .......................... ...... 34F iguur 25: Selection F ilter in form Match ........................ ........ ........................... ..... ............. 35F iguur 26: F orm Match after applying F ilter ................................ ................................ ......... 36F iguur 27: Match after applying F ilter "1 Player" ....................... ......... .......................... ...... . 37F iguur 28: F orm Match (details) .......................... ...... ........................ ........ .......................... . 38F iguur 29: F orm Match (details) in edit-mode ............................ .... ......................... ....... ...... 39F iguur 30: F unction " F ill Table" in form LineUp ........................ ........ ........................... ..... .. 40F iguur 31: F orm LineUp (list) ........................ ........ .......................... ...... ........................ ...... 41F iguur 32: F orm Goal ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 42F iguur 33: F orm Match-event ................................ ................................ ............................... 43F iguur 34: Table Match after calculating points ........................... ..... ........................ ........ .... 44F iguur 35: Table Ranking ......................... ....... ....................... ......... ......................... ....... ..... 45F iguur 36: F ield "Manual Correction Rank" in table Group .......................... ...... .................. 46F iguur 37: Report Ranking Player-1 .......................... ...... ........................ ........ ..................... 47F iguur 38: Report Ranking Player-2 .......................... ...... ........................ ........ ..................... 48F iguur 39: Ranking SubPlayer ........................ ........ .......................... ...... ........................ ...... 49F

    iguur 40: Table Gambler after calculating Points ............................ .... .......................... ...... 50F iguur 41: Table Match-Gambler after calculating Points ......................... ....... ................. 51F iguur 42: Table Virtual Match - Gambler after calculating Points ........................ ........ .... 52F iguur 43: Table Round -1: first round is active............. ................... ........................ ........ .... 53F iguur 44: Table Round -2: last round is active ............................... . ........................ ........ .... 54F iguur 45: Table Phase -1: first phase is active ............................ .... ......................... ....... ..... 55F iguur 46: Table Phase -2: last phase is active ............................ .... ......................... ....... ...... 56F iguur 47: Table "Virtual Match" ......................... ....... ........................... ..... ........................ . 57F iguur 48: Table Match with 1/8- F inals ................................ ................................ ................ 58

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    F iguur 49: Query with parameter .......................... ...... ....................... ......... ......................... . 59F iguur 50: Table End-ranking ......................... ....... ........................... ..... ......................... ...... 60F iguur 51: Cross-Reference in this doc ............................ .... ......................... ....... ................. 61F iguur 52: Web-toolbar with button Previous ('Vorige') .......................... ...... ....................... 62F iguur 53: Access-report Match Results ........................ ........ .......................... ...... ............ 63F iguur 54: Excel-report "Match Schedule" .......................... ...... ......................... ....... .......... 64F iguur 55: Word-report "Match result with details" .......................... ...... ........................ ...... 65


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    This document is the user-manual of Match! for FIF A World Cup Soccer 2010 (WC2010), a program with which you can track WC2010, register all match-results, calculate team-

    rankings, topscorer-lists and various statistics. Besides that, you can use Match also toorganize a pool for WC2010 (gambling to predict who will win WC2010).

    Because Match! has already been prepared for WC2010 (e.g. the whole match-schedule andall the teams are already included in Match!), in this manual we only explain the things youneed to know to use Match! for WC2010, for a full description of Match, we refer to doc Match User Manual (which you can download from our website).

    This document has an appendix with several figures. I n the document the references to thefigures are hyper-links, so you can easily find the figure, by clicking on the reference, seeF iguur 51: Cross-Reference in this doc. And to go from the figure back to the text (with thereference), click on the Previous-button in the Web-toolbar, see F iguur 52: Web-toolbar with

    button Previous ('Vorige').

    There are 2 versions of Match for FIF A Worldcup 2010:

    y Trial version, which lacks functionality to calculate the rankings of the teams andgamblers, to do this you need to buy the:

    y Comercial version, price: 4.95 euro. To buy this, mail us, with subject Buy MatchWC2010

    Now follows a step-by-step guide how to use Match!

    The following steps: 1-7 you should do before the start of WC2010.

    STEP 1: Install Match

    1. Download file Match2010_ I from our website.

    2. Copy it to a folder on your hard-disk, e.g.: C:\Match_WC210_ I nstaller.

    3. Extract it using Winzip, see:

    4. Look for file Setup.exe in dir I nstaller\Compnet and execute it, see F iguur 1: Setup-file

    5. Choose option Standard installation.

    NB: I f you have different language settings then the Match-default (Dutch), the I nstaller willshow a message-box about conflicting DLLs, say I gnore.

    After installation, you should see this folder: see F iguur 2 : Directoy Match

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    Another way to start Match is via Start > Execute, and then type (in 1 line, see also fileC:\Match\ Match_start_cmd.txt):--"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE" /runtime"C:\Match\Match_FIFA_Worldcup_2010.mde"


    NB: Y ou must install Match in dir C:\Matc h (this location is part of the source-code of Match!).

    STEP 2: Choose competition:

    Competition with id 80 is the one you must use for WC2010, see F iguur 4: F orm Selectcompetition,Comp. 81 is a copy, with test-data by ES (a simulation of the whole WC2010, in which allmatches have been played), and comp.82 is another copy for your testing.After pressing OK, you enter in the main-menu, see F iguur 5: F orm Main-Menu.

    STEP 3 (optional): Enter sub-player data

    Choose menu Data, which shows all the tables in the Match-database (see F iguur 6: F ormMenu Data), and then menu Player Data > Subplayer. This opens Li st-form of tableSubplayer (see F iguur 7: F orm Subplayer (List ), which is read-only, to enter data, click

    button Details, and then opens the Deta i l-form , see F iguur 8: F orm Subplayer (Details .On every table you can do 3 operations: Add record, update record and delete record:

    *Add record: To enter a new record, press button >* (with tool-tip Nieuw Record) in the toolbar. After entering the data for the new record (see F iguur 9: F orm Subplayer - Edit-mode), pressSH IF T+ENTER to save the record. After closing the Detail-form (press cross (x) in top-right corner of form, with tool-tip Venster Sluiten (see F iguur 11: F orm Subplayer (Details),you ll go back to the List-form. To see the just added record, press the filter-button on thelower part of the form (with tool-tip F ilter Toepassen), see F iguur 12: Button F ilter in F ormSubplayer (list) , and see F iguur 13: F orm Subplayer (list) after applying F ilter for the result.

    *Update record: I f you want to change an existing record, put the record-pointer (the arrow on the left-border of the grid with the subplayer-list) on the record you want to change, press button Details, and

    in the Detail-form, put the mouse-pointer on the field you want to change and make thechange. I n the left-border will appear a pencil (see F iguur 8: F orm Subplayer (Details ) andsave the record (with SH IF T+ENTER), and the pencil will disappear.

    *Delete record: I f you want to delete a record, press the button next to the new-record button >X, with tool-tipRecord verwijderen (see F iguur 9: F orm Subplayer - Edit-mode ). This will ask for aconfirmation, choose Ja to confirm (see F iguur 10: Warning for delete record ).

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    STEP 4 (optional): Enter Parameter values

    The parameters which you can change for WC2010 are:

    *Gambler-pointsI f you want to use Match for a Pool (for gambling), you should know the (default) values for the gambler-points, you can see in F iguur 14: Parameters and F iguur 15: Parameter -Values(names parameters begin with GAMBL). To see the explanation of the point-system for gambling, see the manual: UserManual_Pool_FIFA_Worldcup_2010.doc

    *REP_INCL_PICDefault-value = 0, so in the Excel- and Access-reports, there will not appear any pictures (e.g.flags of countries, logo WC210). Change it to 1 if you want to see them.

    NB: including pictures in Excel-reports makes it considerably slower to generate them.

    *SCORE_SPECI f you want to register in Match the details of the goals, set the value to 1, so Match willcheck if the score you specified in table Match and the number of goals you specified intable Goal correspond.

    STEP 5 (optional): Enter Gambler-data

    I f you want to use Match for a Pool (for gambling), you should fill table Gambler, see F iguur 16:F orm Gamblers (list) .

    STEP 6 (optional): Generate Gambler-Input form

    I f you want to use Match for a Pool (for gambling) and you have completed step 5, go tomenu Reports, and generate Excel-report Gambler- I nput form. When the report isgenerated, save it as: MatchScheduleReportX.xls. Check in this Excel-doc if in worksheet-3(Gamblers) all gamblers are listed (see F iguur 17: Gambler I nput-doc (Excel ) . Then emailthis Excel-doc to all gamblers, together with docUserManual_Pool_FIFA_Worldcup_2010.doc , which explains the gamblers how to fill thereforecasts etc. When they return (by email) their forecasts in Excel-docs with namesMatchScheduleReport1.xls (for gambler with I D 1), MatchScheduleReport2.xls (for gambler with I D 2) etc, you should copy these docs to dir C:\Match\Gamble I nput, see F iguur 18:Directory Gamble I nput-docs .

    NB: F irst delete the 2 demo-Excel-forms MatchScheduleReport1.xls and

    MatchScheduleReport2.xls from dir C:\Match\GambleInput.

    STEP 7 (optional): Read Gambler-Input forms

    I f you want to use Match for a Pool (for gambling) and you have completed step 6, go tomenu F unctions, and press button Read Gambler I nput. When the function is finished, itwill display the message Ready. Then press button Check Gambler Input, and if allgamblers filled their Excel-doc correctly, the result of this function will be empty, and if not,

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    it will display for which Excel-doc (gambler) there was an error. I n this case, go to MenuData > Gambler Data, and press button Gambler and then go to the Detail-form, in whichyou should press button Delete Gambler (on lower part of screen), see F iguur 19: F ormGamblers (Details) . Do this for all gamblers, until table Gamblers is empty, and then repeatstep 5-7.When the function finished succesfully, go to menu Data > Gambler Data, and press buttons

    Match Gambler and Virtual Match Gambler, to check if all data of the Excel-docs isread correctly, see F iguur 20: F orm Match-Gambler and F iguur 21: F orm Virtual Match -Gambler . And the corresponding reports (see F iguur 22: Report Match-Gambler and F iguur 23: Report Virtual Match -Gambler ) you should email to all gamblers.

    The following steps: 8-18 you should do during WC2010.

    STEP 8: Enter match-results

    Goto menu Data > Proces-Data > Match, and select the match for which you want to enter the result, e.g. match with I D 1 (see F iguur 24: F orm Match (list) ). To enter the match-result,

    press button Details, and youll see the Detail-form like in F iguur 28: F orm Match (details).Y ou should fill the blue fields, like in F iguur 29: F orm Match (details) in edit-mode (if theresult RSA (player A) -MEX (player B) was 2-1). NB: To fill the field Played you must putthe mouse-pointer in the check-box and click in it (and to uncheckit, click another time).

    NB:To find a match easily in form Match, you can use filters :

    * Column-selection filtersTo filter the matches in round 1, put the mouse-arrow in column Round, and in the cellwhich has the value for which you want to apply the filter, e.g. 1 (for round 1), and then

    press the F ilter-button in the toolbar (with tool-tip Selectie-filter), see F iguur 25: SelectionF ilter in form Match and F iguur 26: F orm Match after applying F ilter for the result.

    * Player-filterTo filter the matches of one player, put the mouse-arrow in column I D of Player A/B for which you want to filter (e.g. player with id 1, South Africa), and then press button F ilter 1Player id (A/B), see F iguur 27: Match after applying F ilter "1 Player" for the result.

    To undo the applied filter and restore the default-filter (= competition id), press the F ilter- button on the lower part of the screen (next to button Details).

    STEP 9 (optional): Enter match-details

    Match-details can be stored in 3 tables: Goal, Report, LineUp, see the buttons below on theform of table Match. Click on a button to go to the corresponding table.

    NB: before you can do this step, first you must do step 3, to fill the table Sub-player for allthe players (teams) for which you want to store detail-information regarding the sub-players(players in team)

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    *GoalSee F iguur 32: F orm Goal (result match NED-CMR: 3-1)


    Referee-report of match, with yellow- and red cards, see F iguur 33: F orm Match-event .

    *LineupTo fill table LineUp, there is a function F illTable (see F iguur 30: F unction " F ill Table" inform LineUp , lower part screen). After the function executed succesfully, close the Detail-form, and in the List-form, click on the F ilter-button on the lower part of the screen, andyoull see the inserted sub-players, see F iguur 31: F orm LineUp (list)

    STEP 10: Calculate Player-ranking

    After a match is played, you must go to menu F unctions and press on button UpdateRanking Player. When the function is ready, table 'Ranking Player' and table Match (fieldsPoint # Player A/B) are updated (to check this, go to menu Data > Proces-Data, see F iguur 34: Table Match after calculating points and F iguur 35: Table Ranking ). To check theranking, you can also go to menu Reports > Access-Reports >Ranking Players, see F iguur 37: Report Ranking Player-1 and F iguur 38: Report Ranking Player-2 .

    NB:After the last round in the group-phase, there is a (very small) possibility that the number 1and 2 of a group have exactly the same number of ranking-points according to the FIF A-criteria A, B and C:

    --T he rank i ng of each team in each group w i ll be determ ined as follows:a) greatest number of po i nts obta i ned in all group matches;b) goal d i fference i n all group matches;c) greatest number of goals scored i n all group matches.

    If two or more teams are equal on the bas i s of the above three cr i ter ia,the ir rank ings w i ll be determ i ned as follows:d) greatest number of po i nts obta i ned in the group matches betweenthe teams concerned;e) goal d i fference result i ng from the group matches between theteams concerned;

    f) greater number of goals scored i n all group matches between the

    teams concerned; g) draw i ng of lots by the FIFA Organ i si ng Comm i ttee.--

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    I n this case, Match cant determine which team is number 1 and 2 (in Match, the tie-breakingsystem is not implemented), and you should do this yourself, in this way:

    1. change in the table Player-ranking the value for column Rank, see F iguur 35: TableRanking. NB: see the text on the status-bar in this screen, which says this column is

    editable.2. in the table Group, set field Manual Correct Rank to True (checked), see F iguur 36:

    F ield "Manual Correction Rank" in table Group .

    STEP 11 (optional): Calculate Subplayer-ranking

    I f you have entered goals (in step 9) and want to calculate the topscorer-list, go to menuF unctions and press on button Update Ranking SubPlayer.When the function is ready,table 'Ranking SubPlayer' is updated. To check this, go to menu Reports > Access-Reports >Ranking Subplayer, see F iguur 39: Ranking SubPlayer .

    STEP 12: Update active Round

    I n F iguur 43: Table Round -1: first round is active you can see the table Round, with allrounds of which consists WC2010. At the beginning of WC2010, round 1 is the active round ,see column Active = Ja. During the competition you must update this column when a roundhas been played, e.g. when the 1st 16 matches have been played, round 1 (Qualifications 1)has terminated, and round 2 (Qualifications 2) is the new active round. To do this, go tomenu F unctions and press button Update active Round. When the function has finished,you can go to menu Data > Time Data > Round, and check if the next round is now theactive round, see F iguur 44: Table Round -2: last round is active (situation at end of WC2010,where active-round is F inal-round)

    STEP 13: Update active Phase

    I n F iguur 45: Table Phase -1: first phase is active you can see the table Phase, with all phases of which consists WC2010. At the beginning of WC2010, phase 1 (Qualifications isthe active phase , see column Active = Ja. During the competition you must update thiscolumn when a phase has been played, e.g. when the 1st 48 matches have been played, phase1 (Qualifications) has terminated, and phase 2 (1/8- F inals) is the new active phase. To dothis, go to menu F unctions and press button Update active Phase. When the function hasfinished, you can go to menu Data > Time Data > Phase, and check if the next phase is now

    the active phase, seeF

    iguur 46: Table Phase -2: last phase is active (situation at end of WC2010, where active-phase is F inal-phase)

    STEP 14: Generate matches from virtual matches

    At the beginning of WC2010 it is not known who will play in phase 2 (1/8- F inals), phase 3(1/4- F inals) etc. To be able to represent the matches in these phases, Match! uses tableVirtual Match, using variables for the teams, see F iguur 47: Table "Virtual Match" . During

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    Figuur 1: Setup-file


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    Figuur 2 : Directoy Match


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    Figuur 3: Start Match

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    Figuur 4: Form Select competition


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    Figuur 5: Form Main-Menu


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    Figuur 6: Form Menu Data


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    Figuur 7: Form Subplayer (List)


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    Figuur 8: Form Subplayer (Details)


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    Figuur 9: Form Subplayer - Edit-mode


    Figuur 10: Warning for delete record


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    Figuur 11: Form Subplayer (Details )


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    Figuur 12: Button Filter in Form Subplayer (list)--

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    Figuur 13: Form Subplayer (list) after applying Filter


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    Figuur 14: Parameters


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    Figuur 15: Parameter -Values


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    Figuur 16:Form Gamblers (list)


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    Figuur 17: Gambler Input-doc (Excel )


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    Figuur 18: Directory Gamble Input-docs--

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    Figuur 19: Form Gamblers (Details)


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    Figuur 20: Form Match-Gambler


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    Figuur 21: Form Virtual Match -Gambler


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    Figuur 23: Report Virtual Match -Gambler


    NB:y columns Score A, Score B and 'Match Point A, 'Match Point B are the gambler-input

    y columns Gambler Total, Gambler Toto and 'Gambler Goal are calculated by Match(after executing function Update Gambler Ranking)

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    Figuur 24: Form Match (list)


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    Figuur 25: Selection Filter in form Match


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    Figuur 26: Form Match after applying Filter


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    Figuur 28: Form Match (details)


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    Figuur 29: Form Match (details) in edit-mode--

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    Figuur 30: Function "Fill Table" in form LineUp


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    Figuur 31: Form LineUp (list)


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    Figuur 32: Form Goal


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    Figuur 33: Form Match-event


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    Figuur 35: Table Ranking


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    Figuur 36: Field "Manual Correction Rank" in table Group


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    Figuur 37: Report Ranking Player-1


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    Figuur 38: Report Ranking Player-2


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    Figuur 39: Ranking SubPlayer


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    Figuur 40: Table Gambler after calculating Points


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    Figuur 41: Table Match-Gambler after calculating Points


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    Figuur 42: Table Virtual Match - Gambler after calculating Points


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    Figuur 43: Table Round -1: first round is active


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    Figuur 44: Table Round -2: last round is active


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    Figuur 45: Table Phase -1: first phase is active


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    Figuur 46: Table Phase -2: last phase is active


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    Figuur 47: Table "Virtual Match"


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    Figuur 48: Table Match with 1/8-Finals


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    Figuur 49: Query with parameter


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    Figuur 50: Table End-ranking


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    Figuur 51: Cross-Reference in this doc


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    Figuur 52: Web-toolbar with button Previous ('Vorige')


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    Figuur 53: Access-report Match Results


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    Figuur 54: Excel-report "Match Schedule"


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    Figuur 55: Word-report "Match result with details"
