marketing automatisation (artem daniliants)

Marketing Automatisation Artem Daniliants / LumoSpark

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Artem Daniliants / LumoSpark

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marketing automatisation?

Page 3: Marketing automatisation (Artem Daniliants)

Marketing automation refers to software platforms and technologies designed for marketing

departments and organisations to more effectively market on multiple channels online (such as email,

social media, websites, etc.) and automate repetitive tasks.

Source: Wikipedia

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Let's try an example

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Scheduling social media

updatesEvery social media has a certain

"peak" times when updates receive the most amount of

attention.Source HubSpot

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Let's automate it with Buffer

Video: YouTube Link

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Let's kick it up a notch

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Automating using IFTTT

Video: YouTube Link

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Taking it further with Zappier

Video: YouTube Link

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Email automation with MailChimp

Video: YouTube Link

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Shopping Cart Abandonment

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AdWords automation

Video: YouTube Link

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Working with web hooks in Mailgun

Video: YouTube Link

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if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') die ('No access');

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Mailgun\Mailgun;use Stichoza\GoogleTranslate\TranslateClient;use \DetectLanguage\DetectLanguage;

$mgClient = new Mailgun('MY-GREAT-API-KEY');$domain = "";DetectLanguage::setApiKey("YOUR-API-KEY");

$message_lang = DetectLanguage::simpleDetect($_POST['body-plain']);

if ($message_lang != 'ru'){ $tr = new TranslateClient($message_lang, 'ru'); $translated_msg = $tr->translate($_POST['body-plain']);}

if (isset($translated_msg)) $message=$translated_msg;else $message=$_POST['body-plain'];

$result = $mgClient->sendMessage($domain, array( 'from' => 'LumoSpark email processor <[email protected]>', 'to' => 'Artem D. <[email protected]>', 'subject' => $_POST['subject'], 'text' => $message));

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Doing it like big boys with Segment

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Behaviour analysis for the masses

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Setup warehouse (PostgreSQL/Amazon RedShift)

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Connect data points

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Identify users on siteanalytics.identify('727282937', { name: 'Artem D.', email: '[email protected]'});

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Track user key interactionsExample: 1 (JavaScript)

analytics.track('Landing page conversion', { contact_type: 'PPC AdWords free report', source: 'PPC landing page 1'});

Example 2 (PHP)

Segment::track(array( "userId" => "019mr8mf4r", "event" => "Purchased Item", "properties" => array( "revenue" => 39.95, "shipping" => "free" )));

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Push data to other sources

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Analyse data like a pro

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select email, plan, sent_atfrom initech.identifieswhere email = '[email protected]'

Returns following

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Thank you!Contact me

Email: [email protected]:


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