mastering eloquence!

Mastering Eloquence! Andeel Ali Chief Visionary Officer Blitz Bureau

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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This presentation is the resultant of my learning and experience as a Youth, Counselor and an Informal Educator!!! I am sure you can counter Glossophobia and stage fear after understanding this ppt and will become an Eloquent Communicator, Presenter and Speaker! The possibilities are limitless improve your chances of nailing an Job Interview, Project Presentation or Even a Marriage Proposal! :D Do share your views, comments so I can improve it! An spin-off version of this presentation can be found here:


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Mastering Eloquence!

Andeel AliChief Visionary Officer

Blitz Bureau

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About me!

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Once upon a Time!There was a Doctor!

!     کا  ڈھکنا ڈاکٹر ّص�ہ ق

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After attending this session the

participants will be able to:

Present themselves in a more Effective


communicate effectively

And would be able to manage conflicts

through dialogue

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So What’s Communication?

Communication is the activity of conveying meaningful information

Presentation is the practice of showing and explaining the content of a topic to an audience or learner

Eloquence is fluent, forcible, elegant or persuasive speaking.

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So What’s Communication?

Its Main aim is to:

To Inform

To Persuade

To Build Goodwill

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And What’s Presentation?

Presentations could be on: Sales and marketing

Motivating for a Cause Image-building

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Steps that make us Good Communicators

Modes of Persuasion by Aristotle

Albert Mehrabian’s elements of


Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Active Listening

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Activity # 1Word of Mouth!

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Modes of Persuasion by Aristotle

Aristotle's Rhetoric is an ancient Greek treatise (Lecture) on the art of

persuasion, dating from the 4th century BC.


Pathos Logos

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EthosEthos is an appeal to the

authority or honesty of the speaker.

By convincing the audience that speaker is qualified to

speak on the particular subject i.e.

By appealing to a person's ethics or character

By being a notable figure in the field, for e.g. a college

professor or an executive in relevant field

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PathosPathos is an appeal to the

audience’s emotions. It can be in the form of passionate

delivery, or even a simple claim that a matter is unjust.

Pathos can be particularly powerful if used well, but

most speeches do not solely rely on pathos.

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LogosLogos is logical appeal or the simulation of it, and the term logic is derived from it. It is

normally used to describe facts and

figures that support the speaker's topic.

Having a logos appeal also

enhances ethos because information makes

the speaker look knowledgeable and

prepared to his or her audience.

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Albert Mehrabian’s elements of communication

The7%-38%-55% Rule

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Activity # 2Role Play!

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Monroe’s Motivated SequenceMonroe's motivated

sequence is a technique for

organizing persuasive speeches that inspire

people to take action. It was developed in the mid-1930s by Adam Monroe at Purdue


It consists of six steps: 1. Attention

2. Need3. Satisfaction

4. Visualization5. Action

6. Rebuttal

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence


Get the attention of your audience using a detailed story, shocking example, dramatic statistic, quotations, etc.

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence


Show that the problem about which you are speaking exists, that it is significant, and that it won't go away by itself. Use statistics, examples, etc. Convince your audience that there is a need for action to be taken.

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence


You need to solve the issue. Provide specific and viable solutions that the government or communities can implement to solve the problem.

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence


Tell the audience what will happen if the solution is implemented or does not take place. Be visual and detailed.

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence


Tell the audience what action they can take personally to solve the problem.

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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence


Inform the audience of arguments against your solution and provide reasons to maintain faith in your solution.

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The Gloomy Couple!!        ب  تھی ایک میاں تھا ایکیوی

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Gerard Egan’s Micro Skills i.e. SOLER

Square PositionOpennessLean towards the targetEye Contact to maintainedRelax

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Active Listening

ParaphraseEmpathizeGive “I” messages

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Activity # 3Just a Minute!

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Caution!Before Becoming a Presenter you need to have

complete control on your Content!!!

What ever topic it is don’t speak on it if you don’t have

prior experience or knowledge about


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Few Last Thought

Be Yourself i.e. Original!

Stay one-step ahead of your


Be Culturally Appropriate

& Use multimedia, White board and

Dialogue effectively

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I am Googleable

I can be found at:


[email protected]

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