mannum mag issue 95 october 2014

Local Government Elections Why Should You Vote? V oting for your Council is not compulsory, but it is an opportunity to exercise your democratic right to select the people you would like to represent you on Council. Every four years, your Elected Members and aspiring candidates for Council put themselves up for election and your vote counts. Being a Council Member is one of the most direct ways that a person can have influence on decisions that affect your Council area. Your Council is the closest form of government to your community. As community members we have frequent interaction with our Council and have daily evidence of the services provided by Council, mainly through our rates, but also with funding from the State and Federal Governments, through arrangements largely funded by our taxes. So why should we vote in Local Government Elections? For most, our homes are the biggest investment we will ever make and the value of our home is interdependent on its surroundings, location, parks, footpaths, local roads, access to amenities such as playgrounds, libraries and sport and recreational facilities. Our Councils are vital to the provision of these services and facilities, whether we own or rent, whether we pay rates directly or our landlords pay them through our rent. Our communities also add value to our lives and Councils are central to these communities. We rely on our Council to pick up our rubbish, to keep local roads up to scratch and we expect our drains to prevent local flooding, protect our environment, for dogs to be registered and for our street lights to add to the safety of our local environment. Democracy is something that no one should take for granted. Every day throughout the world, people are struggling to obtain autonomy and the opportunity to participate in determining the destiny of their community. Australia is one of the ‘lucky’ countries where we have the opportunity to actively participate in and have influence on all spheres of government. Increasingly people are taking more interest in public affairs, particularly at the local level. This is evident from the record number of people who have nominated as candidates in this Council election cycle for Councils throughout the State. The ratio of candidates to positions is the highest on record – on average around 1.89 people will contest each position – with a 4.7% increase in nominations. As a result a record 1261 candidates will be electioneering across South Australia in the coming weeks. Ballot packs will be posted out between 20 th and 24 th October. Voting is by post and completed voting papers must be returned no later than 5pm on Friday 7 th November 2014. Voting is free, it’s an extremely easy process and putting it bluntly – if you don’t vote for your Council, don’t complain if you don’t like what they do for the next four years. Russell Peate, CEO Mid Murray Council Ageing in the Murraylands 4 Calendars & Dates 32 Church Services 3 Classifieds 31 Food is Life is Food 24 Mid Murray Council 28 Mid Murray Support Services 30 Musical Miscellany 21 On My Bookshelf 25 Out of this World 8 Pause A While 3 Kindy Crackles with Creativity M annum Kindy kids were inspired by a recent visit to a major SALA exhibition at the Wool Shed Gallery in Mannum, to hold their own exhibition of nearly 50 pieces at a local coffee shop, the Bean Shack at Mannum Green. SALA 2014 in the Mid Murray witnessed the largest number of contributing artists ever. In 5 exhibitions from Palmer to Sedan and Mannum, an open field, café, museum, historic hall and generously donated private gallery played host to more than 33 local artists in a sizzling display and celebration of diversity, colour, resilience and connection. In keeping with the spirit of SALA, the Mannum Kindy has been focussing on the creativity of their small charges and after a tour of the extensive SALA exhibition at the private gallery, decided on an unconventional but very public space to share their colourful creations. The Bean Shack Café at Mannum Green was thrilled to host the varied and eclectic collection. With ages from 2½ to around 7, the children’s art works are a lesson in a lack of inhibition and use of colour. The works will be auctioned off as a fund raiser (traditionally purchased by the parents) and this year may see some further opportunities for families and the public to purchase samples e.g. placemats, coasters or Christmas card sets. Please enjoy your visit to the café to enjoy the vast number of works and maybe grab a coffee too! It took me 4 years to paint like Raphael and a lifetime to paint like a child.” Pablo Picasso Tess Minett, Arts and Cultural Development Officer Mid Murray Council Distribution 2200 FREE October 2014 Mannum, South Australia 5238 Issue Number 95

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A local information magazine produced by the Mannum Community for the Mannum Community.


Page 1: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Local Government ElectionsWhy Should You Vote?

Voting for your Council is not compulsory, but it is anopportunity to exercise your democratic right to select the

people you would like to represent you on Council. Every fouryears, your Elected Members and aspiring candidates for Councilput themselves up for election and your vote counts.

Being a Council Member is one of the most direct ways that aperson can have influence on decisions that affect your Councilarea. Your Council is the closest form of government to yourcommunity.

As community members we have frequent interaction with ourCouncil and have daily evidence of the services provided byCouncil, mainly through our rates, but also with funding from theState and Federal Governments, through arrangements largelyfunded by our taxes.

So why should we vote in Local Government Elections? For most,our homes are the biggest investment we will ever make and thevalue of our home is interdependent on its surroundings, location,parks, footpaths, local roads, access to amenities such asplaygrounds, libraries and sport and recreational facilities. OurCouncils are vital to the provision of these services and facilities,whether we own or rent, whether we pay rates directly or ourlandlords pay them through our rent.

Our communities also add value to our lives and Councils arecentral to these communities. We rely on our Council to pick up ourrubbish, to keep local roads up to scratch and we expect our drains

to prevent local flooding, protect our environment, for dogs to beregistered and for our street lights to add to the safety of our localenvironment.

Democracy is something that no one should take for granted.Every day throughout the world, people are struggling to obtainautonomy and the opportunity to participate in determining thedestiny of their community. Australia is one of the ‘lucky’ countrieswhere we have the opportunity to actively participate in and haveinfluence on all spheres of government.

Increasingly people are taking more interest in public affairs,particularly at the local level. This is evident from the recordnumber of people who have nominated as candidates in this Councilelection cycle for Councils throughout the State. The ratio ofcandidates to positions is the highest on record – on average around1.89 people will contest each position – with a 4.7% increase innominations. As a result a record 1261 candidates will beelectioneering across South Australia in the coming weeks.

Ballot packs will be posted out between 20th and 24th October.Voting is by post and completed voting papers must be returned nolater than 5pm on Friday 7th November 2014.

Voting is free, it’s an extremely easy process and putting it bluntly– if you don’t vote for your Council, don’t complain if you don’tlike what they do for the next four years.

Russell Peate, CEOMid Murray Council

Ageing in the Murraylands 4Calendars & Dates 32Church Services 3

Classifieds 31Food is Life is Food 24Mid Murray Council 28

Mid Murray Support Services 30Musical Miscellany 21On My Bookshelf 25

Out of this World 8Pause A While 3

Kindy Crackles with Creativity

Mannum Kindy kids were inspired by a recent visit to a majorSALA exhibition at the Wool Shed Gallery in Mannum, to

hold their own exhibition of nearly 50 pieces at a local coffee shop,the Bean Shack at Mannum Green.

SALA 2014 in the Mid Murray witnessed the largest number ofcontributing artists ever.

In 5 exhibitions from Palmer to Sedan and Mannum, an openfield, café, museum, historic hall and generously donated privategallery played host to more than 33 local artists in a sizzling display

and celebration of diversity, colour, resilience and connection.In keeping with the spirit of SALA, the Mannum Kindy has been

focussing on the creativity of their small charges and after a tour ofthe extensive SALA exhibition at the private gallery, decided on anunconventional but very public space to share their colourfulcreations. The Bean Shack Café at Mannum Green was thrilled tohost the varied and eclectic collection.

With ages from 2½ to around 7, the children’s art works are alesson in a lack of inhibition and use of colour.

The works will be auctioned off as a fund raiser(traditionally purchased by the parents) and this yearmay see some further opportunities for families andthe public to purchase samples e.g. placemats,coasters or Christmas card sets.

Please enjoy your visit to the café to enjoy the vastnumber of works and maybe grab a coffee too!

“It took me 4 years to paint like Raphael and alifetime to paint like a child.” Pablo Picasso

Tess Minett, Arts and Cultural Development OfficerMid Murray Council


FREEOctober 2014 Mannum, South Australia 5238 Issue Number 95

Page 2: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 2 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

To accommodate a wide range of comments, short letters have more chance ofpublication. Longer letters addressing important matters will not necessarily beexcluded. In general, aim for about 100 to 150 words, or less. Letters must includecontact details for verification.

The viewpoints and opinions of the Authors and Artists that appear in MannumMag do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of the Mannum Mag Editors, staffand/or affiliates. Mannum Mag assumes no responsibility for any errors oromissions in the content of this publication.

Letters to the EditorDeadline 31st October for publication in the November issue

Mid Murray Elections

Dear Editor,In response to Mr. Smith’s large

advertisement in the Septemberissue,

I am concerned to see that headvocates condemnation andhostility toward the StateGovernment, which he regards as“meddling” with “our asset”.

W e d o n e e d a d e q u a t erepresentation at a State level, butwe need Councillors who cannegotiate professionally with alllevels of government.

We are no longer in an era whereconflict and parochialism areappropriate.

State and Federal Governmentsprovide at least a third of localcouncil yearly funding, and rateswill rise dramatically if this fundingis cut.

Homeowner concession rates aredue to be axed by the Federalgovernment next year unless Counciland State representatives worktogether to prevent it.

I believe this is an issue of urgentconcern, to assist our elderly and lowincome residents to afford theirhomes.

Kendra Radford695 Cliff View Drive Wongulla

Dear Editor,Thank you Mid Murray for the

support I am receiving for myMayoral campaign.

It has come to my attention that acandidate for Council in ShearerWard, supporting me, has engagedin a negative campaign againstCouncil and current ElectedMembers.

I appreciate the support offeredbut I do not support the viewsallegedly being expressed.

Be assured that I am a proud andpassionate Elected Member of MidMurray Council and will behonoured to continue representingyou, the ratepayers, as your Mayorin the knowledge that much stillneeds to be achieved by Council.

David Peake, Candidate for Mayor,Mid Murray Council

5003 Murraylands RoadSwan Reach 5354

Dear Editor,In reply to Kendra Radford

regarding council allowances, shewas either assisted or did notu n d e r s t a n d m y p r e v i o u sposts/adverts. I believe our ElectedMembers are over compensated for

the effort they put in as electedM e m b e r s / C o m m u n i t yRepresentatives and I certainly DONOT believe they should be in anyway be out of pocket.

Six or seven years ago theallowance was $6,500 per annumwith the Mayor ENTITLED to400% of elected member’sentitlement that is $26,000.

Now elected members get $12,800and the mayor $51,800 as set by thetribunal and they must be advancedthe full entitlement, I certainly knowthat!

Mid Murray Council DOES NOThave the second lowest level ofallowances it has the third. Theallowances are, in order from thehighest:

Member $21,500, Mayor $86,000Member $19,000, Mayor $76,000Member $15,900, Mayor $63,600Member $12,800, Mayor $51,200Member $9,100, Mayor $36,400Member $5,700, Mayor $22,800and these are set in concrete.Re travel being a, “real and

genuine expense”. Yes it is and theMayor has a car supplied at NO costand elected members should wherepossible use a council car, but alasthey don’t and that is why over thesix years the costs of elected memberstravel has risen by nearly 300%!Some elected members have receivedmore for travel than their allowancesexcept for one elected member whohas never submitted a claim!

With reference to “However PeterS m i t h ’ s p l a n s t o s l a s hreimbursements below the base wardr a t e wi l l r e s t r ict counc i lparticipation to only those who arewealthy and privileged enough toafford it”, what a load of absoluterubbish!

A n y a n d a l l g e n u i n ereimbursements are and will alwayswill be reimbursed and it will alwaysremain my belief that elected,community oriented persons shouldbe paid an allowance that reflectsthat community input.

As far as “wealthy and privilegedenough to afford it”, more garbage.Just because someone no longerworks full time it doesn’t mean theyare, “wealthy and privileged”.

Peter R. Smith OAM12 Boomerang Ave, Mannum 5238

Carers Week

Dear Editor,I recently wrote to bring to your

attention to a presentation at TheHub in Walker Avenue for MentalHealth Week (5th to 11th October).The following week is Carers Week –October 12th to 19th. Carers Weekhas been celebrated for many yearsnot only in South Australia, butacross our Nation.

Unpaid carers, whether familymembers, friends or neighbours putin a great effort supporting peoplethey love and care for, and this isrecognised during Carers Week.

Many events are planned forAdelaide during that week and TheHub will also have posters andinformation available for you toview and pickup. This information issupplied by Carers-SA who can becontacted on 1800 815 549.

I thank The Hub and its volunteersfor their support and their greatfacilities. Many user groups are nowusing The Hub, which can be a goodrespite from caring role for a couplehours. For men, The Men’s Shed outthe back of The Hub is full steamahead and is a great place for a chatand a laugh.

Terry Udy, Mental HealthConsumer Advisory Council SA

Pause Again

Dear Editor,Further to my recent commentary

(Letters, September 2014) on thePause A While article in the AugustMannum Mag, it would seemappropriate to offer a positivenugget or two, which, if utilised,could expand the value of futurearticles to a wider readership.

We humans are quite capable ofbeing moved by the many mysteriesof creation and evolutionand readilyrecognise that we live in a state of‘holy insecurity’. We also recognisethe paradox of the certainty ofchance and change in our lives andthat in our lifetime we have tocontend with an extraordinarynumber of issues.

Amongst those issues is our needand desire to experience an ongoingsense of purpose and fulfilment. Wewant to FLOURISH, to enjoy beingalive and we want the tools to helpus achieve wellbeing rather thansuffer stultifying constraints. After

all, the biggest adventure is livingone’s life.

Adelaide’s ‘Thinker in Residence’during 2013, Dr Martin Seligman(Professor of Psychology at theUniversity of Pennsylvania) gavemany talks and advice on those toolswhich include Positive Psychologyand Learned Optimism. During2008, Geelong Grammar Schooladopted Dr Seligman’s gamechanging work on optimism,motivation and character building.

Dr Seligman’s book, FLOURISH,contains the tools worthy ofinclusion in and expansion of thePause A While articles. Briefly, theyrevolve around five elements:• Positive emotion (of which happiness

and life satisfaction are all aspects)• Engagement (total engagement in

what we are doing)• Relationships (other people,

friendship)• Meaning ( sense of purpose)• Achievement (getting a result,

overcoming an obstacle).Each element contributes towards

wellbeing.Imagine being intoxicated with

wellbeing.Ralph Pitman

Who’s In Charge?

Dear Editor,Thank you to Tess, Mid Murray

council Arts officer and CouncillorJennings for the Sala art exhibitions.A huge diverse and excellent artexhibition showcasing local talent,and that local talent is awesome.

I attended the Primary Industriesand Regions South Australia(PIRSA) information night atCambrai Hall recently. About 18people attended that night. A seniorveterinarian spoke about mycotoxinsin animals. Then we were to hearfrom a PIRSA rural chemicals officerbut he forgot to attend. Veryprofessional indeed! I rang PIRSA toask why the rural chemicals officerforgot to attend when many of usattending this meeting did so to hearabout the legislation in regard tospray drift. I was told by thereceptionist that I had to have aname to be able to speak to anyoneat PIRSA as it is a governmentorganisation and no one was them a n a g e r , R E A L L Y ! Mor eprofessionalism. I no longer wonderwhy the meeting was so poorlyattended, maybe other locals havehad similar experiences with PIRSA.Very disappointing indeed.

Catherine Johns

Page 3: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 3

District Church Services for Mannum Congregations

ANGLICAN 6 Adelaide Road. Ph: 8569 2385Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am

BAPTIST William Street. Ph: 8569 6040Mannum, Sundays 10:30 am

CATHOLIC Mau Street. Ph: 8531 1699Mannum, Mass: 1st Sunday 9:30 am, all others 8:30 am

LUTHERAN 79 Cliff Street. Ph: 8569 2863Mannum, Sundays 9:00 am, Sunday School 9:45 am duringschool terms. Everyone welcome.

RIVER WORD CHRISTIAN CENTRE Greening Street. Ph: 8569 1333Mannum, Sundays 10:00 am

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 17 King George St. Ph: 0433 734 037Mannum, Saturdays 9:30 am, Sabbath School 11:00 am

UNITING Corner of Greening Street & Walker AvenueEnquiries: Rev. Darren Lovell 0466 411 784or one of the Elders G Gobbett: 8569 1083M Thomas: 8569 1005 G McInerney: 8569 2076

Mannum, 1st, 3rd, 5th Sundays 11 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays 9 am

Mannum Update

Hi there from the team ofstaff and Participants from

MIFSA Mannum! We justwanted to update thecommunity on some things wehave enjoyed in the last month.

Adelaide Show OutingWe got up close and personal

with some scaly reptiles, ate fartoo much fried food, and spentall of our money in the showbag pavilion. Needless to say, itwas a quiet trip back toMannum! We enjoyed seeing anew face along for theadventure that day!

Garden Boxes At the HubMany, many thanks go to the

Down to Earth Garden Group,who have allocated us a pocketof soil to plop our raised gardenbeds on. We had a busy butproductive day on the 18th

September planning, shovellingand filling our garden boxes,but as Vic said on the day,“anything that is this good has

to have a solid foundation ofhard work!” A HUGETHANKS to Vic, whoshovelled alongside us!

UpBeat ProgramWe have LOVED having the

opportunity to work with theSteps to Wellbeing Group overat Murray Bridge to begin tocreate some drums. The nextstage is skinning them with thegoat skins, and learning to playthem as a group. We can’t wait!

Come and see our stand at theMurray Bridge Mental HealthExpo if you’d like to find outmore; 17th October, at theMurray Bridge Town Hall!

Next on the Bus Trip Calendar10th October, Mystery Bus Trip17th October, Murray Bridge MentalHealth Expo24th October, Adelaide Zoo31st October, Spooky Bus trip forHalloween. Tour of the TreasuryTunnels... eeeep!

If you or someone you knowis interested in joining us for

any activities, pleasegive us a call on 0466994 549 or just drop inand say hi. 4 AdelaideRoad, Mannum.

Cheers and hope tosee some new facessoon!

Sam De Jong

Mental Musings“You cannot find peace by avoiding life” Virginia Woolf

Be active for your mentalhealth” is a saying that’s

been around for years and it’sjust as relevant for today. Asnoted last month, mental andphysical health go together.When we as individuals workon this – after musing in whichdirection to go (or what we cando) – the health of ourcommunity is improved.

Check with others howthey’re doing and really listento the answers. Listening isactually an activity which can

be very helpful to both parties.If we have no one to listen to,

we can ask ourselves someleading questions, spend timegetting answers and write themdown.

It’s never too late to startsome new activity or join agroup and then be able to findsomeone with whom we canshare.

Challenging activities aregood for our brain health too.

Community Correspondent

Pause A Whilewith Mannum Interchurch Council

Scripture instructs us to “rejoice inthe Lord always.”(Philippians 4:4)

That is a tough call. How canwe “always” rejoice?

Sometimes life can be tough,things don’t turn out how wehad hoped. How can we rejoicewhen everything is goingwrong? Can we really rejoicewhen there is not enoughmoney, when we are falselyaccused, or when someoneclose is sick or dies? These arehardly things to celebrate.

What is our focus, what is ourgoal? If we want status,someone is always ahead of us.If we want possessions,someone always has more. Ifwe want popularity, we findopposition. Even our health isbeyond our control, in the endwe die. How miserable if thiswere all there is!

But as followers of Jesus, we

have the promise of theresurrection. We are passingthrough this world on our wayto an eternity in the presence ofour God. Our present trials,however difficult at the time,pale into insignificance whencompared to the joy of whatlies ahead of us.

What will it be like after theresurrection? The descriptionsin Scripture tell us it is beyondanything we can imagine, and isperhaps best summed up inRevelation 21:4 – “God willwipe every tear from their eyes.There will be no more death ormourning or crying or pain.”How wonderful – never again atear, never again a reason tocry. This is why we can rejoicewhatever is happening aroundus, we have a glimpse of whatGod has planned for us.

Rev. Colin Nieass

Prayer Meetings for MannumThursday 9th October, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm, Baptist Church, William StreetWednesday 15th October, 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Anglican Church, Adelaide Rd

Mannum MagChairperson: Geoff Skein 8569 2385Editor/Pub: Keith Baldwin 8569 [email protected]

Treasurer: Neville Bottroff 8569 1370Secretary: Carl Gross 8569 7392

Web Site:

Page 4: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 4 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

New OPAL Web Page

The Mid Murray Council willtake its online presence to even

more families with the launch of itsweb page dedicated to the successfulOPAL program.

The colourful, interactive andi n f o r m a t i v e O P A L p a g edemonstrates the Council’scommitment to community health,acknowledging the need to connectwith local families through onlinetrends.

Including videos, surveys, photos,educational information, eventcalendars, parent resources,children’s activities and more, theweb page is set to complement thealready successful social mediapresence which has been developed

by Council’s Community Servicesteam.

Mid Murray Chief ExecutiveOfficer Russell Peate said theCouncil’s new-look general businesswebsite, the recently launched freeWiFi in some townships, and brandnew My Local Services App hadcreated the perfect opportunity forOPAL to integrate further intoCouncil’s online communicationactivities.

“Since its inception in 2011, theOPAL program has used uniqueand innovative ways of engagingwith the community. This onlinepresence is another feather in thecap of the team we have here in MidMurray,” said Mr Peate.

He also confirmed that OPAL willstay in Mid Murray through to theend of June 2016.

“This web presence, which will bekept up to date with informationregarding the program’s activities,now offers the perfect place for localpeople to keep updated with all thatis happening in this excitingprogram.”

Mid Murray OPAL ManagerCourtney Blacker said the newOPAL web presence would helpincrease access to nutrition andphysical activity programs forfamilies living in the district.

“A big part of engaging our MidMurray community in OPALinitiatives is having the capacity tocommunicate on a number of levels.The new web page allows us to

capture people’sattention andim a g i n a t i on,”says Ms Blacker.

“It’s taken months of hard work,rigorous testing and carefuldevelopment to get to this point,but what we have now is anincredible web presence whichpeople can access from their homecomputers, or on their mobiledevices.

“The best thing about this websiteis that it is solely focused on the MidMurray activities, so the usabilityand navigation through the site willbe simple and effective for anyonewho is interested.”

Take a tour of the website andcheck out what it has to offer

Ageing in the Murraylandswith Millie

Attachment - Belonging - Meaning

The first two years of a child’s lifeform the groundwork for

developing loving relationshipsthroughout their life. In those earlyyears, our physical needs are basic:food, drink, warmth, no pain, sleep.When a need strikes, the child cries,screams, yells, kicks or whatever ittakes to get relief. The parent whoregularly meets those needs soonafter they arise is proving to thechild that they can be trusted. Andso, put in very simple terms, webecome attached to our carer, westart to love, to know we belong tosomeone who loves us.

Travel through the years, and wedevelop lots of relationships whichare woven into the tapestry of ameaningful life. Tragedy strikes, abeloved is struck down by accident

or illness or death, or theirpersonality changes andlife becomesa struggle for physical and mentalsafety. Yes, those events are part ofthe cycle of all life on earth.Millions of other people experiencethem, I’m not unique. So my braintells me.

Why, then, does it hurt so muchto lose someone beloved? Why can’tI just ‘get over it’ and carry on withmy life? Why does it pop upunexpectedly at any odd time,filling me with anger, inner longingand emptiness, and other emotionsI can’t put words to? Why do peopleask such inane questions that I can’tanswer?

The truth lies in knowing that Iam unique. My beloved is or wasunique. Our relationship wasunique, its meaning in my life and

the person I am today is special andparticular to me only. And so mygrief is unique, my own path whichwill take my mind and especially myfeelings in its own direction. Mycoping with it will be unique to me.The decisions I make about myfuture will be unique to me,decisions that need to be made in myown time.

Whatever the crisis, whatever ourage, our lives can continue to havemeaning as we absorb the shocksand, patiently and with compassionfor ourselves, allow them tostrengthen and change us.

And we can allow other people,with their fumbling attempts toshow they care, into our lives. Wecan draw on their strength as wewait for healing and search for ourown new meanings.


Sillie Millie says: CarrieCareworker was new to the job andeager to impress. Her first task wasto clean the false teeth of theresidents before they went to bed.Her boss came by just as CarrieCareworker finished a reallythorough job on the first pair.

“What! You’ve only done onepair so far! It’ll take you all night atthis rate”, declared Boss Bloke as hehurried past.

Inspiration struck panicky Carrie.Quickly she gathered up all theother false teeth in a bowl andscrubbed vigorously. Phew! Alldone, and in super-quick time.

A wave of hilarity spread throughthe rooms as Carrie Careworkernow tried to work out which teethwent with which others and withwhich person.

Mannum RSL

With the approach of warmerweather we are looking

forward to greater numbers atWednesday Happy Hours. Lastweek we had in excess of 25 and agreat time was had by all.

Mid Murray Council was wellrepresented with the Mayorand twocouncillors present, it is always apleasure to have visitors to our littlegathering.

Work at the Cemetery has sloweda little with the Lions/RSL clean-upteam now looking at maintenance,

rather than full scale clean-up. Wewill now be having working Bees onthe 2nd Thursday of the month at9am. The RSL section “Garden ofMemory” has been extended and itremains now to get some soil ontothe new section, plant lawns,remove some of the trees that are inthe way and plant others. Councilare assisting with this.

Poppy Day is approaching andsome collection points will beavailable in selected shops prior tothe official day. Funds collected go

to the non-government fundedprovision of housing and servicesfor our service and related persons.Please buy a poppy or one of theother items available. Sellers will bestationed outside Foodland andIGA on Thursday 30th October andThursday 6th and Friday 7th ofNovember.

Our AGM will be held onThursday 16th October at 1100 atthe RSL Club all members areencouraged to attend.

The RSL Annual Dinner will beheld at the Mannum Football Clubon Sunday 2nd November. Members

should contact thesecretary as soonas possible.

We would liketo thank all whodonated to theLegacy appeal, weraised an amount of $450 on theday. The best result for severalyears.

The BadgeThe price of freedom is eternal vigilance

Page 5: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 5

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Mannum Mannum

Mannum Football Club

Well, the 2014 footballseason is done and

dusted without any moresilverware being added toour trophy cabinet. Our “A”grade and Under 15s bothperformed poorly when itcounted in the```PreliminaryFinal and were both bundledout. Both sides played wellbelow their expectations andit was a most disappointingway to finish. Our Under 17salso made it to thePreliminary Final and cameup against a very good outfitin Tailem Bend, the eventualflag winners. Let’s hope wecan learn some importantfacts about finals footballand have another crack nexttime.

So now all we can do is getready for next season.Before that however,preparations are underwayfor our senior presentationsand medal count. These willbe held on Friday 10th

O c t o b e rcommencingat 7pm sharp.All members and supportersare welcome to come alongto this exciting night whereindividuals are honoured fortheir efforts. Cost for adelicious 2 course meal is$30 per head. Bookings canbe made at the Club

Our AGM is scheduled forSunday 26 t h Octobercommencing at 11am.Several current members ofthe management team aremoving on and it is essentialthat there are people to stepup for Committee. The Clubis on the verge of an excitingera with an abundance ofjunior talent comingthrough. If you can see yourway clear to make ad i f f e r ence , I r ea l l yencourage you to do so.

Peter Milsom, President

BSA Owner’s Club of South AustraliaAnnual Rally 2014

The BSA Owners Club inSouth Australia was kick-

s t a r t e d b y a s m a l lhardworking group ofenthusiasts in August 1990a n d h a s o v e r 1 6 0metropolitan, country andinterstate members.

There will be approximately73 vintage, veteran and classicB r i t i s h m o t o r c y c l e s(predominantly BSAs)attending the rally at Mannumon the 1st and 2nd November.

They will depart fromArnold Park on Saturday the1 s t N o v e m b e r a tapproximately 9:15am andproceed to Bowhilll formorning tea via Caurnamontand Purnong with lunch at theSwan Reach Hotel and a visitto the Swan Reach Museum.

After lunch, they will beriding to Walkers Flat, crossthe River and then will splitinto two groups with a ‘longrun’ returning to Mannum viathe Mt Pleasant Roadtravelling through Punthariand a ‘short run’ will return toMannum via the Walker Flatto Mannum Road.

Whilst in Mannum, theywillenjoy a visit to the MannumDock Museum and enjoy aprivate function on board thePS Marion.

On Sunday 2nd, they willdepart again from ArnoldPark at approximately 9:15a.m. and travel to Mypolonga,across to Murray Bridge andback to Mannum via theKaroonda to Loxton Road andenjoy lunch at the MannumRowing Club at Mary AnnReserve.

Don’t miss the BSA bikes atArnold Park and Mary AnnReserve. We welcome theBSA Owners Club of SouthAustralia to Mannum for theirAnnual Rally on the 1st and2nd November.


SHANE BROWNLic : 112757

Servicing the Local Community

Phone: 0403 477 115

Page 6: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 6 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

Down to EarthThe Community

Garden At The Hub

On guard! Along with allthe beautiful spring buds,

here comes the caltrop orbindii weed – a nasty, invasiveplant. Dig these up earlybefore the seeds set or spraywith a broad leaf herbicide andbe sure to remove the seedpods with the rest of the plant.Be aware snakes get moving inthe warmer weather too so it’sa good time for a gardenspring clean to eliminateplaces they like to rest in andwarm themselves. Clear awaywood piles, cut back thickundergrowth and make suredomestic stock foods arestored in well sealed containersto reduce rodent activity whichattracts hungry snakes.

The good news is it’s alsothe time to plant somefavourites like tomatoes,zucchinis, cucumbers andsquash. I’m told to leavemulching until the ground hashad a chance to warm up –daylight saving is usually ag o o d s t a r t i n g p o i n t .Apparently, pelletised fertiliseris not effective until the soil iswarmer too, but liquid fertiliserwill work. Do not fertilise yourcitrus until the tree showssigns of active growthotherwise all the leaves willfall off! True story.

Thought for the day: To getrid of Blow Flies – take yourfly screens off and let them outagain!

Deb and the Gardening Gang

Mannum Community College

Flash Mob Dance

The Junior and Middle Schoolstudents are thoroughly

enjoying the “Flash Mob” dances.A themed song is chosen each

week. When the students hear thesong being played at random timesof the day, they walk out of theirclasses onto the lawn area andperform the dance.

The idea is based on the theorythat students learn best whenlearning is broken into smallerintensive sessions and students aremore attentive and responsive tolearn.

Quilted Blanket

The Student RepresentativeC o u n c i l a t M a n n u mCommunity College is madeup of two students from eachclass, Reception to Year 12,and they meet once a fortnightto discuss issues of concern tothe students. The SRC alsoorganizes fund-raising forcauses of their choice.

Last year the SRC chose tosponsor a World Vision child.The students are now raisingfunds to help to provide forDanexy Monserrat, a 9 year

old girl who lives with herimpoverished mother andsiblings in a remote village inEcuador in South America.

Recently a student in year4/5 suggested that we knit ablanket for Danexy. It wasdecided that we could askstudents to knit a 15cm x15cm square, which we willstitch together to create theblanket. Already the SRC hasreceived its first few squares.

If you know of anyone inyour family who would like tocontribute wool and/orneedles, or even to knit orcrochet squares we’d love toreceive donations.

We may even end up withenough squares to make morethan one blanket. If we do wewould send them to a charityof the SRC’s choosing. Someof the teachers say they areconsidering organizingknitting/crocheting sessionsfor their classes to facilitatethe production of squares.

If you can knit and wouldlike to support a class to learnthis skill please contact theSRC at the school via amessage for RosilandNewland or Kaye Davey, thesupport teachers, on 85691503 or at the front office.

Vegetable Garden

What are healthy foods? Thisis the question we are askingour students. To promotehealthy eating and toencourage students to try newfoods and flavours our SpecialEducation teacher Jenny

Rathjen has embraced aproject to develop a selfreproducing vegetable andfruit garden. Seedlings ofbroccoli, cauliflower, lettuce,beans, garlic and beetrootwere generously donated.

Each class in the JuniorSchool has planted their ownveggie patch in tractor tyres.The aim is for the students tomaintain, weed and care fortheir patch. The Sustainabilitygroup of middle yearsstudents are trialing new waysto grow vegetables by reusingand recycling materials tobuild garden beds.

J e n n y h a s b e e nincorporating the garden intoher science lessons with theReception students. “Thegarden teaches the studentswhere vegetables come fromand the importance ofchoosing and eating healthyfoods,” she said.

“We are trying to get thestudents to sample differenttextured and tasting foodsgrown from the garden.”

As a Junior School we areaiming to use the produce incooking activities duringAwesome Avo on Fridayafternoons.

Michelle Grieger

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 7

Engaging in Ageing

M u r r a y T r a n s p o r tConnections is part of the

organising committee for theEngaging in Ageing Expo beingheld in Tailem Bend Town Halland Willow Street Precinct onthe 31st October 2014, 10am –2pm. The purpose of this eventis to give older people andyounger people with disabilitiesan opportunity to:• gather resources• meet with relevant services and

health professionals• be informed about the health, aged

and disability care services availablein the Murray Mallee and across thestate

• promote active ageing• celebrate the contribution of seniors

There will beguest presenters andactivities• Sophie Thomson -

ABC TV’s “Gardening Australia”presenting gardening for health andwellbeing.

• Callum Hann - Sprout (Master Chef)healthy cooking demonstrations

• Dave Verrall - local award winningsinger songwriter

The Expo will also host freegopher “come n try” sessionswith the Independent LivingCentre, SAPOL and localproviders.

M u r r a y T r a n s p o r tConnections is a central pointof contact for transportinformation and coordination ofservices in Mid Murray Counciland the Rural City of MurrayBridge. We can help withinformation about local buses,taxi, coach and communitytransport services, includinginformation about fares andticketing, subsidies andconcessions, areas serviced,t imetables and routes ,wheelcha i r access andeligibility.

For more information contact:Karyn Baker or Natalie DavisPh: 1300 190 869 or Email:[email protected]

Gifts (?)

Igot gifts in my mail today,three of them. The problem

is, I don’t know what to do withthem. They come with a requestof course, just twenty dollars tohelp little Jimmy or Carolinesurvive cancer or Henry to havea healthy heart so he can raiselittle Jimmy and Caroline orresearch so they never getcancer. The list goes on. Ofcourse, I’d like to help. Whowouldn’t? I just can’tunderstand how sending twentydollars is going to help whenthey keep sending me back giftsthat must cost something andthen there’s the printing bill forall those letters and the wagesfor people who send them outand the postage. I get furtherand further behind because themore money I send the moreletters I get. I feel guilty whenthose ‘gifts’ pile up.

I feel even guiltier when Idon’t pay and then I am stuckwith the gifts. Those beautifulcards bother me the most. Theyare too pretty to throw out but ifI use them and don’t pay am Icheating? Someone should tellthese people that the price ofstamps is getting almost asmuch as buying cards and who

do you send them too? I’d loveto sit and write a cheery note tosomeone precious catchingthem up on the news or justsaying ‘Hello’. I’d even pay forthe stamp. But they’ll haveheard it all on Facebook longbefore the card arrives.

The little stickers that you canput on the back of the cards – ifyou ever find someone to sendthem to – are another guilt trip.They look so useful. You can’tjust put them in the bin, canyou? And they have your nameon them. They’re especially foryou.

Then there’s the phone calls.I try to explain that I don’t wanta lottery ticket or the enormousteddy bear or the fantastic penset or whatever. I’d just like tocontribute. They always soundvery disappointed but I guessI’m wishing them out of a job.I’ve insisted and just sent adonation. That’s fine but thenthey start sending me the gifts.

Anyone want some prettycards? I can’t offer you theaddress stickers for the backthough. They all have my nameon them.

Vivian Garner


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Page 8: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 8 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

Out Of This WorldAstronomer’s Corner

Overhead at around 10 pm is the constellation ofCapricornus and looking due south you will see the

Southern Cross and the Pointers at an angle of about 8 o’clock. Mars andSaturn continue to separate as they move through the constellation Scorpiowith similar colours to other members of Scorpio.

When you take out the telescope to look at Saturn you may easily mistakethe star Antares for the planet Mars, as they are similar in colour. At 10 pmjust off to the north-west, easily found on a clear night, is a group of threestars and another bright star. Visible over the coming months at this time isthe constellation Aquila (the Eagle) with its bright star Alpha Aquila orAltair, Arabic for flying eagle. Altair, at 16 light years away, is one of theclosest stars to us. The constellation Aquila, like the hunter’s belt in Orion andthe first point of Aries, lies on the celestial Equator.

Like the equator on our own globe, the celestial equator marks the halfwaypoint between the North and South poles. The centre of the Milky Way galaxyis an interesting, dark backdrop for the constellations Scorpio andSagittarius. Visually and photographically high magnification is needed toview the vast gas clouds, nebulae and, of course, planets in this region.

Rising mid morning the wandering planets Mars and Saturn are an hourapart; at present setting around midnight. The backbone of the Scorpion isalmost vertical as it sets in a south westerly direction. As summer progressesthe overhead transit of the Sun gets longer. On December 22nd it will be nearly80 degrees overhead and rising and setting at its furthest distance east andwest, respectively.

Dave Allen

Moon PhasesNew First 1/4 Full Last 1/4

24 October 31 October 8 October 16 October

Advertisers2014/15 Holiday Issue

About mid-December this year we will publish a special Holiday Issue ofMannum Mag, in the same format as last year.

The 2013/14 Holiday Issue of Mannum Mag was a 12 page bookletdistributed through local outlets including the Mannum Information Centre,the Caravan Park, MMSS (formerly CHIPS), and some local businesses. Thefront page featured a map of Randell Street and an index indicating theposition of advertisers on the map. Businesses not located on Randell Streethad a reference key to the street map of Mannum on the inside-centre-spread.Six pages contained information about the features and facilities in Mannum.

The early distribution helps you to contact more of the holiday seasonvisitors. This is also an opportunity to offer holiday-season services to theresidents of our community.

The Holiday Issue of Mannum Mag is an opportunity for localbusinesses, clubs and service providers to address the residents and visitors toour community. We would like that edition to feature advertising customisedfor the holiday period.

We need to start compiling this issue now.In order to include as much information as possible and maintain flexibility

in the layout, advertisers are asked to restrict the size of their advertisementsto (93 mm × 65 mm). The cost is $25.

To register your interest and reserve a place in the 2014/15 Holiday Issue,you need to notify Mannum Mag by Friday 17th October by e-mail,telephone, mail or a note at the MMSS office (see page 32).

Requests to modify an existing advertisement for use in the Holiday Issueneed to be lodged by Friday 7th November.

Please contact us with your requirements as soon as possible.

Palmer Wind Farm

In the September edition of theMannum Mag Trust Power is

telling us how pleased they are withthe response of neighbouringlandowners.

Personally having attended mostof the Public Meetings, it wasobvious the majority of peopleattending were not in favour of theWind Farm. If the public was somuch in favour, why did TrustPower consider it necessary to havea Security Guard at the front door oftheir Public Meetings?

Many issues were raised at themeetings and mostly ignored. Alarge proportion of the moneyanticipated to come into the regionwill go directly to the hostlandholders (24 families). TrustPower is offering about 60properties annual payments “whichcame about as a result of ourcommunity consultation process”(Mannum Mag Sept, 2014). I believethat this action is a result, not frompublic support, but in response tostrong public opposition!

Of the properties that are eligiblefor the Trust Power Benefit, I doubtthat many will sign up. A housewithin 2 km of a wind turbine 165metres tall could be difficult to sell

and property values have dropped upto 30% in some places next to windfarms. How many hundreds offamilies would live within 10kilometres of the turbines? Therecould be over sixty square kilometresof land and homes that may sufferland devaluation. Many people havechosen to live in this area for thepeace and quiet. Industrial WindTurbines are not quiet and there aremany questions about health thatneed to be addressed.

Also of interest, there is a groupcalled The Clean Energy Councilthat print many “fact sheets”. Itwould be good for people to realisethat this organisation is made up ofover 600 companies including windand solar businesses who wish topromote their own interests.Consider also that there are over2000 organisations worldwide thatare against Industrial WindTurbines.

Currently South Australia hasmore wind turbines than any otherstate in Australia and we also pay thehighest price for electricity inAustralia! Any subsidies the WindFarm gets the taxpayer pays for too.Plant trees not turbines.

Peter Kuhlmann

A Festival of One Act Plays

The Murray Bridge Players andSingers Inc. have begun

rehearsals and are currentlyunderway in rehearsals to perform tothe public, a Festival Of One ActPlays.

The wonderful and entertainingperformance begins with the YouthTheatre, showcasing their talentthrough two short plays, In YourFace, and Kitchen Conversation,directed by Janene Overton.

Victoria Station, directed by JesseBudel, is about a controllerattempting to instruct the driver topick up a client from VictoriaS t a t i o n , a n d d u r i n g t h econversation, the Controller’s moodshifts through various degrees ofmystification towards irritation andthen possibly compassion maskingsome more nefarious intention ofwhat to do with this Driver.

The Philadelphia, directed byAndrew Broadbent, is about theencounter of two friends beingcaught in a Philadelphia, where youcan’t get anything you ask for, or goanywhere you want to. This playshows how you can still make themost of life, regardless of where youcome from… you just need toreadjust.

The Trolley, directed by ChrisOverton, is based on a ‘regular’family and spans about a week.Remarriage, extended familymembers that hate each other, andthe involvement of a shoppingtrolley that nobody wants to takeback to the supermarket. The trolleysaves Christmas and the family fromfalling apart.

Bloody Mary, directed by DiWalton, starts as a crime scene; toobad the police care more about Marylittering and loitering on the streetthan her injury. The only person thatoffers help, comes along with missingbody parts. What follows is morebizarre than Mary offering her bodypart in return for saving her life…or is it?

For only $10.00, you and thewhole family can see 6 plays inaround 2½ hours. Performances arebeing held at the MypolongaInstitute Community Hall inMypolonga over 4 performancesfrom 31st October to 2nd November2014. Tickets are available from RayWhite Real Estate, 42 Bridge Street(8532 6833) at $10 each, or $30 fora family of 4. They will be availableat the door.

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 9

Space EncountersSchool Holiday Entertainment

Our special production forthe school holidays in

the beautiful Murray BridgeTown Hall is “SpaceEncounters” – an interactiveopera telling the story of twoastronauts, Harris andJefferson, who, along withtheir robot, Roland, ventureinto space to find the sourceof a strange signal. Theyarrive on a distant planet andencounter something theydidnot expect. With Harris’sempathy and Jefferson’s

temper, what will happennext? And when Rolandmalfunctions, will they everget back home?

This is a show the wholefamily will enjoy, but it isparticularly suitable for 5 to12 year olds. The opera,written by Sean O’Boyle andIan McFayden, covers topicsof acceptance, not judging abook by its cover, asking forhelp and friendship.

The performance will be at11am on Wednesday 8th

October. Tickets are $9.00each.

You can buy tickets for allour performances either inperson at the Murray BridgeVisitor Information Centre, 3South Terrace, MurrayBridge between 10:00am and4:00pm every day, or byphoning 8539 1142. TheTown Hall Box Office isopen one hour prior to eachperformance for the sale ofany remaining tickets.

A book to read: “Artificial Intelligence”by Anne Droid.

Artificial Intelligence?A ventriloquist doing a nightclub gigwith his dummy on his knee tells adumb robot joke. A beverage servicerobot stops and shouts at theventriloquist.“What gives you the right tostereotype artificial intelligence thatway? You should be ashamed ofyourself.”Flustered, the ventriloquist begins tostammer an apology.“You keep out of this, buster!” it yells,“I’m talking to the little idiot on yourknee.”

What do you call a robot that alwaystakes the longest way around?R2 detour!


HAPPY HOUREvery weekday 5 - 6pm ~ $3 schooners, $5 pints & House Spirits

KIDS EAT FREEEvery Tuesday Night 6 - 8pm

$10 SCHNITZEL NIGHTEvery Wednesday Night 6 - 8pm

$10 STEAK NIGHTEvery Thursday Night 6 - 8pm

FRIDAY NIGHT RAFFLESEvery Friday night from 6pm ~ Mega Draw last Friday of the month

SUPER SUNDAY SPECIALSoup, Roast & Dessert for $19.90 ~ Lunch 12 - 2pm & Dinner 6 - 8pm

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8569 1010

Page 10: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 10 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95


The Cottage Window73 Randell Street

8569 2316

Watch for new and interesting changes atThe Cottage Window

With warmer days approaching try our

Fresh Salads, Sandwiches &RollsWe now have

Homemade Slices and Biscuitsto compliment our new variety of

Teas, Coffee, Milkshakes&Smoothies

Lang Calendars in store nowLay-by Welcome

From the Lions DenGarage Sale

Mannum Lions will beholding a GARAGE

SALE at the LIONS SHED atthe showgrounds onSaturday 25th October at

8:00am.Lots of general goods and

furniture will be for sale.This sale will take the placeof our usual Lions Auctionthis year. Come along andgrab a bargain. All proceedsas usual go to our long list ofcharities.

Donated goods are stillbeing collected and greatlyappreciated. Anyone withgood saleable goods todonate please phone BarryRamm on 8569 1423, orB ren ton F o r r e s t o n8569 1726.

The cemetery cleanup isstill progressing on thesecond Thursday eachmonth. All welcome. Justturn up at 9:00am at thecemetery with a garden tool.

Our bottle and cancollection is still going well.This is a great revenue raiserand you just have to lookaround Mannum to seewhere the money gets spent.Anyone who saves theirbottles and cans at home andwould like to donate them toLions please phone RamonLeahy on 8569 1576 toarrange collection.

More news next month.Barry Mansell

Mannum Lions – We Serve

A woman was waiting in the checkoutline at a shopping centre. Her armswere laden with a mop and broomand other cleaning supplies. By herhard glances and deep sighs, it wasobvious she was in hurry and nothappy about the slowness of the line.

When the cashier called for a pricecheck on a box of soap, the womanremarked indignantly, “Well, I’ll belucky to get out of here and homebefore Christmas!”

“Don’t worry, ma’am,” replied thecashier. “With a good tail wind andthat brand new broom you have there,you’ll be home in no time.”


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Page 11: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 11


Ph: 8569 2382

# GARDENINGPruning, Weed Removal, Spraying,Slashing, Fertilizing, etc




Equipped with a Large Range

of Machines & Light Trucks,

# SPECIALISED TREE WORKFelling, Lopping, Mulching, Stump Grinding

Mannum Men’s Shed

M a n n u mMen’s Shed

is open for business.Whilst we still have somework to do the shed isoperational and functional.

We’re open each Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursdayfrom 9am until 1pm.

Men, you’re welcome tocome and make something,create something, make newfriends or enjoy the companyof old ones. We have a“remember when and awhatever happened to”corner and a free sausage

sizzle on thelast Thursday ofthe month.

Every day there isbottomless tea and coffee,biscuits and a warm andfriendly environment. Youdon’t need to be super fit,we’re gopher friendly.

We have a membershipsystem and a $2.00 daily feefor insurance etc. We’re atthe Mannum CommunityHub in the old primaryschool.

Bill McGhie

Page 12: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 12 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

The 3 R’s of Recycling

R emove lid R inse R eturn for refund

OPENMonday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday

9am – 12, 1 – 4pm

Saturday 9 - 12

CLOSEDWednesday, Sunday, Easter Saturday & Public Holidays

All Clean Deposit Cartons, Cans & Bottles Accepted


103 Adelaide Road, Ph: 8569 1720

My Pet TopicYour Pets and Summer

With the weather warming up it is a good reminder to have all your petswatering and shelter needs in good order.

All pets and livestock will need shade/shelter and a good supply of cool cleandrinking water.

Automated waterers are the best option. If you have them check your waterlines to ensure they are in good order and not blocked or leaking. Give all thetroughs/tubs a good scrub out. Ensure the waterlines are covered as the sunon the lines can heat the water to over 70 degrees if the water is sitting for anyduration during the heat of the day. No animals will want to drink hot waterespecially if it is going to burn them.

Most dogs love playing with water so consider small automated waterers orbulk water holders to help ensure they do not run out of water during the day.The same can be said for your bird and cat waterers.

Your Reptiles and fish can also get over heated so consider moving theirtank if they are getting full sun through a window during the heat of the day.

Keeping ice cubes at hand to put in the water to cool the fish tank or in thedrinking water of your small animals can help keep things cool. Dogs also like

eating/licking/playing with ice cubes and it helps them keep cool.Cool mats for dogs and cats can help keep them cool, as will bringing them

inside the cool home on very hot days. Putting a dog in front of a fan will nothelp with cooling a dog as they lose heat in their body differently to us. Theyhave hair and do not sweat.

Dogs lose body heat through their paws, underbelly and with panting. Soconsider the temperature of the pavement/roads if you want to go walkingwith them on really, or even mildly, hot days. Their pads will burn if theground is hot enough.

Always keep an eye on your animals for overheating and get them to the vetas soon as possible if they seem to be suffering from heat stroke.

There is a lot of information on the internet for all animals big and smallabout helping keep your animal cool and how to look for signs of heat stress.All animals can suffer heat stress.

If you have any animal/pet related topic you would like covered in futureeditions please drop a line to Jane at [email protected] orring 8569 2428 and I will try my best to accommodate your interests.

Jane Humphrey, Mannum Pet & Rural (Opposite the ANZ teller machine)

Do you know someone whomakes your community a better place?

Nominate them now for theCitizen of the Year Awards.

Award Categories: Citizen of the Year AwardYoung Citizen of the Year AwardCommunity Event of the Year Award

Nominations are open now – you can download a nomination form from our website make a nomination online and find out more about the awards at

If you have any questions or require assistance, please [email protected] or call Rose on 8569 0100.

This is your chance to recognise the most deserving members of our community. Your nomination could lead tosomeone special being recognised with an award at the Council’s Australia Day celebrations.

Nominations close 21 November 2014Please return the completed form toMid Murray CouncilP O Box 28 Mannum SA 5238

or email [email protected] make a nomination online at

Page 13: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 13


We’ve Got You Covered

Contact: Terry SchutzPfeiffer Road Mannum ~ Ph: 0407 390 010


Canvas Automotive


Award ForExcellence

Kirstie Pym

Practice Manager,Kirstie Pym at the

M a n n u m M e d i c a lPractice was awarded theAustralian Association ofPractice Managers,South Australian PracticeManager of the Year2014. This awardrecognises excellence inBusiness Managementand the running ofMedical Practices.

Kirstie had to show apanel made up ofPractice Managers fromacross Australia that shehas not only met thecriteria but has beenoutstanding in her role.

Kirstie is now in therunning for AustralianPractice Manager of theyear at our upcoming2014 Conference inOctober.

Helen Nagel

Mannum MagThe Deadline Date is Changing

The last Friday of the monthdeadline served us well. It was

intended to ensure that as many aspossible of the month’s eventscould be reported in the next issueof Mannum Mag. However, thenew letter box drop schedule meansthat Mannum Mag is delivered aweek after it has been collated andfolded – almost two weeks afterthe deadline. A side effect of this isthat the month of issue cannotpromote events occurring in thefirst week of the month.

In 2015 we will change thedeadline date to the second lastFriday of the month. This meansthat you will receive your copyearly in the first week of the monthand the month of issue canpromote events occurring early inthe month.

The trade-off is that eventsoccurring late in any given monthwill need to be promoted in theissue for the previous month.

Pick-up copies, kindly held foryour convenience by some localbusinesses, will still be available afew days after the letter box drop.

January 2015 Events

Plan ahead! Do you want topromote an event being held inJanuary 2015?

There is no January issue ofMannum Mag. Promotion of 2015events up to and including Tuesday3rd February must appear in theDecember 2014 issue. The deadlineis midday, Friday 28th November.

The deadline and delivery datesfor the next three issues are alwayslisted on the back page of everyissue.

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Page 14: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 14 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95


Down by the ferry………









Ph: 8569 8020 Mob: 0412 404 511

Mannum Active Family Walks

Mannum Children helped launchthe new Mannum Active

Family Walks map and brochure atan end of term active event of theMannum Kindergarten and RuralCare. More than 40 students andtheir families will walk from thekindergarten to the localshowgrounds for a picnic lunch, andpresentations from the MannumPolice Sergeant.

This project is the result of acollaborative effort led by the MidMur r a y OP AL t e a m , a ndincorporating partners from theMannum Kindergarten and RuralCare, Department for PlanningTransport and Infrastructure(DPTI) and the broader community.

The Mannum Active Family Walksm a p i n c o r p o r a t e s f o u rfamily-focussed themed loop tracks:School and kindy loop; Pumping sk8loop; Bird watching loop andlookout; and the Main street

meander.The four loops were researched

and designed by local children andfamilies.

“The initial concept for this mapwas borne from discussions withlocal parents, grandparents and evenchildren who wanted to get outdoorsand be active more often,” said MidMurray OPAL Manager CourtneyBlacker.

“During our Think Feet Firstactive travel campaign in 2012,people were always asking where thebest walking and cycling trails werearound Mannum. With this in mindwe thought it was best to literallyroad-test the walking trails aroundtown, and gather feedback fromfamilies on what was best.

“What we now know, is thatfamilies favoured routes that wereconsidered safe, with facilities such

as toilets, benches, playgrounds andwater fountains along the way.Good footpaths were also a keyconsideration, given many youngparents were pushing prams, orchildren were on small bikes.

Mannum Kindergarten and RuralCare Director Mary Langsford saidhow pleased she was that thechildren could be involved in such apositive community initiative.

“We have seen positive changes inall of the children at the kindy in thelast two years as we have focussedmore on getting outdoors andwalking,” Mrs Langsford said.

The maps will be available in keycommunity centres, visitorinformation centres, educationcentres, Council offices across theMid Murray, and online:



Following the retirement of the long serving swimming pool supervisorSandy, Mid Murray Council is seeking ‘expressions of interest’ frompeople to be employed in a casual position for the 2014/2015 swimmingseason (mid November 2014 to late March 2015).

People ideal for the role would be reliable and able to work the flexiblehours including evenings, weekends and public holidays. You would bea ‘people person’ who can get on with kids, teenagers and adults tocreate a fun safe environment.

The successful person/s will need to undergo a police check, have acurrent first aid and CPR certificate and some form of lifesavingqualification. Training can be provided to those suitable (and would needto be completed prior to the opening).

For more information contact Triana Hill on 85690100.Written expressions of interest highlighting why you would be great in therole plus any relevant experience and qualifications can be delivered tothe Cambra i o r Mannum of f i ces o r ema i led [email protected] by Monday October 13th 2015.


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Page 15: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 15

Authorised by Steven Wilkinson, 1 Esmeralda Street, Mannum 5238



(Includes Mannum, Palmer, Tungkillo, Caloote, Milendella, Punthari,Sanderston, Zadows Landing, Wall Flat and Rockleigh areas)

(For a valid vote, please number the voting paper consecutively from 1 to 4)

I seek your support to elect me as your Council representative. I ama retired accountant with over 26 years experience working in LocalGovernment in various management and accounting positions.

Formal qualifications in Local Government are: Diploma in LocalGovernment Administration and Graduate Certificate in LocalGovernment Management. I am a Fellow of the Institute of PublicAccountants.

I have lived in Mannum with my wife Debbie for the last 14 years andam a member of the Mannum Bowling Club, Rowing Club, and avolunteer member of the Country Fire Service for over 20 years. Myother interests include push-bike riding and fishing.

I love living in Mannum, it is a beautiful town with many facilities andconsiderable potential for the future.

If elected, my interests in Council will be sound strategicmanagement plans and financial management, economicdevelopment (more jobs) and improvements to footpaths. Sincecoming to Mannum I have seen considerable improvements to theroad network, but both footpaths and drainage continue to be aproblem that need to be addressed over a longer period of time.Having previously worked with the Council I am aware of ourextensive road network and the many small townships and riversettlements within the Mid Murray Council. I believe in goodcommunication with the people and ratepayers of the area to obtainyour views on what you expect from the Council, and these viewsneed to be properly addressed in Councils Strategic Plans for thefuture.

If elected I undertake to do my best to serve you.

Contact Details:Steve Wilkinson

1 Esmeralda Street

PO Box 438, Mannum 5238

Phone: 0885691631

Email: [email protected]

Mannum HospitalPrograms 8569 0200Audio Clinic, Child & Youth HealthServices, Community NursingService, Purchase of Crutches,Mannum Domici l iary CareServices, Meals on Wheels,Optometrist, Physiotherapy(Private), Private Podiatry

Mannum MedicalCentre 8569 0222Immunisation / * IMVS CollectionCentre

Lester Howie Clinic* Asthma Clinic, Cardiologist,Continence Clinic, DiabeticC l i n i c , D i e t i t i a n ,* E c h o c a r d i o g r a m s ,Hypertension clinic, MentalHealth Clinician, Psychologists,* Physiotherapist (Public),Women’s Health Clinic

(*Doctor’s referral required)

Volunteering atAminya

Can you spare a couple ofhours per week, or even once a

month?To find out more phone Ruth,Wendy or Natalie 8569 1749.

Aminya is a community based,non-profit, incorporated Association

providing quality residential agedcare services to the people in

Mannum and surrounding areas.

Mannum DayCentre

Mannum Day Centre is open fromMondays to Fridays except PublicHolidays. The Day Centre isavailable for hire by communitygroups for a small donation.

Please ring on 8569 0219 formore information.

WEEKLY: Knitting Group, Social Day,Scrabble DayMONTHLY: Mannum Red Cross,Men’s Group, Card Afternoon

If you would like more information orwould like to attend the Day Centrefor activities and need transport,please contact Louise Haby,Mannum Day Centre Coordinator(8569 0219)


CAREHome and CommunityCare (HACC) Services

Are you elderly or acarer and needing some

help in the home?For more information about

any of these services PhoneCoralie on 8569 0240 Mondayto Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

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Page 16 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95


Shearer Ward(formerly Randell and Reedy Creek wards)

VOTE 1 BRIAN TAYLORExperience – Commitment – Integrity

You must vote for at least 3 other candidates

Authorised by Brian Taylor, 1 Long Gully Road Mannum

Authorised by Jeffrey Wayne Hall, 21 Providence Drive, Bowhill 5238


Murray Ward(formerly River South)


My name is Jeff hall, I wish to advise I have re-nominated as your Ward Councillor representingthe Murray ward.

Please find a brief resume of my experience tofulfil this position. Should you have a need for moreinformation feel free to make contact on either0418 825 476 or email [email protected].

A retired manager of 40 years with theresponsibility of 3 States. Kaye and I permanentlyretired to Bowhill 4 years ago into our river home of25 years. After many years of representing thegroup on the Murray Valley Holiday HomesAssociation, Secretary of the local Shack OwnersAssociation, the initial STED committee, assistingthe committee to rebuild the Bowhill CommunityClub, while holding several senior industry andsporting positions. I’m currently your active councilmember of the following Council committees andboards – Aminya nursing home, CWMS, StrategicPlanning, Mannum Caravan Park, WasteManagement, Mid Murray/Karoonda East MurrayPlant and the EBA negotiating team.

I wish to continue in the current role to furtherassist your Council to develop and ourcommunities to grow.

Please assist me in continuing to be your electedrepresentative by voting as below

Vote 1 Jeff Hall

Please remember for your vote to count, you mustmark all Boxes.

Authorised by Kitty Schiansky, 2392 Black Hill Road, Black Hill 5353

Mid Murray Council Elections November 2014



I stand for sustainable jobs and development that come from equity

and inclusion, transparency, genuine consultation and creative thinking.

I stand for bold and immediate action on climate change that means

supporting our food producers and helping people and the business

sector transition to a low carbon economy that will lead to a secure and

sustainable future.

I stand with the emergency services and health carers to address the

consequences of extreme weather.

I stand not to gain personal advancement but for community values

that supersede profit.

There is more than the one model of growth and development

proffered by many as a solution to all our woes. Climate change is a

direct result of unbridled growth. We need bold leadership prepared to

deal with this global challenge that manifests itself at a local level.

There is one model of growth and development that embraces quality

of life for all. There is one that appreciates and protects the natural

environment and biodiversity and the crucial role they play in all our daily

activities. It focuses on people and the planet before profit:

That’s what I stand for.


Shearer Ward


Committed to continuing to help take theMid Murray Council and it’s communities to

a progressive and innovative future

Authorised by Peter Raison, 15 Randell Street, Mannum

David Peake

Candidate forMAYOR

Because I carePhone: 0428 836 317

Authorised by David Peake, 5003 Murraylands Road Swan Reach 5354

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 17

Total Commitment



Community Focused

Open Dialogue

Guaranteed Resolution

I won’t/can’t always guarantee success

ExperienceFederal/State/Boards and CommitteesAdvisory Boards Federal/State/Local

Past SA Vice-President Murray DarlingAssociation

Co-Ordinator Mannum Big RiverFishing Competition

Past Chairman Mid Murray Homes forthe Aged


VOTE 1 Peter R. Smith

Shearer Ward - Previously Randell and Reedy Creek Wards

VOTE 1 Peter R. SmithI am looking forward to representing the Mid Murray Council area, if successful, with special interest in planning and the River Murray and

its environs. The River Murray needs a special emphasis as it brings many hundreds of thousands of dollars into our economy.

VOTE 1 Peter R. SmithI am not naive enough to believe that all that needs attention can be done in quick time, but it is my belief that if most, if not all, of the

smaller problems concerning our extremely valuable staff can be overcome, along with reducing unfortunate management improprieties, ourcouncil will be on the road to success.

VOTE 1 Peter R. SmithAnother fight looming for Local Government is the State Government and their aimed removal, or desired removal, of our rights re planning

in our own council area.I once again point out Mid Murray Council is burdened with an excess of 120 non-complying developments costing the ratepayers

thousands of dollars. I am astounded that one in particular has had a huge impost on our budget costing some $94,000 and on-going.Still far from being settled!

VOTE 1 Peter R. Smith

A vote for total commitment, transparency, integrity, a cut in spending to stop us all paying higher rates and total promise to be open withall constituents, my focus will be the ratepayers and their best interests. We must be community based!

VOTE 1 Peter R. SmithAuthorised by Peter R. Smith OAM, PO Box 126, MANNUM 5238

VOTE 1 Peter R. Smith

I can be contacted on 0418 822 342 or 8569 2086Email: [email protected] Website:

Authorised Dave Burgess 745 Cliff View Drive Wongulla 5238

Vote for Mayor



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Mid Murray Council ElectionsKelly Kuhn

Your community elects Council Members everyfour years and now is your chance to be heard.

I have a desire to serve my community and havebeen inspired to nominate by campaigns targetingwomen and by other members of Council. If elected,I will listen. I will dream big. I will change andevolve and encourage this from others whenprogress is needed.

Raised on a farm near Bowhill, I appreciatechallenges facing agriculture, am interested inpopulation growth, tourism and events. I will striveto ensure Council has a focus in these areas. I nowlive on the river at Zadows Landing with myhusband Wayne and two young daughters, and willbe the voice for the smaller destinationssurrounding the Mannum township.

I have the very fortunate advantage of greatinsight into Council operations. For the past threeyears I was employed to progress Council and keepup with current trends, while still retaining ourheritage. I managed the rebranded logo, newwebsite and smartphone app ‘My Local Services’. Iinitiated marketing resources for Council’s healthand transport partnerships, and assisted OPALwith its success. During this time I was exposed tothe endeavours of other Councils in South Australia

and while we are excelling in many areas, we arebeing left behind in others.

Having been employed by the State Governmentfor eight years in marketing South Australia, I aminterested in a vital sector of the Mid Murrayeconomy – tourism. I have travelled many countriesof our globe, which has helped to shape myknowledge and leadership skills. I am a chauffeurand tour host for Murray Princess and houseboatguests on day tours visiting our region. Rather thanjust planning or talking about tourism, I am thereamongst the real working conditions,understanding the desires of interstate andinternational people spending their hard earneddollars experiencing our region.

I am connected with young families in the district,who I believe need a voice. I am Treasurer on theMannum Kindergarten Governing Council. Iappreciate the sporting fabric which creates a greatdeal of culture in my community and assists in ourendeavour of improved health and wellbeing. Thisyear the Mannum Roos Netball Club appointed methe A Reserves playing coach. During the season Iachieved the milestone of playing 150 senior games.I have held previous positions as Secretary andMedia Officer, and am currently overseeing

improvements to the constitution and strategicplanning for the future through the STARCLUBprogram. I was part of the inaugural team to setupthe current Mannum Fun Run.

Council must ensure robust financialmanagement, a strong governance system and asupportive environment for our future generationsto thrive and achieve potential. We need to preparefor challenges, and overcome them with positivity.Importantly, we also need to celebrate success totransform the negative attitudes about Council. Wemust be able to express strong differing opinions,then come together in mutual respect and unity.

With more than 343,000 votes counted in the2010 Council elections, they are the biggest singlevoluntary civic participation activity in the State.I will be listed on the ballot papers as number 5 inShearer Ward. Vote 1 for KUHN Kelly. Have yoursay!

I can be contacted on mobile 0488 697 308 oremail [email protected]. Join the conversation onmy Facebook page ‘Kelly Kuhn for Mid Murray

Council’ and see my profile of work history onLinkedIn.

Authorised by Kelly Kuhn (nee Loechel)18 Walding Road, Zadows Landing SA 5254

Mid Murray Council ElectionsDavid Peake

Iam a Swan Reach pistachio grower and have livedin the Blanchetown / Swan Reach area for nearly

twenty years. I have been a passionate Councillorfor four years serving on Council, NaturalResource, Industry advisory and communitycommittees. This experience together with mycareer in Banking, Transport and Horticulture hasdeveloped the management skills necessary toprovide sound leadership for Council’s employees,Elected Members and community. Ratepayers, beassured that I am driven to promote our region at

Local, State and Federal levels for the recognitionand equality that our neighbouring Councils enjoy.

I will pursue opportunities for development,tourism and arts and cultural initiatives to createemployment and a vibrant economy to providebetter infrastructure and community services forboth resident and visitor. Mid Murray communitieswill be promoted as healthy and environmentallysustainable places to live and work within easyaccess to Adelaide.

To achieve these outcomes, I will actively work in

a team environment with the CEO, Deputy Mayor,Councillors and Council workforce. I will continuemy “hands on”, approachable manner to engagewith all communities, big and small. It’s who I am.As Mayor, I will ensure TEAM Mid Murray deliversethical governance, maintains fiscal responsibilityand works to budget.

Mid Murray, all I am saying is, Give Peake aChance. Because I Care.

Authorised by David Peake5003 Murraylands Road, Swan Reach 5354

Council ElectionsWho to Choose?

Iwas away recently. A pilgrimage to answer formyself, the question asked by Cathy Clemow in

the September 2013 issue. ‘If people are sodisillusioned about Mannum, why are they stillliving here?’ Or in other words, ‘if you don’t like itleave! Go somewhere else!’ But don’t dare tochallenge the priorities, methods or rights of thebureaucracy and ruling business elite to do it theirway.

So I travelled 2000 kilometres, challenging manyfears and found myself in places where the peoplecared about beauty, and people, and theenvironment and were prepared to fight for therights of these things to exist. Where profit, did notcome before ecology and the rights of other species.Places that truly embrace progressive andinnovative ideas and practices, not just asmeaningless slogans to be rolled out at councilelection time, but as a way of being.

Then, I had to come ‘home’, not even knowingwhat home meant any more.

As the September 2014 issue rolls off the press, I

see that some of our elected representatives arepromoting themselves for re-election. Offeringmeaningless words strung together promising‘Commitment to progressive and innovativefutures’, ‘sustainable programs of governance andinnovative solutions’, ‘commitment to help ourcouncil to pursue our objectives in a professionalmanner’ and ‘supporting your community andworking for our region’.

What is progressive and innovative about thiscouncil? What does ‘our objectives’ even mean,because the direction the council is taking this towncertainly doesn’t satisfy the objectives of manycommunity members.

I know of some innovative and progressive ideasthat have been put to the Mid Murray Council inrecent years that were immediately rejected.Concepts for waste management that would haveextended the viability of our local tip and createdinnovative employment opportunities. Another,was an amazing sustainable permaculture designforthe old school property that would have created a

haven for all members of our community. If onlyour leaders had more than $ signs in their eyes andhearts and less pecuniary interests.

And I don’t agree with Kendra of Wongulla. Ihave always been of the understanding that peoplejoined committees and councils because theybelieved in a cause or wanted to serve thecommunity. Now a career can be made of sitting oncommittees with ridiculous sitting fees andcouncillor allowances. Money and its misuse is whatcreates the corruption in governments large andsmall, perhaps if the remuneration was lesssubstantial we would attract councillors with heart,and live in a community with soul. I can stillimagine a Mannum that is a shining example oftruly sustainable living, a peaceful, communityminded place to live, and people would come,people would come.

So, as election time draws near, remember the oldadage ‘a new broom sweeps clean’.

Authorised by Lisa Bottroff,5 Diercks Road, Mannum SA 5238

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 19

Blacksmith Shop, PS Marion, Shearer Steam Car, John Key Beam Steam Engine

Stationary Engines, Black Smiths & Mannum Fresh Water Classic Boat FestivalCelebrating the 20th Anniversary of the recomissioning of the PS Marion

Saturday 15th & Sunday 16th November 2014

All Steamed Up at Mannum

Page 20: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 20 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

MANNUM UNITEDYour locally owned & operated fully independent servo

• Fuel & Lubricants • Car accessories

• BBQ gas refills • Hire equipment

• Qwik Gas exchange • Ice & Bait

• Tyre fitting & balance • Trailer hire

• Puncture repair • Guns, ammo & access

Twin bowl Slushy machine available for 48hr hire $200, includes2x2 L concentrate eg: Illusion, Pina Colada, Cosmopolitan or fruit Tingle

Phone 8569 1207 OPEN 7 days

ElectricianM. P. Connolly Electrical

Domestic, commercial and industrialrepairs and installations

Phone and TV installations

Phone: Matt Connolly on 0422 329 942Email: [email protected]

Electrical Licence Number: PGE 158 659

All Steamed Up at Mannum

Family Fun Weekend - River Festival

On the banks of the Murray River at Arnold Park & the Mannum Dock Museum at MannumSaturday & Sunday - 9:30am - 4:00pm each day

Largest display of Blacksmith demonstrations in SA • Australia’s first Steam Car on display • Live Music with the SA Detachment of the RoyalAustralian Navy Band on Saturday • and the Backwater Band on Sunday • Diesel & Steam Vintage / Historical / Rare Engines in operation

Fairy Light Boat Parade, Murray River Cruises

Mannum Freshwater Classic from Arnold Park to Caloote, Saturday 2:00 - 4:00pm • Boat Concourse D’Elegance • Classic Cars on displayWooden & Classic Boats on display • 20th Anniversary of the Recommissioning of the PS Marion Captain’s Dinner • Live Entertainment

Food Stalls & Crafts • Trade Expo StallsFree shuttle bus to Mary Ann Reserve & Mannum Dock Museum. Free parking at Mannum Football Oval

Event Entry fee - Adult $5.00, 14 to 17 years $3.00, Children under 14 years free (includes entry to the Mannum Dock Museum)Short Cruises on the PS Marion - Adult $15.00, 4 to14 years $7.50, Children under 4 years free. 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm 3:00pm

PS Marion Dinner - Mannum Rowing Club - Saturday 15th November. $25.00 with live entertainment - Bookings Essential

Mannum Dock Museum of River History6 Randell Street MANNUM SA 5238 T: (08) 8569 2733

F: (08) 8569 2383 • E: [email protected] •

Page 21: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 21



For all sales, installations, quotes or enquiries




Qualified installer




Musical MiscellanyThe Jewish Influence – Part 2

In research for this article I found somuch about Leonard Bernstein that it

really would be unfair to combine hiscontribution with those of Vernon Dukeand Harold Arlen.

Bernstein was a first generationAmerican born of Ukrainian Jewishparents. Leonard Bernstein (Lennie to hisfriends) was christened Louis but changedit to Leonard after his grandmother died.He studied at Harvard then at the CurtisInstitute of Music in Philadelphia. He metvarious musicians, including AaronCopland and Serge Koussevitsky, whocontributed to his musical knowledge andin some cases became mentors andlifelong friends. One of his early teachers,Helen Coates, later became his secretary.

It was a very sudden conductingassignment which brought him to fame.He was at the time Assistant Conductor ofthe New York Philharmonic Orchestra.The guest conductor became suddenly illand Lennie had to fill the gap without anyrehearsal. The concert was nationallybroadcast which didn’t hurt him a little bit.It literally did occur at the last possiblemoment, very much the stuff for aHollywood Block Buster.

After his formal education wascompleted he shared accommodation inNew York with his friend Adolph Green.

Later Green and Comden were to providewords for two of his musical stage shows.

Bernstein developed a lifelongrelationship with the Israel Philharmonicperforming with it as pianist and asconductor. On a number of occasionsrecordings were made. Many of these arestill available, particularly on the DeutscheGrammophon label.

Lennie really was a musicalphenomenon. He conducted, he composed.He was an educator and above all aninfectious enthusiast for almost all typesof music. His compositions includedworks in many genres including a mass,symphony for violin, an operetta, Candide,and Broadway musicals. Candide had alibretto by Lillian Hellman, partner ofDashiell Hammett, author of “The MalteseFalcon”. Bernstein’s Broadway musicalsincluded On the Town and WonderfulTown. Both had lyrics by Comden andGreen who also contributed to the classicalmusical film Singing in the Rain.

Most famous of all is West Side Story, aRomeo and Juliet saga in modern clotheswith wonderful music, breath takingchoreography and apt lyrics. West SideStory had been on the books for quitesome time. It was as early as 1947 thatJerome Robbins approached Bernstein and

Arthur Laurents with the story idea. Itfloated around without any real directionuntil finally Stephen Sondheim (Send inthe Clowns) joined the team. The musicalhad a long and difficult birth and is nowlegendary for songs such as “Maria”, “IFeel Pretty”, “Somewhere” and others. ADVD exists of the film version withNatalie Wood.

An example of Bernstein’s musicaldiversity is given by his appearance withjazz pianist Dave Brubeck. Bernsteinplayed Brubeckcompositions and Brubeckreturned the compliment. A recording ofthe performance was released.

As an educator Lennie performed ontelevision and recorded a series ofperformances of Beethoven’s FifthSymphony and his “Serenade for Violin”;he also covered jazz, conducting,American musical comedy, J S Bach andgrand opera.

There are many sources of biographyincluding some on the web. There aresome that perhaps lack some objectivity.However it is almost impossible not towax enthusiastic about someone who gaveus so much splendid music.

Next time Vernon Duke and HaroldArlen, promise.

Peter Weir

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The aim of Mannum Barber is to provide the highest quality service to all customers.Bringing back the tradition of barbering and including the luxury and creativity ofindividualised styling at affordable prices.

Closure Dates for 2014-2015

• Saturday 25 October – Closed for Function

• Tuesday 4 November – Melbourne Cup Day

• Wednesday 26 November – Closed for Function

• Wednesday 17 December – Closed for Function

• Thurs 25 Dec – Fri 2 Jan – Closed for Christmas

• Thurs 22 Jan – Tue 27 Jan – Australia Day

• Thurs 2 April – Tue 7 April – Closed for Easter

• First week in June – Closed for Holiday

Normal Opening HoursMonday 10-4

Tuesday 8-5

Wednesday 8-5

Thursday – Closed

Friday 8-5

Saturday 9-12

Sunday 10-12

Mannum Barber is now entering its 3rd year of business.I would like to thank all of my wonderful customers for all their support and patronage.

Please read the closure dates for 2014-2015. I will try tokeep these dates each year (except for Functions).

Longer opening hours will apply in December, especially theweek before Christmas. All notices for hours and closureswill also be posted on the shop window closer to the dates.

MANNUM BARBER42A Randell Street, Mannum

Pain in the GrassMowing & Slashing

Need your yard or block slashedbefore the fire season, or justneed the lawn mowed?

From backyards to large blocks,call today for a free no obligationquote on 0407 880 878.

Murray Bridge Matinee Series

The Matinee Series is presented by the Rural City of MurrayBridge and Out of the Square Inc. in the beautiful Murray

Bridge Town Hall. Arrive early and enjoy a complimentarymorning tea from 10am followed by the performance at 11am.Concert tickets are $15.00 each.

“From the Stage, Music and Images”with the ARPA Orchestra

Thursday 23rd October 2014, at 11 amYou will be entertained with popular music from stage shows,opera and ballet with Heather Blewett’s images of loved globaland local stars, casts and crews taken at the Adelaide FestivalTheatre.

Tickets are available in person at the Murray Bridge VisitorInformation Centre, 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge, between10:00am and 4:00pm every day, or by phoning 8539 1142. TheTown Hall Box Office is open one hour prior to each performancefor the sale of any remaining tickets.

After you attend a performance in the Murray Bridge Town Hall,you are invited to visit the beautiful Murray Bridge RegionalGallery where three exhibitions will be running through until 12th

October.“Of Obscured Significance” will be featured in the Main Gallery.

Set within the local and entwined with the global, these historicaland contemporary, photographic and mix media artworks reflect theeveryday; where concerns and interests are addressed andilluminated. Curated by Beverley Southcott, her work will be joinedwith works by Mick Bradley, Murray Bridge and District HistoricalSociety Inc., Louise Flaherty, Frank Grauso, Rachel McElwee andLee Salomone.

“Bodywork”, in the Vicki Nottage Sculpture Court, is a nationalGallery of Australia Exhibition featuring Australian Jewellery 1970- 2012.

“Cutting into Culture “ in the Jean Sims Gallery features anexhibition of traditional Chinese papercuts. The Murray BridgeRegional Gallery is open from 10am to 4pm Tuesday to Saturdayand 11am to 4pm on Sundays.

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 23


Suitable For Storing Boats/CaravansIdeal For Storing Furniture Etc.Individual Shed With Own KeyYard Storage AvailableShed Size 7.5m × 3mOther Sizes Available


PHONE 8569 1726 MOBILE 0408 813 726

Aminya Building AFuture

As a former board member ofAminya, I am delighted to see

the vision of early board membersbeing fulfilled as its latest buildingworks begin.

At the time of Aminya’s crisismany years ago, when it seemed thedream of a larger facility for futureneeds would fail due to lack offunding, Mr Dean Warrick, withgreat foresight to those needs, urgedthe board to purchase as muchavailable adjoining land as possible.Mr Peter Smith fought ‘tooth andnail’ to finally receive the necessaryfunding through Federal Age CareFunding, and, the all important,DVA funding.

Sadly, Dean died before seeingeven a small part of his long termdream fulfilled. However, I’m surePeter Smith feels great pride inseeing the fruition of what was, atthat time, his ongoing tenacity andresourcefulness, ultimately securingthe funding so vital to futureexpansion.

To all past and present boardmembers, congratulations in keepingAminya a viable, quality centre ofaged care. All residents can feeljustly proud of this local facility.

Valerie Bottroff

Mental Health ExpoMurray Bridge Town Hall

Friday 17th October 2014, 10:00am – 3:00pmFree Family Friendly Community Event

The Mental Health Expo will helpto raise awareness of the needs to

improve mental health and wellbeingin the Murraylands and surroundingdistricts.

Murraylands service providersfrom all sectors and communitymembers host the Expo. The Expoprovides all community members,from local and outlying areas, accessto information regarding mentalhealth and mental illness, resources,speakers, workshops and provides a

greater awareness of local services ina safe, caring, friendly andnonjudgmental environment.

Members of the community will behave opportunities to makeconnections and speak with those insimilar situations to themselves aswell as those who can support them.

1. Aim of the event: To raiseawareness about the impact ofstigma and discrimination for peoplewith a mental illness in thecommunity.

2. To provide an opportunity for people

in rural and remote communities tohave an open discussion about mentalillness and to have access to NGO’Sand Government Organisation’s whoprovide mental health services and beprovided with information about mentalillness and mental health all in onespace.3. To create an opportunity to promote

the mental health and emotionalwellbeing of people within thecommunity that is fun, entertainingand free from stigma.

4. To encourage event participation inan inclusive environment - e.g.Abor i g ina l , Cul tura l l y andLinguistically Diverse and Youth.

10:00am Official Opening10:10am Welcome to Country10:15am Presentation of the Suicide

Prevention Action Plan to theRural City of Murray Bridge

11:00am Maryjo Fisher, FormerSenator for South Australia,Beyond Blue Ambassador11:30am – 1:30pm

Free Lunch Available1:00pm MIFSA Speaker, Lived

Experience: Schizophrenia2:00pm MIFSA Speaker, Lived

Experience: BipolarFree community event enquiries:

Cathy 0439 087 523.

* Recommended Insurance Repairer *Owner Operated and Servicing Mannum since 1985

Bake Oven for factory finish Chassis straightening Windscreen replacement Private and Insurance workAll work Guaranteed Local pickup and delivery available

24 Hour 7 Day TOWINGPH 8569 1151 or A/H 0412 644 736

Looking For Somewhere To Moor YourHouseboat?

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Berth Lease from $65 week

Leasing : 08 7324 0401 Berth Sales : 08 7324 0601Off Belvedere Road Mannum

Page 24: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 24 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

Food is Life is Food

Pancakes can get a bad rap (pardonthe pun) which is so unfair when

they are an easy food to make forbreakfast and snacks. To help makethem healthier, avoid cooking them inlashings of butter, use ‘good oil’, e.g.peanut oil, olive oil and the like. Servewithfreshfruit, frozenberries(thawed)or tinned fruit with no added sugar.Instead of cream use plain yoghurt.

Let me introduce you to a savourypancake that you can make a meal of.This dish can be switched up in amultitude of ways. Notice water isadded instead of milk, trust me itworks! Omitting meat and addingother vegetables provides a vegetarianoption (that is of course if eggs areincluded in diet).

At this time of the year, warmervegetable varieties are coming out andthere are so many interesting optionsto choose from. While penning this Ihave had an idea for flavouring thebatter with grated raw beetroot andhorseradish! Maybe I would get purplepancakes?

Chicken & Cauliflower Pancakes200g chicken mince 1 tbsp olive oil2 tsp grated ginger 1½ cups water2 garlic cloves, finely chopped2 cups plain flour2 eggs, lightly whisked1 tsp sesame seed oil2 cups cauliflower, finely choppedSalad topping2 spring onions, finely sliced1 carrot, shredded4-6 radishes, shredded3 tbsp soy sauce 1 tsp sesame seed oil3 tbsp vinegar (of choice)

Chilli to taste

1 Heat olive oil in frying pan over high heat.2 Add minced chicken, cook, stirring for

about 3 minutes3 Add ginger and garlic, stir through and

cook for a further minute or two.4 Remove from heat.5 In a large bowl whisk together flour, eggs,

water and sesame seed oil to form a thinbatter.

6 Add chicken mixture to batter, stir tocombine and rest for 15 minutes.

7 While batter is resting, combine SaladTopping ingredients and set aside.

8 Using clean frying pan, heat overmedium-high heat. (Non-stick is ideal forthis, otherwise a small splash of oil will toprevent pancakes from sticking).

9 Add ½ cup batter to heated frypan, gentlymove with spoon to create a uniformshape and even thickness. Cook for 2minutes or until pancake is golden incolour, turn pancake and cook a further 2

minutes to cook through. Transfer to aplate and repeat.

To serve, fold a pancake in half on plate andtop with desired amount of Salad Topping.Enjoy!

Top Tips and Switch Ups• Add cooked prawns to the Salad

Topping.• Serve with sautéed Asian greens instead

of salad.• Switch cauliflower with other vegetables,

chop finely, keep to 2 cups in amount.• Red onion can be substituted for spring

onion, slice finely.• A good dash of oyster sauce to batter mix

gives a nice flavour.

Cheers and happy healthy cooking.Angie Roesler, MurraylandsCommunity Foodie

Phone: 0414 892 525Email: [email protected]

Angie Roesler

Page 25: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 25

Wide range of Pizza & PastaBBQ Chickens - Coffee & Tea

Cakes - Ice Creams - Hot ChipsCold Drinks - Lasagne

Chicken or Beef Schnitzel PacksGarlic Bread

Pizza, Pasta,BBQ Chickens and More

Established 1866

7a Randell Street | Phone: 8569 1727email: [email protected]

Trading Hours:Wednesday & Thursday 4pm till late

Friday, Saturday, Sunday 12-2pm, 4:30pm tilLate

Home Delivery:Friday and Saturday night

In Town Only $5.00Out of Town $10.00 (up to 5k’s)

Licensed BYO Restaurant

The love of music and song brought thefirst choir together...

And NOW you can see them in Mannum

St Martin’s Lutheran Hall

Saturday 11th

October 7pm

Tickets $10 - Now Available

From: All Mannum Churches

Mannum Menswear (EFTPOS available)

Good Samaritan Bookshop (Cash only)

And at the door

On My BookshelfDiary of A Young Man: Adelaide 1890 – December 18th - December 25th

Sydney, Melbourne then homefor “a very pleasantChristmas”.


Bath, walk, breakfast, news asusual. Took luggage to Railwayready for the return home. WithMr Pickering and Mr Brenthallvisited the gardens, lunched atquay. Tram to Randwick androde on the new electric car,supplied with power from anoverhead wire. Seems to be asuccess. Sundry shopping onreturn to Sydney. To RedfernStation per tram car andsteamed off at 5.15, biddingadieu to Brenthall who remainslonger. Fruit tea in our privatecompartment in the Main Car.Retired to our berths about 9and altho’ comfortable sleepwas poor.


At 5.30 dressed. Cup of tea atAlbury Station at 6. Breakfastat Benalla. Fine day but cool.Reached Melbourne beforenoon after an uneven journey ofabout 18 hours. Much of thecountry passed thro’ seemed tobe of good quality. Lunched atVegetarian Restaurant (Thistle

Company) and enjoyed Lentilsoup and wholemeal bread. ToWindsor per cable car (thisworks well but rather slowerthan Sydney Cars which aresteam) but could not findCornish. Procured copies ofCobbetts’ “Grammar” and“Advice” at Coles’ Arcade.Filled up afternoon by visitinghairdresser and fruit shop,exploring the streets ofMelbourne, does not seem sobusy as Sydney. Mr P. went toMoonee Ponds and dined withAndersons. Away 4.40 expresstrain. Have a Conrad ofAdelaide and another youngfellow in our compartment thistime. Tea at Ballarat. Bed about10. Sleep broken, altho’ the carrides beautifully.


Up at 6, dressed, weather fine.Breakfast at Murray BridgeStation. City at 10.30. Trainsseem very slow after Victorianand N.S.W. travelling. Adelaidelooks dry and is plagued withlocusts. Welcomed back tooffice. Home about 11.15.Welcomed by Mother andSisters and later by Alfred.

Unpacked, dined, and beingvery tired, slept, not waking till5.15. Sterne visiting. Tea. Casha/cs till 10.30. Bed about 11.


Bath at 7. Walk beforebreakfast. Reading beforemorning service. Service 11,Rice preached. Sacrament12.30. Head aching, cold inhead. Called on Hendrys,thence to School. VisitedBennetts and found Mrs B.depressed, her son’s healthbeing so bad. Because ofheadache took no tea. Restedand slept between 7 and 11pm.,feeling better took a littlesupper. Bed 11.30.


6.50. Rode to Hales,Pritchards with letters. Atmidday visited shops withAlfred, making sundrypurchases for Xmas gifts. Busytill 5.30. Made furtherpurchases, home per car. ToHindmarsh on bike. Returnedwith parcels. Home before 9.Everybody seems busy,preparing for Xmas. VisitedBennetts, taking several

delicacies for Fred Bennett.Home before 10. Bed about 11.


Bath at 7. This is the greatholiday of the year andeverybody seems determined tocelebrate it. The weather,usually extremely hot, isbeautiful. Prayers, breakfast asusual. Numerous gifts were recdby me from the others andeverybody getting something toremember the happy time by.Attended service at P.M.Church, Gilmore preaching. Ilike the Christmas morningservice. Met blind folks. Willieand Family (6 in all) and Louand Family (7 in all) added toour 9, made 22 at our dinnertable. Took the children in tothe Parks during afternoon.Willie and Tom are learning toride my Rover (bicycle). Tea.Children merry. Read “LornaDoone”. Tom mastered themachine, Willie already havingdone so. Had some singing.Willie and family gone. Tomand family remaining thro’night. Bed 11.30. A verypleasant Christmas for us.

Jo Kader

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and Associates

Melissa Prosser

Dental Hygienist

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0402 354 195

Mannum Dock Museum BoardNotice of Annual General Meeting

Sunday 30th November 201411:00 am at the Mannum Rowing Club

Mary Ann Reserve, River Lane, Mannum SA 5238

Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting.

If you require any further information, please contactJenny Callander, Museum Coordinator

Mannum Dock Museum, 8569 2733or [email protected]

Rob Bowring, ChairmanMannum Dock Museum Board

Teen Challenge

Teen Challenge has been meetingat the Mannum Community Hub

fortnightly on Friday nights. Thegames equipment has provided a lotof fun; the Tribe program has beengreat. Tribes have raced each otherin contests, built bridges out ofstraws that would hold full cans ofsoft drink; decorated their totempoles and heard of 5 people in theBible who joined Jesus tribe and theadventures they experienced. Theterm concluded with a free movienight on 26th September.

Term 4 DatesOctoberFriday 24th: Café and TribeNovemberSunday 2nd: 10th Birthday celebrationsat the Hub, 2pm-5pm with speakersfrom TC at 3pmFriday 7th: Café and TribeFriday 21st: Cancelled due to Year 12FormalFriday 28th: Fun night. Ten Pin BowlingDecemberFriday 5th: Café and Tribe

Joy Marks

Tickets on Sale22nd September 2014

Available for Purchase atRay White Real Estate

42 Bridge StreetMurray Bridge

Phone: 8532 6833or at the door

Ticket Prices: $10 per person $30 for family of 4Sorry, no EFTPOS, cash only

Map and Directions included with ticket purchase

PerformancesFriday 31st October @ 7:30 pmSaturday 1st November @ 2:00 pmSaturday 1st November @ 7:30 pmSunday 2nd November @ 2:00 pm

All Performancesat Mypolonga Institute

The Murray Bridge Players & Singers Inc.

Present “A Festival of One Act Plays”

6 Fun and Entertaining Plays For All Ages

Title DirectorKitchen Conversation Janene Overton

Victoria Station(Contains Some Coarse Language)

Jesse Budel

In Your Face Janene OvertonThe Philadelphia Andrew Broadbent

The Trolley Chris OvertonBloody Mary Di Walton

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Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 27

Rockleigh Bushfires – Past, Present, FutureInitial Impact on People

While the Range Road people werecongregated near our old farmhouse

watching the scrub burn and waiting for thefire to flare up again, they devised a plan tocold-call every burnt household/landownerand ask if they were in need of help. Eachperson was asked to contact 3-4 neighboursand to get back to Vince and Steven. Telstrarang Vince and asked him, “Did you knowyou made 490 phone calls in 2 days”. Yes,he did. But, between these people theymade sure that no-one was forgotten. And ifthey weren’t home, someone followed themup.

When fire trucks are called out, they don’tjust go alone. They need support trucks, andthe Salvation Army sets up food stations.Local businesses help, and don’t often getacknowledged. Red Rooster fed my son thenight he was almost caught in the fire.People wanted to help but didn’t know theirway around Rockleigh. Police did a goodjob of keeping “sticky beaks” out. Theyhanded out water, reminded fireies andfarmers to eat, and at times drove farmersworking on the road edge to food stops. Attimes they were driving in situations of realdanger to themselves.

Can I comment on those people whoseproperties bordered the fires. They live in astate of alert panic. Most didn’t just leave.They came down Critchley Road and let thefires burn to the road edge then belted them

out. Flames jump from treetop to treetop,drop burning twigs and set the grass alight.

The days after a fire has passed, whilelarge trees still smoulder and burn, are trulyghastly. Police check to make sure thateveryone has survived. There are deadbirds, injured or dead animals, blindedanimals crashing aimlessly, and many needto be put out of their misery. Kangaroos,snakes, lizards, echidnas - so muchdevastation you can’t put it into words.

There is heartbreak, heroism and sheerluck but a fire is not out just because it isdowngraded. It’s capable of swinging backinto destructive mode at the slightest windchange. How often did the fire at Bangorflare up and that fire burnt for 31 days.

Fire can cause people to panic and actwithout thinking. They may try to fight itwearing inappropriate clothing. Heat isstrong enough to melt clothing onto yourskin. Lenses can come out of the frames ofyour glasses and drop in the dirt. Smokeand heat affect your throat and breathing.People who need medication forget to takeit.

People’s reactions to fire is fascinating tosay the least. People you have known fordecades are often not the same as thepeople you think you know. People who arereally arrogant are really scared little peopleinside who bluster to make an impression.Some are so distraught as to be suicidal.Some become silent and just stare into

space. Some are so angry as to be irrationaland others just swear and swear and swear.Others just wait for Father Xmas to comeand make it all right again. Practical peopleare easiest to help. There was a tidal waveof mental health issues unleashed. PostTraumatic Stress doesn’t just happen tothose who have been burnt. Those waitingto be “the next to get cooked if the windchanges” are just as likely to be affected.

Little kids at schools in Eden Valley andround Truro, at Cambrai and at St Joseph’sin Murray Bridge had to pack a bag of theirfavourite toys in case they needed toevacuate. And they wouldn’t put those bagsdown. They took them to bed, to school, tothe toilet. They are so sure that the fire isgoing to come back and get them. Imaginethe trauma to those little kids in WirrabarraSchool after a month. It’s coming - it’schanged - it’s back again. Day and nightthey are so scared they will take months tosettle.

Several people have commented theirsmoke alarms drove them crazy. The smokyair that hangs around triggers the alarm.Some take the batteries out, then put themin again. Some people just walk in the ashesdaily not knowing where to begin. Imagineif you are dependant on medication andyour house burns down. Your immediatepriority is just survival.

Carmel Critchley


PHONE (08) 85691306



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Page 28: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 28 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

Mannum Hair Design

57 Randell StreetMANNUM 5238(08) 8569 1732


Works, Services and ProjectsUpdate from Mid Murray Council

Brief notes on a selection of itemsdiscussed or determined at the Monday

8th September 2014 meeting.• Applications will be submitted under the State Black

Spot funding program for Roads.a. Purnong Road, Stage 1: widening of 800 metres

of bitumen sealb. Purnong Road, Greening Hill: installation of 800

metres of safety railingc. Murraylands Road, Sealing of 4km: McBeans

Pound to Haylands Gridd. East Front Road, Bowhill end: 500 metres of

safety railinge. Murraylands Road, Sealing of 3km and safety

railing: Marne River to Hayward Hill• Mr D Starkey’s offer to gift the transfer of ownership

of the vacant Sanderston Congregational ChurchHistorical site (including a monument) forcommunity land has been accepted, subject to aLandcare Group managing the land.

• A removable fire hydrant will be installed atTungkillo to assist farm fire fighting units prior to theforthcoming fire danger season.

• Council will ascertain the cost and process topermanently close a portion of Parker Street (fromAminya Village to Esmeralda Street) to enable thesiting of the Helipad without the necessity for theremoval of the hospital residence.

• A submission will be forwarded to the StateGovernment following the recommendations fromthe Expert Panel on Planning Reform to improve theplanning processes for Councils, developers andthe community in South Australia.

• Grants of $500 will be made to the Mannum Men’sShed and to the Cadell Community and TourismAssociation for the Cadell Op Shop to construct

ramps and provide hand rails to improve disabledaccess to both properties.

• With State and Council funding, the OPAL services(Obesity Prevention and Lifestyle Program) willcontinue with under the following model. OPAL Manager and OPAL Support Officer each

at 0.9 FTE $20,000 per annum from the State Government

(originally $40,000). Much of this is committed toproviding funding for the support officer to 0.9 FTEas it was considered that maintaining staff workingon programs was important.

• Work continues with State Agencies to coordinate aSuicide Prevention Community EngagementStrategy and Network Group to progress andimplement strategies to assist with mental healthand suicide prevention.

• Significant interest has been expressed fromcommunity organisations for the use of Council’snew Create a Playground.

• The Council’s General Purpose and Local RoadGrant is $3,784,587.

• Following Condition Survey and Valuation reports,PS Canally will be insured for $400,000 (adjustedannually to reflect the extent of repair worksundertaken) and PS Marion will be insured for$850,000.

• The General Manager of Motorcycling SA, Mr ChrisMcArdle outlined strategies to assist in dealing withillegal riders that cause property and environmentaldamage, noise and dust concerns for residents.Motorcycle SA, Council and other stakeholders willwork together to implement strategies.

• Installation of CCTV cameras for Randell Street hasbeen approved. The system will be able to take intoaccount existing CCTV cameras and has the ability

to be expanded in the future.Council appreciates the contribution (up to $5000)from businesses and community organisations toassist in the installation cost ($41,899).

• The State Manager for Federal Department ofEmployment will be invited to attend the Decembermeeting to outline the proposed Work for the DoleProgram for 2015/2016 and how the Mid MurrayCouncil can be involved.

• Housing SA have responded to a Council letter andadvised that they have no plan at this time todevolve out of Mannum. Housing SA also confirmedthe auction of a section of Murray Park (58 dwellingsfor sale) by auction on 26 September 2014.

• The Infrastructure Director will liaise with the BowhillGeneral Store regarding design and costings of anupgraded wharf for Bowhill.

• Council noted the address to the annual StateRoads and Works Conference by the former DeputyPrime Minister Tim Fischer highlighting the need forconsideration of a possible rail bypass involvingSedan and Truro.

• Communications from the State Member forSchubert, Stephan Knoll, the State Minister forEducation and Child Development, JenniferRankineand from Renewal SA regarding the former MannumPrimary School land was received. Council hasoffered $5000 in full and final settlement for thepurchase of Allotments 9 and 10, and to meet thecosts of a minor boundary realignment to enableaccess. (Taking into account that Council purchasedthe old Mannum Primary School for $165,000, fullyrestored the building for $235,000 and has allocated$10,000 in 2014/15 for further minor works).

Russell PeateCEO, Mid Murray Council

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Sponsors of Element Off Road,Mannum Football, Netball & Bowling Clubs

Page 29: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 29

Missing The Boat

Successful orthopaedic surgeon and associateprofessor in the School of Medicine’s Sydney

Campus, Dr Munjed al Muderis fled from BaghdadHospital in 1999 after being ordered to amputatethe ears of deserting military patients. This was hisfinal glimpse of homeland Baghdad. He followedthe tortuous route through Iraq, Jordan andIndonesia and joined 165 others on a leaky boat –the “good, the bad and the ugly” as he describesthem – bound for northern Australia. Conditionswere so overcrowded that all people stood for thejourney. Ultimately, the boat was observed. DrMuderis remembers his short time on Christmas

Island, followed by ten months languishing atCurtin Detention Centre WA before eventuallybeing “released” into mainstream society.

Curtin was a soul-destroying exercise, accordingto Dr Muderis. He remembers his given numberwas 982. He felt isolated and inhuman, heremembers, bored out of his mind. “Wasted timeand a waste of taxpayer expense” he said. Heincluded sessions teaching other refugees Englishand Chess to fill the time. Later he was in solitaryconfinement for a spell and he used thisopportunity to study anatomy. “Make use of everyoccasion” became his thought. It has developed

into a duty of life, to make a difference.The science of “osseointegration”, where

prosthetics become part of the living person, isnew and exciting. Earliest prosthetic surgerytechniques date back to the fifteenth century andthis is only now emerging into the new form. DrMuderis was encouraged to study this advancedwork after then Immigration Minister PhillipRuddock told him he wasn’t suitable as a surgeon.“The culture needs to change,” maintains theeminent ex-Iraqi. “Otherwise we will all miss theboat.” A nice philosophical finale.

Max Merckenschlager


EnglandThere is a bundle.The bundle is tucked between a massive chimneyand well worn stone steps to a heavy wooden door.The bundle trembles. A hand emerges, then an eye.

There is a beaniethe colour of long wear, pulled tight.Another eye. This one blinks, the other stays wide open.It has to. You never know.

There is a sky.It weeps softly into the grey street,sniffles over cold paving, sheds tears into the gutter,gags and gargles down the grating.

There is a world.It begins to stir; the stretching sounds of a city.The bundle flakes from the crumpled man with the blinkingeye.

There is a back lane where the sun never shines.And here, among the hotel trash, the staring eye rests uponbreakfast.

SomaliaOn the never ending plain, where no rain fallsand mimosa hold nothing but thorns, there is a rainbow.It is not an ordinary rainbow. Its glorious colours are almostflattened into the red dust.

On the sun scorched plainthe rainbow follows the curve of the earth,threatens to fade into nothingness, writhes in the middayheat,struggles to reach its pot of gold.

On the red soil plain, where jackals sniff the airand muted sobs linger, there is a bundle.The bundle lies in the sparse shade of a mimosa bush.There is no movement except for a fuzz of fliessettling and rising, settling and rising.

On the unforgiving plain there is a woman, weepingsilently,wrapped in other women the colours of a rainbow,turning her back to the bundle, following the curve of theearth.

On the shimmering horizon there is a fence, an ugly wirefence,securing a mish-mash of makeshift dwellings,shelter for homeless thousands clinging to the curve of theearth.

And at the gate there is a woman in white.Relief at the end of the rainbow.

IndonesiaThere can be no looking back,back to bleakness, blackness, death.We have waited here forever, forever nowhere.

Today we move forward, to the boatwith so many others who can wait no longer,trapped in this futureless place.

There can be no tears for the past,no fear. We whisper possibilities.We give the man all we have.

Today we take our chances,bundle our newborn son onto the boat.Better he should diethan grow up knowing he is nothing.

There can be no looking back, no cryingbut smiling as our agent beckons “come.”Together we can imagine a futureas we enter through the back door.

Jacqui Merckenschlager

A Nice Surprise

Heather had returned from hospital. I suppose the news was as good as wecould expect. It was going to be many weeks of physio before she would

be able return to something like a normal life; all because she had slipped andfallen on a wet floor in a supermarket. Osteoporosis had done the rest, at leastit had weakened the bones and a broken hip was the result.

“You will have to keep doing the shopping, I am afraid,” she told me whenshe was settled on the seat of her Zimmer frame. So armed with a list I oncemore set off for the supermarket to do the weekly shop.

It was raining. The roads were busy. Traffic appeared to comprise eithergreat cement carriers, trucks and trailers carrying dirt or overdeveloped fourwheel drives driven by those on a mission. To someone of more mature yearssuch rush and bustle appeared to be purposeless unless the drivers were late fortheir own funeral.

Reaching the supermarket I searched for a car park. Perversely the rainincreased in intensity and the wind came in gusts. This had disastrousconsequences for my golf umbrella when finally I parked and headed to theshopping complex. I left its skeleton in a rubbish bin at the entry to theshopping mall; one more thing to add to the shopping list.

The shopping trolley, with a mind of its own, was seemingly intent ontravelling sideways, forcing collisions with other innocent but harriedshoppers. I wrestled it down aisles and around island displays to find the itemson Heather’s list. Inevitably there were items I just couldn’t find. For exampleI didn’t expect to find paper towel with toilet tissue but then I always had haddifficulty in understanding the minds of those who organise these matters.

In between noise, supposedly music, there would the unintelligible blare of

a public address system calling someone to the telephone or enticing wearycustomers to some ten minute special which they just mustn’t miss.

Undaunted, unpersuaded, I continued doggedly to search for and find theneeded items. Soups, rice, cereals and vegetables all began to fill the trolley.Meat and some fish I found and added to the growing mound of food.Privately I felt we would never eat it all. I was also worried because there wasa very good chance I would be expected to cook it and my cooking experiences,while past boiling water, were not particularly advanced.

Finally the list had been achieved and I felt a few treats were desirable. Somenice biscuits and some cake I thought; then the checkout. Another story. Thenout to the car. Rain had stopped so forgot about an umbrella.

As I finished packing all the shopping into the car, a young woman with asmall child in tow approached.

“Excuse me, did you have a packet of cream biscuits in your shopping?” sheasked as she reached me.

“Why, yes I did.”“Well they were caught up in the moving belt and didn’t actually go

through the checkout. Here they are.” She handed me a packet of biscuitswhich I had intended as a treat when I reached home.

She turned around, with the tot hanging on, walked away. I was stunned.Then I called after her. “Here is the money,” and I found some coins. She justwaved and kept going.

I sat in the car, stunned. For all my cynicism, there were still wonderfulpeople in this world.

The Diarist

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Page 30 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

Mid Murray Support ServicesMannum Community Hub

The MMSS Board of Management has engagedKerry Simcock from Dynamic Training and

Facilitation. Kerry has proven projectmanagement experience in business, employmentand skill development projects including workingwith Non Profit Community Organisations.

Kerry will be working with us and guiding ourorganisation to the next level, where we will makethings happen and focus on creating a betterfuture for the organisation and the community.

MMSS received a grant from FlindersUniversityto create a short documentary about ourorganisation.

The Office for Volunteers Community Voicesprogram, partners community groups withstudents from Flinders University to produceshort documentaries or television commercials forvolunteer recruitment and community education.

The primary goal of the short documentary is topromote the benefits of volunteering and theimpact it has in the community.

The Mannum Community HubWe have come a long way since we first opened

the doors of the Hub in January 2014.Many activities have been held at the Hub. These

only happen with the hard work and coordinationof our dedicated staff, volunteers, trainers andactivity leaders.

The recent “It’s a Wrap” Healthy Eating WhenYou Are Older activity was a great success.

Participants took part in a couple of games fortwo twenty dollar gift vouchers, purchased by theHub from our local IGA store. The vouchers are to

be used in store. The winners were PeterKuhlmann, for the best wrap and LenoreWedding, for the quiz on what vitamins andminerals were in the salad produce for the wraps.

Everyone received a take home bag containingfruit, nuts and free range eggs, plus great resourcesfor healthy eating, kindly provided by OPAL.

GroupsMIFSA have joined up with the Garden Group,

working together on their own garden beds toensure that the plants are trimmed and fertilisedand the beds are weeded.

If you are interested in learning how to growyour own fruit and veggies, or if you are an avidgardener and want to share your knowledge,please join the Hub Garden Group.

DonationsLyn and Jerry Kooistra have donated an upright

piano to the Hub. Lyn explained that it has been inthe family for 50 years, purchased from a localfarming family by her parents as a gift when shewas 6 years old. It is approximately 100 years old.

Clive Kiernan, a new volunteer, is doing-up asmall wooden boat donated by the council forplacement in the Community Garden area.

We would like to thank the Hall for their kinddonation of 5 computers.

The Hub received a grant of 10 refurbished PCsfrom the Smart State PC Donation Program foruse by Teen Challenge.

Coming UpHub Movie Afternoon: “No Business like Show

Business”. Thursday 16th October, noon. Cost: $5.00

A Light Lunch will be providedat noon. Duration of the movie is 2 hours. Thereare Limited seats available, bookings are essential.

To book your seat telephone MMSA 8569 2129.Fruit and Veggie Swap – Grow ‘n ‘Share: Late

October.Card Making: Anyone interested in card making

classes, contact the Hub on 8569 1832. There isnothing better than giving a personalisedChristmas card to family and friends.

iPad Class: Late October Contact the Hub toregister your interest.

Dance Classes at the Hub: Wednesday nightsduring the school term. Hip Hop, Contemporaryand Jazz. Boys and girls welcome. Groups: 3 - 5year olds, 5 - 8 year olds, 8 year old and up. Smallcharge per lesson. For more information contactTahlija on 0499 530 341.

Reminder: A Health and Wellbeing Programcommences in late October, Tuesday mornings over6 weeks. To register your interest call 8569 1832.

Level II First Aid Course: At the Hub on 8th to 10th

Dec (3 x 1 day courses), 10:00am - 4pm. Cost: $150.Assessment involves written questions, oralquestioning and practical simulation. There are nopre-requisites or co-requisites for this competencyunit which incorporates the contents of units:HLTAID001 Provide CPR and HLTAID002Provide basic emergency life support.

To enroll and learn more contact MADECMurray Bridge 8531 3520.

MMSS Website: search for Mid Murray Support Services


***** Bookings *****Murray Bridge Visitor Information Centre ~ 3 South Terrace, Murray Bridge ~ 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 7 days a week

Phone: 08 8539 1142 ~“Any remaining tickets will be available at the Town Hall Box Office one hour prior to the show”.

The ARPA Orchestra returns performing popular music from stage shows, ballet and opera with HeatherBlewett’s images of loved global and local stars, casts and crews taken at the Adelaide Festival Theatre.

“Well loved stage music by the ever popular ARPA Orchestra”

Please join us for a complimentary ‘cuppa’ after 10am

Matinee Series

‘From the Stage,Music & Images’

“at the Murray Bridge Town Hall”Thursday, 23rd October at 11 am

All Tickets $15.00 (Duration: 1 Hour)


Page 31: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Issue Number 95 Mannum Mag Page 31


Available for community based, non profit functions,keyboard, free of charge.

Contact: Valorie Bottroff 8569 1370

Free Community Service

Bus: Mannum Murray Bridge Mt Barker Adelaide and ReturnMonday to Friday except public holidays.

School holiday times (when different) are in brackets.Mannum to Adelaide

Mannum Murray Bridge LinkSA8:00am Leave Arnold Park, Mannum

Murray Bridge Mt Barker LinkSA8:45am Leave Murray Bridge, South

Terrace, Information CentreMt Barker Adelaide Metro bus 842F

9:30am Leave Mt Barker Park & Ride,Metro bus 842F to Adelaide

Adelaide to MannumAdelaide Mt Barker Metro bus 842F

1:50pm (4:03pm) Leave Harris ScarfeGrenfell Street (Stop G2)

Mt Barker Murray Bridge LinkSA2:45pm (5:00pm) Leave Mt Barker

Park & RideMurray Bridge Mannum LinkSA

3:40pm (5:35pm) Leave Info CentreDetailed timetables are readily available at the Mannum Information Centre.

For more information telephone 8532 2633 during office hours.


Shearer Car Park, Randell Street Mannum

We Stock A Large Variety ofJams, Pickles, Chutneys and Sauces.

Books, Bric A Brac, Baby Clothes, GiftsRugs, Cushions, Patchwork Handbags

Decorated Hand Towels, Kitchen Hand Towels.

Footy Rugs, Cushions, Scarves, Caps, and Novelties

Opening HoursFriday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Mid Murray Support Services

Contact MMSS for details. Email: [email protected]

71 Randell Street, 10 am - 4 pm. Phone: 8569 2129.Men’s Breakfast:

8:30am - 10am, First Tuesday of the Month. River Bar,River Lane entrance, Mannum Community Club. Gold coindonation. Sausages, bacon, toast, juice, cereal and more. Comealong and have a chat.

Mannum School Community LibrarySchool Term Times School Holidays

Mon, Thur, Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon, Tue, Wed (am), Thur, Fri:Tue: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 10:00 am - 2:00 pmWed: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed (pm): 04:00 pm - 8:00 pmSat: 9:30 am - 12 noon Sat: 10:00 am - 12 noon

Closed Sunday and Public Holidays. Further information: 8569 2005

Mannum Leisure CentreMon: 10-11:30am Mini Movers;

6:00pm Bootcamp (6 weekprograms) with Renee

Tues: 11-12noon Strength For Life;3:30-4:30pm Tai Chi; 6-7pmPower Step

Wed: 7:30-8am XTraining Class; 6-7pm TTB and Pilates with Renee

Thur: 9:30-10:30am Mannum Movers;11-12noon Strength For Life; 6-7pm Aerobics and boxing withRenee

Seasonal Evening Programs. Soccer,Mixed Netball, Squash, Men’s SeniorBasketball and Aussie Hoops.

Meeting rooms available.

Supervised Opening Hours

Members 24/7 access. All others:-Monday, Tuesday, Thursday


7:30am-11:00am, 3:30pm-7:30pmFriday

7:30am-11:00am, 3:30pm-6:30pm

Check out the Mannum Leisure CentreFacebook Page for updates on programssuch as Personal Training, specials, etc.

Further information: 8569 [email protected]

Deb Roberts, Programs Manager


Cambrai familystore Main Street Cambrai

Wed–Fri and Sun: 10AM–4PM Phone: 8564 5244

CLASSIFIEDS$5 Classifieds can be up to thirty (30) words and must be PRE-PAID before youradvertisement will appear, unless by prior arrangement. Advertisements over thirty wordscost an extra 20 cents per extra word. Payments may be made by cheque or cash.

Page 32: Mannum Mag Issue 95 October 2014

Page 32 Mannum Mag Issue Number 95

2014 Community Calendar


Mannum Football ClubClub RoomsSunday 10th, 11amSenior presentations and medalcount. See page 5.

Lobethal Harmony ClubSt Martin’s Lutheran HallSaturday 11th, 7pmContact: Lisa 8569 6040 orColin 0432 141 637See page 15

Girls Night InSaturday 11th

Cost: $25Proceeds to Cancer CouncilContact: Sarah 0432 537 461 orRebecca 0438 859 229.

MIFSA Bus Trip4 Adelaide Road MannumFriday 17th

Murray Bridge Mental HealthExpoContact: Sam De JongMobile: 0466 994 549See page 3.

Murray Mallee Field ArchersLong Gully Road, MannumSunday 19th

Trophy Round 2Contact: Ian BaenschPhone: 85691274, after 6pm

MIFSA Bus Trip4 Adelaide Road MannumFriday 24th

Adelaide ZooContact: Sam De JongMobile: 0466 994 549See page 3.

Mannum Lions Garage SaleLions Shed, ShowgroundSaturday 25th, 8:00amSee Page 10.

Mannum Football Club AGMClub RoomsSunday 26th, 11amSee page 5.

Mannum Garden GroupLions DenMonday 27th, 9:15amExcursion, Mt Barker SpringsAll Welcome.Contact: Bev ConnellPhone: 8570 4322

MIFSA Bus Trip4 Adelaide Road MannumFriday 31st

Halloween spooky bus tripContact: Sam De JongMobile: 0466 994 549See page 3.


Mannum Garden GroupLions DenMonday 10th, 9:15amExcursion to Mt BarkerContact: Bev ConnellPhone: 8570 4322

All Steamed Up River FestivalMannum Dock Museum andMary Ann ReserveSaturday 15th and Sunday 16th,10am-4pmCost: $5.00, under 14 free.Contact: Jenny CallanderPhone: 8569 2733

Mannum Garden GroupLions DenMonday 24th, 9:15amExcursion to Sgorra Bhreac(Strathalbyn). All welcome.Contact: Bev ConnellPhone: 8570 4322

Mannum Dock Museum AGMMannum Rowing ClubSunday 30th, 11:00amContact: Jenny CallanderPhone: 8569 2733

All material submitted for publication is subject to editorial approval. This is done not to censor, but to ensure topics are relevant to the content of Mannum Mag.

Weekly Passenger Service Mannum to Murray BridgeEvery Thursday: Mannum Information Centre Murray Bridge Information Centre

Depart Arrive Depart ReturnMannum 10:00am Murray Bridge 10:45am Murray Bridge 2:30pm Mannum 3:10pm1st and 3rd Tuesday: Mannum Information Centre Murray Bridge Information CentreMannum 10:00am Murray Bridge 10:30am Murray Bridge 1:30pm Mannum 2:00pm

Information: LinkSA, 18 Alma Avenue, Murray Bridge SA 5253, Ph: 8532 2633


Friday (12 noon) Collate & Fold Home Delivery

October 31 for Nov. Issue 96 Wed 5 Nov. Tue 11 Nov.

Nov. 28 for Dec. Issue 97 Wed 3 Dec. Tue 9 Dec.

January 23 for Feb. Issue 98 Wed 28 Jan. Tue 3 Feb.

Email: [email protected]: General 8569 7392. Advertising: email Editor.

Deliver: 71 Randell Street, Mannum SA 5238

(a service kindly provided by MMSS)Our email account is provided by Aussie Broadband as a community service

Community Meetings Clash CalendarR e g u l a r m e e t i n g s o n l y(MCHMannum Community Hub)


1st Monday9:45am Combined Probus, Club10:00am Murray Darlings RedHatters, Café Mannum. 8569 1438.

1st Tuesday7:30pm Agricultural Society,Showground

2nd TuesdayPalmer Card Day, Collier Park Hall,Palmer. 8569 4184.

2nd Wednesday9:00am Shared Stitches of MannumQuilting Group. Lions Den,Showground. 8569 2363.8:00pm Mannum Gem and MineralsClub.MurraylandsGemandMineralClub, Collier Park Palmer. LeonieHughes. 8278 2112.

2nd Thursday1:30pm Prayer Meeting forMannum, Baptist Church, WilliamSt.

3rd Monday1:30-4:00pm Scrabble & Games,MCH. Gold Coin Donation.8569 1832.

3rd Wednesday7:00-8:00pm, Combined ChurchesPrayer Meeting. See Pause a Whilefor location.2pm-4pm History Group, MCH.8569 1832.

3rd Thursday11:00am Mannum RSL, MannumRowing Club/RSL

3rd Friday10:00am Secateurs Soup & Soapies,St Andrews Church. All welcome

3rd Saturday10am-mid pm Gem Cutting andS i l v e r s m i t h i n g W / s h o p .MurraylandsGemandMineralClub,CollierParkPalmer.LeonieHughes.8278 2112.8:00pm-midnight Mannum Dances.Lutheran Hall, Cliff St. Judy 0488130 354, Lesley 8569 2449.

4th Thursday7:30pm Progress Association,Meeting Room Council Chambers.

Last Monday1:30pm Hospital Auxiliary, MeetingRoom, Esmeralda St.

First WednesdayNoon Mannum Mag Committee,Showground. 8569 2385.

Last Wednesday6:30pm Mannum Mens DiscussionGroup. Mike McDowell. 8569 2818.


Mon, Wed and Fri10:00am-3:00pm The Hall, 5Greening Street. 8569 1643.

Tue, Wed and Thur9:00am-1:00pm Mannum Men’s Shed,MCH.Tuesday and Thursday10:00am-4:00pm, MIFSA (MentalIllness Fellowship of SA), St AndrewsAnglicanchurch,activities, lunch($3).Tuesday and Friday

8:00am Walkie Talkies, Lions Den,Showground. Helen 8569 2275.

Tuesday9:30am River Word ChristianCentre Prayer and Bible Study;10:30am, Friendship Group.Greening St. 8569 1333.9:00-10:00am Mannum WeightWatchers. MCH. Jane Kelly8569 1799.4:15pm Aroona Joeys, Showground.5:30pm Aroona Cubs, Showground.Kym Walton 0407 179 101.

Wednesday10:00am Down to Earth,Community Garden Group, MCH.10:00-11:15am, Yoga, MCH. Fee$5.00 Bring your own mat.

Friday9:30 am Bus Trip, MIFSAparticipants, donation. Trevor orSam 0427 442 775


1st and 3rd Sunday9:30am Murray Mallee Field Archers,Long Gully Rd Mannum. Ian Baensch(after 6pm) 8569 1274.Alternate Wednesdays

1:00pm Sewing/Craft andComputing Grp. Baptist ChurchHouse, William St. Lisa 8569 6040,Helen 8569 2886,[email protected]

Alternate Fridays1:30pm Senior Citizen’s Club, ClubRooms. Marnie: 8569 2980.

Every Three Months7:30pm Neighbourhood Watch.Leisure Centre. Coordinator RussDellow 0428 813 201.