march 14, 2013 interview with kenji kumara

Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved. March 14, 2013 Interview with Kenji Kumara Awake Now! Your time has come: Future Journeys into the Quantum

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Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved.

March 14, 2013

Interview with Kenji Kumara

Awake Now! Your time has come: Future Journeys into the Quantum

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Copyright © 2013 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Hello and welcome, everyone. This is Darius Barazandeh. You're tuning into the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. I'm in one of those feelings today, like being shot from a cannon ready to enter into another dimension. I don't know if you guys have that feeling, maybe it's just me or maybe I'm picking it up from you – probably is more likely. It's like right before you're about to get on this amazing rollercoaster ride or take this beautiful vacation there's kind of like this excitement and anticipation and awareness that it's just going to be good, different and something is never going to be the same.

That's exactly what I'm feeling today because we have our one of our favorite guests, Kenji Kumara, who is going to be sharing with us how to journey into the quantum. Not just that, but how to be awake right now. Your time has come and it's time now for us to enter into the quantum. I was talking with Kenji earlier before the call and he was telling me that literally this is all new levels of energy. I've got to tell everybody, if you thought the other stuff we did with Kenji was powerful, just wait. The levels now are even higher and Kenji's going to explain all of that and why that's happening.

We're going to talk about how you can literally move into this new level. You're going to get to experience it. You can awaken the power that is already within you. We're also going to help you during the call, through the activation to gracefully open up your own clairvoyant, psychic or intuitive abilities. What would your life be like if you could clear away years of blocks, fears and challenges and easily plug into the gifts, genius and magic powers that you have? They're there for you in the quantum waiting for you to simply align to that energy to basically bring the vibration to that level.

If you begin to get one thing – I'm going to share right now – is that the things you want are there in your life already. They're just at a different station, a different vibration, a different frequency. All of that magic, all of those gifts, all of those things are at that frequency. We're going to bring it to you. I want to share something that came up and I'm going to introduce Kenji, but we had a lady actually that wrote in during one of the shows. I want to be very, very clear that we are not offering medical advice. We're not offering healing here per se. There are things that will happen that we can't always explain and we don't explain them because, well, it's not my place to. However, things happen.

We got this note from someone that wrote in, "Dear Darius, I cannot thank you enough for having Master Kenji Kumara on your program. I listened to the broadcast and immediately purchased his special offer. I've been listening to his meditations first thing every morning. I was diagnosed with breast cancer over a year ago. I decided to follow a spiritual path of healing, which turned out to be a wonderful decision. While listening to one of Kenji Kumara's meditations, there was a cleansing of the lymph system. My experience was incredible. I had a lump under my arm at the time of the meditation and at the end of the meditation the lump was gone. To say this man and his amazing healing work is a miracle, for me, is an understatement. I wanted to let you know the good you are doing by having a master like Kenji Kumara on your program."

That is an incredible story. Now I've got to say this. We don't know what's going to

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happen and we can't promise anything. Just be present to what you need to receive and we are going to introduce Kenji. Now, one thing I want you to know about Kenji is this. We don't want you to listen to these things if you're driving or operating heavy equipment. Kenji Kumara is a Japanese born American born in Berkeley, California, resides on the West Coast and he serves as a messenger, initiator and quantum bridge between worlds. His goal is to serve all of those ready for their awakening and empowerment.

He's a simple man with a simple message, "Be the state you want the world to embrace. Love the world as you love yourself, live by the golden rule. Do your spiritual homework. The best medicine – hugs, smiles and laughter." Kenji's been in transformation healing arts for over 40 years. He holds Master’s degrees in Education, Parapsychology, a Bachelor's Degree in Humanist Psychology and he's a former preschool to grade eight credentialed teacher. Tons of certifications in energy work, body work, healing approaches, transpersonal consulting, spiritual, psychotherapeutic and seminar training.

His specialty, however, that all of you are going to experience again and this time at a higher level is actually spiritual emergence and awakening for the gifted quantum generation. He serves as an awakener and catalyst for the new earth energetics. His established method of quantum light weaving is a synthesis of over 40 years in the field. His 39 year old earth dream to build an off the grid community – and we can help him do that by supporting him – and retreat training center for world leaders and leading edge quantum thinkers of the new generation is something that is moving along and he has a galactic vision for that.

Kenji is going to connect us and bridge together our energies to this quantum light working field of dreams and he's also going to be doing that today. So get read, you are going to experience more peace, serenity, relief from worry and anxiety, enhanced self-esteem, clarity, focus, deeper meditation, greater harmony, greater manifesting power, more bliss, more laughter and move love. Let's just send a huge amount of love to Kenji, he's back. On the count of three – one, two and three – Kenji, welcome back to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings, my friend.

Kenji: Alright, whoopee, glad to be back with Darius.

Darius: It’s always fun and I've got to ask you this question. What's been going on with the energy of your work since the last time you were here? I know you talked about a whole other level has opened up and things now are even beyond what they were and they were pretty amazing as we just read that testimonial earlier from the last time you were here.

Kenji: Well, on a conscious level the work is more simple, more present and actually can say less. We're getting more done with less words and people are having amazing experiences ongoing, which is always lovely to witness. Today, I believe people are going to experience the work quicker and easier than before with less effort and we're going to go into more simplicity energy and more present being in the now moment energy, which we need to be in in order to create new changes, right, in the here and now and being simple.

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Darius: Yeah, I feel that. When you see and hear about people having miraculous transformations and things, what happening from your standpoint as this quantum bridge? I mean what is going on when things in the 3rd dimension immediately disappear? Challenges, financial challenges, life challenges, things just dissolve, what's happening? What took place in the quantum, what took place in the 3rd dimension?

Kenji: Well, all we can say is we just did our first six-day combo retreat in southern Arizona and it was really, really wonderful from my perspective. Here's basically how it's been working for seven years with these trainings in particular is people come in and you can see the joy and the excitement that they're ready to experience, but you can also see the stress in their face, their worries. Basically, you can get a sense of the tightness in their energy field. After about three, four days going into the fifth day and definitely in the sixth day the whole feeling of their auric field, how they look in their face, the brightness in their eyes, that just all changes.

To me, it's like in the six days they learned about receiving, how to become soft and how to let go of the worries about all of their life conditions and challenges. It's not to say that their challenges will disappear when they go home, but obviously, their attitude is different. They can approach it now with fresh eyes and fresh ears, open heart and knowing that they can use the work in a technique form to help others and themselves. I've got to give you one example.

I've got it on Facebook. Oh, someone went to, I think, Disney World. So if you've ever been there you know how many people and crazy energy and stuff. Well, we always suggest that you put up the Pillars of Light, so she did that and she noticed an immediate difference and she was really amazed. Well, basically what that does is that brings a level of peace into the environment so that people are relaxed and open and friendly and it's as if their stress and their worry never existed in that moment when the energies are working in a group. You could do it for a concert. You could do it when you go into a hospital, you can do it for any building, any environment, any situation, including your home, which is really neat.

Darius: Yeah, when you see people that come in and they're dealing with challenges at your live events or even just on this call, what energetically is happening in their energy field in their bodies? There are a lot of people here that are dealing with challenges and at least in this dimension. What's going on? What is it that they're missing? What is it that's not being present in their energy field that actually is there and maybe they're not connecting to it? Does that make sense?

Kenji: Yes. Okay, so we are learning as a collective, as humanity, we are learning how to lead with our soul rather than our ego. Everybody take a deep breath and just breathe in that truth. When you are leading with your soul, you don't have that stress and that worry and that anxiety and the tension headaches and the insomnia and everything else that goes with it. If you lead from your ego, you're going to experience stress. You can tell if you're not in bliss, then you're not leading from the voyager place.

Okay, number two, yes, since December there's been an influx of divine light onto the planet as well as every other planet and every other system, galaxy, universe.

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What that means is basically as our bodies begin to learn and this is what the work teaches people. When we learn how to receive and become and acknowledge that divinity energy, it does two things. It does bring you into the quantum, your natural state and it also brings up from your unconscious all the core stuff that you haven't been able to get to. That's why people are faced with challenges in their life. It's on purpose and it's good because the light is bringing everything up to the surface to be resolved. You resolve it with love, acceptance, gratitude, compassion. That, to me, is the easiest way to put it. There is no technique.

I experienced a healing of my chronic cough that I had for like, oh God, six months or so in the training. I had a couple of the students work on me and it brought me back to a time when I was seven when my parents moved. We moved from Berkeley to a neighboring city. I had never reviewed this part ever, but it came to me as we were talking that I didn't want to move and I didn't want to be away from my grandmother who was like my spiritual teacher, my dad's mother. Somehow that feeling of not wanting to move and this allergy attack with this chronic cough, there was some relationship with that because within a number of hours the cough lessened. Within 24 hours it was almost gone and then within two days it was completely gone and when I got home, I was good to go. I was back to normal. I would have never thought that that incident back when I was seven years old had anything to do with my allergies. Isn't that amazing?

Darius: Yeah, yeah, incredible and the thing is you didn't have to necessarily go back and find it. It's like you went into this quantum state, into this reality state that was different and it was real to you and what was behind a situation that you were dealing with revealed to you and then from there it was, I guess, released or dissolved.

Kenji: Well, yeah, and I didn't have to do anything. I didn't do a weight collapse on it. It was just a realization, “Oh, I really didn't want to move and ever since seven years old I had never had a home.” Maybe that was a bigger issue, so this cough represented unconsciously my feeling like I can never find a home. You know what I mean, like a physical home. I'd been without a home for all those years, so over five decades of feeling that way on a subconscious level. That was kind of a big realization for me. So in that realization the stuff went away, the stuff just cleared on its own. That's what this work does. You really don't have to process anything or do any kind of analytical therapeutic whatever. The insight, the realization will pop it free, will drop it, will dissolve it. However you want to call it.

Darius: Question…

Kenji: It has the power to do that, yeah. Oh and the third thing is since we are born with that divine energy in us already, it's our natural state and somewhere as we grew up, we were taught to lead by the ego, with the ego. The awareness of our gifts, of our talents, we began to, I guess, stuff it, kind of hide it away in the closet, right, not talk about it with people. Everybody is born with at least one gift, if not several. Everyone is born gifted and everyone is a natural healer per se, although, not everybody will do hands-on healing work, but through presences we all carry that healing power. It's our natural gift. It's who we are. I mean it's what we radiate when we're in our natural state. When we teach people how to relax into the quantum in

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the attunements and the trainings and they bring it back, although, they don't at first.

We have to keep telling them, “Now bring it back and we're going to settle it in the brain so the nervous system can circulate that energy in the body. It's already in your field,” and so we're retraining people to embody their natural state and when we do that, the things shift like cancer bumps or like whatever symptom it is because it cannot exist in that state, as we all know. There's no disease in the light vibration and then also when people come out of these attunements, they don't feel any stress. So what does that tell you? It tells you that when we go into our natural state there aren't these intruding thoughts and no worries and no anxiety. Then if we bring that into our daily life, into everything that we do, that's going to affect change automatically.

Darius: Yeah, it makes complete sense. We just got an email in from someone who wrote in and she said, "Kenji," Sandra from Las Vegas, "Kenji is awesome. I have felt more with this call than most, but I have been having a few rough spots in low energy, negative thought patterns that I'm trying to unlock and turn into gratitude. When that happens, the issue that I have with money and love come to the surface and it's a huge battle. I'm so exhausted with it. Any thoughts, any ways to help me out?" This is Sandra from Las Vegas.

Kenji: Well, this is for everyone, really. It's that energetic wrestling match, right. You've got this wrestling match going on. Basically, what I see now in the awakening process is that everyone has the power innately to bring a level of compassion into any situation and forgiveness and to bless it. There are some people that won't bless someone…well, let's just say your former spouse that you don't talk to now. It is in one way very hard for people to send that person blessings, but I will say it takes more energy not to do that than to actually share the blessings with that person.

Now, why? Well, you know why, but the ego can be very stubborn and it likes to be in resistance and all that other good stuff, but realize that we're retraining the brain to think quantum and this is a big evolutionary jump. We're being challenged to go more holistic brain function orientation to where we think in whole terms rather than fragmented, separated male versus female kind of thing. Just by the thought, by the thought that I can bless this person or I can bless my money situation, I can be in joy with my current situation even though I don't have any money and I don’t know what's going to happen. We all know that the more energy you put into what's not working is going to make it not work.

Darius: Right.

Kenji: Right, yeah. Well, I tell people don't worry about anything. Don't worry about your kids, your parents because they're feeling it and you're doing them an injustice. Think big, think positive, everybody's going to make it. No one's going to be left behind whether they stay on this earth, go to a new earth, go to Jupiter, whatever, Venus. It doesn't matter. We're all going to make it. We all are making it, it's just a matter of giving up the struggle, just giving up that wrestling match. Go, “Okay, I quit. I'm done with this, with my need to wrestle with my issues and I'm going to choose to share my insights, my intuition, my inner knowing with people.” If Sheila Gale did not share her intuition to call me out of the blue and offer to come on my show, we

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would have never been talking. I would never have gone on any of the other 30 some-odd radio shows.

I'd have been maybe homeless, but she trusted her intuition beyond logic and that's what we suggest that everybody do starting today is to trust and act upon your intuition because it's there. It's not like you have to become spiritual we already are. We just have to do what we know really is right because, see, the main issue of humanity is what are others going to think? How many people out there do their lives according to how other people are going to think about their thoughts and behaviors? We have to give that up and we just have to be ourselves.

We tell the students just be yourself, you don't have to be any certain way. There is no perfect way, role model, just be yourself. When they act crazy and silly, spontaneous in the training, it cracks everybody up. Everybody moves to the next level. The stress is released from their face, they begin to smile and you see the glow in their eyes and you feel the softness in their body. It's amazing.

Darius: I love that, yeah. I'm thinking about, really, people having these gifts, having these incredible things that are their birthright and yet when they're locked up and their body is tight and their mind is trying to control everything and every moment in judgment, they lock these gifts away. Just as I was thinking that we had Joann write in from Montreal, "Kenji, How do we know what our gift is?"

Kenji: Joseph Campbell says follow your bliss, right. Whatever makes you happy you want to do that, right? If you're in a job that doesn't make you happy, well, you can do one of two things. You can do the protocol and things like that that we teach to help alter the energies and everything or you can quit and start doing your dharma. Start doing what brings you joy even though you don't have a technical education for it. We all have gifts. We all have gifts. Part of what I offer – I believe in these trainings – is to give people a tool that they can create income in a practical way in the form of a healing service for others so that eventually they can quit their day job that they don’t like. I haven't met anyone that's really happy with their job.

I don't know, technically, if it's possible for everyone to be in private practice on the planet, but if you're unhappy, then we can ask for guidance. Ask the universe, “Okay, I'm ready. I'm ready for solutions for my situations.” See, the main thing is people block the answers so they feel their prayers aren't answered and they don't realize they're blocking it. How can you tell? Well, if you're leading by your ego, then you can't be receptive, right, because the ego doesn't know about that yet. We're training the ego to learn how to receive, like we're teaching your inner kid aspect how to receive. Receiving is very big, very, very big.

Darius: I started just sort of intuiting and what came back to me is that we may not all have a technical education here on earth on how to do certain things – accountants, doctors – but we have a technical education from the quantum of certain very powerful things. Gosh, as usually happens with you, Kenji, the energy starts getting so strong that I sort of get…I run out of things to say, which is the only person I ever do that with is you. It shows how powerful it is. What do you feel? I want you to just sort of intuit into our group and let you sort of let the energies speak to what people need to hear. I know we're going to be slowly moving into something here, but just whatever

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you feel and I'm going to let you say some things and take people to where they need to be.

Kenji: Well, the thing that comes out energetically, foremost, is this thing of struggle and trying mentally to figure out how you're going to get out of your pickle, out of your mess. It always manifests with money and relationships and you're feeling that you're powerless to change your situation.

In another way, today we're working with, as Caroline Myss talks about, the four major archetypes that we're all born with and I believe that's basically true, right, the victim, the inner child, the prostitute and the saboteur. When we're free of their influence and can receive the positive aspects of those archetypal energies, our whole life's going to be different. I've worked with so many people that are still carrying around wounds from their early childhood, but that's kind of a given that we're all working on that, but this wrestling match thing, this resistance thing, so the hardest thing initially not to understand, but to actually experience is the letting go of the need to try to get out of your situation or to alter it and to allow the voyager, which is this beyond any kind of words, expansive energy that can come through you, to lead your life.

The Bible in some ways is accurate. I don't know the exact phrase, but when you allow the spirit to guide you, to guide the wills of people, then it's a whole other ball game. We can start with little steps. I've not necessarily…although, I may have seen sudden awakenings, but generally for most people it's a gradual thing. My awakening has been gradual and it's taken a long time and I'm still continuing obviously to awaken and to pop into new levels.

Today is about simplicity and the choice to give up and release your resistance, to try to figure out your life and to allow the unknown, which is your soul, your spirit, to guide you. We're going to do something here now, so I would love everyone to practice this protocol. We'll do kind of a…not a long protocol, not a short one, but somewhere in between and which you can do this every day and you can do this protocol for other people, buildings you go into, in your everyday life, workplace, grocery store, hospitals, hairdressers, etc. It will work and you will see the difference in people and how they relate to you.

The other thing that we encourage everyone to choose to do now is to choose to be loved by everyone that they meet every day, including strangers. They're not really strangers, but see we don't know about receiving love from strangers because we're taught don't talk to strangers, right, when you're like two and three. So guess what happens? You’ll feel alone in the world. Maybe the next call we'll go into deeper levels of group consciousness, travel consciousness programming, very subtle levels, which I think is the core to really being happy, but anyway so here's what we're going to do. We're altogether going to feel as one mind, one body, one spirit, one heart.

Let's take a deep breath together, in through the nose and we're going to exhale through the mouth and make a sound, any kind of a sound a moan, a groan, a ha sound, an ah sound, any kind of sound, just make a sound. We'll do this seven times. So also when we take the light with the in breath and we focus into the brain,

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we're activating the pineal, pituitary, thymus – very important for your brain. You're going to exhale through the mouth. Again, we're going to envision in the mind of God and feel kinetically and hold the thought or the intention we are breathing as one – one mind, one spirit, one heart, one body, one consciousness – and you'll begin to feel the earth.

You'll begin to feel our celestial brothers and sisters that we've called in. You'll begin to feel the stars and the dolphins. You'll begin to feel all of life connecting with you as you and you with them. We keep doing that, breath in and take the divine light that is you, the voyager, into the brain, exhale through the mouth. We want to breathe into the belly and then take the prana and the light up into the lungs and on the exhale, we reverse from the lungs then the belly, push all the air out. Now we're going two rounds. We're going to do this a little different way. We're going to feel the presence of the earth around our bodies, below our feet and feel the support that the earth has for your body. Begin to feel and connect up with the – how shall we say –the energies that create wellness in your physical body.

These are the energies of the mineral kingdom, the trees, the rivers and creeks, the clouds, the soil. We're going to hold the thought that all your systems in your body are being cleansed. That includes your lymphatic system. Your drainage points in your face, your neck, your groin, under your arms, in your solar plexus is all being stimulated for flow, lymphatic flow. Feel now that your blood pressure is normalizing, that your kidneys, your brain, your nervous system, that your liver is being cleansed of toxins and chemicals through the power of alignment with the earth. You're feeling your kidneys being normalized and softened and relaxed, that the fire element in your body is being balanced to the other elements.

Now we're going to call forth your guardian angel. We're each born with one, some have two. We're going to call forth everyone's guardian angel to be very present with you. You're going to breathe now into your guardian angel so that you begin to feel that you and your angel are one. This is your companion, this is a being that knows about earth life, that knows you very personally, has offered to be your guardian for this lifetime. We want for you to ask your angel for a name, a feeling, a color, a symbol. You're going to ask your angel now or you're going to say to your angel that I am now ready to receive your support, your love, your guidance through my intuition my direct knowing.

Now we're going to call forth your inner child to receive and we're going to ask you to see how old your little one is. Could be a baby, could be four, could even be in utero. We're going to call forth the angels that oversee everyone's inner child. We're going to ask your inner child to begin to receive now what we would call the healing power of grace into whatever patterns your child is still holding onto. Could be abandonment, neglect, abuse, any level of pain. We're going to ask your little one to just simply receive the grace and the power, that's all. Just receive and breathe, accept it. Then we'll call forth the power of our celestial brothers and sisters that we call the cosmos, the power that comes through the great central sun called the Christos. We're going to ask the Christos vibration, the Christ Head vibrations to begin to activate more deeply the flow through all of your chakral points into the body, so the body now can begin to receive the nourishment and the energy

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required to sustain balanced healthy life on this earth.

Okay, now we're going to ask everyone to detach from your emotional body, your pain body, tribal consciousness in the collective astral field of humanity. As you do this, you're going to just simply pop into the quantum as the voyager, as pure awareness, as pure consciousness. Allow yourself to gather all your many different aspects that we call gifts and talents and inner knowing. We're going to bring it into the now. We're going to hold it away from the body for a moment. You may leave your body at this point. It'll be protected and safe and move into that stillness.

Allow yourself to go deep into the core of the stillness, of the oneness and there you will feel a connection with all that is with all beings and with the source of all life, however subtle or profound. You're going to have the body on its own begin to breathe in into its storage area in the brain this feeling of connection, this feeling of light. Some of you may hear, see, feel and know you're gathering your points of focus into the now as the voyager. You're going to envision the rainbow colors, thousands of hues of colors in this rainbow beginning to move through your core, out of your core and it's going to touch all souls that you've ever known in this lifetime, that you currently know and those that will be coming into your life from the so-called future.

This includes your soul group and you're going to ask your soul group as the voyager to begin to immediately send forth those beings that have a connection with your life path physically in the body. You will ask your guardian angel the same thing, to begin to bring forth for you those important connections in your life on an everyday level. You're gathering the energies of the sun into your core beginning to feel the power of love and grace growing and building in your core. You're going to breathe into your core or from your core now the energies that will shift your perspective about money and power.

Allow the body to keep breathing. You're going to gather and bring forth from the core of your spirit, your ‘I Am’ presence, the energies that can shift your career, your private practice, your livelihood. We're going to breathe in and manifest from the core of your being the energies that will shift how you think of yourself, your self-esteem, your self-concept into that true absolute knowing of who you are and why you're here on earth. Now we're going to bring forth from your core the vibration and awareness the energy that will assist in your shifting your ability to fully receive from source and from the earth all that you require to sustain a magnificent incarnation on this planet and on new earth.

Now, from the voyager place, we're going to do one more. We're going to call forth from your core the vibration that will move to all levels of your unconscious to bring forth all remaining issues that have not been resolved, that one is still holding onto emotionally, psychologically and energetically to come forth very gently so that you become aware to make another choice. Now, from that place of the voyager, we're going to look towards Venus and feel the energies of Venus and all that Venus represents and allow the body to take that in into the brain into your storage area directly into the organs of your body through the skin. Now we'd like you to focus on your favorite constellation out there in the stars whether it's the Pleiades or Taurus, Algerbeon Cassiopeia, whatever it is out there in deep space and begin to receive

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those vibrations that are being sent to earth as part of the ascension, the upliftment of humanity.

Now begin to receive directly into what is called your third eye, which is your one eye center at the brow in your forehead directing the energy of the great central sun, the essence of the great central sun perceived as pure light frequency. Whatever your body’s experiencing just simply allow, allow that light to penetrate deep into the pineal. That's going to affect your whole brain. You're going to begin to wake up the areas of your brain you haven't used before. It's going to trigger new level of awareness and your gifts, gifts of seeing, of hearing, of inner knowing, of intuition, of taste and touch and smell. We're going to ask for divine balance within all things.

Okay, now take that vibration down the spine down towards the sacrum, allowing the stress in your spine to release itself, allowing all injuries to the spine to begin to recalibrate back to a place of normal. Your body may jerk, you may feel queasy. It's all good, just let it flow. Now as it reaches your tailbone, the base of your spine, it's going to begin to spread throughout your groin area to include both your legs and your feet as well as your arms and your hands. Allow this vibration to move into and through all areas of discomfort and as a voyager you are simply 100% allowing the movement of light.

We're going to bring the energies up now in spirals, upwards through the abdominal region, through your ribs, through all of your internal organs, also in your energy field allowing the light to begin to rise up towards the head and the brain moving through the chest, your neck. Allow it to move into all injured areas of the body, into all areas of discomfort. Breathe and receive, allow the body to soften to receive. Move the energies now up into the jaw. Allow it to move through your whole jaw area then up into the inner ears and your optic nerve that connects your eyeballs with your brain. Allow the eyes now to be fed with pure light energies to bring the eyes back to normal.

You may feel congestion in the back of your eyes. Allow everything to move. We're asking for a divine intervention for the health of your body as well as your emotional body and your mental body regarding your current situation. Again, feeling the presence of the universe supporting all that you are bring the light and the vibration up into the brain. Now we're going to envision and feel and hold the thought that the hemispheres of the brain is connecting left and right, right and left hemispheres together, rebuilding the original bridge in the brain.

Now, move your awareness up above your head a couple of feet and all of your awareness up above the head. Now, feel the point below your perineum, below your feet that may extend into the earth and allow now this light to move down your core from above your head to below your feet and back up again. We're going to begin to come back and connect with the body very slowly and as you begin to embody this quantum, you're going to put the quantum in your brain and allow the body to begin to circulate it now through all of its systems into all the organs and cells through the spine. You'll begin to feel your auric field spreading out horizontally. Allow it to grow very big and large, as big as this galaxy. Your field can be as big as the Milky Way Galaxy.

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You're going to adjust your field to a comfortable level where there's a few inches from the body to as big as a galaxy while keeping your awareness through the body. Now we're going to ground and feel the embrace of the earth connected to your body. You're going to feel the spaciousness in your connection to the heavens, the stars, the central sun. Now as you come into the body, we're going to take a deep breath and we're going to send out this new vibration into your world of personal relationships. So send it out on the exhale. Take another deep breath and we're going to breathe it into your career, whatever you do for a livelihood on the planet.

On the next breath, we send it to our ancestors and all those on the other side. We're going to send it to all of your family members as well as your pets. We're going to bring the focus to the space behind the heart, the physical heart, gather up all your forces there. In the now moment begin to come back into the physical body with new awareness, new level of understanding, coming back into the now moment, feeling that connection with the one and also your heart. Knowing that you are using your body as a vehicle of expression. That you are not your body and you are not what you experience on this earth.

Now breathe and spread this energy into your home, into your automobiles. You're going to ask for the Pillars of Light, they could be four to eight to be permanently established in your home. Envision in the four directions or the four corners of your home Pillars of Light power points of light that represent our archangel world. As you allow the formation of these Pillars of Light, they will automatically form a cocoon of light around the whole space, your body and everybody that's in that space. This is very nurturing, protective. It's a space of one and it's a space where you can create from as part of the quantum. As you allow and receive this cocooning of light, come forth into the body in the now very grounded and present.

Remember to drink plenty of lemon water today, get some fresh air and stay grounded with the earth. We send our blessings to all. Namaste. Until Darius comes back on you're going to allow whatever is going to occur emotionally in your life, you're simply going to allow it to be expressed. Hold nothing back. Welcome back, Darius.

Darius: Oh, that was incredible. Oh my gosh, I was sitting for a while and then I just sort of let go and everything just flopped down and I felt my spine just kind of release and there I was. I'm just shaking because I literally was just in this other place and I woke up. It was completely silent and I didn't even know where I was. Here we have hundreds of people on the line and I thought, “Where am I?” It was timeless and I heard you say, "When Darius comes back…" and I literally just came back and sprung back up. Oh my gosh, wow. I mean it was something. One of the things…I'm trying to just collect. Will you give me a minute, Kenji, to try and formulate…I don't…

Kenji: I'll give you a minute and I'll talk about the package, yeah.

Darius: Well, I want people to just kind of take…bring them back to where they are because this was pretty powerful and I don't want to like throw cold water on them by sharing my experience. I'd love for them to kind of recollect what happened there and I'm going to do the same. I want to just take a moment, okay.

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Kenji: Did you end up on the floor?

Darius: Oh yes. Yeah, I was on the floor, on the floor under my desk and I was not awake. I was not awake.

Kenji: We heard some noises. It sounded like you might have done a physical relocation there.

Darius: I did.

Kenji: Okay, some of the side effects from today are going to be this laughter. So if you find yourself giggling for nothing, that's really good. Yes, Darius did it again, okay. You want to come back very slowly and some of you may still be long gone and that's alright. You'll get it on the replay. Whatever you missed, you'll get it on the replay. Let's see, if you noticed Darius' voice was different when he first came back and so that's one thing I noticed. I suspect it's a little more of his divine inner child expressing which, actually, you want to allow. This is very good.

You might get very thirsty right now, which means you're going to drink lots of lemon water. Lemon water helps with the emotional balancing part of it. Lime water's good, too. For those of you that need grounding, you want to eat root vegetables a lot. Anything that grows under the earth cooked. Fresh air is always good, exercise is good. Some of you might feel like you've got so much energy you're just going to run around block. So go ahead and do that. Darius is coming back, yes

Darius: Yeah, you know what happened, Kenji, and I don't know if this happened to a lot of people. Maybe, everyone, if you're back – we're getting some comments coming back in – share when you sort of left and right when you said something about releasing the spine and the tension, it was like I felt this electricity shoot up from my sacral up to my crown. My sacrum and my crown and then I don't remember a thing after that. It was like I just left.

I mean it was incredible and I'm very excited because I know what my body was doing when I was in that state was just releasing. I'm in this room now and everything is bright. I have tons of energy. I want to run around, jump around. My voice, I just feel lighter. I feel sort of more airy and I feel more of sort of…I had this dream actually when I was there. It's just coming in now. I was the child before…there was this point where you're like the child before the world puts a certain, I guess, stamp on you or a certain structure. Yeah, stamp and it's like I feel that child. Like he's here, I can feel his presence. It's not physically, I can't touch him, but I feel him here. Pretty amazing, pretty amazing.

I want to share what some people are saying because I kind of lost it about 30 minutes ago when Kenji was on, so I didn't even know what to say and I just let him take over and I've kind of been in that space. One person said, “When I breathe…” One person starting breathing actually with their angel and they said they could feel unconditional love. “It was so good to feel the love and be loved. This was amazing.” Another person said, "I left for a while, I did come back and now I feel the energy coming up all through my body. It was amazing." Rhetu in London said, "Super powerful, I reached a place of silence and goodness. God bless you, Kenji." Another

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person wrote in and said, "Dearest Kenji, You're so wise, magnificent. I love you so very much. I felt the chill all throughout my body." Another person, "I feel like I'm 12 feet tall and filled with light." Paula, she said, "This is exactly what I needed." A lot of people are saying, “Darius, you need to listen to the recording. You sound completely different.

You're probably not going to remember what you're saying.” I don't really care. It’s fine, it's all good. They're all just coming in. Tell me, when you did this, when this happened, I mean what kind of was going on? I mean what did people move through maybe that I missed just as you were taking people through this?

Kenji: Well, I don't really know. All I know is I was told through guidance that for people to have a permanent effect or how shall I say it? Yeah, I guess to have permanent effects, that me personally as a messenger, I have to envision it. I have to feel it and I have to hold the intention of whatever the words are I'm saying. That's what I do now. I mean I'm much more conscious since I was told that probably a year ago or so. I am visioning whatever the words were, I was envisioning that for everyone.

Darius: I want everyone to do this, if I can do this, Kenji. I'm feeling kind of called just to ask everyone to think about maybe something that's been challenging for them or something they've been worrying about and I'm going to do the same and let's see what comes up as you think about that now, how is it different? Is that okay, Kenji, can we do that?

Kenji: Yeah, yeah and just breathe. Just breathe, you don't have to process it. You can stay out of your logical mind. Just breathe, receive, just be open and soft. It'll take care of itself.

Darius: Yeah, we just got this back in from Tracey, who I think was trying to do that and think about something that was previously a challenge and she said, "That…” and there's about five exclamation points, “was the most unbelievable journey. I've been part of many wonderful meditations on these webcasts, but this one takes the cosmic cake. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Darius and Kenji." I feel kind of like there's this flow. It's almost like I felt kind of like I was on an ocean just sort of flowing and moving and dancing with the quantum energy. I also felt like it was okay to kind of like be – I want to say – like a conduit or a lifeline or a channel for other people to experience their pure selves.

Something coming in where it's important to get back this purity so that we can be a channel for other people to receive that of themselves and as long as we're doing that we're going to be abundant. People will pay us for that channel for that clarity, for that light, like does everyone get this message that's coming that if you can just be this and find a way to do what is your bliss while you're being this, that your problems will all be taken care of, your needs will all be met. Like the bees and the birds and the flowers, they are just in their beingness and everything is flowing through them.

Kenji: Yeah, exactly.

Darius: That's what just came in, love it.

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Kenji: That's great. Better than I could say.

Darius: Well, on the other side of the quantum we all have some pretty amazing things that we all could say. I think that's the key piece. Kenji, I want to talk about this because as people are writing in. Tell me what some of the things that astounded you in the four-day event you did or was it a six-day where you actually led people through some of this latest work and activations. What surprised you? What happened there?

Kenji: Well, what surprised me…well, we also get surprised. Like I had mentioned earlier, the work is quicker. I don't have to say as much in the form of words. I put my hands on them and – poof – big, old plop and they have their experience. I will say…well, he probably knows who I'm talking about. So we had one student that kept asking me questions. They were good questions, but they were all coming from his mind. He didn't believe he was getting it and everybody got it, I think, at least three or four ways from me personally, the whole class did over the six days. I think on his last wave, on maybe the last day or the fifth day, so he goes down…or maybe it was even earlier.

He starts laughing and he stops and then he starts laughing again. Then some of the people in class start laughing and then he stops and then he starts laughing again and then more people start laughing, including me. That went on for about like five minutes. Well, that to me, when people do that, that's very profound. You would not think maybe it would be profound, but I believe that experience is changing his life. He doesn't have to be this like Charlton Heston in the movie's kind of divine awakening experience. It could be something as simple and profound as collapsing into laughter.

I could say logically, yeah, that he was healing or dropping some of his early childhood stuff and all that stuff, but he changed facially after that wave. He looked different in his face. We can tell the difference in the face in these trainings. Usually by the end of the trainings, everybody looks angelic. If you can imagine everybody in the world, everybody's face in the world looking angelic? That is amazing and that to me is like that light actually coming through the physical eyeballs, shiny bright, sparkly eyes with a lot of depth.

Darius: Yeah, I get that. You see people on this 3rd dimension where it's like the light in their eyes is gone. It's like they don't have that twinkle, that sparkle and they're just sort of walking around in the zombie state looking for what they somehow misplaced. This is one of the key pieces, I think, of really the work is connecting back to this and then just being that and then following your bliss. You don't need to know what to do, you just need to do what you do in a way that brings joy and your life takes care of itself. I love that message that you have, Kenji, about that.

Kenji: Yeah and it's not to say that I don’t have stressful moments and I do worry, but teaching this has brought me to such a level of clarity and understanding that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I will share with everyone that when you begin to teach what you are, not what you know, when you begin to teach what you are, that's when the money's going to come in and that's when you know that you're doing your bliss is when you start teaching this in whatever form. I don't care if it's

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knitting classes at the YMCA or taking other people's dogs for a walk, I don't care what it is. When you start to do what you're here for, it's just amazing. It's so much fun.

Darius: Yeah, it's freedom and I want to talk about something that you have because what you did literally was bring together all of these newest vibrations for everybody here based on where we are. Tell me about the latest generation of this because it's definitely, from what I felt, a lot more powerful and what I'm hearing from people, more powerful. Tell me about the newest activations the quantum light weaving master series and the ways people can go deeper into this – I don't know – I'll almost call it a celestial journey of finding their true self and bringing it back to earth for abundance and joy and vitality.

Kenji: Are you speaking of the package?

Darius: Yeah, yeah we've got a lot people asking you know what's new, how can we go deeper, how can we actually do quantum light weaving and like you said this being a way to bring the light to other people and become abundant directly through doing that and much, much more.

Kenji: Yeah well, you have the latest package that was done last fall and it's still going to tap into the energies, like this call as an example, because that's how it's set up in the queue-all grid is that all the attunements from whenever I did it is tapping into the core of it and everybody's wonderful experiences are also in this field that we hold for people. It's basically if you can imagine six years, six plus years of everybody's amazing experiences, plus my own awareness of everything in this field that people can tap into through, let's just say, the package and listening to the attunements and watching the videos.

Theoretically, when people buy the package and they study the attunements and watch the video, they can actually do the work that we do. It's just that they might, well, not have a complete visual of hand placements, etc., but they can definitely deliver, if you will, the state for other people just through their voice or just putting their hands on a part of another person's body that's hurting. They don't have to be healers to do this.

They're going to be attuned into the energies. They'll learn how to do the protocol and so basically they're doing the work even though they haven't taken a training. That's what I love about this is that people get tuned in and they can actually start doing the work in whatever way. It's like your massage therapist, it'll just enhance the power of your massage therapy. If you're a doctor or a physical therapist, it'll enhance what you do. It'll enhance anything and everything that you do over time.

Darius: Wow, wow. Well, specifically I want to walk through some of the latest attunements and so we can talk about what's in here. I'm going to tell people where it is because we have a few people asking about it already and this is just off the charts because what is here is amazing. It's at, Kenji, what is different about what we have here because I'm seeing Clear and Perfect Channel, which is crazy because that was what I started feeling. Another person wrote in, “Being a channel and a conduit

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of divine freedom.” What is this item one here where you cover Christ in awakeness, awareness, soul fragment retrieval and everything else? What's going on in some of these different pieces?

Kenji: Well, I think we kind of put the theme of clear and perfect channel for this package, so that's the overall theme of the whole package. Then we break it down into like subcategories, so like the items, for instance. I believe this was taken from a training. These are just some of the things covered. I cover so much in these activations. Like if you were to write down this activation on your show, it would be a big, old paragraph, not just bullet points. We couldn't do all that describing. It's like too many words, so we kind of broke it down. There are some other themes besides the bullet points that you notice. I love that image, too. Kristen did a great image. I don't know where she picked that up. That's pretty cool.

Darius: That's beautiful.

Kenji: We go down to item number two, so sort of a sub-theme is infinite possibility and it gives some of the…so there's like an item one and two. There are six activations just with these. Where it says audios included there are six activations, there are normally five or six per three-day training. The last one we did we had 12 and I wouldn't want to have to edit that. That would have put you in a state where, oh God, but anyway, good luck to the editor for that one. Like one that's really good is in item two – first trauma cleanse or release.

Darius: That's what we talked about. It's almost like the first trauma, the first stamp imprinting. Right, yeah.

Kenji: Yeah and, let's see, item three review, there's that good old protocol again, which is very good. That's in item three. The protocol, well, they’re in actually all the activations. I always do it at the beginning. Advanced Review or must be two kinds of reviews here – kind of losing my memory –that was last fall. That seems like a long time ago. Rebirthing template, oh, you'd love that one, Darius, although you had a rebirthing experience about two shows ago. There's that archangel cocooning initiation.

Darius: What is that? We have people asking as they're looking at pages and maybe the best thing to do. There's stuff on here I've never talked about with you before. What is the archangel cocooning or is it light cocooning? What is cocooning? We've never done that that I know of here and maybe people have never…

Kenji: Oh yeah, we have

Darius: Oh, we have.

Kenji: Well, maybe this one might be a little different because those are trainings, but when you do the four Pillars of Light, the cocooning happens automatically. So energetically or clairvoyantly, when you invoke the four Pillars of Light, you will see a cocoon of light forming around you, your home. It can be as big as the galaxy. It basically can be as big as you can allow it to be. It could be a few feet to a few miles to as big as the universe, as big as the galaxy. I think ultimately our understanding is that since we are all part of the one, that energetically our personal space seen

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clairvoyantly can be as big as what we can allow, which is like infinitely big, very big, but most people’s is just a few feet maybe around their body, but it could be miles, many miles.

Video files, okay, so this is like the review of the master series one level. I review the technique, so to speak, but I also do an activation with also demonstrating the techniques. Again, there's going to be the five video files and five more activations.

Darius: Can I jump in here because we haven't even really been talking about this? I've got to say this. We have a lot of new people here from some big media appearances by different guest and things. Some people are not even familiar with what quantum light weaving is. They say, “Well, I love Kenji because we do his activations.” They don't even know what the quantum light weaving is and they're going to be very surprised to know that actually in this you are one of the only teachers who offer the training on how to do the hands-on work in the package. Not only to heal yourself, but to go on and heal other people.

For those new people, Kenji, I mean I'm really excited about this. What is the quantum light weaving for the new people? We talk about hand placements, states of collapsing, the way to experience. Tell everybody what this is because it's far more than we can even describe here.

Kenji: Well, I don't know if we can actually do that on a show. It's basically, though, just understand…see, after one of the three-day trainings last year, I gave a full-day review, a five-hour review that was non-stop, basically. It was pretty intense, so energetically for me it was like doing three-day training because that's what it felt like, but I did five one-hour or 55-minute segments that were videotaped on different techniques that we teach in the training, plus I sat down and we did an activation of – I don't know how many minutes – I think 15 or 20 minutes as a review for the technique.

In addition to the training, the students that bought this also got the review and five additional activations. Actually, this review, well, I guess if you're really smart and a lot of people are really smart, I think technically you could watch the two reviews, I think, that are included here and do the work because you'll have a visual of it. Plus, you'll have the activations that go with the techniques, but if you do the whole package you're going to get so much more clearing work for yourself, plus alignment work. For all you new people, our activations are like two things. It's like releasing and clearing and also aligning and merging and becoming.

So we always do that in these activations so that we cover both sides of it because if you have blocks, you can't receive. We work with certain blocks and then we also receive. I was never taught that. That just came through in the very beginning when I started doing these things and recording them so that was like direct guidance.

Darius: You talk about on this review how to actually scan the body, how to deal with client resistance to change, protocols, how to detach from dysfunctional morphic fields, star gates and theta delta brain waves, how to, I guess, plug into that, clearing your space and boundaries and when people are actually doing this work for others, they have a handle on some of the common issues that can come up.

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Kenji: Yeah, yeah and it's just with practice you get really good at it. I suggest that people watch this over and over and over again until it absolutely sinks into their memory to where they can memorize it, basically, but you don't want to be rote, but when you memorize this then it's really in your field. It's really in your DNA and then you can just do it. You can just wing it like I do on these shows. You could wing how you work on people and actually that's what we teach people. I demonstrate in the trainings because I don't have an outline, I'm totally winging it in the moment.

Visualize this and I demonstrate the work continuously in the trainings, so I'll ask someone to come up who needs some neck work, who's got like chronic neck pain. Someone will raise their hand and I'll say, “Okay, come on up,” and then I'll just start talking to them like they were coming for a personal session. Then we do a wave specific for whatever that they talked about, that they're ready to receive. I do that continually through the trainings. Each person that comes up has a different issue and a different place in their body and the dialog's different and the wave experience is different. That's what I love about how we do the trainings. It's all spontaneous in the moment, no outline, no nothing. It's just winging it for six days.

We teach people how to wing it where we show them we role model how you can wing it because most people don't know how to do that. They're scared to death of that. Another example I give people is that I go, “How many people are shy? Raise your hand,” and, of course, half of them won't, but a few will. I go, “Okay, good. Come on up, we're going to give you a wave for your shyness.” They go, “Oh my God.” We give them a wave and they're good for the rest of the training. They have no issues with speaking in front of a group or sharing in front of a group. It's that easy.

Darius: I believe everybody here has a gift and this work can help you to get out of your way, get that lower energy state out of the way to let you as Kenji said ‘wing it’ and I would think it is this divine flow that comes through you where it's in the physical world. You don't have a script, but to the quantum, you're right on the money every single time because you're the channel. Kenji you also do here item six, which is the master series intensive review. You actually show people how to do things like the first trauma release, light cocooning, downloading, rebirthing so that people can actually learn how to do this for other people and that's item six. What I love about it is it's not only them getting clearing, but you teach them how to actually do clearings for other people, in essence, teach what they are learning and help others.

Kenji: Yeah, this item six is actually level two review, which is more intense than the first one. It was pretty outrageous from what I remember, that level two training. It's very different energetically than…so item six is energetically very different than item five. It’s two different levels and I still show you how to do the work.

Darius: When they leave here and they know how to do the work, I mean not only are they able to better understand their own life, but what have you seen a lot of people do with the work? I mean when you have all these classes that you do, how do people normally take the work? Do they become quantum light weaving practitioners? Do they just heal their friends and family? Do some of them actually receive compensation, set up businesses? What have you seen?

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Kenji: No one's set an official QL practice yet. We do have a certification program of three levels in a teacher's course and we haven't taught level three yet. We just did our first combo – one, two – and we've only done two trainings with level two. Let's see, most people, the energy is in them already and they just say that they're life basically is way different. They're not necessarily doing anything different like physically, but they're whole attitude and outlook is different. Some do practice the hands-on like we teach, but most don't. Most haven't up to this point, but not to say that you can't because, obviously, you can because we show you how to do it.

I think the main consideration that people have is catching…so now we teach people sort of a sitting collapse position of which I think it's in the level two video reviews, so they don't have to worry about catching someone that's way bigger than them. They just sit on a mat or on the floor and they just fall backwards you know while sitting. We teach how to support the neck on the way down, so that's pretty easy. Some people just do it like massage therapists. They'll just give a wave to someone either before or after their massage, but we've got to warn them if they do it at the end of their massage, they probably won't want to get up off the table. So now you're in a dilemma. They are so out of it and so relaxed they won't even be able to move their bodies for a while. They'll be paralyzed in a nice way.

Darius: I was going to say that's not all because you've got a bunch more items I just want to try to get through before we run out of time because there's so much here. Item eight is you're Divine Helpers. Tell me about that. Is that really about connecting to like your soul group and your guardian angels? It looks like it an activation.

Kenji: Yeah, absolutely, like how we did today. That was a single activation and that was basically helping people to attune to their GA, guardian angel, their soul group and their spiritual guides, I believe that's what it was. See, we're taught that we're in this world alone and that we don't have divine companionship. Basically, the teaching is to kind of like undo this programming that we were brought up with because we do, we have so many helpers and so many different worlds and we’re not taught that.

The information has got to get there that you do have a GA that was with you since the very first breath of you when your body came on this world and will be with you until you make transition. Then you have your divine helpers, your spiritual guides. Not your astral level guides, but you have spiritual guides. These are in the form of ascended masters, could be certain order of angels, even archangels. It could be beings from other systems that we have no clue about…in words, that is, but that serve as mentors and guides.

If we really know all the worlds that were connected to us, it would blow our mind. We would just be flabbergasted. We would go, “Oh my God, I had no idea.” This energy also helps people in their own way of receiving to become aware of all the help that we have, so you don't have to go through your crisis alone. You have lots of help.

Darius: Yeah, I'm going to remind people where it is. It's at There's a couple of other items after that. The art of quantum meditation and manifestation and then there's another one called the higher self download, which looks like something about light language. Can you

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tell me about both of those because those sound incredible?

Kenji: Let me see, what was the first one again?

Darius: The one that I'm seeing is the art of quantum meditation.

Kenji: Okay, that's really good for people that want to learn how to meditate. It's actually a step-by-step protocol kind of a thing that will lead you into the quantum. That's very good for people that go, “Okay, I need to meditate. I haven't found a system or the approach or the technique that does anything.” This is very good for those kinds of people. Also, very good for people that go, “Okay, I want to learn how to relax and center and get calm,” good for them. It's also good for advanced meditators like TMers and whatnot. Yeah, so it doesn’t matter what level, it'll help many, many levels of meditators, meditation.

Oh, you definitely don't want to do the higher self download in your car driving. You do not, but you want to do that one in a very quiet space where you won't be interrupted or you don't have to go work where you can just take time off because that could be a very intense download. It's basically what it says – the higher self download right into the brain.

Darius: Wow and then clearing the four major archetypes.

Kenji: Oh, number four, you leave like two weeks to not have to do anything really big and stuff. That can be very intense, that one. We touched about it a little bit on the four major archetypes that Caroline Myss talks about. That one can be very intense for people and so we recommend that you do that many times because you can't get it the first time. You'll probably just pass out and just go unconscious. It can be that intense, but it's wonderful.

Darius: On the other side of that, I mean I guess the point in my mind as I think about this and I'm getting ready, I want to do that one this week. I think, okay, what's waiting for me? What's waiting for me on the other side of that journey? What could my life be like when I am through with that?

Kenji: Only Darius' higher self knows that one, huh? We cannot say, but we can say you'll be more peaceful. You'll be able on command to be able to go into a relaxed quantum place. If you just remember, okay, I've got to stop right now because I'm a little stressing. I've got to take time out, I'm going go to the bathroom or sit on the potty, I'm going to do the protocol and that'll take like three four minutes and then you're good to go. Yeah, we cannot say after Darius does the four archetypes what's going to happen. I mean you're who knows.

Darius: Wow, well, we'll find out next week because I'll share with everyone kind of what I experience on that.

Kenji: Hey, Darius, what I would recommend and I recommend that people do this, so those that do have the package or other packages or going to buy this one, that you do it with other people. It'll be that much more powerful. Do it with your family, your kids, your parents, your friends, yeah, and like listen to in groups of five, six, seven. It will raise the power exponentially. It's when two or more are gathered, so if you've

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got like five, six, seven listening to an activation, oh my God.

Darius: Alright, well, let me do this. I'm going to talk about a few more things that are included here. There is a ton of stuff here and incredible activations. The item 13 is release from separation and merging with the quantum. Probably, the best for last here, you will be released from density and with the help of dolphins and the angels you receive healing from past traumas, profound sense of playfulness, gentleness, wisdom and allowance. Those four words, Kenji, I mean that sums up you

Kenji: That one's also great for kids. Well, any of these are, really, but that one would be particularly good for kids to listen to any age. People's dogs are getting accustomed to these activations, so when the person goes to listen to an activation, their dog will come into the room for the activation as well. I get a lot of stories like that. Oh, my doggie never misses an activation or my kitty, same thing. Yeah, because they know. They tune in and they're getting help, too.

Darius: Wow, okay, here’s what I want to do. I want to talk about a few other things that are here and then any final thoughts. There is the journey home, Seattle, Washington, which was done in January of last year. This is a journey to activate the 14 major meridians. This is also part of the package. Then there's a dream time and power naps. These are like a process, Kenji – I'm reading it – that calls upon angels to surround your body and create a cocoon of light. Why would somebody want to do that? I mean what would be the situation where someone would want to utilize that last piece there with the power naps?

Kenji: Okay, so I did this basically for people that have sleep issues and also for kids that need to go take their afternoon nap, but resist. The power nap, that phrase was put in there so that parents can play this for the kids when they need to take their afternoon nap. It'll work. It'll knock them out in like two minutes. It's good for anybody that's got sleep issues – adults and kids – that need to learn how to take their power naps in the afternoon. We're talking preschoolers and like first graders and whatnot, babies, too, actually. You play it two minutes for babies, oh my God, they're going up, being very awake. I've not advertised that, but if you play this for your newborn babies, just think if they had like two years of listening to an activation every day, oh my God, by the time they hit preschool they're going to be running the show.

Darius: Well, that's what's going to happen. We're going to definitely be doing that and getting this. I'm getting this and I'm going to download it and play it for them, too. Let me just remind people where it is. I want to take a few questions if we have time. It's at Like all your packages, it's deeply, deeply discounted. It’s $97, but it's a $1412 value with basically 21 hours of audio that was recorded live. Basically, it's like going to a full training for several days without actually leaving your house and owning it all forever. You could go somewhere and miss what was said now you own it. Now you have it and hit the energy of all of it in your life and in your home. Let's see what questions we have, if anyone has any questions for Kenji or anything that you want to add about this session. Okay, we've got one question.

Kenji: Oh, before we get to that, Darius, we want to talk about the discount. So basically people with the show packages can get discounts on the training, the group healing

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event that we're going to offer in another country soon, message CEUs and phone or in person sessions.

Darius: Okay, fantastic, so that's included in this package as well, fantastic. It's all at I've got a question from someone here who says, "What an incredible process, I had set an intention to release childhood trauma and I had a quick vision of a figure coming up from the ground along with a kitten." That's just like kind of what I saw. "I believe it was a part of myself that I buried when I was that hurt child. Thank you. Namaste, Kenji."

Kenji: Oh, that's very cool.

Darius: Marie just wrote in and she actually is connected to something that she wants to do through the session work and she said, "I've always been told to paint, but I'm afraid. I don't know why. I've done quite a few, but I'm not sure if I can do it. Can you see what's holding me back or give me an idea of what I can do?" Kenji, any thoughts on that? I mean people do this work, they start connecting to more and more of what they're meant to do. It's like it opens up and that was one of the things I got was it opened up the life path, like it lets you connect to your life path faster than years and years of stumbling around and dealing with frustrations.

Kenji: I would say to her just do it. Just forget about if you have any blocks, just go do it. Maybe come out to do it and universe will help. Oh, one other thing, this just popped into my mind. Well, this is just in general, if one has an issue with being here, being in a body here on this earth at this time and going through all your struggle, the universe can't support you because what you're saying to the universe is I don't want to be here and so the universe is going to send you energies, okay. She doesn't want to be here or he doesn't want to be here versus I love being here. The universe is going to go, “Oh, this person really we're going to support this one,” right.

This is very subtle, but if anybody out there listening now has had thoughts about I really don't want to be here, get me out of here, God beam me up, Scotty, well, you need to take care of that because until you drop that the universe can't fully support you here because you're saying, “Universe, I don't want to be here, but crap, I'm still here,” right. That's a big one for some people.

Darius: Yeah, very true. Got another question, can we listen to these with headphones?

Kenji: Oh yeah. That's even better. Yeah, you'll go deeper and you'll probably zone out quicker, too. Yeah, but that's okay to zone out. It’s totally okay. I've got people that say, “I still cannot stay awake, Kenji, after like a year and a half of listening to all your radio shows and your packages, I still cannot stay in my body and be awake.” I go, “That's okay.”

Darius: Wow, I've got a question from another person. They're saying they've tried a lot of different packages. This is Sue, "How is this different?" She's asking, “What is it about this that may reach me or allow me to reach a place that others have not?"

Kenji: Because it's all experiential, there's nothing intellectual in this package.

Darius: Meaning you're not telling people to do this or that, they're actually experiencing it

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like I did or like everyone else did.

Kanji: Yes, they're all made up of activations and the video activations, so it’s direct experiences, no intellectual energy in any of these packages that we've done. There's no talking on my part. I don't do any lectures. I don't record those. It's all activations and you can play it in a loop, too, at one time. Although, you don't need to, but some people put it on a loop. They'll listen like to item eight or seven. They'll repeat and just loop itself. You can do that, but you don't have to, but you can. I would not listen to it like four or five at a time. It’s way too much energy and you won't get it all. You always want to do one at a time if possible.

I've had people go through the whole package in one month and I email them back and say that's way too soon. You need to like treat it like, well, like something that you really want to learn and savor. So you're not going to rush through it, you want to like do each activation until you really get it where your higher self goes, “Okay, I got it now and we don't have to listen to this anymore.” That might take three times, ten times, fifty times. Everybody's different, but I tell people listen to it, absorb it until you get it and then when you get it, you'll know that you've got it. You'll just know. There's always many levels to these activations, so we only get a certain level each time we listen, but that's with all things audio and visual. We don't get everything the first time around.

Darius: Yeah, I think the thing about it is you listen and then you see how your life changes as you do this work. It's almost like you can't really express what's going to happen because you're just going to have to experience it. We've had people write in. One person wrote in and said, "I can literally feel stuff dissolving in my body and can reach a deep level of relaxation that I did not get to do with all the other types of things that I've tried including meditating, hypnosis, yoga, etc." Someone else had written in and said, "The work is so fast in its transformation, I can't believe it. It's like it just picks up momentum. Every time I listen, it compounds with the others and just keeps going." Another person said, "I'm speechless after your last attunement. I’m searching for words."

This is kind of what happens, so I would tell people if this is something that serves you or feels intuitively like something that will help you move to the next level, which I know they will, then you can go check it out. Kenji, any final words or thoughts for someone that might be dealing with challenges or really feeling like maybe it's just not possible for them to have a better life and live in the way that they really want? What are your thoughts on that?

Kenji: Well, okay, since you asked, I think it has to be addressed sort of on an individual basis, but I'll offer this. If something really is not working anymore and you've reached the place where you go, “Well, I just can't do it anymore,” or “I can't achieve anymore,” then what you would do would be you would prepare for your transition. You're not going to create an auto accident and go that way because that's not fun on the body. It is very possible to sit in meditation and make your transition in divine love and awakening. When people have their awakening on transition, believe it or not, we should not fear death and this is obviously not the only life. I would say maybe one needs to prepare to make transition in which case you would learn how to meditate, learn how to harmonize your internal energies so that you can make a

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very smooth exit, so to speak.

Of course, we never die, so really the key thing is the only thing that we don't take with us…well, that's not going to be true pretty soon regarding new earth, but up to and at this point, the only thing that you're not taking with you upon exit is your physical body. You're going to have your emotions, you're going to have your thoughts. You're going to have your beliefs and you're going to have your awareness. You won't be encumbered with a physical body. It behooves everyone to really work on their stuff so that however they make transition that they'll be clear so that there is no carry-on baggage for the next flight. That's why we're doing these shows, to help people to release their baggage.

Darius: Yeah and whether they do that or they decide to stay here, things are better either way. I mean certainly it's the better way in every sense of the word to be and experience reality. Wow, well, any final thoughts for Kenji? Send them in and, wow, Kenji, incredible call, incredible session. A lot of people wanted to talk to you. I think we're going to have to have you back for that.

One person said, "I always have to listen to Kenji's work over before I can even stay conscious because the whole activation is so incredibly powerful." Deb wrote in. She said, "Quite simply,” and in caps, “the most powerful protocol ever, beyond words. Just an amazing activation outstanding integration, divine experience. I am grateful for your masterful and genuine teaching. I am changed." Wow, wow. Another person said, "Is he single? I want to marry him." I just read what comes in, I have no clue.

Kenji: Yeah, I'm not attached to anybody, but that's hilarious. It just hit me in a funny way. Oh, thank you for that comment.

Darius: Well, there's no email, there's no picture. If you want to write back and send an email, who knows, but it was just an anonymous thing.

Kenji: I am on Facebook.

Darius: There you go. Find Kenji on Facebook. Another person said, "When we looked at our inner child, I saw myself blocked in-utero at about six months and at four years old. Amazing, thank you for releasing these blocks right now." Barbara says, "I feel lighter, clearer and loved. My sore throat went away when you talked about the lymphatic system draining and clearing. God bless you." That's the same as the lymphatic clearing that lady that had the bump, so they're going to just keep coming in, Kenji, and this is just a sample, guys, of what is possible when you go deeper into this work.

If you want to go deeper go to and you also get the bonus and begin to learn how to do it for other people. The whole quantum light weaving methodology that Kenji does, you're going to learn that as well. It's a huge gift not only for you, but for the planet and at $97, it's amazing. Kenji, again, real quick, these are all downloadable. So they get them right now, it's instantaneous, correct?

Kenji: Yah and I don't know if on the purchase page you included downloading instructions, but for most people, yeah, it's just a simple click. Mac users are slightly different, but

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I think that information is on our site if anybody has trouble downloading, but it shouldn't a problem for most people. Mp3s and the video file is – what do they call it – mp4. Well, whatever that version is for the video file, it's a four, so that's pretty common.

Darius: Fantastic, fantastic.

Kenji: I just want to share the message for your audience and, by the way, Darius, great job today, great job. I'm glad you let your body do what it did. That's very nice. You're the only host that does that, by the way. The others are, well, they just sit in their chair.

Darius: Wow, yeah. Well, I just let it go. I just let it go.

Kenji: The message for your audience is trust and know that you're loved and supported and don't give up.

Darius: Very interesting. As you said that one of the light bulbs on my desk just came on. I don't know if it had been off, I guess, and so I think that is very powerful. Wow, we're tapping into something here as we always do. Kenji, thank you so much for being here and sharing your gift. I know we went long, but thank you for staying late to give to our group and serve them. I know this is going to be one of the favorite calls for many months to come.

Kenji: Well, thank you, Darius. It's always an honor to be with you and lot of fun.

Darius: Yes, absolutely. Alright, everyone, let's send Kenji a huge amount of love from the You Wealth Revolution family on the count of three – one, two and three.

Kenji: Thank you all.

Darius: There they go, yes.

Kenji: Sure, I'll be very happy to come back on to Q&A.

Darius: Yes, absolutely. I think we need to. Alright, thank you, Kenji.