march 20, 2016 volume 17, issue 05 focus › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 03 › ...of that...

Sunday In This Issue March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05 Reflections Page 2 Coming Up in Worship Page 3 Lombard Mennonite Peace Center Page 4 PYA Events Page 5 Coming Up @ Church Page 6 - 7 General Information @ Church Page 8 Cares and Joys Page 8 Bible Study Page 9 In the Future @ Church Page 9 March Calendar Page 9 April Calendar Page 10 Contact Us Page 11 1225 Fourth Street Road . Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 . Phone 920.922.0425 . Email [email protected] 3rd March focus First Presbyterian

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Page 1: March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05 focus › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 03 › ...of that turmoil Jesus pronounced peace. Hopefully, that is our gift for Easter. We’d love



In This Issue

March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05

Reflections Page 2

Coming Up in Worship Page 3

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center Page 4

PYA Events Page 5

Coming Up @ Church Page 6 - 7

General Information @ Church Page 8

Cares and Joys Page 8

Bible Study Page 9

In the Future @ Church Page 9

March Calendar Page 9

April Calendar Page 10

Contact Us Page 11

1225 Fourth Street Road . Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935 . Phone 920.922.0425 . Email [email protected]

3rd March

focus First Presbyterian

Page 2: March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05 focus › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 03 › ...of that turmoil Jesus pronounced peace. Hopefully, that is our gift for Easter. We’d love



“Be Not Afraid”

19 When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where

the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and

said, ‘Peace be with you.’ 20

After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the

disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. 21

Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As

the Father has sent me, so I send you.’22

When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to

them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

John 20:19-22

Repeatedly, as Jesus appears to the disciples, he begins with the words, “Do not fear.” It’s not just that

a lot of us are the kind of people who think it’s funny to jump out from around the corner and terrify the

unsuspecting. What is powerful about this is that Jesus is wanting the surprise of the resurrection to not

result in fear. The gift of Christ’s presence is always a gift of comfort, if we will welcome Christ.

Our problem is that, frequently, what we really want is control over the problems we are facing. We want

to feel security and comfort, but we prefer that the source of these feelings come from our own power.

The message of Easter is one that means we have to set aside our feelings of self-importance and

power to receive it.

The great gift of Easter is that death no longer has dominion over us. We would prefer that means that

we never have to suffer discomfort and can be assured that everything will be as we want it to be. The

gift of the resurrection means that God’s love overcomes judgment and sin. We would prefer to be able

to retain a small amount of judgment over the people we don’t like. Peace becomes the core of receiv-

ing the gift of the resurrection.

The one other element of peace that strikes me is that it must have been a bit awkward in that upper

room. The disciples had fled, leaving Jesus behind. When Jesus could have used someone to speak on

his behalf, Peter denied even knowing him. Judas had committed suicide, and the disciples were proba-

bly still uncertain who else might have been involved in betraying Jesus, or why. The fellowship of this

close group who had worked and lived together for three years had been broken. It was into the midst

of that turmoil Jesus pronounced peace.

Hopefully, that is our gift for Easter. We’d love the chocolate and fun with the kids, and family, but right

now throughout the world and throughout our homes, peace is in short supply. Let that be the gift that

we share from the resurrection. Share together the gift of peace.


Pastor Jack

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Coming Up in Worship

3/20/2016 Inviting Christ In Palm Sunday Sermon: “Open the Gates and Let Christ In” Theme: Christ comes into our lives to open a new opportunity for righteousness and peace, if we will let go of

our “inner Pharisees” and welcome the cleansing which will lead to our healing. Purpose: The congregation will welcome Christ’s presence to renew and open new avenues for healing. Scriptures: Luke 19:28-40 Jesus enters Jerusalem Triumphantly on a colt. Philippians 2:5-11 Have the same mind that was in Christ, that he emptied himself, taking the form of a

servant. Questions: What does it mean to fully invite Jesus into our lives? What does submission to Jesus mean to us today? Do we really want to submit our grudges, our grievances, and our hurts to Jesus? How do we open ourselves to cleansing of the re-mainder from the anger and memories of the past? What does it mean to have the mind of Christ which is willing to suf-fer humility for the sake of peace? What difference is there between humility for Christ and making ourselves a target for further abuse? 3/24/2016 Maundy Thursday The Maundy Thursday is a service of Communion and Tenebrae, recognizing Christ’s suffering for our forgiveness and salvation in the reading of scripture and diminishing of the lights. We join the disciples around the table, receiving from Christ the bread and cup, and then observe the sorrows he suffered in order to extend the love of God into all of our lives. Sermon: “The Place Where Grace Finds Us” Theme: We know grace as we receive it as a cost of suffering paid for by Christ Jesus on our behalf. Purpose: The congregation will open themselves to appreciating the cost of grace and will seek to share grace

with others rather than judge or hold onto condemnations. Scriptures: John 13:1-16 Jesus in the upper room with his disciples Luke 23:26-38 Jesus makes his way to Golgotha John 19:25-30 Jesus' words from the cross Mark 15:33-34 Jesus dies and cries out with a loud voice 3/27/2016 Easter Sunday Sermon: "The New Beginning Begins" Theme: Through Christ we are able to live in the wholeness of a kingdom of love, peace, and respect as we

open our hearts to Jesus' transforming work. Purpose The congregation will embrace living in resurrection life. Scriptures: Isaiah 65:17-25 The new heavens and a new earth will have peace and wholeness abound. John 20:1-18 The Story of Mary Magdalene and the stone rolled away from the tomb. Questions: How do we move from “an empty tomb” to experiencing the resurrection in our own lives? How do we open our hearts and minds to a proclamation of God’s love for us? How do we open ourselves to the gift of forgiveness and wholeness that transforms the world? What does it mean to us that the “lion and the lamb will lie down together?” What do we have to set aside in order to participate with Mary and the disciples in celebrating the gift of new life in the resurrection?

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Session Plans to Invite Lombard Mennonite Peace Center to Provide Mediation Services

Session voted, at a special meeting on Thursday, February 25, to call for a congregational meeting on

April 17th, at 10:15. At that time, we will hear a presentation from the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

(LMPC) about leading First Presbyterian Church through a process of reconciliation.

Rev. Bill Blank of the LMPC shared, with the Session, a process in which we will begin with workshops

for the whole congregation. The workshops will focus on developing an understanding of the systems

that create conflict and ways in which we can be faithful together, in the midst of differences, working

through conflict.

Besides these workshops the LMPC would begin information gathering through questionnaires, inter-

views, small groups, and examination of the church’s history, to develop an assessment of the chal-

lenges which have been experienced in the church. This would result in an “Interim Assessment Re-

port.” This report would become the foundation for a “Healing Phase” that would include structured dia-

logue and mediation.

Following the Healing Phase, we will begin a “Problem Solving Phase” that will develop plans and work

to develop ways for First Presbyterian Church to move forward and build agreements for the future.

This entire process requires congregational commitment. This is the purpose of the congregational

meeting on April 17th after worship. The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center will provide a presentation

that will last about an hour. The LMPC will survey the congregation regarding its willingness to partici-

pate in the program, as well as the congregation’s view regarding the need for participation.

The cost of this process is significant, running between $40,000 to $50,000, over the course of a year.

Session has been wrestling with this cost and has begun working on developing resources to manage

the expenses. Session voted unanimously to go forward with this process. They believe that, with the

investment, we will see a much greater return in growth in the church and support for the ministries of

the church. Every time a cycle of conflict has taken place in our church, we have experienced greater

loss than what we are anticipating in expenses for these services. Our goal is that,through this process,

we will experience renewal that will open the way to new ministry and stability for healthy growth in the


Please mark your calendar for April 17th, 2016 when we will have one worship service at 9:00 AM and

our congregational meeting. At that time, we will receive the presentation from the Lombard Mennonite

Peace Center.

Pastor Jack

Moderator of Session

For more information:

The Lombard Mennonite Peace Center:


Healthy Congregations:

Conflict in the Church:

Lombard Mennonite Peace Center

"All this is from God,

who reconciled us to himself

through Christ, and has given us

the ministry of reconciliation."

2 Corinthians 5:18

Page 5: March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05 focus › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 03 › ...of that turmoil Jesus pronounced peace. Hopefully, that is our gift for Easter. We’d love


PYA Events

Church Family Event - February

Mission Trip to St Paul, MN - June 12 - June 17

Our youth will be traveling to St. Paul, MN for the 2016 mission trip. We will leave Sunday, June 12th,

and return on Friday, June 17th, 2016.

Once again we are working with the company YouthWorks. YouthWorks is a ministry that coordi-

nates mission trip opportunities for youth all over the country. Our church has a history of working

with YouthWorks and they always provide a high-quality, spirit-filled experience for the students, the

adult leaders, and those we have the privilege to serve.

Please contact Jennifer 922-0425 with any questions.

Here are a few highlights for March and April:

Today 12:00 - 1:30pm PYA Easter Preparations Saturday March 26

th 9:00 - 11:00am Easter Preparations-Set up for Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday March 27

th 8:30 - 10:15am Easter Breakfast Fundraiser

Saturday April 2nd

10:00 - 3:00pm Train Show Fundraiser Come and help in the concession stand to help support PYA and Mission Trip.

Sunday April 3

rd 8:30 -1:00pm Train Show Fundraiser Come and help in

the concession stand to help support PYA. Sunday April 9

th 10:45 - 11:45am

PYA at the Woodlands

Feed My Starving Children Fond du Lac MobilePack

Page 6: March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05 focus › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 03 › ...of that turmoil Jesus pronounced peace. Hopefully, that is our gift for Easter. We’d love


OGHS - March 20

One Great Hour of Sharing started

in 1949. One Great Hour of Sharing

is a long-standing ecumenical effort

aimed at raising the funds necessary

to provide relief and reconstruction

for communities in the aftermath of

disaster. What started as an hour-

long radio appeal has evolved over

the years, varying from 8 to 29

participating denominations, and

has become the most participated

offering in the PC (USA). Today, pro-

jects supported by One Great Hour

of Sharing are underway in more

than 100 countries.

Your gift is so important in helping

others succeed. Prayerfully consider

the needs of others when making

your donation.

Coming Up @ Church

Good Friday - March 25

The Ecumenical Good Friday Ser-

vice will be held on March 25th at

noon. Memorial Baptist Church (645

Forest Ave., Fond du Lac) is hosting

the service.

Maundy Thursday - March 24

On Thursday, March 24th we will par-

ticipate in our Maundy Thursday

Service at 7:00pm. We will join to-

gether for a service of Tenebrae,

remembering Christ’s time with his

disciples in the upper room.

We will gather around the table for

communion. We will offer prayers

and songs of praise. We will prepare

our hearts for the sacrifice that Jesus

made and receive the gift of the

resurrection for Easter, Sunday,

March 27th.

Easter Breakfast - March 27 Please join us for our mouth water-

ing, buttery pancakes and delicious

sausage breakfast on Easter morn-

ing, Sunday March 27. Breakfast will

be served from 8:30 to 10:15 am. All

proceeds from the donations benefit

our Youth mission activities and the

mission trip to St. Paul, MN in June .

Growing Connections - March

March 20 Human Trafficking:

What can we do to prevent it? Come and join the discussion of

what First Presbyterian Church can

do to prevent and/or stop human

trafficking in our community and the


March 27 Happy Easter


When Sunday, March 27th

Activities Available from 9:15 - 10:15am

Who Pre-school thru 5TH

grade children and


Where Gathering Room

Come and join the

Easter Celebration

including crafts, a

snack and concluding

with an Easter Egg Hunt.

Wrapped candy and small prizes are

needed for the Annual Easter Egg

Hunt. Please put donations in the

Basket in the office by Sunday

March 20th. Thanks for your help!

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Cribbage - April 15

Join us for Cribbage on April 15, at

7:00 pm. All skill levels are welcome.

It’s a time of fun and fellowship.

Church Camp - Family and Youth

Applications Due by - April 12

Do you want to go to summer


Pilgrim Center (Green Lake) and

Moon Beach (St. Germain) are two

great camps that are ideal choices

for people of all ages.

Each week campers gather to share,

play, relax and discuss, not to

mention, swimming, canoeing,

crafting and making new friends.

Here’s what to do if you want to

register for camp. Look at the

brochure outside the church

office. Information and registration

forms are also available on the

United Church Camps, Inc.

website - Fill out the

registration form and mail it immedi-

ately to the proper address with your


If you wish to apply for financial aid,

please fill out the Presbytery

Campership Application (available in

the church office) or on the Presby-

tery website:



Leave the “amount your church can

pay” line blank and give to Jennifer

as soon as possible, no later than

April 12th. The Presbytery may

provide approximately one quarter of

the cost and our church’s contribu-

tion will be determined based on the

number of applicants.

Coming Up @ Church

College Scholarships -

Due April 15

Applications for academic scholar-

ships will be mailed out to those high

school seniors who are listed on our

membership rolls. Scholarships are

made available by generous dona-

tions to students who:

Are members of this church.

Have demonstrated a commit-

ment to the church

Have completed high school with

average grades or above

Will enroll in an accredited col-

lege or university.

Students enrolling in a technical col-

lege, adult students enrolling with

either part-time or full-time status and

students who are in their first, sec-

ond, third, or fourth year of under-

graduate education may also apply.

If you are, or know of, a person who

fits these qualifications, but will not

receive a mailed scholarship applica-

tion as a graduating high school sen-

ior, please contact the church office

for an application. Applications are

also available on the church website or in the church


Application deadline for all the schol-

arships is April 15th, 2016. Applica-

tion may be mailed to the church of-

fice. Applicants may be called for an

interview at a time to be determined

by the Scholarship Committee.

Model Railroad Show - April 2 - 3

We are happy to let you know that

we have confirmed the date for the

First Presbyterian Church Model RR

Show as April 2-3. PYA will be serv-

ing food. Admission is free.

Model railroad exhibitors will present Z,N,HO,S,O-27,O, & G layouts/displays. Fond du Lac Society of Model Railroad Hobbyist's "HO" Gauge Operating Layout will also be exhibited. The schedule is as follows: Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 2:00pm Please contact the church office, at 920.922.0425, if you have any

Feed My Starving Children -

April 9

On Saturday, April 9, 2016, at the Fond du Lac Fairgrounds Recreation

Building, our community will partner

with Feed My Starving Children

through MobilePack™. Volunteers

will gather to hand-pack 150,000 life-

saving, nutritious meals for children

around the world who are starving

and malnourished.

Ruth Circle - April 6

Ruth Circle will meet on Wednesday,

April 6 at 1:00 pm. We will be meet-

ing at Church.

Bonnie Hughes will be sharing her

experiences about her visit to Jeru-

salem. We extend an open invitation

to you to join us for this informational

talk and time of fellowship.

Page 8: March 20, 2016 Volume 17, Issue 05 focus › wp-content › uploads › 2016 › 03 › ...of that turmoil Jesus pronounced peace. Hopefully, that is our gift for Easter. We’d love


In March

Elder of the Month

Pedro Arellano

Deacon of the Month

Lee Munson

Coffee Hour Hosts


General Information @ Church

First Presbyterian Focus

Please send submissions for the

Newsletter to:

[email protected].


March 23 for April 3 issue

April 6 for April 17 issue

April 20 for May 1 issue


March 20 - Palm Sunday

8:00 Sue & Bill Kuespert

Larry & Carol Merrill

10:30 Lew & Carol Smith

Michael Frize

Ray Tahlman

March 27 - Easter Sunday 8:00 Bob Block

Lynn & Judy Mellenthien

Laurie Leestma

10:30 Sue Baker

Les Mier

Wendy Wilcox

Cares and Joys

Buzzy (Marion) Seibel, June Benson,

Liam Anderson, Randy Bacon, Silas

Willey, Virginia Erdman, Sandy

Johnson, Chastity Geisthardt,

George Weigel, Kevin Hilbert, Pam

Coburn, Jim Stubbe, Dorothy Grundy

(Marie Laiten’s sister), Jesse Fisher,

Tim Thurke, Sammy Herzig, Steve

Streeter (Shirley Ries’ brother-in-

law), Jacqueline Harrison, Betty Pen-

nington, Jim & Judy Dassow on the

passing of Jim’s mother, and the

people devastated in the natural dis-

asters, and prayers for peace and

tolerance in our community, the na-

tion and the world.


The gift of growing together in the

body of Christ.

Pray for those in the military:

Aaron Schaefer and Alex Sell

Prayer Partners

The prayer chain is ready to offer

intercessory prayer to God for your

concerns. Prayer request cards are

in the pew racks and in the Prayer

Box on the small table in the Nar-

thex. Put your request in either the

offering plate or the Prayer Box and

we will partner with you in prayer.

Names will stay on the prayer list for

6 weeks unless otherwise

specified. Please call the office

at (920) 922-0425 if you would like to

have your name added or removed.

Nursery Volunteers

March 20 Palm Sunday

8:00 Melissa Hierl

9:15 Robin Doyle

Youth Helper T.J. Vander Griten

March 27 Easter Sunday

8:00 Christine Langille

Sophie Langille

9:15 Jane Devine

Youth Helper Allison McElroy

April 3

8:00 Melissa Hierl

9:15 Trisha Wills

Youth Helper Emily Albrecht

April 10 Share & Connect

8:00 Christine Langille

9:15 Jane Devine

10:30 Emily Hayes

Youth Helper Jordan McElroy

Thank You - From Dianne Weber

Thank you to all of my church family

for your prayers, sympathy and sup-

port following the loss of my mother.

To feel God’s love in this way was a

great comfort to me.

Dianne Weber

Thank You - Creative Arts Team

Grace and Forgiveness

Skits add a great deal to our worship

here at First Presbyterian Church.

Having someone bring to life circum-

stances that resonate with our own

personal experiences assist in the

understanding of the message. As

our series comes to a close we thank

our Daryl Downer and Susie Sun-

shine dramatists: Shirley Ries, Dan

Mitchell, Phil Shepherd, Barb

Mitchell, Byron Sabel, Alyssa Sabel

and Cameron Wilke. Scripts were

written by Pastor Jack Harrison.

Creative Arts Team

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March 2016 20 Palm Sunday

One Great Hour of Sharing 8a-9a Worship 9:15a-10:15a Edu-cation Hour 9:15a-10:15a Grow-ing Connections 9:15a-10:15a Talk Back 10:30a-11:30a Wor-ship 12p-1:30p PYA


2:30p-4p Staff 6:30p-8p Session


6p-7p AA Meeting (Resource Room) 6:30p-8p Boy Scouts


8a-9a Breakfast at Pump and Pantry 12p-1p Prayer 5:30p-6:30p Confir-mation Class 5:30p-6:15p Hand Bells 6:15p-8:30p Just Fare Board - Parlor 7p-9p Table Tennis


Maundy Thursday 7p-8p Maunday Thursday


12p-1p Ecumenical Good Friday Service (Memorial Baptist Church ABC\, 645 Forest Ave\, Fond du Lac\, WI 54)


9a-11a PYA Easter Set up 9a-10a Tech Re-hearsal

27 Easter Sunday

8a-9a Worship 8:30a-10:15a Easter Breakfast Served 9:15a-10:15a Easter Celebration 9:15a-10:15a Talk Back 10:30a-11:30a Worship


2:30p-4p Staff 29

10:30a-12p Bible Study 6p-7p AA Meeting (Resource Room) 6:30p-8p Boy Scouts


8a-9a Breakfast at Pump and Pantry 12p-1p Prayer 5:30p-6:30p Confirmation Class 5:30p-6:15p Handbells 6:30p-7:30p Worship Team 6:30p-8:30p Table Tennis



Bible Study @ Church

Tuesday Morning Bible Study -

10:30 - 12:00

The Tuesday Morning Bible Study is

continuing through the Gospel Ac-

cording to Matthew using N.T.

Wright’s Matthew for Everyone. We

will continue through April 12th with

Matthew and then end our year with

a short examination of other topics to

be determined. The study provides

a lively discussion of themes from

Matthew. The Gospel According to

Matthew emphasizes Jesus’ human-

ity, emotions, and in that context the

emotions of the disciples, so it pro-

vides an opportunity to reflect upon

our own experiences as people try-

ing to follow Christ and deal with our

own angers, bitterness, confusion,

and doubts. We are not bible schol-

ars, but disciples seeking to follow

and grow in our faith.

Bible Study Schedule

3.22 Off

3.29 Matthew 27:39-44

Matthew 27:45-56

Jesus Mocked on the Cross

The Death of God's Son

4.05 Matthew 27:57-66

Matthew 28:1-10

The Burial of Jesus

The Resurrection of Jesus

4.12 Matthew 28:11-15

Matthew 28:16-20

The Priests & the Guards

The Great Commission

Upcoming Events

March 27 Easter Sunday

April 2 - 3 Train Show

April 3 Woodlands Communion Service April 10 Grade School Bible Presentation April 17 One Service with Congregational Meeting

April 24 Confirmation

May 8 Mothers Day

May 14 Presbytery Meeting

May 15 Pentecost

May 29 One Service Summer Worship Schedule Memorial Weekend

June 5 Graduate Sunday

In the Future @ Church

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 Train Show 10 - 4pm 9a-10a Tech Rehearsal

3 Train Show 9 - 2pm 8a-9a Worship 9:15a-10:15a Education Hour 9:15a-10:15a Growing Connections 9:15a-10:15a Talk Back 10:30a-11:30a Worship

4 2:30p-4p Staff

5 10:30a-12p Bible Study 6p-7p AA Meeting (Resource Room) 6p-7p Boy Scouts Committee 6:30p-8p Boy Scouts

6 8a-9a Breakfast at Pump and Pantry 12p-1p Prayer 1p-2p Ruth Circle 5:30p-6:15p Handbells 6p-8p Women in Faith 6:30p-9p Table Tennis



9 9a-6p AA Great Lakes Mini Conference 9a-10a Tech Re-hearsal 10:45a-11:45a PYA - at the Woodlands

Feed My

Starving Children

10 8a-9a Worship 9:15a-10:15a Education Hour 9:15a-10:15a Growing Connec-tions 9:15a-10:15a Talk Back 10:30a-11:30a Worship

11 Special Session Meeting with Confirmation Class 2:30p-4p Staff 6:30p-8p Outreach Team (Parlor)

12 10:30a-12p Bible Study 6p-7p AA Meeting (Resource Room) 6:30p-8p Boy Scouts 6:30p-7:30p Personnel Team

13 8a-9a Breakfast at Pump and Pantry 12p-1p Prayer 5:30p-6:30p Confirmation Class 5:30p-6:15p Handbells 6:30p-7:30p Deacons 6:30p-9p Table Tennis



16 9a-10a Tech Rehearsal

17 9a-10a Worship 10:15a-11:15a Congregational Meeting 11:15a-12:15p Talk Back

18 2:30p-4p Staff 6:30p-8p Session

19 10:30a-12p Bible Study 6p-7p AA Meeting (Resource Room) 6:30p-8p Boy Scouts

20 8a-9a Breakfast at Pump and Pantry 12p-1p Prayer 5:30p-6:30p Confirmation Class 5:30p-6:15p Handbells 6:30p-9p Table Tennis



23 9a-10a Tech Rehearsal

24 Confirmation Sunday 8a-9a Worship 9:15a-10:15a Education Hour 9:15a-10:15a Growing Connections -

Session Forum 9:15a-10:15a Talk Back 10:30a-11:30a Worship

25 2:30p-4p Staff

26 10:30a-12p Bible Study 6p-7p AA Meeting (Resource Room) 6:30p-8p Boy Scouts

27 8a-9a Breakfast at Pump and Pantry 12p-1p Prayer 5:30p-6:15p Handbells 6:30p-9p Table Tennis



30 9a-10a Tech Rehearsal

April 2016

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Church Staff

Rev. Jack Harrison


[email protected]

Jennifer Zander

Director of Christian Education

[email protected]

Kris Bartelt

Worship Coordinator

[email protected]

Mary Robotka

Financial Assistant

[email protected]

Deb Zorn

Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

Daliborka Koncos


Volunteer Staff

Bell Choir Director

Joanne Marchionda

Angel Choir Director

Cheryl Clarenbach

Angel Choir Assistant

Alyssa Sabel

Financial Assistant

Sheryl Brown

Custodian Assistant

Dave Weber

General Information @ Church


Sheryl Brown

[email protected]

Kay Burbach

[email protected]

J. Brian Conran

[email protected]

Bonnie Hughes

[email protected]

Jack Hughes

[email protected]

Joanne Klein


Andy Lorenz

[email protected]

Joanne Marchionda

[email protected]

Lee Munson

[email protected]

Phyllis Munson

[email protected]

Orv Kamphuis

[email protected]

Tina Sommerfeldt

[email protected]

Sandy Vahlsing

[email protected]

Elders on Session

Lew Smith

Clerk of Session

[email protected]

Pedro Arellano

[email protected]

Dave Erickson

[email protected]

Orv Kamphuis

Session Liaison

[email protected]

Barb Mitchell

[email protected]

Ruth Park

[email protected]

Scott Polacek

[email protected]

Shirley Ries

[email protected]

Phil Shepherd

[email protected]

Carol Smith

[email protected]

Krista Tahlman

[email protected]

Dave Weber

[email protected]

Cathy Wolfe

[email protected]

First Presbyterian Church, Fond du Lac First Presbyterian Church FDL

First Presbyterian Church Website Social Media and Website
