marketing 1.04 fall_2012

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  • 1. Indicator 1.04 Employ marketinginformation to develop a marketing plan MarketingPart 1

2. THE MARKETING MIX Includes four basic Product strategies called the 4 Ps or elements of Place marketing. For each strategy, decisions Price have to be made for each product the Promotion business offers to best reach their target market. 3. The 4 Ps Product - decisions include what to make or obtain as the businesss product mix. Level of quality, features, branding, packa ging, service, and warranty are items to decide and develop for each product. 4. PRODUCT Examples: Product: the goods, services, or ideas a businesswill offer its customers. Marketers conduct research and use theircreativity to figure out what customers need andhow they will meet those needs 5. The 4 Ps Place - decisions include where the customer can obtain the products. Many businesses utilize multiple channels of distribution. For example, store locations, website, and catalogs are the standard for most retailers today. Decisions of direct distribution or indirect distribution (intermediaries/middlemen) 6. PLACE Example: The place element can make or break the buyingexperience. Getting a product in the right place at the righttime is all about creating convenience for thecustomer. 7. The 4 Ps Price - decisions include determining what a customer is willing to pay What competition is charging, determining seasonal discounts and allowances, and credit terms. Determine how to accept payment: Cash, debit, credit, check, or combination 8. PRICE Example: Price is the amount of money a firm asks inexchange for its products. To be successful, a good balance betweencustomer value and satisfaction, as well ascompany cost and profit must be found. 9. The 4 Ps Promotion - decisions include the promotional mix (advertising, sales promotion, selling, and publicity) These decisions are based on the budgeta business sets for the promotional mix. The ultimate goal of promotion is togenerate a positive response fromcustomers. 10. PROMOTION Example: Promotion refers to the various types of communication that marketers use to inform, persuade, or remind customers about their products. Advertising Personal selling Publicity Public relations Sales promotion 11. IMPORTANCE OF THE 4 PS Product is important Price is importantto obtain or develop because it establishesthe best product mix your profit and set thewithin your market quality level of yourand your targetproducts/ Promotion is Place is important important because itbecause it is thecommunicates withavenues you come your customers sointo contact with your they know about yourcustomers. This is product mix.the element that hasdirect impact onloyalty and repeatcustomers. 12. ACTIVITY Choose a product that you use frequently (toiletry items are good). List suggestions for improvements to the product and the marketing mix. Explain how the improvements would increase satisfaction of the customer and the business. 13. RELATIONSHIP OF GOALS, TACTICS, &STRATEGIES TO THE MARKETING MIX Mission Statement the guiding principle for all business decisions and provides direction for planning. Goals/Objectives established on a yearly basis and support the mission statement. Goals must be measurable and have a deadline. Strategies are then developed to accomplish goals and it reflects the method to achieve the goal (what to do). Tactics are then developed to accomplish the strategies; it is the how things will be done, daily actions. 14. Goal: What is the marketersdestination? A goal is an objective you plan to fulfill SMART:(Specific, Measureable, Action, Realistic, Timebound) Determine where your firm needs to be by aparticular date and agree upon goals A family-style restaurant wants to increase sales Agree to increase annual sales by 10% over lastyears sales Goal is specific and can be evaluated for success orfailure at the end of a given time frame. 15. Strategy: Which route will themarketer take to get there? A strategy is a plan of action for achieving yourgoals and objectives. Create the plan of action (route) believed to bemost efficient. Example: Strategy #1: add a kids menu in order to increase sales to young parents in the area 16. Tactics: What small steps are neededto make it happen? Tactics are specific actions used to carry outstrategies Marketers carefully choose the short-termactions, or tactics, they use to carry out theirstrategy. Tactics must line up with where they plan to go their goal-and how they plan to get there They pay attention to every detail their strategy 17. MARKETING STRATEGIESCHANGE What factors cause that change? Different Goals Economic conditions change Political or influence of governmental agencieschanges Demand changes reflecting new consumer attitudes Environmental changes Advancements in technology Actions of Competitors 18. ACTIVITYThink of 5 products that have changed in your lifetime How did they change? Why did they change?